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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Cleaning seats.

      , 07-24-2010 at 06:01 AM
      I was cleaning some seats. One was a toilet seat for a toilet that I had been using. I used a squirt of some detergent stuff from a spray bottle and wiped it up with a cloth. It hadn't been long since I washed the toilet seat last.
      And then I proceeded to wash the car seats in my mum's car. I was driving it for some reason. But it was larger than usual. All the seats and dashboard and stuff were quite spaced out. I didn't end up cleaning it properly, and there were still some crumbs and stuff left on the passenger seat. Or on my seat, I don't quite remember whose.

      So I was driving around and stuff. I think there was a large factory somewhere. I can't remember much else.

      Edit: After I woke up I started falling back asleep, and managed to plunge into sleep paralysis. Unfortunately about one second after this, someone knocked on my door to talk to me >_>
      Lol annoying xP

      Updated 07-25-2010 at 02:49 AM by 33362 (Sleep paralysis)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Fragments from July 22 2010

      by , 07-24-2010 at 03:43 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. My brother, dad, and I are at the animal shelter adopting a new cat. For some reason my brother empties his pockets, but all he has in them is a large and unwieldy knife-wallet hybrid with a combination lock. An Asian man grabs the lock and starts cracking it. He soon solves it and tries to leave, but I hook my finger in the lock and pull to make him stay. We struggle for a while and he calls me racist names, then pulls out a pistol. I then proceed to knock him out with my other hand and escape with the family.

      2. I'm playing DDR in an arcade with some of my college friends. It only costs two tokens, but the machine has been modified to float and is very unstable on a pool of water. My friend Q starts to bash arrows on the machine, and I try to stop him from messing me up. I lose my balance, however, and fall into what turns out to be putrid water.

      3. I am watching a Tupperware container with a hot dog and a bunch of Cincinnati chili. Suddenly the hot dog grows a tiny mouth and starts to eat the chili, eventually leaving the container spotless!

      4. I can see my own aura, and it is green. Someone else (unintelligible notes) also sees it and comments.

      Updated 07-24-2010 at 03:49 AM by 32914

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Second Lucid Dream

      by , 07-24-2010 at 01:34 AM
      This morning, I had my second lucid dream. I was lying in bed, after waking up a couple of times and drifting back off. For some reason, the idea of lucid dreaming was in my head. I think I kind of woke up from a dream and thought it was lucid, though it really wasn't. I decided I was going to try to be lucid. But, I was sort of aware of being awake--at least, at that point, I saw all black. Then I started to imagine myself in a situation, still seeing all black. I imagined I was in a rain forest on an island. Suddenly, I heard huge sweeping winds and rain, though I still saw nothing. I thought to myself, "I must be lucid dreaming--I can hear the wind and rain!" It's possible that some real life noise caused it, or I might have imagined it. Anyway, I imagined myself hopping off the island into the water and swimming with a bunch of fish, and it felt more and more real. I forgot about lucidity. Then I got out of the water and onto a dock, and suddenly, I gained full vision. It was like the black just kind of faded to a real image of the dock, through my real eyes. It was startling, and at this moment I remembered my desire to be lucid. It worked, and I had the same weird sense of reality as in my first lucid dream of some months ago.

      I noticed some people on the docks, and started talking to a girl I was sitting right next to. Just then, I felt myself losing lucidity, and everything faded to black. I was about to give up, but then I had a crazy idea. I thought, "Maybe I didn't lose the dream. Maybe I just closed my eyes in the dream." I'm not sure how to describe what happened next...I remembered where the girl was in relation to me, and I just...reached out and grabbed her leg. I couldn't see anything still, but I could feel her leg in my hand. I realized this couldn't be a leg actually in my bed with me, and then I just...opened my eyes and I was back on the dock in the exact same place. I got up, and tried jumping and spinning around, but everything was in slow motion, like a 3d video game with lag. Then I went back to black, and this time I couldn't get back. I woke up.

