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    1. 1,265 Words

      by , 07-07-2018 at 03:37 PM
      I went to bed a little before 9. I found some funny videos online and then played two Pokemon Battles before 8:30 and then got to bed. I didn't do waking life recall.

      I remember something about Goku fighting Frieza at the football field. There were more details in these early dreams I didn't re-remember.

      I remember something about walking through the woods. And a "Wobbuffet Wall" which was a wall with lots of little places to get a foot or a hand hold and climb up. They were barely an inch wide of surface but I was able to use them to climb. Getting down was tricky. I couldn't get a good footing on the way down.

      I remember a part where I got a new laptop. I was trying to dial in to the Saturday W A meeting. I kept telling my sister that I wouldn't be available until after the meeting but she kept trying to talk to me.

      I remember something about needing a second access code to enter the meeting. And something about being excluded from "the park". I wanted to get into the meeting but couldn't.

      I originally remembered more of these dreams but didn't re-remember them due to mind wandering.

      I went back to sleep again, which surprised me. I remember some non-lucid dreams before becoming lucid.

      I had a dream that I had started a diet soda habit. I wondered how long it had been since I picked this up. It took me a while to realize that it contained sweeteners. That was when I was in nana's den. I started to worry.

      I remember being in the front lawn, doing something with the grass. I was thinking about a beverage that tasted like alcohol but didn't contain any alcohol. And telling people at A A about it. It wasn't non-alcoholic beer, which still contains some alcohol.

      I remember packing up to move. I was either at 24 or 15. I had most of my stuff ready to go. My mom said not to hurry because we had a whole year before we had to be fully moved. 'A year?' I thought. 'That's a long time! How did they keep both houses for so long?'

      I remember dreaming that I woke up in the back of my dad's van as he drove to work. I thought I had asked him to bring me for the drive. We were on a really windy back road. I wondered if it was safe to drive so fast. We reached a point where some rocks tumbled down, and he had to back out. I used telekinesis to move the rocks off the road, without knowing it was a dream. They were giant boulders.

      I remember a false awakening kind of thing. I was looking at my own forehead, and saw that I had many red pimples. I began to count them. There were around 15.

      'Is this really my forehead?' I thought. 'Maybe I will try a finger palm test.' Sure enough, my finger went through, and I was lucid in the dream world. There was some plastic on the wall ahead of me. In this beginning part, I couldn't move much. I just stayed still and slightly looked around. Eventually I tried moving and the dream collapsed.

      The dream started back up, though. I remember a glass window. There were some asian people in a room, about to be served food. I wanted food. They seemed to be looking at me through the glass. I jumped right through the glass, phasing through it, and that surprised them!

      I sat with the two asian people, hoping to be brought food. An older woman brought out two meals. She gave one to one of the people and one to me, but skipped the middle person. I felt bad. The food must have been just for those two, so I got up to go find food elsewhere.

      After walking around a little, I found a shopping center kind of thing. For some time, it became a video game interface. I got food, but didn't really experience eating it because it was more of a video game thing.

      Then there was something about a history lesson the people there were hiding from me. I didn't push them to tell me. I just went looking for more dream food.

      I walked over to an office place with a receptionist desk out front. At the desk there was some kind of clock thing. Two people were waiting for an appointment, a man and a woman. The woman had two plates which each had a big pile of dough balls. One of the sets of dough balls had powdered sugar and the other didn't. I asked for some and she shared. They were delicious!

      I was surprised that the dream continued. I had a pull-up competition with a guy accross from me. He started doing them faster than I could, and won the competition.

      I think I walked off somewhere down a sidewalk to find more places in the dream and woke up.

      I finished the outline around 9:30 A M, meaning I actually slept enough for a change. That last sleep cycle made a big difference. Until today I was having trouble with being up too early and unable to get back to sleep.
    2. 4,365 Words - selected parts in bold - lucid dream marathon

      by , 06-30-2018 at 03:09 PM
      I got lucid once tonight. Went to bed around 9:15 P M and finished the outline around 7 A M. I was up a little late, playing one more Pokemon battle! But I am using Pokemon battles to practice my episodic memory.


      Round 1 of dreams.

      I think I remember something with Goku, but only vaguely.

      I remember being at a 12 step meeting. There were people from my high school there. I was thinking or sharing about how I have a good amount of sober time. Most other people there seemed in their first few months.

      A woman sitting near me started to dig a pen into my chest or shoulder or something. It kinda hurt. I tried to get her to stop. Then some people behind me started taking pictures of me with their cell phones. They were all laughing. I tried to get them to stop.

      It became a fight scene kind of thing, where I was being chased. There was something about how 2 guys caught me in an alley, or between a big truck and a building, and were going to beat me up. I think I imagined powering up and sending them flying away.

      The fight/chase ended and I was walking along. I walked over a narrow cement thing, maybe like something at a skate park. I was thinking of being linked mentally to J B.

      I also remember a part where I was with a group of people. So I said, "I am a [diety] named Rock." I might have said "Greek [diety]." I said it in kind of a deep voice, like Gaston's voice. I think I felt silly or embarrassed after. I thought it would sound cool, but I just felt silly.

      I was walking out of their area when I noticed that they were enclosed in giant wire mesh tents. There was a zipper I unzipped to walk out. "Are these faraday cages?" I asked, wondering why in the world they would be using computer labs inside a faraday cage. "No," they said. "If they were faraday cages, we couldn't have all this equipment in here." I continued to walk out.

      I recalled those and then went back to sleep, still re-remembering them later. My memory is definitely leveling up!


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something in the beginning with Pokemon cards. Me and/or others trading and playing them.

      I remember this part where I was laying in a bed in the yard. Like my grandmother's apartment complex. There was a dog I kept looking at. The dog looked back at me and I panicked. 'Oh no! If it sees me looking at it, it will come over here!' I was afraid of the dog, and tried to pretend I wasn't looking. Eventually the dog kept walking away.

      I remember being at an A C A meeting kind of thing. I was the chair person. I read the format for the meeting. But then I realized that everyone was directing their comments to a woman in the front of the room. I was just sitting in the back. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'I am supposed to sit in the front to read the format, so they will direct their comments to me.' So, I headed for the front.

      When I got up there, I said, "That sure was silly of me." And, "It is okay to do something silly." I remember hearing some comments like what I hear in A C A meetings as well as making my own comments.

      After the meeting, I was in the back of the room again, doing some kind of opposite hand writing. I had folded sheets of computer paper into segments. My opposite hand was making small letters with a brown felt tip marker.

      I remember asking someone for help or comments on what I'd done so far. I felt good about the writing. I remember thinking something about pushing or forcing myself to do it. There was a guy who came to comment on it, but I didn't like his comments. I kind of rejected the feedback and went on working on the writing. I realized I didn't need anyone's feedback. I also said something about how the writing comes from the left or right hemisphere of the brain.

      There were some women sitting nearby. I remember I had my wallet. There was much more money in there than usual! Without thinking much, I put it out on the table and just looked through the money. Then I realized the women would think I was trying to show off, and felt embarrassed or misunderstood. I wished I hadn't taken out the money.

      I remember walking along a road. I saw one or two people smoking. I was out of smell range and tried to run behind some buildings to ensure the smell didn't reach me.

      Then I was in someone's back yard. Kind of like J R's. I think there was a young teenage kid coming home from school, but he was going to smoke before his parents got home, so they wouldn't know.

      I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I was able to fly up onto his roof. I imagined that he saw me up there, and then I flew away. He would think I vanished or teleported, and be really amazed.

      I woke up and recalled those. Then I re-played all the dreams, rounds 1 and 2, in my mind, to form "solid" memories. When I went to re-remember round 2 in the morning, I could re-remember the end, but it took an extra moment to get to the part about the meeting. I just kept thinking, "I know something was there. I know I remembered it." And eventually it came back to me. Round 1 was easier to re-remember because the part where I said I was a diety came to mind right away.

      While I was up to use the rest room, I took 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline.

      Oh! Another memory came to mind. Wow! Well, I remember someone trying to sell me something. I had a stack of white papers. At first they seemed blank. The next time I looked through, instead of blank pages, there were lots of packets with print all over them. Forms to fill out and informational packets. I figured I had just not noticed them, but it was actually the dream doing the thing where the words can morph when I look away and look back.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I remember a bunch of people were guests at nana's. One guy was going outside to smoke. I panicked and tried to make sure all the doors and windows were closed. Once they were, I considered talking with him from the other side of the glass. We could still talk, but his smoke wouldn't reach me.

      I remember someone showing me their coloring book. It had small square pages. They said how once they colored a page, they couldn't look back at it. They had to keep moving through the coloring book in sequence. The first third of it, or so, was colored. He seemed really happy with his coloring book.

      We were room mates in the kids room at my nana's house. The one where the computer room is now. There was a moment when I wanted to tell him, "Wait! This is a false awakening!" But I didn't think of that until I was between dreams. Round 3 was a marathon of dreams and there were earlier parts i couldn't remember.

      I had another false awakening where I was going to write down my dreams. I had my reclining chair and lap top. Some music was coming from Aunt C's room. I had the understanding that other people were guests at nana's house. So, I went to get my ear muffs.

      My sister was my room mate in this dream. I felt bad because she didn't have the same hearing protection as me. She showed me her ear plugs. They were made of play dough, plastic wrap, and little puffy balls of fabric stuff. Multi-colored. I knew they weren't the real deal like my ear plugs. "I will get you a pair," I said. But when I looked, none of my ear plugs looked fresh. I even had a red white and blue swirly colored pair. 'I might have to get her a pair tomorrow from home,' I thought. I felt sorry for her that she was using such ineffective hearing protection, and didn't even know.

      I was about to go to write on my lap top when I looked out to the hall way. Lots of people were walking by. 'That's different,' I thought. 'What are all those people doing, running around at night?' Then I noticed F was running through the hall. She had a beard! 'Oh! It's a dream!' I thought. That was definitely a dream-induced lucid dream.

      I followed F to nana's room. I wanted to talk to her! But people kept blocking me. She went into nana's bathroom and I couldn't get through.

      I decided to go downstairs and outside. I didn't have to do any stability techniques at all. It was all perfectly stable on its own, for quite a while! I walked down the hall. Two people were running down the hall behind me. Not chasing me, just running.

      The thought crossed my mind to crouch down on all fours, in a table top position, and trip them. I did it at the top of the stairs. Sure enough, they tripped over me, and went flying down the stairs. They landed with a bang on the ground, sprawled out and in pain, on the next floor down.

      I felt really bad about that. 'That was so mean,' I thought. 'Even though its a dream, I know that was too mean.' I put out my hand. 'Heal!' I thought. The two of them got up and ran off. I felt less confident in my healing power, and wasn't sure if it really worked.

      I went down the stairs and finished going outside, out the back kitchen door. I flew up. Where nana's pool is, there were lots of trees. They were kinda like palm trees, but with yellow and brown and golden looking leaves. I flew up above them.

      I really needed to use the bathroom! I landed and used the bathroom on the dirt, in the middle of the dream. (I didn't wet the physical bed.) Aunt B was sitting nearby with someone else. She kind of scoffed. I tried to ignore that, and flew up again. After I used the bathroom in the dream, I felt some relief, but I hadn’t really wet the bed. It makes me wonder if the whole feeling of needing the bathroom was just an illusion in my dream body, rather than a physical need.

      So, I was flying up in the air. 'Maybe I will just go straight to outer space!' I thought. So I put my arms out in front of me like super man, and flew up. 'Wow, I am really gaining altitude,' I thought. I felt I was going really fast.

      'My shoulders might get tired if I keep my arms up too long,' I thought. 'I will put my arms down, and still fly.' So, I did that, and kept flying. I felt a good flight speed.

      There was a pinkish cloud in the sky with writing in it. I don't remember the words. But after a while, I looked down, to see how tiny the Earth looked beneath me. 'Huh?!' I thought. As I looked down, the pool and everyone down there were only like 20 feet below me.

      I surrendered and just floated back down to the ground. 'I will use the pool!' I thought. 'I could do a really reckless jump off the diving board!' Where the diving board usually is, there was just a little blue platform at water level. A young child was jumping off of it into the water. 'I need to jump from some place higher,' I thought.

      'Ah! The ladder rail!' I went to the rail of the ladder, which was a few feet high, and I guess I jumped in. I don't remember clearly. I do remember doing some wide grip dips on the edge of the pool, with my eyes closed, and thinking, 'This is hurting my shoulders, even in a dream!' Then, when I went to where I expected the ladder to be in waking life, it was right there in the dream, too. That's pretty amazing. I guess I swam in that pool so much as a child that my dreams replicate it with great accuracy and consistency.

      I climbed out from the ladder. Then I noticed a really tall tree trunk, but it had a flat top like it had been cut. It was at least 10 feet tall. I jumped to the top. Before I could dive into the pool, I saw that there were other tall trees with flat tops, and then a mountain of logs much taller.

      'I could practice my flight skills by aiming for the flat surfaces, instead of just flying aimlessly into space,' I thought. 'So I will!' My aim was good. I could jump from one flat top to the next. I felt myself gradually gaining altitude again. 'Maybe I will just climb these logs all the way into space.'

      Then, one of them appeared to be wobbly. 'Uh-oh!' I jumped to it anyway, thinking/hoping it was the only wobbly one. 'Uh-oh!' It wasn't the only wobbly one. I jumped from one flat top to the next and then the whole mountain of logs toppled. There were also orange protein jugs piled up there. They all toppled down.

      The people on the ground went running. "Ahhh!" They all cried out. When I got to the ground, I ran to the front yard to escape. I knew they would be mad at me!

      I forgot if I woke up briefly, or if the dream just transitioned. But I found myself watching two people talk about popsicles. One woman ate a popsicle. The other guy ate more of them, really fast. Every time, he said, "I like this one!"

      I remember a scene where I was writing a dream.

      I remember a thing about people selling pills. They had all these pill bottles. They said the pills were to help someone become a good lawyer. They had all sorts of names. I think they were supposed to be nootropics. One bottle had a clear side where I could see little white crystals, like sea salt. It said "Toxic" on the side, on a purple label. There was more detail to that part which I forgot. Something about limiting the amount of supplements per day.

      I remember a part where I had a funny red and yellow hat. It said something like, "M S C," on it. Other people with me had similar hats and shirts. I asked one person what MSC stood for, thinking there might be some kind of psychic download of information that I could verify in waking life. But the answer seemed silly. I forgot exactly what it was.

      We went along from store to store. This part was much more detailed but I didn't remember it in full. I remember in one store, they had some food on the shelf. I was aware it was a dream, so I kept making little hints, hoping my fellow dream figures would catch on. They didn't seem to notice it was a dream.

      We got to another store and I was busted for having stolen the MSC hat. "I will just give it back to you!" I pleaded. "Please don't make me be in trouble. I just didn't know what to do with it." I handed the hat and other stolen clothes over to the police man. He was wearing a dark blue uniform. When I looked down, I saw that I was wearing a dark blue police uniform, too, with a badge and everything! 'How am I gonna explain this one?' I thought.

