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    1. Woman Car Salesperson

      by , 11-09-2012 at 02:11 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Woman Car Salesperson

      I was lying down holding a sexy, long dark-haired woman in a read dress with stringy fringes. Her hair was in her face. This was not a sexual thing; she was helping me select a car (?), but I ended up telling her she was beautiful, and my words changed the meaning of me holding her. Because of this, I had to move away from her to respect her.

      I did the right thing, and then she started acting very nice to me, so I started sucking on her breasts hard. Over time she turned into someone with not such a nice figure, and black instead of white. She was wearing panties, and the skin above her panty line up front looked a little flabby. My chick dream had gone sour. Then it turned into a ghetto black guy.

      While I had chosen a car, I don't remember it and never saw it. Eventually, I saw a land rover that I wished I had chosen. It was a light metallic blue. It looked so pretty. Then one side had little dents in it and I wasn't convinced after all.

      That sucked.
    2. Fragment

      by , 11-09-2012 at 01:55 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was on a beach with my brother and his friend, collecting these things that looked like thick silver dollars. I can't remember why. I think something happened (negative) and we were afraid of something happening, but I don't remember what.
    3. duck pond

      by , 11-09-2012 at 01:53 AM
      another repeated dream about having ducks and ducklings in the garden. this time it was out the front and i decided to try and dig a hole so we could put a pond in for them
    4. 64 to 84

      by , 11-08-2012 at 11:05 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      64 to 84 (Non-lucid)


      I remember getting results form a exam that I was taking, which was a 64. I was fairly disappointed in myself, and apparently, I could do test corrections. I ended up getting an 84, and realized I could do more and possibly get a 94.

      I was so excited, I felt like this was an actual reality.

      Then I wake up...

      Updated 11-08-2012 at 11:08 PM by 47756

    5. 8 Nov: My not-so-evil twin

      by , 11-08-2012 at 10:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I am part of some wild experiment that generates the opposite version of ourselves. I am about to meet someone I imagine as being my exact opposite, meaning she should be blond, very tanned, etc. But she actually looks just like me, which is spooky. I am fearful of her, as I imagine that if she looks like me then she is my opposite in personality and I see her as my evil-twin.
      But even then I'm surprised to find out she is actually not evil, but a rather normal person.
      I wonder if the process failed but the creator tells me I'm simply mistaking things. He tells me I'm no saint or angel, so why would my opposite be evil? If I'm moderate, so will she. I think he has a point.
      I do find she is very different from me but in a very complementary way, so we become good friends. I feel for the first time how it is to have a sister.
      Tags: sister, twin
    6. The Jungle, The Great Move, The Zookeeper, MY DREAM GUIDE

      by , 11-08-2012 at 10:26 PM
      Before I start this entry, this was the most amazing and moving dream I have ever had.. in my entire life.

      The Night of November 7th, 2012.

      Some Preknowledge:

      Last night, I went to bed telling myself I would remember my dreams, and I would attempt to WILD 4 hours after going to sleep. I went to bed at around 2:30AM and WBTB around 7:15AM. My roommate then woke me up around 9-10AM when he had to go to class. I went back to sleep and woke up at around 12PM. So I got a lot more sleep than I usually do.

      I think this experience helped me identify my dream guide.

      The Dream!

      The first part was kind of vague. I was in a jungle with this girl I have been off and on with. There were other people there, I don't remember who. We were at some kind of outpost (like a camp,) and people kept coming and trying to kill us. Being my violent self, I didn't have many problems dismembering the people that approached us. They ended up killing everyone but me.

      After long fights that lasted days (this was weird,) I noticed a sugar glider at my feet who seemed very happy to see me. I don't know what it was, but I could tell this was not an ordinary animal. For those who don't know what a sugar glider is, it is a very VERY cute version of a flying squirrel and they live in forests/jungles. It beckoned me to follow.

      I followed it over the dead bodies, and it showed me the main camp. The main camp was filled with many types of animals, some that could communicate. There were also humans there. The sugar glider then brought me to the top of a mountain. You could see EVERYTHING. There was a convoy a couple miles away. They were poachers/zookeepers trying to capture animals. There were also police there with them, because the humans in the camp were supporting the animals and resisting capture as well.

