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    1. My P.E dream

      , 02-27-2012 at 09:45 AM
      I had a dream that was related to school, (I’m not there anymore so it could definitely be a dream sign for me!)

      What I can remember from it was that it was another period, P.E. I remember going in to get changed, but then my bag went missing. My bag had my P.E clothes in it, so I had to find it. I went into the toilet where I found it had been flushed!

      Luckily it wasn't small enough to be flushed completely, so I pulled the end, and got my bag back out.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. The Water Slide Accident, Trapped In Darkness, Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis?, etc.

      by , 02-26-2012 at 09:42 PM
      I decided to try using aniracetam as a sleep aid last night, I'm not totally sure if it had an effect yet but my dreams did seem different than normal. I took 750 mg, maybe I'll try 1500 mg tonight. I did manage to remember a good few more dreams than normal, but I think that's mainly because I decided to stay in bed and keep falling asleep again for longer.

      #1 - The Water Slide Accident [Non-Lucid]

      I'm at some public pool working as part of some "water-raising" experiment. (Like literally... I think all we were trying to do was increase the water level in the pool. ) There was a gigantic rectangular tent at the top of a long water slide on one end of the pool, and I climbed up the slide (somehow) and into the tent. In it was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, a couple other random people (maybe other characters from The Big Bang Theory but it's hard to remember), and my middle school orchestra teacher. Sheldon was doing something to conduct the experiment, and we all stepped forward to look out the window to see if the water in the pool was rising, but we shifted too much weight in the tent and it started slipping down the slide and into the pool. It was completely closed in and we were all freaking out thinking we might get trapped inside of it and drown. We hit the water and I expected to die, but somehow I made it up and slowly I saw everyone else popping up out of the water as well, including Linkzelda41, actually as Link! (For those not game-savvy, the character in his avatar.) I made sure everyone was okay but noticed that my teacher had never come up, and when he finally did he wasn't breathing. I went over to him and we dragged him out of the water and I started doing CPR, though without the mouth-to-mouth, just the chest thing. (The dream switched to third-person around this time, too.) I did it for a long time but it wasn't working, and I started crying but I didn't stop doing it. But he finally gasped and woke up! When he did I gave him a big hug and wouldn't let go. The dream jumped forward to me being in the hospital and getting prescribed some random drugs for... something, I guess mental trauma? :T I don't know, but the dream ended at that point.

      #2 - Trapped In Darkness [Non-Lucid]

      I'm home alone watching a movie almost totally in the dark, and the darkness is starting to creep me out a bit. I read online (or maybe heard from someone, or something...) about how some secret FBI agent or some other government agent on a plane accidentally stabbed someone they were sitting next to by activating a lightsaber unwittingly in his bag because it was built with an on switch that was too easy to access because the designer was lazy. I also remember that the lightsaber was red, because I actually saw it happen in a third-person kind of way. This had revealed to the world that the US government had successfully created lightsabers, so I texted J (who's a big Star Wars fan) about it and then read something about how they were launching a new moon into the sky to make up for it. I looked out back through the glass doors and saw a plane in the sky, so then I went out front and saw a rocket (really tiny) launch off in one direction across the sky, and a HUGE, absolutely gigantic moon launch off in the other direction, but from the same source. It went behind the house so I went back in and to the back yard, and looked straight up in the sky and saw it there, still enormous. All of the stars in the sky were constantly scrolling across it like the night sky was just a huge spinning wheel, but that didn't really seem to bother me much. The darkness outside was getting really thick though and it was still scaring me, so I went back inside and walked into the bathroom. I tried to turn on the light switch, but it wouldn't work. () That made me even more freaked out, so I ran out into the living room just generally frightened and hoping my mom and dad would be home soon, but then I woke up.

      I'm never going to get better at doing RCs.

      #3 - Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis? [Non-Lucid]

      There's some presentation going on at my house in the den by some orchestra guy, with lots of orchestra teachers there sitting in rows of chairs, including my high school orchestra teacher. My friend J (the one I texted before) and his mom are also sitting way up at the front, right by the TV. The guy puts on a song and each of the teachers has a music sheet where they're supposed to be writing down the notes as they hear them, but almost none of them do, instead opting to wait until the end to just jot them all down, which I find pretty impressive at the time. After they all finished and walked away, I walked up to J and told him I thought I'd have some awesome news to tell him about lightsabers being real, but that turned out to be a dream. () He laughs, and we go out into the living room to hang out with some random girl and OpheliaBlue. We start watching a movie, and I can't remember what I was wearing but I just remember thinking of it as something really informal to the point that it would be embarrassing to be seen wearing it, and then the doorbell rang. I didn't want to answer it like that so I went into my bedroom to change, and that's when things got weird. My room was dark, and my fan was sticking out of the wall to the left of me when I walked in, but still running. My movements became incredibly jerky and snapped back as if I was in sleep paralysis with my eyes open, but honestly... I'm not sure if I actually was, or if I was just dreaming that I was. Part of the reason I think that is because I "realized" that I was in sleep paralysis, but I don't think I was really lucid about it, and I never realize it when I actually do wake up into it. I don't know though.... It was incredibly vivid, so maybe I was and I just realized it for half a second and then started hallucinating. Anyway, after the realization my vision switched to a third-person view from the perspective of the road in front of my house, looking up at a bunch of trees hanging over it (which aren't actually there). These trees were very mystically mechanical in their movements and had something that I call the "IMAX 3D" effect, which is something I get when I'm tripping really hard where everything is more detailed then anything in reality actually is. I started to wonder if I was on DXM, but then I started thinking that the doorbell ringing was probably just my parents coming home (since they were still gone from the previous dream, I guess) and I could've just answered it how I was. I saw that playing out in my mind's eye, but after that I woke up and noticed that my fan wasn't exactly in the same position in my view as it was when I thought I was in sleep paralysis, so... I just don't know.

