First night. Store I was walking at night in a sketchy area of a large city. I just remember walking past a bunch of people with hoodies on. I entered a gas station to get a coffee. I walked past a guy but couldn't find the coffee machine. So I grabbed some random things... Unleavened bread? Wtf. Someone must have fell asleep listening to a reading of Exodus, and it wasn't me. And I grabbed slushie and some bananas and put it all in a blender. The other customer in the store was looking at me funny. I couldn't turn the blender on. I went to the counter and Jamie was working the counter. She said something to me about this gorgeous guy she knew who used to have a PS2. Um okay. Was she pulling a jealousy move on me? Or was she talking about me. I'm not gorgeous, but I did own a PS2... Dream fades. Next night had no recall. Woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep. Last night: Lucid I was in a large castle like building with large windows. I kept looking out the windows and seeing many impossible things. Thing like: lots of tornadoes but not hurting anyone, many people walking down a path with colorful cone hats, and various horses. This made me lucid. I jumped up and floated to confirm lucidity. I landed by a doorway. I wanted to find Jamie again. Everything seemed really stable and solid so I decided to try Hukif's time dilation method again. As soon as I put my hand down on the ground, everything just faded to black... Damn. Maybe I should try something else. WTF I was in a chicken barn with Jamie. She said to me, "I want you to put it in my ***, Robert." (I will not publicly post what is going in where.) Then she pulls out a chicken from behind her back and is pointing it's ass end at me like a gun. She then says, "Are you chicken?" When she says, "chicken." She squeezes the chicken and and egg flies at me. She then chases me around the barn repeating the question and shooting eggs at me. cooking Just a flash of Jamie at a stove with a frying pan on one burner and boiling water on the other. We are just playfully talking while she cooks something. Demon Audio only dream. I hear a demon accusing Jamie of something. But forget what...
I was in some sort of store, climbing around on the shelves. There were some people racing life sized model cars around a track, so I jumped on to see if the cars'd stop. They didn't so I Jumped off and looked behind me where a bomb went off. I was walking through the parking lot in the middle of the night, someones following me. I clutch the possum I'm carrying closer to my body. I get to the car and set it down in the back seat, my follower gets close to me and we start some conversation while the possum which I thought was dead convulses. I was in my backyard also in the middle of the night. I used telekenisis to pick myself up, it worked for a few seconds, then I fell back to the ground. I picked myself up again, when I slipped out of my telekenitic butter fingers again I managed to catch myself and lift myself up, but I was at a wierd angle and everything was going black for some reason. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I felt my body in my bed and wondered how the hell I didn't become lucid while I scribbled everything down. rcs-0.5 fragments-1 nld-1 total-2.5 compo total-72[/COLOR]
I was at the nursery owned by my father's friend, who will be called A. I was in this back section where there was a brick wall on one side and a large amount of thick shrubs down the other, my favorite thing to do here was to run around naked of course. I hung my clothes on the shelf behind me, and then I ran up and down the isle a few times, I heard my father from the other side of the shrubs tell me we had to leave soon, so I ran to that side of the isle, and A was there with another customer. I grabbed my shorts and struggled to figure out how to put them on for like a minute, A looked away and gave the most disappointed sigh I've ever heard. I dreaded the lecture I would receive as I finally stomped into my shorts. I put my shirt on, and I had a feeling that my father had already drove off. I was suddenly in a shoe store kind of listening to him rant, "Nudity is like candy, you can't have too much or you'll get diabetes." I gave him several mhms and was sure to mix some yeahs and ok's in there as I completely stopped listening. We then exit the shop, walk down some fancy stairs, and make our way to the car. I was in a vets office, he looked at my kitten Pandrea for two seconds and started drawing on a white board. He drew a bladder with kidneys, and a beehive. He pointed to the organs and told me that she has a fatal kidney disease which can only be treated by honey, which he doesn't have. Me and my father are suddenly by a brick wall in the middle of the night, a coyote snatches Pandrea from my hands and jumps over the wall. He tells me that she's dead now, there's nothing I can do, but I jump over the fence, the coyote is so scared that it drops her and runs away. I pick her up, there's several more cats beneath her, many are gray, and some are also black like her so I can't be completely sure which one she is. I take them all over the fence, there's one black kitten that looks like it's about to die so we assume it's her. My father places her in a rabbit hutch and pours cold water on her body. I was afraid that she would become too cold, but the it appears to be healing her. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]rcs-1 nlds-2 meditaition-1 total-4 comp total-59[/COLOR]
