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    1. 041015: New X-files episodes, running in slush, getting caught snooping.

      by , 10-04-2015 at 08:07 AM (The Dream Journal)
      A fragment: In some kind of large living room, grey daylight streaming in from windows to the left Talking about a menstruation article I read yesterday (IRL), I find the science very interesting and go into it in length. People look at me a bit dazed, I feel self-conscious. Is this a weird thing to talk about? I see my sister and her old friend. Is her friend floating about?

      I'm watching an episode of the new X-files. I see mixed shots of Mulder and Scully, they look noticeably older now. It cuts to a scene where an older Scully is sitting at the desk in the X-files office talking to a naval officer that looks like a younger version of herself to her left. It's as if she is giving her advice about how to investigate cases. The older Scully shows a odd, jellyfish-shaped type of foam thing behind her. It pulses softly like the way a jellyfish moves upward in the water. It is made of a white, porous cloth with small streaks of light green and red on it. She say if she gets stressed out she uses this machine to calm down.

      After a few vague blurry scenes, I suddenly get up from the TV, I'm in my family's old apartment. It's dark outside, a lamp glares brightly in a corner. I get up and start running. It's winter, the sun is right about to set, orange in the sky. The streets are covered in slush and snow as I run barefoot. I look down as I run, why isn't it cold? I then start thinking why I'm running in the first place, I'm going to miss the X-files episode! I turn back and run on a forested path. It's dark and gloomy there. It's like the sun has set.

      I pass a middle-aged guy on the narrow path, snow on either side, the path goes up and down along the terrain. I see that to the right the forest begins to thin out and there are buildings there, it reminds me of where my grandparents used to live. I see a large barn like structure with floodlights around it, there is some kind of tape around it to prevent people passing through it, I'm too curious and have to find out what's happening there. I sneak up by a ledge that runs to the left of the barn-like structure. I crawl trying to hide. Looking down I see some foreign construction workers talking. This place has a paranormal vibe, like something I'm not supposed to know is happening. I see two guys turn and walk up a path that goes up to the ledge I'm on, but they turn and walk away from the direction I'm in. I try to stay completely flat and still, maybe they won't turn around, my face is in the cold snow. As they are about to walk away the lights get brighter and one of them turns around and looks right at me. I stay completely still, petrified, perhaps he'll just turn and leave.

      He yells out what I'm doing here. The gig is up. I get up and go down the ramp to the construction area. They scold me, bot severely, just telling me I'm not supposed to be there. A teacher of mine comes up and tells me to follow him, I'm meant to be at the other side of the site. My teacher tells the construction crew that I'm from the other side of the site and tells them I can weld and machine. I nod in agreement, I tell them I can actually help them here, I need to know what's happening here. I begin doing chin-ups on a set of bunk beds. It's surprisingly easy. The rattling it causes gets the top bunk of the three to get slightly out of place. I push it back into place with two other people.

      In an industrial hall, grey daylight from the windows, I see the nice, old machining teacher sitting and talking to a student. The students are messing around after he leaves the table, it's aggravating.
    2. DC from 2009 LD

      by , 10-04-2015 at 01:55 AM
      C... thanx for that link to quotes by Henry Reed. I like this one

      "As we abide in sleep, intuitively resonating with the sum of all our experiences - this life and beyond - we gain refreshing perspective on our efforts and have an opportunity to remember what we know."

      Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/au...tSeLl1mFado.99

      Last night I had the strangest dream. I was aware I was dreaming and I was aware that I did not look like my waking self. I wanted to know what I looked like.

      It did not occur to me to go find a mirror.

      I went up to people I said

      "What do I look like?"

      The person started talking but he wasn't getting to the point. He wasn't explaining what I looked like. So in an effort to be patient, and, to get him to hurry-up and get to the point (of telling me what I looked like I said.