      I looked at both of our feet. I had on black boots. He had on similar black boots, too, except they were elevated by black ice skate blades. 'That's interesting,' I thought. 'There's no ice in here.'

      An African American woman came in. Someone was laying on an examination table. Maybe I was seeing myself from outside at this point. "We will give him an X-Ray like when they are checking our mini for a baby!" She said. I think "mini" meant "womb". "That will determine if he stole the clothes!"

      I was found to have stolen them, and put into a coffin, and dropped into the sea. I felt like I was watching a show. Even though I wasn't the one in the coffin, just watching it made me feel all this claustrophobia.

      Luckily, a friend had snuck along with me. He could move in and out of the coffin and survive underwater. He positioned the coffin inside a sunken ship kind of thing, and then brought back some biscuits. "Here, eat these biscuits," he said. "It will keep your heart rate down." I guess the carbs would kind of sedate me so I wouldn't feel so bad about being imprisoned in the coffin.

      'If its my dream, why can't I just teleport outside the coffin?' I thought. But, I didn't have the powers at that time.

      Some how that dream ended. I am not sure if there were more details or if it just transitioned. I found myself in Aunt C's room. I knew it was a dream, but I really, really needed the bathroom again! I didn't want to wake up, though.

      Another dream figure appeared to advise me. He said I could go to the bathroom in Aunt C's room, and then my physical body would sleep walk to the bathroom at the same time, go, and then sleep walk back to bed, so I could continue dreaming. I really believed that this was going to work, and I would never have to wake up from a dream to use the bathroom again.

      I went to Aunt C's bathroom and saw two toilets. One was a urinal, on the left. The other was a toilet, on the right. I also thought that my physical body was sleeping in Aunt C's room so that made me really not want to wet the bed. And I thought that my physical body was positioned exactly where my dream body was in relation to the toilets.

      'I know that in waking life, there's a sink on one side, and a toilet on the other,' I thought. 'So, which side corresponds to the physical toilet?' It would have been the left, but I chose the right side, which was a toilet in the dream, but a sink in waking life. I peed all over the place. It wasn't easy to aim in the dream! I felt some relief after, and hope it worked. there were little trinkets all over the place, including on the toilet seat, that I knocked over.

      I noticed myself in the mirror. I had a short brown mushroom cut. 'Thats not me!' I thought. 'I have long hair and a beard.' I knew it was a dream, and continued on.

      'What should I do now?' I thought. 'I won't need to wake up for a while, so I could do anything I want!' While I used the bathroom, the dream had even done this thing where the bathroom light was flickering. It looked like my vision could be flickering between two worlds. I was really convinced that I had sleep walked to the bathroom, went, and sleep walked back to bed, to continue dreaming. Did I really wet the bed? Let's find out... (Cliff hanger!!!)

      'I know!' I thought. 'There was a party here before. I will go downstairs and get some food.' So I walked and flew down there. My dad was talking to my uncle. "Everyone is off doing their own little party!" he said with some scorn. My Uncle J was there. I remember seeing him for a moment. On the counter, there were rectangular packs of muffins with blue packaging. They had tiny muffins. I grabbed a pack and flew upstairs.

      'Wait!' I thought. 'What if I'm really in the physical world, and I just think I'm dreaming?! I would really regret eating this." So, I did a finger palm test.

      looking at the back of my left palm, I didn't see a finger poking out. 'Uh oh!' I thought. 'Wait, let me check the other side.' When I looked at the other side, my right pointer finger was buried in my left palm up to the second joint. It just wasn't poking out the other side. 'Interesting,' I thought. 'Never had it happen that way before.'

      I continued eating the muffins, just enjoying them. I think I got one or two bites before the dream ended. I guess just relaxing and eating the muffin caused the dream to end, while some degree of stress or action seemed to keep it going? Or maybe it was just time for it to end. I would like the dream to last, even if I do absolutely nothing but sit back and relax and look around.

      I remember being in my bed, and staying still, to recall the dreams. I must have still been in the phase because another dream began. In this one, I was watching someone like Beerus sleeping on his special planet. He woke up and saw a giant cloud up above, shaped like a dog's head and body. 'Oh no! I must position my body like the dog's body in the cloud!' he thought, and hurried to copy the posture.

      It must have been some kind of ritual. There was a crow like character, coming from the left side of the "screen" with a firey torch. They had a sash around their waist like Beerus shoulder armor, with the stripes. There were lots of torches lit behind them, too.

      I woke up from that special bonus episode of the dream marathon and stayed still, thinking of the dreams. My body felt really heavy, and I had no urge to fidget for a while. I couldn't tell if I had wet the bed. When I finally got the urge to stretch a little, I tried to feel around to see if I had wet the bed.

      I didn't! What a relief. It was a close call.

      Well, I am glad to be done typing those! I have been watching some cartoons lately and I feel inspired to try to make a comic from my dreams. When I recalled my dreams I kind of imagined them as a comic book.

      Like usual, I did my outline first, then typed them in full. I am finishing it now right at 10 A M. I am trying to get all the dreams written in full before going off and doing other stuff, just so that my biggest task of the day is completed. After my dreams are written up in full I can kinda relax a little easier.
    3. 2,035 words

      by , 06-29-2018 at 01:29 PM
      Tonight's sleep pattern was a little different. Instead of 5 rounds of dreams, I only had 3, and then it was morning already. I went to bed a little after 9, so that might be partly why. But my recall was good.

      I tried using a version of the mind palace method. But instead of using external objects, I just used my finger tips and the joints on my fingers. For example, I made the memory of the sea monster one fingertip because it was very memorable. Then I associated a memory linked to that with the next finger joint, and so on. I tapped on the finger joint as I thought about the memory to build the link.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember something with a Pokemon battle. I think I had a Pokemon with Psychic and Ice moves, but couldn't decide which to use.

      I remember being in my Nana's room, and/or at the Arboretum. Thinking of some homework assignments. I don't remember the particular assignments, but I remember the teacher.

      My idea in the dream was to create an excel file to hold all my homework assignments. This way they could be squeezed into a little excel block but look very organized. I was very excited about the idea.

      I remember floating on a raft around a lake. There was a bridge I would pass under, and a small water fall.

      There was something about aliens. They had come to Earth many years ago. Something about how they tried taking credit for the previous millions of years when really it wasn't them. I'm not sure how to describe it but there was one date mentioned from millions of years ago.

      I remember being at my Nana's. there were people with cell phones. They didn't have good reception, but they were happy anyway.

      I remember being in Nana's kitchen. I saw her go up the stairs with a cigarette. I was like, "Argh! Don't smoke inside! If you go outside, go far away, not even near an open window!" She seemed to be sorry. Smokers should be. I had a horrible run-in with an inconsiderate smoker on the way out of the store. They think they're having the time of their lives, getting stoned on nicotene, when really they are poisoning themselves and everyone else. I feel so angry at those damn smokers.

      I remember something about some EZ-up style frames being put up, with hoses traped over them. Uncle C or my dad was saying something like, "You wouldn't understand," which I think referred to the smoking. Oh, I understand, alright. I understand that those jerks should fuckin' stop. And I understand that their right to smoke ends where my right to breathe begins. Which basically means that all smokers belong in confinement camps.

      I remember the dream ended with me being at my nana's dinner table. My sister was to my left, and nana was to my right. I had my wallet and pulled out 6 dollars. A one dollar bill and a five dollar bill. I am not sure what I did with them.

      I woke up and recalled them. That was when I thought of that finger tip method, and using associations to ensure that I can re-remember the dreams later.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I was in a bedroom with a horse. I don't know if E was there. but I remember the horse could walk up on its hind legs. It also ran sprints accross the room, even though there were only 20 or 30 feet in one direction.

      I remember a black marble notebook with some writing in it. One page talked about how fire Pokemon should get more Energy Cards or something like that. Something about how they didn't make enough Fire Energy.

      I remember being at the little bridge at the back of the Arboretum. I was thinking about the difference between Humans and Saiyans.

      Then it shifted and I was in a church booth thing. I was hiding out as someone approached. It was A M. He was there to talk to someone about starting A C A meetings. When I appeared, he was glad to see me, and thought I had already got started on the meeting thing.

      He went to talk to the person. There was a huge puddle of water forming. I found a big basket of dirty linens and used them to soak up the water.

      I remember being in the room when the meeting was starting. Chairs were all around. I think R was there. I was trying to walk around. Some women were in a circle of chairs. Some how I got stuck in the circle and couldn't squeeze by the chairs. I made some funny faces and funny noises and they made way in the chairs to let me out.

      At some point, there was a totally different scene, but it seemed right in the middle of the meeting and food court scenes. So i will write it here. Someone like Goku was flying with someone like young Gohan through the air. They were carrying something big. The Goku guy was carrying it while the young Gohan character was just hanging from it by his arms.

      Then the young Gohan's arms started to stretch and he fell down to the water. Goku had to fly down and save him. There was a giant blue whale or sea monster thing.

      I remember feeling like i was the one flying after a while. I could land on a raft, but I knew the sea monster could bump the raft from underneath. I wanted to get to land, where we'd be safe from the sea monster. It had a blue back and face and a white under belly.

      I don't know how it transitioned to the next thing. But, next, I was in a cafeteria thing. There were food selections all around the room. Lots of stainless steel surfaces. I remember pouring myself some milk and then some bran flakes. I was going to put the milk first, then the bran flakes. I considered adding some sugar.

      A woman suggested I eat something else. I said maybe later. I wish I had got lucid! I noticed that they were putting out desserts, but not in a refrigerated space. So, if no one took the desserts within an hour or so, they'd have to throw them out.

      I said to R K, "Don't you think they should buy some fridges, and serve the desserts from there? The fridges would pay for themselves within..." And I estimated a time frame. He replied by questioning me, in a way that made me realize I didn't need to know what he thought about it.

      He had a big sundae in a glass sundae dish, and another food item. When I looked away, and looked back, I saw that he had already finished the three full scoops of ice cream in the dish and had added another 5! I wish I would get lucid in these food dreams! I would eat lots of dream food.

      I remember driving down the hill that leads into the Staples parking lot. I was hearing some song about "smoking the water" and was concerned about the smoking reference. I took a left, then a right. There were some road signs... I think the car vanished and I was just walking.

      Where I arrived was another facet of the cafeteria and meeting room place. This time it was another computer lab. There were only a few computers, and one person there.

      She was a blonde woman in a grey medium sleeve shirt. The shirt had red around the cuffs and red lettering.

      The woman sat back in a computer chair and told me that she wants to meet someone who needs her affirmations. I told her that I don't really need affirmations because I am already okay with self talk. It seemed like she wanted to coach someone in self talk.

      Then, J B came in through the door. I remember seeing his head through the glass window. She began to ask him about some things, and some other people they knew. I felt sad that she might lose interest in me.

      They were playing a guitar song. I think it was played in a way of criticizing someone else. Whoever they were criticizing came in. He happened to be the original artist of the song they were playing. He got his guitar and played, singing, something like, "Brad, dont go and blaze youself." I originally remembered the tune, but lost it. Dream memories of musical tunes have sometimes slipped my mind more easily than other dream details.

      Then there was something about work at the big food store where M R worked... There was something about a chimney pipe on top of the building. Someone in the room with us was saying how is was difficult to work there, not knowing who was the evil one and who was the good one.

      I woke up and recalled those. It was really satisfying to be able to go back, and back, and back. I guess my waking life recall is paying off again.

      I took my Alpha-GPC 300mg and Huperzine-A 100mcg before returning to bed.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I couldn't remember any dreams from round 3 for a while. So, I re-played Rounds 1 and 2 in my mind.

      Eventually, after my mind had wandered off, I remembered! I was in the high school locker room, changing for gym class. I saw my running shoes and didn't want to wear those. I wore my white vans and tan khaki pants. I wondered if those were going to help in gym class, but figured I would give it a try.

      That was all I got, from Round 3.

      However, something else interesting happened. I had a memory from last night's dreams return to me. I just remembered seeing some kind of pink tiles... Almost like Trick Room from Pokemon. Appearing in front of me. And I was like, 'This is a dream! I'm lucid!' I know it was from last night's dreams.

      I finished the outline around 6:36 A M, so I was up early. I am getting shoulder pain in my right and left shoulders when I lay on either side for a few hours, which is making it hard to fall asleep. I hope something will alleviate this, since I don't know how to sleep on my back.
    4. Dream Food

      by , 03-12-2018 at 06:16 PM
      Dreams from March 11 to March 12 of 2018.

      **The 2 dream food LD's are called "Room 10 treats" and "Have a nice dream" if you just wanna read those since I know its alot, use Ctrl+F**

      I had some difficulty recalling dreams that seemed vivid and eventful. But still got a good haul. I had two great dream food L D's.


      Something about a football game, A S, R M, other people from H S football team.

      Charlie Morley

      I had one dream of Charlie Morley saying some wise things about L D but I couldn't remember them. (In waking life I listened to some Charlie Morley the previous day.)

      Indian Torture Guy

      There was this scene I couldn't remember much of, but this Indian religious guy was torturing me. I was begging him not to. There might have been some kind of injection, or some kind of spell that he cast. I think someone saved me, or I figured my way out of it.


      A C was giving me plants in this white basin thing. The plants were in pots and then there was water in the basin. Like how I set up draining for my indoor plants. But something about how it the way it was in the dream would flood the big basin and flood the plants. I remember four green plants standing straight up, and, with the dirt in the pots. Maybe I was thinking the plants would be watered from underneath?

      In Love

      In the context of this dream, there was a woman I was in love with. We were both in the program. I was helping her move into this new apartment. The doors were glass with silver framing. I was ripping paper out of a big book to give her my number or some code. The pages felt like construction paper.

      We were sitting around a table. A guy was giving her a hard time about sleeping late, so she was saying that was hurting her sleep pattern. I was trying to get the guy to back off.

      I remember looking through the pages of my book, and thinking they corresponded to the pages of the book from waking life. I can remember seeing the chapter headings and getting a good feeling from it. But now that I think about it it might not have really matched.


      I woke up from these dreams, kind of in a daze. I don't remember too much trouble falling a sleep. But I couldn't think of any dreams right away. I got up to go #1 thinking there hadn't been any dreams. Then they started to arise in my mind as I went #1. I sure did dream. Maybe if the memories would have started flowing to me sooner I'd have remembered more. I don't know why they didn't.

      Funny Dogs

      I was in this Boys and Girls club kind of place that I've been to before in dreams. I was helping fix something on the wall by standing on this shelf thing. I remember slowly sort of falling off. It was high up. I grabbed onto this fixture on the wall and hung 10 to 20 feet up from the ground. They had to put cushions on the ground to break the rest of my fall.

      I forgot a lot in here. I remember thinking how long a dream it was at some point, but I don't remember being lucid.

      I was on a couch, trying to use my zoom recorder to record dreams. My Sister was there. Some dogs were there. Then I think I was laying on the floor. The dogs were sort of pushing me around so I slid on the floor. I thought it was funny.