      I followed the Sugar Glider for a very long time. It showed me many areas, and introduced me to many people and animals. I knew my purpose now. I helped defend and support the camp for years. (Weird again. My dream lasted years, and along this time, I bonded with two other defenders; named Rick and Alison. My awareness of the dream got greater and greater as time went along.) I also bonded a lot with the sugar glider, whom I later named Bud. He was with me at all times. Either showing me knew things, or sitting on my shoulder as we fought for freedom.) After years of fighting, the camp eventually was getting taken over. All the animals decided to pack up and move.

      Many of the defenders were taken into custody, but Rick, Alison, and I escaped with the animals. The only way this fighting was going to end was if the humans and animals split up. Bud knew this, and so did Rick and Alison. I did not want to leave Buds side. I embraced him and started crying, and he clung onto me. He didn't look sad. He was so emotionless while I was kneeling there in sadness. He knew this was the only way it would work out.

      The defenders went one direction, and the animals went the other. I kept looking back, through the branches, making sure the animals were going to be okay.

      After a long travel through the brush a couple days later, we started walking along a very low path on the outside of a mountain. I looked up the mountain and saw the animals traveling along a higher path. I was confused as to why they were walking the same direction as us, so I lept up the mountain to where they were traveling. I met with one of the mammoths I had become good friends with and talked to him. He said they had been ambushed awhile back. He said that Bud had been taken into custody by the zoo leader himself. Bud was the only one who had been taken.

      The animals and defenders decided it was a better idea to stick together, and I lead the group as close to the city as we could get. We set up camp, and Rick, Alison and I went into the city to search for the zoo's business branch.

      This is when my alarm went off to WBTB with WILD. It was surprisingly fast, and went a lot more smoothly than ever. The dream resumed where it left off.

      When we got to the business branch, we waited in the parking lot for a bit. Soon a Cadillac Escalade showed up. A bunch of men in suits got out, and one opened the door for a very important looking man. I told Rick and Alison to stay back and to let me handle it myself.

      The important man turned out to be the leader. I talked to him for awhile about what was going on, and he recognized me after some conversation. A year ago, I guess I killed his brother in a battle. I had a flashback and I remembered a long fight with a man who looked similar to the leader. I saw bud climb out of the car and he perched on the top of it to observe us.

      The leader was enraged, and he ordered his men to open fire. I made a green bubble-like shield around myself, and the bullets deflected everywhere. I teleported behind one of the guards and snapped his neck. I teleported behind another, kicked in the back of his knees, and used his momentum to throw him into the ground. The others ran off.

      The leader screamed, and took out his gun. I deflected a majority of his shots, but one ended up skimming my left shoulder. Pain surged through my entire arm. I have never been shot in a dream before, the pain was indescribable. I fell to my knees for a second, and the man laughed. Bud was still watching from the top of the Escallade. The main walked over to me with his gun pointed at my head and said something along the lines of "It's amazing how someone so powerful can be put down with such a simple wound." He continued laughing. I knelt there in silence for a couple seconds.

      I shot up from where I was kneeling, and my head went straight into his jaw. He fell onto his back, and I jumped on top of him and started beating his face in. I said "It's amazing how someone so powerful as yourself can be so simple minded and quick to judge." I got up as he was laying in a pool of his own blood. He was coughing up blood and was on the verge of dying. Alison and Rick ran over to me to make sure I was okay. Bud jumped from his perch to my shoulder. I gave him a pet, and suddenly, the pain in my arm was gone. The wound disappeared. There was a look of acceptance on his face, and something told me this was the beginning of something amazing.

      This is when my roommate woke me up on accident.

      Analysis! And why I think Bud is my possible dream guide.

      In the beginning of my dream, when the girl died, I don't think I cared that much because I knew it was a dream. I don't know if anyone else has had this happen to them, but I was in this dream for a couple years (of dream time.) When I saw Bud for the first time in the dream, a voice in my head told me that I should do everything he tells me to do. I'm not sure if it was his voice, or my personal self. I followed him from start to finish, and by doing so, I helped the dream characters I met (defenders and animals) meet their goals.