      "I give you 10 minutes to tell me what I look like"

      Then I looked down at my young, slender hands. I then said

      "I can seen by my hands that in real-life I am about 23, umm I'm 26. I might wake-up any tick. So tell me, What do I look like"

      Then I saw a big man with a beard that I regognised from some other dream. I asked him "tell me what I look like, I give yoy 10 minutes"

      He began talking. He seemed to be me? Then he got smaller and was in a high, compact wheel chair.

      His 10 minutes expired and though he talk a lit he hadn't answered my important question. I'm aware that I'm dreaming, time is of the essence. I might awaken at any tick-of the clock. So I leave him and go into an auditorium full of people. They are listening to a female speaker but she is not speaking English.

      Two men in white suits are in front of me and I demand "what do I look like? I give you 10 minutes!"

      They act taken-a-back but I know they are being humorous with me. Like they understand me mild frustration.

      Then I'm awake.

      I'm anoid that none of my dream characters were any use.... stupid dream characters... I hate going lucid in dreams..... it is allways boring or frustrating.

      Why does anyone choose lucid dreams over natural non-lucids (???)

      Then, once I'm awake I sadly realize that I am 56 not 26. Ptrrrrrrr!!!!! (Sticking my waggly tongue out and spitting)

      Carol, Please tell me, or link me to Henry Reeds Best book or Dream book.

      That damm dream has made me real angry again...Efin stupid lucid dream. I asked a simple question and non of my dream characters would give me a simple straight answer.

      Why was that.

      I just remembered

      That big man with a beard, that seemed to be me, I remember what dream I saw him in last. It was back in 2009. I was doing Nick Newports Lucidology 102. Nick or Nerol said he was one of my Oversouls other, present-day, incarnations (???)
    3. 2 NLD, 1 FA - Trapped in School, Girl Breaks into My House

      by , 10-04-2015 at 01:52 AM

      Dream 1 - Trapped in School
      I was sitting on a bench at my school on my phone. A girl across from me on another bench said that all I do is play on my laptop at school (what the heck, don't even bring my laptop to school) so, to prove her wrong, I decided to go outside where I saw my friend K. He told me he had to go to work, and he walked back into the school.

      Right next to the cafeteria, there was a section where they were selling breakfast items. I asked him what time it closed, and he said 8:50 AM, as he put on an apron. I checked my watch
      (I don't wear a watch) and it was 8:51.

      Suddenly, I was in my house, and it was 10:45.

      "Crap!" I said, because class had started almost 2 hours ago. I ran to grab my stuff which was conveniently laid out for me on the desk, and I looked at the clock again. It was now 11:45. I didn't think too much about it.

      I was at school now, something was going on. All the doors were tampered with or something, and if you ran through them you would die. I was trying to find a way out with my friend D. We ran to an exit, and I hid behind a wall, because a guard who was protecting the only exit was walking down a corridor towards us.

      "He can't see me, I'm hidden." I said.

      "I can see you." He said.

      I reached around the wall and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground. I asked D if he could really see me or if he was bluffing, and D said he couldn't actually see me.

      The green old mean lady from Monsters Inc was sitting behind a desk right behind the exit. They messed up the door right before we got to it. We were trapped, now.

      Me and D went back to the commons. There were slits in the walls that let us see outside, and we were far up in the air. A dragon was flying outside the school.

      Dream 2 - Girl Breaks into My House

      I opened the door to let my dogs outside. After I closed it, I stood by it and looked outside for a second, since it's a sliding glass door.

      "HEY J", I heard a girl yell.

      I was confused since it was late at night.

      Suddenly, I saw a girl hop over our fence and head towards our back door in the basement. I ran down the stairs and was inside the basement. She opened the door and came in, saw me, and ran away.

