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    1. Dream Journal Day 56: Saturday 29.05.2024

      by , 10-06-2024 at 11:26 AM
      I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was.

      I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside.

      I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here.

      Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more.

      When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling.

      I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter.

      This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...
    2. statue ate their father unknowingly

      by , 09-19-2021 at 05:14 AM
      Two Saturdays ago-I had this nightmare. It starts off with me being in a maze but inside the maze looks to be like the instead of Beast's castle. In the middle of the maze there's what looks like a statue. But it's kind of looks to be a cross between Disney Moana but she's in a Belle-like dress. She says she's cursed and I asked what's the story behind it. And she tells me both her family and a rivial family lived on a pacific island-during one weekend(?) they both have this "pancake" competion. This one time-the "statue's dad go over and the rivial family basically murders him and he turns into something like Moana's shell necklace (The heart of ?). The rivial family then turns the shell necklace into a pancake which the "statue" family (including the statue) eats but when they're "eating it" -what looks like ketchup-(but it's not ketchup) starts to leak out and in a horror sort of way starts to speak. And it speaks for awhile and one of them (the statue?) eats all the "pancakes" but the "ketchup" is still there and is ANGRY and is like a literally circular wave on the plate. But I woke up and didn't go back to sleep again
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. 6 Aug: Flirting with cousin, meeting Nighthawk, exploring backrooms and a tornado

      by , 08-06-2021 at 05:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Surreal family encounter, my cousin is still alive and so happy to see me, our energy is pretty good. We flirt, but we have to hide it from the family, so he starts reading poetry out loud from a book and sending me his messages that way. I understand what he is doing, He mentions he'd like to kiss me.
      Then chaos ensues with an electrical storm. There is a circus passing by and strong winds push everything and everyone in different directions. I end up in a Merry-go-round with Captain Jack Sparrow. I wonder about my cousin left behind, but tell myself I wouldn't mind making out with Johnny Depp either. But he is drunk and misbehaving and things go from bad to worse. Then it's like I am seeing myself through a 3rd person or in a movie and the movie dissects how he was actually sober and a really nice guy and it was me, a mentally ill person who messed up. I feel depressed and go for a walk.
      Then I am near Nighthawks house and decide to go to a place nearby take care of some business. I hope he doesn't see me passing by his door and thinks I am there looking for him. I am walking fast but think I spotted him in the crowd on the street through the corner of my eye. I reach a nearby mall and move through the corridors, reaching an art gallery or museum with several exhibits. I feel this is not what what I came for, so I plan to go back and figure out my way, when Nighthawk surprises me. He is looking dandy, in a light brown corduroy blazer. Asks me what I am doing here, that he saw me passing by and followed me. I say hi and I feel an awkward desire to hug and kiss him. Seems like he does to, but we both hold back. We sit on a bench and I explain what I am doing here and where I am meaning to go, He first offers to come along but suddenly holds my hand and says "We're not going there, we're going to my home" and my heart races. We just get up and walk fast through the crowd holding hands. I kiss his hand. When the crowd gets thicker and we get stuck in the middle of people, I hug him and feel his body hot and sweaty. I am also hot and sweaty. But it isn't off putting, much the contrary. I wonder if I am properly shaved (lol) but in the end I am not really feeling hung up by my insecurities, I am genuinely ready to let go of everything and just spend all day with him making out, making love. I feel beyond thrilled that he is not holding back anything either. But before we go, he stops by some tables where a group of ladies dressed in vintage clothing (like 18th or 19th century) are chatting and drinking tea. He says he was coming to meet them to discuss some film they are collaborating on and he just needs 5 min with them. I also sit and he introduces me. They are so interested in me because of something he says about me. Food is served to the table and they offer me some kind of crunchy bread.

