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    1. Oneironaut and I in the Dream Warrior Planet

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:34 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      We are standing on some type of spacecraft landing pad. I have been here before. Of course... the Dream Warrior Planet. There are stairs in front of us, going down a type of marble thrust stage. There are white pillars lining a coral walkway. There is a small reception of people, some human looking, some less. We walk down the stairs. The people bend one knee to Oneironaut silently. I feel like I should follow.

      The alien with the pink face that turned into the battle dome tells me I should just sit cross legged. More people notice Oneironaut, and bend one knee, and bow their head as they see him, until it becomes a wave of people bending one knee.

      Gawn strides through the center of the people, down a winding path. Oneironaut seems to be remembering the place. "I've been here before..." he says quietly to himself.

      "Of course you have," Gawn booms, "my son."

      Gawn grins at him madly with his big devil smile, and clasps his Spawn shoulders. Gawn rips at the fabric of space and time, and opens a portal to another dimension. He beckons Oneironaut to step through. I see pale green stairs glowing faintly toward the portal floating a few feet above the ground. Gawn follows him. Oneironaut steps through, then Gawn steps halfway through, winks at me, then zips out the rip, and they are gone.


      I close my eyes and meditate. Gawn and Oneironaut are sitting in an ancient temple carved out of red rock. Mars? I see Gawn glance up at me and wink. Gawn and Oneironaut are staring at each other in silence. Gawn lunges forward and bites Oneironaut on the trapezius. He says Oneironaut must do it back. Oneironaut refuses.

      The scene changes to a ziggurat similar to the Temple of Nothing, but we are somewhere else. Gawn and Oneironaut are standing atop it. Gawn is speaking of the land, making sweeping movement with his hand.

      The scenes change over and over from one surreal setting to another.


      I wake up in my room. Oneironaut is sleeping on a futon next to me. I startle. He looks at me. "This is a dream!" I shout. "Of course it is!" he snaps, and rolls over, going back to sleep.
    2. 9 January 2010

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:33 AM
      I was in a bus with my friend and his sister. A couple of seats behind us was a kid who I always see doing floor wiping at Perth Wildcats basketball games, he was sitting next to a girl. Throughout the ride all 5 of us kept laughing at something. My friends' sister got called up to the front for some reason and she stood up the front smiling at us. My friend told me that he thinks the girl sitting behind us wet her pants. I turned around and she was sleeping, so I told my friend that.

      I was on my school's basketball courts. Someone I used to play basketball with had the ball outside and we were telling him to shoot from outside, he did, and the ball went all the way to the other court. So I went to get it and did a big sling throw to make the distance. When I got back my science teacher from year 10 asked me if I had tried out for some basketball team. I wasn't sure which team he was talking about but then remembered, and told him no.
      I was at a school camp, here are some things I remember happening:
      - I found a huge piece of cheese on the ground, and on a table next to it was slices of cheese. I asked the teachers if we were going to be eating this and they just told me to put it back. I told them I wouldn't eat it as it was on the floor but still had to put it back. When I put it back the young teacher standing at the table asked me smiling if I was going to eat it. I told her no way, as it was on the floor.
      - It was late and everyone was in bed. Earlier in the day I had seen two attractive girls from my primary school at the camp, so I thought I could have some fun with them. I went to the girls sleeping area and thought I saw them, so I went up and said, "I haven't seen you two in a while". Suddenly I realised it was other, less attractive girls from my school. All of the girls were now looking at me and I told them that they were the wrong girls a couple of times.
      - After a while I realised I hadn't seen my roommate for a while, his stuff were still in his room though. I looked out the window and saw him standing outside with his friend. Later, I asked him where he had been the whole time and he said he was waiting for someone to arrive on a train.
      I asked my basketball teammate if he was going to play in our next game. He said that he would but has no one to take him. So I asked if he'd like me to take him and he said that would be awesome. So I got his phone number to ring up later.