’m in what seems like a small Lee’s or craft beer store (about the size of a classroom). They have some featured on the walls and larger packages down on the floor. It seems like the ones displayed are not also found on the floor. Some guy is on the phone, telling someone about how it’s confusing. Among the couple of others here, I see Rob. I think that he doesn’t see me. Now, this same space is a bookstore. Melissa is with me as I shop. I’ve grabbed a few hardcover books but now, going through them, decide to put almost all of them back, as they just look like very generic mystery thrillers. I reshelve some that go nearby and just stack the others that don’t (I think that somebody else working here can put them away for a change). Now I see Kris and Rob and we talk briefly. They then sit down with two or so people I’ve never seen before - their other family, I guess - and Kris starts a prayer before they do something.
Riding the Mountains I'm in a parking lot, leaving a grocery store. It's day. There is a man in his car parked nearby talking on the phone. He's arguing with someone about the price of apples. I remember working hard to get the math right in my head, but it comes slowly. He says that there are six apples with six servings at six dollars each divided by twelve, or something similar. ... It's night now and I'm approaching my car. The building has changed from a grocery store to something that reminds me of my Dad's friend's home remodeling business. I enter my car and start it up. I see my Dad outside the car he says "The weather here could be storming or worse, and it doesn't even phase you! You've got your windows down all the time!" I remember thinking something along the lines of "It's really hot where I live, storms aren't exactly an issue" but I don't think I replied. I start to drive away, but I have problems actually leaving the parking lot. I can't seem to orient the car to face the proper direction. I drive down a path leading behind the building to try and find a place to turn around. I do find one and finally re-orient the car. I have to nick the side of my car on a nearby electrical box to achieve this. Now I'm progressing along the path I came, but it is different. It goes up where it didn't before into a mountainous region. There is rocky tan-colored mud that is causing the car to slip and slide. It starts to cake onto my car. My perspective zooms out, and I'm watching my car go through crazy jumps and maneuvers through the mountains. The car eventually crashes and flips, so I am sent back to the beginning. It repeats the course but lands on its wheels this time. My perspective shifts again. Now's I'm standing, and the car is a toy that I can pick up. I do so and walk the rest of the way up the red rocks on the mountain. My Dad is at the top laying in a bed. He is surprised that I made it up here. The room we are in reminds me of the sky room from the bottom of the narrow concrete hole from the Game Grumps dream on 9/2/23. Recorded at 4:55AM, just after sleep cycle 4. Dancing in the Store It's my birthday, and we are in my childhood bedroom. I'm on the far end of the room (If you turn right as you enter and go all the way). There is an electrical outlet and it has a bunch of game system minis daisy-chained together with USB wires and ports. I can recall at least a PlayStation 2, but there were more of them. My brother and my friend D are on the other side of the room. A third person at the party is setting up some game for us to watch him play. He has two tablets, the second one folds and is acting as a keyboard for a laptop, while the top tablet is the screen. There are some pillows and armchair-pillows on the floor and we are all settling in to watch him play whatever this game is. ... The room now resembles my Grandma P's sitting den. I'm laying on the floor and I'm the last one up. We are driving to the store to get a cake. I get up to join the rest of the group in the car. ... I'm in a big white van, the one we just road-tripped on to go to Denver a few weeks ago in waking life. I'm opening the side door, and asking the driver to slow down so I can close it easily. The driver ignores that request, so I jump out and try to slam it shut as best I can as I jump. I land in the grass in