      I was super confused, because there was a door that is normally there, and then a door about 6 feet to the left of it that we don't have, which is the one she entered. It was unlocked.
      I woke up
      (or so I thought lol)


      My mom entered my room to wake me up. Both of my dogs were sleeping on my bed. Should've realized I was asleep here, only one of my dogs sleeps on my bed, the other one is still being housebroken so we crate her

      I started to go down the stairs to get breakfast, and I woke up.
    4. #121 - Hero kind of dream

      by , 10-04-2015 at 01:05 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream - Hero kind of dream
      I seem to have entered a warehouse in the dark of the night. The place had some lighting from the moonlight outside. It was quite open and spacious with a ground floor and upper floor (not separated by a floor, more like iron bridges and railings). I felt like I was a batman-esque type character who had infiltrated the place to fight evil. There were 2 other characters there, one was sort of like the joker, his style was to plant fireworks as bombs in order to kill you. I don't remember much about the other person, only that I think it was a girl that resembled Catwoman. I run up the stairs as I enter the warehouse, I think I even spar with the joker a bit. He's laid down some traps at the top of the staircase which explode mercilessly. I survive pretty easily, almost like nothing even happened...
      The jokers weakness was that he couldn't do long drawn-out battles or close-combat effectively. So as soon as I cleared his fireworks and moved towards him I immediately had the upper hand. He was low on fireworks and started panicking. For some reason I think the warehouse was starting to collapse and we all had to make our escapes, I jumped back down to the ground floor and turned left to a tunnel underneath the staircase. I think I just remember running down the tunnel and then waking up.
    5. Happiness hit her like a train on a track

      by , 10-03-2015 at 09:20 PM (Here be dragons)
      My mother is home to help me move in on campus and woke me up this morning going on errand. I was wide awake, but my body felt hot and heavy, almost prickly with sleep. I rolled on my back, went through my lucidity check-list and back to sleep.

      I'm dreaming, but not really involved, I feel like I'm floating close to my body. I walk across my house to my mother bedroom and idle a little there, wondering. Then I walk in her closet and close the door behind me. I'm trapped between her clothes and the door, but I can reach the side. I feel my way up the wall, I can't see a thing but I feel the clothes against my back and my breath pushed back to me by the closed door. I find a switch and hit it. The whole closet shake, then I feel it going down like a lift.

      Now I'm interested. The doors slide open and I get out in a brightly illuminated room, the floor is linoneum and the walls painted white. There are at least three other lifts, with steel doors. No windows, I'm underground. There is a small group of people in this room, all around twenty and casualy dressed. Some of them carry backpacks, and I remember the underground rooms of my highschool. They're start to walk out, and I follow. The floor has a gentle slope upward, and we reach a double open door going outside. This place is a gigantic highschool I dreamed of before. Today it's daytime and overcast. The grassy area are neatly cut, the paths are carefully gravelled and the cement between them painted white. I know that if I turn around, I could see the impossibly tall buildings, with big, round windows half covered by wavy adornements, steel painted white; if I look on my left, I could see the topiary. But the DC keep walking. One of them is standing out from the group: He isn't anonymous, a faceless form here to be set dressing. He wears the face of someone I dislike: a brown haired, fair skined, slightly overweight young man that used to go out with one of my friend before cheating one here with a coworker. Still, he is different. I follow his along the path, and as he walks I wonder.
      I lag behind, and he meet up with other men around a cart; at least three of them are gardeners, the last one is crouching a little on the side, his face away from me. I stare at him a feeling of familiarity growning.
      I call him out and he look up and smile. His hair are a little longer, he is less groomed that usual, but he stand up and I run to him with wings on my heels. I jump in his arms and he hold me tight. I scramble to wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck; he hold my waist and my hips to keep me here. He is warm and feel solid and real. He bury his face in my hair and I almost feel him smile. I laugh and marvel at the feeling of the hair on the nape of his neck against my hand, of his light stubble against my cheek. I twist around to look at the DC that lead me here and jockingly tell him that he has a lousy taste in face. He laughs and tilt his head down, his face growing briefly pointed and almost goat-like, with strongly slanted eybrows and weird pointed strands of hair on each side of his head. He throw his head back and it's back to what it was before, but not exactly; there's something lurking there, a intelligence and some humor. He asked me: "How it is with ten more years?"
      He do look older, but Still. I laugh, still clinging to Eli. Eli laugh to, and walk backward. I squee and he let go of my waist to slip both his hand under my thights. I push us away from the trashcan he was walking us to with my right foot, and see that I'm wearing cute black suede shoes with my black thigh-highs.

