• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Fight- physical and psychical.

      by , 07-25-2015 at 11:52 PM
      I was in the city, where I stood on the bus station. It was night. Lights were shining brightly. Then I saw some fighters attacking the city. People went into panic mode. I observed them for a moment and then I flew fast up into sky. I shot down attacking fighters by bolts of orange plasma emerging from my hands. Then I made aerobatic maneuvers and shot more and more fighters till no fighters remained on the sky... After that I flew down to the buss station and created a big red sofa out of thin air. I sat down and observed people... and things around me. I relaxed and let my thoughts disappear. The stars were shining... and I felt the peace. I sat there for some while, then I stood and dismissed the existence of sofa(it vanished)... then I started to walk away.
      Suddenly I felt that someone caught my right hand. I froze in midstep and turned. It was my long lost friend. She took also my other hand. I felt emotions inside... Both- joyful and dismissive at the same time... I let my emotions to evaporate into nothingness and started to turn away and at the same time I tried to free my hands from hers to walk away. But she held me fast and told me: "Look, I'm sorry what I have done and what I'm doing but I'll need you still. Please don't walk away..." I stood quiet for short time... I let her to hold my hand and we went together on my way to observe the surrounding, around river.

      This LD ended soon after we started walking on bank of river.
      First part of dream was more or less peaceful with nice meditation on the sofa, second part was very emotional at first but then I calmed down and the peace returned.
      Flying was very funny, I never felt to be in danger. I was the raptor in human body, fighters were my prey.
      Creating the sofa was interesting. I only thought what I wanted. I almost never manage such feat.

      Updated 08-12-2015 at 06:46 PM by 66278

      Tags: wild
    2. My First Lucid Dream

      by , 07-25-2015 at 07:34 PM
      After trying to lucid dream for the past two weeks, I finally had a lucid dream where I was able to maintain lucidity. I woke up at sunrise this morning (as I normally do), checked the clock, and went back to sleep because it was Saturday and I could sleep in .

      I went back to sleep with the intention of lucid dreaming. I lied down, completely relaxed, imagining myself literally "falling" into my dream world. Gradually, I noticed that my body could no longer feel itself. And then I lost consciousness; this was the beginning of my first lucid dream.

      The Dream

      I found myself walking with my classmates outside on a warm rainy day. A friend of mine (a dream character who exists only in that dream) was shielding me from the downpours with his large umbrella as we walked outside on a school field trip. We walked leisurely in the rainy park for a bit before it stopped raining. As my friend closed his umbrella, I looked at his wristwatch and saw that it said 4:00 PM. It was then that I realized that I was dreaming. No. This can't be real. I went to sleep at 12:00 AM this morning and there was no way that I could have slept this many hours.

      Normally, when I find myself to be dreaming, I would instantly wake up, but this time was different. I noticed that my consciousness and awareness increased but I did not let myself become fully conscious. I find myself in a state of consciousness between wakefulness and REM sleep. It was then when I felt the sensation of lucid dreaming for the first time.

      In the dream, this sensation translated to a drunken dizziness that I had to struggle against. The colors and the sensations of the dreamscape were slowly dissolving into an unconscious sleep as I fought to keep my eyelids open. I mentally held on to the colors, sounds, and the sensations of the dreamscape around me. And, in a "Eureka" moment, it just clicked: I was completely lucid! I was able to see the colorful dreamscape clearly with perfect vision. I was able see my reflection and the reflections of the surrounding Romanesque architecture, the clouds, and the blue sky in the puddles on brick roadway. I was even able to smell my synthetic jacket against the backdrop of the petrichor of the summer rain. I was finally able to hold on to and experience lucidity in a dream.

      The dream continued for another hour or so. It was a fairly mundane dream in very peaceful settings but it was exciting nonetheless. I drifted in and out of lucidity throughout the rest of the dream. I focused on my body and my environment whenever I started to drift out of lucidity. I recall walking around a lake in a beautiful park where humans and animals were enjoying the scenery together. I walked around the town in my dreamscape and visited a bakery. I took out my phone and decided to prank-call the cops but decided against it (because it was starting to feel almost too real to be a dream at this point). Instead, I prank-called my brother and left a silly message. Then I found myself at home, sitting at a desk next to my brother. Just to be ridiculous, I asked him, "Am I dreaming?" He rolled his eyes and sarcastically replied, "What have you been smoking?" At this point, not only did I completely lose lucidity, but I lost awareness of the dream.