a neighborhood. It's a sunny day. I walk past a man having a yard-sale. He has a bunch of tables he is trying to sell. As I walk by he says "Hey there! Whaddya think?!" I tell him "They look great! But I'm not in the market." He accepts this answer but seems a little disappointed. I keep walking and enter another open garage. I feel a bit guilty at first for invading, but then I realize that the building is kitted-out to be a store anyway. There are shoes covering the walls with tiny labels with prices on them. I'm not lucid, but I decide that I want to find a cute girl and dance with her. I start to clear out an area at the back of the store, moving TVs, chairs, and other furniture. As I do this, a mousey-looking girl with glasses shows up and starts to watch me. I realize she is watching, so I make a show about lifting the heavy things easily, and throwing them such that they flip and land right-side up. When I'm done, I tell here "We're going to dance!" and she agrees. While I don't know anything about dancing in waking life, apparently dream-me knows at least the basics. We dance for a while, and then the girl decides to reward me by getting on her knees. Nice. ... The store has changed into a work area. There are some tables with PC setups on them, similar to a computer lab. There's not enough room to comfortably place my legs. I'm working at my designated spot, but I sneak to a nearby one that I like better. ... Later on the tables are gone but there is a long-table in the center of the room. It now resembles more of a conference room than a computer lab. There is a TV on the wall everyone is watching. Some major news is happening. Feels like a 9/11 scale event. Former President George W. Bush is at the table among the group. A little girl at the table says "Why can't we just call all the Presidents dumb?" George W. Bush replies "Well, there used to be less of them, and now there are more and they are all stupid!" Which doesn't make sense, but the spirit of what he's saying is that things were better under him, of course. Recorded at 6:39AM, just after sleep cycle 5.
Updated 09-07-2023 at 05:16 PM by 99808
Drinking Twix I'm in a grocery store the resembles Target, near one of the aisles. I see a woman carrying a pop bottle that is larger than standard, but smaller than a two liter. It is Twix-flavored Sprite. I say "WOAH WHAT KIND OF FLAVOR IS THAT?!" and she offers to let me try it. It's actually pretty good.
I am in a Barnes and Noble or some other store similar to it. The building is far from conventional and rather is architecturally impressive. There are multiple floors that seem to meld together with open spaces and subtle staircases. The walls and finishes on surfaces all seem minimalistic and largely a very plain white. There is a CD display, a matte gray material, that molds itself to the wall, which, in this case, rises a few feet vertically before bending about 45 degrees backwards. The CDs are displayed one by one, face out. I think it is very cool, but I worry about the lack of ADA accessibility. I walk through multiple rooms and hallways, looking [missing]. I have to ask someone and she … where I feel I’ve already been. It’s a … and the books all look shiny and … near a ground level that has a …
I’m inside a Total Wine. The store is very large (and it seems familiar to another dream). I walk down a main aisle on my way to the beer section when an employee steps in front of me and hands me a small stack of cash. I wasn’t sure at first if he was an employee - he’s wearing nice but plain clothes and a very subtle nametag. I ask “for me?”, not really sure what to think. He says yes, it’s for me. I take it, two 50s and a couple smaller bills, and move on. I’m now in the beer section, which looks like a corner of the store. There is a pallet of six packs in an aisle, and I see they’re completely out of the only one I was specifically looking for. I keep looking on the shelves; many look good, but I always think there could be a better one yet. Most are dark beers, which is the type I’m after. There is one with a graphic of a pine tree trunk? and a bear print; I think I go for this one, as I’m at the end of my options.
I’m going to take what I think is a muscle relaxer for dogs with Melissa. I am aware that it’s a product for dogs, but I’ve read that it’s fine for people to take. In the store, every other surrounding product is fully stocked. The one I’m looking for (‘Mitol’ or something similar) is almost completely out, causing me to think that others have had the same idea. Now, I’ve taken two (they look like a small cookie) and am in some kitchen. I’m cooking something when they kick in. My entire body feels it and feels very heavy and rubbery. I slouch considerably and my vision feels somewhat blurry as well. Melissa sends me a video of her dancing somewhere and falling over because she’s taken some as well.