      I was at a shop when I saw this guy from my school, he was walking with someone older. I started walking away but he kept following him. Something I did or said scared him so he walked off. I later saw my friend walking past in the shop.

      Sorry for my lack of details everyone, hard to remember.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Water Slide (fragment)

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:29 AM
      1/8/10 - Water Slide (fragment)
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      Something about a water park, I remember that some of my younger girl cousins were with me on an epic water ride, with a few drops so steep they were straight down. Apparently because I had no bathing suit, I went topless, which was super awkward.

      That's all I remember.
    4. Jan. 6-7

      , 01-09-2011 at 03:28 AM
      Jan 6-7*
      Dreamed I was in a old broken down town driving around. It actually had some nice houses and I was planning on building up some other nice homes in the area.(reason being is my assistant manager and me had talked yesterday about buying houses and renting them out and the money that could be made.) I saw my old froind Amy there chasing her dog. The dog reminded me of my boss' dog "van" for some reason. The town had a specific area that had alot of trailors in it and I wanted to upgrad that area to some rentable homes. That's all I can remember of the dream.
      I did have one more dream but I can't remember it unfortunatley.
    5. Piece of a dream...

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:24 AM
      I only remember bits and pieces of the dream I had last night. But I know I was in a car and it was nighttime. I felt this sense that everyone was in danger from something bad happening. At that point I saw all these streaks of fire in the sky like missiles being launched. It felt like the end of the world. But instead of missiles, I saw this huge light up Happy Star from Carl's Jr dropping out of the sky. And someone told me that instead of bombs being dropped, they were sucking up fast food signs and dropping them back down to the ground to cause destruction. I was scared, but somehow I felt that whatever this was about wasn't going to affect me.
      Tags: scary, weird
      dream fragment
    6. Jan. 5th-6th

      , 01-09-2011 at 03:16 AM
      Jan. 5th- 6th
      Can barley rememer my first dream. I was with *group of men and we where in the u.s. Army. We had our standard issue guns and where fighting some other group of people. I can't excatly remember who. I had a friend that was my "battle buddy" we both stuck together throughout all the fights. We where in the prep room that had big doors that opened up directy on the battle field. In that room I found a m14 rifle colored green. In the dream it went by a different name. I grabbed it and showed my friend who was in awe of it. I used it whenever we ran out in the battlefield then the dream ended.*
      My second dream last night involved me being in the band creed as we where doing a concert. The band had a automatic drummer that played for them for the first part of the show. It had thee arms looked alien and had a bluish green color. The curtains closed for a few minutes to give us some time to break and set up and sighn some autographs. I started setting up the set so I could reach all the symbols. I had to take one all the way to the front of the stage so it would lean in to where I could reach it. The bass pedal was huge and had a double kick option. I was nervous because when the curtains opened up we where gonna have a show off segment to show what we could do. I woke up wight before the curtains rose.
    7. 3rd lucid

      by , 01-09-2011 at 02:58 AM
      I was in a house. the kitchen looked like my old friends kitchen in his house. I walked into the kitchen and saw all my friends sitting down around the room. I thought this was odd since im in japan and they are all at college. I did a reality check and looked at the time on my phone. i looked away and looked at the time again, it changed. I now knew this was a dream. I said aloud to everyone "I am dreaming!" i remember getting really excited and then telling myself to calm down so i wouldn't lose lucidity. I looked at my hands and counted y fingers, they were all there. all 5 of them. i don't remember much of this dream but i do remember trying to teleport to my moms house. The dream was fading so i starting spinning and closing my eyes. at the same time thinking about my moms house and what it looked like. I stopped and opened my eyes and i was there at my ex-step fathers house. The dream became more vivid because of the spin. I walked downstairs into the basement and there was a couch with a tv infront of it. my cousin was sitting there. I walked up to him and told him we were in a dream, my dream. He believed me and thought it was sweet. I remember one part of the dream walking down the halway trying to fly....inside for some reason. obviously didn't work haha.
    8. 0/2 Fri: Angry, T-Shirt Store

      by , 01-09-2011 at 01:03 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm in a hotel room with a bunch of familiar people. My sister, mother, roommate, friend, friend's fiance, and another friend. I seem to be the day before the friend's wedding and it's my job to organize things. I've arranged for the groom and guys to stay the night at my apartment and the bride and girls will stay someone else. Also, there are a bunch of cats in the room. I start to become really frustrated and upset about the situation. The cats shouldn't be here. Some of them seem to be stray cats off the street. My friends aren't cooperating. I am actually enraged and walk out because I don't want to be in the same room with these people anymore.