      Dream signs: clocks, watches, imaginary animals, anachronisms
      Do's: Focus on the body and sensations in the dream, colors, smells, tastes, food, surroundings
      Don'ts: Ask someone whether I'm in a dream; Try too hard to conjure up of places and things that don't exist

      Updated 07-26-2015 at 12:27 AM by 88406

    3. (#229) Midget Captian, My own Fan Club(s)?

      by , 07-25-2015 at 06:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      All of this actually took place in a Wake Back To Bed. I had another non-lucid dream before this, but all of its content is lost to me now. I only vaguely remember something having to do with Marcus saying something about math. I recall waking up at around 6:30. I woke up from this dream at 8:00 so I guess that was my last sleep cycle.

      I was at a country resturant, eating out with an old guy in a ship captain outfit. He was really short with this big beard and all of these curls coming out of it. I remember thinking, even as I was talking to him that he reminded me of the captian crunch mascot. He even had the big hat.

      I remember he had this monocle or sighter device over one eye, kind of like an eye-patch with three lenses that would rotate depending upon what distance whatever he was looking at was.

      I can't remembered what we had ordered/were eating. The food was fairly good though.

      I held the expectation that he would be an unpleasant character, but he was actually extremely nice and had interesting stories to tell involving giant space monsters and the likes. (Yeah, giant space monsters. Turned out he wasn't a boat captian, but rather he had a spaceship that looked like a boat like the ships from Treasure Planet.) He had his quirks though. I told him some of my stories too.

      I remember I told him I had to leave because I had to go to my taekwondo class. I walked out of the restaurant and found I was in the hardware store near my friend S's house. But the one big hardware store had been replaced with several smaller stores. One of them being the country restaurant.

      I went to the taekwondo studio that turned out to be in a grocery store. We decided to practice by the freezer section since there was a lot of open space, and the freezers would help to keep us cool if we got too hot and sweaty.

      Everyone lined up. Right before my taekwondo master started class, he decided instead that I should teach. (Something that happens quite often in real life). He then told me that when I taught I had to remember something:

      "When is a number just a number, and when does it mean more? What does the number 9 mean to you? Also, try the fried chicken. It's good."

      I had a false memory of him saying this before and it being some kind of trick question. I tried to remember what the correct answer was.

      He then opened the freezer door and walked into a big pile of boxes of frozen fried chicken and disappeared. I tried to follow him in. I thought I found him but all I found was his disembodied floating head. He smiled at me then receded behind some boxes.


      I had finished teaching class without anything interesting or memorable happening. I had to head home. It was a beautiful summer night. I started to walk toward my friend S's house. In the dream, I was living in his house because my house had met with some kind of disaster.

      I walked a good distance and remembered that I had left my wallet at the country restaurant. I turned and started to walk back. I walked into a flickering streetlight and saw something move. I wished I'd had my hidden blade gauntlets because I thought it might be a criminal or something.
      I then looked at my wrists and realized I DID. Knowing it was a dream, I locked the blades out and advanced on the threat ready for a fight.

      It came into the picture. It was just a small, skinny, feral black cat. It hissed at me. I locked the blades back in and realized it was no threat. The cat calmed down and walked into the light, where it proceeded to begin rolling on the concrete and purring loudly. I gently petted the cat for a minute then
      (partial lucidity talking here.) realized I still needed to go back and get my wallet.

      I headed back into the hardware store. I opened the door to the country restaurant and...

      Spoiler for NSFW:

      I tried to go back outside but instead find myself in another room. The entire room looks like a large square sauna with mats all along the edges. There are four big square pots filled with bamboo in each corner. There is a step or terrace all along the wall with mats layed out it. There is a back door that is well hidden in the motif of the wall, but I can see it there.

      Three more girls approach me in the same kind of formation, but they're actually wearing clothes this time. What they are wearing actually looked like a version of Manei's tribe outfit, only white with blue details. Or at least two of them were. She too had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked like a younger version of the girl who's boobs I had removed a minute ago.

      The one on the right was very short and had buzz-cut hair. She couldn't have been more than 13 or 14. The one on the left was short, but she looked much different. She had black hair and green eyes.

      "Hi, we're your fan club. I'm the president." Said the tall one.

      "What are all those other people out there?"

