Before WBTB Mount Grump: I'm standing on a mountain, with the cliff to my left. The area resembles Pride Rock from The Lion King. On the rock wall to my right, there is a slot hole. It appears that a hand would fit in there. ... I'm trapped in a mountain cave. ... I'm watching the Game Grumps play a modernized Donkey Kong 64. They are controlling Squawks the bird from Donkey Kong Country 2. Arin is having the bird shoot red pellets at wasps as they ascend a square-ish grassy area. As he ascends, there are buttons he needs to shoot in a sequence. Dan makes the comment: "This is soooo much better than the 2D original version!" He also comments about being trapped in the mountain earlier. After WBTB Escape: My friend B from back home is crawling through a vent. We are in a sort of manufacturing facility. The vent has poisonous gas in it, so he is making a sacrifice for us. He is trying to get a game cartridge. It might have been a Nintendo DS one. ... Later I'm playing Pokemon with someone. The player has a "fat" Pikachu. It's a regional exclusive Pokemon. It looks wide, sorta like Hey Arnold. Pikachungus. ... I'm stranded in a park-like area with my coworker H. I believe the scene started off in a rocky-cave, but later transitioned to the field. We aren't directly working together, but she has her own area off to my left. At one point she has taken off her top, presumably to try and wave it around and grab attention. I crane my neck so that I can see her, and I notice that her chest is different than I expected. Not mad about it though. Drinks: I'm at a small bar with H from the Tots. I notice there is some spilled water or beer on a hightop nearby. There is also a karaoke setup off to my right. The owner of the bar comes out and tells us that we can have the bar if we want it. I start to imagine the possibilities, and the logistics of owning a bar. Cancer: I'm at a Doctor's office with my Dad. He breaks the news that his brain inflammation has gotten bad. And also that he has cancer. I'm struck with grief. Frozen. Unsure what to say. I slide down the wall I'm leaning against and sit on the ground.
Updated 04-02-2024 at 07:42 PM by 99808
Fragment: Something about my friend J from the Tots. Nerves: I'm at a baseball diamond. The plate is part of my driveway. I am up to bat. There is something going on strategically, such that the pitcher is forced give me an easy pitch. I'm nervous because my team is expecting me to nail these. I mess up the first one. Strike. Then the second. Strike. And the third. Out. I'm mortified and leave the plate. I go to the side of my house, through the gate to sit down. I'm sitting over where the trash cans normally are, on the rocks. I'm trying to remember what the strategy that forced the pitcher to go easy was called but I can't. J from work comes over to me. I open my conversation with him similar to how I do in waking life: "So, dumb question but..." I don't recall his answer. I'm feeling nervous because I recalled that I still have to perform my band solo tomorrow. ... I'm in a warm-up room at a school with my sax. It's Solo and Ensemble, where I will be performing a classical music piece similar to this one for a judge. My brother is there too. He's already warming-up. It's the same solo piece (with piano) I will be performing. I'm concerned about whether we are allowed to warm-up yet. ... I'm in a small bar. Lifelight, from Super Smash Bros is playing on the Karaoke machine. There is a DJ off to the left. The music is low quality over the speakers. The DJ leaves and I go over to his station. I try on the headphones and notice that the music is low quality there too. I reason that the original file might be low quality, not necessarily just the speakers.
Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 1AM. Pre-WBTB Fragment Brief impression of a Punch-Out-like video game. WBTB Ratio: 6hr/20m Supplements: None. Sleep Cycle: Semi-stable. I got up and walked outside of for a bit, doing plenty of reality checks. I try to make the entire time outside a reality check. I also review my dreamsign list, trying to commit the top 5 to memory. Post-WBTB The Vanishing Plant I'm walking around in my living room and I do a nose RC out of habit. To my surprise it fails and I become lucid. I remember that narration is supposed to help stabilization so I start talking out loud. "I'm rubbing my hands, I'm rubbing my feet, I'm walking." I think about what I should do next and consider taking a bite out of the kitchen table, but then decide against. It wasn't all that exciting last time I did that. I recall that my goal was to try and observe my dreamworld, to gain an understanding and hopefully a feel for the 'dreamlike'. I leave through the front door and go outside. It looks near identical to reality, sunny summer day, except there is a plant nearby that is missing the bottom. Like in a video game where a texture is missing. I note that daytime/sunny is one of the top dream signs, and wonder if there are more 'missing textures'. I also connect this missing texture idea to my top dreamsign which is 'video-games or inspired by a video game'. "I'm walking around, I'm observing the dreamworld, I'm rubbing my hands," I say outloud, attempting to stabilize again. I decide that I want to go somewhere more interesting, so I close my eyes and attempt to transform the scene into something else. I think vaguely about changing the season into fall or winter. I open my eyes with hope, but the scene only changes slightly. Objects have changed position, but no theme change. I recall flying through the neighborhood some more, but my lucidity fades. ... Later I'm in somebody else's house, lucid and looking around. There is a woman I don't recognize, vaguely Hispanic looking. "Is there a portal around here?" I ask. She replies in the negative. Despite this, I open a closet nearby and try to imagine a green swirly portal inside. Nope, just closet. ... I'm at a sleepover at work with my coworker JM. Apparently we have to sleep there because there is a test we are running. We have sleeping bags setup on the production floor. I feel as sense of awkwardness because there are people around us working and I wonder if I should be doing the same. Recorded on waking at 9:15AM. Notes I'm going to start a series of 4 tests for the 6hr/20m/none configuration with this being #1. Initial impression is my control and dream length were lesser compared to 6hr/10m/8mgGal (Galantamine). This could be unrelated to the configs, and due to the currently only semi-stable sleep cycle. I want to test whether galantamine is needed for more vivid dreams, and also if my 10m WBTB wake time is limiting my lucid dream experience. I know that changing multiple variables at once isn't the best science (but I intend to test more configurations later). General guidance for WBTB seems to recommend much longer than 10m, so I perceive a likely improvement by making it longer, hence earlier testing of this configuration.
