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    1. Mon Oct 15 (11:48-8:16)

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:58 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Superheroes (8:07)

      To their surprise, a group of friends discover that they all have superpowers. The superpower is unique to the person. One of them can create force fields, which comes in handy when villains begin shooting energy bullets at them. Still, she barely gets up the shields in time, which makes her friends nervous enough to shout at her a bit. In the middle of a sentence, someone realizes that the villains just shot a "seminuclear bomb" at them. They all shout and panic, and the bomb goes off. From a distant perspective, you see a cylindrical shield appear around the group just in time to protect them from the blast.

      Thinking they've succeeded, the villains approach the area of the ocean where the group of superheroes had been swimming. Soon after they reach the spot, the shield disappears, presumably releasing radiation poisoning into all of the villains. They all start making funny faces. I'm curious about how this movie is going to depict radiation sickness--it seems like something that would be difficult to cartoonify.

      Autumn (8:07) (LUCID)

      It's a beautiful fall day. I'm walking over the grass in a section of woods where all the trees are bare of leaves, and I'm not alone. There are dozens of people nearby, walking every which way, although I am traveling alone. I reach the crest of a small hill, but rather than walking down the other side, I keep on walking straight into the air. I suppose that must mean I'm dreaming, but I'm not sure I feel like doing anything about that.

      On second thought . . . I do a reality check to get into the mindset of dream control. I still have to prove that I can exercise some kind of control over fire. I decide to try to use lightning. Looking at a nearby tree, I gesture at it somehow. To my surprise, with a flash and a bang, a bolt actually strikes the tree. It's on fire, now, but the fire is highly stylized. The tree is covered in a bunch of orange and black sprites--little crescent moons that randomly switch from left-facing to right-facing. I'm not sure that counts as actually starting a fire. I turn to another tree and try to hit it with lightning, too, but this time, nothing happens.

      I give up on the lightning, and try to set the grass on fire with a sweeping motion of my arm. A ramrod-straight, paper-thin line of flame about a dozen feet long appears on the ground, but it doesn't interact much with its surroundings. I try to make lava from the foothills flow down through a nearby riverbed, but that doesn't really work, either.

      Carefully, I look up at the clouds above me. I worry that without any trees or grass in my field of vision, the dream will start to come apart. The sky is pretty, but I look down again quickly. A little later, and without any apparent warning, the dream just stops. My vision's not black, per se, but I can't see anything.

      Novice Author (8:07)

      A novice author has recorded a video explaining the story behind her recent short book. She starts by reading something apparently from a writing textbook, about how it's a good idea to write the ending first, then pretend to get flustered by all the complicated detail and explain to the reader that you'll have to go back and tell it all from the beginning. I recognize that technique from a lot of the books I've read, and apparently the author does, too, because she looks up from the book to interject a short phrase meaning something like, "Just like they do in the classics!"

      While the video credits are rolling, the girl's roommate comes into the room wearing a bathrobe. She's just trying to get her laundry from the machine, but as a joke the vlogger intercepts her, and in the struggle the robe comes untied. Eventually the roommate does manage to put on a pair of underwear. Then the vlogger's top comes off, too, and they sit down on the ground and start kissing. I'm pretty sure this is the first time either of them have explored this part of their sexual orientation, so, good for them!

      • A volcano goes off and we have to climb up a series of gigantic, cubical cliffs in order to escape the lava flows. The cliffs have a consistency similar to tofu. I take a few wrong turns.
    2. 15/10/2012

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:29 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I had some dreams last night, but only the last one is important to me.

      I was at a parking lot and this sort of old woman wanted help to park her car. It was HUGE, though, so I told her I couldn't help her, but I offered my dad. He also said he couldn't help her. We waited with her as the lady who worked at the parking lot went there and helped her. As we were waiting, the lady was parking another car and she was good, but she drove too fast. The owner of the car she had just parked got mad, told the lady to get out of her car and said that she'd sue the place.