      T-Shirt Store
      I am in a clothing store in a mall. Two friends are with me. The store just has a few racks of men's t-shirts with a random variety of prints and text. A salesperson is showing me the t-shirts, but I'm not interested. My friends and I leave and back into the indoor mall. Suddenly, I feel lost. I look around and finally see my friends way ahead of me down the hallway.
    9. Night One

      by , 01-09-2011 at 01:03 AM
      I started keeping a dream journal a few days ago in a spiral, but figured I should go digital in case I loose my paper journal. These are my dreams for my first night after discovering this site. I decided to start by working on dream recall (I had been having trouble with that for the past few months). In my journal I am using bullet points just to get the general idea of my dreams, but I'll try to convert them to plot lines here.

      Night of January 4th

      Dream 1: My first dream that night was very brief and went something like this. I was at a complex of outdoor sports arenas running with some of the other people I have athletics with. We were having normal conversations, when suddenly we noticed that there was a giant t-rex chasing after everyone on the team (I know, strange, but I used to love dinosaurs so I guess it makes sense). Being one of the faster people on the team I wasn't worried about being caught, but just to be safe I decided to pick up my pace (after all I didn't have to outrun the t-rex, just the slowest people on the team). To my dismay the faster I tried to run the slower I ended up going, it felt as though something was pulling harder back on me the faster I went. Eventually the t-rex caught up with me, so I closed my eyes and started thinking "it won't eat me, it won't eat me." To my surprise it didn't. When I opened my eyes we actually began to have a pleasant conversation. I asked him why he didn't eat me and the t-rex's answer was because I was dreaming. I realized he was right and got really excited, unfortunately too excited and I ended up waking up.

      Dream 2: My next dream happened once I fell back to sleep and though I can't remember most of the details of the beginning I remember the latter half. For some reason I had been looking for a job (even though I'm not legally allowed to work in most places). One of my friends had found me a job at a restaurant so I took it. I was working busily for a while, but one of the other employs kept making snide remarks to their friend who also worked there. After a while I got sick of it, and pushed the tray of cupecakes they were holding into their face, and it stuck there from all the icing. There friend was gawking, so I took the cupcake in my hand (that I guess I took off the try before shoving the tray into the other kid's face) and threw it at them. My aim was spot on. After that I remembered what the t-rex had said in my last dream and realized that this was a dream too! Everyone in the restaurant then proceeded to have a huge food fight for the rest of the dream.

      Dream 3: This was my last dream of the night. I was sitting at a table in a library (looked like the one from my elementary school), and some evil magic creature had been freed. Me and some of my friends from school were looking up ways to beat it when it flew into the library. For some reason it only went after me and eventually had me stuck in a small room. I knew the only way to escape was to lift up the roof and fly out (I guess there were no available doors or windows), so I started to try that. I realized that the creature could stop me easily, but I thought to myself "stay where you are" and it obeyed. After flying out of the room I landed near a lake in a nearby neighborhood (near to where I live in real life). Walking on the side walk around the lake I ran into a group of people from my school who were coming back from a party they were at. I said hi and kept walking when suddenly I realized that one of the people in the group was a somewhat antisocial kid from another grade and that he would never hang out with those kids (of course thats the not normal thing that clued my in to my dream, not the flying part..). I then decided to bring some other people from my school in to hang out with the other kids and we did for a minute, but then we decided to mess with some of the kids. I was able to turn us invisible so we poked and prodded different people for a while and then some of them ran away scared. After that I lost lucidity and went back to enjoying my dream as a reality. Some people in camo told me it was time to go, so we went up on the roof of a nearby house and the house started to fly. When it took off I thought "wouldn't it be funny if a bird flew by and ran into us." Right then a bird flew by us and ran into my head. I then woke up to my alarm.
    10. Bambi and the Black Bears