Updated 10-08-2023 at 10:58 PM by 99808
I didn't get the WILD or dream control I was hoping for, but there is a lot of recall that's a plus! Before WBTB Sci-Fi Feeding Time It's dark, night-time at a stable on a farm. There are horse-like creatures and other monsters in sci-fi fleshy body bags. Some of the horse-creatures are sitting on their backsides...and have huge upright dongs. Like straight up into the air, 3ft diameter and 5ft high... Someone is showing me how they care for the creatures. They have one mature creature chew up food and spit it out. Then they collect the mush and feed it to the younger ones. The whole situation is very strange and I kinda wish I would've forgotten this one. Fireshots and Frogskins I'm in a team at Hogwarts and we are in the middle of magic combat with another group. They are Slytherins or otherwise dark magic users. It isn't a friendly duel, they are trying to hurt us. I shoot some fire attacks at one of them and set their robes on fire. I remark that the spell was meant for aesthetic uses, but very useful here. I shoot off some stupefies and experlliarmises, and notice that I have multiples wands and they break as I'm shooting. They sort of snap like twigs. It feels similar to how durability works in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Later I'm in a downstairs living space or maybe a lab. Mr. Weasley is there. He has a big frog creature. About 1ft tall. I'm wanting the frog's shed-skin shell from him. There is also information I'm needing. There was another person I was planning to bribe with the skin-shell. But I realize that Mr. Weasley has the same info. The room looks like my childhood kitchen now, with Mr. Weasley standing near the sink. I ask him for the info, and indicate my understanding that I don't need to bribe him. He pauses, gives me a look, sarcastically pauses...maybe a bribe IS needed... But then gives me the info. Cave Battle JM from work and I are planning a dangerous trip to get treasure. Later we arrive at the site. I'm in an underground cave with a large rock blocking the entrance above. Similar to a bombable wall from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There is a horde of orcs/goblin creatures above the wall chasing me. JM is above as well. I'm searching the cave for the treasure. The monsters are getting closer to opening the rock. I start to look for a weapon instead. I find a bow, but the arrows with it are dull. They break through. I try to hide. 3 goblins make their way to the back cave chamber where I am at. They chase me around the room and shoot arrows at me, I try to grab fallen arrows to fight back desperately. J!!! HELP!!! I scream. He shows up and helps me fight. After WBTB I head back to bed and focus on the forest I want to WILD into. I wait a long time, and multiple alarms go off interrupting my attempt. I eventually slip off to sleep without a WILD. False Awakenings I'm in my bedroom, thinking that I've wasted my time for the last day of comp. Crap. I do a half-hearted nose reality-check just to be sure... And I'm dreaming! But it fades quickly into another false awakening. This happens a few times, but I never get real control of the dreams. Only counting it as one dream because it all was sort of a blur. Hey, You, You're Finally Awake I have metal chains binding my arms together and I'm riding a cart through some valley. I'm a prisoner, similar to the opening of Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. My right eye is bound shut somehow and I can't find a way to move my body to free it. I think about how maybe I'm sleeping with my eye covered... I must be dreaming! Despite being lucid, I can't do anything to free my eye. When I woke up, I confirm that my right eye was, in fact, lodged into my pillow. Go figure. Carpet Shower I'm at my Grandma P's old house (the one with the big upstairs area and Jack/Jill bathroom). My dad owns it now. He's talking to his friend about how great blowjobs are. I mean, I can't argue with the man. There is a stuffed animal on a chair alone in one of the rooms. I don't see the significance of it, if any. I'm searching for a shower and I find one in the middle of one of the big bedrooms over the carpeting. It doesn't strike me as strange that a faucet is right in the middle of the bedroom wall. I start to shower up, but my Dad interrupts me and I have to leave the room. Unexpected Assist I'm in an apartment similar to H and A's from a few years back. We're down some stairs. H is giving me a strange look and I feel like she is into me. Her and my girlfriend S are aware of my WBTB and WILD attempts, and are trying to help. They set up a bed for me with a stuffed animal to help me sleep. Panther Dinner Time I'm in a fancy restaurant sitting outside. It reminds me of where we sat and got ice cream in Disneyland/California Adventure. There is a large panther approaching the seating area. It's aggressive and the crowd freaks out. Then a man appears from out of the crowd and seems to know the panther. He commands it, and manages to get it to jump onto a nearby brick wall and hang there. The situation is resolved. Conditions Medium workout Light dinner Bed on time 6hr/30m WBTB Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate) Notes So I still didn't get the result I was hoping for. There were some alarms my girlfriend had go off during the attempt, but I'm not sure I can 100% blame those for the failure. I think that given the challenge of falling asleep once again, 30m might be too long of a wake period. Intent was 20m, but by the time I had taken the supplements, recorded my dreams, used the bathroom, and reviewed my goals 30m had passed. I'm undecided if I want to test 6hr/30m WBTB one more time, or move on and try 6hr/20m in earnest.