      #4 - Testing A New MMO [DILD]

      I'm at my aunt and uncles' house. I don't remember much of the first part of the dream, but I end up going in the little kids room and slide across the floor in the weird way I do in dreams sometimes, and that warps me back to the front of the house. Some MMO has come out where you play the game in real life and you use these rifles that shoot green plasma bullets. I get one just to see how it is, and S ends up getting one too so he comes over to play it with me. We run around the house shooting at each other, and then I run back into the little kids room and end up doing the slide again. I say "Oh, this is a dream, isn't it?" and become lucid. Unfortunately, after this dream ended I didn't wake up enough to write it down, I fell back asleep and had some other non-lucid dream, and when I woke up again I tried to write down this one as quickly as possible but I still can't remember what happened after I became lucid, though something did happen. I also don't remember the other dream, either. Oh well....

      #5 - An Intense Argument [Non-Lucid]

      I get a hotel room for some reason with an old friend J (different J than before) and some guy who's just a random DC, but apparently a very close friend of mine. I'm trying to have a good time talking to both of them, but there seems to be a lot of tension between the two. (I know what this is based off of, it has to do with J. :T) They end up getting into a big argument and both strip naked to show their dominance. And then they start wrestling! One side of me is like, come on guys, don't do this, you're being childish.... :\ And the other side of me is like !!!! They break up the fight and the guy tells J to get out and not come back, so he does. I'm planning to go drop J off and come back to hang out with the guy, and I tell him it'll only take me about twenty minutes but he says he has to be at a football game in that same amount of time. So I say goodbye, and shake hands with his girlfriend (who just randomly appeared, and apparently I had just met) and hug him, and they left. J is texting me to hurry up, and I'm trying to switch from shoes to sandals for some reason but my socks are being illogically weird feeling and won't come off. Finally I just walk into the hallway, which is actually the music hall in my middle school (and the hotel room was where the orchestra room is) and I hear D's voice telling me we'll never make it in time because the middle school is right by the football game and the traffic will be terrible.

      #6 - The Secret Codes [Non-Lucid]

      This one shifts back and forth between first- and third-person a lot. I remember Hank from King Of The Hill talking to a group of kids about some (fictional) famous singer and guitarist's weird-sounding name and he corrects them on how to say it, and when they ask him how he knows he sighs and says "He told me." Somewhere in here there is a discussion about some gum or candy that you're supposed to chew if you're freaking out or having a bad trip. I remember that but not the visual of it. Then my dad and I are at a movie theater seeing some movie I can't remember anything about and it switched back to Hank, now in a flashback, walking around awkwardly at a concert or rave of some kind. He meets some young guy that turns out to be that musician who tells him how to say his name, then some weird "secret code" used in the gay community (I think specifically involving politics, which was definitely not real and very bizarre sounding, though I don't quite remember it). He walks off past John Redcorn who is on acid or something and freaking out, and he sees Hank but clearly isn't sure whether or not he's actually there and he says to himself "Where is that candy!?" Back at the theater, the movie's starting and my dad tells me more about the secret gay political codes claiming that the guy told him (I guess carried over from Hank) and I'm like "Uh-huh...." >_> Then back at the concert, John Redcorn is chewing on some of that bad trip candy and looks really happy, and he sees Hank again and they talk and he says he'll help Hank get out of there, because I guess he's lost somehow. Once again back at the theater, my dad is still going on and on more in-depth about these secret codes, and I'm like, seriously, I'm trying to watch the frickin' movie. >_____> And that was it lol.

      Whew, that took a while to type up! At least a I was able to recall a lot, though.
    3. 02-25-12 Mixed Lucid/non-lucid

      by , 02-26-2012 at 08:34 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD11: In this one I had a very long running vivid non-lucid/ lucid mix. The dream went on for about an hour. In my real life I was contacted in a friendly manner, by an old friend who has been giving me nothing but contempt for 7 years. My brain wanted to fret over the subject in my dreams, even if I wanted a nice pleasent LD. In the dream I would be with him, his new wife, and his loyal friends. I would worry he really intended on poisoning me or what ever. Then I would do a RC, gain reasonable lucidity and fly away from them. I would screw around for about 3 minutes, then there they were again, and I would fall right back into a non-lucid full of all the mental anxiety. That cycle repeated 5 times! So, in an hour long dream, I am lucky if I got 15 minutes total lucidity. My brain wanted to work out its issues in a non-lucid, and fully intended on battling me for the right to do so.
      I think it would probably be un-natural and bad for someone to "always be lucid" because non-lucid dreams seem to serve an important function. High points from the short lucid bit. I flew along the top of the Boise River and drug my feet in the water, kind of like water skying. I also had a part where I spider climbed all over some huge buildings. High points in the non lucids. A very vivid explosion and burning building scene, and looking at his new marble floor that was ultra HD. Lucid duration ?~15 minutes (5x3minutes)?
    4. Blood Tube Gagging, Chibi, Random Tennis Teammates, Fast Food, Code Lyoko & Groceries, Northgate....

      by , 02-26-2012 at 07:04 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I decided to sleep earlier than usual. I probably slept for like 10-12 hours. I had so many chances to become lucid, and some of the dreams felt like days.

      Dream 1: Blood Tube Gagging

      I'm watching a soap opera that looks like the The Bold and The Beautiful. Nick Marone is in tears, telling a killer why they murdered a woman. The "killer" revives the woman by getting blood from a random tube.

      Reality is Dynamic?-jack-wagner-beautiful-nick-marone.jpg

      The lady wakes up and is gagging while the tube is down her throat. I think I end up having my private parts being sucked by her to help keep the blood in her mouth. (WTF?!?!?)

      Some person tells me to hump 2 times, and I do so because I'm worried that this woman might die, and things were just too chaotic for me to rationalize this random dream. I have no clue what I did would do to the women, I just do it.

      Dream 2: Chibi cartoon

      I think I'm doing some voice acting for some flash animation or a cartoon show. I end up doing something random, all I see is a random clip of me and some other dudes as Chibi cartoons. We're rotating in a square formation in the cartoon.