So I work retail and the dream takes place in a much bigger store, like a large department store. There was a task to be done that was for some reason deep underwater beneath the store, and the store's budget was kind of bad. Instead of hiring a professional, they had an old-timey diving suit riveted together with the huge helmet with the glass panel in the front. There was a very real risk of the suit failing, or just not being able to get back up and air slowly running out while you were trapped. I and another employee were asked if we wanted to risk it. I didn't want to make the other person do it by refusing myself; I think it was an actual coworker of mine who I liked. But I didn't want to die and I have a family besides. I said no and hoped so would my coworker. Not this store gets even worse. There were rumors of experiments going on in the back. Very unethical, human-hybrid stuff. I'm a curious person so I think it was my habit to run quickly to the back of the store to catch a glimpse of creatures and then sprint back to the front before anything could catch me. I did this in the dream. Note: I remember cursing the fact that I think I used to run faster in my 20's, I'm in my 30's. Also the fastest way to get around was some combination of Dishonored's Blink ability and the 'draggy' way Google Maps moves your person down the street. I don't even think I was sure I was being chased but I hurried past a group of people hanging out in one department in hopes of causing enough of a scramble that the creature would lose my trail. Closer to the front of the store where the creatures just never wandered, I found a huge creature like a dinosaur that was safe and well known around the store itself. I scrambled up it's huge leg because in hopes the creatures didn't climb if they were still nearby. It was sentient and said something about shaking me off, but it didn't. I woke up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP There is some stormy weather and can't close my living room window. I keep grabbing my cats to keep them inside while I try to fix it and they seem intent on getting out. Then my house is taken over by some bad people. They want something and I keep pretending I don't know anything about it. Eventually I grab the thing they want from my office and while they are distracted elsewhere and the lights go off because of the storm, I sneak out to the kitchen and leave through the back door. Luckily my dog Hachi is quietly asleep and doesn't make a sound. I hope to get back for my animals soon, but so far I must leave. The bad guys eventually notice I escaped and turn on some floodlights outside trying to spot me. But there is someone else just arriving and getting in the way of the ligths and I take advantage and run through the fields. Much much later I encounter a group of friends and I think I am safe. Except don't seem happy to see me and proceed to hide under some tarps in some construction site. I join them there to find out what's up. Something about an expedition and a UFO. Shopping with my familty for some crazy but beautiful clothes. I literally get lost in it as my family leaves me there. I decide to check the second floor of the shop, which I never visited. First part is lingerie but then all sorts of antiques for decor. I am amazed with what I find there. Then some crazy obsessed guy is melting down because he collects something and they no longer have new items for him to buy. My first reaction is to think bad of this guy, but then I realiz he has a serious mental condition and he is not guilty of it, so I feel compassion instead. Then decide to take some pics of some items and of the shop itself. Some cute guy seems happy that I find and expose a wooden piece that was hidden under other pieces and he calls his mom to come and see it and asks my help to set it up straight. I do, but the wood starts breaking apart since it's so old. We decide to put it back. He still considers buying it to restore it, it but every time we touch it, it breaks more. Then he flirts with me and I think he wants to go on a date, but I don't. Then I encounter Sevi and she is glad to see me. Actually too glad to see me, considering she's been mad at me for years. We hug and we talk and the other dude disappears. Then she gets a bit too warm and she whispers in my ear she'd like to invite me to go with her to an hotel nearby and I immediately say no and that she got me all wrong.
I’m in a grocery store with Melissa. She’s on the phone with someone, so I go off and look at the beer section. It seems to be one long aisle, including the corner at the end of it (I don’t notice any refrigerated section). They have a pretty good selection of beers I’ve never seen before. One is a strong ale that I think is around 13% ABV. A little of the liquid shows above the label - it’s almost completely clear, and I can’t imagine that it’d be any good. I look through everything but don’t find the certain type I wanted or anything to substitute. I meet up with Melissa and tell her this.