Updated 06-15-2023 at 07:30 PM by 99808
I enter a fancy, beautiful restaurant in one of the nice towers on Coruscant. I round a corner and sit down at a table with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom I had arranged to meet there for breakfast. I am approaching the main entrance to Hogwarts, but in order to get to the main door, you have to get through a series of challenges and tasks. They include climbing across a sliding metal puzzle-thing (which someone who was there before me has already aligned so that it can be climbed across easily), and washing some dishes and putting them away neatly (again, this has already been done for me). When you get to the main door, you have to sing the Hogwarts school song to the low doorknob to get it to open. Fortunately, I still remember most of it, and I sing the end part of it. The door opens. I'm with one of my coworkers, and we are meeting to play a Star Trek RPG. We have to wait for my sister to show up, and I go on a rant about how she can get away with sleeping in late, while I never could when I was a kid.
Sep 15 2018 First a summary of the pre-WBTB NLs: It's morning on a sunny hilltop, just outside the twon, blue skies. (fragment) I'm in a version of my childhood home which is an apartment or hotel, 4ish stories up. I'm with my fiancee. Spoiler for lewdness: Across the open space in another room I see three girls in lingerie getting down and dirty. I have an understanding that the intimacy is not genuine and is for show. I point them out to my fiancee and we watch. The lighting/mood was incandescent (I seem to have incandescent dreams and fluorescent ones, and there's a clear distinction of feeling between the two). There was another longer segment before this. (dream) I'm talking to Adam and Tom (two random DCs). It's a public place, maybe a grocery store in a small town or a town hall (this is a reach) and they're arguing about the fidelity of Adam's wife, who used to be Tom's wife. (fragment) I'm watching Jack Nicholson, Pheobe from Friends, and some other celebrities corroborate their story in a fluorescent courtroom. (fragment) FA where I'm writing detailed notes in my DJ, even drawing pictures (I'm an amazing artist in dreams). Very convincing and thorough. (dream) Pen went out and I didn't write hard enough to leave marks, so I lost some. But one mentions noises, my fiancee, and my dog. It makes me think it was another intruder FA or variation of it (my dog barked a lot last night so I was afraid of having one), but I always remember those, so it wasn't that. Wake 5am. Fiancee (I'll call her F from now on) has work at 5:30 so I don't try to fall back asleep and just half-meditate while reflecting on dreams. Get up with her and walk my dog (calling him D from now on) and look at the stars, getting a strong feeling that I'll become lucid. I end up going back to bed at 6:30 or 6:40, I wear a sleep mask because there's some light entering into the room now. D's being loud and shaking the bed with his scratching so I threaten to kick him out. I end up trying something strange, I put two of the pillows over the sides of my face and my ears to block out noise, and I sort of side-hug them like the ten commandments. As I'm falling asleep, I have the tranpsarent eyelids effect a couple of times. The first time, I can see D, and I try to latch on to the visuals as a dream, but they pop out of existance. I have this with a few other visuals: a long stalk of grass or leaves, and a pillow or blanket with a tag and words I could clearly read ("english", "c.o.t.r."). A couple of times I feel like I'm going to WILD. I fall asleep and fully wake at 7:24am. This time I turn on my side but still use the pillow similar to how I did before. I go back to sleep. I wake up around 8:30, although I'm barely awake; I use this time to try and WILD as my body's still in REM atonia. I finally can fully focus on an image/scene, and at some point everything blacks out and I "pop" into the scene! It full materializes around me! I have awareness of my waking body and the fact that I was awake less than a second ago. I was surprised at the blackout before it happened though, I always assumed (and when I've had DEILDs I've experienced) that you go directly from waking to the dream with no visual discontinuity. Anyway, I'm in a tan carpeted room with white walls and a staircase. The stairs are the same as in my