      Ultimately, I think Bud got taken on purpose. Why did none of the other animals get captured? I think Bud created a test dream/environment for me, to see if I was ready for him to guide me. Sure, in the beginning, he was very controlling, but in the end, he put his trust in me to save him. Even though I'm sure he didn't need saving. He also believed I would be able to do it myself. Normally, I feel lonely in dreams, as if I'm the only one there who knows its a dream. This was different though. I felt Buds presence, as if he wasn't a dream character. It was very interesting, just the feeling of no longer being the only aware creature in my dreams. I actually felt an emotional attachment to him, like a mentor, or a friend, something I've never felt before in a lucid dream.

      I think its safe to say, Bud is my dream guide.
    7. outside get together, School crisis, Dream within a dream, & Food court

      by , 11-08-2012 at 08:51 PM
      These dreams were pretty long/clear and at some points vivid. I seem to be becoming more aware of my surroundings unlike previous dreams but dialogue is almost always forgotten. Gotta work on that.

      First dream started out with me being outside in an open field. There was a bonfire and people were standing around it, talking, drinking, and having fun. Some dialogue was had between the people and I was just there listening in. I sadly can no longer remember what I was hearing. Woke up after a few minutes of listening cause I was cold.

      I went back to sleep and found myself in this cave like area with a huge amount of people my age.It was a big dark room where the walls werent normally plastered. They were all students (Some had backpacks) so im guessing I was in a part of a school. I was with a few people talking about something and this guy shows up out of nowhere and starts to pick a fight with me. I think I may have said something sarcastic or mean in a way to make the people around me laugh (Never do this) and he got so mad he tryd to punch me. I punched him once in the face and then when everyone looked to see what was going on, a security or administrator came and broke it up. The admin told the guy, who didnt even look like a student, to leave. He was a tall man with dirty dark blond hair and a beard to match. People made a path for him to leave at the opposite end of where I was, in this brightly lit white hallway. He turned the corner into the hall and disappeared. I noticed this Asian chick walking up to me and im sure she asked if I was okay. I said yes and I think I started to flirt with her. Some of her friends came over and started talking in Chinese or Japanese. I couldn't understand them but she seemed to have been laughing by what they were saying. I whispered in the Asian girls ear to tell me how to say something in Chinese/Japanese. When I stated the word, I obviously enunciated it wrong and they looked at each other and repeated it like "Oh, chia odemisi! or something like that . I started to smile, when all of a sudden a huge explosion went off in the hallway of where that guy went into. People were screaming and I immediately moved through the crowd to check it out. I knew that this had to be because of that guy and when I looked through the white hallway, I noticed there were sticky bombs placed all over the sides. The admin from before came up from behind and he knew what my intentions were. He asked me not to be stupid and to be careful. I told him not too worry and that ill stop the guy. I backed up and ran towards the bombs, right before the first bombs I began to slid on the floor at high speeds. As you get close to the bombs, they light up with lasers.This part of the dream became vivid and could feel the floor and air rushing past me as well as hear the sound of the alarm activating the lasers. I slid past a few and at the next set in front of me the bombs were placed in a way unavoidable. These were the last set for this hall, as there was a wall then a right turn coming up; I had to think quickly. When I touched them, they began to beep and I knew I had a few seconds. I hit the wall and noticed a pillar was sticking out of the wall in which I quickly hid behind and waited out the explosion. I was safe and the people at the end of the corridor were glad to see me in one peace. I maneuvered around the next corner of bombs and had one more corridor to slide under. I began to slide and the closer I got to the exit, the lower the bombs got. The last one I managed to miss by what seemed like a hair. The admin screamed out that I got lucky on that one and I agreed. I went out the double doors to the outside, side of the school. I saw a car with someone looking inside and knew it was the guy. I went up to him and before I could speak he pulled a magnum with a scope out on me. He pointed it right at my head and I put my hands up. I think some things were said but then, I seemed to have slowed down time, because I easily grabbed the gun out of his hands and pointed it back at him. When he realized what happened, he started begging for his life and saying sorry. I took a few steps back and looked at the gun. It was a silver magnum with a big scope on it as well. I said to myself "Nice gun" and looked through the scope at some bushes nearby and then pointed it at the guy who cowered in fear. I told him he was going to disarm the bombs and help clean up any messes. He agreed and we walked back inside. Once inside, I noticed the floor was dirty and the bombs had been set off. I saw people turning the corner to a room in front of me and I went after em. I saw the admin and he said "Yeah dont worry, we took care of the bombs and are cleaning up now". I noticed someone putting tile back on damaged floor and some others scrubbing dirt. Im not sure what happened to the guy but I guess I forgot about him because I noticed my friend Tevin was chilling on a platform in the next room. I said "hey" and some dialogue was had between us. One thing led to another and he started mentioned Dubstep and Excision. I told him I was at the last concert and he was surprised because he was there too in the VIP section. He put on some headphones and started playing dubstep loud enough for me to hear. He started playing with his hands and so did I. I noticed in the corner of the room was graffiti that said Excision and it was glowing Red. I woke up soon after listening to the dubstep some more.