      F A D J

      I had a false awakening of trying to use my zoom recorder to record the dream. Only none of the red indicator lights were on. And the microphone I use wasn't connected. It was light in the room. There was some back ground noise, maybe music by a female singer. I started to panic because I realized this was all wrong. But I didn't know it was a dream. I was like, oh, no, the microphone is missing! I must not have recorded the other dream either!

      Then I woke up in my bed, relieved that was just a dream. I had a hard time thinking of any of what had happened. Just really grogged out. I felt some dream chain sensations come on though and another dream began.

      Room 10 of Treats

      This became a fun L D. So at first I don't think I was lucid. There may have been a lot I forgot as I remember thinking during the dream, how long it had gone on. I was concerned about remembering any of it. So what I recalled might just be the end of a long L D. That's a bummer but I did my best.

      Where my memory starts, I was non lucid, walking up these gray stairs. They were like a spiral stair case. I started to run up them. I was like, wow, it is so easy to run up stairs. I should do this every day. (The context was it was in a college dorm and I was going up to my dorm I think. Something led me to use the stairs instead of the elevator.)

      (Switching to present tense.) I am running up these stairs. I feel hopeful about my fitness. I think it should be tiring me out more. I arrive at this gap in the stairs, cut off by a rail. It looks like someone would have to jump about 4 to 5 feet accross and then climb the other railing to continue going up the stairs. This seems silly to me, and even dangerous. But I imagine most people just jump the 4 to 5 feet, and no one ever falls the 20 to 50 feet to their death. There is an Abraham Lincoln Painting on one wall. I am amazed at the art all along the walls of the stair way. I think I am one of the few people who actually stops and notices it.

      As I wonder how I will cross, I notice a white door, with a glass panel window. I decide going in there might be safe. I could probably go around and come out the door to the other side of the stair way, instead of jumping. Maybe thats how everyone does it. But I start to sense something is silly here.

      I know I am heading for Room 10. To my right are a few more similar white doors. One has the glass window and has a sign with room 10 and an up arrow. I figure that must be the one. The other doors must be closets. There is another door that has a Room number sign on it too. Above it in construction paper, written in marker.

      I go up to the left and there is a class room that says room 10 on it, too. (I guess I lost track of going up the stairs.) I go in there. I say, this can't be room 10. The people are all at tables, doing some class room stuff. The teacher guy is like, yeah, you're probably right. I think we wrote the wrong number. L O L. So silly.

      Something makes me think it is a dream. I do a finger palm test. It hurts my left palm just to touch it, and a weird buzzing goes off when I try to push it through. After two times of that, I am sure its a dream.

      (I am not sure if I interacted with the class mates at all. parts of my memory seem missing. )

      I walk up to a silver fridge, excited to get some dream food. I repeat my affirmation, "I remember all my dreams," a few times, hoping this will help. (I am glad that it is coming to me!)

      The fridge is pretty empty. There is a lime and an orange. The orange is already cut into. I figure it is a dream so I just grab the lime and bite it, skin and all. My mouth is really dry and it is card board ish. I try the orange. Same kind of result. I close the fridge, and think, "Pizza!" I open the lower level which is a freezer and there are all these bags of small triangular pizzas. Excitedly, I grab one, and take it into the kitchen.

      Throughout this dream I notice it start to fade. When it starts to fade I can half feel the dream and half feel my physical body. Realizing that it hasn't fully ended, I somehow pull myself back into the dream. (This happens a few times during the dream. )

      In the kitchen, I see more bags of these pizzas on a lower shelf, as well as some open pizzas. Maybe I should put this new one back. Nah, it will be fine. I look to the left and there is a big pot of red sauce. Awesome. When I look back to the right, all the pizzas are gone, and just bread is there. I look at my bag of pizza, still there, and the red sauce. When I look back, a few slices of chicken stuffed pizza has appeared. Wow. Beyond my wildest dreams. My favorite. I grab it and take a big bite. It has some taste. My mouth mainly feels dry though. I consider a beverage but none is around. I see one jug of something liquid up on a shelf but it seems far away. I am afraid to drink liquid for some reason.

      Then to my right, two big bowls of blue, white and other colored sugar cookies. They are shaped like animals, as if made by children. I look at a white Snoopy ish dog cookie in particular. Maybe I will draw this when I wake up.

      The cookies are delicious. I happen to be wearing a hoodie with two pockets, so I stuff giant handfuls of cookies into my pockets. My plan is to walk around the dream, eating them. The dryness in my mouth seems to have gone away.

      The teacher guy walks in, holding some plates. I realize he is cleaning up. At first, I don't want to help, but then, I think it might be fun to help clean in a dream. So I offer to help. But the guy says no thank you.

      At one point as I am eating the food, I notice the dream start to fade. I pull out my dream hands and look at them with a lot of focus. This actually works and the dream gets stable again.

      The dream ends somewhere around there though, as I walk out, eating more cookies.


      That last L D was tons of fun. What a nice surprise. But I was so sad to have forgotten so much upon awakening. It took me a while to fall back asleep and so I was groggy. I did the best I could, stayed still, and all, but, could not dig any deeper. I think my intermittent attempts at A D A had a reverse effect in tiring out my brain too much. Also I did a lot less affirmations the previous day. I don't know what it was, but I just hope next time, I do remember it.

      Dream Enhancers

      There was this old man saying how another medication became addictive, but dream enhancer pills never became addictive for him. He said that they were much safer and he preferred them anyway. He preferred dreaming over the other part of his life the other pills affected.

      Library Thing

      This was a dream there was a lot more to but I forgot.

      The first thing I remember was this set of train tracks, but also like a ramp like near high way rest stops. I remember seeing the train tracks looking all loopy and maybe going over the edge of something.

      Then I was at this library place. I had a bunch of drawings and I think I was making more drawings. Maybe I was trying to draw the previous dreams that I had forgotten. There was this librarian woman asking if I needed help or something, who I didn't give much consideration.

      In one part I was on a You Tube video where the Rug Rats talked about Growing Up. I was like, oh, wow, the Rug Rats talk about growing up. That must be helpful for kids. Then I scrolled down to the comments. The top comment was a guy saying something like how he took a personal inventory, noticed what was already perfect about himself, and then whatever was imperfect, he shamed the crap out of, until it too became perfect. Somehow that comment was the top comment, with hundreds of likes. I was so angry because I think shaming is ultimately unhealthy. I was mad at myself for even scrolling down to the comments, knowing that people can say such offensive things. Well, I went to hit dislike on his comment. The second highest rated comment was about life. It said that the best advice the guy learned in life was just to keep his life, or stay alive. I think it was a hint to not commit suicide for those who were troubled. I didn't find it as offensive as the other. But neither comment really was what I was looking for. I didn't read any more though, because all that might do would be to offend me further.

      There is another part where I was looking at something like google images. But it was drawings I had done. One was a cartoon of my past girlfriend and I talking. Another was Angelica from Rug Rats but instead of a mouth she had a box of text on her face. Other drawings were there, too. I didn't want the librarian or others to see them. They were very vivid. But my recall of this dream wasn't great. I might have been lucid but not known.

      I saw my friend J V who I will run into in a later dream.

      There was something about my sister saying we have to draw strawberries. Like, when life gets tough, draw strawberries?

      And a bunch of children. One was crying a lot. When he or she came near me, they seemed to stop crying.

      I think that was all of that but it was a lot more vivid and eventful. I was lucky to recall any of these. I felt so groggy, and afraid I would forget all.

      "Have a Nice Dream!"

      This was a really fun L D because it was just simple. I had been laying there remembering dreams and then found myself in this dream. I was walking behind my friend J V. I saw his black hair and thought it must be him. I realized it was a dream kind of spontaneously and caught up with him to talk. He had a plastic grocery store bag of these big yellow circle cookies with smiley faces on them. They looked like giant emoticons, but made of sugar. I was instantly like, "Dude, I want one of those!" and he gave me one. He had a bunch. Then he turned left to walk into his house. As he walked away, I said, "Have a nice dream!" Then I was like, oh, no, what if he didn't know it was a dream? Well, he deserves an L D for sharing this cookie with me. I walked on, maybe near a train track place or another road. I took a bite of the cookie and it was delicious. I woke up in my physical bed with my mouth moving, still tasting the cookie, as often happens with dream food.

      Lucid Dreaming Gurus

      This dream had me in another building. in the first part, I wasn't aware it was a dream yet. I was watching this thing with Brock from Pokemon. Only his head was like Pichu's head with diamonds on the cheeks. He had his roster of 6 Pokemon out in front of him. But he was going to add two more to the Pokemon party. This seemed against the rules to me but maybe it wasn't for battles, just for them to all hang out. One Pokemon was Onix. Onix made a funny sound as it brushed against the others. I forgot who the other Pokemon he added was. There was another Pokemon trainer there, too, maybe Ash. maybe a Pikachu. Maybe I was the other trainer. I don't remember.

      Then it kind of transitioned to where I was in this bathroom. I had gone #2 and was wiping my bottom! I slowly realized it was a dream in a general way, not related to any one event. I noticed that two very well known lucid dream authors were talking about lucid, dreaming! I won't say who they were.

      One was saying how it was tough when you are lucid, dreaming, and in the kitchen, and the dream keeps telling you you need to wash one more dish. He was saying how it is almost like the dream doesn't want you to realize its a dream. So it keeps distracting you with more dishes.

      Then the next lucid dream author started talking about how in his dream, he wants to write massive words with fire on the ground, for the "Creator" to see. I thought it was going to be about anger at the "creator". But he was meaning to write how the "Creator" created everything, including dreams. So it was a form of praise.

      I don't know if either of them knew it was a dream at the time. I was just in the bath room, but the door was open to the kitchen. Actually, two walls of the bathroom had an open door to the kitchen, so the kitchen wrapped around the bathroom. I was thinking of wiping my bottom with soap and then using a towel. I wasn't very lucid. I figured as long as I used soap, I would be clean enough to continue with the dream. The turds in the toilet were light brown and floated in a funny way. The toilet was like stainless steel. Also, I was going to use the towel, because it was a dream, so it didn't matter if I got poop on the towel. L O L.


      I was so scared I almost forgot all of those last dreams. For whatever reason, I woke up in such a daze. I couldn't get back to sleep after the third "round" of dreaming either. Trauma coming up recently.

      Also sometimes those details are such a tease. Like the dream details are so close to my mind, I can almost get them into solid form. But not quite. I call those glimpses or dream detail teases. Maybe there is some way to pull those into clarity but maybe that's as close as I can get to them. Dream recall is definitely such a skill in itself.

      Updated 03-12-2018 at 06:18 PM by 94557

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    5. 9 LD's from 1 DILD and 2 dream chains... Probably too much for anyone to read!

      by , 03-11-2018 at 10:28 PM
      Dreams from March tenth to eleventh, 2018

      I thought I woke up once without recording dreams. But then forgot the dreams from the second cycle of sleep while I thought back to the first. But then when the first actual dream detail came to mind I don't know why I thought that.

      Graduation party

      There was something about a party about my Nana's house. Maybe a school graduation thing. Something with my Mom and Sister about how I needed to pick my own food to bring. I could only recall that vaguely.

      Ground Worm!

      I was with my friend S S or G F and then his girlfriend C P was there and my dream girlfriend was with us. I think we were going to go on a double date but S S or G F had to read this book. So he was walking around reading this book. He seemed kind of obsessive about it. He wasn't really looking where he was going, but nothing bad happened.

      We walked down some stairs and over this dirt ground. These green worm things expanded up from holes in the ground. They had like circular mouths but then thorns coming off the side like a vine. First just one, but then another, and another. I remember three.

      One tried to get near me and I felt scared. I think it was saying something to me but I forgot what. I almost let it touch me with its mouth but then I sort of ran away. I don't remember much else of that.

      Tangled Beard

      I forgot some parts in between. But then there was this thing about how people could get an executive fired if they wanted to. It showed a screen with a grid of icons, 3 wide. Related to that was some parking garage.

      There was a guy talking about how he had to give up certain things, but it was a good feeling. He had black hair and a curly beard.

      There were these clamp things that people could put around their ankles for some effect. There was a headset thing for one leg and the other side had this screw in clamp thing. I was asking the guy if I could use them, mainly to humor him. Forgot more of that.

      Forgot more of this too but I was at the sink with the guy. I was trying to build a rapport for some reason. He was washing a dish, and there was a white ramican in the sink, too, all caked up. I got in there and started cleaning it with my fingers, with some misgiving. I felt grossed out.

      Some more parts I forgot. I hugged the guy for some reason. My brownish blonde hair got stuck in his beard and there were some strands of it in his beard. So I was taking them out of his beard, and more appeared.

      Then he, myself and another guy were holding hands forming a circle and saying something.

      Walking and Thinking

      I had a dream of walking near the end of K Road and thinking about the previous dreams, without knowing it too was a dream. That made it confusing to recall it when I woke up.


      I also had a vague sense of having dreamed about something with water. My early dream recall was weaker than usual but I just accepted it. I tried, but it just was what it was. I think I moved a little without realizing it upon awakening.

      Dream of D J entry

      One dream was that I was dreaming of a dream journal entry on a website.

      Cube Thing

      In this dream some other stuff happened before it. Then I was looking down into this little slat at the bottom of a metal cube I was in. There was something to do with someone in that slat producing steam. Or if you poured hot water into the slat, it helped more than cold water. It was some kind of competitive feel to it. I realized it was a dream momentarily. It was scary when I realized I was in this creepy metal cube. It was kind of dark. I think I looked out from the metal cube a moment.

      Jib Ipplication

      I had another smaller dream that I was doing a job application online and I wrote a really "primitive" kind of sentence. I didn't make a more detailed note than that, so I don't know whether or not I remembered the exact sentence. Or even membered it to begin with.

      Trip to Europe

      This was an interesting little dream that led to a fun L D chain. It was as if I was in tenth grade again going on the school trip to Europe. The bus was leaving at 7 P M that Wednesday, and I thought it had already left. So my plan was to drive after the bus and catch up with it while it stopped to rest, and get on. I was only an hour behind. I saw this little itinerary and it had the name Ilenny on the bottom right side. Two columns of names, black text, white paper.

      Then I went into the hallway and saw my Dad. He was vacuuming, which he did a lot in these dreams tonight. I asked him if I should go to Europe and we determined it was only Monday actually. In physical calendar it was Sunday early morning though. Anyway I was wondering, wait, how will we pay for this? But figured it would work.

      Maybe some other stuff happened that i forgot, but I was on the bus to Europe. There was something about asking the bus driver if I could use the bathroom. I was contemplating whether to address her as "miss" or "Mizz" or "M'am".

      I was sitting in a seat and watching the road lights go by on the black night. I felt myself drifting to sleep on the bus. It felt not much time had passed.

      OOBILD #1

      After that dream I was laying in my bed trying to think through it. Then I heard these loud buzzing or ringing noises and felt these vibrations like I have in the past. I started to separate from my body and kind of rotated so that I was in a child's pose from yoga, with my head at the foot of my bed. I noticed I was about to lose the dream and caught myself, staying in it.

