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    1. The School of Magic Kids

      by , 10-23-2011 at 08:59 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was thinking of traveling to a nearby island via boat. I was on the beach. I saw... me. A statue, or a frozen me. My lower half was that of a fish. I was frozen blue. I didn't recognize myself, and I looked for the perpetrator.

      I recall some people. I felt I couldn't trust them. Was there a fight? I was using some powers.

      I rode a black dragon to school. Seems like kids there use powers as well, and some use pretty cool rides. Night. I rode a younger dragon to school. We chased some bad guys. I found his parent, and left to him the chasing of the bad guys. They were defeated, but the young dragon only has 2 hit points left, and retreated.

      A school. Our school. I looked around and found some of my "missing" or "left" notes. There are experiments in alchemy and various devices. I then realized that someone tried to create a device there. I recall some clan members being there. Threat? I gathered my notes, and presented a new(?) device to the professor which involves coffee.

      I went to the front of the school, and something attacked my ride. He responded by a fiery breath. I jumped to the ground, and saw one fiery baby Moltres (no discernable part; it's all fire in the rough shape of a bird), and an egg. I seem to recall that there was a fight here between a phoenix and another monster (not sure if it was the Moltres). Seems like the egg is not breaking up, so I helped the phoenix out.

      They transform easily into humans, and they were already quite big kids in human form. The young phoenix (in human form now) said that he didn't need help. I apologized for my impulsiveness, although the phoenix wasn't really mad. He's a young boy, and the Moltres a young girl. We were riding a jeep. We were in a stopover in Saravia. The young dragon (still in his black dragon form) landed on the jeep and peeked over into the car. His "voice" sounded male as well. I forgot what he said, but it seems he was asking the two demi-humans something.
    2. 10/06/10 Under the Sea

      by , 10-08-2010 at 09:31 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I know I have been away from posting dreams for a long time, and that is because I haven't been remembering any dreams. I have been having an extended drought in the area of dream recall and lucid dreams, but for last night I actually have something to post! What I remember is a lot of fragments, but part of it was even lucid, so I will post it all here. I finally remembered dreams again! Yay! My first point was to meet Tigress in the tower on the moon, so when I surprised myself by entering into a WILD, that was my first goal.

      I was lying in my bed with my light / sound machine on, focusing on letting my body fall asleep while my mind remained conscious. Almost without even realizing what had happened, I slipped into a WILD. I was still thinking about my first goal, thinking I was still awake and had to use the bathroom. I got up and realized my door was closed, which is not normal, I leave it open so my cat, Midna, can sleep with me. I opened the door and found myself looking out of my bedroom into the sickbay of the tower on the moon. I did only a brief double take before realizing I was definitely dreaming, I was already in the WILD.

      So now that I was in the WILD, I entered the sick bay and looked around. Janet and Tigress were in the room, Tigress was lying face down on one of the beds, and Janet was scanning her with a strange device. I remembered telling Tigress I was going to try a healing massage on her back, and Janet was also going to take a look. I went over to the bed and was going to wait for Janet to be done examining Tigress…

      Some other stuff happened there which I think involved me completing the healing massage, but the next fragment I remember clearly included Tigress, Link, Janet, and me on the beach, I was looking out over the ocean with the adult form of Link by my side, it was an entirely beautiful scene. Tigress said the merpeople were in this ocean, and then she headed out into the waves. I followed her and Janet, then finally dove into the water and transformed into a mermaid at the same time. The four of us swam down into the ocean, at first the water felt kind of cold, but I soon adapted to it and found it felt very nice. We swam down, I watched the colorful fish around us, and we were soon greeted by a merman who indicated we should follow him. We went deeper into the ocean, it was getting darker as we went deeper, but then we came to an area which was illuminated by glowing plants and mosses. It was a really cool effect. The merman we were with said we had been expected, I wondered who had told them to expect us, but I figured it didn't really matter, it was probably Q. We were swimming towards what looked like an underwater stadium where this fragment of memory ends…

      There must be some more stuff I forgot, because the next piece I remember I was in the stadium, swimming out in the middle of it with a bunch of merpeople. I felt I knew what was going on, everyone had on a different color belt indicating which of the two teams they were on, there was blue and yellow. I looked and noted I had a blue belt on. The other merpeople with blue belts were chasing after the merpeople with yellow belts, and they were all chasing after a ball of some kind that was drifting through the water. One of the yellow team hit the ball with his tail, sending it towards a goal, but a goalie for the blue team sent it right back out again to one of my teammates. With a blue team merman on each side of her, the blue team mermaid batted the ball with her tail and guided it towards the other goal. One of the yellow team managed to swim in and got his tail on the ball, sending out off to the side… in my direction. No one had been paying much attention to me, I had the idea I was just in this game because they were trying to be nice and let me play a bit, so I would just have to show them that I could contribute to the team, too. I went after the ball and hit it with my tail, hitting it away from a couple of approaching yellow team players, then I followed it and hit it back in almost the opposite direction as hard as I could, catching the yellow goalie by surprise and scoring a goal. I could hear the merpeople in the stands cheering, I thought they would mostly be surprised, and I was glad I had been able to at least score a goal… and that's the last clear memory I have from that part…

      The next clear memory I have is when I was swimming along in an interesting place with Tigress, Janet, and Link. I didn't notice for sure if Tigress and Janet were merpeople, but I still was, as was Link. We were swimming through water that felt strangely warm, and very relaxing. There were colorful luminous flowers all over the ocean floor that gave off a rainbow of colored light that was very beautiful. We passed the rainbow flowers and entered into what looked like ruins of some ancient temple. The ruins continued, and I realized it was much more than a temple, it looked like the ruins of a lost city. I saw Janet and Tigress swimming very close together, and I felt Link was right beside me. I remember swimming through a particularly interesting series of pillars that looked like ruins from ancient Greece or Rome, I was wishing I could take photos from the dream plane into my waking life, I would really like to remember that. Since I couldn't pull out a camera, I continued looking around, trying to take in every detail of the place, I was thinking maybe I could create a digital picture of it in Photoshop or even a 3D rendering of it. This is the last part of the dream I remember, though I think it continued for a bit longer.
    3. The Sea King

      by , 09-25-2008 at 08:33 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This is the second dream I had on September 25th, 2008.