      Then, I was at an office and it felt a little like I was watching a TV show. There was this guy and this girl there, and the girl was the one who had said she'd sue the parking lot. The guy had been there with her, saying "yeah, we'll sue you!", and I didn't like them. So when the guy sat down next to another guy, I got up, went to the other guy and asked him if he was friends with the guy I hadn't liked. He chuckled and said "you could say that", so I got confused if he was the writer of the show or if they were boyfriends in real life or if it was both. So I just told him his friend wasn't funny at all, he was just pathetic, and I left.

      As I was leaving, the girl was leaving too and I teased her because of the whole "I'll sue you!" thing. She wasn't amused, but she asked me if I wanted to have lunch with her. I went with her, we went with my car and she told which parking lot she liked. Then she took me to this cool, different restaurant. I was having fun, driving and walking around with her and, before I knew, I was kind of hitting on her. She seemed to like me, though, so I kept going, until I called her "my love". I obviously didn't mean it, but she sort of freaked out and she told me that she had dated for twelve years, back when she was fifteen in 1994 (and that didn't make any sense, because 1994+12=2006, so she had had six years to get over it, but...) and then she reminded me she's older than I am, which she didn't have to, cause she had just said she was fifteen in 1994, and I know I was just four back then. Anyway, I kissed her and told her I was sorry I had said anything about love, then I suggested we just enjoyed ourselves. She was okay with that, she kissed me too and soon we were talking, laughing, kissing and choosing our food.

      When it was time to pay, we shared the bill and she was like "let's take something back to the office!", I agreed. As I was waiting for her at the table, two girls I went to high school with showed up. They looked down and I realised they knew the girl and that she had left. I got really upset and they gave me my part of the bill. I said no, that if they gave the money back to her, she'd know how much she had hurt me and that would hurt her instead (dream logic is insane!), so I left, went to the parking lot and freaked out a little when I found out it had been R$70 to leave the car there. Still, I paid and asked the guy who worked there if the key was in the car. He said he didn't know and I woke up.

      The sad thing is that I really had a good time with that girl. I wish that 1) she hadn't left and 2) she were real.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. it all connects

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:10 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I spent a good deal of time figuring out that everyone is connected some sort of way. I can't explain what went down because of the recall and the fact that it was more or a feeling than anything....but towards the end, I was practicing Wing Chung with a strong DC. Just attacking, anticipating, and countering. I was getting better as it progressed, but he told me I needed to hit harder. Instead of directly hitting harder, I started attacking pressure points. The guy finally let out a ridiculous "YEEOuch!".
      Tags: strong dc
    4. tumblr / Looking After Pets / Dream Lesson

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:10 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I have a friend whose dad shut off the Internet at her house, so she only has Internet access when she's at her mom's house. She went back to her dad's house yesterday. Anyway, I had a dream last night that I was on tumblr and saw a post she made saying that her dad turned the Internet back on again. I woke up disappointed because it was only a dream (we mainly only see each other online because we live a couple hours apart).

      I went back to sleep and had a dream that I had to look after a few pets for my friend Giana (even though they aren't her pets IWL). I had to look after five various rodents (a hamster, two very tiny chinchillas, and two jerboas. They were kept in a big cage, which I was keeping in my room. The problem was that they kept escaping from the cage; they managed to squeeze through the bars and out of the cage pretty easily. The chinchillas (which were roughly the same size as the hamster and jerboas, as opposed to actual chinchilla size) especially liked to escape. One of them even tried to bite my thumb when I carried it back to its cage (again); it was kind of uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt.

      In another dream, I had to select a "teacher". I chose Kayleigh, my tulpa. She started throwing dodgeballs at me, and I didn't know why, so she told me she was doing it because I had to learn that nothing could hurt me because I was dreaming and that I shouldn't be afraid in dreams. I guess I was supposed to take that advice and make myself believe that, though I still didn't really get what was going on. The dream felt rather vague when I woke up, too.

      I know she was only trying to help me improve my dream control, but I don't think I really learned anything from that "lesson". It does seem like something she would do, though...
    5. Sun Oct 14 (12:50-9:47)

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:09 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      New Student (6:56)

      Natalie Tran is in my math class. It's a little bit surreal, because she's trying to pretend like nobody knows who she is. And maybe nobody does except me. During a class presentation, she tells us about a video she made that's relevant to the topic, and we should watch it sometime if we want to. Maybe she is after more subscribers after all.