      by , 01-08-2011 at 11:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      My dad and I were driving up a snowy mountain in his car, with my mom and brother driving behind us. It was daytime, I think. We saw a lot of wildlife. We came across some deer as we turned a corner, one looking kind of cartoonish and very cute. It was a fawn.
      "Look, it's Bambi!", said my dad.
      Then, there were black bears in front of us. HUGE black bears. One reared up on his hind legs and roared. We reached the end of the trail, and my dad got out to go look at the bears. He came back with a mangled sleeve and huge gashes in his arm from where a bear had attacked him. It wasn't bleeding, and he was walking around like it was nothing. We knew we had to get him to a hospital. My mom drove up, and my friend Leigh was in the car with her and my brother. Leigh was sitting in the passenger's side. I decided that I needed my iPod before we went to the hospital, since everyone else had theirs. We were then back at home suddenly, and my best friend Mk pulled into the garage in her blue Mustang between my parents' two cars (in waking life there's a pillar there, and definitely no room for a third car). We thought she had gone back to North Carolina for school the day before. She was wearing the clothes I last saw her in in waking life, a sweatshirt from her school, and black sweatpants.
      "Sorry!", she said.
      I got my iPod.


      I was at a wedding ceremony of the Maymars? I had an invitation to the ceremony in my hands. It was outside and I was sitting in the front row. I remembered more of this one, but I didn't write it down immediately, so it has been forgotten. -_-

      Updated 01-08-2011 at 11:24 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. First DC with personality encounter

      by , 01-08-2011 at 10:42 PM
      lucid non lucid non-dream

      It all started off I was in my room, regardless of the dream I usually start out in somekind of room, and this time it was in mine, I had to get up off my bed.

      Now its weird because I am not sure if it was a DILD or a WILD, mainly because as soon as I got up off my bed in the dream world, I knew I was lucid dreaming, I never have the need to do reality checks.

      My lucids usually start off very blurry/dark, "unstable" and the first thing I need to do, is build a picture, "stabilize" them so to speak, I used several of the tips on the website to do so, started rubbing my hands, smelling, feeling anything around me and eventually everything was almost as real as real life itself. First thing I noticed, was quite a problem for me. Since I usually start off in rooms, the first thing I do is walk out the door and start exploring, looking around for people, things etc. and the problem this time, is that the only door leading outside of the room, was blocked by HUGE objects that by simply using my physical strength I could not move, and the thing is up till now i've been bound to real life restrictions in my dreams. I kinda interpreted these rocks in the way of the door to be a sort of "challenge" ,

      I had read around that some people can fly, and others can teleport and what not, I tried both but for some reason just couldn't get around to any of them. As a last resort I tried to move the objects again.

      but this time instead of using physical strength, I used telekinesis, I knew it was a longshot, but all I had to do is (cheesy quote incoming) believe. After a few tries I managed to make them drop on the ground, clear and out of my way so I could start walking around the world.

      I stepped out of the door I was no longer in my house, I stepped into another house with a prevalent Asian architecture style, the first thing that amazed me is how I was able to produce such detail (cause really the room was really good looking) I was careful to look at each little detail carefully, in order to help maintain lucidity and clear perception of things in the dream, I wondered around for a bit until I saw a person, she told me to get into her room with her and then she started to take her clothes off, and after a while she just put them back on (lolwut).