      Dream 3: Computer Lab & Random Tennis Teammates

      I'm inside a computer lab, and this feels like a High School type of dream. I believe I'm with some random tennis team. The coach tells us that we should make our opponents feel welcomed, and then things get weird.

      Reality is Dynamic?-217-web.jpg

      We started to say "Howdy" to each person coming in from the other school (just another word for "Hi" at Texas A&M). We keep this up until all of them come in, and most of them responded with "Howdy" as well, but there was this one guy who just ignores us completely and heads for somewhere to sit.

      The dream shifts to where I'm with more DCs that look like tennis teammates. Some were familiar, but I didn't pay too much attention to them. I think my pants were coming off, and some people were laughing at me. I quickly pull up my shorts before more people saw my underwear.

      I knew some of them snickered, but I just look at them and they stopped giggling.

      Dream 4: Asian restaurant and Starbucks clone

      It was probably 1 AM in this dream, and I wanted to get something to eat. I go to this place that looks like it sells Asian food. Then the setting shifts to where it seems to be early morning. It's still gray and misty outside, but wasn't too bothered by this abrupt change.

      I think I met an Asian girl. She was a little chubby, but that didn't bothered me at all. I think we were talking, but I couldn't remember what, so I assumed we had small talk. Then I find myself in another retail fast food that looked like a Starbucks clone. I go up to the cash register and asked what stuff they sell.

      The person showed me the meal prices and drinks as well. I asked him what type of drink/coffee he liked (because this place was new to me), and he pointed to the one he prefers.

      I think I ordered sausage biscuit with it as well. The drink tasted minty, which kind of bothered me because I'm not really much of a mint lover, but I just bear with it because I already paid for it.

      Dream 5: Code Lyoko and Grocery Store/Supermarket

      I see Sissy from Code Lyoko going somewhere, and it seemed she was sneaking around. I get closer to her because I see a small portal near some icy spike in the Ice Sector.

      (It didn't hit me that if Sissy was in the Ice Sector with me, obviously she would've found out about the Supercomputer and Lyoko itself...I'm just oblivious throughout this part of the dream).

      I use my body to conceal the small purple portal and I see Yumi in her original Lyoko warrior outfit playing along with my plan to prevent Sissy from finding the portal (at least that's what I thought Yumi was doing). We just act quiet, and I see Yumi look up somewhere, her body was at a side angle, and I didn't pay attention to look up to where she was looking.

      The dream shifts to where I'm probably at HEB
      (grocery store/supermarket). I near the Produce section, and I still feel like I'm trying to hide something from someone. Eventually, I stop doing that and keep walking.

      I try to find some meat, and I eventually see bacon that isn't wrapped in a package. It looked like it was thawed out, and I didn't pick it up, but I just touch it to feel its smooth and wet texture.

      Then I go to the Baked Goods section, and saw these delicious pine tarts that were big and really soft and warm. I wanted a piece, but I didn't see paper holders to wrap it and buy it.

      It was so tempting, I could just imagine how it would taste if I took a small bite.

      Dream Fragment:

      I don't know where this part started, but some female was giving me a white paper to copy stuff. I believe I had a red sheet turned in, but I didn't know for what exactly.

      I just copy it down quickly, and that's all I remember for that.

      Dream 6: Abnormal change to Northgate Traditions area

      I wake up (FA), and I'm wearing a maroon polo shirt and black pants. I get out of my apartment, and I head towards a dirt road that saves some time walking since it cuts through the normal route diagonally.

      This dream was really vivid, and was almost perfect in replicating the area I live at Texas A&M University. I was walking awkwardly, trying to balance myself. I keep going up, and there was something wrong with the area in Northgate.

      It seemed the parking lot that had many levels was gone, and was replaced with another entrance to get into the rooms. I go in and find a bathroom, and apparently there's this secret entrance on the wall in the Men's bathroom.

      I think I had to duck my head a little and then press on the rotatable part of the wall to go somewhere.

      I know I had more dreams, but it's because I slept so long that made them too hazy.

      Updated 02-26-2012 at 07:09 PM by 47756

    5. 2-26-12

      by , 02-26-2012 at 06:35 PM
      Last nights dreams were a mess of fragments and crazy, completely random stuff I could hardly remember any of it. This entry isn't going to make much sense

      Dream One (fragments): I'm watching in third person as my son and his friend O are in a time machine going back in time to year 0. They look older, like 7 or 8, and I wonder why I'm not actually there. The time machine arrives in a desert looking area with lots of huge rocks, like you see in SUV ads sometimes. The boys don't seem to know what to do, they say they were sent back in time to do something important, but they can't remember what. So they decide to buy themselves sometime by going back in time again to year 0 because they are afraid that standing around thinking about it wasted too much time. When they go back again, I start feeling light headed, dizzy, and like I'm going to pass out in general. I think to myself the time machine might be dangerous and they shouldn't be using it. Then I try to force myself into the picture to set the time machine to send them home where they'll be safe. When I try, the only option I can select is Lunar something or another. My mind immediately thinks of the new sims world Lunar lakes, and I wake up.

      Dream Two (Fragments): We're baby sitting my husbands ex's kids for some dumb reason. My husband is complaining that He didn't want to watch them because he hates his ex, I'm saying to stop complaining he may hate her but she's nice to me. The kids are playing in the living room with our kids, and we're in the back room with the door open so we can hear them, cleaning up legos. There are tons and tons of Legos, all over the floor. I can't believe the sheer number of them. It's like the number of legos my brother and I had growing up after collecting them for years, I have no clue how my kids could have amazed so many, especially since my husband usually refuses to buy toys with lots of small pieces because he worries the kids will make a mess. After we clean up all the legos, my husband is fussing because the kids parents hadn't come to pick them up yet and they were late. I offer to call and ask them why they're running late.

