Another wild dream Me and my dad were in some suburbs trying to escape, it was some kind of survival world, overcast weather. But the danger were animals, like they got wilder and changed even, they were a lot more aggressive, I've seen whole lot of breeds of dogs that would tear apart anyone on sight. Somehow we could outrun them, or just go past them by pretending to be relaxed, then once I saw a pack of dogs tearing away one dog behind fences. It was night, and we got followed by a pack too and we pretended to be relaxed so they followed us but didn't attack. Then I saw a small way between two fences to an open field and I started to walk there but dad wandered off, idk why... Anyways I started to pick up the pace when I saw wild squirrels but now they were darker, and has messier fur and were more aggressive and could jump up like 2 meters or so. And those started to get on me too but then I started to levitate and evade those things. Then once I got to the open field I started to fly and I was really good at it, and now it was daytime. Sunny weather. I flew to the other side of the open field where a safe camp was in a forest, then flew back to dad somehow I knew his location. He just made out to the open field but was being followed , I speed at him and take him up a high hill and drop there I almost fell off . We were in front of a hospital, I saw parents carrying their kids here and there...
It is an annoyance and a tragedy that the immediate recollections of our escapades within the kaleidoscopic realm of dreams should vacate our minds with such cruel transience upon our withdrawal therefrom. Indeed, there is nary a dreamer – even among the most deliberate and experienced – who is spared the frustration of awakening from the dream realm with only fragmentary evocations of the awesome experiences they had and the amazing things their half-conscious eyes beheld; and there are fewer still who are spared the woefully common tragedy of awakening to no such remembrances at all, vainly grasping in the darkness for memories already gone. And so, as many diligent dreamers do upon awakening, I set immediately to writing the details of my most recent venture through the dream realm, fervently recording as much as I could before the bulk those precious memories faded into the ether. However, regardless of my efforts, many of the important details surrounding this tale were still lost in memory, not least of which were the details of the inciting event from which this tale would otherwise commence. Because of this, all I can tell is that certain financial circumstances of an unfortunate sort had brought my mother, my sister, and me within the doleful residence of what is infamously known as a “Corporate City.” I cannot, however, tell the specific details of what forced us to settle into such a municipality. If I was ever made aware of the name of this place, I cannot remember it now and so, I will give it the name, “Avericia.” A fitting designation as you will soon tell. The city of Avericia would most certainly stand as the ultimate staple of Late Stage Capitalism for Avericia was a place ruled by men of power and relentless greed. The rulers were not politicians of any sort, but corporate elites who reside in high towers and look down upon the working masses with little empathy and cruel indifference. Surrounded by a great wall rivaling that of Jericho, Avericia was home to those unfortunate souls who were subjugated to the whims of those ruthless men by whom they were employed. At some undetermined point in time, I was treated to a panoramic view of the place. The panorama presented to me a deceptively pleasant skyline superimposed against the iridescent pulchritude of a twilight sky peopled by majestic cumuli decorated with calming shades of pink, orange, and mauve by the setting sun. The outer portion of the radial city boasted a suburban sprawl of asphalt roofs, clean-cut lawns, and lush trees for the viewing pleasure of the residents therein. Peering further towards the city center, I could see a lively metropolis of lights, never-ending festivities, and fanfare beyond imagination. And at the center of it all was a casino of impressive proportion. The exact details of that casino’s architecture are lost to me. All I can say is that its grand aspect had me entranced in a venerable state of awe. Upon initial examination, one would be hard-pressed to find anything wrong with such a beautiful sight and it is that very essence of synthetic beauty that draws wealthy tourists to the fantastical inner parts of that city every year. After a procession of events that managed to evade remembrance, I found myself driving through the suburbs towards our place of residence. I remember little save a stretch of road that curved slightly through a neighborhood area, and from this up-close perspective, I could see fully the state of dereliction in which this suburban area was left. Houses were run down and defaced with graffiti and lawns were flooded with the foul overflow of neglected septic tanks. I do not remember the specific condition our home was in; I only remember that the place was crowded as there were several families taking up residence there. I slept in that house, not looking forward to the next morning. I do not remember the events the following morning. I simply recall finding myself on an employee monorail tram towards the inner city where My sister and I were to begin our first shift at the casino. The specifics of our job duties were unclear, we only knew that we were to be doing grunt work with only meager compensation. The dereliction of the outer suburbs home to the impoverished employees contrasted with the pulchritude of the inner city which was home to the wealthy tourists. I do not remember the details of this inner-city; I simply remember being taken by the site of that massive casino at the center of it all, silhouetted in part against the rising sun. The following events can only be described with a vexing degree of vagueness for it is here that all faculties of my recollection begin to break down. The next thing I recall is standing with my sister and the other employees outside of the employee entrance. It was off to the side, hidden from the public eye, and yet it was impressive in size, up to thirty feet high, as though it were a door for giants! I remember the moments where my sister and I would lament our present situation as we were made to clean the bathrooms. Unfortunately, that is all that I remember about the job itself. Sometime later, I found my half-conscious self floating through a cylindrical chamber illuminated by the firey luminescence of an unknown light source far below which caused the walls of this infernal chamber to glow red. The walls were lined with cavities whose openings were barred, each housing a prisoner. There was little doubt in my mind that I was deep within the annals of Sheol, the abode of the damned whose point of entry was at the base of this casino. How I came to be in this place, I do not know. I do not remember the reasoning for the internment of the poor people imprisoned within those cavities, but I do recall being tasked with their emancipation. As it turned out, the rulers of this casino, as well as the city surrounding it, were demons and if I wanted to free the poor inmates of Sheol I had to go through the casino and kill each demon, bringing an end to their reign of wickedness and greed. What followed was a series of fantastical happenings of bravery, skill, danger, espionage, and camaraderie. The only demon that I specifically remember fighting was a green naga of tremendous size. One by one the demons fell and as they did, more people began to rise up and join the fight. It was a hard battle, but it was a battle that we were winning. I wish I could say that fought to the very end. I wish I could say that I was able to free those poor people trapped in Sheol. Alas, I awoke before I could complete my task and so, as far as I know, the captives still suffer and many of the demonic elites responsible for their imprisonment still live.