      "They're your other fan club. We are better because we celebrate you for your philosophy and beliefs. They only celebrate you for... well... other reasons. "

      The black haired girl got cheery and said she wanted to show me something. She pulled out these paintings she had made of me on parchment. They were really good. All of them had chinese/japanese/koren characters on them. I asked myself for a moment why dreams seem to associate me so closely with oriental culture.

      I then rememeber while we were along the back wall someone opened the not-so-secret door. It was another blonde haired blue eyed girl. She had some black hair in her hand.

      "I have some of your hair." *giggles*

      She slowly receded back into the shadowy room that lay beyond and slowly closed the door.

      "Okay, you're not creepy at all..."

      The short haired girl came over to me and started tugging on my arm. She was much shorter than me, to the point where I had to get down on my knee to look her in the face.

      "If eyes are windows into the soul, then what do I see in yours?" She asked.

      I was about to say something back and I woke up.

      Spoiler for Long Side Notes:
    4. Part Business Owner (25.7.15)

      by , 07-25-2015 at 01:29 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Part Business Owner
      I'm part owner in a new business. It's a aquatic centre/swimming pools/store/restaurant. Once it opens, people start flocking in. Im part owner with Trev Renson. My family and relatives have rocked up and are having dinner. I try to wave my brother over to me but I can't get his attention. I go over there and have dinner, as I don't want to be rude. I eat some meat. I hear someone say something about eating. I tell Lois and someone else that I have to go back to work. I go back to the area that is like office works. Im making sure stock is placed correctly in its spot. I see Trev and he ignores me. Eventually he talks to me and his not happy after I explain what happened about dinner.
      Tags: friends
    5. Diagramless

      by , 07-25-2015 at 11:19 AM
      Morning of July 25, 2015. Saturday.

      I had a very bland dream of looking at an unsolved diagramless crossword puzzle (which I had never been a fan of though had solved a few in my life). It does not seem to have been worked on correctly, as there are no symmetrical or mirrored aspects anywhere - the black squares seem all random. More oddly, no words have been filled in, which you would have to at least know some of to begin the implied pattern. I am not sure where the puzzle came from or who had been working on it.

      It is possible that this dream was only a surfacing memory with in-dream distortion relating to when my older sister Marilyn gave me all of her puzzle books (including ones with pages of diagramless puzzles) going back to the 1950s and which I no longer possess (I wanted them to be in her house again, though they were probably discarded when she passed on). It could also relate to my view of society as somewhat random and not very organized or responding correctly to clues or other information, including the nature of authority and government.
    6. Satying at friends house, traitors

      by , 07-25-2015 at 09:47 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was staying for some time at my friends house, a small building. Inside it was cluttered with silverware, clothes, furniture and other stuff. For whole week we were playing HoMM3 on his laptop. One evening we were preparing to go for a mass. For this whole time, foster parents of my friend were rude and mean to us.

      It was like three hours before the mass. I wanted to go jogging, so I said them that I need to do something in a city. They told me that if I don't go to the mass, they'll beat me black and blue. When going down the stairs, I met two men in grey suit. I asked "Are you the bailiff?" He replied "Yes, I am." and entered the house.

      It was dark night, one hour to mass. I was just running on the sidewalk. I saw that a girl was running from the other side. I decided to turn around, and run in opposite direction. When I ran back to friends house, it was early morning, long after the mass. Their house was a burning ruin. I saw my mother helping my friend. She got hurt, and I had to help her.

      Second dream - fragment

      I was a black man with dark hair, wearing purple suit. I was a footballer, and had friends in the sports league. One day, we had a horrible argue. I drove away from the sports hall to a house in the countryside. Week later I was back at the hall, sneaking inside. The only things inside were lockers, showers and benches. I sneaked like a master thief, and saw that they have planned everything to get rid off me.
    7. Night of 7/24/2015

      by , 07-25-2015 at 04:42 AM
      1. Pulling out Plants (HI)
      I was in my garden pulling out weeds. At one point, mom was pulling out a desirable plant (which doesn't exist IRL and had straight roots) on the left edge on the left bed, shaking off some of the dirt, and was going to put in in a plastic bag.

      2. Speeding
      I was in the van with mom. We were in an unknown area, apparently on a shopping trip, and possibly going home. Even though we were driving on store streets, a few times, mom accelerated to a very fast pace. I grabbed onto things because of the extremely fast acceleration (more than the van accelerates in real life). At one time, mom actually managed to max out the speedometer. I didn't feel the acceleration, though. It also didn't look like we were going 100+ at the times the speedometer said so. Mom never got onto the main road in the dream. Some car details were different.