      (Missing time)

      There's a girl who looks like Aqua from Birth by Sleep. She's claiming to be a shape shifter. She is bragging that the original girl thought her father had died when she was a kid, but the truth was the father died right after she was born at the shape shifters hands. Then the shape shifter changed into her father to use his political influence to her advantage, then when she no longer needed his form, she made it look like she/he died in a mud slide. I see the mudslide scene in my dream. Then, the girl opens my closet and moves all my clothes, to reveal a secret area. Inside the secret area there's a really big plastic tote. She opens the tote and the real Aqua/girl is there. She's wearing a lacy wedding dress and looks like a doll. She falls forwards and then comes to life and catches herself on the sides of the tote.

      (Missing times)

      I'm a pirate, but my house is the pirate ship. We're being attacked by other pirates. They're firing at the walls, but from the knee level down only. We're jumping around like crazy trying not to get hit in the legs by these shots. Then a short bald pirate bursts in, he reminds me of Schmee from the Disney version of Peter Pan. He's really mean though, not a push over like in the disney movie. He bursts in and starts trying to kill me, we grapple on the ground a bit, and then I manage to wrestle him out the front door. Suddenly he turns into the neighbors kid and I'm yelling at him, "We don't want you around anymore! GO AWAY!" he starts crying and I tell him that we don't want him around because he'd mean. He needs to get lost, and I'm sorry we ever took him in! Then he suddenly looks like my son and I feel really sad because I feel like I'm telling my own kids I don't love them. I wake up nearly crying.
    6. An Argument

      , 02-26-2012 at 09:45 AM
      All I can remember from this dream was an argument with a friend. What struck me as odd was that this person is someone we always sort through any disagreements. However, in this dream we just didn't even try to sort things out.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. The journey in the painting

      by , 02-26-2012 at 01:45 AM


      Notes: I was napping and using some binaural beats. They were 15 min clips and after the first I came really close to SP. Right as it ended, my arms felt like they were floating up and I could start to see HI. There were some lines of text in my vision that were bending around. Soon I lost it and felt really awake. I tried it one more time and then just went to sleep. I had a small lucid and then a bunch of FAs. Eventually I became lucid again.

      I am trying to make a dream scene appear after everything goes white. I decided to pretend it was a snow drift and suddenly I could move my dream body. I climbed up and there was a huge slide. I go down head first on the ice slide and lose the dream again.

      Eventually I can get back into a dream from the FA. I start to see my surrounding so I decide to sit down and have a lucid pill. I dig through my pockets and don't feel any. I see a packet of my cold medicine on the counter. At first I didn't want to take that because I knew it was just some sleeping pill, and it wasn't what I needed. However, I couldn't find anything else so I take it anyway. I try to focus on my surroundings for a minute. I then stand up and walk down a hall. Eventually everything went black.

      I can still feel my dream body so I try and make the darkness into a dream scene. I think that I am a ninja creeping the the dark. So I start "stealth walking" around and suddenly I can see again. I am in a hall facing the door to an elevator. It beeps as the elevator approaches. I am still in ninja mode so I try and climb up the wall and hide so I can jump the guy who comes out. There isn't much room but I hang on the wall by grabbing this tiny ledge with my finger tips. That seemed kind of lame for a ninja so I wondered if I could just rotate gravity. I look closely at my hands and stand up on the wall I am hanging from. Suddenly everything is sideways. I am walking around on the wall. The is really disorienting in a small hallway. Things start to get blurry so I sit down on the real floor and try and focus.

      I take a real lucid pill this time. I reach in my pocket and can feel it right away. I break open the pink pill and dump the contents into my mouth. I sit and kind of meditate for a minute trying to stabilize the dream. Everything looks good so I get up and go outside. It is a beautiful red autumn day. I fly up hundreds of feet above the red trees and a quaint town on a hill. I can get good height flying but no horizontal momentum. Eventually I fall back down and try to find a jet pack. I wanted to use some DCs to help with passive control.

      However, there were only dogs around me. A steady stream of huskies were walking past. I tell one to go fetch me a jet jack. It runs into a house and comes out with something else. I ask a different dog to do the same thing. This time I tried to visualize more. The dog didn't even come back though.

      I give up on that and decide to try and find some girls. I walk into a house and remember the TOTM. I run around a corner and find this painting. It is about 4 ft by 6 ft. It depicts another beautiful red design. It was kind of an abstract scenery. In the bottom corner there is a menacing hooded face. I decide to go in the painting and thwart that asshole. I put my hand on the painting. It is like jell-o. I then slip my arm and eventually my body through.

      I come into the gray walled room. It was tiny. I thought that was pretty anticlimactic. I look around and see elevator buttons on the walls. It is an elevator! Lets take it somewhere. The buttons are scattered randomly around the walls. I hit three that seem applicable and we start moving. We go down and the doors open to a floor of cubicles. People are all hard at work. I slip by undetected. I need to find the boss. I find another elevator on the other end of the floor. There is a secretary watching it. I have to wait for the elevator so I walk by the desk. The secretary is kind of hot so I grab her ass I also feel up another woman standing there. The elevator opens and there is a hot asian girl there.

      Perfect! Now I can walk into the elevator and people will not question where I am going. They will just think I am a creep after that girl. I hit the top floor button and we go up. I joke with the asian girl that she is really hot.

      The door opens and there is some empty hallway. I get out and walk around. (my recall is failing here but not much happened). I forget about the evil guy and remember that I have to bring something back from inside the painting. I dig through a closet and try to find something that would incriminate the company. I get a sheet of paper that looks like a concert poster. It has a few names on it. In big letters it says, "Sin City." I decide that is good enough, grabbed it, and turned around. There are 2 guys in suits playing catch with a ball. They told me they knew what I was doing and I wasn't going to succeed. I walk back to the elevator to retrace my steps. The door won't open. I look to the window and jump out. There is like a 50 floor fall to the ground. I get up and lose the dream soon after.
    8. Pet Lizard 02.01.12 (6:44am)

      by , 02-26-2012 at 01:09 AM
      I have a pet green lizard. It suddenly turns on me after being my loving pet and tries to bite me. I put it outside in my little fenced in yard. I look back through the glass doors and can see it still wanting to attack me, trying to bite and claw through the glass door.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Zooey Deschanel Wedding 02.01.12 (4:37am)