      I tried to go back into lucidity a couple of times but it just didn't work.
      lucid , dream fragment
    4. 7/23/10

      by , 07-23-2010 at 10:37 PM
      I'm in the family room of my parents' house. It's dark in the room, though I can't tell if it's night time. I'm trying to ward off some wild animals that have made their way into the house. Two of the three animals don't look familiar, while the other is a raccoon. I shoo them out the back door multiple times, only to have them scurry back in each time.
      dream fragment
    5. First Week of Dream Recollection

      by , 07-23-2010 at 07:20 PM
      I hadn't remembered my dreams in years until this last week when I finally began writing them down. All are dream fragments. Here is the product of this first week:

      7/13/10 - I'm fighting in a building, looks like some sort of government building lots of wood carved pillars. Fighting against men in suits, shooting back and forth from cover. Dove behind a bar, shouting that they were using nos(?), which meant their bullets were piercing our cover. At that point I was shot sideways through the throat and was left there while the other people on my side ran off. Did not wake up immediately at this point, felt myself choking on my blood at which point I eventually woke up. Died slowly, which was a new experience.

      7/19/10 - Remember my mom in my dream very upset with me because she found out I was dating a much older woman.

      7/20/10 - Dream 1: Just remember emotion of the dream, I was very upset and was crying.

      Dream 2: Just remember a visual of a video game screen, seemed like some sort of merchant. My dad's voice was saying that he was buying something.

      7/21/10 - Dream 1: Invented a toy submarine that turns into a beer chugging device like a beer bong. Gripped from front. Open, cage-like in front. Filled from back.

      Dream 2: Working as a tech support person in a snow fortress. Out of iPhone 4 replacements, my bumper on my iPhone is warped so the charger doesn't fit. Some girl is talking about leeches and how they cost the country $400 million per year because they chew on your spine. (weird).

      7/22/10 3:15 AM - Playing some sort of button game. Three colors, red, green, and blue. Seems like a matching game of some sort. But collectible buttons. Buttons are easy to obtain, playing some girl.

      7/23/10 - Went through a martial training program in the mountains. I felt like I was some sort of visitor but was still participating for some reason. They were split into separate groups based on the elements. I was participating in the earth group. I sparred some girl from the water group in a river. There was constant deep chanting, like Tibetan chanting. I helped my partner pass his test and they all thanked me for my help as I left with others through what seemed like a normal door.
    6. Fragments

      by , 07-23-2010 at 06:19 PM
      This dream is already very vague for me as I chose not to write anything major down immediately after waking up. I remember that I was suddenly in grade 12 again, except my whole class and teacher were all working in my house. It was business, I remember this because the head of the business department was the teacher. I remember I was with my friend David in the kitchen and for some reason we were both trying to draw the Canadian flag with absolutely no luck. I no longer remember the rest of the dream, though I do remember that before I woke up we were walking up to my room. A lil Wayne song was playing and it somehow started transitioning into that really crappy new Usher song (Oh My God, I think) and then into some hilarious Jamaican sounding dialect. Then I woke up.

      This was a morning dream, and what was strange about it was that it carried a similar characteristic to many other fragments I had that morning. I was sitting on the floor of a mall near my house with a kid from my old Highschool that is a nice guy but I was never really good friends with. I'm not sure what we were talking about, I just remember that I had a very strong cold and that it made him uncomfortable. My nose was stuffed and I was coughing and I felt like shit. He was kept moving around me, I guess in an effort to avoid getting sick. Then I woke up.