      I had other dreams, but lost them.

      Updated 07-25-2015 at 05:01 AM by 88388

      non-lucid , side notes
    8. Faithful

      by , 07-25-2015 at 03:11 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #456- DILD - 4:49AM

      Hell. Why not? A lucid is a lucid. I have had vivid dreams all week and last night was no exception, but I'll be very brief.

      I had a very long dream segment were an alien shape-shifting life form wanted to have sex with me and promised to be any woman I so desired. I visualized several very sexy women and the alien obliged me, but I ended just wanting to just be with my wife. I then had two false awakenings were I was trying to "get it" with my wife, but all sorts of crazy things kept interrupting us. I eventually had to go to work and while I was staring at a blueprint, trying to solve a problem with a cable, I became very introspective and suddenly got lucid. The dream instantly began to fade and I spent a couple fuitless moments in the bardo trying to salvage the dream.
      Tags: alien, dild, sex, wife, work
    9. Day 10

      by , 07-24-2015 at 01:29 PM
      I didn't post Day 9 because I had nothing to post; there were no dreams that I could remember. I feel like today in the morning when I was remembering these dreams I was having them, or else it was like I was dreaming JUST before I woke up because they were pretty vivid. There are some parts I am not aware of however.

      I had about 2 dreams I could remember, here is the first; the second is very short but it was longer I just couldn't remember the rest:

      I was walking the streets of NYC with my mother, it was around sun down and getting sort of dark. We went down in a subway station I assume to try to go home ,but I was never tld where my destination was. When we went down into the station, I saw this girl I had a huge crush on standing there with one of her friends. She had on a red jacket and a silver hat that looked like it was made of tinfoil. I wasn't close friends with her friend who was there, but my mom kept asking her friend (who was a guy) to come over and have a sleepover, and I kept pulling her away and saying Mom. STOP And I could tell that the vibe I was giving off was depressed and sort of lame, because I hadn't seen the girl in a WHILE and so this was her impression after seeing me again after a long time. Anyway, we were talking and its apparent she has to go soon, so I take her stuff and put it in a train that just arrived's open doors. Then when she's done doing whatever she was doing, she looked around for her stuff and then at me and I motioned that I put it in the train FOR her. She motioned that she was still staying here, i was a different train she needed. The doors were about to close soon, but I rushed into the train anyway, and the doors closed on my shoulders. I remained here for a little but, until I caught the eye of the conductor. I made the praying symbol and said"Please" then held up one finger as if to say only for 1 min ute. The conductor nodded, and I dashed in there to get her stuff. First I got something for her I think it might've been an article of clothing. I gave it to her then I needed to get her jacket, but some lady was sitting on the seat where I had put it so I kind of push her up and grab her jacket and rush out. I give it to her and she looks at me and very sincerely says "Cade, thank you." After that she placed the tinfoil silver hat on my head, almost as a token of appreciation/gratitude Then she must've left so I walk out of the subway station and once I get to the sidewalk I walk backwards up the sidewalk.

      Before this, I had a dream that took place next to a deserted tropical island, but there was something special aboutt hat island. I can't remember the rest now. There was magic or something.

      Updated 07-26-2015 at 12:23 AM by 88326

    10. Old friend, lost in a forest

      by , 07-24-2015 at 01:10 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in some kind of a camp. There was my old friend. We were talking about SFML library and it's potential uses in my projects.

      Second dream

      With group of classmates and teacher we went into a military base. It was raining, there was mud and ground was slippery. I went back to our base to change my shoes, and went back to join with them. We walked around the base for a while, and then we entered a bus. Teacher gave us some kind of a pass, and after that we had to go for a stop.

      I went out of our bus, and entered another. There was my mother and my younger sister inside. We talked for a while, bus moved away from the stop in the meanwhile. When we stopped talking, I was on a road through forest, away from the stop.

      I left the bus, and moved around the forest road. It was nearing midnight. There was a fork. I wanted to go the right way first, but then moved back and tried another. I realised that I go the wrong way, and found the right way through the forest. I started to see a city, and a tall flat. A man walked out of it, and went closer to his car.

      I asked if he can drive me to bus stop. He agreed, but he had to repair something in his car. I had to choose: running there on foot, or waiting for the man to fix his car. I decided to stay with him, thinking "This must be a dream, they would search the area for me!" Though I doubted it, and haven't become lucid.
    11. First week of Lucid Dreaming.

      by , 07-24-2015 at 10:49 AM
      So I begin the LD journey...