WL apartment, tannish carpet and white rails; however the room they open up into is bigger. I'm at the bottom of the staircase sitting on one of the stairs, looking through the rails. I am sort of a point of perception rather than a body; I try to spin but can't use my body to do it, so I think "bathhouse" and will myself to spin. It works! My perception point starts spinning, but I don't go anywhere or transition to another scene, the visuals just intensify. I look closely at the stairs and the room around me, the light coming in from the kitchen window, the layout of furniture in the living room. Suddenly I wake up. (Lucid) After this, I decided to keep trying to WILD. I kept on the edge of sleep and let myself fall into visuals another time! This time, I went directly into the dream scene with no blackout (it felt more like a DEILD). I find myself in a living room type area, near a sliding glass door. I put my finger through my thumb to stabilize it works with a little resistance. I pick up a small box or something similar and throw it through the glass, which doesn't loudly shatter but sort of just breaks and disappears. I go through the opening and it's a tight fit because the balcony railing is right against where the sliding glass door was, and it's high. I climb up and get my torso over it, then I jump from the balcony to a tree (the trunk looks like a palm but it's twisted). As I jump down onto it, I experience some sort of anti-gravity or limited gravity, which is cool. I land on the tree and grasp the trunk. At first it had branches, but when I look around and notice they're in my way, they disappear and it's all trunk. The trunk is kind of twisted. I decide to thoroughly experience the texture of the tree, so I rub my hands over it, bite it, lick it (it tasted sort of sweet with a bitter aftertaste and rough texture). Some seriously weird stuff omitted. This dream starts a chain of DEILDs and DILDs that last a while*. In the first, I'm in bed with F. I look at my hands and become lucid. After a bit I get up and ask her to come with me but she's gone. I go to the dark hallway and turn into a bathroom with the light on (sort of reminded me of my best friend from childhood's bathroom). I feel around in the cabinet expecting a few things and although I hit a wall, I say "Oh right, wasn't there a secret compartment there?" and that part of the cabinet pivots away and I find the object I was looking for! Was pretty cool, I did this with some drawers too. I read some vivid words that I don't remember (some tags on towels, labels on some circular plastic packaging). I believe I walked down the hallway too but then it ended. Again I found myself in a dark room, fingerpalmed, walked over to a table and grabbed a box, then threw it through a sliding glass door. The glass didn't break, so I walked up to it and punched it. I walk outside and it's night in a cyberpunkish or maybe Coruscant-like city. As I walk out onto a large circular balcony, I see that to my right there are three guys leaving theirs as well. I think to myself "I should lock up because they'll break into my apartment", but then I remember that a) it's a dream, and b) I punched through the sliding glass door. I realize that one of the guys is B, a coworker. The two guys with B are wearing old-time diving masks and carrying spears. He's wearing some sort of Rita Repulsa outfit with the big shoulders, but mostly black. I end up with a large stick (a branch from the tree before?) with a thin metal spearhead sticking out the top of it. Then another DILD which again I'll omit. Woke again, didn't record time but I think around 9:30 or 9:45. Went back to bed and had an FA where my grandpa came up the stairs into my room and handed me something he said was a CD (I was sleeping naked so he didn't want to intrude). The package wasn't a CD though, it was a tight grouping of multicolored beads with a small gamecube-sized disk deep inside of it that I couldn't get to. (fragment) Had a lot of other NLs and I think a few more LDs during the dream chain, but it's really hard to read my writing...I'll edit my post sometime when I have time to decipher them. *For the September Competition (and my LD Count) I'll count this dream chain as one lucid since they were all basically back-to-back, and then count the first one as its own (since there was a period of longer wake in between them), so two total.