      by , 02-26-2012 at 01:06 AM
      Noelle and I are watching Zooey Deschanel's Wedding on the tele, then suddenly we are actually there. Zooey and the groom are saying their vows, then both accidentally fall into the 6ft tall wedding cake. Somehow, we fall in too. I eat some cake off my hand and vividly taste chocolate and coconut.
      I wake up soon after this with the aftertaste of the cake still in my mouth.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Clydesdale Pegasus 01.31.12

      by , 02-26-2012 at 01:01 AM
      Noelle and I are in a hotel room constantly doing small bumps of coke. I start to feel a little to fucked up and stop. (...btw doing drugs in a dream is always a very weird experience for me) Then, we are looking through a window to my grandma's farm. I see a huge brown horse with brown, eagle wings - a Clydesdale Pegasus - flying through the air. Everything is incredibly vivid and I wonder if I am hallucinating. I ask Noelle to look out the window to see the horse, but it is now gone. I miss the dream sign and conclude I hallucinated the horse because of the drugs we have taken.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Short Floating Lucid 01.29.12

      by , 02-26-2012 at 12:50 AM
      After WBTB, I had a second short lucid the same night as Strange Conversations With Sharon.

      I become lucid in a small bedroom. There is a large bed with tall wooden posts and a white, fluffy duvet. I climb up to the top of one of the posts then jump off and float down to the bed very slowly, like a feather. I plop on the fluffy duvet and a pillow and the dream ends.
      lucid , dream fragment
    12. Looking After Moe's Ice, Attempting To Get Drunk With Dianeva, Open Your Eyes

      by , 02-26-2012 at 12:27 AM
      I'm pretty sure I was having some interesting adventures all night, but I really only remember the end of my dream that happened before I originally woke up in the morning. Fortunately, I fell asleep and woke up again a few more times before actually getting out of bed, so I have a good few dreams recalled.

      #1 - Looking After Moe's Ice [Non-Lucid]

      I'm hanging out with Penny from The Big Bang Theory in a huge house, and also a friend of mine, S, but he's off taking shower so he's not really in the dream yet. I'm supposed to be looking after a bag of ice and a cat for Moe from The Simpsons on the second floor bathroom, so I go up there and start grab the bag, but then the ice slips out! I'm panicking because I don't want the ice to melt on the floor, and I can hear Moe talking from downstairs so I'm afraid he's about to come up and find out that I screwed up. I hear footsteps on the stairs, but then it just turns out to be K and O coming over to hang out with us. S gets out of the shower and the four of us all sit down on the bathroom floor (I think S was taking a shower in a different bathroom, but I'm not entirely certain....) and eat some popcorn we just pulled out of nowhere, and we start making plans for what to do for the night, but then I wake up.

      Fragment - I'm hanging out with M and maybe N, and we're thinking about getting really drunk and they're talking about setting me up on a date with someone. We were all sitting outside at some restaurant table while this was happening, but that's all I remember about it.

      #2 - Attempting To Get Drunk With Dianeva [Non-Lucid]

      This started out at my house with O and J having come over to hang out. Apparently Dianeva and her family were visiting the US and they were going to be near where I live, so she was going to come over to hang out. In the meantime I decided to go swimming until she got here. I was in the pool for a little bit, but then it started raining really hard so I got out. When I went back inside there was a full-blown party going, just a family party but with a LOT of people at it. My parents had already let Dianeva in at the front door so I went and met her. We started talking and I gave her a short tour of the house, though I tried to hurry through it to get to the most important aspects, "Here's where we keep the beer." and "Here's where we keep the liquor." We grabbed some drinks and started heading out to the living room but there was an enormous crowd of people out there, including my mom, watching a movie or something. I told her we could go talk in my room with O and J and it'd be much more chill, so we went back there but when we got there it was completely filled with people, too, also watching a movie I think, and including my dad. I felt embarrassed because I didn't realize they would all be back there and we had just kind of barged in, so I introduced Dianeva to everyone (first as Dianeva, then her real name). We walked back out to the living room and weren't quite sure what to do, and Dianeva kind of sighed and went to lean against a couch. I went up to my mom and tried to get her attention to ask her why there were so many people here but she kept ignoring me. People were noticing that I was becoming a little pissed and started joking that I was trying to ask her "a hacker question". Finally I got mad and said "Fine, I'll talk to dad instead!" and stormed off into the kitchen (despite the fact that I just saw him in my bedroom), and then the power went out and I said "That works, too." >_> It came back on in a second and I turned around and went back to my parents' bathroom to find him (still forgetting about my bedroom) and found him smoking a joint with an invisible man. I could hear the man talking faintly, but that's it. It kind of distracted me from the issue at hand, and I looked in the mirror and noticed a vest, or something like that, floating above where the invisible man was (but only in the mirror). I reached my hand out awkwardly trying to imagine where his hand might be so we could shake and I'd introduce myself to him, but a strange force pulled me forward and apparently through him, and there was some dimensional shift and suddenly I could see him and not my dad, and the vest was floating above where my dad was in the mirror. And then that was it for that one.

      Fragment - It's third-person, and I'm watching Ted and the rest of the How I Met Your Mother gang sitting at their booth at MacLaren's Pub in the normal in-show camera angle perspective. Ted is just talking to the rest of them about wanting to get married (and he's sitting on the end, the chair instead of one of the booths) and it all seems surprisingly normal, except that his drink is a mug filled with pancake batter and blueberries.

      #3 - Open Your Eyes [Non-Lucid]

      I have a very bizarre feeling that my eyes were actually open during this dream. I'm supposed to be heading over to N's apartment to smoke weed with him but he hasn't told me to come over yet (he lives about 30-45 minutes away depending on traffic), so I decide to go over already and just not knock on the door yet, and then when he says I should start heading over I can be like "Alright, I'll be there in a sec!" When I was just waiting around in his parking lot he was texting me about how saltyseedog was on the news for making some groundbreaking discovery about the relationship between dream time and waking time. But I woke up before I could get any more information about that. But what's interesting is this entire dream was sort of... transparent. Almost like it only existed because I was thinking about it, but I still wasn't aware of that. (But I guess that's how it actually is. ) But the entire time I kept having the incredibly confusing sensation that I was lying in bed, and I could actually see myself in bed through my normal first-person perspective. When I actually woke up, it felt like the dream just faded away, and what I saw was the same image I had been seeing the whole time.