      (Switching to present tense. ) I stand up in what seems to be my physical room, but I remember how I exited my body, and so I look around to affirm it is a dream. There are some small white square posters by my left closet door. I read one of them. I can see the words pretty clearly.

      I try a finger palm test but it doesn't go through. However, I am still pretty sure its a dream.

      I look out my back window and a couple things happen. I can hear a guy next door to the left running a bunch of different power tools and lawn equipment at once. I am surprised he is running them all at once, just leaving them sitting there, making all this noise. In waking life, this would anger me, but instead, I just yell over, "Those sound great!" I ask him, "Are you starting a band out of those?" Or something like that. He is pulling the choke on another lawn mower thing at the time. He kind of laughs back and goes inside. The sounds are very physical. They go away without my noticing.

      When I look out my back window, I look for any other differences from waking life. There are all these tall furniture things, one like a Cradily from Pokemon, standing up on the deck below my window. They are so tall and I am like, yes, this is definitely a dream.

      I notice it is snowing big flakes of snow outside. They are getting in the wide open window, as if there is no screen. I can feel the cold. I have a sense this amount of snow wouldn't be likely to happen in physical matter waking consciousness. I close the window.

      (There is some other stuff from in my room I don't quite remember. )

      I go into the hall way and my Dad is there. I follow him to his room. He says he got me the Pokey Cable which is like a Pokemon game thing. It is like a hand held game with just one big screen and no buttons, more like a computer monitor.

      My Dad might have been pouring one barrel into another at some point. He called me into his room because he wanted to talk to me.

      I have my cell phone and this other electronic device. Every time I look at either screen, it shows some sort of monster pulling its arm back and then throwing a massive punch at the direction of the screen. I wonder why anyone would want their phone to start up with the effect of a scary monster about to punch them. To turn it off, I have to go to a menu called "Core". It seems difficult to change the settings. The app has to do with movie previews.

      There is another part of the screen where this creature is hanging from the top left corner, down toward the bottom right corner. It is a long creature like Night Stalker from M T G but with a green beak type of thing. I think it is towering over a smaller character. It looks kind of scary. I want to try drawing it. Its beak looks like it has teeth marks.

      Most of the dream I narrate my surroundings to myself. Orange, shorts, red, thing, whatever I see, I name it, or name its color, or both. It seems to help me engage the dream to do it out loud within the dream for now.

      When I go to talk to my Dad, I am afraid that I am entering a new dynamic. Because I am around another person, I can't just narrate things to myself around them. I fear this will make the dream end and it kind of does. I feel it is easier to keep calm when I am by myself in the dream.

      (I woke up from that in my physical bed, trying to think it through. I got more vibrations and ringing sounds, and eventually wiggled out into yet another OOBILD.)

      OOBILD #2

      (Somewhere during this I decided I would call these OOBILD's, O O B I L D's, or Out of Body Induce Lucid Dreams. Because I start separating from my body but then I am in a dream. So it is a form of WILD. But I will just call it OOBILD for now on. On Accounta That I think WILD is more like Tipharot's video of "What Does WILD Feel like?")

      I am having some trouble getting my body to separate this time. I push it a little, then try to relax. Then as I try to move, my eye cover falls off, and the room is brightly lit with yellow light. At first I am upset that this will wake me up, but then I realize that if the room is lit that way, it must be a dream. Catching this dream sign, I get on up out of bed, lucid.

      Standing up in my room again, I can definitely tell it is a dream. My back window is wide open and I talk to my dream reflection. I remember my intention to practice dream recall within a dream. I talk to my dream reflection about the dream so far. I am also talking about my OOBILD term with myself, and watching my reflection move as I talk. I like the way my face looks in this dream. At times I also narrate my surroundings to myself some more. The room is brighter.

      I start to think I need a real mirror because in the window my reflection is dim. To the right, on top of a dresser, there is a small square mirror at face height. It barely fits my head. There are two dressers along the wall on either side of my back window, or a long table.

      I talk to myself some more in this mirror. My hair seems shorter, but is the same color. My face seems a good replica of my physical face. I try to talk more about the dream, but maybe just energy flows out. (I can't remember exactly what I said. ) I start to think I will do that for the whole dream, and it will last a while, but then I get bored.

      On the other side of the window, I see some dishes with food in them, on top of the dresser. I am narrating them all to myself. They look like mixed nuts, maybe with macadamias. I am narrating it to myself but when I eat it I can't talk. The food gets stuck in my mouth. A shard of a nut gets lodged in between my back teeth and gums. I start to lose stability.

      I notice these triangular pastry looking things with candles poking up out of them. I think they are for my birthday even though my physical birthday is in October. I want to eat them but I am afraid my Dad intended us to share them for my birthday.

      I start to lose stability and the dream ends.

      (I was in my physical bed again after this, or so I thought. I was adjusting my body but it might not have been my physical body. For example I put my hand under my other arm and when I woke up it wasn't there. Or I felt my pillow was blocking my nose but when I woke up it wasn't there. So I think I dreamed of being on my left side and messing around with stuff. )

      False Awakening

      This would have been another OOBILD but I thought I had really gotten up. I had more ringing and vibrations but it seemed to end. I looked around my room and there was a blue or white light, like from a cell phone flashlight. (This wouldn't have been likely in waking life. ) The walls are actually orange red and I have two beds. One in the normal place and one on the other side of my covered window. At the foot of the two beds are a bunch of shelves.

      Something seems silly about all this but I still think it is waking life. I go to one of th e shelves, thinking something is there. I hear my Dad vaccuuming outside. Why is he vacuuming in the middle of the night? I think, but I realize I am already awake anyway, so I will just wait for him to finish, and then go back to sleep. I have to record my dream anyways.

      I figure I will just go to the bathroom and drink some water. I drink the water and the dream starts to end.

      (When I got back to my physical body for "real" this time, it was a totally different sensation. It was like, I knew I was really there. Where as the other times, it felt like I was, but I must not have been fully there. It was also difficult to think through the previous dream as the next one began this time. Maybe because the vibrations took a lot of my attention. I tried to form what memories I could between dreams in the chain though. )

      Liquor Store

      There was this part where I was going into a liquor store with a red liquor or wine bottle. I was F D, a big guy I knew from the local bars. I was asking for more of it. So we went in the back room and the manager or myself pulled out two white wine bottles. For a moment I kind of questioned, wait, wasn't my other bottle red? The white wine bottles were on this high shelf behind white paper. It reminded me of the guy's office in the first Italian Restaurant I worked in.

      Crazy Dessert

      In this dream some stuff happened that I forgot. maybe a game on a T V. but I remember taking a piece of this pie or cheese cake thing and then cutting it in half height wise. Then inserting some more food in between, like another dessert food. Then I microwaved that together. I felt bad because I thought the cheese cake was my Dad's.

      I ate a bite and felt high as a kite. Oh, and the microwave was in my 15 Swoo bedroom. it had double doors and a T V screen when you close it.

      So eating that, I felt off to the races. I was like, all this sugar will really boost my dream recall! Then I was afraid because I thought it was waking life and it would trigger my sugar addiction. I put it down after one bite. There was a T V on top of a dresser and some other stuff on the walls. I didn't know if I was dreaming or awake.

      In another part in this bedroom, my sister was writing some thing in a little sketch book. Or drawing. I notice it is a little sketch book. She has a hand ful of thick washable crayola style markers. She seems happy and goes off to draw.

      There Arrrrrrr definitely parts i farrrrr got from all this, matey.

      Then my Dad came in the room after some more stuff. I was wearing these pajama pants that I am always afraid my you know what will pop out of. My Dad points out that it is showing. I already know it is a dream at this point. I try to put it away or something, slightly embarrassed. I think it is my dream telling me to be careful when I wear certain pajama pants.

      Still in the same modified version of my 15 Swoo room, now lucid, I notice an ominous feeling begin. A monstrous sound comes from the hall and I feel fear. I remind myself it is a dream, but still, it is intense. An adult sized black dog comes through the door and kind of tackles me. At first I fight it. I fight the fear and I fight the dog away. But then I remember it is just a dream and so I just relax. Relaxing seems to turn the monstrous dog into a small black puppy and the fearful or chaotic energy passes. Well done. I think I wake up a little or have a sense of waking up.

      (If the dream ended and began again, it was still in this same bedroom place. I feel some parts are missing from my recollection. This was a super long dream chain. )

      I notice a clear jug of orange ish liquid up on a high shelf. Knowing it is a dream, I feel excited. I grab it and start dumping it in my mouth. I lay on my back on the floor and keep dumping it in. It seems nourishing. (I don't remember reading a label or anything!) It is very sweet. I worry that I am consuming sugar, but then I remind myself it is a dream. So I get all the flavor, but none of the calories or chemicals.

      Through Sky Light into Sky Dark

      I go out into the hall way and my Dad is there, vaccuuming. He looks like he has been drinking. He looks grim, like he is angry at the world. There are some tears in his eyes but it pushed me away because it looks more like a glazed over drunk stare than genuine heart felt emotion. He seems to be vacuuming up baking soda.

      (I think I went to the bathroom from the previous dream. While I drank that juice, I was afraid it would make me need to go #1, even within the dream. So walking out of the bathroom I might have been afraid to look at the night light, even knowing it was a dream. )

      I say hi to my Dad, but my main thought is to fly through the sky light. I jump up and easily fly through it. I am confident about it because I have done this in past dreams.

      I fly pretty easily into the dark sky. It is dark with white clouds. I can see some houses in the neighborhood.

      (I forgot if there was anything else to this or if it just ended. )

      Boat Party

      The next dream begins with me out doors in a grassy place on the main road behind my parents previous house, W S Road. I realize it is a dream and I am like, cool, another one.

      I see someone jogging and decide to jog along the sidewalk, too. It is drizzling lightly. As I jog, I start to feel really good. I like it better than flying. I know it is a dream for sure because I feel so light on my feet. There is no sense of any impact, although I can feel my feet lightly touch the ground. I realize this might take some focus, to run in the dream, so I set my goal to this bridge at the end of the road, where there is a Marina in waking life. As I run, I notice a dirt path to the end of my old block, like there is in waking life. The sky is kind of grey. I want to catch up to the other jogger.

      The dream seems to teleport me to the bridge. There is water and then a boat. I want to dive into the water, impressing any on lookers, but it is too steep or close a dive to the hull of the boat. So I just go on the boat. (I think some parts of being on the boat did slip my mind, though I remembered it mostly well. )

      I arrive at the top of this balcony or beak shaped diving board thing high up on the boat. I want to jump down but there are people swimming maybe 10 to 20 feet down in the water, right below it. One guy passes slowly and another person passes. That person must be 10 or 15 feet tall, with another smaller person behind them. Someone behind me wants to dive. I decide not to dive.

      I walk down into the boat again and pass some Spanish speaking people. There are some books above a bunk bed type of seat near them. There are two women sitting along one bench and then a man on a perpendicular bench.

      I stop and ask the woman, "Es Usted Mi Amigo?" Careful to use the formal second person instead of the informal, which I always was when I learned Spanish. The woman said "Si" or yes. I talked with them a little, thinking that this might take away my dream stability, talking to others. Because it brings up more emotion. But my Spanish is coming out good. At another point, I ask, "Como se llama usted" or what is your name? The woman says a name, and I ask the man, and he says a name. I didn't interact with the woman between them much.

      Then I went to leave. The woman asked me to stay with them and keep talking. She asked me to tell them about myself, now in English. I considered if I should tell her I am a lucid, dreamer, and I am in this dream exploring. Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't, and the dream ended there.

      Movie and Audience

      Unless I forgot another dream, the next thing that happened after that dream ended was I began to see this blue sky with clouds.

      So I see this blue sky with clouds. I am so surprised for this to be happening. I am familiar with this kind of dream. Words in white text begin flying towards me. For example one word is "thoughts". But other than that, I can't really catch the words. At first I try to dart my eyes around and catch all the words. Then I decide to just focus my eyes in a darker spot of the sky in the middle. That feels less frantic.

      I look away and to the left. I am surprised to see a theater full of people all illuminated from the front by the movie screen. They are all staring at the screen. I appear to be the only one not totally absorbed in it. (A few moments before this, I had no idea I would look away and see this movie theater effect. That is so cool. )

      I know it is a dream, so I try to stand up in my seat, facing the back of the theater. maybe I will talk to everyone and get their attention off the movie, or just fly. However, I feel my body is too heavy. I sit back down, look back at the screen a little, but then look away again. At first I am afraid to miss out on the movie, but then I realize watching the watchers is more what is "really going on here".

      Just then the movie begins to end. I stand up. The guy in front of my elbows me really hard as he puts on his coat, without any acknowledgement. It seems like an accident, but still.

      A kid to my left is asking me if these quarters have any use any more. (I guess this dream is set in the future.) He shows me one state quarter, then another. The image of the state quarter from the front is very sharp and clear. I explain to the kid that, yes, quarters have a use. Although "most money is electronic now" (in the context of the dream) the quarters can still be used to buy some items. The quarter on the back has the name of a state I can't ree cognize. I tell myself it must be a state I never heard of, but now I think the dream made it up. The name starts with an "A" (but I can't remember it now). The back of the coin has a guy on a horse.

      (I woke up from that, thinking it must be over. But...)

      Invisible! & Invincible!

      I find myself in a brown room. "Another false awakening!" I think. "Ha! Gotcha!" I have a sense that I have been dreaming quite a while now.

      I am in a bathroom with brown walls. I jump up and fly up towards the skylight. It is too solid. I fly back down and land. I feel like this might be a set up for a fight. Like another dreamer or an entity has been wearing me out with these other dreams and now has trapped me here for a final show down. I think he won't let me wake up until the fight is over, based on someone else's dream I heard. (This doesn't actually happen, it is just my assumption.)

      There was a way out by one wall, but when I turn around, it is gone. I see some cabinets. I see some windows with accordian like blinds, like in 15 Swoo. I try to pull them open to see if I can fly out. Although I feel somewhat ready to face some adversity, I think it might be wise to get to open air if at all possible. It is a healthy mix of fight and flight.

      Every time I draw the blinds open, another smaller set of blinds appears, or a type of door thing. Eventually I realize, after 5 or 6 times, that that might go on infinitely. I decide to look for another option.

      I walk the opposite direction of the opening that closed, and notice a circular sign that says Women. I must be coming from a Men's bathroom and there must be that Women's room accross the way. It seems like I am in the lobby of a hospital, almost like the P V hospital, with the guards desk at the front. I walk towards the Womens room, thinking there might be a way out through there.

      As I walk, I remember my intention to practice dream recall within a dream. My "dream recall affirmations" from the M P 3 playlist come to mind and I start repeating those. "I remember all my dreams" is the main one I can think of. I am saying this aloud as I walk through the building.

      To my right, there is a huge open door, as plain as day. Ah, I think, that must have been there all along. The fear was just in my head. What a relief.

      Two smaller people and a big guy are walking toward the door, about 50 feet away. The big guy is in a police officer style uniform, but instead of navy blue, it is red. They are like, "That is him!" And the guy in red pulls a gun and shoots me. I dodge the bullet, still repeating my affirmations. (Well done, mate!) Knowing it is a dream, I am not too scared.