Non-lucid | Lucid | Extra notes That wasn't quite a good night. My dad was snoring and I couldn't manage to focus on repeating my mantras while falling asleep, but I do remember a few dream fragments. All of them are non-lucid, and might not necessarily be in the order in which they happened. Dream Fragment #1: I'm sitting at the dining table in my living room with two friends, A and P, and the first also brought his sister. For some reason, I thought we stood as the only guitarists in my school and that we were the "guitarists' club"; I remember turning myself towards a table (that does actually exist) to grasp onto something but the dream either faded away or I can't remember more than that. Dream/Dream Fragment #2: This one is longer than the first one. I basically dreamed of having a work experience in some kind of Paris' suburbs, working if I can recall well enough in a laboratory or a research center. First of all, I was in a dark, hotel-looking room, and I could see a road through the window. Moments later, I found myself in a bus, making my way back towards Paris, then some three or four friends of mine (including C), whom sat almost next to me, started talking to me and said we'd be late by more than one hour for our next class, considering the school was far away from the laboratory. However, we arrived in a courtyard shortly after she'd said that and I saw two, if not more, other friends (A, and P from dream #1). A was walking on a fence, laughing and shouting while P might have stood below A on the ground. Here's the end of the dream or it is at least all I can remember. I know for a fact that those two dreams were the last ones I had this night, as I struggled to fall asleep and kept moving in my bed due to being uncomfy. I might seriously use earplugs at night, considering that'd help to avoid hearing my dad's snoring.
The first dream was in like Tim Burton's rendition of Gotham City, but my mind told me it was New York. Our class decided to have our Senior Ball there. I recall standing on various street corners and watching my classmates walk by. They saw me and acknowledged me. I was comparatively under-dressed. I followed them into the building where the event was taking place. The inside looked like a bookstore. Weird. And the other people from my class were no longer in immediate view. For some reason, I was holding two dirty incense burners. I also had to explain them to Mrs. H who was apparently screening students at the door who were high or carrying drugs or anything like that. Together, we cleaned the burners off into a garbage can. My next dream took place in a Tops grocery store and I guess I was supposed to Test out for CPR in a lifelike situation or something. Inside, I met that new girl, Courtney. She was the one testing me, and she actually played the part of the dummy for scene-checking phase. For the rescue breaths, she brought out a very strange contraption that you put your mouth around and it's designed to make the process more difficult. I finished up with that and walked outside. I drove my truck across the street and felt like I was being followed so I circled this building in it's parking lot once to lose any creepers. I went back to the Tops parking lot and parked but then Mike pulled up before I could finish parking so I bumped into his truck ever so lightly. In my next dream, I was somewhere outside a neighboring town and I don't remember how it started, but I do remember flying up out of the woods near the west branch of the lake. It was nice because the shores were just forest and it seemed untainted by populace. But wait a second...I'M FLYING ON THE BACK OF A HUGE WHITE WOLF! It was so vivid. First time I've ever flown in a dream. I seemed to have some difficulty keeping the wolf aloft, however. As I looked at the water, I could see the rocks on the bottom. I think it was unusually shallow because my mind wanted it to be. I don't like deep water. I came down gently on the east shore and walked into the woods. My wolf then shrank to pocket size! I carried him. Then in the woods, I encountered another white wolf, this one with a pink spot on his back. He was vicious, so I desperately tried to make my wolf fly so that I could flee. We flew up and over this suburban neighborhood. There were red-brown houses with nice courtyards and enclosed patios. One family saw me and started to freak out. I landed next to my own family in this strange suburbia. I wanted to protect my wolf. The family that had freaked out showed up. They claimed that my wolf was their dog. Yah, bullcrap. I believe I woke up before anything bad could happen. But the whole flying experience was just amazing.
