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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Playing Tetris- 7-26-10

      by , 07-26-2010 at 03:16 PM (My Randomness)
      this one is just a fragment. im in a room, it looks like a hotel room, and im next to a desk. theres a Nintendo DS sitting there on top of it. i pick it up, and for some reason try to insert a CD into it. it rejects the CD, and i try to put an actual game in it. but the DS messes up and plays the CD i just took out. it shows the title screen for Tetris, it looked like the demo i have on my phone. also, my neighbor was there also, but i dont remember talking to him.

      Updated 07-27-2010 at 04:25 AM by 27356

      dream fragment
    2. Log 24 Night at the movies, and Manholes

      by , 07-26-2010 at 02:31 PM (World of Kaos)
      small fragments:

      Me and another person are looking for a place to park. We are thinking about parking inside a giant manhole that is next to some parking spaces, but realize they are filled with trash. I hear cop sirens and begin to panic, so we park in a regular spot.


      We just got done watching a movie at the movie theater, and someone tells me we just watched the "Dark Knight". As everyone exits the theater, are start looking for a bottle of Old Spice Body Wash that I thought I brought into the theater with me.
    3. 7/26/2010 - Pterodactyl

      by , 07-26-2010 at 01:53 PM
      [my recall is like, all over the place, so I don't know how accurate everything will be, in-order wise.]


      Another dream where I am not really myself. First I see a classroom that only has 6 children in it and 1 teacher. Each child had a twin. They start talking about dinosaurs. Now, in first person view, I'm a pterodactyl and I'm flying very high in the air. I swoop down and start eating these buildings, that to me were very tiny, but that was because I was a large dinosaur. The buildings were a pale yellow, and seemed like they were made of legos.

      Other stuff
      I was in my grandmothers backyard[FL] sitting on the steps with my sister. We start smoking a joint.
      In NC at a relatives house, mother is there but its not really my mother, cousin Tabitha is there but it's not really her.
      Being in my old house upstairs in the little extra room. Opening up the roof all the way until the roof isn't there anymore.
      At some house, swimming in the pool with my brother. Some kid is acting like a little asshole towards my brother so I say something about it. I get out of the pool and walk inside the house.

      Updated 07-27-2010 at 07:32 PM by 16883 (addingpicture)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Paintball + Bayside + Did I just dream up an original "teen" movie.

      by , 07-26-2010 at 01:48 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      I finally remember a dream again. I was getting worried. I only remember bits and pieces though.

      For some reason this dream opens up with me walking across a grass field with a group of people. One of them, the oldest, looks like my old gym teacher from high school. I don't remember what we were doing or how we got there but he seems angry about something. He acts like "Lan" from this book I am reading. He snaps at me, "We will only travel with 3 and then the cleric." And then turns and begins jogging. I start following him, obviously not the reason he's angry, before seeing a big stack of paper poked into the mud at a base of a tree. I curse under my breath and say, "They better not of left a note." I bend over to pick it up and unfold it.

      Suddenly I am on a dirt path running laps with a bunch of other people. The same gym teacher is there running with us. I have the papers in my hand so I open them up and start to read. It's a letter written by my (real life) Wife. It starts with something like "I just want you to be happy." I remember, in the dream, reading the front page and starting to cry. As if the letter is directed at me or I miss her horribly, or something. I keep running the laps and I remember realizing that I probably look bad to other people but my dream self doesn't care. I remember running by a knot of girls slowly running the laps and then running by my gym teachers (real life) son. We're all dressed up like we used to be in gym class. For whatever reason now the gym teacher is standing at a computer, an old looking one, and he has two windows on it and is showing a picture and some text to an older woman who was running laps. At some point he also notices the papers I'm carrying and somehow gets a hold of them and puts them in a folder.

      I come into my dream and it's as if I am watching it happen on television. Everything looks and feels like a teen movie. This blond haired guy with crystal blue eyes is sitting in a car in a driveway in the passenger seat of a car. In the drivers seat is a young Jennifer Love Hewitt. There is some sort of monologue going on because I keep flashing from the image of them in the car talking back to a group of people talking in a room. Finally the girls dad walks up to a gate right by the driveway and crosses his arms and leans against it. He looks at the guy in the car and says something. I can't remember what, exactly. The guy in the car sighs and looks at the girl. He says: "Do you have a lock on this thing?" She shakes her head. So the guy rolls down the window and starts to talk to the father but the father interrupts and says, "So, you're doing this from the car?!" The younger guy snaps his mouth shut and gets out of the car with the girl.

      We flash back to the group of people again and the same blond guy is telling the story that I was watching happen. "I had to tell him I loved her," he says before laughing, "Haha, it's true! I just didn't realize the kind of lovin' I wanted!" He laughs again implying he's just into her for sex. I notice, for some reason, that his right front tooth is bigger than his left. We flash back to the driveway and, for whatever reason now, the same blond guy snaps a salute and says, "I've been enlisted, sir." And it's at this point I think I almost became lucid. Because immediately after this we cut to a scene of a bunch of younger men and women marching in uniforms that were all red and blue and I clearly remember thinking: "Damn. The dad must be glad. He doesn't have to kick the kids ass AND he gets to get rid of him into the military."