      The point of this is that this girl, is no real life person, and while i have dreamed with people that dont exist before, she in particular was different, she has personality, she would talk, voice her own opinions and even sometimes tell me what to do. In particular I remember she was redheaded (funny cause I don't know any natural redhead girls), pretty looking chick as well and around my height. She went to introduce me to her father, who apparently was a Chinese war general, dressed in some kind of heavy armor, and was heavy in weight and pretty tall
      (again strange because i'm not into anime or that type of stuff),

      After this I can recall only random parts of the dream, I remember in one part specifically,

      I was in a room with a lot of people and someone was giving a speech, the redhead girl would get really close to me, as if she was scared, and she would sweetly grab my hand without saying a word

      after that, a big memory gap (I think at this point I was starting to wake up, so I closed my eyes in dream and starting spinning, a technique I discovered that helps me get back in the dream in emergency situations.)
      And appeared in another place, apparently outside of the building, where some weird looking kid came up to me and I fended him off using newly discovered telekinesis powers , he wasnt threatening I just wanted to see if I could mind control xD. I went back inside the building into what seemed a huge hallway full of artistic creations, none of which I had seen before,

      I was amazed again at the capacity of my brain to create such things, and I don't really consider myself an artistically creative person, even though music is a pasion to me, but I cant draw worth a crap.

      I hardly ever wake up from a lucid dream, instead what happens is that I seem to lose the lucid dream and go straight to a normal dream, in which everything is quite real, but my mind finds a way to trick me into believing that I am already awake.

      I woke up and the only bit of this that I can remember is that I was discussing to my best friend (a lucid dreamer who discovered them on his own as well) about my latest lucid dream.

      Thats the only bit of the post-lucid I remember, and the end of the night.
    12. Looking for Sheila

      by , 01-08-2011 at 10:12 PM
      January 8, 2011, Saturday,
      non-lucid lucid

      I was lying on my back while I imagined moving and stretching my arms out to a distant focal point, grabbing at it, and pulling it back towards me. As I did this, I strengthened my intent to have a lucid dream.
      I felt myself get close to sleep. Eventually I rolled over onto my side and continued the imagined movement.

      I entered a conscious dream. Still in bed, N got in bed with me. We cuddled for a bit and possibly had sex. Then N became angry with me and I lost lucidity for a while. we were in a hotel. She turned into a cat. Girls turn into cats a lot in my dreams.

      I regained lucidity and started running around, yelling Sheila's name so she would appear. Sheila is a girl I have met a few times in previous lucid dreams. I went into my sister's room, in our old house we grew up in. I shouted for Sheila. I heard someone say "here I am." But it was B, not Sheila, and I said so.
      At first I went along with it. I sat her down in front of a mirror to make her Sheila. She seemed really nervous, like she didn't want to be there. I suggested we have sex, like that would help somehow, but she didn't want to.
      It's just as well, too, because I wouldn't have wanted to get too distracted by sex and not at least try to achieve a goal.

      I picked her up, carried her to the door, and tossed her out, closing the door again.
      Then I went into the living room, still calling out for Sheila, and saying that I wanted to see her. There were other people in the living room, on the couches.
      The phone rang and I picked it up, asking if it were Sheila. There was just noise. It was kind of scary.

      Then I sort of gave up and remembered an easier lucid dream goal. I slowly put my hand through the stone wall, next to the fireplace. It was rough, and hurt a little when I pulled my hand out. A guy was watching. I said to him that I could have made it smoother. Then my leg was stuck in the stone ledge and I couldn't get it out, and I woke up.

      What did I do wrong? I was very intent on finding Sheila, almost obsessed with it. I expected her to show up, but was not successful.
      Perhaps I was not certain enough that she would be there, and I still had doubts about my abilities. Maybe I was not calm enough. I should have had calm confidence. It might have helped if I performed some exercises in the dream to become more fully lucid.

      Updated 01-09-2011 at 10:11 PM by 36900

    13. Dang...

      by , 01-08-2011 at 10:08 PM (redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy)
      Crap. I just typed, like, four dreams, and then the computer screwed up. Now I have to do it all over again...
    14. Competition. (First entry.)

      by , 01-08-2011 at 09:34 PM (Virk's Comprehensive Dream Journal)
      So here is my first dream journal entry here. After starting a dream journal in real life I started achieving better memory recall. This is my first attempt at total recall, and I surprised myself when I remembered.


