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    1. Lucid #18

      by , 11-10-2012 at 05:53 PM (dolphin's dreams)

      I woke up on a booth at the restaurant I work at. I realized I could see with my sleep mask on, even though I didn't sleep with it. As a reality check, I put my sleep mask away from and over my eyes and could see both ways. I'm dreaming. I walk towards the computer near the kitchen and notice one of my guy co-workers. He's even bigger than me than he is IRL. "Hey, do you know we're dreaming?" I ask him. "I don't have dreams," my co worker says, "those are for dementia type people". Unfazed, I ask, "Wouldn't it be fun to switch bodies? I go into your body and you go into mine?". "Okay, lets go to the computer," he says, "Your bonus to me..." I woke up.
    2. Motor scooter, Kingdom hearts 3 and girl rescue mission

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:47 PM
      I had a few fragments before this dream so im not sure what events happened that led to this point but im going to start from where i remember.

      I had to go to my cousins house for some reason, so I decided to take a scooter. It wasnt a motor scooter but instead one of the types where you have to pedal with your feet. The distance was far too great for something like this, so I decided to attach a small motor on the front part where you can bend the handle attachment. I began to travel down a series of familiar roads and at some points people would be walking in front of me so I would hop off the scooter, bend it to hold on to and walk past them. Some would look at me wierd because im assuming they've never seen a scooter like that. Once I past them, I would extend the scooter and jump on it to keep going. I woke up after driving for a bit.

      I fell back asleep and found myself lying on a couch. There was an older man, who is one of my cousins dad, playing a game on t.v. I was watching him play and on the screen there were some familiar characters from other tv shows. I noticed some similar symbols and moves that reminded me of Kingdom Hearts. I asked him "Are you playing KH3??", he replied with "Yeah, it came out a while back ago", I asked "How long ago?" and he stated "Its been out for about 4 months". I said "Damn, I dont watch t.v. anymore or been keeping up". After watching him play the game a bit, my little cousin samantha started playing with the scooter and when she picked it up in the air, I yelled out "Be careful not to drop it" but of course she does drop it and the motor section breaks off into a bunch of Lego?? Im disappointing at this point and I begin to pick up the pieces in hopes of being able to put it back together. There are so many little pieces and even parts that dont look like traditional Lego pieces. Samantha's dad,Jason, tells me not to worry about it so much and asked me if id like some pizza. He goes to phone to order it. The dream fast forwards to when im going to leave. It seems that I have tryd to put the motor together and when I tryd to start it up, it revved up but dnt stay on for long. I woke up after this.

      Went back into another dream. It seems like I have been assigned a mission to save this girl I once used to date, named Tara, from an evil guy, who actually is an evil character from a show I watched before. I visited his mansion and when I reached his room, He was there waiting for me with a gun pointed at me. I did some maneuvering around the corridor to his room and dodged his bullets. I went up close and personal and shot him multiple times in the stomach. Tara was on the bed and I told her to get up and come with me. This bodyguard showed up and while he didnt really care what happened, he wouldnt let me pass without something to give. I told him I have just what he wants and I pulled out a Golden Ak-47. It glowed and sparkled Gold, he looked at it in fascination, cocked it and smiled. He thanked me and said he would help me. The next few scenes consisted of me shooting at people in a courtyard and escaping. It all happened in short scenes and fragments. I then found myself in bed with Tara. I was having sex with her and she felt really tight. I pulled out to wear a condom because I didn't want to get her pregnant. She asked me why I stopped to put one on and I said I was getting ready to cum. She said ok and when I put the condom on and continued, I woke up a few seconds afterwords.
    3. Blacked Out At a Hotel Party

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:46 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my house, sitting in my room. It was evening, and I had this awesome idea to book a hotel for the night, since I didn't have work in the morning and it was the weekend. I thought it would be something fun to do for a night or so. I thought I could bring some drinks and maybe a game system or two, and I'd be set. I was thinking I'd probably go to Nashville.

      But I didn't want to go alone! So I called up my good friend Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy, and asked her to go with me. I told her we could just get a room with a single queen bed to save on price if she "didn't mind that sort of thing". She didn't mind.

      We were then in our hotel room in Nashville. It was now dark. The room was pretty nice and spacious. The lighting was dim. The bed was to the left, and the TV to the right, with big windows at the end, covered with translucent off-white curtains. The carpet was a dark red, I believe.