      This dream also took place in the same mall, except it was with people that I actually see on a more regular basis. I remember that we were walking towards a down escalator. I was sick, much like I was in the previous fragment but not nearly as bad, and they were keeping a distance because of that. (when I woke up I noted this as a dream sign for the morning) I remember someone having some sort of portable video device, possibly an iPhone, and talking about Grand Theft Auto 4. I said, "Hey, I wanna watch the trailer for that game cause then maybe I can fall asleep and have a lucid dream". My friends gave me a weird look and then I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. New to this, but at the same time, maybe not so much.

      by , 07-23-2010 at 06:11 PM
      I just joined this site. Lately, I've been having trouble with dream recall. However, last night I remember having three dreams. None of them lucid, of course. The first one was just a fragment, but I remember flying. I had wings like an airplane or something. I also remember something about a toy box in that dream. I remember that i woke up after each dream, which gave me a chance to write all of them down. I didn't use that chance after the other two, though, so I remember that I dreamed, I just don't recall what about.

      I used to have lucid dreams all the time when I was a kid. I'm really not sure how I managed it. I had never even heard of lucid dreams. I remember that I really wanted to learn how to control my dreams somewhat because I had nightmares all the time. At the time, I didn't realize what kind of power I had within my grasp. I just used the knowledge that I was dreaming to wake myself up when I had a nightmare if I chose to.

      These days, however, if I remember my dreams at all, they are vague and blurry. If I could just learn to recall my dreams better, I think I would also remember how to make myself lucid.
    8. Train station/Cameras/School crimes/Forums-HI/Wonky elevator

      by , 07-23-2010 at 05:48 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      July 23, 2010

      Train station

      I'm at a train station. I use some keys to unlock some doors. On the other side, there is a man coming up the escalator. He's old, and false memory tells me his name is Joe, and he's falling into dementia.

      He walks past me and he says, "Oh, thank you for unlocking the door! My dog, Joe, ran through here, and I need to find him!"

      Even though it was supposed to be my job to kick him out, I decided not to.

      I was watching security cameras, surveying the festival grounds that is in town (it's actually over, now). I realize I have been missing things, and I feel guilty for not doing my job right.

      WILD. Failed - I fell asleep

      School crimes

      Myself and another classmate got called out of class. We went across the hall to the washrooms, where there were more police. Someone had been murdered in there, and they think he's still in the building.

      I suddenly get this vision of two people sitting next to each other, engulfed in flames.

      We go back across the hall and out the windows everything is pitch dark, and the other classroom building has fire coming out of every window. I'm glad I'm over here, but my locker is in that building. I wonder how much stuff I kept in there?

      I was on the DV forums, in Naiya's WILD class. She was listing off a bunch of people who were successful last night. I was very disappointed that I wasn't one of them

      Wonky Elevator

      I was in a classroom again. Nita (old classmate) gave my water glass to someone else. I was rather upset by this, and walked out to get another glass of water before class started.

      I only needed to go down two floors, and I contemplated the stairs, but I was feeling really tired, so I decided to take the elevator. This girl asks me to hold the doors. I thought she was Nita, but it turned out to be a DC.

      I hit the button for 64 (we were on 68). She hits the button for 2. The elevator doesn't even stop on 64, and the girl is all like, "WTF?" She tries to choose another floor for me to get off, but it still doesn't work. Then, it feels like we're going sideways, rather than down! I think to myself, "Wow, this elevator is acting rather dream-like!"

      The girl distracted me from my brief lucidity by telling me we'll have to jump out of the doors once it reaches the main floor. We do so. I really don't need to be this far down though (and I've completely forgotten about the lucidity). I feel tense, because now my class has started, and I need to get back up. I have to try to jump back on the same way I jumped off...
      Tags: naiya
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Dream Frag- 3peat