      My mother come back home, waking me up again. I woke up still giggly and happy, Eli delighted.
      I wonder who, or what was this DC. And why he wore this face, obviously like a mask...
    6. Bassnectar plays Wednesday

      by , 10-03-2015 at 08:29 PM
      Non lucid

      *Looking at a flyer showing that Bassnectar plays on Wednesday.
      *Lama Zopa sleeping in the dream yoga posture.
    7. what was in the bottle ?

      by , 10-03-2015 at 07:30 PM
      I have been dutifully keeping a dj for the past month and half - once again playing around with

      lucid dreaming -

      Last night I dreamed -

      I was looking at a bottle - it was a glass bottle , not very big - it was brown and had a colorful

      label - it looked like an antique coke bottle or maybe a wine bottle

      I was looking at the label when I thought that reading the label might be a good thing to do

      to determine if I was dreaming - before I finished the thought I thought -very calmly - "this is a

      dream " I kept examining the bottle and thought "now , I have to hold onto this dream - I did for a

      little while and then I thought "lets change this " I attempted to change the dream to something

      else and the dream dissolved into a greenish cloud.

      Later the same night I had another dream involving writing - one involved a computer screen that

      I was reading , a printer I was using to print out text - the text printed out didn't match

      what was on the computer screen - I was well aware of this , but it did not trigger

      a lucid dream - I am too practical - even in a dream I attempted to troubleshoot the problem.
    8. Dog Food

      by , 10-03-2015 at 07:17 PM
      This is one of my useful lucid dreams.

      When I was in my early 20's I bought a white German Shepherd puppy. He was a picky eater and I had a hard time finding something he would eat.

      One night I had a dream -

      In the dream I was standing in at the foot of a set of stairs. I looked up the stairs and saw myself standing at the top of the stairs.

      The me at the top of the stairs hollered "kibbles and bits"

      I hollered back "what?"

      Again he hollered "kibbles and bits"

      I hollered "what are you talking about"

      he hollered -"the dog , stupid , the dog - get kibbles and bits dog food for the dog"

      I then realized I was dreaming , i hollered "okay" . I tried to hold the lucid dream , but couldn't and promptly woke up.

      The next day I bought kibbles and bits and my dog loved it.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Lucid fail

      by , 10-03-2015 at 06:28 PM
      Had a lucid dream, Tried to have sex
      but the dream always stopped when I tried
      I did no have many LD's nowadays
      I should start WILD ing again
      Tags: wtf
    10. N... Idk: Wow.

      by , 10-03-2015 at 06:20 PM
      Okay, so, I haven't been on here in awhile! Wow XD It may be because of school and all but... Idk. I dreamt that I was at a huge house... with a whole bunch of other kids. At some point, I became semi- lucid. Our "Parent" was very negligent (I think that's how you spell it?) and looked exactly like my math teacher. At one point I brought up the Sword Art Online menu, and called the police. They arrived in a big black pick-up truck. I looked for all of the other kids, which was pretty hard to do. There were like, over 50 other kids. Yeah. Then, the dream kind of changed to rich people living in that house. I wanted to impress them, so, being somewhat lucid, I changed a stuffed decorative rabbit in the front yard into a real, living rabbit. I woke up at about 7 am to go to the bathroom. I came back upstairs and fell asleep. I dreamt that I met a couple of people on the internet, and they wanted me to be their artist for something. I gladly said yes. Then, I was walking through a department store, looking for them. I came across my baby brother, alone, in his stroller.
    11. October TOTM basic ii