      In the past I have heard, read, and talked about Lucid Dreaming from all sorts of different sources. when I was younger I struggled to get my head around the Idea of being 'conscious' In a dream. If I am honest, I was walking through life without any Idea of what being conscious really is. I was your typical late teens stereotype, playing my role in the world as a walking zombie, which I truly believe we have been conditioned to accept from an early age. To me the thought of LD, meditation and spirituality was hippie hocus pocus.

      A few years down the line and the veil has been lifted. I recently started meditation and opening my mind to ideas I once disregarded as BS, and embraced them with open arms. LD has been a topic I have always pondered, wondering if such a thing was possible. After a recent vivid dream I woke up with the urge to look into the topic some more, and so the journey begins.

      I have been completely overwhelmed by the amount of information on this site and many others. I have put what I have learned to good use, I started a Dream Journal ( an essential part of the process as far as I have read), I have started trying to incorporate ADA into everyday life, combining this with solid reality checks where I am continuously asking myself 'am I in a dream', 'how did I get here' and finding time to meditate as much as possible. I have told myself to be patient and not force anything, If i believe in what I have read, keep experimenting with techniques It will come.

      So the first week in and I have been surprised with the results. Previously I would barely remember any dreams I had, since starting a dream journal I have found myself 5 days in, and from last night I can recall three separate dreams. One of these I would like to share.

      In one of the dreams I remember, I specifically recall talking to a DC and telling them 'I am lucid dreaming, I am doing it right now' which was followed by a RC which unfortunately didn't work. This suggests to me that I am not aware enough of my surroundings when carrying out daily RC's, but the fact I said I was in a lucid dream has given me a huge boost to continue the journey. My dreams last night were also some of the most vivid dreams I have ever experienced.

      I am continuing to progress which is the main thing for me as I have nothing to loose. Apart from the general buzz of progress I am getting from this experience I have also found other benefits such as, I am getting more quality sleep, I am more relaxed, I am continuously paying attention to my surroundings in more detail which in turn is improving the quality of my day to day life, I feel my imagination is in overdrive imagining all the possibilities this process may unlock.

      overall I am really enjoying the experience and if anyone has any hints or tips I would be hugely appreciative
    12. 2 non-LD fragment and one short LD

      by , 07-24-2015 at 10:47 AM

      lucid, non-lucid, others

      non lucid fragment

      I came to visit one guy, we were talking about something and then I decided to sleep in his house (maybe I missed last autobus or similar reason, don't remember why)

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      non lucid fragment

      I remember some fragments of probably non-LD from this morning. In that dream I find myself a job and tomorrow it starts - I even told myself ,,wait I already has a job,, I was still nonlucid (nothing unusual about 2 jobs anyway...)

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


      This one happened shortly after the previous fragment (I think they even are somehow linked to eachother...)
      I remember I am in bed trying to WILD(most likely it is DEILD) I am lying on my back and hands behind my head... I remember forming a dreaming scene (don't remember going through REM atonia which is quite unusual) after a short while I am inside a dream and I find myself in some... city? I am on city square or something... It feels a bit old-fashioned I guess. I am about to visit one church few villages away - it's a part of a ,,dream scenario,, I am doing it because of not so perfect lucidity obviously... so I start my long journey (I am going there on my own - no cars etc...) decided to fly there which worked perfectly - know that I have usually big problems with flying in my LDs but this time it goes just perfectly - I m flying there with very high speed and almost no effort. In just a several seconds up to half minute I have done half of my journey... but for some reason I unvoluntarily wake up. Dream crashes and I am finding myself in the same position as I made the dream... (I know, that english is horrible, sorry about that) oh and this is my sleep position when I DEILDed/WILDed https://www.google.sk/search?newwind...fCmz3YA48HM%3A

      Updated 07-24-2015 at 01:43 PM by 62506

      dream fragment , lucid
    13. 2015-07-24 officers, waterways, ferris wheel, ex-gf kiss/touch, deceased FIL, computer party, bomb

      by , 07-24-2015 at 10:46 AM
      I was worried in mid/late morning that I had no recall. So I just kept relaxing and reaching for memories and some eventually came to me, then fell asleep and had the "later" dreams as well.