      I fell asleep for a few more minutes afterwords and found myself with Tevin again and these two girls. One was Blonde the other a Brunette. They were both skinny and pretty but I dont remember what they looked like. This time around I knew that I wasnt in my era. I was about 80 years in the future and they were telling me about futuristic things while walking in this abandoned house it seemed like. One of the girls mentioned how I got there by stating she didnt want me to disappear again. I realized that I got here by dreaming and I knew I was in a dream but because it was part of the 'dream story' I wasnt consciously aware. This guy in one of the rooms was playing music and I asked him if he knew this one song currently playing in the radio now. He said yeah but its from decades and decades ago. "Hacent heard it in forever" He said while laughing. I began to fade away and the girls were sad I was leaving. When I was gone, one of the girls said "I wonder when he'll be back" in a depressed way. The dream switched to the two girls and Tevin walking on a sidewalk with a lot of people around them. They walking inside a Diner to get some seats and while sitting down I re-appeared. They were excited I was back and the girls hugged me. Tevin gave me a handshake and I sat down and looked down at my feet. I suddenly remembered I had to Anchor myself to the dream so I can stay for a long time. I told them I'd be right back but the girls insisted on coming with me. I told them they could come and I was walking to find a nice place to sit and anchor. We walked by a crowd of people and to the right of us was a road where no cars drove on but people were walking. On top of us I recall seeing a series of highways. I saw a nice little edge to hang on and we walked through the grass and sat on it. One of the girls said "This is nice" and the other agreed. Brunette sat on my left and Blond on my right. I began to think about really anchoring myself and being a part of the dream. I could feel my conscious waking up but at the time I thought it was me being planted to the dream world or in this case future. I looked at my hands and thought "Focus" while saying this my vision would become extremely clear than blurry and back and forth. I looked at the sky and it was beautiful bright blue. I breathed in the air and felt the cold go in my lungs. When I breathed out, fog came out but it wasnt cold at all. I noticed the girls breaths were the same. They both started leaning on me while holding on to my hands and I remember feeling so happy and loved. I woke up a after a few minutes of sitting with them.

      Last short dream was of me in a second floor food court, trying to get some subway. I went into a burger king at first and someone handed me a bag of fries, he was a tall black man with dreads and said to take it so I did. He later went back to me and asked if I took something, I said no and he just walked away and asked someone else. I left and went into Taco Bell. Again I walked out with another bag of free food and finally found subway. Went inside and woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Nth short lucid

      by , 11-08-2012 at 08:20 PM (Sea of the Unconscious)
      I don't remember anything before I became lucid. I just remember performing my nose plug twice, and then losing vision after the second nose plug. I started spinning with my arms stretched out, but then became immensely dizzy and blinked once or twice, then woke up.
    9. Pipe Dream

      by , 11-08-2012 at 07:44 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      (LOL PUN)

      My dream(s) is/are fragmented, and I can't remember the sequence because I forgot to recall.... AGAIN!

      I'm in my dorm for a while, then I think I went out to do a test? (I don't remember walking out), but anyways I got the result and it was really bad.

      I went into some kind of portal thing and appeared in some kind of dimension filled with interconnected pipes. I have no idea how but I managed to go down and go into some kind of door.

      I'm in Valucre and I'm roleplaying as a wolf that wreak havoc everywhere.