      So that was cool.... Not a bad night, if I do say so myself!
    13. 02-24-12 WILD Silver Buildings

      by , 02-25-2012 at 07:33 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD10: 10th LD in the 8 days I have been placing my journal on this sight. I had no luck until it was time to get up. I told my wife I wanted to take 1 last stab at an LD, so she got up and I started the WILD process. This time it only took a few minutes. The swirling colors became a fairly clean image. I looked around and found myself standing in front of a historical building here in Boise, The Train Depot. It sits atop a hill and has a park attached. All of the buildings had been painted silver and the words on the buildings bell tower were all wrong. I looked at my hands to help me stablize> I usually do specific Mudra hand gestures to bring a little more control.
      I have usually seen my hands with the correct number of fingers, but this time one had two extra small ones. I rechecked the other and it sprouted a six finger. Oh well, I often am very picky when stablizing (see my last LD) but really did not have time for a marathon dream, as I knew my wife would have to wake me soon, so I said good enough and tried to decide what to do.
      My dream goal that I have so far failed to meet this month has been to vividly smell something. Not just picture that I did, but to actually incorperate my sense of smell in the dream. I decided that sinse I already had a nicely formed park, I would assume it contained flowers and go try to smell them. I casually strolled down by the pond and found bacholer button flowers there. I tried to smell them, sticking my nose right into them. I tried this for about a full minute. I actually did preceive a hint (a tiny hint) of real sent there. This is the first time I remember ever engaging my sense of smell so far. A tiny step forward, but the experience was maybe 5-10% of the waking sense of smell, so I do not consider that I met my goal.
      I walked back up the hill and came to a trailer where a DC of my mom was on the porch. I went inside and looked around. Nothing much of intrest so I went in another room and decided it was time to stablize again. I did my hand mudras, and created the proper amount of fingers. Then I chanted 'OM' 3 times, to bring my sense of hearing into the dream. I went back out to the front room, where DC mom was on the phone. (I think my wife may have walked by the door on the phone, influencing the LD) I saw a box of oranges, and decided to try my dream goal again. I picked up an orange and tried to smell it. No luck here. DC mom was glaring and said into the phone she had no privacy. I found this seen boaring so randomly picked a short adventure I could attempt before my wife was going to wake me (we have somewhere to go this morning).
      I decided to go fight with a beautiful vampire woman, but then have the story progress so that we ended uo in a sexual scene. Kind of inspired by Buffy's affair with the vamp Spike. I was not sure how to start,so I just programed the idea into the dream, went out side, and attempted to levitate. I figured I would fly around and just come on the vamp. I can always levitate, but this time I was heavy and realize a shadow woman was staddling me with her legs wrapped around behind. Ok, so this must be the vamp. Well that was easy. I stood up (I levitate Indian style) but she was gone. Sudenly two shadows each grab one of my hands and pull me. I yank one of them around in front and she becomes a solid beautiful vamp. We battle, but only for about 45 seconds as I am in a bit of a rush, fearing my wife will wake me any minute. The scene resolves the way I intended, with some hot steamy stuff.
      When that scene was over I had a false awakening. I was getting up in my real house. A van pulled up out front so I looked outside and saw an uncle who should not be randomly at my house. This brought me back to a lucid state. I was going to repeat the stabilizing routine, but realized that the dream had been going on for about 20 minutes, so time was running out. What could I do real quick that would be a good use of the last tiny time I had? I decided to see how quick I could forcce an awakening, so I sat in my office chair and focused on opening my real eyes. I popped awake, and came straight out to write this. Duration ~20 minutes.
    14. Bicycle Problem, Danny Phantom and Big Gorilla, Weird Question, Sinoblak, Meeps

      by , 02-25-2012 at 06:46 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Dream 1: Bicycle Problem

      I was riding my bicycle within Texas A&M University. I'm near the intersection, and I most likely was just leaving the West Campus. The Walk Sign was on, so I started to ride my bicycle, and then, it just stops operating on me.

      Since the Walk Sign has a timer, I immediately got off the bike and was carrying it so that I wouldn't stall traffic if the timer was close to 0.

      I get to the other side of the sidewalk,and I'm pretty pissed off that this bicycle was getting worse and worse. I look below the bicycle, and see that the chain completely split off and disconnected itself from the bicycle, there was no way I was going to be able to fix this bicycle this time.

      As I'm busy being engrossed with this bicycle's breakdown, I feel someone is behind me. I turn around and see this female with bleached blonde hair.

      I think she was wearing a blue shirt or maybe even Tye-dye shirt (thank you Alyzarin for the clarification )
      , and was wearing jeans that made the sides of her hips more defined.

      It felt like I was blocking her way, and I apologized to her for that, and she said that it's okay and moved along her way.

      Then I think the dream shifts to where I'm talking to my father, and he says that the money I've been given for in college is my money, and that I should do what I think it's right with it
      (I don't know why I didn't catch that, my father is being more accepting of how I handle money in waking life, but still tries to be serious at times because he thinks I'm just reckless with it for some odd reason).

      Then the dream shifts to where I'm getting new bicycle that allows me to go way faster because of its structure, and brakes are way more efficient compared to the one I had before.

      Then parts of the bicycle starts to come off, but I managed to re-attach it with ease. There were some DCs around when I was fixing it, but I didn't pay too much attention to them. However, there was some child DC that was looking at the bicycle.

      It seemed he like he was 13 years old or so, and he looked like he wanted to pass through where I was blocking him. I told him he can just go around to the other side, and he does, and I forget about him.

      Dream 2: Danny Phantom and Big Gorilla

      I'm inside some random place, and I go into this room that looks pretty fancy. It has nice flooring, bookshelves all over, and all sorts of things to make it look like a fancy private study room or office.