      + long sequence of scenes in some hotel room / random buildings:

      in hotel room, my colleagues have left (they have the keys?), I have trouble standing up and some people in the room reach to help me, but I'm annoyed at their attention. I go off to take a shower and am naked except for a towel wrapped around me. I'm walking through a large space with walls, mostly alone, I see a few girls on their own and think I could have sex with them but decide not to.

      I'm on a ferris wheel riding with my parents. I don't like it, I don't want my safety to be dependent on some machine. I hold on tightly to the sides of the bench/seat/walls and look around, thinking about getting off when my seat reaches the bottom.

      I'm talking about lucid dreaming with my mother, but don't feel like revealing I'm a lucid dreamer.

      I'm hugging my pretty girlfriend but a uniformed officer is plotting against us? Walking the hallways, I nod to other uniformed officers who salute me back, and I look down and see I'm wearing a (honorary?) uniform with chevrons, I'm of middle rank it seems.

      My Jr. high band teacher is advocating a revolutionary idea that we should move to using waterways for all transportation. I "remember" that I've got stuck before in traffic on the river and don't think it's such a great idea.

      using a vending machine?

      in a high-walled narrow corridor section of a super-store, at a sausage/salami counter?


      + I'm with my ex-gf SB in a large open building space (library?) I take her in my arms, cradling her head in the crook of my arm and looking down into her face. I think she's been hiding something, and I ask her "What other languages can you speak?" Her face gets cold like she doesn't like the question, and goes and stands a bit away from me and says something? Back together towards the end of the room on a raised platform I kiss her but she puckers her lips tightly and it's not satisfying, then she relaxes and the kiss is sexy, she reaches for my (ahem) in my pants and grabs it and I say "Oh, my!". I reach for hers but have trouble getting in under the tight elastic of her pants/panties. I then think about how women's pubic hair can be brushed tidy much more easily than men's.

      + meet deceased father-in-law, I see him approaching me and I recognize him instantly, his hair is entirely gray and his face is more wrinkled, so he looks older than how I knew him in life but he'd been dead 7 years now so I think that makes sense. In the dream I know he's dead, but I think he's returned looking for his wife who died just this year. I'm very soft and nice with him and comfort him, he doesn't say anything but seems at peace. Very vivid, quite amazing.

      + son has set up a computer networking party at round tables in a large room, there are not enough computers for everyone, since I'm the parent I demand a computer for my use. There are about 5 computers set up with varying sized monitors and fairly young teens mostly are using them.

      + I'm superman trying to save the day against a bomb, enter building, and step on to a skinny platform elevator. It's a small oval platform with two poles, one on each side, and I wonder if my big beefy body can fit in between these poles and whether the elevator will work with me on it. It rises up to the second floor and stops, I need to go farther but the 2nd floor receptionist refuses my further progress. So I step out and decide to look for the stair, find them and climb up, on a large landing before reaching a higher floor I meet the foreign mad scientist and his assistance, he looks through my wallet expecting to see millions of dollars, but filps through the bills and counts (accurately) only about $20K is there, so the bomb doesn't have funding to buy the rest of the required materials. My female teammate scientist sets off the existing bomb design and measures it having achieved an impressive million degrees heat, but that's all that happens because it wasn't finished.
    14. Soldier Activity

      by , 07-24-2015 at 09:09 AM
      Morning of July 24, 2015. Friday.

      In my dream, I am in an unfamiliar area with no clear associations in conscious afterthought of exactly where it could be, which is fairly rare for me. I do seem to have some hold on directional orientation, though whether it is implied to be America or Australia would change the present orientation. I will assume it to be America, though I do not focus closely on any cars (that is, what side the driver’s side is on) that would tell me of the country.

      As such (American orientation, otherwise all the compass directions can be assumed to be reversed), I would be going due north along a causeway, on a sidewalk on the east side of the road. There are not that many buildings though it does seem like an area near city center. It might, in fact, be Chicago (south of main urban areas), though at a later point, vaguely reminds me of Third Street in La Crosse (though the car park would be rotated ninety degrees if such is the case).

      I am walking along not that briskly but carrying my youngest daughter (age two) Isabelle, which seems somewhat strange, as I do not see other members of my family anywhere. The back story, though I am not certain, seems to relate to trying to get away from some sort of military conflict (unsure with who) or very vaguely (in the back of my mind) some sort of less serious (local) natural disaster - though the weather seems nice and I do not hear any gunfire or explosions. However, it may also be just a military exercise (even if to make veterans feel more “comfortable” about their past), as it feels more like such just before my dream ends. I am not that clear-headed in-dream, so am not sure about (or focused on) the status of other family members. It seems to be perhaps around two in the afternoon or later.