      Just to be safe, I start repeating dream affirmations in my mind instead of aloud. And, I sort of summon a protective shield as well as invisibility, all at once. When in need, my shields can usually activate. People can blast me all they want, stuff can attack me, but my shields are really strong. However I don't have much in the means of offensive tactics. I can protect myself from harm at will but I can't harm others it seems. I think this is a good trade since I don't need to be violent if nothing can harm me anyway.

      So I kind of fly out the door, and the red guy and the two people run past where I was. More red uniform guys run into the building. Sure enough, they run right by me. I am sitting by this wall to the left of the door as you walk in. It is like there is a dark grey wall heater behind me I have my back to.

      I am really surprised my invisibility is working so well. I continue to think to myself, "I remember all my dreams", as I watch the guys run by.

      One guy in red shoots this blaster gun thing at me, but I don't feel anything. Then they all continue running by. I am not sure if I was hit, or if I was shielded. I don't feel any pain from it at all.

      A younger looking kid, who looks like Sean from when I was young, stands near me, his eyes darting around. I stare at the pupils of his eyes as they dart around. They are sky blue. He tells another guy that "It looks like it went straight through." I don't know if he just sees a hole in the wall behind me, or if he is looking at me, with a hole in me.

      (I don't know which really happened. One possibility is the guy shot at me, but somehow I was like transparent, and the blast just hit the wall behind me. Or, the blast hit me, and left a hole in me, but I just didn't feel it. But why would the guy have aimed at me and shot if I were invisible?)

      Someone behind the guy standing near me has an alarm go off. It sounds like a standard alarm clock sound, like a beepy thing. The kid with the sky blue eyes is now saying, "Man, thats a powerful alarm" or something like that. The dream starts to end with me still repeating "I remember all my dreams" in my mind.

      F A D J'd!!!

      I then found myself writing on something like Fii Write but it was like a parchment note book with really tall but thin sheets of paper. My left hand is writing dream notes in black. It is weird because the dream notes can only fit like 5 lines on a page, and with a space between each note, it is hard to space out. I am not lucid in this now. I really think I am recording my dream.

      One note I write is about how the alarm went off at 6 A M. this makes sense because maybe one of the dreamers on that team of red suit people had an alarm set for 6, and it was waking him up. So the sound could have got into all of our dreams. I see "3:03" somewhere on the page. 3:03 A M. I think this connects also to something in the dream, or maybe the dream lasted from 3:03 to 6 A M. (When I looked at the timing of my notes, the entire dream chain was under an hour, counting the time it took to fall a sleep!)

      I wake up from this sort of gradually into thinking about the dreams into my physical bed. Then I realize I am really in my physical bed for "real" this time, and I can tell the difference. I think back through it and pull as much as I can into my mind.


      WOW. This dream was one of my craziest dream chains. Maybe because I had trouble sleeping last night, I got REM rebound. I am so happy about this. It was so much work to record it all, but, so worth it, to have these memories.

      My theories about the red suit people: I think what happened was, they were a team of dreamers doing some kind of mission to defeat some zombies in the hospital (or to destroy all the circum sizers!) and I just happened to spawn in that bathroom at the same time as their mission. Then they thought I was one of their enemies and shot at me and stuff. But I wasn't their enemy.

      Either that or I was having such a long dream chain that I attracted some attention from "dream agents". Because I neutralized the dog attack, flew, drank the power juice, had in depth conversations with other dreamers on the boat, and attempted to disrupt the movie theater thing, they saw me as someone who was making waves. And I had to be stopped. That is my other theory.

      Again, I was able to type it up at least 90% without even going back over my voice notes, even hours after awakening. My dream memory is definitely getting stronger. When I look back at older Dream Journals I can see how I just have a much higher volume of recall now than I did then. It is encouraging to see that. Also I can see big gains in my dream skills and dream quality that are harder to notice when just comparing to yesterday's.
    6. 2-14 to 2-15 (lucid dream chain with dream food, manifesting dream money, dream Pokemon cards)

      by , 02-15-2018 at 08:38 PM
      Ctrl+F "lucid" if you just want to read that part, which is "round 3 of dreams"

      Here are my dreams from the night of February 14 to 15, 2018. I had a very nice dream chain in the third round and other than that just some vivid or interesting dreams.

      First round of dreams.
      "Restaurant Job. "

      I woke up after a few hours sleep like I usually do. I tried to think of any dreams, but they all seemed too blurry. I thought of maybe two or three things clearly, but needed to get up to use the bathroom. I laid back down, thinking I would remember whatever I remembered next time I woke up without writing it. Or that I would have a better chance of remembering if I laid back down and thought about it, instead of writing. Well, I only remembered one part from that, but its alright. I needed the sleep.

      That part was that I was at a rectangular table in front of my old house, at the end of the driveway. And I was talking about circumcision trauma. I don't remember much else of that part.

      There was also something at the end of my Nana's drive way with my Uncle. There was some kind of shelf or table we were standing around.

      So then I fell back asleep and had a very eventful dream.

      There was something about a google search saying to eat watermelon before bed to induce lucid, dreaming. I think there was some nutrient that the watermelon contained. I was thinking that will make the person need to pee a lot but maybe that's part of the goal of the technique. I might actually try this.

      There was a part where I was in a gym. It was more detailed but now I only remember it vaguely.

      Then I guess I was showering after the gym, and before I was showering, I was applying a lot of white lotion to my body. (Note to self #1*. ) I remember reaching a little farther than I could in waking life to my back and massaging my own back, thinking, wow, I should give myself a back massage more often. I was massaging my own back and shoulders. That could have been a dream sign because my arms would have to be an extra two feet long to reach that far! . Also, while doing this, I was thinking it didn't make as much sense to do this before I showered, since it would wash all the lotion off.

      Then I was with a bunch of people at these tables near where I went to fifth grade. With people from grade school only closer to their current age. I must have gotten up and come back to see that my friend G F (male) was at one table and a woman I knew, maybe L K or K S, was at the other table. There was this thing where I had trouble deciding whether to sit with G F or the woman. I sat with the woman, thinking I could invite G F to sit with us and we could all sit together. But, for some reason I wanted to just sit with the woman, maybe to not have to compete with G F. G F came over after a while and was mad at me. I tried to explain myself and invited him to join us. He sat with us. I had left my hoodie at the table with G F, draped over a chair, so he wasn't expecting me to have sat somewhere else.

      Then we were all working around this computer monitor but instead of being perpendicular to the ground, it was parallel. I call this horizontally mounted but it isn't the same word. We were all making a slide show, each of us using a small part of the computer screen, all sharing one monitor. I started to think the woman who was there might want an easier to use monitor, so I went to get one that I thought was in a nearby closet. I had my old Sony monitor in mind from waking life. On the way to the closet, I saw my friend R F, and we went in to look together. We didn't see a monitor, but the closet had these tall shelves each with four big black box fans. The box fans were blowing towards each other. R F said that it was much cooler in here, and gave a temperature reading. I thought of taking one of the fans, but he said we shouldn't because it needs to be this cool in here. I actually felt the temperature difference in the dream which was cool.

      Without the monitor, and seemingly having forgotten all about the project we were working on at the table, R F and I went to see what the temperature was like near another wall.

      On our way there, a woman who kind of reminded me of an art teacher from high school, Ms. T, asked for our help with a restaurant. She needed help serving the food or something. We followed her to where that was.

      I walked up a big flight of stairs to the restaurant floor, and there was a square seating arrangement. I walked around and noticed a transgender person I may have noticed in a previous dream. I felt bad for looking at them too long and looked away. I felt a sense that this person had been in a previous dream that night, and decided if I saw them again, I would become lucidly aware, but did not see them again. I also saw R M and some other people from high school. I think the seating arrangement changed from a big square to everyone being at tables and I was taking peoples food requests. Then I went back down the stairs and I saw my friend S R and another younger guy who had a gangster vibe. The gangster vibe guy was mad at S R and he flung a tiny white piece of plastic that he had ripped off a plastic bag at S R. It was the size of a fingernail. At first, I thought it was a fingernail, but it turned out it was just plastic. It was maybe half an inch long, and a quarter inch of it got lodged into S R's skin, I think on his arm. I was looking at it like, wow, that really cut through his skin pretty deep. There was no blood but it kind of scared me. I forgot what they were fighting over.

      So then I saw Ms. T and she asked me about where to deliver the food. I realized that while I had taken everyone's food requests, I had not identified what seats the food should go to. I tried to remember people by name or create some kind of seating chart in my mind but it was too late, the food was already made.

      There was a guy dumping his plate over his head and behind his back. I saw this and caught his food on another dinner plate. I was amazed at how good of a save that was. Everything landed on the new plate just like it was on the previous plate. It was onion rings and some kind of cheese steak sandwich. The guy was upset because instead of the cheese being melted all over and into the rest of the sandwich, it was just melted to one side of the bun. I thought of putting his sandwich in the toaster to make the cheese melt more. I was kind of being apologetic about it and trying to help in whatever way I could.

      I forgot if anything else happened in that part. I might have been thinking that I am not a "perfect Jesus".

      I woke up and was thinking back through the dreams. There is a funny effect when this happens lately that if I drift back to sleep, I will dream of another scene and then think that was interjected back in the dream I previously had. I started to have another dream of a well known actor dressed as a knight outside of a movie theater. He kept multiplying so another of him would pop onto the screen from a different angle or doing something else. There was some kind of music playing I think as he did this. I think I noticed I had started dreaming again and remembered, wait, I am not done remembering the other dreams yet! Then I woke up.

      I forgot some earlier stuff but I don't mind because I needed the sleep. It looks like I didn't write this D J entry until 1 in the morning so that's pretty good amount of sleep. I wake up a lot throughout the night naturally, usually after dreams, so i don't need any alarm clocks.

      Second round of dreams.

      This "round of dreams" contained a bunch of very eventful and long dreams but I just consider it one "round of dreams" because it was the dream activity between two dream journal entries.

      I forgot some from the beginning but here is where my memory starts, and there are parts where I don't have a memory of what happened along the way.

      I was in the room I lived in growing up at my Nana's house. I was looking through this childrens book full of really vivid artistic pictures of various types of dragons. I was flipping through the pages in reverse. I remember one grey whale dragon that as I reverse the pages seemed to disintegrate or fall apart. Like in one page its jaw was attached and in the next page its jaw had fallen off and was just showing red flesh. I know they were really cool looking but I can't really get a clear picture in my mind beyond that. The final dragon was actually a Transmetal 2 Megatron with dragon heads for his hands. I remember looking at this thinking it didn't seem to fit with the other dragons who looked more organic. Plus, I didn't think Megatron belong to whatever company made the other dragons. But then I was actually playing with the Transmetal 2 action figure of Megatron.

      There was a part with my Mom and sister in the same location. They might have been making food or something. I don't remember as much of it. I think there was a part where my sister was telling me not to go into her dream. I was about to go to sleep. I was sleeping on the floor to the left of my Nana's bed. My Mom was sleeping in my Nana's bed and she looked down at me. I felt this wave of anger or hatred like she didn't want me there. Then I woke up and thought that part through so far.

      I drifted off to sleep after remembering a good chunk about that dream and dreamed some more.

      Where my memory of this dream starts, the theme of looking for some place to live continued. I was living with my friend R K. He had a room I was going to be able to stay in. His friend and friend's girlfriend were staying on one side of the room. They seemed to be saying good bye as I arrived. I felt a sense that I might want to give them some time to finish saying good bye, but didn't. While I was near this wire shelf, the guy's girlfriend came to give me a hug. I was feeling bad about myself and didn't want to hug her that much so we had a really distant or light hug before she left.

      Then I might have gone out of the room and back in, or it just followed from that point. But I looked on my bed, which was a big king size bed. Only now, I T, a guy I went to grade school with, and 5 of his relatives, were all sitting on my bed. They were wearing some funny knit sweaters and hats that all matched. I T said, "What up" and then a nick name I had. I responded like, whoa, I T! Surprised to see him. It seemed they needed my bed more than I did, so I thought of where else I could sleep. maybe on a floor somewhere.

      Then there was a woman whose job it was to clean the house. She was telling me something to do and I didn't want to let her ego "win". It seemed like it was becoming an ego battle between her and me and so I resisted her instructions. She was fed up and walked down the hall. This room was all taking place on the room on the left hand side of my Nana's house.

      I also remember at one point, not sure if it was here or earlier, seeing my Nana's upstairs hall way. But I was saying to my sister, this hall way is bigger than our whole house! And it was a long hall way.

      Some other parts may have happened between these parts that I forgot.

      Then I went down some steps somewhere, near a dock and some water, feeling really worthless and bad about myself. No where to live, really down and out. There was this Asian fellow at the bottom of the steps who was dressed in somewhat of a funny way, maybe as a clown or a mime, but not exactly. He was praising me for something I had done way in the past. I tried to think of what it was, and concluded he either had me mistaken for someone else, or it was something in college, back when I was more active in my waking life. He looked me in the eyes in a way that was memorable. He was trying to come up with a way to repay me. It gave me a good boost because I felt very down and out at the time.

      Just then, a woman in a white shirt, with brown hair, walked by, asking for help. She kept asking for help as she walked by us, but did not stop walking. I wanted to help her, but I also didn't want to leave the guy I was talking with, because I was going to find out this good deed I had done. The woman must have been on some kind of auto pilot because she walked straight for the dock and fell right into the water, sinking immediately. I decided that the guy would be there later, and went in the water to rescue her.

      I ran to the dock and dived down into the water without much hesitation. A few other people did, too. The first time I came up for air, another guy dove into the water who looked like he would save her because he was in better shape. But I went back under the water after a big deep breath, thinking I might need to open my eyes to see underneath the murky green water. (In waking life, there is no way i would open my eyes under that water, much less swim in it!). I forgot what happened to the woman who had gone underwater, if she had been rescued after all, or what.

      But I moved on from that scene and went back to the stair well to talk to the Asian fellow. To my dismay, he was nowhere to be found. I knew I shouldn't have left him.

      Okay so I forgot some more parts, but then, there was a part when I was seeing a guy in a dorm playing video games. The story was that he was a woman's partner but he was being selfish.

      Then, the "dream screen" showed me four women sitting together and eating donuts at a food court table. Another woman came by and the "dream screen" showed all this glitter going all over the place as she joined them. One woman at the head of the table had two donuts, and one was for this guy back in the dorm the dream screen has just showed me. She ways saying how she got an extra donut for him so as not to be selfish. The women went on talking. (Note to self #2*. )

      Then the woman all the way to the right hand side, who had joined last, seemed to have her attention drawn to the side. The "dream screen" briefly showed all these pool floats at the end of a hallway leaning up against a rail. Then, it returned to showing the woman, looking concerned.

      She got up to see what was over there in the directions she had been looking. Then, I was kind of seeing the dream from a first person perspective from her viewpoint, or just behind her, but I was more just watching from outside like on a "dream screen", not really in it as an active participant.