      Then I slowly peek through this black void to the left of me, and see some really big Gorilla monster with red eyes. I quickly go back to the room, wondering if it saw me. I move back a little and turn around and find it slowly getting closer to me.


      I try to hide under the desk, but it keeps coming after me. Then I was in that "TO HELL WITH THIS" kind of mood and ran quickly, dodging the lasers it was shooting from its eyes most likely.

      I barely managed to dodge them, and I go deeper into the black void that sent me to the small cave base it was in before, and I go beyond that to another black void, and apparently this monster is what you have to defeat to get a lot of gold (9,999 was the highest I guess).

      I see some valuable stuff that looked like diamonds and grab them and go to another black void. I see some DBZ characters getting ready to teleport their way out, and I try to quickly get to them before they disappeared, but I was too late. I'm thinking in my mind that I'm probably screwed because this Gorilla monster was going to get me.

      As soon as the Gorilla starts to shoot more lasers from its eyes again (probably) a DC that looks like Danny Phantom comes in out of nowhere to take the hit. Apparently the laser makes you turn older.

      Danny had a mustache and a goatee and was doing some random things I can't really remember.

      Dream 3: Weird Answer to Lecture Problem

      A teacher was asking a class a pretty tricky question in class, she was mentioning something that seemed to relate to Biology, and the answer ended up being "Lungs."

      I was confused by this, and that's all I remember.

      I think her mentioning the answer "Lungs" was probably a way for me to do an Nose plug RC to see if I could breathe, but again, I blindly pass off the chance to become lucids.

      I decided to attempt a WILD, but then the dreams after this attempt ended up being non-lucid. However, I did feel a lot of sensations, now that I think about it, I could've done MANY reality checks....MANY. These dreams probably didn't start in this order.

      I hear my mouth moving, feeling certain objects, etc. And dang it! I couldn't meet Alyzarin! I can't wait to sleep early tonight though, since I'll have lots of sleep time Sunday.

      I feel like I met Sinoblak, and the next dream after that, I know for sure I was meeting Meeps. But I didn't meet Alyzarin But I did meet an Asian woman that was a bit shy, but I don't know if Alyzarin is Asian or not. If so, then this shared dreaming is almost working.

      I felt a lot of conflict between meeting Meeps and the Asian woman though, I'll have a better description

      Dream 4: Meeting Sinoblak in Laboratory

      The vividness of this dream was crazy, most likely because I slept for another 2-2.55 hours (7-9:55AM I believe) after staying up for a WBTB from 5:30 AM or so to 7 AM.

      The environment is weird for this one. It was like being in a House, but also having half of a laboratory in it.

      Apparently the person I met in this dream was Sinoblak, I tried to get her to talk a little bit to me, but she looked a little shy at first. I saw one of the professors I had in my Intro to Biochemistry Course.

      Let's call her Glass
      (since this this dream involved a lot of fragile things). She's a dirty blonde haired professor, and she's around probably her 30-40s. The dream portrayed her image with accurate features. She was the type of woman to conceal some things, even though as a woman so close to middle-age, I had an attraction to her.

      The way she had glasses, and how she would stutter in front of class almost excited me in a twisted way. I knew she was an intelligent woman, and apparently she was known to be condescending towards students sometimes. She looks like your typical nerdy woman, but her body was so enticing to me.

      Anyway, before I get too deep with that odd liking of her that I have..

      It's just that the dreams I've had made me more sexually aware of certain people I've met. My recall is okay, it's typical for me to remember dreams where I felt I was lucid because in all my lucids, I can keep a pretty decent check of certain events and chain them together...still have lingering images of meeting Sinoblak.

      "Glass" was wearing a red sweater, concealing her wonderful body, and she was wearing Khaki pants, and her legs and her ass were so perfect. It was kind of cute seeing her in a red sweater, and have her lower regions so defined in the right areas, despite her age being around 30-40.

      The pants did look a bit tight on her, but I'm sure she was comfortable with it.

      (or at least the picture on her avatar that the dream presents to me into an entity) has something in a Ziploc bag. It looks like a Petri Dish is inside of it. I ask her what it is, and I'm not sure if Sinoblak is the one talking or "Glass," but I'm informed that the sample Petri Dish was Gonorrhea.

      I know there was another name for it, but all I remember for this one is Gonorrhea. Sinoblak started opening the bag, and I'm signaling to her "Nononononononono" while waving my hands to the sides.

      But she wasn't afraid or anything, she just took the Petri sample right out of the bag. I take the sample, then I realize I better get some gloves.

      I'm still in this half-house, half-laboratory setting, so I go inside the house, and the glove boxes are on top of a bar like shelf (as in to serve alcohol).

      I quickly put them on and basically said that it's time to get this thing started. Apparently Sinoblak couldn't see the sample of the Gonorrhea in the Petri Dish. What I saw in the Petri Dish before I used the microscope were several orange dots grouped together, so I wondered why Sinoblak couldn't see them with human eyes.

      I takes me a while to coordinate the Microscope, but I eventually see the object zoomed in.

      It looks pretty random, the colors that I think that were apparent were green and orange, and I move the base around and used the fine adjustment knob to get a little more clarity. I told Sinoblak that I finally found what she was looking for.

      I believe she goes and checks by looking through the microscope. She fiddles around with it by alternating the magnification lens, then I realized that she used the highest objective lens. I checked to see if the lens broke, and was worried that she probably broke them.

      I look through the microscope, and yeah, it's broken. Sinoblak talks to me for once, and she sounds like a typical American female doing so. She said that "Glass" was inside her office, so I decided to switch the broke Microscope with a new one inside some cabinets underneath.

      After that, I can't remember anything else. The dream shifts however to where I'm at a lecture room. The stairs leading to several seats to pick from left and right were covered in a dark blue with a few mix of colors type of carpet flooring.

      By this time, I don't think I have any hunches of Sinoblak being around, but I see "Glass" in her red sweater again.
      (I bet that she wanted to get my attention with the red sweater...lady in red..)