      Again with my family, I think in my paternal grandma's village. It's late evening, it is getting dark. We see a fire in the distance and seems to be in the area of grandma's house. We worry and head there but as we approach, we see it is some other house. It is an historical building, of a large wealthy family and the fire is on the 1st floor. The family is moving in and out and I wonder what they are doing. They are taking the elderly out but the youngest keep going inside trying to put out the fire. Seems confined to that floor for now and they say it is also in one particular room. I manage to go inside to help. they don't allow me to enter the room on fire, but I make it to the next room and spot fire coming through the walls and starting to set an old dresser on fire, so I put it out. Then the owner of the house comes in, seems like this is his bedroom, and asks what am I doing here and to get out. He his a big man, dark skin, hairy, big belly, looks middle eastern. He acts like nothing is going on and he plans to go rest on his bed. Seems they managed to control the fire and the whole family is back to normal. Nobody seems to care about my presence, so I take the longer way out, so I can see the rest of the house, which is amazing. I head down to the basement, they have a wine cellar and 3 guys are there talking. I spot a cat carrying a kitty on her back and comment how cute that is. Then the guys notice me and while one who loves cats smiles and engages with me, the others invite me out, so I finally reach for the door. Outside is daylight already. The guy who fancied me came along and I also join some friends that stood outside waiting for me. We walk through this beautiful romantic city that looks from the 18th century, with incredible parks and iron bridges. The guy that came along is about to go his own way, as he feels he doesn't belong in our group, but I let it slip that I find him cute, so now he looks really distressed and keeps walking with us. He is making me nervous so I ask what is he thinking and he confesses he doesn't want to leave me because he is also attracted to me and doesn't want to blow a chance of something happening between us. But I am not that interested and now I kinda fear him a bit, because he seems like he might just snap and drag me behind some bushes and rape me.
      Then we come across a weird place with colorful tiled hallways forming some kind of maze in a park. In some places the tiles form geometric designs like rectangles within rectangles and they don't feel like just decorative.
      I feel they are portals, so I decide to try and plunge into one. I get inside a large place that feels very much like "the backrooms". Besides this large room, I see openings to other rooms and corridors all covered in these yellow and red tiles. I fear it a little bit but decide to trust my powers that I can just decide to cross any wall to get out. So I risk exploring a bit and find one large room whose floor is inclined and becomes ever more inclined as I go further. At some point I decide to just have a bit of fun falling down that rabbit hole and I take my feet of the ground and base jump. But it seems to go on forever, so when it is getting stressful, I spot a square opening on the diagonal floor/wall to another tiled room a level below. It seems horizontal, a place where I can walk right up again, so I fly in, to go there. Once back to a stable horizontal room, I again cross the wall and get out, exiting to the hallway at the park. I find my friends there, but also a bunch of other people around some lady. She can also open the portals on the walls and she uses the rooms like personal vaults. And she cons people. She claims nobody can go inside or risks getting trapped there forever (except her servants who are stacking boxes in there under her command and control). She claims the boxes are full of some cryptocurrency that these people gave her money for. I say that's not how it works and she is pissed. She tries to send me away but I enter one of the rooms that has the portal open. I crash into the pile of boxes, not sure what I am doing, but I expose they are full of buttons and other small plastic pieces. Her goons come to attack me, but I move faster and I get out of there. Problem is one of my friends that came to the rescue, is in a choke hold by one of the goons and I have to go back to rescue her. We all escape and start running down those tiled hallways. Then a pink tornado forms at the end of the hallway forcing us to go back. The tornado is growing and we decide to jump out of the maze to the park, then we parkour through the cityscape getting closer to the river where we find a retro shopping center encroached on a hill, which confers great protection. There is a bunch of old ladies sitting in park benches outside and we yell that a tornado is coming and they don't get it. They recognize it is a little windy and accept maybe a storm is forming but don't have a clue what a tornado is. We almost have to push them. Once inside, everybody is seeking cover in the innermost areas of the mall and we hunk down against a wall waiting for the tornado to hit.
    4. Bizarre but nice adventure-like dream | [16.05.2021]

      by , 05-16-2021 at 03:23 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Bizarre but nice adventure-like dream
      It starts out on the view of a sort of maze-like structure. It appears to be floating in a pitch-black, destructive void, and only anything within the maze is safe. The colors within are weird, it's like everything you can see is just something like digital edge detection, where only some edges are white or dimly colored, and everything else is just pitch black. The geometry is also unstable, and it appears that sometimes, if you walk into a wall, you just go through it and disappear into the void, so you have to try to just stay on the paths. At some point, I appear to be on a wall, and it's paper-thin, yet unbreakably hard.

      Then I am at a door within the maze, and it's the only part where there is any normal color and geometry. It's blue and decorated with what appears to be runes or some sort of other symbols. It's like the door in Snowdin from Undertale, where one can fight Glyde.

      Then I am there with a friend, and it appears we can find treastures behind it, but there is some danger associated with it. We have a sort of key and as we approach it, a sort of cutscene plays where it just swings open, with only blackness shown behind it. Then we're behind it, and it looks like Waterfall from Undertale, but the layout is totally unrelated. We're walking through lots of water in a narrow and rather linear tunnel, with the colors being the usual from Waterfall: blue-purplish walls, blue water. I'm in a sort of 2D view, and I see that, behind the walls bounding the tunnel, there is only that same void that was outside of the maze. We walk along it, my friend being quite a bit faster than me, and at some point, we find a wooden chest with gold lining and open it.

      Out of it seems to jump some type of items, only one of which I really saw, which was a sort of long, white and modern looking gun. I imagine using it, and it appears that this is now related to Terraria, as I think about fighting a Terraria boss with it. I try to pick it up by walking against it, but it only responds by sliding away, so I try to "press a button" (not sure how or what actually happened when I tried it).