      by , 10-03-2015 at 04:12 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up hearing my sister and brother in law talking about me. My sister was worried about my future job prospects but my brother in law insisted I would be fine. I thought it was unusual for them to be talking about this time of morning so I did a nose plug. I could breathe. My sister was walking towards the door to go to work, visibly upset, so I gave her a hug and wished her a nice day. I walked into the living room and looked around, noticing how blurry the dream was. I ringed my fingers around my eyes and said stabilize. In a second the dream became vivid. I tried to walk but was still unbalanced. I tried to become invisible but I ended up flying into the air. I thought this would be a good way to follow a DC. I saw a young Japanese lady so I decided to follow her. She walked into the living room. She got on a bike and rode it down a hall into the computer room. In the computer room I see the bike in the corner and the lady on a man's lap in front of a computer. On the computer it looked like a sports page. She said she would get a glass of water and left the room. I followed her as she walked into the kitchen. She addressed me, "Can you get us some water? Then you can teach us how to make cheesecake!" I said ummmm....ok. I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    12. Sea-Snake-Like Tapeworm in and on my Father

      by , 10-03-2015 at 04:03 PM
      Morning of October 3, 2015. Saturday.

      I seem to be younger and living with my parents again, though I do not feel that much like a child in my dream. (I am not sure where we are living. It seems vaguely like the Stadcor Street house where my wife Zsuzsanna and I lived years ago with our two oldest children.) My mother is also present and is concerned about my father.

      My father (deceased February 14, 1979) is home early from his work in construction. He has his shirt off and is in pain because of a large creature wrapped around his abdomen as well as being partly inside his stomach. Apparently, it is some sort of very large tapeworm or parasite but actually looks like a sea snake. It is wrapped around at least three times in horizontal layers and there is a section that goes inside his abdomen. He sits on the bed and seems in distress. He appears as he did perhaps in 1960 (or even the late 1950s before I was born).

      I start to contemplate why he waited so long to consider having it removed. Now it would be more difficult than ever to have it removed due to its large size. I think about how they would have to put the creature to sleep before removing all of it. The imagery is very clear and continues for at least (seemingly) fifteen minutes. It does not seem it will be fatal, though it does seem to be painful and devitalizing to put up with such a problem. I consider how my father could have gotten around and done his work with that creature there all the time. Apparently, it has only started to worsen recently, as it has gotten bigger.

      At one point, the creature’s head seems to be disconnected but is somehow still alive and clamped on, though I still get the impression that it will soon die from having its head detached.

      Although a snake typically biologically symbolizes the raw RAS waking trigger (likely the case with all primates), it depends on the dream. In this case, it is a rendering of my own intestinal discomfort, of which a snake has represented since early childhood. My father has been validated to represent my waking life status as me being a father in a number of cases (including in prescient dreams most often related to health), more so only as I have gotten older. Due to their shape and coiling, snakes have direct associations with the human intestine (and bowel discomfort and cramps - as well as quite obvious associations with human waste, which both I and another boy dreamt specifically of in childhood), which is even more obvious in this dream, as the creature was almost the same as an “external intestine” in its appearance. However, this is certainly not always the case. (For example, in one dream, a snake served as a frayed electrical cord warning and in a more recent dream, served as a warning to have our electricity off when it began to rain inside our house after the roof was torn off. In another case it was validated to symbolize a human umbilical cord.)

      Edited for clarity on Tuesday, 2 January 2018.

      Tags: snake, tapeworm
    13. 03/10/2015

      by , 10-03-2015 at 02:56 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I'm on my phone, so I'll have to keep it short.

      I was walking around some streets, until I found a house that belonged to a relative of mine. My aunt was saying that she wanted to go to Europe in February. I saw my cousin and he told me to go to this other place.

      I left and found the place. It was a bit of a party on a street, kinda like a family thing, maybe a fair? My parents were there and we saw an uncle of mine. He had gotten himself into trouble. My dad and my uncle are clearly brothers, so I was afraid people would target us, so I said we should go.

      We were sitting at this really tall chairs - like five stories high. The chairs colllapsed and I thought we would die, but then I just thought "nah, I can make us survive".

      So we were back on the streets and I told them we really had to go. We were running and my father said we could jump over a few houses and fences, he said he knew the way.

      Turns out we ended up at a very high wall. Again, I thought "no problem, I can survive the fall and then get them", which I did.