      I got off the bus and stretched, yawning as I tried to take in my surroundings. The structure before me was a hotel of some sort, so I knew we were at the destination. I met up with a group of friends, we got our luggage out of the bottom compartment of the charter bus, and proceeded inside. (This is where the dream starts to skip ahead a bit. I vaguely recall spending some time inside the hotel, but it was nothing of importance, basically just looking around. My memory comes back as I'm eating lunch outside.) I sat down with another group of friends, who seemed to be gossiping about someone's new boyfriend.

      "Who is the chick you're gossiping about this time?" I asked, only slightly caring about what they had to say.

      The name they told me was unfamiliar with me. They claimed I knew who it was, but I could not recognize who they were talking about. Then, they described her. That's when I remembered who it was, and said her real name.

      "Yeah, that's what we said, wasn't it?" they tell me.

      This strikes me as odd, because the last name of the person was completely different from the one they were giving me. I started to question why they would be acting strange like that...

      "No, you said something different," I told them. They must have accidentally said it.

      "Oh, I'm sorry! My mistake, sometimes things come out differently than how I mean to say them," my friend says as she smiles and turns back to her food.

      I finish eating my food relatively quickly; I felt no real urge for food at the time, I was nervous for the upcoming competition later that afternoon. Our school was up against some of the best bands in the state. I had to prepare quite a bit for the performance.

      That's when one of the weirder kids in the band sat down in front of me. He was one of the reasons band got such a bad reputation. Freaks, weirdos, geeks.. this kid was the epitome of uncool. I had almost no room to talk since I was in band as well, but there are always black sheep in the flock that the regular ones exclude. The kid kept staring at me, with a freaky look in his face. I couldn't stand it too much longer.

      "What are you looking at, Freshman?" I asked the kid. I had a tone of frustration to my voice that could not be masked. I was sure he would get the hint.

      But no, he kept staring at me with that look. I got up from the table and walked away. I wasn't going to bear that any longer.

      (My dream fast-forwards about ten minutes later, in my room in the hotel. This part was kind of weird.. I guess its just because I'm a guy, my subconscious acts weird.)

      I'm on my iPod at this point, just browsing the internet and waiting for something to do. Someone a room over was having a debate with me about pornography, and nude images in general. She viewed every picture of a man or woman naked as "porno". I told her that that wasn't true; some people did those sorts of things for art.

      "Look, if I see a picture of a girl - photograph or not - and she's naked but not engaging in intercourse, I can consider it as art. As long as its pre-labeled as such, and not as a porno. People want to see the body's natural beauty," I told her, with an affirmative tone to my voice.

      "Whatever, men like you are the reason women have to subject themselves to those things," she said in a condescending manner.

      Once again, I left an uncomfortable situation before it got out of hand. The main reason was that it was about time to set up for practice. The competition was in a little over 4 hours from now, by my approximation. So I needed to tune my bass guitar, fiddle with the amplifier, and warm up. I made my way to the makeshift bandroom downstairs.

      As I'm fiddling around the amp, something strikes me as odd:
      Why was the whole band here? This is a jazz competition, hence the bass guitar.. but most of the people I've talked to today are in concert band. What was going on? This has to be a-

      "Hey, Drew! Can you do me a favor during practice?" It was my band director. All suspicion had faded at this point and I turned my attention to him.

      "Yeah, whatsup?" I asked, interested to what he needed.

      "Well I'm going to be busy making sure the wind instruments are doing fine on all their parts. Can you make sure the percussion is doing fine, since you'll be back there with them and all? Shouldn't be a hard thing to do," he said. He was right: The percussion of our band wasn't one for messing up. The winds on the other hand.. I can understand his concern. Its in the best interest of the band to focus his attention on them.