      I don't know if I managed to pick it up in the end, but my friend alarms me of the fact that we might be chased by something. I get really anxious, and my friend responds the same, so we run away towards the maze as fast as possible, now in a 3D view, with things being sort of translated to a Minecraft-like look, along with how I and my friend look. I find that double-pressing "W" makes me run (and gives me an effect sort of like the Hermes boots from Terraria) and I manage to run faster than my friend.

      Wow. That was some great recall. The dream also had a strange feeling associated with it, especially in the dim, empty tunnel. It's like it was too silent, and there was just something wrong or missing, which evoked this scared but interesting feeling.
    5. 16 Mar: Gore nightmares of genocide and demonic possession

      by , 03-16-2021 at 09:05 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some African small village. Some white man is rounding up black and white children to burn them alive. Nobody stops him, as if afraid of the consequences and I don't get it, because all I see is one man. When he lights the fire, I scream in horror and decide it's worth risking my life to fight for the children. I first throw rocks at the guy and hit him in the head. He falls on the ground and I beat the shit out of him, break his arm and try to strangle him. I am really possessed and ripping the guy apart. The villagers use the chance to put out the fire and save the kids. A black female police arrives and asks me to stop beating the guy, so she can take him into custody. Then I am lauded as an hero and invited to some big music event. The band playing sounds a bit like AC/DC. There is then an after party and I come with Riverstone. Someone complains he wasn't invited and I yell at them that he is the reason I am still alive (don't know why).

      At my teenage room at my mom's house, but different, because it is on ground level. Some dude breaks in my window and I think he wants kill me, but then he just grooms me and seduces me and I feel like he wants to abuse me. Riverstone is in the house somewhere and the guy is alerted by the noises of his presence, so I use the opportunity to claim my boyfriend is coming. The guy gives up his intents and prepares to leave, but lets me know that he will return. So I lock and glue the windows shut. (So Riverstone did save me, but in a future dream. Odd.)
      The stalked does not come back to my house, instead he causes a fake fire at my high school, to make everyone come out and then kinda kidnaps me. When he does so, I detach from my own body and see myself as a young blonde teen girl. He says something to her ears and she is bewitched. Next time he comes, she actually is longing for him and she kisses him in front of the school colleagues. Since he is an older man in his 30s, all kids and teachers present react in shock and she looks at them like she couldn't care less and finds them all pitiful. Later she is with teachers and colleagues at a workshop where they have some practical crafting lessons. The creepy guy is there too, at first just like a ghost. He possesses or hypnotizes a teacher that throws himself at a rotating saw, cutting himself in half and splashing blood and guts everywhere. Everyone is horrified and then the guy materializes, looking devilish. Now is obvious to me that he is a demon. He grabs the dead teacher's heart and gives it to the girl for her to eat it. She somehow is now fully naked and covered in blood and everyone else runs away. But I confront him. I want to stop him. And now he wants to kill me. He traps me in some kind of mental maze, the space around me transforms so that I can't get out of it. One room leads to an identical one and he is always there. There is no escaping. At first he just taunts me and I get a knife and slit his throat every time I see him, but he just appears in the next room and the next. Then I try to kill one of his manifestations by stabbing him repeatedly and slitting his throat while repeating like a mantra "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit". I don't know why, because I am a buddhist. He seems to lose some strength and not be able to fight back. Then I kill another one and chop him into pieces and stab and slice each organ including the heart and as a result it opens an horizontal slit on a wall, to escape this place and go back to the "real world". I repeat the prayer even more intensely and feel like I conjure the Holy Spirit as a gush of wind comes through the slit and pushes through the space behind me, as if to blow the demon away from me. Once outside, there is a stairway and as I climb it, I also get the power to multiply into endless manifestations, so I am ready to face the demon if he comes after me. Strangely enough, those manifestations are all dressed up as the Daredevil or some kind of Power Ranger type of suit in dark red and blue tones.
    6. 15 Mar: Environmental talk and a couple festivals at a park

      by , 03-15-2021 at 09:57 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At the grocery store, some lady is messing with some guy over his plastic bags and trying to convince him to switch to cotton bags. I am thinking to myself how that ain't necessarily the best option and remembering a video I've watched about it, but I chose to stay quiet because I am sure I'd just add confusion. But then they start talking about environmentally-friendly options in general and other customers join in the debate. At some point the cashier asks us if anyone has tried Iberdrola or Coopernico as energy providers and I say I am a Coopernico client. Someone else claims Iberdrola is 100% renewable and someone else claims they also have nuclear. I am not sure but I say I think not. I still argue that Coopernico is better because it is a national co-op but no one seems to care much about that.