      And now for whatever reason the song "Masterpiece" by Bayside is blasting throughout my mind. It really feels like a movie and suddenly it seems to be raining and really windy. A young black woman, probably mid to late 20s, is wearing the uniform I described above with some cammo over it. Next to her is a guy that looks sort of like a muscular Pauly Shore. They start saying this mantra and at the end of the mantra everybody in uniform begins shooting at each other. But the "bullets" end up just being water and/or paintballs. I remember a gigantic tree branch snapping off of a tree and flying across a green grassy yard before slamming into a big brick building that looks vaguely like a school. After that an older man comes running across the field while holding some sort of paper up over his face to block the wind and rain. He stops at the young black woman and shouts something over the wind and rain and then that's all I remember there.
    5. Clothes in the Shower and Speeding

      by , 07-26-2010 at 12:54 PM
      Speeding and a Shower (Non-lucid)


      These dreams are two fragments that I somehow remembered.

      1. I was in the shower, taking a shower, but this time, I had my clothes on. Someone I think I know came into the shower too, with clothes on. All of a sudden, my two friends appeared in there, both with their clothes on. We all were silent, because it was pretty awkward. I then made a joke relating this to Hot Topic.

      My dad knocked on the door and told me I could either sleep at my pop's house or my cousin Kyle's house. I decided I wanted to sleep at pop's house.

      2. I was in my dad's car in the back seat. My sister was in the front passenger seat, while my dad was driving. My sister was looking at the GPS to tell him which direction to go. We were driving about 90MPH. It felt like we were going so fast, so I was afraid we were going to crash.

      I heard someone call my name, so I looked back. The car behind us had my little cousins TJ and Lauren in it. I waved to them.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Nap on a Medical Gurney

      by , 07-26-2010 at 11:18 AM
      I had very long dreams last night. Even though I laid still for a good five minutes after waking, and may have awoken with my eyes closed, I seemed unable to piece the dream back together at all. I had a strong feeling about the people I was with, and one vague image of rolling dry California hills in every direction. It is all still on the tip of my recollection...

      What I did manage to recall in full detail is definitely strange to me and may be illustrative of how/why dreams are formed...

      I was apparently trying to take a nap on a medical gurney parked outside of a burrito place I thought about 2-days ago. (My thought 2-days ago was "I'm glad my friend didn't get a burrito from that place for me the other day, cause she likes them, I don't, and last one I ate years ago - had two hard objects in it." As a side note, my family use to own this particular building when I was a kid. It was an ice cream shop, and that thought had not occurred to me.)

      The Sun was at about 3:30pm. This is an accurate location for the Sun to be, relative to this shop. The bright beams kept getting in my eyes and waking me up... So I rolled the gurney around to catch the shadow of some small trees and shrubs that are actually out front of the building.

      This was I think the very last part of a series of dreams. I distantly recall flying and being lucid at points.

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 11:26 AM by 32174

      Tags: gurney, nap, shop, sun
      dream fragment , side notes
    7. 26/7/2010 War, More bikes, Art Gallery, Anger and Poop :oops:

      by , 07-26-2010 at 10:44 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      First thing I remember is something about a war but thats it.

      Later I dreamt about a being in the grounds of a gallery in the town that I grew up in (this town has to be a dream sign for me since I don't live there any more). We were trying to sneak onto the lawn to get something like we were on some kind of mission. As we got there 3 staff members noticed us 1 came over to us and directed us into the gallery and gave me a specific number (191 I think?). When we entered the gallery there was a large oval display of different people on paper facing outward that you could walk around, the room was quite crowded and I realized that I'm here to find my ancestor on the cards, they were all numbered. At first I thought I was looking for a great or great great grandmother but when I found the right display it was my great or great great grandfather. He kinda looked like me with darker hair and a sweet pointy mustache . The dream ended, faded or I don't remember what happened next (maybe the war???)

      Just a snippet of me sitting with some friends and family with a car behind some of their backs, my mom and 2 others try to sneakily push the car away to surprise those with their backs turned. They push to hard and my mom is left trying to stop the car crashing into a wall at the last minute she jumps into the trunk to avoid injury. I jump up infuriated shouting at my mother and the other 2 for being idiots. I turn my attention to the 2 people who didn't help her try stop the car especially the snooty lady who is a mixture of people I know. I'm shouting about how my mother recently had an operation and how bad trying to stop the car alone was for her and that it could have caused permanent damage. The old lady tells me the operation was months ago that just gets me more mad. The dream fades or ends...