Sep 9 2018 I was walking through a large paved road which felt like a walkway through a large park. It was a sunny morning or afternoon. The lawns on either side were lined with large oaks with twisting branches. There were passerby walking in either direction. Suddenly I became lucid and started running! I looked back and saw a DC. I turned around fully again, expecting to see a coworker from one of my college jobs*, and she was there! I was running backwards at this point to let her catch up, but for some reason couldn't stop or change directions, and instead had to run backwards, slower. When I reached her I made some conversation about the fact that I was dreaming, and she seemed thrilled. I took her hand and we started running together. We passed a few trucks (possibly ice cream trucks or food trucks) and signs, and I was able to read them clearly. I asked her whether she had ever flown before, and she responded that she hadn't, all she had ever done was float. I told her that that was a good start and we lifted off. I can feel the wind on my face and body and we're still holding hands (platonically). We weren't doing superman poses or anything specifically to indicate that we were flying, just setting my intention on a direction and going there. It was a great sensation. The oaks stretched even farther up now, and I bobbed and weaved through the twisted outstretched branches. I had a few near misses but overall had pretty good control. I decided to go higher than the trees and went skyward. At which point I could see in the top of my field of vision three or four wooden planks arranged like ceiling blade fans. I passed above the planks and at that point there were flat planes rushing past us. I looked down at my hands and while still holding my coworker's hands, I pushed my finger through my palm -- I felt some resistance at first but asserted "I'm dreaming" and was able to do it. Then I felt the dream stabilize a bit. As I looked back up, I saw that it was approaching dusk with a sunset in front of us. Underneath was a large wooden building with multiple levels with wraparound balconies. It reminded me of the restaurant I worked at for a while. I approached it and landed on the roof (it may have just been me at this point). I saw a small shack/building on the roof. Upon further examination it looks similar to a dollhouse made of craft wood -- I can clearly see the seems and the semi-gloss finish on the wood. The dream fades quickly. Note: I woke up from this dream at 6am on my left side. Summary of other NLs: I'm in a kitchen by a white door with glass panes near the head and the foot. The house reminds me of a classmate from my high school band's house. There were multiple locks that were complicated and kind of hard to turn. Once I turned them, my anonymous DC sidekick switched some small levers which had clear writing on them in a row. There is a silhouette outlined in the door and I think what lies behind it is a dark garage. I have a serious talk with my DC sidekick. We open the door and go through, and pass through the dark garage (felt ominous, there were other silent DCs there). I'm in a garden/walkway with a girl. We look up and see bright flashing in the clouds above. It takes a triangluar shape and turns into a spaceship with clear writing on it (reminded me for some reason of the writing on a bus or van). We run over hill after hill and past trees to keep seeing it. Each time we get it back into our field of vision it's more detailed. Finally we see that there is a ledge on the back of it and there are giant women sitting there. They send down some smaller but still giant women who fire beams at us. We run in the opposite direction and become extremely cartoon-like in our actions. I fuse with her and our arms and chest start spinning; there are now two copies of me, one driving the process and one fused with her. We fire beams back at the giants chasing us as we run down a dirt path in the garden. This dream repeats twice or thrice featuring different versions (ages, genders, ethnicities, other factors changed) of both me and the girl. Very vivid and very surreal. I'm at a store getting various items (I remember some onion bread buns in a bag that I got IWL from Walmart). I get some impulse items that I know my fiancee will be mad at me about. It's a pretty long dream as I go down the aisles. Finally I go down the clearance/general/jam aisle, where I find a stack of fresh papers. Underneath the papers I find some that I've drawn on (during my visit or my past several visits). I try to consolidate them as they're spaced out between blank pages. Someone passes me in the aisle and notices one full-color one I've done, I look up and say it's nothing, then look back down and it's even more polished and is the cover to a small booklet or magazine (maybe a doujin). I consolidate them all and tuck them into the bottom for safe keeping. I'm in a large bathroom with long white counters and four or five sinks stretching out to the right and left, separated by double doors. I'm at the sink closest to the door on the right counter. The stalls are behind us. There are some middle-aged men holding bags and placing their miscellany on the counters, it looks like stuff you would get in those cap-balls from the 25 cent machines (where you turn the handle). Mixed in are brass gears and writing utensils. *With my ability to summon DCs, it seems like I pretty much pick them at random; I haven't thought about these people in years but for some reason my lucid mind thinks "Gee, I would love to see X random acquanitance." I suspect that as I get better about remembering dream goals and incorporating my awareness of waking life, I'll be able to make more logical/planned decisions within my lucids.
Sep 6 2018 Not enough sleep. Have been having to work late. First dream segment. There's a guy with a giant (2x2 or 3x3 inch) black square earring. The place is like a video gaming convention, and it's sort of simultaneously indoors and outdoors. I'm maybe drunk or something, I remember talking to a lot of DCs. At one point, I lean over the edge of a display to the concealed camera section (used to record the event or maybe for use with some kind of Kinect-like game) and I say something like "you can't stay here/keep playing forever". I think at some point, coworker A shows up and accompanies me and my group of DCs. In the next segment, we're on the road with my mom. She's driving us somewhere, an old vacation home maybe, telling embarassing stories. Coworker A is in the backseat driver side, I'm passenger side. There are other DCs shotgun and middle backseet. We talk about various things, such as A being a bartender at a restaurant I used to work at. The subject moves to "romance" novels written by women. Eventually my mom puts an audiobook on or maybe reads aloud a passage, and everyone critiques it harshly, but halfway through I realize due to some turns of phrase and nicknames used that she must have written it. I feel guilt but don't say anything. We pass a couple of very shallow interstate exits (an interesting feature that's kind of hard to describe, but I know it when I see it -- possible dreamsign). Eventually we arrive at our destination. I'm now in a house, it's an old vacation home I used to visit, but not with my mom. I think in the dream, the other DCs were my "real" brothers, and somehow my mom was a step or non-biological mother; the general feeling was that I had some long-forgotten history that I was reviving. After walking around the house for a bit and looking at different things, I came across some large scrolls! They were proably 2 feet long (including handles and such) and reminded me of a Torah scroll, but less formal looking. When I unrolled one, I could see that the letters were a mix of Chinese symbols (although I interpreted them as Japanes kanji and understood them) with smaller Hebrew and latin characters mixed in and surrounding them. The text was distinctly red. Everything in the scrolls made complete sense to me, and I talked them over excitedly with my brothers for a long time. This was what was meant for my life. My mom was in the kitchen or somewhere else; I could tell that she was happy for me, but at the same time sad that I was so excited about a life besides the one she had given me. Coworker A is in the house but not near and my brothers, off in the kitchen maybe.