      I pass by a festival at a park. The actor Diogo Morgado is playing DJ while dressed as Jesus and embarrasses himself. Everybody laughs at him and someone tells him to get a girlfriend. He strangely replies that I am his girlfriend. I say no way and I get out of there and go for a walk. I am told there is a more underground festival going on at a hidden place in this same park. We have to step on some tires piled up against a wall and go through an opening on that wall into a derelict building with a maze of walls. Across corridors with no roof and some small rooms, lots of punks and hippies sell their crafted jewellery and vegan food. Then some creepier stalls where they pierce us with nails. A dude insists that I go through the procedure, I argue I don't have money but he says he borrows me the money and I pay back later. I run away. There is a food court with tables on an open area. I sit with some friendly looking people but a bunch of lesbian activist girls come bully another girl because she ain't activist and they claim she has to and fight for their rights. I don't like their attitude and shout that it is ok for someone not to be an activist if they don't want to, but they ignore me. I get tired of being there, so I go away through the same place I came.

      Evening is falling and I decide to just go for a walk in a quiet place of the park. There are big beautiful trees and no people. Until I spot a dude acting suspiciously, following me from afar. I decide to levitate to a height he can't get me. He tries to reach me by jumping and then he climbs to some kind of terraced building to be at my level and I find his attempt funny, because he is basically stuck there. But I get closer to ask him what he wants from me. He says he just wants to talk. Says he sent me a work related email back in September and he never got my reply. I say I am sorry but surely I never got it or I would have replied. Ask him why he didn't try again or called. Tell him to resend it that I will reply on same day. He is pleased and goes away.
    7. January 22, 2020 Non-lucid

      by , 01-23-2020 at 05:01 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream was in my town. I was with Moo and we were walking to his place. I believe it was raining, we decided we were going to cut through this giant house that was my older sister's and her boyfriend. The house was expansive. I looked up when we walked in the front and saw several staircases and paths leading above to different floors, it almost looked like a 3D maze. Her boyfriend was talking to us about something, he mentioned we had dug up something outside and we told him we had dug up an old gaming system. There was a TV in the kitchen with animal crossing or some other cartoon game playing. I look over at a door and there's a dog door with our family dog Boru laying through it looking at us, I called his name and was really excited to see him. Something about sauce and toss too, Robert was there at some point too.
    8. July 3, 2018 Non-Lucid and relating it to a real life event

      by , 07-03-2018 at 07:03 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm at what I think is my river house. My friends are all with me and it seems like the weekend is ending or just beginning. It's dark outside, darker than normal nighttime in dreams. I know Kylie and Moo are there, as well as Bahar. Sam is there too. We are there at my river house, there are several houses there too, we're scattered. I'm trying to get us to leave. I'm not sure how to explain it, but there are times when a dream just feels evil, like something evil is there and it's a nightmare. Usually, I would enjoy being in this fun place with my friends, but the dream was dark. Outside is a maze made of tall green bushes. I run down a corridor and stop abruptly. Blocking the path is the evil in the dream. To me, it looked sort of like a small pink or white doll standing in my path. The dream comes to a climax and ending when I realize this is the evil in the dream. I have another realization. I wake up in my bed around 4am. This one thought keeps pinging in my mind. I believe that I had been possessed a long time ago at some point in my life by something. What scared me the most is that possession doesn't have to necessarily be dramatic with crazy actions. I was wondering if it was possible if possession can be subtle, at some point something takes over and you just never really realize it.

      In my real life I had a similar situation. I was at my river house, but this time I was alone. I had gone there after traveling a great deal in order to relax and get away. The first thing I had noticed was the creepy noises my house made. Lying in bed on my first night, it sounded like a chainsaw was way in the distance but gradually getting closer. It also sounded as though someone was standing outside of the closed door trying to push it open without turning the knob. When I was hearing those noises, the look the pizza guy had given me earlier that night started to creep back into my mind.

      The next day, I decided to buy some beer from the local gas station and chill out for the day. After catching one of the world cup soccer games, I decided to walk down to the river. We had a very small beach so I sat there in a beach chair reading a book. It started to get late so I packed up and headed back to the house, realizing I had my bag from a music festival I had just recently attended. In the bag was a brownie which I ate. For a while I was sitting in the living room waiting for something to happen.

      The next morning, I woke up utterly confused in bed. The lights were on, I was fully clothed, and the door was locked. After thinking about the dream I had just woke up from, an eerie feeling fell over me. Something seemed very wrong. Another terrible feeling came upon me, and that was the realization that I was going to be stuck at least 30 minutes in this place cleaning up. I immediately got up and started packing my stuff. A friend of mine had texted me asking if everything was okay since I had called a few times that previous night. That feeling like something was wrong kept hitting me, so I rushed about the house cleaning up as fast as I could. I realized there was some stuff I needed to clean up outside so I bolted out into the front yard. As I was tidying up, it felt like something from inside the house was watching me.