      I'm going around shooting a certain group of people with a gun that doesn't work, but somehow manage to banish/kill them when they are shot at enough.
    10. Rebmevon! and Hell! Twice!

      by , 11-08-2012 at 06:12 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I just had an interesting time! I managed (with massive effort) one advanced task and 2 failed attemptes at the other advanced one. Usual went to bed around midnight and a 6:45am-7something WBTB. No vibrations, and went into a nonlucid, although I did incubate a dream.

      I did what I've been doing alot which is I'll be standing soemwhere, and it suddenly dawns on me that only moments earlier I was laying my head down to sleep. So this time I was standing in the middle of my livingroom floor when it hit me. Yeah! I started to go out the front door to do something, then I remembered the tasks (finally!). I wanted to try rebmevon, so I went into the kitchen and found a pencil and paper. I wish I could count how many times I tried to do this, may have been around 10 tries. But I'd try to write it, but the lead wouldn't stick to the paper, so I just made a "rebmevon" indentation. (Btw I hope it isn't cheating that I forced myself in waking life to remember rebmevon, all the letters in order.) Anyway, with tons of concentration and lots of sribbly failures, I finally managed to brute force rebmevon on paper.

      Since I was still lucid, I decided to go for the advanced task of bringing back a soul from purgatory. I though to go through a wall first, that maybe the scen chaange would take me to purgatory. I got my head through the livingroom wall, but it spat me back out before I could see anything. So then I thought I'd try the floor, since purgatory is on the way to hell anyway, right? I went to the bedroom and picked a spot on the floor by the bed. I stuck my head through the floor, then BOOM a giant cylindar of floor and earth broke away, revealing a tunnel that went all the way to an orange firey depth. Major "woah!" moment. But, I geuss I went too far? I dunno, I still tried. Too creeped out to actually go in that tunnel, I just stuck my head in and said "Hello?" it echoed. Then I heard a deep demonic voice say "Kevvvvvviinnnnnnnnnnnnnn." I said "Who is Kevvvvinnnnnnn?" Then the devil himself, with the hugest horns I ever saw (like Tim Curry in Legend) appeared at the bottom of the hole. Before I could escape, he did a mega jump and was up in my FACE and then I woke up lol.

      I went right back into the dream lucid, in my livingroom floor again. I saw a random DC who said he was going to go do something, and i said ok, I gotta go to the bedroom and find hell again, you ok with that? He said yes. So I went to the bedroom and went to the same spot. Did the same thing and got a big hole to hell again. This time it was bigger, and I could see levels on the way to hell. I thought I could jump to one of the levels and not actually fall into the hell fire. But I didn't want you know who to appear again. So this time I said into the hole "Ok, I'm sorry if I did this wrong that last time, I just wanted to know if I could bring back a soul from purgatory for a little while, then I'll return him like after 5 minutes?" I could hear sounds, like people moving and murmering, but I couldn't see anyone, and no one answered me. I feel like they couldn't even hear me. I repeated myself, and even made a suggestion: "Could I borrow Mozart for 5 minutes??!!" Still no answer. I ended up going nonlucid and remember even going into the whole I think, and I ended up in an old folk's home (purgatory?). Someone was about to fetch Mozart for me, but it was a babydoll. I remarked "He's awful young looking, don'tcha think?" Then I woke up.

      Satan, like this but not red and definitely not smiling:

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Do you ever just want to die?-tumblr_l2bhs2q96e1qbltz9o1_400.jpg  
    11. Afternoon nap Dream

      by , 11-08-2012 at 04:47 PM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I called Ewan on my landline and asked him was he going to be back this weekend because he'd sent me a text saying he'd be back for Berry. I have no idea what this means now I'm awake but it made total sense while dreaming. He said that some of his texts must have given me the wrong idea but it was OK. The signal on his phone faded out and I was left like an idiot, looking out my bedroom window saying "Hello? Hello?" Into the phone for a few minutes. It was a beautiful day outside and I could see the sun glinting off all the little waves rolling up on the beach.

      Dream shifted and I was in bed with Ewan. He kissed me then tickled my sides, really made me laugh. I tried to do the same to him but I forgot that he wasn't ticklish.