      • heard "The Open Prairie" theme from Copland's "Billy the Kid" suite; told someone near me how good I think it is
      • watching a documentary on character development in TV shows; one particular show they point out as a good example
      • choosing a rehearsal order for our string quartet
      • my two youngest sisters are being noisy while I try to fall asleep in the next room
      Tags: music, youtube
    6. Rehearsing for A Variety Show...as a Saber-Toothed Tiger...Dating a T-Rex. Yes, You Read That Right.

      by , 10-15-2012 at 03:06 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in what seemed to be high school choir again, on what seemed to be an island, though there were many other islands around too. It was covered in short, bright green grass, and some grey rocks. It was daytime, and the sky was clear and blue.

      We were rehearsing for the variety show on this island. My choir teacher was showing us the choreography she wanted us to learn for the show; we were all grouped up, and she was in front of us. She did some jumps and dance moves, but she went over it all very quickly.

      We then were left to practice on our own. We all gathered in a circle around the edges of the island, and we started to do the routine. There was then a full-sized T-Rex in the middle of the island, but it was one of the students; his part in the show was being a T-Rex. It scared me at first, but we all ran around his feet and repositioned; it was all just part of the show. He then turned into Godzilla, and was much more threatening that way. Again, it was part of the show. I feel like we ran through this sequence a few times. I found myself trying to go over the choreography in my head, remembering one move after the other.

      I then figured out I was playing the part of a saber-toothed tiger, though, unlike T-Rex boy, I didn't transform, but I was merely acting like a cat, or, I guess how I would imagine a saber-toothed tiger would act. I was also supposed to be the T-Rex's girlfriend as the saber-toothed tiger. Alright then, I could do that. I got down on my hands and knees, and walked around. I went over to some edge away from everyone else, sat down, and meowed. I was trying to play the part well. I thought about myself acting, making facial expressions to match the mood of the show.

      We then went back to the beginning of the show to rehearse some more. I now wasn't quite sure where I was supposed to be. The T-Rex guy said I needed to stick by him, but I got in the circle around the edges of the island again anyway. I had a feeling I had taken someone's space, though I didn't think we had assigned spaces yet. Oh whatever. I wondered if there were any solos in the piece of music we were doing.

      I then remember being atop a ledge on the island, overlooking the circular part, with T-Rex guy. We walked around a bit, I remember us being in a small cave for a little while. He was telling me he liked being Godzilla better than the T-Rex. He started to remind me of my IWL pen pal, Gabriel.

      I was then running back onto the circular part of the island with everyone else. I remember running over some light grey rock, and thinking about how exciting it was to be back in choir and performing.

      Updated 10-15-2012 at 03:52 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Second day, second WILD, I'm thrilled!

      by , 10-15-2012 at 02:37 PM
      Hey guys it's me again with another WILD! I found a technique that worked for me everytime, check it out at this thread on my recent post if you like.

      Anyways, let's get to that WILD. You may found the dream not that interesting as an adventure, but note that these are my first WILDs and I'm still developing some dream control, which was easier in my traditional DILD/DEILD mixups.

      So after some time of laying in bed after my tricks, I start to get vibes all around and realised the time has come. I start to see stuff from my room all together gathered from different parts of the room spinning around in front of me and after a while, the scene stabilizes, I'm in my room. I get up from bed and the dream starts.

      So I kinda check around the room, and it's even more realistic than last time! I wasn't afraid of waking up if I got excited. So I have a stereo which has a mirror-like glass, which I looked through and saw my weird dream face, as I started to make ridiculous expressions to have some fun! Then I instantly made a reality check nose plug, works everytime, anyplace, anyway just to be sure, and I could breathe through of course.

      I opened my room door to get out, the door handle felt veeery much softer and loose than usual. I got out and flied through the corridor as I usually do in OBE-like wilds. As I reached the living room, I remembered from yesterday's WILD that the sofa was placed weirdly and went to check. So I checked and the scene suddenly changed to normal. I said what the hell, who cares I'm in a lucid dream here!