      Going back inside, I felt like I was really being watched. I kept my head down, going room to room cleaning up what was dirty or moved. Finally, everything was the way it was supposed to be. Pulling away, I started to think about what had occurred that previous night. A few things really stuck out to me.

      First, the remote to the TV was next to my bed side when I had woken up. The TV is in living room where I had been. Second, I remember something being there with me. My family always thought it was possible that the river house was haunted, but I truly thought something was with me. Another thing I remember is that those evil things were trying to take the house over and ultimately they had succeeded. It's possible the reason I went into my room was because I had ran and hid from what I thought was there. Ultimately, there was thought or sight or experience that night that truly freaked me out but I can't precisely put my finger on it.

      Updated 07-03-2018 at 07:09 PM by 59595

      Tags: evil, house, maze, river
    9. Reverse Transition in Liminal Space

      by , 04-16-2018 at 08:09 AM
      Morning of April 16, 2018. Monday.

      (When water induction subsides and my non-lucid dream self is left wandering in liminal space, subliminally attempting to gather threads of my conscious self identity in the waking transition.)

      My dream starts out on a public beach, yet at no point am I aware of the ocean. Apparently, Zsuzsanna and our children as they appear now are present, but I am eventually most aware of our youngest son being nearby.

      I come to understand that many children had lost their toys in the long stretch of beach sand. Here and there, I dig and I find mostly Lego; a lot of small bricks and a large one at times. I know that our youngest son will want some of them. There are also other parts found from older Lego kits, including plastic Lego figures. The sensation of digging with my hands is very realistic and vivid.

      (When my non-lucid dream self is still wandering about in liminal space and reaches an autosymbolic form relating to neural gating and the subliminal enigma of being between sleeping and waking.)

      I eventually reach a small square area on the beach that looks like some sort of ambiguous utility structure. It is somewhat like a small transformer station. Inside, on the ground, though there are a couple very small concrete partial floor sections, there are a few Lego platforms that have simple maze features and look as if they were designed to make a miniature maze by putting the platforms together as well as add separate smaller features over the connected platforms. These other pieces are mostly flat, but with sparse raised patterns (though raised less that a quarter of an inch) that imply part of a simple maze. I consider that our youngest son might enjoy them and I take them to put aside as well. I have a large plastic bag to put all the pieces in.

      (When atypical neural gating closes off more of my conscious self identity after being at this structure, the maze implying the potential return to dreamless sleep in this case, as I have not yet begun waking ascension.)

      Without paying any attention to the change of setting, I am soon digging in the wooden floor, though which is still somewhat like digging in beach sand, of the hall of the second storey of the King Street boarding house (where I have not lived since 1990), rendered as having a searchable essence as in a number of other recent dreams. At this point, even though my current conscious self identity was mostly extant at the beginning of my dream, I am now slipping back into a reversed timeline, where I do not realize I am in the “wrong” setting - and my current conscious self’s memory is now far less viable. Instead of Lego, which is autosymbolism for gathering and constructing my thoughts and identity, and to remember I have a young son, I lose that focus entirely and am now finding stones of an interesting appearance.

      Leonard S comes up to see me, though remains at the opposite end of the hall. He seems cheerful and is going to get some additional stones from downstairs. Meanwhile, the King Street landlady comes up to see what is going on and seems somewhat annoyed. She remains standing at the opposite end of the hall from me as well.

      (When my dream again subliminally focuses on the waking goal, and fails to initiate conscious self identity.)

      Eventually, I find a large magnetic object near a fictional window on my end of the hall. (In real life, there was not a window in this location, my dream falsely implying the end of that area of the house, but the door to Leonard’s room as well as a smaller hall perpendicularly leading to the right and the left open to a staircase to the downstairs area.) It is not a stone but some sort of unusual ovular (though irregular) magnetic object with at least three large flat magnets arranged around its surface. They are somewhat like oversized refrigerator magnets. Each magnet features a scene from “101 Dalmatians” from 1961. One magnet features dalmatians, including Pongo and Perdita, the others, the human cartoon characters Roger and Anita.

      A similar object is nearby. I consider that the objects are meant to be placed together. However, when I touch them together all the flat magnets fall off from each. I start talking about this event to an unfamiliar cheerful male who is now suddenly sitting in the window. I try it again, after placing the magnets back on, but they fall off again. I am trying to understand if this is “right” or not, but the unlikely scene and erroneous magnetism does not trigger lucid awareness.

      The personified preconscious atypically takes on the essence of reinduction (as with the personified unconscious but of which is most often female) and sits in a low-set window rather than standing by or within a doorway, its usual habitat. The magnets did not continue to stick when the two objects were joined, being autosymbolic of the failure of the conscious self to fully initiate (the window otherwise implying the potential exit point for this dream).