Aug 31 2018 I'm in a house that's based off of my current apartment. I'm running around the room, possibly with a baseball bat/umbrella/wooden sword, opening closets and doors trying to find an intruder. I'm yelling the whole time. I'm trying to protect my fiance. After some time I'm outside under the vine-covered wooden pavilion. I'm walking with my fiance down some way in an old world city, vaguely European. There is tan, smooth brick all around, reaching up on the immediate rightin a wall maybe 4 or 5 stories high. There's a similar wall far off to the left, with a canal inbetween. I'm walking down the cobblestoned sloped path, and affixed to the wall to my right, and there are stepped/gradated rails along the wall, one high enough for my hands as well as one that's ledge-like for my feet. I climb up and remember the vivid feeling of the thin rails cutting into my hands as I maintained my grip while my fiance just strolled beside me. Had some more nonlucids during this time but can't remember them/can't decipher my DJ (I write in the dark). I awoke at 5:30, went to the bathroom, walked downstairs and drank some apple juice. Went back to sleep around 6:15. I'm talking to my boss and the receptionist at my desk. A coworker (D) says "Hey bro," and my boss tells him not to call me bro, but Tyrannosaur. Transition, and I'm reclining in a bed in a warm red room with incandescent light. Either the boss or the receptionist comes into the room (nothing weird). We talk. Dreams are more vivid after this point. I'm in the office and a mentally challenged classmate from college is telling the cleaning people not to spray cleaner in our four-way cubicle, because he has "smell sensitivity". I'm sitting on the floor at the side of the bed from before, showing my sketchbook to D from earlier. He notes how finished everything looks (I internally note this too -- I never finish anything IRL). As I flip through the book, there is a series of 8-15 pages of detailed, beautiful (stylized) waves moving subtly with each picture. As I flip pages, eventually a woman appears amidst the waves. She changes poses once or twice, then becomes a younger (late teens or 20yo) girl. In the dream, I question whether I drew this. D comments "oh wow, lots of girlies in here". As I continue flipping the pages it switches from a paperback sketchbook to a bound hardback, and at the end there are ads (sort of like at the end of a manga volume). I had a false awakening about writing down my dreams which was also vivid, although mostly I just rolled around in bed. Awoke for real at 7:25 dreading work. Had some waking images/a daydream of a thin woman with small eyes and a stern look, wearing red and white leaf print dress. I think her name was Riah (short for Mariah?).
#463 - DILD? 8:15AM - Become lucid in a new dream scene and fly around. I see anderj101 and high five him. I then explore a place that I used to work and have fun breaking glass. I wake after 4am and intend to get lucid as I return to sleep. There is a very vivid dream about a tarantula loose in my house. Its was too fast and bites me but I go back to get it from under a bed. I somehow sneak under a sheet and squash it when I see it's silhouette. Later, I find myself on a hillside over looking a park and a lake. I step off into the air and glide across the area. I suddenly remember that I am dreaming and tell myself this is just what I do now [flying]. There is a young couple picnicking on a blanket below. I wave at them and expect them to be impressed that I am flying. They ignore me. Of course, why would they care? I turn, slowly gliding like I'm in creative mode in Minecraft, and see anderj101 gliding in a opposite direction. His body is in a crucifix position with a goofy grin on his face. I high five one of his out stretched hands as I pass by. I say, "Hey man! What's up?" He doesn't reply, just continues to glide past like a Jesus figure. For some reason I think that I have been seeing him everywhere in my dreams. I laugh a little at his silliness and consider going after him to get him to talk to me. Something tells me this will crash the dream if I do. I very vaguely recall having been lucid just prior to this dream and my talking to DCs is what crashed it. I continue on as the dream turns dark anyway. I make walking motions in the air and wonder why I am back to this again. It seem to think that I had just DEILDed, but I am not sure if this is true. I flap my arms and make more walking motions until I find myself hovering over a parking lot. It is now way harder to fly and I resort to hulk jumping. I pounce on several cars and notice a dream glitch where my position suddenly changes and I land on the pavement rather than the red truck I was about to smash. I hear Darlene from work yell at me and tell me to "throw away this magazine". I turn ato see her and several other co-workers at some picnic tables. I walk to her curious what she was talking about. Then, I notice the building. I say, "Hey! This is the old 13th street facility." I'm super curious to go in there after all this time and I forget about Darlene and her magazine. As I enter the building, I worry about dream length. I tell myself that I really need hard set goals before bed or I'll just wander like this. I decide that if I try to make this super fun and interesting then I have nothing to worry about. The interior is totally remodelled and I am bummed that my dream is making stuff up. Then, I recall that Mercy Hospital owns this building now so maybe they would have remodelled in waking life. I become impressed with my subC for adding in the possibility. I look around and see a lunch room with cubbie/cube storage and lunch boxes lined on top. It seems to be decorated with apples and rulers like an elementary school, but I totally ignore this. There is a large wall of small square panel glass that leads to a reception window to my left. I follow it, but no one is around. I really want to get to the other side so I start punching the squares of glass. I enjoy the feeling and sound of glass breaking and get really caught up in it. I soon wake up to the sound of my wife getting ready for work in the bathroom.
