Jealous: I'm at a bowling alley or arcade type building. I came with my girlfriend, but she keeps leaving me to meet up with some of her friends from college. This time, she has been gone a long time. I get a video feed on my phone showing some guys getting too close to her. I feel very jealous and angry. I have my spartan blanket and I'm on a rollerblade floor. I see a guy who seems scared, and I tell him whatever he is going through, it can't be as bad as me, and that he will be OK. ... I'm racing in a Halloween-themed racetrack. It has many branching paths, and eventually transitions into a Christmas course. There is a fairy that is helping me find secrets in the track, and allowing me to fall down slowly to reach areas I shouldn't be able to. It feels like Mario Kart. One of the secrets is a hidden bar. I land on a snowy street and find my girlfriend with someone at the bar.
So I work retail and the dream takes place in a much bigger store, like a large department store. There was a task to be done that was for some reason deep underwater beneath the store, and the store's budget was kind of bad. Instead of hiring a professional, they had an old-timey diving suit riveted together with the huge helmet with the glass panel in the front. There was a very real risk of the suit failing, or just not being able to get back up and air slowly running out while you were trapped. I and another employee were asked if we wanted to risk it. I didn't want to make the other person do it by refusing myself; I think it was an actual coworker of mine who I liked. But I didn't want to die and I have a family besides. I said no and hoped so would my coworker. Not this store gets even worse. There were rumors of experiments going on in the back. Very unethical, human-hybrid stuff. I'm a curious person so I think it was my habit to run quickly to the back of the store to catch a glimpse of creatures and then sprint back to the front before anything could catch me. I did this in the dream. Note: I remember cursing the fact that I think I used to run faster in my 20's, I'm in my 30's. Also the fastest way to get around was some combination of Dishonored's Blink ability and the 'draggy' way Google Maps moves your person down the street. I don't even think I was sure I was being chased but I hurried past a group of people hanging out in one department in hopes of causing enough of a scramble that the creature would lose my trail. Closer to the front of the store where the creatures just never wandered, I found a huge creature like a dinosaur that was safe and well known around the store itself. I scrambled up it's huge leg because in hopes the creatures didn't climb if they were still nearby. It was sentient and said something about shaking me off, but it didn't. I woke up.
Dream 1: Driving I was supposed to get to Rosamond, I think to meet Dad for something. I pulled up the map, and accidentally tapped the wrong town, whose name started with a “B,” that was right next to my destination. The map was completely fictional – The land mass I was on was a large island, and the surrounding towns were all in their own little sections of the map. Rosamond was to the southeast of me, and the GPS had me taking a highway that went south and then out east to the town. I set my destination and started driving. The freeways were crazy – they all had ridiculous hills and steep, sharp drops. I felt myself going too fast at times, but when I went to slow down the freeway would smooth out and I’d be back to going 70-75 mph as I usually do. At one point I took the wrong exit; instead of the one that was labelled for my path to the left, I took the exit to the right labelled “Superman,” and took an almost 90-degree drop. My car started to flip over, but the scene switched into a third-person perspective, and I was able to right my angle to land all four wheels before the road started to flatten. The dream scene changed as I made it to my destination. It was a big city, reminiscent of Chicago, but it was supposed to be San Diego. The freeway had one more giant hill and drop, but there was too much traffic to get up to it. It was easier just to take the elevator up to the top of the building the freeway connected to, then drive one of the rental cars off the top. So, I got out, met a friend of mine, then we waited in line. The scene changed and ended before I got up to the top. Dream 2: Dinner Before this begins, I am now not too sure of myself – is this a separate dream, or just a change of scenery? I met my family at an Italian restaurant called Rigatony’s, in San Diego. It was rather small and busy inside. This was the kind of place that the locals would eat at. The walls were decorated with these façades of Italian buildings, so it was supposed to feel like we were eating in an alleyway, or in the middle of the street. There was a family a few tables across from us, who had a baby that wouldn’t stop crying. My Dad said this was a pretty popular place, and I asked him how that could be if it was so small. He pointed to one of the doors of the façade, a screen door with frosted glass, and I noticed there were some lights behind it. He told me that door opened up to a whole ‘nother section of the restaurant just like the one we were in. the dream faded out as R2-D2 from star wars was trying to scoot past our table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I would like to describe the feeling of the decoration in this restaurant. I would describe it as an indoor space trying to seem like an outdoor one. It gives me a strange, otherworldly feeling – like it is completely fake, and I can see that I’m inside if I look closely enough. But if I decide to ignore the details, then I can be immersed and feel like I am outside. Once place in waking life that gives me this feeling is the Venetian in Las Vegas. Look up some pictures of the inside and you’ll see what I mean. The ceiling is painted and lighted to look like the sky, with clouds and sunlight, and if you don’t look closely enough you may be fooled.