      To summarize dream specifics: Water (no longer present in this atypical dream sequence) subsiding from liminal space as the very common (since early childhood) tidal analogy of waking autosymbolism. Seeking to gather current waking life identity. Small transformer station as autosymbolism for RAS (Reticular Activating System). My dream self finds curiosity in the maze-like neural gating potential of the dream state and becomes distracted. Trading one liminal space for another (beach to hall). Personification of neural gating at dream’s outcome, which very atypically represents reinduction rather than waking.

    10. maze

      by , 06-14-2017 at 06:09 PM
      About two weeks ago I had a dream that I was running though a maze. Except it was more like an episode of hoarders, things were stacked up to the roof and literally everything was covered in junk. There was a girl with me, running, we were trying to get away from someone. "Keep running we have to get away!" I kept telling her, we have to keep going or he will catch us. She stumbles often but we keep going, then we come across a couple. And by couple I mean these two individuals were really getting at it. It was hard to tell where their faces separated and whose hands belonged to whom. The female of the pair we came across was completely absorbed, it was if she didn't even see us. The male however saw me, "What are you doing here? Can't you see we're busy?" I was more than shocked that the d/c would even notice me let alone be angry that I happened to spot them, "I uh, sorry I didn't realize."said the girl behind me. I, however was not amused, what was said next was something more along the lines of "Wouldn't you rather it be me you're pressed against," or something sexually enticing. The dream character chuckled and next thing you know we're dancing (super weird), twirling around in the bright lights and he reaches down and kisses me. Que the stomach butterflies and then I wake up.
    11. Malice in Wanderland

      by , 06-07-2017 at 07:15 AM
      Morning of June 7. 2017. Wednesday.

      The first main scene of my dream involves going to a very large unfamiliar post office, though there is the common indoors-outdoors ambiguity. There are a number of rows of post office boxes and drawers, though no interior walls or discernible building features. It seems to be late morning. The sky is overhead; no ceiling implied for the “post office”. It is somewhat like a simple maze in the last part of this scene. I see a group of about six police officers between two rows. In another area, there is an unfamiliar male in black appearing with a gun, though he is not a direct threat to me. Still, I do not want to be near him or the people he aims at from time to time. From an unrealistic distance, I am still able to read a yellow strip of writing below one post office drawer (in about the middle of the feature) that has something to do with needing a special code as well as the key in order to open it. It seems related to a business. I have a curiosity over what might be in the drawers, though I also consider there might not be anything.

      Several unknown males join me as I move around the rows of post office boxes to be out of the viewpoint of the man with the gun. He is not after us specifically but I consider that he may not want any witnesses regarding his activity towards others. He does not fire the gun at any point.

      Eventually, I leave the area and find myself in an unknown neighborhood. A young version of Zsuzsanna is to my right (though I am seemingly much younger as well, perhaps only about twenty). It is as if we have only been together for a short time. Walking ahead of us and to our left is a thin female with short and curly gray hair. She is unfamiliar and seems at least sixty years of age. She is wearing light-colored slacks and a blouse. She is carrying a large black-and-white cat on her right shoulder (which I assume to be male).

      Suddenly, there is some sort of change where Zsuzsanna is now somehow sitting on the lady’s right shoulder and I find myself carrying the large cat near my left shoulder. The old woman somehow caused this because she wants us to have a meal with her at her house and talks to us about this. Her cat was also apparently becoming difficult for her to control, which is why I am now holding it. I am holding it up and out with both hands and it struggles a bit but does not get away.

      We reach the area where she lives. She has one neighbor (also an older lady) to our right. The chicken-wire fence is lying on the ground, rolled out to where one must walk on it to get to another gate where there is a small enclosed garden area (which is about the same size in area as our bed and probably a real-time play on “garden bed” as a dream sign). It almost seems like it rolls out automatically (somewhat like an irregular carpet) by the will of the person going to the old woman’s house. I do not really feel like walking on wire mesh, so I hover slightly above it and slowly fly mostly in a vertical position to the enclosed garden area.

      Zsuzsanna, being already behind the first gate, is partly lying on her right side on the ground near the right internal corner of the garden fence, holding herself up with her arm. There is soon distorted imagery to where a couple large blades of tall grass partly block my view of her face, but this seems like some sort of “story” related to “Alice in Wonderland”. The old woman talks about a man who tends to her garden, but this becomes like a dream within a dream. The man is also seemingly playing a televised role, dressed as a farmer or a minimal clown as a farmer, but being called a “demon” in describing what he is doing in tending her garden and also having unusual snakes on display to the public. I consider if he feels odd about being called a “demon”, as they do not exist and there is nothing threatening or negative about his persona or activities. He seems to tolerate this in playing a role in a television show. He holds up a couple different snakes that he has cared for. One has a catlike head. The other has a black head on a light brown body but the head of which is like a miniature shark. There are no negative emotions of any kind in seeing this impossible imagery.