I’m at Smith’s, buying two bottles of water and a six pack of beer (I think a Sierra Nevada IPA). I push the cart into the self checkout area and go to one at the end. There’s a flashing light to the right of the screen but I still figure that it’s open. I scan the beer first and the system calls for an attendant. A female employee looks over at me a couple of times but never comes over. I look at the screen and see the whole transaction has been canceled. Irritated, I quickly walk over to the regular checkout. It feels weird to be walking through it this way, but I see another guy doing it ahead of me. An older lady opens a display door into my cart and it makes a loud sound because I’m walking so fast. She says “holy shit”, but I keep moving. In the line now, there is what looks like a mom and older son. They’re a little scruffy, I think in pajamas. They are dividing the cart into three separate purchases. I set my stuff down when space is available and the clerk moves it all the way to her while she finishes talking to the customers. She now greets me and I hand her my ID right away. She tilts it a bit and says ‘we’ll have to take this’, walking away with it. I say ‘okay’, turning up both my palms, a little confused. My best guess is that it’s expired. She returns and hands it back, except I see that it’s a small stack of JCP cards with my mom’s name on them. Oddly enough, Mom is now here, to my right. I dig through my wallet and find Melissa’s ID, showing it to the clerk, humorously saying that my girlfriend is [21 or 25]. I then find mine and notice that I have a mustache in the picture.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Waiting for my mom outside some empty store. Seems like a bankrupted travel agency. Inside it, there is a couple behind a computer working on something. There's some supports with some advertising outside. I grab a leaflet and I kinda break the support and then I struggle to fix it. Meanwhile the couple inside noticed it and is looking at me with blaming eyes, but they don't say a word. I say I am sorry and stop trying to fix it. Then the guy gets up and walks towards me to say it's ok. Embarassed, I go meet my mom who is next door with some old coworkers, instead of waiting here. They are debating that they want her to lead them into a strike and legal fight as she did decades earlier sucessfully. She declines several timas but they persist. I am feeling disturbed and want to leave. I am bored to death and my stims are about to explode. But she says she can't and aks me to wait outside the room they're at. I look around the building and besides this room, everything else looks basically like a damp basement with endless corridors like the backrooms. I go explore a bit and at some point it gets really dark and the corridor is very narrow. In the dark I encounter "the smiley" entity. I punch its face and it is made of metal. I grab it and throw it against the wall, over and over until it is crunched and unable to harm me. Then I walk back to a more illuminated area but I am chased by two other entities. They look like crash test dummies and they are made of hard rubber. I punch them too, but to no effect. I am about to be subdued by them and see a third coming over, when I finally manage to escape to the main corridor I came from originally. I find another strange moldy and smelly room with people living in sub-human conditions. They lie on wooden bunkbeds like the ones on nazi concentration camps. They are dirty and scared as if prisoners of the entities that control the corridors. Some kids ask me for my help changing a babie's diaper. I agree. But the baby isn't humam, seems more like an entity itself, a living doll. Doesn't seem harmful though, so I help taking care of it.
I’m in some department store, looking for a new coat. The store seems small, cramped, and dim. It also seems like there are only coats on the racks. There are several people in here, only some wearing a mask. I don’t think I am. I run my hand over a coat that catches my eye and notice it’s $80-90. Thinking that’s a bit much, especially because I think that’s a sale price, I rethink how much I really need a new one. Now I’m in a different store - the outside looks like a CVS and the inside looks like a cross between that and more of a department store. I think I’m with Mom and Makayla. There’s an employee inside the entrance with a handful of masks, but no one in here is wearing one. There is a sense of things being ‘back to normal.’ I think I’ve come here for a pedicure and something else. Now I’m about to enter one more store. Kelli and Carl are with me. It’s the first time I’ve seen them in a while and I’m not sure if they’re going to wear a mask into the store - it feels awkward not to if they’re going to - but none of us do.