1. I'm having my sketchbook shown to an important woman in the artistic community. For some reason a few of my family members are around. Apart from some gnarly figure drawings, she is rather unimpressed with what she sees. She tells me that what I have is nothing special, I should just give it a rest. I get rather upset and embarrassed and lock myself in a closet. People are banging on the door trying to get me to come out, but I keep holding the door shut. 2. I'm walking down some bizarre road/walkway that is made out of thin strips of multi colored plastic-like material. It's elevated off the ground. 3. I'm wandering around the streets of some suburban neighborhood. I'm dressed very strangely and I have a large backpack on. There are patches of snow on the ground, and I start spinning around (but not in a dream spinning way) until I fall over into one of the patches of snow. I hear something from the house across the street, and I look up to see two people staring at me from an open window. I walk over and realize that they are two people that I knew in childhood, but grown up. I ask if they remember me and they don't really seem to. This is when the dream gets fuzzy for a bit and I can't remember what exactly happens, but later I am riding on some small and incredibly fast bike. The two people from the window are chasing me. 4. On some bizarre structure again, climbing up and up but not reaching the top.
sorry im posting this on an ipod, so im not gonna take the time to capitalize stuff or add apostrophes. also, sorry for any typing errors. so im walking down a suburb street by my friend lauras house. lile not on the sidewalk, but in the middle of the road. it was a bright sunny day with big white fluffy clouds. i was walking along and i saw this kid standing in his lawn watching me. for some reason this made me question whether i was in a dream or not. i pinched the palm of my hand to check. it hurt, but not as much as it should have. so i flapped my arms downward, which made me float up. "cool! i am dreaming!" i thought. but because this is my first lucid, i wasnt really in full control. so i had to keep flapping my arms to stay afloat. thats all i remember.
Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:47 AM by 34686
Lanna was working at Big W (a retail store) and she was working every weeknight. I was there and there was this guy in the line and he looked pretty bogan. Someone (I think Lanna) gave me this mobile phone and I answered it and there was this woman on the phone that said "can you please give this phone to Darren (? I think that was his name, the bogan guy). If he wants to talk to me, get the phone again after he finishes, but if he doesn't want to talk to me, you can just let him have the phone". So I told him that there were people on the phone that wanted to talk to him and at first he said "No" and refused to take the call, but then he thought about it for a while and I put the phone to his ear and he took it. Somehow it was to do with reconciling with his parents. I was happy that he was listening to them. So I stuck around for the conversation to end. I think the girl that gave me the phone was thankful for what I had done. Lanna was telling me that on a Monday the managers at Big W would give people socks if they were wearing flimsy footwear. I thought, "why not take advantage of this every Monday and get free socks every Monday? ", but then I saw one of the managers and she looked like she would be annoyed if you were to do such a thing. There was another part that had gas cylinders with graffiti or something. I think this girl I knew from primary school, Chrissy, was there. And in another part, I exited some building and I landed on this street. It looked like typical suburbia, with all the houses made of brick and looking pretty much the same. I recalll thinking that I didn't like it. I can't remember what I was doing there, but there were some strong winds that were preventing me from walking. I kept walking down this road entered some room. It looked like a "common room" for the suburb. Pretty cool, I thought. It was a large hall-type room and there was a door that led to a bathroom and a reception area near the entrance. There was some guy at the reception desk. I went to the bathroom and the floor was a bit icky, but other than that it was in good condition. Kinda surprising given that it was a public venue. Near the reception desk there was a donation box for people that wanted to make donations to improving the room. And then in some part there was a stereo in the room, and I thought of how I would plug my electric guitar into a radio transmitter and then I could play it through the stereo. And lastly there was another part where James and Diwei were going overseas. We were at the airport and at the X-ray machine place. All our (or their, I am not sure if I was going with them or not) stuff was scattered on the conveyer belt thingies. We all had to lie down on the conveyer belt and go through for a body check.
The dream starts out with me riding my bike along a suburban neighborhood road. It curves to the left constantly, and judging by the surroundings, the curve of the road, and my distance from home, I'm riding my bike home from the neighborhood park. The sky is orange and purple, so I assume the sun is setting. Something catches my eye and I look up. Floating a ways in the distance above the sky is an alien spaceship, slowly heading towards my house. My heart starts to race and I bike as fast as I can, trying to beat it home. Somehow I manage to get home before it, but not before crossing its path. I'm positive the aliens can see me entering my house. I lock all the doors and try to find a place to hide. For some reason the most logical place is in front of my couch, which is in front of a giant window. I duck down and cower. After a few seconds I get my courage up to look out my window. My heart skips a beat. The spaceship is landing in the street right in front of my house. I watch as the main door hisses and slowly lowers itself open. At this point I get up and sprint into my room, slam the door shut, and hide under my bed. I can feel my heart pounding a million miles an hour. Somehow the aliens managed to get inside. I can hear footsteps walking down the hall towards my room, and my doorknob turning. Then I wake up. For some reason when I remember this dream, I also remember a fragment of me being a ghost. People can see me and are chasing me, so I fly away and hide in decorative oil pots. But they always break them open and try to catch me. I don't know how they know where I'm hiding...
Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:50 AM by 34686