      Dreams do not really have “interpretations” in the naïve popular usage of the term but they often do have layers of meaning, primarily based on real-time levels of consciousness which may or may not relate more directly to the present conscious self status.

      There is a preconscious precursor here. Although he has a gun, it does not create enough of a sense of danger to activate the waking mechanism, which is a major function of dreams (though not the only function as some “experts” claim). The simple maze relates to finding specific threads of my conscious self identity for my temporary fictional dream self to find its way to the waking threshold. The post office probably has two underlying meanings, real-time communication between different levels of the self while not fully awake, and possible links to the collective unconscious (or even collective conscious). It may also relate to precognitive threads with someone the dreamer is not yet in communication with (and may not be for years), something I validated from childhood dreams relating to my “mystery girl” (Zsuzsanna).

      The dark cat represents a real-time factor of being asleep (and often represents an aspect of liminal space), as cats are known for sleeping a lot (as well as being active at night when people sleep).

      The personified preconscious takes on the form of an older woman carrying her cat. Her giving it to me relates to activating my emergent consciousness precursor. “Beyond the fence” is a metaphor for a shift in consciousness while in the dream state. The first fence is on its side because, in reality, I am lying down (sleeping) instead of being awake and standing up (thus it is a second-level dream sign). I often hover or fly very well and effortlessly in the final stage of a dream and without giving it much thought (which relates to lessening the hypnopompic jerk and waking more softly as it is premonitory of the biological falling sensation). My emergent consciousness (as a projection as the gardener with the snakes in some sort of skewed television role) is illogically called a “demon”, but in a very matter-of-fact sense, with no associations with negativity of any kind. This probably relates to my status of being in a world full of superstitious people who have little or no understanding of the dream state. The imagery, though slightly grotesque (primarily the snake with a black miniature shark head, which is a “less water” factor of which has continuously occurred in my dreams on a day to day basis for over fifty years and is both biological and symbolic on a number of levels) has no effect on my perception or emotions, just as with hypnagogia visuals (though this becomes more of a hypnopompic state). I wake very slowly and softly, with no physical hypnopompic effects.
    12. SMYM - lucid 2017 DJ #26 LD #19

      by , 01-31-2017 at 09:01 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I RC and I'm realise I'm dreaming! I attempt to fly to my solar system, but the sky is the limit. :bangshead: The sky says in clouds "SMYM" It stands for "show me your moves" but I only picked up on that when I awoke. I then had a bit of a lucid nightmare in a maze, but I woke up in time.
      lucid , nightmare
    13. LD 88 - Stepping into a painting/spaceship

      by , 01-27-2017 at 01:25 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I was adjusting my sleep and got lucid during a nap. Another personal goal attempt. I should keep count. Would be interesting to know how many times I had to try before I succeeded.

      I'm with old friends on a trip to some far corners of Finland. We stop at some gas station that's selling all sort of stuff. There's a circular, wooden hot tub on sale. The thing is 10 cm deep and 50 cm across. I can hold it in my hand. I think my whole party of 6-8 people can fit in it easily, so it's size is a bit paradoxical. The tub has vihtas and a sauna stove. I buy the tub.

      I go back to my friends. They are in sauna, so I join them. It's not too hot. I tell them of my purchase. They like it. The sauna has rows of bunk beds with blue covers and my friends are resting on them while enjoying the heat.

      After sauna, people get dressed and get ready to sleep. I chat with some of the girls, when a small hand movement turns back time. "It was 1am and now it's 9pm!" I exclaim loudly as I look at the nearest person. It's Hanna. We are outside the gas station again. I go to her and say "I turned back time!" I look at the nearest clock and slightly move my hand. Time moves forward and back without effort. I stop at 9 pm and become lucid. The first thought on my mind is sex, unfortunately. I get close with Hanna, but I manage to drag myself away from her. It might be too late, I feel being excited in waking life. It might pull me away from the dream. Sure enough, visuals are instantly gone as I focused on waking life. I stay calm. Even without visuals, I know the dream is around me. I have to focus on seeing something in the dream. I choose Hanna's pants. Old blue shorts with a thin white stripe. Nice, I'm back. Time to go.

      I want to try my personal goal again. I fall into my old plan and search for a doorway there. I want to believe the dream can show me the way, so I just walk away from the station. The road turns into a field of flowers. Visuals become a little weird. The ground is tilted 20 degrees, but I feel like I'm walking on a flat surface. I find a white wall with flowers painted on it. There's a small square shaped wooden door with a flower shape carved on it. I would have to crawl through it in waking life, but here I just open it and step through. First there's nothing but white on the other side. I keep hoping to find the way to the frozen planet, but this doesn't appear to be white snow. Details appear. Odd looking, wonky, white corridors in every direction. I'm in a maze. "No worries, this is the alien spaceship. I'm closer to the frozen planet. This will work." I think optimistically.