      I was really excited for this. It would be fun to treat myself to a weekend out in a hotel. I couldn't wait! I then "remembered" doing something similar with Jake once, where we stayed in a hotel room, and I went to sleep while he stayed up and played games.

      Then, I was with Christina Yang, Dr. Shepard (also from Grey's), and another woman. We were by the bed in our hotel room. Dr. Shepard and the woman were then lying side by side on the bed; it was an invitation for Yang and I to join. I got on top of Dr. Shepard, and I told them Yang would take the girl. We had been drinking, and apparently Yang hadn't really drank before. She stumbled into a hallway in the room and threw up on the floor. She then came over to the bed, and I was looking down at Dr. Shepard as I took a swig of drink from a bottle when...

      it was then the next morning. I couldn't remember a damn thing about the night before! I must have blacked out. I asked about it, though I'm not sure who I asked, and was told it was a crazy awesome night! I asked if I drank a lot and I was told yes, though I honestly only remembered drinking a little. I was not nearly as gone as Yang, and yet, I couldn't remember anything! I had a feeling it had turned into a foursome/orgy type of thing. Sigh. And I didn't remember. That would have made for some interesting memories.

      I then asked Yang what it was costing us to stay at this hotel per night, and she said it was $200 something. Shit! I barely have the money for that. Definitely not the money to stay two nights. I suggested to Yang that we stay in a cheaper hotel that night, one under $100/night. She suggested a hotel in Mt. Juliet instead of Nashville. I was fine with something like that, but we needed to check out ASAP. Yang then disappeared off somewhere, and I was left to pack everything up. I looked over by the big windows, and there was a small dresser there with a Wii, a small tin, and a Playstation 2 neatly lined up on top of it. The Wii and the tin were mine, but the PS2 was Yang's. I then walked by an ironing board, and hanging off the edge was a navy blue cable knit jacket. I then remembered that that had been the jacket Yang had on when she threw up on the floor, so it probably had vomit on it. I left that alone.

      I then was trying to find the hotel exit. I rode in the elevator a couple of times, which moved very fast up and down. I talked to a man in the elevator the second time. I commented on how fast the elevator was.

      I then was down in some basement area, and an older lady there, I think the hotel owner or some employee there, said the only way out was through this basement maze. She opened a door to it to show me. She said that I'd throw up in there quite a few times because of something with the amount of oxygen down there. I looked through the door and saw some people walking through, one a man. He leaned down to vomit. Ugh, gross. This can't be the only way out, right? I backed away from the door. I needed to find Yang; evening was coming again, and I didn't want to get charged for another day in this hotel.

      I found Yang at some point at told her about the PS2 still being in the room. I then started to worry about the Wii and the other valuables that were still sitting in the room. I thought that since we had been away from the room for so long, someone may try to steal all of that stuff; it was sitting out in the open, after all.

      Updated 11-10-2012 at 05:11 PM by 32059

    4. Domestic Violence

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:15 PM
      Domestic Violence [DILD]

      I remember becoming lucid in my house with my cousins P and G, although I don't actually remember ever seeing G (at least not clearly). He disappeared at one point while he and P were playing hide and seek. I was gaining clarity as I pulled P out from under the couch, having fallen asleep. He got up and sat on the couch and I decided to walk around smashing things. This lucid was very stable so I was pretty excited that I could get really worked up without waking up. I just knocked over and smashed stuff around the house for a while, like our HD TV, and then I went over to the living room dining table (which I didn't realize until after waking up was actually our old table). It was set up to be a perfect circle (it can be changed) and I picked it up with two hands on the rim and threw it into the air. I did that a few times, then thought to myself "Hold on a sec, what am I doing?" I put it down, then picked it up effortlessly with a single hand, took it into the den, and threw it like a frisbee back into the living room. I ran up to it and caught it on my finger before it hit anything, and I'm pretty sure it actually did turn into a frisbee during that. After that I turned around and saw our DVD bookcases which were kind of treated like one huge bookcase. I picked it up and tried to smash it into the wall but it didn't make a dent. Then I just decided to pick it up like a broadsword and take it back to my room and start smashing my computer and my desk. After everything there was adequately destroyed the dream started becoming blurry, and I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    5. Entry #1 10-09-12

      by , 11-10-2012 at 03:37 PM
      dream lucid not a dream

      So I find myself in a world where I had just performed my marching band show and am now messing around with a color guard flag. There was another point where I go and buy candy for the bus ride home. I chose two bags of sour skittles and a third bag where it was half regular skittles and half sour all in the same bag, I got this because I wanted regular skittles but all they had left were sour and these half and half kind. Each bag was on sale for only six cents! I proceed to check out and then what I can remember from there fades.