      So I went out at the balcony to jump and fly but surprisingly, I fell! I was always very good at flying but today, I just couldn't make it! Fortunately The dream didn't collapse after I fell, but kept up going in the streets. Yeah! My mistake at this LD though was that I didn't recorded it straight when I woke up, I said I'll do it when I wake up later, so I missed almost the half dream. Never do that, Instantly record.

      Anyways, so
      I've hit the streets baby, and there is an imaginary neighbout stopped outside my house on his motorcycle (I call him imaginary neighbour, because in the dream I had the impression that he is a neighbour, but he was actually just a DC and I knew that during the dream ) who I talked to anyway and I can't remember about what exactly. I would normally remember but as I said, I didn't instantly recall and record. Who knows How many other things I missed from that dream due to my fat-lazy-assness. But anyways, enough whinning.

      After talking with that man, I tried to float myself to the sky, but didn't make it. Important to note is that I was in my underwear all the time, but I didn't care, nor did any DC around. So I tried to project a gun from inside my underpants, but that was nearly impossible. So without much thought, I formed a gun shape with my fingers and tried to shoot passengers with it. No chance. The dream was so vivid that my traditional dream control was ruined, and I have to get used to it again.

      So yeah that was about it, I remember some scenes of the dream as flashes during the day but it's still not enough, I'm pretty sure the dream continued for a good deal of time after I lost it at my recall, but I
      am glad I am succeeding twice in a row. I hope that's not a random effect, but a scheduled success. I'm waiting for this night to confirm it.

      till then...

    8. I asked the question, but....

      by , 10-15-2012 at 02:06 PM
      So last night air found myself behind the wheel of a vehicle but only with no wheel, I was on the LHS with possibly a passenger or more near me.

      I must have found something peculiar (maybe where I was sitting) so I FINALLY asked myself "am I dreaming?"

      I took a quick look around and decided that I wasn't. I was happy when I woke up and shortly after remembered asking myself that question yet now recalled that it was indeed a dream!

      Next time though: continue to look around and validate if it really is a dream, look for text or clocks and test them, don't get too excited if the answer is yes.....
      Tags: drive, question
      side notes
    9. Dream 10.15.12

      by , 10-15-2012 at 01:57 PM
      I had a series of three related dreams this morning:

      1.) I was standing in a packed gymnasium waiting for a basketball game to begin. There were hardly any empty seats so I stood near an entrance. A tall man stood next to me as we waited. I had the feeling he was there for me and eventually we left together.

      2.) The tall man and I drove away in a small 4 door car (Toyota or something). As we approached our destination ( a military base) we noticed a disturbance in the sky. The clouds became angry and dark. Then a twisting cyclone appeared! We were so close to home. But the cyclone kept moving toward us then away. There was an empty building nearby where we finally sought refuge.

      While we kept an eye on the weather outside we noticed a small security detail driving around. They were looking for us as we hadn't been accounted for. I sensed we were in trouble. So we his in a big metal box just as the cyclone smashed into the building.

      After some time the box was opened. We were surrounded by water and policeman seeking our arrest.

      3.) A woman sent me to gather clothes for children who were being chosen for something (felt like a reaping a' la Hunger Games). The child I had to prepare looked a lot like Britney Spears (LOL)! I decided to cut the sleeves off her outfit. That way she'd be disqualified and not face any harm. When the other children arrived to pick up her clothing I held up her tattered things and shrugged.
    10. Short boring fuzzy and blur non-lucid before WILD..

      by , 10-15-2012 at 01:26 PM
      These are parts of a non lcid dream of mine which occured before my successful WILD attempt I'll write about later. My recall has been so poor lately after I stopped keeping a DJ, but I'll try to fix that from now on.

      Anyway, I was sometime in my dream arguing with my mother about something really loud and I can't remember what it was. Aaaand thats it, then there is a....

      [Dream Skip]

      Then I find myself with a friend, could be a momentary DC, but it seemed like a friend in my dream. Watching videos in the net in front of my computer and we see look at some titles and he says "Look, there's a good one! This guy is trying to prank a woman nad he dies by accident!" and I was like, how could that happen? And then I said "cool, let's watch it".