      "Sure, I'll do it," I proclaimed.

      He left the room and I continued to mess around with the amp. At this point, no further adjustments were needed so I checked my Facebook Mobile. The most recent status was someone posting pictures of amps. How strange? Here I am, fiddling with my amp, and someone wants to compare theirs with other people! I get ready to take a picture, but I'm distracted by the masses of people moving in for practice.

      (As if it hasn't already gotten weirder, the room changes at this point. I was previously in a bandroom that resembled the one from my school, and suddenly I was in an auditorium. However, there was not the stadium seating of normal auditoriums. It was one empty room with a stage, and the band had their chairs and stands set up in the empty area, with my band director on the stage.)

      I moved over to the back row of the band. My previous job was brushed out of my mind when I saw two of my friends, Anthony and Courtney. They were seated in the back row. Hm, the band director must have changed things up! Saxophones in the back? Weird! And Anthony and Courtney are talking and getting along? Last I checked they hated each other. Good for them.

      I sat down in between Anthony and Courtney, and started warming up. I remembered that I was supposed to watch the percussion, but I figured that I could still do so in the back row. They were right behind me, I could hear them perfectly.

      The real practice began, and we proceeded to run through our song list. After what seemed like an hour, we were finished. However, one of the band members pointed out that we spent too much time on some of the songs and we haven't even covered the Theme from Avatar. Wait, Theme From Avatar? Yet another thing that didn't make sense.

      We played that theme for marching band, not concert. So I'm playing my jazz band instrument in a concert band that is playing marching band pieces? That's it.. I'm drea-

      "Oh yeah! Sorry about that. Get out Theme from Avatar and we'll hit a few of the trickier parts," my band director said. Groans were heard throughout the band - we had been practicing for an hour! We needed to conserve our energy for the competition.

      We all got out our music. We ran through the song, but then I noticed something odd. Courtney kept looking over at my music. I don't know why, but it was frustrating me. This happened every 10 seconds through the whole song, and I was getting very annoyed.

      As if she seemed to have detected my annoyance, she looked at me. "I'm just checking to make sure nothing's wrong with your music," she said.

      "Why would anything be wrong with it?" I asked. But there was something wrong with it. Upon closer look, I realized it wasn't sheet music. It was just several pictures, set up like comics. Each square for the picture were the same: 2 inch by 4 inch boxes with a picture of an empty field - empty except for one weeping willow tree. The sky above the field was an almost night sky: a slight shade of pink near the horizon, and as it got higher into the sky it went from a shade of pink to a purple, to pitch black. Yellow stars twinkled against the night sky. The only difference between the pictures were the organization of the stars.

      It was like this for everyone's music. This must have been some experimental music notation. The stars represented notes. Man, my memory is going bad.
      Wait, it can't be my memory. I would remember something like this. All these stars as music notes? That's absurd. Only in a dream... a dream... a dream? Was I in a dream?

      "Drew! What are you doing sitting there?" I was brought back to life by my band director's voice. He was angry. I had become aware that the music stopped. All eyes were on me.

      "You wanted me to be by the percussion and make sure they sounded okay. I figured I'd hear them better in the back row," I said to him, fearing any punishment that may happen.

      "That's absurd. I wouldn't tell you to listen to the percussion. I can do that myself," he said, still angry with me.

      "But you came up to me and asked me before rehearsal! I swear..." I said, noticing that everyone was still watching me. Except for the percussion, Courtney, and Anthony. They were all looking at my music.

      "Get back to your spot NOW," the director said, and he turned around and got back on stage to direct the band.

      I got up from my chair and turned around. For some reason, there were no empty spots where I could go in the percussion area. There were cymbals, drums, and mallet instruments everywhere. There was one open spot that a friend pointed out to me. But in the back of my head, I realized the guy sitting near there wouldn't allow me to.

      My fears were confirmed. "No, you can't sit here. Go away," the guy said, without me even asking.