      It fades into the whole band and my mother and two younger brothers are at Universal Studios. We loose one of my younger brothers in the crowd so I tell my mom and joey to step off to the right with me so we can find him, we are rejoined and continue on. The first place my mom wants to go is to a temporary rides section, like where you would find at the state fair. As we walk into that section (it's nighttime now) I think to myself that I really don't want to be in this section, then just as I make that thought the "carnies" start taking down the rides, collapsing them, and taking off. I didn't make this decision but just as I made that thought this started.

      We go to another section of the theme park. (since my mom has a head condition we avoid big rides) I seem to know the place well as I show my family around suggesting different places. There was a section with all the desserts you could imagine, my mother declined since we had just gone to Cold Stone Creamery.

      Then I decide to take them to a new section of the park, one with a mini version of Big Ben, which is what attracted me to it. It's a section that resembles a city (like the super hero section of Universal) I wanted and expected a ride to be hidden in a building, and as soon as we approached there appeared a Buzz Lightyear ride (strange since Buzz Lightyear is in Disney, not Universal Studios) I looked at the average wait sign which was over an hour, but as I wished it to go down it turned to 50 seconds!

      Soon as I rode the ride I woke up.

      I've been trying to attain lucidity for a few weeks now, and this is the closest I've been to being lucid. I never actually realized that I was dreaming, but I controlled certain aspects of the dream. I had to be lucid. Up until this point my dreams have been more and more lucid, I love exploring my mind deeper and deeper through this
    6. 10-11-2012

      by , 11-10-2012 at 01:22 PM
      Me, my father and my sister were in a hotel room somewhere. My mother wasn't there because she was abroad.We didn't do much in the hotel room, i'm not even sure why we were there but we went outside to explore after a while. I didn't see any of them outside, we just communicated by texts. I was walking on bare feet for some reason, which started to hurt a lot at a certain moment. I walked with a group of people i didn't know, and didn't recognise. At a certain moment i wounded my foot and i had to take a rest. I then noticed that we were in a little swamp area with a forest nearby and other types of landscapes were close as well. After i get back to the hotel we call my mother and ask how she's doing. My dream then ends.
    7. strange olft fertility symbols

      by , 11-10-2012 at 12:47 PM
      I was on a river shore with some other people, i was searching something, and i found an animal building directly on the shore, as i fumbled around on it, stones and two symbols came out, the symbols looked like some ancient art, and i wondert what it is, than it hit me, and i knew, that those are some kind of fertility symbols, i fumbled more, and a lot of those small pices oft art were falling out of the holes, someone told me, that the ancient zivilisation must have had hidden them there, so noone will finde it. i wanted to hide the pices, so not everybody could get them. but that feeling was not too intensive. my mother was also there, she took a swim in the river, and told me, that it was pritty cold, i wonderd shortly about that.
    8. Still at work, not wanted by friends.

      by , 11-10-2012 at 11:36 AM
      Nov 10th '12

      I'm getting pretty bored out of my dreams, but that's because my real life is stuck into a routine as well.
      The last few nights the majority of my dreams took place around my workplace and the drive home. I was especially evident in the last two counting last nights dream.
      It always starts out at the laboratory, then I get into a car and on the way home I fast forward to my town and something happens.