      I didn't pay attention to her that much this time, I saw two DCs sitting together that look oddly familar in waking life. Let's call the girl "J-Lisa" and the guy "Jero."

      I think the area I'm in was probably a review for Chemistry, since I saw some sheet that increase in pressure and increase in volume equaled something that I can't remember.

      What happened next in that dream was too boring for me to even talk about, I was just glad to see that I probably Met Sinoblak non-lucidily.

      Now to talk about my ecounter with Meeps and an Asian Woman.

      Dream 5: Meeting Meeps and Asian Woman

      My recall for this one may be a little shorter, but describing the sensations I felt in this dream might be the most of the content of this dream. I find myself feeling people's energy, or at least trying.

      I believe the dream starts out with me sitting on a lab table somewhere, and a blonde girl who looks like the partner I had for a Biochemistry presentation on Eldepryl turns her face and smiles at me. I take a moment to look at her for a while, and she retains her smile for a little longer, and I smile back to her.

      She turns back to looking at something. I can't remember much after that. The dream shifts to where I see another blonde, and she has her arms positioned to where one was balancing her face and the other was supported the other arm.

      It looked kind of like Meeps, I'm sure it was Meeps, it felt like Meeps. We didn't do much, except that I was listening to her talk about something. Then I see a short video clip in my mind of her snowboarding.

      She was doing something pretty dangerous while snowboarding, she was going off a snowy ramp, and it looked like she was going to fall flat on the snow because there wasn't a ramp to stabilize her descent back to the snow. She lands safely, and I think she immediately disconnects her snowboard from her feet and starts walking.

      Then the dream shifts (I'm having a lot of shifts because I can't recall things in between), and I meet this Asian woman standing there depressed. I'm not sure if it was a certain someone I was looking for, or just a random DC. I come near her, and I'm kind of hesitant in socializing with her.

      Some things happen in between the dream that I can't recall too well, but I think the Asian woman finally cheers up and says "I love you!!!" when I asked her if she loved me (I think I asked her that).

      She hugs me, and I could feel her warmth, then I saw Meeps. She looked sad, I think she was jealous of what happened with me and the Asian girl. I tried to go to her to do something. I honestly don't know what I could've done.

      I don't remember what I did to cheer her up, but I went back to the Asian lady. She started to become more vibrant I believe. Her hair started to get more curlier, and I believe she was wearing a red jacket (the one with a furry feel to it, but not animal fur).

      I remember me hugging her by her waist, and we were going down the stairs carefully together. She took one step, I took one step, and we continue doing this.

      I can't remember much after that. Lol, I've been saying that loosely, I should be glad I remembered these experiences, and the senses from them helped a lot with recall too.

      Thanks Kaomea. But darn it, I'm sad that I couldn't see Alyzarin. Oh well, next time.

      Updated 02-25-2012 at 11:57 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. 2-25-12, the lake is calling

      by , 02-25-2012 at 06:40 PM
      I'm not sleeping well lately because I've been having trouble with my mom, last night was the worst yet. I will be so glad when she gets her truck fixed so I can take back my husbands car and be done with her. I know that sounds harsh, but even now being grown and having a family of my own, I feel like she's always bringing me down and now it's worse because she involves my family with it. As I'm sure is seen in my dreams, things usually take a turn for the worst when she shows up in them.

      Dream One (Fragment): We're at the lake house, my husband and I. I have family there in a black SUV in front of us, we're also in our car. My family pulls out of the driveway, then stops on the middle of the dirt road. My uncle gets out of the SUV and says, "Another hundred bucks right there!" and runs over to the side of the road. I don't know if he picked something up or turned something off, in the dream it could have gone either way. The impression though was he either gained a hundred bucks or saved a hundred bucks by turning something off that would have been a big waste of money. Then he gets back in the SUV and they start driving. Chris tells me to look closely, we might find some money too. I tell him he's silly, but then he says, "Is that forty dollars?" and I jump up asking where. There's no money, just trash blowing by the road. we get back on the road, and it starts winding like crazy and getting muddy. The car slides around like crazy but it didn't seem dangerous. I wake up.

      Had a sore throat and runny nose when I woke up, then couldn't get back to sleep, so after an hour of trying to sleep, I just broke down and took NyQuil. I was out in thirty minutes But if I dreamed I couldn't remember them, it's a side effect of the NyQuil I guess. I had one fragment the entire morning.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I'm on the lake with my kids, we're in a round raft you would go tubing behind a boat in. Only we're not tubing behind a boat. My kids are sitting in the circle, and I've got a paddle. I'm paddling back towards the cabin. My little boy says, "Oh no mommy, we're paddling by the bad house!" I asked him what he meant the bad house, none of the houses were bad, and he replies, "The house that takes forever to get past! That house makes us slow mommy!" I assure him the house won't slow us down, it just seems that way because this part of the river is big and open. After paddling furiously for a while, we're in front of the lake house (I will refer to this as the cabin from now one b/c that's how we usually reference it!) I notice the tube gets water in it if I lean too far forwards when I paddle. I ignore it. I paddle us up to the jet ski dock and grab the side. My mom is standing on the hill. I'm angry because this is dad's families house, and I don't think she should be there since she divorced him fifteen years ago. She's yelling that she's been waiting on me to get back for four hours and that it's irresponsible to take the kids out on the lake by myself. I'm ignoring her, thinking we didn't go far and they had on life jackets. If we'd gotten tired or stuck one of the friendly people on the lake would have given us a ride. I climb out and hold the tube so the kids can climb out. My little girl climbs out first, then she runs to her grandma. My little boy is scared because every time he steps on the dock it starts to sink. I assure him it's just because the foam has washed out and he'll be fine, he just needs to hurry up. Eventually he climbs out. I start walking towards mom who is still yelling at me. I wake up.

      This is the second night I've dreamed of the River this week. I don't think I've dreamed of that place in a long time, at least since last year. The dreams make me want to go there, but I know it's too cold.