      About six soldiers (including possibly veterans) of about three generations jog on the opposite side of the street and they are going in the opposite direction. I wave at one of them assertively (with my right hand held up) and he starts to wave back. He seems about twenty years old or younger. However, as I wave, my hand “automatically” (absentmindedly) forms the V-shaped “peace” sign. The soldier’s wave becomes less assertive and falls back incomplete as if he thinks I might be an unusual character and not patriotic at all. I feel slightly unsure about what I have done (though only vaguely foolish) in signing “peace” to what is likely a military exercise. I do not notice any other civilians anywhere or any cars in motion. I feel vaguely embarrassed about possibly having just annoyed him (or even distracted him) instead of just a harmonious “hello”, though it is not exactly embarrassment but something else.

      Finally, I turn to go west into a car park for some reason (of at least two storeys). However, I soon realize that there is probably no feasible way to come out the other side (though I am unfamiliar with the layout). Not only that, I do not like the presence of dust and sand (and do not want to go through it with my child), which seems to be carried in the air at times by a mild breeze and creates a very vivid essence of “real” particulates in the air (though I am not lucid). This sparse cloud of particulates is higher and more on the level of the second storey of the car park beyond the ramp I am ascending. I turn around to go back out. Still carrying my daughter, I notice another small group of the military jogging up the ramp towards me to my left (though I do not detect any danger behind me, though I had not seen much of that section of the car park that they are apparently jogging to). I am annoyed that it may be more difficult to go that direction now, feeling somewhat “blocked”, even though there seems plenty of room to get past them (this reminds me of another dream concerning an approaching truck that was only partially rendered at first, which had clear precognitive connections with another dreamer). From here, my dream fades.

      Update on same afternoon: This dream seemed to be the usual remote-viewing or precognition at very high precision, as I had this dream before reading an e-mail that unknowingly implemented this dream almost like a scenario representing the e-mail itself - concerning military preparedness, veterans, exercises, and their dreams. (I had no idea or prior “clue” that I would be getting this particular e-mail content.) More curiously, yet coincidentally, the first thing I see on tumblr when I post this dream is an image of a cat with “peace was never an option” above its head; typical synchronicity I have had all my life. This came after I already had a vague association that the solider that began to wave in this dream and stopped upon seeing my peace sign was somehow some sort of “continuity” of Tiger the cat in one of my last dreams. Of course, this level of detail cannot possibly be coincidence (especially continuously over almost fifty years), but then, what is it exactly? (That was just a rhetorical question.)

    15. CrazyInsane's WILD method Attempt

      by , 07-24-2015 at 06:00 AM
      Non-Lucid Lucid

      Last night I had attempted CrazyInsane's Wild technique from 2009, here's the link to it http://www.dreamviews.com/wake-initi...torial-**.html I managed to enact my dreams which were at some parts vivid but other parts a bit of a blur. Anyways, I believe it's a promising technique which should definitely be given a try.

      Last night Dream 1

      The dream begins with me awakening to the strong typhoon like rainstorm outside, I find myself in rising from my bed like I ususally do although this time I don't perform a reality check for some reason. I emerge from my room into the living room and find a few family members sitting down eating dinner. I make a comment to them saying that it's the Gods Wrath outside (jokingly) and begin to wonder whether or not they'll be a typhoon tomorrow. However I suddenly think to myself, interestingly enough, that all this rain is an indication that my physical body needed to release the large amount of piss I had been storing... ...

      Sigh, this alerted me to wake up in WL and go take a piss...

      Last Night Dream 2

      This dream was an hour after the first one, I used the same method of a smart clock to wake me up.

      I'm coming back from a night out with my friends although, this is somewhat a blur. I'm with my usual friends and we appear to be on some sort of barge/ferry on our way back home at nighttime. -The scene quickly transitions to daytime- and I find myself at the bus stop sending my friends off. All of the busses leave one after the other in synch, but nonetheless still cause a traffic jam at the road nearby. A couple of my friends are all racing to catch the bus they just missed and all but one drops something behind and picks it up. Funny enough. Funny enough I was able to recognise I was dreaming when the same individual repeated the whole scene for a second time

      I don't know what happened next but I eventually woke up :p