      So I turned around and went back to sit down where I was at, in the saxophone section. The band director's threat seemed to fade away. I didn't care at that point. We started playing again. My vision became blurrier,
      blurrier, blurrier... and everything was beginning to fade out...

      That's when I woke up. I didn't remember anything except the last few parts of the dream at first, then as I proceeded through my day the memories came back. By the time I had access to my real life Dream Journal, I remembered most of the dream that I wrote here for you guys.
    15. My subconscious wants me to drink pee

      by , 01-08-2011 at 09:33 PM
      I was at my church, at least I had the feeling it was, but it was huge and hard to navigate and I didn't recognize any of the rooms. I don't remember any details about the rooms except they were very large and mostly white. In fact the worship center may have been from an old church I went to years ago. I was walking through the church with a specific destination in mind, a room where I was going to help clean, and getting annoyed at how many of the doors had alarms. Two teenage girls offered to guide me through the church. I'm pretty sure they were Yaeger's two bodyguards from Tales of Vesperia. I took them up on their offer. I got there and started vaccuming. I recognized the red vaccum cleaners from my current church. The janitor asked, or challenged? me to do a sermon in a few minutes.

      Possibly Dream 2, but the setting is the same church so I don't think so.

      I was also talking in a booth with a guy who was inviting me to work out or something tonight, but I told them I had a Bible study even though I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Actually I was trying to watch something while he was talking to me so it was hard to formulate a response.

      Dream 2. This doesn't take place in the Team Fortress 2 universe or style or anything, it was very much like real life except the very last bit. That Defense Day thing is really out-of-place. I'm also somewhat worried about why my mind is trying to get me to drink pee.

      It was "Defense Day", so all classes (TF2) got double defense. I thought there must have been an Attack Day or something before this. I was trying to figure out what classes will have the most overpowered advantages. There was a yellow soap-textured liquid in dispensers that when poured into anything made it very sweet and lemon-flavored. Just before this is where the apples came in. I picked up apples, green apples, green plastic apples. Another person was with me, I think he was overweight, and we were competing in some way with picking up this stuff. Possibly to make this liquid in other flavors. While I was doing this, I was outside during the day just outside a building. The building had two pillars in front of the entrance. There was grass surrounding an empty parking lot.

      Then we went into a building and I looked around. The interior reminded me of a chemistry classroom. The other guy and I wandered around for a bit and I decided to try some of the yellow liquid with some water so I poured them in a cup (the yellow liquid came from a dispenser near a sink). As soon as I took a taste someone yelled at me to stop. I was sure it was because I had just drank soap, but it was because the race was starting. Just for a moment I heard of another liquid that worked the same way as the yellow, but was green and lime-flavored. We went into another room which I can only describe as normal with warm colors. I was going to race with another dude on a raised wooden platform. There were two yellow fish on my platform I wasn't supposed to squish but it was hard because you basically had to lie on your stomach. (The Freud inside me is laughing) They weren't on my opponent's platform. The race was weird because instead of going as fast as possible, you're not allowed to go past two colored guides that glide past you also on rails. I don't know if I kept behind the guide but the race was over in an instant, even though the timer that appeared at the top of my view said fourteen seconds or something. I won. I remembered other people racing this way too... *Flashback of some sort ---> I even saw myself watching the two competitors from an outside perspective. I also saw one of the competitors go flying off the rails at the end (winner or loser, unsure) only to fly back in the opposite direction on more rails I didn't notice. The referee made a comment about it.*

      I get the feeling the next part come right after this last part, so it may be separate dreams, but the environment, characters, and everything is different so I dunno. Dream 3.

      There's a small stage with Miis on it playing music (VERY small stage, like the size of your hand), and the top-down view of a bridge going over an area presumably with attractions in it. Mah bro and I were at a Best Buy-sponsored sports and concert thingy. The band played bad country music and my left side started to hurt. I noticed the lead signer was bent way over to the right, so I figured that was why. I begged him to get us away from the stage because my left ribs were really in a lot of pain by now. I wake up.