      Last night was not different.
      Again, I'm at work sorting out bloodsamples when I drop some (3 to be exact) I'm crawling on the floor trying to reach them when a colleague walks in and laughs at the site of my bend over with my butt facing her.
      I gathered the tubes and the dream continues.
      I'm now sitting behind a laptop, in front of me is the new blonde girl I mentioned in yesterdays journal.
      A friend of mine then sends me a message saying he knows her name.
      Now apparently in the dream I use an outdated Dutch social media platform and I type her name in the search engine.
      I have to mention me thinking in the dream how weird her name looked. I said to myself how it had to many 'h's in it I believe she was called Mahahrijelijn or something. In Dutch Marije or Marjolijn would have been normal, but Mahahtijelijn isn't right. (lucidity chance missed)
      As I type it in I realize she's sitting right in front of me with two other girls.
      On of them see's me looking her up and thinks it's weird, I feel embaressed.
      On my way home while I stop at a friends house, he's just bought a house in real life but it needs work.
      In this dream it's finished sort of. And I guess there's a housewarming party.
      I remember I went to him uninvited, I just wanted to say hi and see how he was doing.
      But as I walked through his house I saw all kinds of people, some I knew others were strangers to me.
      And then this strange feeling of rejection came over me, or a feeling of me not supposed to be there.
      It was strange cause we're good friends and some of our mutual friends were there but somehow I didn't belong among his company.
      Last thing I remember is a fragment of my boss and someone else being in a football stadium (the european kind of football).
      My boss (an aged gray lady) got into trouble and threw something onto the field and with a lot of comotion she was sent out of the stadium.
    9. Fri Nov 9 (12:37-9:50)

      by , 11-10-2012 at 07:15 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Farmyard Races

      I'm watching a bunch of farmyard animals in outdoor races. Then I join a race to get back to the instructor. (The other racers are people in this same class.) I'm one of the first people to get back, which makes me rather proud. But then class starts, and things don't go too well. He's throwing balls at us, and we're supposed to catch them. But I'm having trouble following the ball with my eye, and once, somehow in the exertion of trying to watch the ball, I get saliva all over my glasses. I tell this to a teaching assistant, trying to explain my poor performance.

      Demanding Customers

      My parents have roped me into distributing materials to the people who came to attend an event. When it comes time, I go down to the basement, to the table behind which I'm supposed to work. Almost immediately, a demanding customer approaches me. She doesn't seem to understand that it will take time to fulfill her requests.

      • something about Seattle (which is interesting, because recently I was whimsically thinking what it would be like just to up and move to Seattle after graduating)
    10. Thurs Nov 8 (12:17-8:12)

      by , 11-10-2012 at 07:06 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      • something about coding for a game involving mathematical symbols
      Tags: math
      dream fragment
    11. Wed Nov 7 (10:08-7:59)

      by , 11-10-2012 at 07:05 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Extra Concerts

      Somebody's been adding extra concerts to the program. It's almost concert night already, and we haven't known about the concerts long enough to prepare adequately. The conductor advises us, in lieu of getting the notes right, that we focus just on the rhythms. She sends me and another musician out into the hallway to find a room to do some last-minute practicing. The hallway's crowded, so the other girl pulls me into a practice room. It's small, and there are no windows, so I find myself wondering if she plans to make out with me--though I realize maybe that's wishful thinking.

      Even though I'm not a singer, I've been given a part to sing. But there's no music on the page; it's just the words. How am I supposed to learn the song if I haven't been told what the notes are? I try to look around for someone who looks like she knows what she's doing.

      Now I'm acting in a demonstration of some kind. I have to improvise my choreography on the spot. It's kind of fun, though, because I have one of those wide brooms. I've always wanted to dance around with a broom. I'm in a department store, and I do some flips over clothing racks. Then it occurs to me that I could pretend to be Harry Potter and fly around on the broom, so I accelerate down an aisle and come crashing into the floor. I think it works pretty well as a stunt. Afterward, Mom tells me that she counted at least nine cool moves in my choreography, which is gratifying. Also, she says she saw one of our neighbors in the audience; maybe I should find him to chat.
    12. REBMEVON rejected

      by , 11-10-2012 at 05:06 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #28: REBMEVON rejected

      I'm watching as Breaking Bad's Walter White (dressed as Heisenberg) plans to set fire to a Jeep full of laughing teenagers. He pours gasoline all over the kids in the car but they don't react, somehow not understanding what's going on. I'm panicked and horrified and feel like I can't let him get away with this. The intense emotion makes me lucid and the scene vanishes.

      Now I'm sitting in what looks like a log cabin, staring at a simple television that's no longer switched on. I see daylight through a nearby doorway so I run outside, passing through a short alleyway before I emerge in a grassland with mountains on the distant horizon. It's a beautiful scene and I'm so relieved to be free of the nightmare that I start flying.

      I've been in the air for only a couple of seconds when the Task of the Month occurs to me -- I need to write "November" backwards. I've created a mnemonic device that instantly brings the correct word ("REBMEVON") to mind. (My chosen mnemonic device is my friend Von introducing himself to Reba McIntyre.)