Woke up with my second alarm and attempted to do some MILDing again which appears to get me more engaged once I'm dreaming... I'm walking up a set of stairs in what I know is large hotel, when I suddenly realize I might be dreaming. Performing a reality check confirms my suspicions and I try to ground myself.I do the "clarity now" call out and makes my vision tingle like before. I get on my hands and knees and fell the floor which is a soft carpet. When I stand up, I know what my dream intention is and I say out loud, "I want to experience the essence of summer." I imagine a door behind me and there is, although, when I open it there is only another set of stirs going down. I follow the stairs down to large room in which people are gathered around in a large semi- circle. I walk into the middle of the group before the dream fades away
i'll start with the two that weren't nightmares because the two that were nighmares were very similar (even though they were not consecutive) i had to open this vault for these two ex-friends of mine that i had seen a few hours ago......i was the only one there with the code.....they weren't as rude to me as they usually are...and they brought out this strange was a vanilla cake with red jello poured into slits in it.......i was eating it with my hands and 5-6 preschoolers wanted some and i told them to take only a bite at first to see if they like it and then they can have more if they like it (which is what my gram told me about new foods the whole time i was growing up) the other two were types of assisted living facilities.....i was a patient (which is something i fear because my docs want to take me out of school to put me in one if i can't get my depression under control) the one was like a really old house and it had hard wood floors....i was the maid the other i was a patient and tied into a wheel chair because i kept climbing on stuff otherwise in both they threatened me with needles if i didn't cooperate (which is my biggest fear)
Whoa. 09/13/10 This is a building with no windows. The walls and ceiling are black and plasticky, and the dark tiles on the floor are smooth and glossy. Neon signs and arrows are laid out tackily along the walls, advertising the various games on display and giving directions that I can't read. I'm in a small alcove, playing one of the arcade games stuffed into the small hallway. The place I'm in connects a larger hallway (which leads to a set of elevators, and the lobby of the building) to a large, open room, the entirety of which is pitch black and shiny. I keep moving along the wall and towards the room, switching games as I go. I'm trying to stay out of the way of the janitor, who's coming from the elevators. He's driving a rainbow, glowing lawnmower with various mop-like attachments which simultaneously clean all surfaces of the room. The mop cleaning the ceiling is spinning in circles and whipping across from side to side. The side mops are giant spinning things, reaching out to the edges of the hallway. It looks like a demented, inside-out automatic car wash from an alternate dimension. I haven't actually seen it, though. I'm just quietly moving towards the black room. - discussing what's happening in the big bang theory tv show on the big screen tv in the black room with someone or other - I'm playing air hockey against myself (neon, of course, lighting up the room), when He finds me. I roll my eyes. I was really hoping to avoid the Arcade's mascot. It's a clown, of course. He dances around spastically as he approaches me. I cross my arms over my chest and the colourful clown turns the pitch black of the walls and starts to disintegrate. I hear the employee - the man in the suit - decide that he doesn't get paid nearly enough for this. In another dream, I'm talking to one of the actors from Supernatural, Jensen Ackles. The surroundings are plain and the carpet is brown. Ackles is complaining about his insane fans, and I decide not to ask for an autograph. Scare Factor: 2/10 Rating: 4/10