      This next part got really nightmarish. The woman noticed that there was a photo booth with the door partly open, down some steps. I could hear her thinking, "Who is in there?" and she approached the reddish brown photo booth door to investigate. When she got close enough, the "dream screen" revealed some really creepy old guy in there. Before the woman could pull away, she got sucked in to the photo booth. It was really freaky because the man became a kind of spider and the dream showed the woman very vividly being tied up like in a spider web. She was screaming for help. I was glad she could yell for help because someone near by definitely heard her, and would come to her rescue. But the dream showed this pointy, sharp looking giant spider with a big stabber thing on its abdomen go to poke her, like how Shelob injected people in the Lord of the Rings series. It was really freaky and I don't know how that suddenly got in there.

      I woke up from that, kind of startled, stayed still, and thought it through. I wondered if I was supposed to become lucid in another dream to go back and help her, but my dreams usually don't have that level of continuity, at least in terms of form. There is some continuity but it is not that direct.

      At some point during that dream, or a later or earlier dream, there was this idea of these people who had some dogs. The dogs had a special place in their house, like a room that was just for them. I was reading some text which talked about the dogs being named "Burr", as in, the sound you make when it is cold. There was also another memorable word on the page which I forgot. So I just threw that detail in here because I forgot other parts.

      As I was recalling those, I fell asleep again and had a shorter round of dreams! Luckily, my memory of them held up pretty well. I must have needed the rest because I even napped this morning for an hour.

      There was one dream memory, not sure exactly where it fits, but I was in a grocery store aisle. There was a black gel pen section and I took one of the black gel pens out of the packaging to steal it. I had it in my pocket and was justifying my actions in my mind because of how many rotten apples the grocery store has sold me, that I haven't got a refund for. At least ten dollars I spent on apples that looked fine on the outside, but turned out to be rotten. Good thing I dice them before eating them because I would hate to bite into that, not knowing what it was like on the inside. (I have wondered about the symbolism of this. )

      I was checking out some regular items at the register, worried that the gel pen somehow had some sensor attached to it, and they would detect me with it on the way out. I tried to tell myself that wasn't likely to have a sensor just on one pen. I also remember thinking someone might have seen me through a camera and they were waiting to "capture" me on the way out of the store. (I guess this is my dream reminding me that stealing isn't the way to go in terms of having justice about my rotten apples. )

      Okay so then there were some more dream details. Kind of a scene of looking into the hatch back of this Subaru, near the woods on the side of the road. It was like a camp site. I was trying to write in one of the notches on the plastic flooring of the trunk. Some letters using a pen. Maybe trying to dream journal.

      There was some idea of someone stealing another person's prompting? Like what they were going to say.

      There was this yellow football headed thing with funny googly cartoon eyes. I was looking at it in the trunk as I overheard people talking.

      I was peeing in a big orange jug in the middle of the parking lot, near a walk way, and another guy saw me doing this. I was afraid I would get in trouble. The idea was that the guy never lets anyone get away with anything. My friend's dad, J S, was involved in the dream scene.

      There was this part where an older man was yelling at a younger man, "Are you a lawyer?!" and the younger man replied, "No, I will never be one," as if to say he should stay out of situations or something like that. While hearing this, I was ripping a little perforated edge off a piece of white paper to use it to write on. Maybe I was trying to dream journal.

      There was also a part with a lucid, dreaming You Tuber showing a video of how to modify the wiring of a head set to get a certain two channel sound effect. It involed opening the head set, separating the two wires, and then bending it over itself with tape. It didn't make sense to me. Apparently it only worked temporarily but then it caused the head set to be broken.

      Other dream notes included "something with a guys website" and "parked near nature".

      This was a huge amount of dream memory to keep all in my head at once before coming to write it, but I was just too tired. When I finally do get up to write, it is when I feel I have the physical energy. Like when my body will let me. If I try to push it, and interrupt the natural sleep phases too much, it tends to back fire and I will burn out. So I do it this way to keep it sustainable. Also it gives me a few natural W B T B's a night without needing any alarm clocks. I think alarms are bad because they might come in at the wrong time of a sleep cycle. My sleep cycles are never this cookie cutter 90 minute thing. I am in the "anti alarm clock" party of the lucid, dreaming world.

      Round 3 of dreams gave me a cool dream chain. That just means I woke up between dreams a few times in sleep paralysis, stayed still, and went directly into the next dream with lucid awareness. It usually happens if I get lucid in an early part of a dream, and wake up, and stay still.

      I forgot parts of it, but overall my memory of it turned out to be pretty good. Where my memory begins, Megatron and Waspinator are on the "dream screen". Waspinator was in robot mode and flying around the beast wars world. Megatron was using one of those statis pods to teleport something to Waspinator.

      There might have been a part with my sister. I was fighting with someone. maybe there was more beast wars battling, or I was a beast wars character. I am not sure if I was lucidly aware yet. I remember being maybe a foot tall, and riding this little motorcycle thing, or perhaps being in beast wars mode where they are part vehicle, part animal, and making a Bee Line for a closing wooden door. I thought I would make it, but the door closed just as i got to it. I was running away from something or someone. Somehow I got into that door or maybe another door. I had a sense of being chased. Now i was in a human body, with clothes on. I looked underneath a metal storage cabinet and thought my best bet to remain safe would be to morph into an ant, or something else small, and go under that cabinet. I think I morphed into an ant and had to crawl out of my human clothes to get away. I was in a little office, and the people chasing me had caught up with me. But I had already morphed. There was a woman who came in the little office room to look for me, and she started patting parts of me that were floating around. I realized I must have morphed into a plant. Somehow, she knew that I had morphed into a plant, and she had caught me as such. (note to self #3*. ) She tried to coax me out of plant form and at this point I am sure I knew it was a dream. I woke up for a moment before another dream began.

      Okay so then the next part was of me sitting in front of a television. (Note to self #4*. ) I had a great success with ree cognizing a dream sign, which was that I had an extra finger growing from my body. At first, I thought, oh, cool, an extra finger. Then I realized it was a dream! I played around with stretching my body as if it were elastic because that's what I thought to do. Then, I remember a part in which there was like this kid and his Mom yelling at him from a ramp. She was getting spit everywhere as she yelled, which was getting onto him and maybe on an open wound.

      There was also a part with the red eye. I felt a pain in my left eye. I knew I was dreaming, so I figured this related to some kind of physical condition. I wanted to ignore it at first, but I remembered that in lucid, dreaming I want to deal with my issues instead of running. So I looked in a mirror looked more closely. It had a lot of sharp pain. It was covered over with red scabs and all bruised and puffy. I almost couldn't believe it was my eye. I thought of using a little energy ball like I heard in the audio book I was listening to the previous day. I didn't really have enough coordination to do that. But I was able to ask the dream for help and as I looked in the mirror, my eye returned to normal.

      (Commentary from when I woke up as to waking life effects of this. I was sleeping on my left side, so it could have been some pressure was on my left eye. Other than that, I have no existing left eye problems. Both my eyes in waking life have always been fine. But I do have a left ear problem from using ear plugs a really long time without taking them out (foam ear plugs). There is a sharp pain in my ear if I put the ear plug in too far. So maybe that pain was translating into the whole left side of my face in the dream, and I was able to address it from there, where as something in my ear wouldn't have been visible to me. I will keep an "eye out" for if I notice any decrease in symptoms of left ear pain. Other than that it could have just been more symbolic in a broader sense. But it felt significant. )

      At one point I was hiding under a blanket from someone. I might have gone in and out of being lucidly aware.

      Then the "dream screen" played an awkward scene between a mother and her son. There was an awkward silence, and then the mother made a fart joke. The son wasn't amused and seemed kind of annoyed by the whole thing.

      Some other stuff was likely to have happened that I forgot.

      I next remember a dream begin where I am looking at a guy's chest in a sweater. It looks like he is bench pressing. Then I realize he is rowing a row boat and I am sitting accross from him. We are facing each other in a row boat. The water comes to an end and we scrape up on shore. The shore is actually made of the same material the street is made of. I kind of worry the bottom of the boat will be ruined. Then we continue rowing down the street as if the road is water. We go down a hill like this and get to a parking garage thing or something like a food tent at a carnival. Then I see both rowers get out of the boat and I am neither of them.

      I excitedly think to myself "this is a dream" as I approach the food table, trying to make sure to stay lucid. I almost tell two people near me it is a dream but I hold back. there is a plastic container of grey circles that doesn't seem like food. Some stuff happens and I am looking for something cool to do. I get the sense that there is this green juice that everyone really wants. In a near by fridge, behind a counter, I notice a bottle which has some of the juice in it. The label has the number sixty on it but besides that, I forget the name. I fly over to that fridge, reach accross the counter, and drink the last of the juice. It is very sweet. It feels very good to drink it. There is a younger kid who seems sad that I got the rest. I feel kind of bad for not thinking to share it with him. I was in a pleasure seeking mode for a lot of the rest of this dream. But I think even that is a beneficial use of lucid, dreaming, because I can get out my desires for physical gratification in the dream world, and not need to do it in waking life, where for example careless eating could make me very sick. Being able to enjoy dream food helps me stay on a healthy meal plan in waking life without needing to have "cheat days".

      In the next fridge to the left, there is a flattened everything bagel. I grab it, expecting it to taste like card board, and it kind of does. It doesn't stay stuck in my mouth though like I expect. Then I see some plastic containers with fruit and a pastry thing, like a muffin. I eat those and it is delicious. As I eat the food, I am mindlessly flying around, like a drunken bumble bee. I can tell I am sort of "food drunk" or "sugar drunk" within the dream but I just try to let go of worry and enjoy the sensory experience.

      There is a part where I have this drawing of a three or four headed guy on gray paper. It has three frowny faces and I relate this to why I am off to the side by myself and not in the main party enjoying other peoples company. So I swipe my finger over the frowns and they become smiles. Then I go back to the party tent thing.

      (Note to self #4*. )

      I forgot some parts where I was walking through buildings. I might have eaten more stuff or seen some giant Pokemon cards. Just different wish fulfillment I guess. I saw a sign that said A T M and figured, this sounds fun. I went in to that lobby and almost thought it wouldn't be anything, but it turned out to be a dream A T M.

      The first thing I notice is a packet of ten dollar bills similar to how post it notes are stacked, sticking to the A T M. It says "ten ups" which I guess means a free ten dollar boost. I look around for buttons and it looks like there are calculator buttons on the A T M. I enter some numbers, thinking about four thousand dollars, and pretty the START button. A bunch of money pops out, mainly hundreds and twenties. There are also drawings on pieces of construction paper that come out, which are mainly blue and brown. These are equally interesting but I don't take the time to examine them. Maybe they are the real prize.

      I grab the whole stack of ten ups, with little regard for anyone else in the dream world wanting them, and go out side into the street. It is dark out. I see a bunch of people I know from college. I ask them if they want the money. One kid, A B (male) says, "I want all of it!" I give a bunch to him and throw the rest around. (there were some times I considered stopping and counting the money but that seemed to take too much focus. )

      Success story part. In one of the parts where I was flying around a lot of people I knew, I saw this web site where there were guys posting success stories about various things. I had been seeing people from college, and so I was thinking of posting my success story of how I talked to people from college in my dream. i was thinking of telling them in waking life how I was with them in a dream and that being a success story. The page has white back ground and blue hyperlinks.

      In the final part of this dream, I am walking down the street or hall way. All along the sides are giant Pokemon cards. There is Machamp and other Pokemon. I feel totally amazed and happy. I am telling other dream figures how I always wanted these Pokemon cards! A lot of them really look like Pokemon cards in waking life. One is grey and silver and there might be a purplish Gengar one. I am so overwhelmed that I don't really know how to take it all in.

      Around that part, I woke up, and thanks to my new sleeping position, I was able to stay perfectly still. It seemed like a minute went by before I thought to recall dreams, because I was kind of preparing for another dream to begin in the dream chain. When i realized it was over, I was like, oh, no, let's get to remembering it! Luckily, I was able to remember a lot, but I wonder what else I would have remembered if I would have had that recall begin as soon as the dream ended. Waking life recall meditation has helped me with that memory "muscle". If I can pull up one detail, others start to come up, and then I have a whole big "movie" of the dream in my head I can rehearse a few times until nothing else comes up as I do it.

      At some points during the sleep paralysis between dreams in the dream chain, I heard some auditory hallucinations of female voices saying various things which I forgot. I also felt some of those vibrational state feelings which felt kind of like intense pulses of my whole body, but were probably in my non physical body. Then I would "pop" into another dream.

      I am pretty happy with this lucid, dream chain. I probably am somewehere between "fully lucid" and "semi lucid" for most of it according to the lucidity spectrum in terms of having all these dream abilities and stuff. But I mainly just enjoy the "lucid euphoria" of being like, woah, I am in a dream! And doing stuff. That's good enough for me and I figure the higher levels of lucidity will come with experience and study over time.

      Round 4 of dreams.

      I managed to get back to sleep one more time after those, which is wonderful. I didn't seem to have as many dreams or remember as many but once I noticed I had slept I tried to think back through them and here's what I got.

      I remember seeing "Maharishi University of Management" written somewhere. It was something to do with M U M and Lucid, Dreaming.

      There was another scene I only vaguely remember, to do with my Nana's steps going up to the dining room.

      The last scene I remember was I was driving this truck and listening to a voice recording of my own voice. I needed to go to the bathroom so I pulled into this parking lot near a convinience store. When I got out of my truck, I noticed I had parked over the edge of the spot, and kind of double parked into the spot ahead of that. There was a guy near the front of the convinience store I didn't really trust, and it seemed the lights were just turned off. The whole time, there was some angelic kind of music playing in the back ground. I realized I wasn't in a good neighborhood and went back to my truck, thinking I might just go pee in the parking lot between the trucks, hoping no one saw me.

      There was something else in the dream involving being out at night without much lighting.

      I thought through these dreams and drifted back to sleep a little. That's what I like about laying down and thinking through the dreams without moving instead of needing to spring up immediately once I have woken up. It usually works just as well, in terms of the quantity of details I remember, (if not better), but it is more restful.
    7. Dreams from night of 2-7 to 2-8 (at least 2 LDs)

      by , 02-08-2018 at 02:09 PM
      Here are the dreams from last night. The non lucid parts are written in black. I highlighted the lucid parts in lime green this time. There were also some parts that were really pre lucid but not exactly lucid, so I only highlighted the ones I was certain were lucid.

      Round 1 and 2 of dreams
      Here are dreams. This is the second time I have woken up. Unfortunately, the first time I woke up, I did not write down the dream fragments I remembered. I thought to myself that they were so few, that I would definitely rmemeber them next time I woke uo. This was not the case, and now I am kind of sad that they are gone.

      I had difficulty falling asleep the first time of the night, but the second time I went back to sleep (after needing the bathroom) I fell asleep easier.

      From this second round of dreams, the first thing I remember is having to go somewhere with my Dad. I didn't want to go. It had to do with where I went to college.

      Then, there was a part at AB's house where it was around 6 A M. I wanted to ask my cousin something but AC said it was too early for her. she wasn't really up yet.

      There was something about my sister arranging a daily spanking routine with my Dad. I was horrified by this. I am against the spanking of children. The concept of spanking came up in my life recently and so I see that this has some carryover to day time.