      Then my father said we could stay at this place, ot was a bit of a B&B. I had been angry with him, cause he kept stopping when we should be running. So I got extremely pissed off and told him he was fucking dumb for even thinking we could stay there.

      My mother agreed with him, though, and they were the majority, so we got a room and went to the living room. The owner was serving dinner, which was a plate of rice and beans and it lookes awful.

      My grandma was there too and I once again shouted at my parents, saying that if my grandmother could find us, so could the "bad guys".

      And that was it.
    14. Ripping hits,basement

      by , 10-03-2015 at 12:57 PM
      Me Harrison and one of Harrison's friends were sitting in our basement (on a couch we just threw out a couple days ago) in the school room. My family was preparing for a party and they had been over before. They had come early and we started talking as they pulled out a bong. They ripped it a couple times and I was like "homie we have to spoof that. He said "oh right my bad bro" and started to spoof but not really because I couldn't find the dryer sheet in my room. I knew they were there because I had just seen them the night before. I finally found them and I walked back over to find harrys friend on the couch and Harry about to rip it on the bottom of the stairs. THey were becoming more nervous and I was trying to talk them down. Harry went over to the stairs and started preparing for a rip trying to figure out how to stand for a quick escape. I watched him for a bit then made a suggestion and it was to face the PC and just lean back a little so his reflection wouldnt catch in the picture on the landing. I walked back over (my dad was vacuuming up stiars) and when I made it back to the couch in the school room I noticed the bong and it looked like Disny castle with two of the pillars on the left side smoking. I was taking hits off of rolling cherry's. I then looked at the back door and started when I saw Harry walking in from the park *that was way to quick* I thought. "What happened to bro?" i asked and he just started shaking his head and had a very surprised look on his face of "you dont want to know" I rationalized that he had gone out the storage room door and left it at that. For some reason the smoke didn't smell that bad and I wasnt too worried until I woke up. then I started kicking myself for smoking until I remembered . I was just dreaming. Yes that only happened in a dream!
    15. First DJ

      by , 10-03-2015 at 10:09 AM
      I normally prefer to write down my dreams in a physical DJ, but since I'm taking part in the dreambuddy programme I'll be keeping this DJ. I took some quick notes on my dreams from last night, since I didn't want to write them out fully twice, but that's probably led to some details being lost.

      Dream 1
      I'm on the train platform, waiting for the train to go to my destination.* I board a train, but it is not the correct one. I'm aware of this, but follow the logic of 'atleast it will bring me closer to my destination'. That is until I realise that this is some crappy logic. Simultaneously I'm sitting on a couch in a room, with 2 other people in the room. I have my laptop on my lap and I'm looking up travel information online to help me out on this trip. I also go on Facebook and see a message from one of my friends to another friend on the event page of an event called 'legend...[something]', to congratulate him with his birthday. The event will take place in England. Makes sense, because my friend moved to England.^ Suddenly I feel something in the back of my throat. It turns out to be some leftover breathmint. This is weird... where did it come from?

      *I dream about trains more often and just about always end up boarding the wrong one.
      ^He totally didn't .

      Dream 2
      Right before I went to bed I borrowed my bicycle to a friend of my housemate. Then this dream happened:
      My bicycle is gone somehow. To compensate me, my housemate has bought me a new one. This one is all banged up though and my bike was in good condition. I'm not gonna let this slide.

      Dream 3
      I'm walking around in what seems to be a combination of a library and a hipsterbar. There are books in bins and long brown desks where you can sit and read or work. I'm not sure where I got the info from, but the bar owner has stated that he isn't in it for the money. I don't believe him, due to the fact that he's a millionaire.

      Dream 4
      I'm sitting or laying down. My 1 year old cousin is sitting on my lap, facing me. Suddenly he pukes a small amount of green vomit. Yuck. In the mean time his mom explains to me that I shouldn't wander off too far to the [it was either north or south] side of town, because there are a lot of homosexuals there. Somehow it feels as if I'm in Sweden.