      I look for a path going up, trying to find the bridge, but I fail. The white corridors have crudely drawn symbols at crossing paths: heart, club, spade and diamond symbols. Looks like someone used colored pencils to draw this world. But it gets weirder. Twitch emotes live here. They bounce around in small clouds and some of them merge together. For some reason the army of emotes scares me. I remember another dreamer suggesting laughing when scared, so I do that. Laughing appears to do nothing. I end up on a dance floor full of these emotes and I'm attacked by hundreds of vampiric Kappa faces that have merged together.
      I wake up.
    14. Edge Jumper DILD

      by , 10-18-2016 at 04:46 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am at my job's dock and it looks quite disorted from how it is suppose to look in waking life. I see some people I know talking on the top deck and notice someone trying to wake me up from the bed I was lying down on. Which is wierd...considering I am at work currently. He telling me to get up cause he wants to know who I like more and if this so and so is true about him. I get up and look at him and see what he and the other were argueing about. I decided I'm not interested and leap off the bed to go to no where land. But before I do this I notice a car that is very out of place and I could've sworn I seen it move on it's own.

      I sharpen my sight by clenching my eyes real tight to see if there was a driver in there. There was no driver. So I got my hanbds on to the front of this car and notice that it felt extremely light. Light weighted enough that I could move it with my bare hands. I push the car back in to it's right parking spot and didn't think much of it. Soon after I see this woman with redish brown hair darts over to where I am at with a face that looks to be in a hurry. I walk pass her and tell her I got your car back in to the right position. She looks at me and says yeah and I decided to ocntinue walking up to the deck. I sepnd some time up there with the guys before heading back down to get some rest back in the odd bed that is still there. Which I didn't seem to mind sleeping on, outside with everyone watching me.

      As I fell asleep in the dream, the scene to where it was my brother and I in this tight nit hallway with those old fashion lights that told you it could go out at anytime. My brother and I were running from this girl with a weird object in here hand. But he and I both assume that if we were hit by that thing or caught by her, it was all over. So we kept running through this maze like hallway hoping to find an end in sight somewhere. But soon we kept finding dead ends and we could hear her shoes racing through the solid concrete floor. That's when I pulled out a hero move and told my brother to go on as I fend her off myself. For some reason my brother didn't say, "no I can't do this without you". He had no problem ditching me and ran off in to the dark to where he'll be eaten hopefully. He's a cool person but his dream self is not. I am eventually greeted by her presence as she tries to attack me.

      I dodge and made a left hopeing she didn't hear my breathing. She turns and comes toward my direction as I held my back closely to the front door. I could hear here steps coming closer intill I was face to face with this person. I raise my hand up as it was at this time I became lucid. I wanted to shake her hand and we did. I continue to explore the area as it look like an abandon prison station. I would then have a false awakening but soon made myself really wake up.
    15. 27/09/2016

      by , 09-27-2016 at 07:53 PM
      I dreamt i was in a hostel. Then i moved to another hostel. We had to pay for it.

      Then i was with family, in the night, in the countryside probably, or a town. Probably Daniel's house, my uncle. We were hanging in the street. Eri asked me about Mike, the librarian, she told me that he was a nice person. But i actually disagreed with her, she didn't know him too much. Nor did i, but i spent about 8 years in school with him, so i had an idea, and i didn't like him too much at the last 6 years. I think i chose not to answer, or said something to not give an answer. At that moment there was lack of ice for drinks, and Daniel with Analia were going out to the city probably, in car. So i went with them.

      Daniel had a car, and he knew how to drive. We were in fact in the countryside. We headed to a field and a house Daniel purchased some kilometers away. It was tranquil that place, there was nothing nearby. Only thing i saw gas pipes so i wondered if that ever was going to explode or why it was like that, and how long would it be like that. Also i saw that because of the sky, how it looked, it probably was 4:30AM, about 2 hours for dawn. We enter the field and outside the house was lidia to welcome us. She handed us ice, and we left it there. We got inside the house, and went to the backyard. There was another house. We entered and i thought it was like a maze, i almost got lost. I went to the backyard of that house and then i had the option to either become lucid, realize i got lost and fly around, or to go back, not get lost and help my uncles with whatever duties they had. So i went back inside and i found them in the kitchen. They were working with the walls. They had to sell the house but first they had to restore it. I thought, well i didn't knew this, i didn't know that i was going to spend such a long time, but it's done... so i will help. So i started to work as well. Then i woke up, about at 10 am. Having slept 8 hours.
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