      So there is a video where a man meets a woman he knows, not a random one, in a field of grass for no apparent in front of a big city, like New York, and says to her things like "Hey there, what's up? How are you lately?" and she regularly answers, until she pulls out a cigarrete to smoke and lights it up. Then it may be the part where the prank began and I was curious to see how he died, so he pulls the cigarette from her mouth and then my WBTB alarm goes off, 4:00 am. Time to WILD. Believe me or not, this is how it happened, I was too curious to find out what the hell happened in the imaginary video, but my alarm screwed me up. Anyways, it had a purpose!

      brb with my WILD post

    11. [A Wall In the Road]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:37 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, October 14th, 2012]
      <later in the day, I take a nap>
      <dream is foggy, I forget to write this down and it vanishes>

      I remember summoning a 18-wheeler to come pick me up and bring me somewhere. We were on V.M. road and heading north, and as we passed the train tracks and took the bend to the left- we came to an obstacle. There was a giant wall in the road. I turned around and did something to a giant rock behind me. A triangle with an eye appeared and the triangle began to spin around the eye. It glowed a thick white light and shot out a beam of light towards the wall. The wall glowed with white veins and the wall opened.

      (Everything resembled futuristic, alien technology- and it was pretty neat to watch.)
    12. [We Defeated The Swamp Monster / Honey-Fizz]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:36 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, October 14th, 2012]
      (Around 3AM and I wake up and remember quite a bit. I've been sleeping for along time. A LONG TIME.)

      <dream had more before this, but this is where I started to remember>
      I remember being ontop of a building's roof with a few other people. There is a small lake between me and the rest of the land. In the small beige-mud lake, there is debris everywhere and people scattered through out. Whenever I come close to the edge of the roof, a giant tenticle shoots out of the mud and tries to hit me. I hit it with a weapon before it sinks back down. Eventually, it becomes like WoW... when the tenticle pop's back up- I command the rest of my "raid" group to attack, and all of the people drowning in the mud all leap out and attack the tenticle. I begin to shoot it with some kind of range attack as this is happening. It sinks back one more time before I lure it back up for a final attack. We did it! Everyone is teleported to the dry land. There's a neat looking Mage Staff with a star at the end of it for loot. A few people "roll" for it- in a new way that I don't recognize. I leap from piece of debris to debris all the way across the swamp and as I'm climbing up a small hill to get to the land, I realize that I'm a low level but also the leader of the group. I walk up to the loot on the ground and try to right click on it, but nothing happens. I try to ask how to roll, but I'm teleported to Stormwind or some other city in real life before I have a chance.

      In this other city, I try talking to the Raid but realize I've left the group and that it was a Guild group- that I can't talk to since I'm not in it now.


      I'm leaving town to go up Yarnell hill with my Mom and maybe Casey/Nathan. We're on our way up the hill, and we must have been walking. We walk up the hill faster than usual and we notice that some parts of the railing going up the hill have been smashed and damaged. There've been reports of someone vandalising the rails. We make our way up the hill and we find a cave. It's a giant cave temple- that I tell my Mom is a "Shaman Training Temple" inside, we see people who look like WoW characters all standing around, as if they're really Shaman Trainers or people to buy things from or Questgivers. We walk up to the middle of the giant cave/room and one of us talks to a questgiver. One of the quest involves stopping the man from damaging the rails, apparently its Virgil from McDonald's management.

      We leave and start walking up Yarnell hill more. Now I'm not with my Mom or Casey anymore, it's Nathan and Tyler. After awhile, we become thristier than ever and have to stop at a random convenience store. Inside, I grab a cup and fill it with a little ice and water. Its not enough ice though, so I hold the cup against the icemachine more and I notice how I can fill the cup up with ice without the water overflowing. I turn around and see a few kids I know selling some new drink ideas. (There was a peanut butter & honey snack- and there was a "Honey-Fizz" drink, as I'd like to call it, was handed to me. It was a dark yellow bottle of "Honey"-flavored soda. I opened it and downed it quick. It was AMAZING. It was one of the best drinks I've ever had. I made this known to everyone around me. After awhile of talking to Tyler and Nathan about this, I wake up.
      <woke up>
    13. [x-10]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:33 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Friday, October 12th, 2012]
      (Slept with Alex tonight. I woke up a few times and told Alex about my dream, but I forgot it entirely- since I didn't go straight to my Dream Journal. I was also tired as HELL when I first zonked out, due to overstonage and sexhaustion. I forgive myself- hopefully, the next morning will be better. Though I do plan on getting stoned in the morning with Alex and Nathan- we'll see how that goes.)