      This dream was very vivid and eventful, but I remembered only a little. The next part was that I was sitting near some water and there were two girls to my right. It was like the shore of an ocean or big body of salt water. there was some surf washing up. One girl to my right had no shirt on the second time I looked at her. I didn't get too engaged in that aspect of the dream. But I forgot what we were all doing by the water. Maybe eating ice cream? I was going to go out to the water at first but then I saw those two sitting there and decided to sit with them.

      There was a part where I had this foldable griddle and was cooking eggs or other food for people. there was a lot of food in this dream. I was cooking a big rectangular pizza and I considered slicing open the crust and turning the whole thing into a breakfast pizza with bacon, maple syrup and eggs, and i guess cheese. I thought everyone would really enjoy this.

      There was a family there that was like my previous neighbors. There was a girl from there who I was seeming to get to know better. We were sitting together by ourselves. I did not get along well with these neighbors. I remember seeing a guy who looked like her brother but wasn't quite her brother, so I figured he was her cousin or something. Then another guy came over and seemed to draw her back over to their family table. I felt kind of bad about this because I liked her. In waking life, I did not get along well with her.

      Then there was a thing about this plant or ornament thing that could be designed to stay in a certain shape. So I put one of the limbs into a square and I did this to impress people or win the girl back. There was a whole concept of how the plant or ornament could be programmed to go in a certain shape, without changing it manually. I was then looking through the shelves beneath it for a manual of some sort. Instead, I found a questionnaire packet about some different topics, one of which was kind of surprising.(Note to self #1*)

      I felt like I was supposed to fill it out, but didn't want to. There might have been something to do with math homework. Then, A B walked by and sung that I was a beautiful helper. I felt good about that.

      So then I was walking back through and there were all these kids. Someone said something about how we all have to get these kids on the bus before 10 A M so we don't get billed for having kids at this location. The floors were all slippery and it was a big mess. Then I walked further one way and a latin american fellow was eating raw chicken. i thought, man, he must be hungry, but I didn't think that was good for you. Oh, well, maybe he can digest it. Then, a woman's voice was asking if the kids have trouble being on benefits or people pick on them because of being on benefits. Then, I walked by this huge pile of cooked sweet potatoes. but they were moldy. I got excited because I love roasted yams. But I opened one and it had lots of green and white mold.

      So, that was all of these dreams. Unfortunately, I forgot a lot of parts that were interesting. What happened was, once I woke up from that second round of dreams and sleep, I stayed perfectly still and attempted to think of what I dreamed about. But, for some reason, it took a minute or two for anything to come to mind. That seems weird because it was such a vivid dream. I guess I was just groggier or in a deeper phase of sleep and hopefully, the next rounds of sleep and dreams gives me more dream recall.

      Round 3 of dreams

      I didn't have too much trouble falling asleep. These dreams turned out to be a dream chain kind of thing with two fairly long lucid dreams back to back after the first dream. I forgot a lot of the dreams unfortunately, even though I stayed perfectly still and immediately thought of what i had dreamed upon awakening physically in my bed. Well, here is what I remember.

      There was a scene where I was on the phone with my friend Lesa. I forgot what we were talking about. One part was that I have healed a lot from circumcision trauma because I am not as angry, even though I still oppose it. I just oppose it more calmly, which is healthier for me at the time. I was pouring soap from a body soap bottle into something else. It was like a blue tube of gel, unlike the real body soap, which isn't as solid. My Mom had taken the toilet down stairs for cleaning it, which made perfect sense to me at the time. There was some dream context that I could have cleaned the walls behind the toilet and the floor while she was down there but I didn't really want to. I didn't know I was dreaming yet. In the bath tub to the left of the toilet place, there were all of these blue fish tank pebble types of things. I figured they were some kind of cleaning salts and would dissolve.

      I forgot the rest of this dream, but there was more to it. What happened was, I woke up and thought about it. I remember remembering a good deal of it, but the next thing I knew, I was asleep again, and in another dream.

      In this dream, I had woken up in a car. I was in a parking lot and it was daylight. I didn't know I was dreaming right away, but I started to have the notion that it could be a dream. A girl pulled up in a car next to me. It was Victoria from high school and I got out of my car, to not be anti social. At the time, i was trying to dream journal in my car, which often happens as this is kind of a false awakening I get from thinking I have woken up to dream journal when i was intending to last time I was awake. I was worried about forgetting my dreams. Then, I was on the passenger side of my car, trying to write my dream journal in blue gel on the windshield. I realized this wouldn't work the best, and tried to get my phone to work as a dream journal. Then, another guy was there talking to Victoria, and I had the sense they both wanted me to go away. I looked in some compartment on the side of my car. As I was standing with Victoria and the guy, I was still stressing about writing my dream journal. then I realized i was in another dream. I was like seventy five percent sure of it, but didn't do any dream state checks yet.

      Next, in this dream, I was in some kind of a school hallway or building. I remember it being bright with lots of white tiles and white walls and stuff like that. There was some kind of class going on or something. There were some women around. I decided to check if it was indeed a dream. I tried a finger palm test a few times, hoping to be discreet. It didn't go through, but the hunch that I was dreaming still didn't go away. I was thinking, I know this is a dream, I just need to prove it to myself. I remember looking out some window perhaps into a field. I also remember there was some rectangle in the wall that I pulled myself up to look into and it was this crawl space thing, with upside down cieling tiles as the floor. This seemed unusual to me. I don't know if this counts as a totally lucid dream or if I was just pre lucid the whole time. More happened in this dream, but I don't remember it now, and you will see why in the next dream. I am not sure if I had more lucidity later in this part of the dream chain or not. But I did wake up and try to remember as much as possible of this part of the dream chain before the next began. As far as dream chains go, this one had 3 long segments, instead of my usual 6 to 12 short segments when I have dream chains.

      Another dream began after a while of thinking through the previous two. This time, I knew it was a dream sooner, almost immediately. I forgot the first parts of this dream. I remember some kind of underground rock concert, a scene I feel I have dreamed of before. I felt somewhat excluded perhaps. Then I was in this parking garage walking perhaps to my car. There was a thought in my mind about how a certain belief system (Note to self #2*) seems dark but is more about integration than actually becoming evil. There were cars parked to my right, and I walked or flew alongside them. I sensed someone coming and I hid behind them. I had the feeling I was in a part of the dream I wasn't allowed. As I hid behind one car, I saw a car pull out of one of the spaces ahead and to my left, from between other cars. the unusual thing was, it was a limosine, but it pulled out of a car space just the size of a regular sedan, which had nothing past it but a wall. Well, I already knew it was a dream.

      Then, I was flying around this lobby a bit. I had a sense I should really lay low around here. I saw someone working in a glass booth and flew through the glass both, but I think I was also invisible. I tried going down through the floor to see the underground concert thing again, but the dream told me I couldn't go through the floor this time. So, I let go of needing to do that.

      Next thing I knew, I was in some class. Then, a girl I know, either Lauren or Julia, was walking down the steps ahead of me. She dropped a bunch of mini reeses cups on the steps and I made sure to step over them. She told me it didn't matter if I stepped on them, they had already hit the floor, so she couldn't eat them. I said, well, that may be so, but I don't want them on my shoe. I figured she would go buy some new ones in wrappers, but she had taken them from some bulk pack. I don't know how they kept in her pocket. I might have temporarily forgot it was a dream around this part, or faded in and out of awareness of that. The dream was really long, much longer than my memory of it shows. I was thinking to myself that I didn't know that girl had an eating problem.

      Then, a guy I never met was shaking my hand and giving me some kind of compliment or advice. In the context of the dream, I thought of him as a guy from my fraternity, but now that I look back, I didn't actually know him. he was somewhat big of a guy with grey hair.

      Then there was a part with two young girls in a cage, holding burgers on strings. A guy about 20 years old walked by and oogled at the burgers, then kept walking. As he did this, I felt tremendous fear, like he was a dinosaur and going to eat the girls.

      Then there was a part with two teenage boys bringing a slightly younger teenage girl somewhere. They were outdoors and there was a fence nearby. It was still daytime. I felt fear that they were going to molest the girl. At this point, I felt like I was following along invisibly, and I knew I was dreaming again, if I had lose awareness at one point. Now, I had a sense that I was more passively being shown this scene, like a T V show, as opposed to actively engaged in it. As in, I didn't really have a dream body. I was just a floating awareness, unable even to control my own floating. but I was aware of my actual condition being a dream. So, I just followed the kids, thinking that I might at some point materialize with a dream body and rescue the girl if need be.

      I remember somewhere along the course of these dreams, thinking to myself, well, this is just pointless. This is such a long dream, I will never remember all of it. I don't even see the point of this dream, anyway. I should just wake myself up. but then I remembered a rule I made with myself, that I was sort of honor bound to stay in the dream as long as I could. Even if I didn't want to stay, I had to do my best to stay in the dream as long as I could. So, I decided I wouldn't wake myself up.

      Next thing I knew, I was seeing a young teenage boy saying something. Then, credits rolled. The scene zoomed out and showed I had been watching this all on a T V. Suddenly, I knew I was in the living room of a cabin that it felt like I had been in earlier in the dream. I wish I remembered this all more clearly. A guy walked by with a dog and out a door to my right. The door had mainly glass, but then some wooden slat kind of things. I can't think of the name for this kind of door but it is a pretty normal door. With brown wood. There was a couch to the right of that door. As the guy left, I tried to tell him I thought my life purpose was to materialize and save that girl, but now I found out it was just a T V show. The guy didn't seem to care. I felt all alone for a moment. I wondered if I was supposed to commit suicide within this dream because I felt so empty and useless all of a sudden. I thought if there would be a dream gun somewhere. I knew that suicide within a dream would not kill me because I have read about how dying in dreams doesn't actually kill the person. So it was more symbolic or something. I couldn't think of anything else to do.

      Then, I felt empowered by the thought that I could just turn off the T V. All along, I could have just realized it was a T V show, grabbed the remote, and turned the power off. then, i could have done something else. So, the remote was right to the left of the T V and I picked it up. I forgot what hand. The power button was very clearly on the top right of the remote, and I pressed it. The T V went off for a split second, but popped back on. I was not surprised. That happens in dreams a lot, I turn off electronics or radios and they pop back on and I have to keep unplugging them from here or there. so I was expecting that. I pressed power off again and it went off again.

      Just then, someone came in with two dogs. They looked dark at first, and I felt scared. But then I saw that she was a beautiful dark skinned woman in a dark coat and hat with dark hair. She was 4 and a half to 5 feet tall if I could guess. One of her dogs had these shiny black spots of fur on an otherwise not shiny brown coat of fur. That was the dog to my right. The other dog was to my left. She started to comment on how we needed to have sex immediately. I was like, woah, cool. I was totally aware it was a dream. She began to undress very slowly. I wanted to rush her to undress, but I tried to just breathe. I could see her body and she was just getting her pants off. She was saying something about how she should have just stayed with a guy like me (Note to self #3*) all along and not gone for those other guys. Now, she was back, and she wasn't going to leave again, she said. I started to be aware for the first time in this dream that I was losing stability. This is part of why I wanted her to hurry up. I was getting anxious or too excited, but I was able to keep some level of cool, enough to extend the dream the amount I did. I started to tell her that I was losing stability and I needed her help to stay in the dream, and my level of panic about waking up kind of rose. At first, I felt like I might be able to stay in the dream and enjoy the next scene which might have ensued, but then, i felt myself waking up physically in my bed.
      (Note to self #4*)

      Then I was awake physically in my bed. Because I woke up straight from that scene, I was able to begin remembering the dreams right away. I couldn't remember as much as I would have wanted to. I wrote the dream out in full though and now I can go back to bed.

      Round 4 of dreams. .

      I fell back asleep without much trouble, on my left side. I had a dream and woke up, unable to remember even a little of it. I was still very groggy, and felt myself soon drifting to sleep again, so I just let it happen.

      I was in another dream that I don't remember a lot of the beginning of. My sister was there. Two other girls were there. I think I remember having a bad feeling but I am not quite sure. There may have been something with my college fraternity.

      Then I was having a conflict with a guy, I think. Maybe a conflict with my Dad. I think he wanted help carrying something to the back yard or something like that. Maybe he had some kind of a vacuum.

      Oh, snap, now I remember what happened. Someone else was up in my room with me and we had a drug like D M T. It was either actual D M T or I was just pretending it was. I haven't smoked weed or drank in over 4 years in waking life, by the grace of the goodness gracious. But i took this test tube or lab beaker kind of thing and put the drug in there and somehow vaporized it from that. I remember inhaling every last bit of vapor and feeling like, oh, crap, why did I do that? Even if I am only pretending, I really shouldn't be dabbling with drugs. I kind of started to feel funny. I think I looked in the mirror but I don't remember what I saw. Now that I remember that, it makes sense why I was so relieved when I found out next that it was just a dream.

      When I was downstairs, I got the idea to try putting my finger through my palm. It was a vivid dream already and it felt like waking life. But, I gave it a try and to my surprise, it poked through a little. I felt more like I was in waking life, and nothing would happen. So it was interesting for it to really go through to the other side. I wanted to show someone but then I didn't. I still didn't quite understand what it meant that it was a dream. I felt like I was still in waking life, but that something was just a little different. I went to look out the front door, which looked like it does in waking life. Then, I realized it was a dream, so that meant I could do more fun stuff or something. I saw a sugar cookie shaped like an easter bunny chocolate bar thing and grabbed that and started to eat it. it was delicious. My Mom was there and she was being really nurturing. Then, I wanted more food, but it felt like the other food was still stuck in my mouth, and I couldn't fully swallow it. Anyway, I went in the fridge, and there was a pile of food boxes. On top was a really well made birthday cake that said Mommy on it. this makes sense because my sister was just telling me how she decorated a cake for my Mom for her birthday, which was a few days ago. I thought of digging right into the cake, but decided not to, because even though it was a dream, it seemed too important to mess with. So I put the cake to the side. The next box was a circle of turkey and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread, and I dug right into those. I still felt like I should leave some for everyone else, even if I was in a dream. As I ate, I felt like I couldn't eat fast enough. The food in the dream tasted so delicious. Then, there was a jar of Mustard to my right. I gobbed some of that on the sandwiches and ate that, and it was delicious, too. My Mom came by and asked me if I was going to put some Kevin on my food. I knew that Kevin was the word for Mayo but I don't know how those words got criss crossed. There was a small jar of Mayo near the mustard that I didn't have any of yet. Then, my Mom was saying more nice things to me as I ate. That was a really nice wish fulfilling dream. I told my Mom that I want to eat something I really want to eat! She said, I know, me too. (Note to self #5*) Then, I noticed my Mom's art was everywhere. I thought that I would really like to compliment her on her wonderful art. I could see shadows cast by her easels. I wanted to have the chance to tell her how great her art was, before the dream ended, but my mouth was so full. (Note to self #6*) I thought I would be able to enjoy some more food, and then I would get the chance to compliment my Mom on her art, which would probably be very fulfilling in a dream.
      Then, I woke up physically in my bed, with my mouth still moving, still tasting the sandwiches from the dream.