      Dream ended.
      Tags: dream frag
    12. wheres my message

      by , 11-08-2012 at 03:01 PM
      very weird dreams. the dream, everything in it it i knew was going to happen it was like reading a book and seeing the movie.

      the walgreens i stole a little bit

      at an island stranded with people a man got seperated by hsimelf and was walking no the beach alone when a dog bit him. the blood attracted other dogs from far away and he was chased by a hoard of dogs in the night. a crowd of green eyes sprinted toward him leading the man to run towards some civilization. he ran into a man who grabbed him pulled out a gun and shot him.
    13. Tulpa Possession Dream

      by , 11-08-2012 at 02:53 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Just a heads-up, if you don't know about my tulpae or don't know what tulpae are, you're going to have no idea what I'm talking about here.

      Okay, so, I was on the tulpa.info IRC channel, and Kayleigh was possessing my arms so she could type. I had to try to force control back because I remembered that Link was supposed to be the one possessing me, since we're the ones working on possession IWL at the moment (Kayleigh and I haven't started yet). Then I woke up.
    14. Undercover

      by , 11-08-2012 at 01:10 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      D, and J are with me. We were scoping out this crowed building full of mobsters. I think they called a meeting together, and we were sitting near the entrance. J started randomly hitting his panic button on his car. Over and over. One guy was getting pissed. I had something...like a mirror. I used it and flashed it in his eyes. He kept talking trash, and we all gave each other that look, and started rushing all of them at the same time. I went for the trash talker...he had to be about 6 foot six. I was hitting him with straights and elbows. Then the guy pulls out a 22. I backed off ducked around the corner, saw D disarm a guy with a .45 and point it at the other dude. We continued to wreck shop on these guys while backup came to handle the situation.

      I came in another room where a kid was at, and I swear she had drugs on her. I frisked her, and she was clean. Someone else was watching me, and I told them "damnit I quit". I wasn't going to write up this long drawn out report about how we ended up in a gun fight without finding any drugs. My plans were to move to California and handle the rest of the case my own way, since I remember they said that was their main base of operation. I met up with the guy who was the girls father, and he was offering me these 12 packs of stimulants for the drive over there. I'm wondering where he came up with all of that crap, and I've never even seen most of the stuff there. Either they're banned, or just don't exist. Maybe this is our guy.....
    15. Ryuuji, Space Organazation

      by , 11-08-2012 at 01:05 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Ryuuji (Non-lucid)


      I remember being with Takasu, Ryuuji in the anime Toradora. We were pretty good friends (I guess I could have been considered Taiga). I remember we were both sitting on my bed in my room, talking and laughing about something. Suddenly he stops and says, "Hey... do you want to go out with me?"
      I gave him a puzzled look. "Like... out on a date?"
      "Okay, when?"
      I don't remember his reply.

      We walked outside together. It was raining, just a light drizzle. Ryuuji took an umbrella from out of nowhere and held it over me. I blushed. That was nice of him.
      We sat on a bench outside for a while, just talking about the future.
      I woke up later and missed it so. I thought it was real.

      Space Organazation (Non-lucid)


      I remember being outside where our garages are at my mom's house. This woman was taking some sort of photoshoot of a woman I didn't know. The photographer looked a bit familiar. She looked at me. "Will you go tell Miss _____ (can't remember her name) that the _____ (party?) is on ______ (a date)?

      I contemplated that sentence for a minute. I walked back through the garage, but then forgot it. I walked back out to the photographer and asked her to repeat it again. She growled at me but repeated it again. I then ran back inside so I wouldn't forget. My house was transformed into some kind of super galactic space organization where everyone had what looked like huge razors but were lit up, like light sabers.

      I walked to the back where a huge room was sitting. There were two double doors leading into it. One was closed, and the other was a little open, so I wasn't sure if I was allowed to go in there. To my left, I heard a man saying, "Oh no, I am so sorry, I ruined it all." Over and over and over again.

      A little creeped out, I walked away to find the woman. Instead I found a man playing with some kids on a playground set inside the house, and I asked him to get the message to her. He said he could, and left.

      I was watching him from a distance now. He was really clumsy. He accidentally hit a wall and his razor went through it, a clean cut. He did this three more times before somebody got a hold of him and told him to calm down.

      I'm not sure what happened to him, and I woke up.