Updated 08-15-2015 at 03:50 PM by 5967
#434 - DILD - 6:24AM I open a package from the mail and find this beautiful .357 magnum with a case of shells. I awkwardly load a few directly into the back of the gun and realize one shell is actually a large nail. I throw it away and discover it has a magazine clip. I ponder the possibility of actually getting a super awesome pistol in the mail. I'm amusing it's a birthday present, but who from? Maybe, it was sent to the wrong address. I check the package and it has my name and address correctly printed. Do they even send guns in the mail? Oh well, I'm just glad I got it. Hmmm. Things like this never happen. I should nose plug out of good practice. I blow through and don't want to believe. I do it several more times and become really disappointed that I don't get the gun after all, but decide to go ahead and enjoy both lucidity and my handgun. I look around and it seems to be some sort of apartment merged with past houses I've lived in. I don't thing about this too much as I point my gun looking for something to shoot. I see A from work and tell her to "Freeze". I pull the trigger, but only get a *click*. Damn, it's not working. Ok maybe I really don't want to shoot a co-worker DC. I point the gun around the apartment trying to shoot but only getting dry clicks. Sadly, the dream starts to darken, and I have to recreate a scenario. Shooting zombies is probably ideal. With that thought, a couple lurch at me out of the void. The sound of the gun fire is disappointing, but I blast an unrealistically large hole the size of a frying pan clean through each torso. I, and both zombies, pause to stare at the damage with mild surprise.
#431 - DILD - 3:00AM I really had a lot of wakefulness this night and spent an hour up with my legs until I was able to lay back down and have my second LD for the night. I am messing with a tall chain-link fence and gate. I was needing to get something from the pasture, but nothing is working right. Then the sky lights up from lightning and the wind picks up. I worry that the lightning will let the zombies see me. Then the lightning lights up the sky a purple color for several seconds. I hear some loud sound like machinery and thing the thunder is odd but will also get the zombies active. I get the fence together and just head for the old country house. Several cartoon zombies rush at me and I pick up a dry twig from the ground and stab them in the skull. My fear turn to delight and I enjoy doing battle with the undead. I may my way over to and RV and Rex jumps out to help fight. I now slowly become lucid and forget about the zombies. There are large green barrels rolling down and me I Hulk smash them out of my way as they come. I feel super powerful and want to Hulk smash zombies so I come out into the open. It is now day time and I am wading through deep snow, but it doesn't slow me down at all. I shout out taunts at the zombies in a strange voice, "Ooooh yeah. Come one fucker mother fucker. Give me something to break. Break your fucking face." I look around, but there are no more zombies. I deduce that dreams run on emotion, so since the fear is gone so are the zombies. I walk around and find another RV. I feel the dream fading and I try to focus, but I wake up.