      (I'll also note, that I've read a lot of books that changed my outlook on a lot of things- and I said a prayer (Soul Download) to help me with my ego problem. I felt different immediately, and I could feel that my ego had dissolved. It felt amazing- and me and Alex haven't had anything close to a fight since.)
      side notes
    14. [Pedophilia in a Dark Place]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:33 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, October 11th, 2012]
      (I had just fallen asleep from waking up the first time. Before this dream, I had the Carnival dream.)

      There was an odd man and a teary-eyed child walking up a quiet path to a large cave.
      At the top of the path, the man shoves the kid inside, after stripping his clothes off and assures him, "It'll be all right, go inside. I'm going to help you. This has to be done."
      The bare child has no choice, really. He lacks sureness in his feet, as he walks into the cave, almost as if he's afraid to fall from a cliff. It was so dark, you really couldn't tell if there was a dropoff or not. The kid takes a little, but now he's in the center of the cave. You can see him hunched into a ball somewhere in the dark with your dim nightvision that no one else but us has. The man wants to do this where no one will find them.

      Suddenly- I'm the boy. I see nothing but pitchblack. The light from outside doesn't enter this cave. "I'm coming in~" a whisper violates the silence, but is carried along like a screaming wind. I take a step backwards- but I hear my footsteps crunch in the sand a few times. I stop and listen- I hear
      a "crunch... crunch... crunch... crunch..." at such an irregular beat. Something is different now and off- my skin began to crawl. The cool air suddenly became so cold, it hurt my skin. The crunching is growing closer and closer and closer. It had to be less than a yard away... I throw up my hands in pure terror in a pathetic attempt at self-defense. I touched nothing- just waved my arms around quietly.

      Then someone SEIZES my hands violently and shoved them down to my side. They lean their face closer to mine. I became semi-lucid- just in time to witness some... THING... with a sunken face staring at me dead in the eyes with soulless milky-black charcoal eyes. The face quickly morphed into Alex.

      "Do you wanna see my noon?" she whispered through the dead silence of the cave. "Do you wanna see my noon?"

      She stares me dead in the eye with a blank expression on her face. Then she slowly opens her mouth wide- and two fists pushed together... slowly crawls out of her open mouth as if someone inside was pushing them out. They began to open and creep towards my face to grab it.


      (Imagine making two fists in front of you like you're holding a steering wheel tight. Push your hands together like that. Then, holding the bottom of your hands together where it joins the wrist imagine them opening and unrolling like a flower. That's how she tried to grab my face.)

      <I woke up.>
    15. [The Carnival of Dreams, a Pitch-Black Storm, and a Kiss on the Knuckle]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:32 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, October 11th, 2012]

      <The night before this, Alex had told me how she felt about me... she popped the question, "Why are we together?" a few times and after she left, it felt like the end of the world. She was definitely going to leave me... I was angry and sad at the same time. Why is she so unfair with me? Demanding things of me, but when I ask for the same, she tells me I will never understand. She must love to drill me further into the ground. Even now as I type this, I can't help feeling a helpless feeling... a bitter disgust for the Alex that night, that lectured me like a child and let me know I was a horrible boyfriend. My heart sank 3 times smaller that night. I sat in my bed and sobbed for hours and screamed into my pillow, trying to stop my heart from hurting. I thought about hurting myself physically, I thought about leaving her before she could leave me. I even left a few scars on my mind. I finally calmed down after talking to her on the phone... she made me laugh... while I was going to get cigarettes, but I still felt miserable as I lied down to go to bed.>

      (Before I fell asleep, being as horrible anxious and depressed and emotional as I was... I told my subconscious to just give me whatever dream it thought I needed to see. "Go ahead. Throw anything I need to see at me. But make me lucid. I need to be lucid!" I fall asleep.)

      (Hours later, I have my first dream that I remember...)