      by , 07-23-2010 at 04:14 PM
      After I woke up from that dream I fell back into a continuation of it. This time I faded into the black and white dream and stayed there . The dream pretty much left me at the climax of the frag right where Lil Wayne was supposedly going to shoot me. I propped my head back up to face the gun again Weezy took a huge hit from his cigar and blew it in my face. My vision got distorted for a few seconds but went back to normal right before he cocked back his gun. He kept mumbling things I just couldnt understand so I just close my eyes and waited for the big finished. He pulled the trigger and a little white flag came out and so did some black and white confetti. I was scared half to death and I jolted up from the couch I was sitting on (more than likely the flag had the word BANG! on it but I couldnt really make it out cause I was zoned out -_-.) He started laughing hysterically so I punched him and he stepped back but he was still laughing. I turned around to lay back down because I felt really tired and I saw myself still laying on the couch with my head bobbed back. It was so crazy like the copy did all the things I did right up to where I closed my eyes in anticipation for the gunshot. I was so weirded out I woke up again and stayed up.
    10. Dream Frag #1

      by , 07-23-2010 at 04:13 PM
      This dream was pretty hazy and trippy. My vision kept fading in and out a black and white music studio. I could hear Lil Wayne's voice but I couldnt see him then the song Single by Lil Wayne came on but it was warped the beat was so f*cked up. My vision still fading in and out caught glimpses of Weezy singing into a mic. He looked different though his hair was cut I think and he had a cigar in his mouth while he was holding a glass of liqour. My vision finally allowed me to see clearly but the whole place was still in black and white. I felt high and I kept bobbing my head back. Then I heard Lil Wayne laugh ( not the little chuckle he does but the laugh he does at the end of the song Single) I pulled my head back up and I saw a gun pointed at my forhead , a super tatted arm, and Lil Wayne's face. He mumbled something and my vision faded back out the last thing I heard was "I aint trippin on nothin" (I smelled alot of smoke after that so Im guessing he blew some in my face) then I woke up before anything crazy happend.
      dream fragment
    11. 7/23/2010

      by , 07-23-2010 at 03:24 PM

      Somehow, my grandmother decided that she wanted to go the France. However, she didn't want to go to Paris until mid February. France was bordering my backyard, so in the night we snuck in to the Border Patrol Station, and we showed them our passports. My brother (who in real life doesn't have one) drew all over his, and they still let him in.


      • I was eating in New York with some political figures.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. A fresh start!!

      by , 07-23-2010 at 04:21 AM
      This is my first entry since I took a hiatus. I just graduated school and have started a new job with a hopefully more structured sleep schedule (college hours were all the over the place!). Here's my entries of the last few days...

      Character who is not me (kinda fat, Mexican ...how that happened is anyone's guess cause i'm the definition of skinny white girl) is part of a world with this American cartoon and vampires. Vampires want to kill the cartoon who is the king/leader of the land. There is some hildary…and somehow it ends up on 4 wheelers across the desert.
      Right before I wake up I’m back at college and wondering around, following this kid after class. He’s a freshmen and not letting me catch up to him walking. I get distracted by a student council charity and sit down to enjoy pizza and salad, which I sorta hog cause there isn’t enough…

      yeah, like that one wasn't freaky...i did the whole DJ thing last year for a couple weeks and remember dreams started to make more 'sense' after i got better at recalling, let's hope that happens here...

      Ah, it's my birthday...oh exciting now that i've already turned 21 and nothing (in terms of #'s to look forward too..at least i got more the dream this time

      I all got is the tail end of the last one.. it Was dealing with me at a friends house…sorta. Now I remember it started out with this insane murder of a super hero and I was one of the culprits, but I was taking the place of one of the heros. I remember thinkning that I would throw the others under the bus when the cops found out and sure enough they did. It took place in a back alley maze of sorts.

      # 1.5?
      The next part, me fleeing, ended up with me on this polar artic trip where this time I was myself, accompanied by my aunt and uncle. We went to this shop that sells things and my uncle bought me an airplane made out of the leather and a SUV as well…I don’t remember it being weird at the time. It was actually a quite awesome care. Later on I was driving through a snow storm and going ‘suckas’ to the other lame metal cars.

      Right before the alarm!
      The last shot is me in one of my best friends house and she says something like “then it goes like…” throwing her arms up. At that exact moment my alarm goes off…go figure.