#418 - MILD - 5:13AM Coffee (Caffeine) 2tbsp brewed. 4tbsp sugar and about 1/8 cup milk I wake about 3:45am from a vivid dream and decide it's too close to my 4:00AM alarm to go back to sleep so I go ahead and get up just long enough to drink my coffee. I return to bed thinking about the dream I just had and what it would have been like if I had become lucid. I quickly drop into sleep. I wake my daughters up to get ready for school. There is some conversation and I randomly climb out a window in a hallway. The house is a two story and I come out on a low part of the roof. I am trapped because a woman who looks like Michonne in a Sonic uniform is on a ladder that is some how blocking my exit. I tap her on the lag and politely ask her to move. She tells me to hold on so I just find away to squeeze past. As I climb down off the roof I tell the woman and her associate that I am leaving for work so if they have any questions ask my wife. I tell them to just call for Janice (That's my mom's name... awkward.) I feel like this isn't the right name so I start to tell them they can just call for Mrs. Coon but I stop myself because they might thing I am trying to make an inappropriate joke. I wonder why they are here and what they are working on. Oh they must be installing tile. On the roof? Maybe it's something else. I as I drop down I land inside the house. There is a ladder on a wall that is made of tape measure. I fiddle with it noting how flimsy it is. I decide it probably won't hold my weight so I leave it alone. I remember that I should be getting to work so I check the time on my cell phone in my pocket. 11:25am. Wow I am really late! I look up and find myself at work. Robert M. is saying something about taking a half day vacation then says he better clock in. I think it's a little late for half day so I check the time again. 10:10AM. I become confused about the time and decide I better just clock in. I start typing my employee number and pause as I recall how I was just in my 'house' and suddenly I am at work. Then there's the time thing...Then, it finally dawns on me. I must be dreaming. I feel a wry smile come on my face and I step away from the computer. The dream collapses at this point, but I manage to get things back in order by focusing on what I should be seeing. Things are a bit unstable now but I think I can work with it. I wonder about goals, but when I see a bulletin board I think I should try reading it. I do my best read out loud the wobbly and changing words. [something][something] on a cob. That make absolutely no sense. Now the dream is really unstable so I try rubbing my hands then the carpet. I notice it has a red and gold pattern. Things get a bit more stable so I decide to walk outside while still rubbing my hands. I can't help but feel that I am literally holding the dream together by pure concentration. I tell myself there is plenty of time and I should relax. I feel my shoulders drop a bit and become at ease. Because of this the dram instantly fades away. I try DEILD with the phase method, but I am too wide awake. I decide to spend some time meditating before I get up.
Updated 03-05-2015 at 04:31 AM by 5967
4am coffee from 2 tbsp grounds with milk and sugar. #416 - WILD I wake at some point and try DEILD phase tech, but this time I was surprised by entering straight into it, skipping all the usual OBE stuff. I was only mildly lucid at first and thought that I was only seeing strong HI. I thought that I wasn't fully there and was trying to convince myself that I was dreaming, hoping that my dream time would catch up to my expectations. However, during the entire experience, I was already fully immersed in the dream and everything was extremely vivid. I even had the thought at some point that caffeine always makes my dreams more visually vivid. I am standing next to a refrigerator in a kitchen that looks like the Smith's house, but my coworker bro Brandon is there. I see the fridge is so vivid and I take a closer look to stabilize — like I needed to. I note the eggshell texture on the door and the brownish fake wood handle. There is some chrome and I expect to see my distorted reflection. It's not there at first, but I do a double take and there I am. I feel like my eye are open extra wide and I can't believe how vivid the dream is. I look around for a moment and realize that I am in fact fully in the dream. Unfortunately, it's at this point that something external wakes me. I had another vivid dream about swimming in an ocean and a shark bit my knee where I had been having pain in waking life. Strangely, my knee feels a thousand times better today.
I was working at the library. Not a library I know, but seems too important a place to just call It "a library". I had recently started the job, and was trying to impress. I had finished my regular task, whatever a was. So I had grabbed a bunch of applications and had started to make messy comments on them, when I in mid task realized that maybe they mattered more, and I should have been less messy in commenting. In fact my new boss later found them, and reprimanded me on it, and I said I knew that they were too messy, but that I had done them before I knew what I was doing, but that now I knew, and in fact I had done several much better since, but I had left them at a table in the library, so once I retrieved them, I would show her that those were much better. It transpired that for my job I had not really been expected to comment on these applications, but that if I did, I had to do it right. I explained that I knew that for my job I was just expected to wait between assignments at my station, but that I felt too overqualified for that, and needed something to do in between, so that is why I decided to comment on applications as well. There was a woman named Jin who also worked in the library, but was more established there and somewhat mysterious. In the dream she actually had a full name, not just a first name, and while I did not realize it in the dream, her full name was the name of a person I work with in waking life who is a DBA of Chinese ethnic origin. The dream did not portray her anything like waking though. In the dream, she was up to something, and she had decided to trust me. She handed me a color coded folder, with colors representing different sections, and I think the sections were about spirituality, but it also felt a bit like a conspiracy, and perhaps going against the authorities who ran the library. I was glad Jin trusted me. As I was leaving Jin, another young woman joined us, and then she went with me, and tried to get me to go out with her to grab something to eat or drink to get to know me better. She explained that she was Jin's partner sexually. I explained that she had nothing to worry about, that Jin and I were just friends, and I was heterosexual. She said, she knew that, and was not worried, and anyway Jin and she had a relationship of trust. But she could tell Jin trusted me as a friend, and that was rare, so she wanted to get to know me. I explained I could not right now, because I had to find those applications that I had filled out much better, to show my new boss that I was competent after all. I had left them at a desk in the library, but the desk was not where it used to be any more. someone had moved it. I remember it was a small one person desk made out of light colored wood. Jin's partner left me as I continued my search for the desk. I think this search was still ongoing as I woke up. Although I may have found the desk at some point, but it was hard to tell whether it was the same desk or a different one like it, given that it was elsewhere and had someone else's stuff on and near it.