      It took me a moment to even think of the dreams. I don't know why my dream recall isn't the best tonight. I feel I dreamed a lot, but remembered so little. I hope I can sleep and dream once more, because I feel a bit like I had less dreams than usual. But it might be the case that I have had all the sleep my body will take, and it is morning. Usually I can't sleep past sun rise. But I will try to sleep again and see what happens.

      I am definitely happy about this L D because I like dream food. From the moment I thought of food, I was thinking of the food in our cabinets in waking life. Also, I eat very strict in waking life, never any cookies or even bread, for years straight now, and so eating things like this in a dream is a real treat. I eat this way in waking life more due to food allergies than anything else, and because I have a history with certain types of food triggering binges. Which, in the dream, I did feel like I was on a food binge, but because I knew it was a dream, I just enjoyed it. In waking life, being on a food binge like that would be pretty scary. So, I am grateful I am not on a food binge in waking life.

      Well, I didn't get back to sleep. I tried, but could tell the sun had risen without even looking, and I got up. So, now its time for the day.
    8. Angry Boss

      by , 03-28-2016 at 04:22 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      It's good to be back! I was trying to do an actual WBTB last night, something that I haven't taken the time for in ages, but my legs disrupted my sleep too much. I was lucky have this late morning LD.

      #488 - DILD - 9AM-ish

      I go into work two hours late and Mike and Brenda is telling my boss is mad at me for it. I decide to fill out a form for sick pay so that maybe she wont be mad. I try to clock in on the computer, but nothing is working right. Woody tells me the computers are down and I have to clock in on the old time card system. I have a hard time finding a blank time card and all the ones with writing look really strange. It takes a minute to find what I am looking for. As I slide my card in the machine it dawns on me that all the trouble I am having is typical of a dream.

      I walk way from time card and walk back into my work place. I see various people that I know, but their faces are all melty-flowy and shift into other faces. This is typical for me so I don't pay much attention to it, though I find it annoying. As I try to think what I'll do in this dream, I realize that I am really tense now, trying too hard no to wake up. I force myself to relax a little and things feel better. I decide I should go ahead and see why my boss is so angry; I figure it would be good practice for waking life.

      I walk into the break-room and see the usual people she sits with, but my boss is absent. I sit across from Sasha and ask where Sandy is, but shes deep in some conversation and mostly ignores me. I see some red sugar cookies and a coffee sitting in front of me. I try a cookie, but there is no taste. I go ahead and dunk it in coffee; still no taste, but now my mouth feels like it's full of something thick and expanding. Sasha tells me that I have red sugar in my beard. I try to say something back, but my mouth is so full I can't speak. I quickly wake up feeling like I have cottonmouth.
    9. Perfect Fruit, The Imprisoned King, and The Cliffside House

      by , 11-01-2015 at 10:47 PM (Dimension X)
      I had a somewhat lengthy dream that was split up into 3 parts.

      Part 1: Perfect Fruit

      I was out somewhere in the forest with a friend and there was some old lady's house and she was gone for the day or something. She had fruit growing inside the house and I opened the window and saw the most perfect, bright red, strawberries I've ever seen. There were small bunches of grapes on the same plant, so I took one of those and I put it in a backpack, that was somehow mine because I left it there. I had apparently been here before...? That's weird.

      Part 2: The Imprisoned King

      Somehow in the back of my mind in this part, there was a story about a king who was wrongfully imprisoned by his own people. I took the role of this king and I was in a prison cell with someone else, trying to unlock the gate through the bars which was oddly farther away from the cell itself. I used something that looked like Thor's hammer to jiggle the gate's locking mechanism, and it came loose, so I escaped. This one kind of ties into the next part...

      Part 3: The Cliffside House

      I was no longer the king but I was in a house that my mom and dad were in. I immediately got the feeling that the house was perched on the edge of a cliff. It was early in the morning and they were still sleeping, so I was sneaking around the house avoiding giant guard bird walking in the halls. I remember one of them being called a Scroller by the other person I was still apparently with, even though I don't remember who it was.
      I was looking for money, in any form, around the house. I was looking in dressers, jars... You name it. I was looking for change, so I could buy something. My parents didn't find out I was looking.

      That's all for this one.

      I've had a few other dreams that I didn't get to add here yet, so maybe I'll add them eventually.
    10. Snowy House and Cookies

      by , 10-02-2015 at 02:59 AM (Dimension X)
      This was strange indeed. My parents were gone from our house and I remember I was trying to get into some kind of safe in their room. Except it looked like it had a normal dial combination padlock. Ironically, my parents have a locked closet in real life that they hide all the delicious snacks in, and I totally know the combination. (Shh, don't tell them.) But either way, it was the exact same combination in the dream. 17-47-11

      How did I remember it in the dream? That's what really confused me. It could have been anything else, but it was the right combination.

      I eventually got into the safe, but my parents came home and I had to close the lock and go out into the kitchen.

      Things were different now. The power was out, and the house was very cold. There was even snow in the house. I remember opening the door to the stairs and seeing the snow sloping off the stairs, like it had fallen there somehow.

      I went upstairs to turn our air conditioner into "heat mode" somehow. But of course, it's an air conditioner, so there's no such thing as that mode. It got warmer, but then it got cold again.

      My parents left once more, and I was able to get in the safe and get cookies.

      Also, they were really delicious.

      Dream food is great.
    11. Transformations and more Rick & Morty Portals

      by , 09-11-2015 at 06:42 AM
      Dream 1:

      I was at a party that was being held at an underground restaurant. I’m not sure what was initially being celebrated, but several of my old childhood friends were there, as well as a few family members. Upon entering the restaurant, I was immediately greeted by an overly enthusiastic Tom Cruise Waiter. I started to realize it was a dream at this point. He showed me to my table then threw down a big plate filled with fries. MMMmm I was really excited and I started to just devour them. Each time they would disappear, some waiters would immediately give me another plate. I kept eating until I started to genuinely get tired of eating fries, which is weird for me since I love them. I looked around and saw that there were some people that had fried chicken sandwiches. I asked the waiters for one of those but they flat out refused to give me one! They brought me this delicious cake-like desert. I had to remind myself that all dream food is animal and cruelty free, then I started dig into the cake with my bare hands. I felt like a ravenous animal.

      I looked around while eating and it was apparently my birthday party now, and I was the king of these lands. There were also a lot of teen girls dancing in a circle in the center of the room while flashing their boobs.

      The party eventually started to die down, guests started to leave, and I was getting bored with eating dream food, so I jumped on top of a table and rode it out of the room as though it were a hoverboard while yelling, “I’m king bitch, I’m king!!!”

      I had to fly through a tiny hole in the ground in order to get to the surface, it made me feel a bit claustrophobic but it wasn’t too bad.

      When I got above ground I appeared in a beautiful, lush, vivid green field with trees that were covered in so many leaves that I couldn’t even see a speck of bark. I tried to teleport Rick & Morty style by pointing an invisible portal gun at a hedged bush. A transparent green and purple blob shot out of the gun and made a transparent green and purple portal. It was pretty tiny so I tried to run into it head first, but instead of going through a portal I ended up smashing my face into a solid hedge that felt like it was made out of bricks. I rarely feel pain in my lucid dreams but running into that brick bush gave me an awful, splitting headache.

      I lost vision and appeared in a new field. There was tall, golden wheat grass all around me and a few oak trees off in the distance. I flew around to try to find a group of people to unleash my wind upon. I found a small encampment of criminals after exploring for a few minutes. I landed in the middle of them and then I almost immediately saw a group of maybe 20 little 10 year old kids marching towards me in a line. They surrounded me in a circle and I began trying to fart. One of them kept punching me in the stomach and pushing me around while the others cheered.

      The fart wasn’t happening and I felt like maybe I was going to shit my dream pants instead. So I imagined hearing and feeling a fart instead of trying to force one out, then immediately a massive noise erupted from my butt. The kids froze and became dead silent while they stared at me in absolute horror.

      I opened my mouth and said, “It was Meeeeee!!!” but another kid said it at the exact same time. Then the rest of the kids joined in and said that it was them while they laughed hysterically. They started pushing me around, punching me, and throwing rocks at me. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting.
      I ran away and then got down on all fours and tried to turn into a dragon. I could feel my back sprout wings and I could feel claws grow from my hands but then I woke up.

      Dream 2:

      Short lucid dream fragment – I was asking Dreamer to transform me into a dragon. A violent transformation started to happen and parts of my body were bubbling and randomly growing very large or very tiny. I started to grow claws and to get scaly but I woke up pretty quickly.

      Dream 3:

      I was in a simulator with Dreamer. This simulator was supposed to be a previous memory that belonged to someone from my old high school’s football team. I don’t know what kind of strange technology we were using to explore this memory but I was fascinated at how powerful it was.

      The memory, however, was quite sad in content. There were a few cheerleaders that had gotten very drunk with a couple of football players and their coaches. The girls were all stark naked. I admired the details of the simulation and felt my way around the room, amazed at the realism of the experiences.
      I found one of my old, male best friends sitting on the floor, submissive, and sucking on an unknown person’s dick that was poking through a wall.
      The coaches started to get aggressive, and against the girls’ wishes. They started to walk up behind the girls and rub their dicks against their bums and between their legs. The cheerleaders would push them away, but the coaches would just come back and they started to penetrate the girls. They took them into other rooms and had sex with them.

      We could explore the memory and witness things but we couldn’t interact with or influence the memory.
      I was showing Dreamer and a couple other DCs that we weren’t actually using our real bodies either by doing a nose plug RC.
      I suddenly realized that this wasn’t a simulation, but that I was actually dreaming. The simulation started to end and everything began to get dark. I repeated to myself, “I am lucid, I am lucid, I am lucid…” over and over again until the dream re-formed because I was afraid of having a FA and losing lucidity.

      I appeared on a gorgeous, white beach. I remembered that I wanted to try some tasks and that I wanted to try to use a mirror to transform. I walked around, looking for a mirror. I saw an old, sand-covered, full-length mirror with a golden-brown, wooden frame. I walked up to it and looked at my reflection. I then imagined my body becoming globe-like and I slowly transformed into a floating, purple planet. I was amazed at how well that worked, so I tried to turn into a dragon after that. While still looking in the mirror, I imagined my body turning into a dragon. I turned green and grew a long tail and wings and looked like a beautiful green dragon! I woke up into a FA before I got to do anything cool.

      Dreamer was sitting up in bed next to me typing something on her laptop. I began to write my dreams down, and then I remembered that this is a prime time for losing lucidity. I did a reality check and then I knew! O_O

      I stared lovingly at Dreamer and she stared back at me with her adorable green eyes. I ripped off her clothes and her eyes suddenly grew dark, she looked quite grumpy! I tried to focus on the feeling of her personality and her energy, and then I tried to infuse it with the dream character, but it would only work for a second at a time. So I left the grumpy DC alone, closed my eyes, and imagined feeling her presence with me until the dream ended.

      I thought I had woken up and that I had been trying to fall back asleep for quite some time. I eventually did a reality check to make sure I wasn’t still dreaming, but I was.

      I got out of bed and appeared in a white tiled bathroom. I stared in the mirror and imagined a Rick & Morty portal gun appearing in my hands. Just such a gun grew in my hand from a small point! I pointed it at a wall and pulled the trigger. What came out was the most vivid and non-transparent green blob yet! I was super excited and happy about just how well the Rick & Morty teleportation method had worked this time, but I woke up before I could go through the portal.
    12. The Dragons Flew

      by , 04-26-2012 at 03:43 PM
      It starts out with some DC recruiting me for a job to do dealing with computers and electronics. At first I was reluctant to do it, but then I noticed this was no ordinary place. I was actually on board the starship Enterprise, TNG. It seems my job was to re-calibrate the medical computer and re-program it so that it would work better and faster. It was so cool, it looked just like the blue backlit computer computer boards in an episode of the show. As I kept working on the computer, I actually became a medical/computer technician with a blue uniform. I had to re-route the computer resources for the enterprise, somehow the main computer was over-using the medical computer for its own purposes, and causing the medical computer to slow down for the tasks we needed to run on it. It was complicated but somehow I knew what I was doing and suceeded at my task. Once I was finished with the computer, it seemed there were some medical tasks that I was able to assist with. Experimentation related though, not treating patients.

      I'm not sure how the dream transitioned to this exactly, but next I was in the sky flying on the back of a dragon. There were actually hundreds of dragons flying in the sky. There were different color dragons of various sizes, but the one I rode was very large and iridescencant. The dragon I was on had scales that looked a different color depending on how the angle of light reflected off the scales. I had a telepathic link with my dragon and willed it to go where I wished. We were zooming through the clouds and playing with the other dragons by doing ariel acrobatics with them. I sensed my dragon wanted to show me something, so I told him to go ahead with my mind. He became invisible! The only bad thing is the effect didn't transfer to me. After a while of flying, he turned back visible again and I suggested we fly closer to the ground. My dragon "told" me that he didn't like flying that low since he was so big, and suggested I transfer to on of the "baby" dragons if I wanted to fly lower. So I did, when we passed a small dragon I jumped off and managed to land on him. He was a black dragon, but showed me he could go invisible as well. As we flew closer to the ground, I noticed some people in the back of a truck. With my invisible dragon, we flew over their heads and matched speed with the truck. Some idiot kid picked up an apple and threw it at me, but it hit the underside of my invisible dragon. That took him off guard, and he seemed to be frightened. My dragon didn't care, he probably didn't even feel it hit him.

      My dream transitions again and I'm in my grandparents' house trying to find some breakfast. There aren't any clean bowls, but I grab one and start scrubing it under hot running water in the sink with a washcloth. I start imagining foods and they start appearing around me. There is chocolate cake and white cake nearby. I leave the bowl sit under the running water and almost eat the cake, it looks so yummy. I just want to grab a handfull and cram it into my mouth but I don't yet. I will more exotic foods into existance around the corner in a pantry area. I go into the pantry, and to the side is a refrigerated display case with unusual meats and fruits. I sample a varitey of stuff and it all has very different tastes. Some of the fruit looks like papaya or kuiwi, but it has a taste so unusual that my brain doesn't even know how to process what it tastes like.

      My dream reminds me of a book I seen before in the image below.

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 04:43 PM by 53953

    13. Getting DC Blocked

      by , 04-25-2012 at 12:12 PM
      I had the same scene in my dream about 4 times. I was driving my car to a new job and approached the security gate, it was fenced off with regular metal fence. The car gates were very solid looking and made out of steel, but pained yellow of course. Every time the woman guard asked me for ID, car sticker, or something that I seemed to have forgotten to bring. Every time I apologised and had to turn around to go back to get whatever it was I needed. At least every time I checked my watch it seemed I had plenty of time to do so.

      In a different dream I was in a cafeteria and I got a BELT sandwitch on a croissant and Chips. There was no room to sit down and eat so I ate as I walked down the hall. The chips were sour cream & onion flavored and tasted like I was really eating them. The same with the BELT sandwitch.