      I try to produce a pen and paper from behind my back but only manage a pen at first. I try writing on my hand but can only fit "REB". That won't do, so I do another "behind the back" object creation to get a notebook. I try to write the word but end up getting sudden strings of garbage characters like "REBhjklhlhlh". I scratch it out and try again, but only get a similar string of garbage characters as soon as I get past "REB".

      I can see the word perfectly in my mind so the garbage character problem starts making me feel agitated and doubtful. It's not long before
      I wake up.

      Updated 11-10-2012 at 05:48 AM by 57387

      lucid , nightmare , task of the month
    13. A Party

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:52 AM
      This night I dreamed about a party at some house. On the lawn around the house near the gateway, I was lying with a girl A, and we were slowly approaching each other and started to kiss. Then a girl B came, and girl A & B started insulting each other. I knew I was supposed to defend B, but then I would have to give up my position with A. So I didn't. Then later that party, there was a girl C, who was quite drunk, though she usually never gets drunk, and she tried to kiss me all the time. Of course I wasn't refusing it. Then later on, my father came, and I went with him. Later in time, I found out that a friend D took his bike to cycle all the way to the party and back. I somehow had a map and waypoints in my head.
    14. Paranoia

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:51 AM
      Interesting little converted nightmare. Producing the .44 out of thin air seems sort of like lucid dreaming techniques bleeding over into my non-lucid dreams, which is interesting.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #27: Paranoia

      I'm in a false awakening where I'm a kid living in my old room at my parents' house. I sense some terrifying presence in my room so I jump out of bed, crouching down in fear. I reach under the bed and pull out a long-barreled, Dirty Harry-style .44 Magnum and hold it in front of me, searching wildly for whatever is after me.

      I suddenly have no idea what I'm doing holding this gun and I'm afraid that I'll wind up shooting myself or my parents with it. I duck into the bathroom and close the door behind me, trying to figure out what to do. I try the light switch but it doesn't work. Something reaches out in the darkness and starts wrestling with me for the gun. My fear combined with the craziness of the scene is enough to
      make me lucid.

      I gently pull the .44 back toward me, no longer believing that there's any lurking presence trying to pull it away from me. I try the light switch again but it doesn't do anything. I'm trying to think of some way out of here when the scene suddenly shifts to a cluttered basement. The basement is a roughly ten-foot cube and walls are gray concrete. There are no doors or windows but benches, tables, tools, and other assorted pieces of junk litter the room.

      Seeing no way out, I float up and try to phase through the ceiling but the concrete stops me cold. I shut my eyes and imagine the Great Pyramid, but nothing has changed when I open them again. Next, I try some Stephen Laberge-style spinning but I move with an odd slowness when I spin and the scene won't change.

      Just then I notice a tiny surveillance camera attached to the ceiling and I feel like the presence that I sensed earlier is watching me through the camera. I float to the camera, determined to phase through it and see who (or what) is watching me. I push myself through the lens but immediately
      find myself awake in bed.
    15. White Room and a Bed and Breakfast

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:46 AM (Dreams from the Deep)
      Sleep Time: 1:30 a.m - 9:30 a.m

      White Room

      I'm staying at some house in a white bedroom. I think my stepmom lives here (not IRL) because she brings me some very soft pajamas.

      Bed and Breakfast Lucid
      H and I are driving around town. We nearly have several accidents. Finally, we end up at this building that I think is some sort of bed and breakfast. I walk up to a door with a window in it. I see a guy through the window and decide to scare him by banging on the window and screaming at the top of my lungs. He just looks confused..

      We leave and then come back a little while later. I want to try and scare this guy again. I bring H with me but now instead of a window there is a mirror. I'm looking at my reflection and it just dawns on me that I'm dreaming.
      As I'm looking at my reflection, my face begins to distort a little before returning back to normal. I do a couple of RCs just to be sure it's really a dream. I turn around to begin exploring and find myself upstairs at my own house. I try to think of what I want to do and can't remember any of my goals. I know I'd like to try TOTM but I can't remember what it is. So I decide I'll try to summon someone. I try to make Captain America appear but nothing works. I try just expecting him to be around a corner and that fails. I try calling out his name which also fails. The next thing I remember is standing in my computer room as the dream begins to fade to black. I reach out for my desk to stabilize and the dream comes back into focus only for me to wake up..