      I think I lost it trying to get up and write it down…I only have one shot of a woman telling me something…I think I was at least myself..it maybe have been dealing with acquiring stuff.

      Finally on today...i actually didn't sleep in my house, but was at a friend's place so i had another practice round of scribbling the dream down when i woke up...let's see if i can read my handwriting:

      We were setting up a medieval event (part of a club...this is normal) and I was doing scrolls beforehand (again, completely normal...it's a art project of sorts). As always I was getting stressed out. I was with my friend Cheryn and we were complaining about the scrolls and such. I finally realized I didn't to do any of them except for one.

      The theme of the entire was ducks...which is only semi-strange. My friends, Alena and Katie were setting it up for our friend Conner, even though he probably wasn't going to show. They were in the back making duck-based dishes for the feast...i actually found feathers in the bathroom as part of the decor

      I remember smelling/seeing some really awful-looking food. That's about it from the dream.
      dream fragment
    13. 07/19/10 The Gumball Arcade

      by , 07-23-2010 at 02:12 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was in an arcade. Not sure if my sister was there, but I thought that I saw her out of the corner of my eye. Anyways, instead of putting coins into the machines, they used gumballs. I remember walking up to the front counter and I saw a small gumball dispenser, like the onces you see in grocery stores.
      Tags: arcade, gumballs, sam
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Visit from the deceased (1st entry)

      by , 07-22-2010 at 11:53 PM
      Ok so I thought that today would be a great day to start my dream journal because I had a really unique experience last night. I've been putting this off for like weeks so i'll be adding a couple dreams i wrote down after this too. I've waited all day so I can't remember all of the dream but before bed, we got a call from a family friend who is a self-proclaimed psychic. She said that my grandfather that she never knew personally, (and who died 2 weeks ago) had been bugging her for 4 days. She asked a lot of questions and said a lot of things but what's important is that she told me i'd be getting a visit from him in a dream. Lo and behold, it happened. I remember thinking i had woken up (on the top bunk which is contradictory; would have been a great time for RC. Oh well.){Is there a word for falsely waking? can't remember} and seeing a piece of paper taped to the ceiling. It had a poem on it in grandpa's handwriting and on the back it had a small personal note signed by him. During the dream I could vividly make out the writing but I have since forgotten it. This is funny because I had sort of told my grandpa (spoken out loud to the air) that I didn't really wanna see him personally in a dream because it would freak me out. He was always so considerate...
    15. #112. Library Fines

      by , 07-22-2010 at 11:15 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm travelling all over the continent. I think I'm driving through the US with some family members. We're passing a city on the freeway when I realize that I've been here before. We pull onto an exit and stop for lunch.

      I explain to Oma what the buildings around us are, and mention about three restaurants I know by name that I've been to. We go inside one of them. I see a picture of myself on an indoor climbing wall.

      I'm in a small town where my grandma used to live. The population is probably under five hundred. I'm moving in to one of the houses there, because I'm good friends with a few of the neighbours, all of whom are under thirty.

      Now I'm getting ready to go back to school in Halifax. I'm planning to fly out the next day. I hear a knock at the door. I answer it, and a man hands me a pile of books, that I apparently ordered. I bought one of them, but the other two are from the Chinook (Saskatchewan) library system. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to read them in time.

      The dream shifts and I'm in the Ixburg library to return the books.

      I'm part of a group now. One of us might be Buffy Summers. A thin man with short dark hair and dark clothing is showing us an Egyptian hieroglyph, holding up a book that it's illustrated in. He explains that the hieroglyph is the symbol of a demon that's plaguing the town, and we have to stop it.

      "If you ever encounter this symbol, run away really fast."

      Hey, I think dimly, That's the name of my dream journal.

      Library Fines. Scare Factor: 2.

      Updated 07-22-2010 at 11:17 PM by 31096

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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