      This is a slightly weird one:
      We're on a family vacation in Swaziland at a weird old fashioned hotel. Assorted family members are there. At 1st I'm angry with my wife for not letting me bring my bike because my brother has his there. Our car is randomly getting repaired. I go upstairs to our room and there is a random guy lying on our bed in my robe, he's had a bath and now he's realxing I suspect him of stealing our stuff and grab my robe from him while he dresses in a hurry, as he leaves I notice some of my stuff in the robe pockets and realize that he's stolen stuff. I yell to my brother to stop him and he does, I run down stairs and grab him I try to throw him down but he's stronger than he looks and he takes me down with him. On the ground I punch him hard in the face and overpower him and recover my stuff.
      I go upstairs and sit on the seating in the hall, I need to use the bathroom and suddenly realize that somehow I've pooped behind the seat that I'm sitting on . I'm very embarrassed so I run to our room to get some TP to try clean it up, while in the bathroom I decide to poop in the toilet. Suddenly 3 of my current friends are in the bathroom while I'm still pooping, it's kinda weird and their is some male nakedness , I chase them out and suddenly there is a bunch of people in the hotel room, the bathroom door is still open as well as the hotel room door to the hallway. My wife is there so I yell for her to get rid of everyone, I yell at everyone else to, no-one seems to listen. Them some people take a video from the hallway of me pooping. I rush over to them and grab their laptop, I threaten to throw it into the toilet but don't. I follow them yelling how angry I am and demanding an apology or some remorse, they are brushing me off and laughing, eventually I threaten to speak to their employers and sue I think I woke up at this point.

      I'm starting to realize that I've dreamt a lot about the town where I grew up so that may be a possible Dream Sign
      Also I have not even been close to doing a RC in a dream my only LD was due to a false awakening - got lots of work to do any help in this regard would be appreciated
    8. Winning some auctions

      by , 07-26-2010 at 05:29 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Winning some auctions. (Non-lucid)


      A normal night. Nothing to point out. Four dreams, two of them fragments.


      - Won three items at an auction site.
      - Got something big for pennies.
      - I was feeling great.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Unknown.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Unknown.
      dream fragment
    9. Adopting a dog

      by , 07-26-2010 at 05:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Adopting a dog (Non-lucid)


      A normal night. Nothing to point out. Four dreams, two of them fragments.


      - Adopting a puppy.
      - I could see the picture of the puppy.
      - A 7 years old girl was petting the puppy.
      - She wanted to straighten the puppy's hair.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Unknown.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Unknown.
      dream fragment
    10. 7/25 dream

      by , 07-26-2010 at 05:04 AM
      All I can remember from this dream are key words:

      salespeople. I was a salesperson. I wrote down, I was mom.
      Alex friend, houses.
      running, a ball, kickball.
      Lindy, stretching.
      A man, visiting.
      felt on display, I was laughing, I felt powerful,
      I felt good. But I felt like it wasn't real and was fake.
      Then I felt jealous of A.
      Everyone seemed to like her.
      prom dresses, houses.
      Mary Beth P. was helping me pick out prom dresses, hand me downs.

      Then, another dream from a nap which I can't remember now. 8 PM upon wakening.
    11. #116. Wake Up Calls

      by , 07-26-2010 at 04:27 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Despicable Me is mentioned. I should see that movie one of these days.

      I remember talking to a group of DCs, but I see the whole conversation from a far-away 3rd person POV. Part of the conversation:

      "Like a riot don't need order!"

      "...are you quoting Billy Talent?"

      Wake Up Calls. Scare Factor: 1.
    12. July 24, 2010

      by , 07-26-2010 at 03:16 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      I was baking at my store. I just took out a large amount of rings only to discover that there is some already made.

      Thoughts: Didn't have much time to try to recall the rest
      Tags: baking
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. July 20, 2010

      by , 07-26-2010 at 03:11 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      I just recall being in a car with my mom.

      Thoughts: Seems that I'm in somewhat of a dry spell recently, hopefully it'll pass in a couple of days

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 03:17 AM by 24565

      Tags: car, mom
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. July 24, 2010

      by , 07-25-2010 at 09:55 PM (Book of Dreams)
      Last night I remember waking up only once, at four in the morning, and i was on and off sleeping until I had to get up at five for work.

      And I only remember a fragment of a dream.

      I go downstairs to get ready for work and my dad is making me coffee, just like he said he would. I grab a mug out of the cupboard and take the karaf out of the machine. Water immediately begins spewing out of the machine and I try to plug it up with the karaf (yea, i don't see how that would work....) and my dad rushes over to help me as well. I'm all wet.
      Tags: coffee, water
      dream fragment
    15. TV at Band Practice and N64 Fragment

      by , 07-25-2010 at 05:26 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. My brother and I, both living at my research station, have started a band called "Acid Warning." We're preparing for a big concert and are trying to recruit as many audience members as we can before the show. We take a break from practice to go watch TV with our dad. The first show is Jeopardy, and after we finish, Alex Trebek himself comes by the room and just laughs at us. We are nonplussed and continue watching, this time seeing Dr. Who.

      Afterwards, Mom joins us, along with a professor from the station and his wife. Subtle, barbed insults are exchanged between the adults, making my brother and I feel very uncomfortable. We exit, but soon the parents follow us. Dad orders us to leave, saying that he can't stand to spend another day here.

      2. My brother and I discover a website with every N64 game ever made. We hook up the computer to the TV and start to play; I start off with Pokemon Snap, but he soon changes the game to Star Wars Battlefront.
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