      I walk out of a motel room with Alex beside me and we look around. Some kind of festival was occuring all around us. People are walking around in all directions, mostly heading for a particular carnival ground. Some are in costume, some are stark naked. We walk around for a bit and decide to head back to where we came from, to change our appearence. I decide I wanted to either be stark naked too, or cross-dress. Back at the motel room, I skim through my options in clothes, and notice I suddenly have a lot of female clothes in my closet as well as male ones. Alex isn't with me anymore though. So I walk back outside and wander around some more- still with the urge to rip off all of my clothes.

      Glancing around at people more, I notice that I know quite a lot of people here- no family members, but people from my town that I know are very common here. Suddenly, I see some people walking towards Bashas'. Apparently, Bashas' is allowing our festival to take as much food as we want to bring back for a feast. I follow the small crowd to Bashas'. Outside, I wait for an employee to unlock the doors... and we head in with shopping carts. We start tossing in random items, from meats to snacks to candy to cheeses to drinks. The second cart starts filling up with purely meat, and I warn them not to overdo it on meat.

      <dream skips>

      We're back at the festival. I grab a flyer from the ground and it shows my whole family is performing. Tim Z****, Bob Z****, and a few other Z****'s that I've never heard of. I realize that I can't cross-dress or go stark naked because they're here and I don't want them to think bad of me. I see Zack and Alex together and I walk up to them. Zack and me are friendly like we used to be.

      <HOLE IN MEMORY> My Dad was involved with this memory, as were Alex and Zack. We were gathering something off the dirt street, there were lots of them... we were in the old west and my Dad was standing next to an old wagon. <memory skips>

      We're now in the middle of a cardboard-like city. The buildings are close together and flat and textureless like a cheap old video game using 3D models of a wall and a cheap texture stretched across the surface. It's like a type of maze here with buildings painted on the walls. The structures do however tower into the sky like normal. I'm still with Alex and Zack. We're doing something <HOLE IN MEMORY> when me and Alex seperate from Zack. The grey sky becomes covered in clouds the color of charcoal. They become the darkest black imaginable. Me and Alex look at each other and instantly begin to run down the street, searching for shelter. I see Zack behind us walking some other direction, almost as if he's unaware. He turns a corner and I lose sight of him. I keep running the other way.

      We arrive inside of a dark building to wait out the storm. Rain begins to POUR and we wait there for hours. When it finally stops, we go outside, and color is returning to the sky. The sun peaks out from behind the clouds, but the world is still a dull grey tone.

      We walk back to where our motel was and I find where my car is parked. We hop in and begin to drive. She wants to find Zack... she's worried sick about him. I'm depressed- We drive for a bit more and <HOLE IN MEMORY> I park in the Circle K with pumps, and do a horrible job. I try to re-align my park job a few times before I give up and decide its okay how I parked. Alex walks up to me and starts yelling at me about some unknown thing and asks me why I left her somewhere. I tried to explain I didn't leave her anywhere... but it's no use. We both hop in the car however and drive off towards the direction of McDonalds. "Please, we have to find Zack. I'm worried about him." I keep driving.

      Suddenly, we're in a Fun-House of Mirrors, sitting inside a track-ride. We slowly turn a corner and see Zack lying down. The car stops and Alex gets out and runs to Zack and gives him a long hug. She lets go and kisses Zack on the lips. I blink my eyes and see that Zack has his knuckle up to Alex lips. It's a gesture towards me- that Zack would have made before while he was still my friend. I watch the whole scene objectively, as if it had nothing to do with me... a movie I knew was depressing, but lacked the emotion to feel. The only thing I felt was that I was a horrible boyfriend- at that moment I remembered all of the things I had been saying throughout the dream. It was like my horrible self from waking life was invading my dreams- I had said pathetic things about Zack and that I was tired of all this shit and more. I felt horrible compared to Zack, who had just done something nice for me

      <I wake up feeling like shit.>

      (I still admired the intensity of the dream, and closed my eyes again and imagined being lucid during it... I repeated in my head, "It's a dream.")
      ================================================== =============
      <I fell back into a dream.>
      <It's continued with "Pedophilia in a Dark Place" after this dream.