      I am floating above a large inland sea surrounded by high cliffs and thick forests. There is a long winding railroad track that runs along the circumferance of the sea by I do not know if it is used because some parts of it dip down and are sumberged. There are two islands near the center of the sea where tiny humans live. Or at least they seem tiny compared to me and everything appears in minature. I am invisible and no one can see me. There are two groups of people that identify themselves by colour; the red people on the eastern island and the blue people on the westen island. The people have different cultures and beliefs and though they have everything to survive independantly of each other, they constantly war with each other because of their differing spiritual beliefs or something.

      I suddenly find myself at the same scale as everything else and walking along the train tracks along the northern edge of the sea. After a while the track dips down into the water and heads towards the center of the sea. I keep walking and find that I can continue walking along the track without drowning or becoming bouyant. I follow the track down to the center where a submerged but seemingly abandoned city exists. Some of the buildings look modern, even futuristic, while others are made of a slightly glowing coral. There are many colourful lights around the city and they illuminate a giant bearded merman sleeping in the very center. He looks a lot like the classical sea god image but he makes me think of the father from Disney's The Little Mermaid, King Triton. There is a mighty golden trident at his side which is almost as large as he.

      The is suddenly a great deal of tension coming from up above and I can sense this telepathically. The energy of the tension is so strong that it wakes the giant Sea King, who sighs wearily. He sits up and grabs me with his massive right hand (though very gently, and I know somehow that he isn't going to hurt me) and grabs his trident with his left hand before surfacing quite rapidly. On the surface nighttime has come and the Sea King and I can see that the two islands of people have amassed great armies on their respective islands, seemingly to destroy the other once and for all. The giant merman quietly tells me that he is the god of these people and protects them, and that they fight each other because each believes that they are more favoured by the god over the other, which they believe makes them superior and that the 'lesser' island should submit. Thus the fighting never stops.

      The Sea King tells me he is tired of the fighting because he cares for the red and blue people equally and though he wishes neither any harm he is considering letting them destroy each other so that the constant warring will finally stop. He places me on a giant clam shell and sends me towards the islands, to warn the warring sides of the god's growing apathy. I am visible again and I talk first to the red people but most ignore me while others threaten me. I then go over the the western island where the blue people live. They are suspicious because they saw me come from their enemy's island, but are more willing to listen to my warning. In the end though, the blue people say they will still fight, partly because they know the red army is going to attack anyway.

      I return to the Sea King and tell him what happened at which point he becomes very angry. He swims between the two islands and raises himself up out of the water as far as he can and towers over the tiny islands, whose people cover is fear. The Sea King declares loudly that neither island is favoured over the other, that they are both equal and that the fighting has to stop. He also says that their unique and seperate cultures should be celebrated as complements to each other, not as opposites.

      The red army suddenly lunges forward and makes its way over to the blue island. They continue from their little boats and charge forward as if to attack. They reach the blue army and it looks as if the two sides are going to violently clash with each other, but instead the armies merge and walk through each other as if they were transparent. As this happens the blue and red peoples become different shades of purple. The armies and people mingle together and laugh and hug and dance. There is a drunken reverie to celebrate their coming together as the Sea King returns to his place at the bottom of the sea and goes back to sleep. I watch the partying from afar, feeling like an outsider and do not participate in the celebration because I seem to have become invisible again. My last feelings in this dream were of isolation and loneliness, then I woke up.
    4. Whale Man

      by , 11-04-1985 at 05:04 PM
      Morning of November 4, 1985. Monday.

      This is a somewhat distorted dream in terms of activity and themes. The main aspect of this one more vivid section is seemingly running from an area where there may have been a shooting of a president or mayor, though I am not sure if the person was killed. It first seems like I am in Wisconsin and then suddenly in Florida, running from the southwest to the northeast through my Cubitis backyard. It almost seems as if I had been involved somehow though I am not sure of my dream’s backstory.

      At one point, where we used to have bonfires (a little more towards the southern section of the weedy area prior to the railroad tracks), there is some sort of implied epiphany of a “whale man”. The “whale man” is actually better described as a typical merman, I suppose, except that the bottom half is like a killer whale or orca, and the top half is a man. The theme is seemingly relative to the phoenix (only very loosely). Perhaps the politician was shot and returned as this being, or he was always like this (and thus I cannot be guilty of any possible crime), I am not sure. It also seems as if I am looking at a political poster for a short time. The part that is manlike reminds me of a young version of Walter Mondale. He seems suspended above the water with the whale tale in a slight arc. I think he actually may be running for president and as a Republican. He seems friendly and cheerful. I am not certain of his political values or standing. (In real life, I hardly ever thought about politics.)

      There is probably a rhyming association with “whale” and “Mondale”. It is also possible that the whale represents a new political party relating to better ecological policies.

      This dream is type ECA (subtype acc: parallel accompaniment). Here, the emergent consciousness is already coalesced into the last segment as the hybridized “whale man” (or merman implied to be aggressive on the bottom since the tail is of a killer whale or orca, but cheerful on the top; an atypical ambiguity). However, the phoenix essence is also very clearly implied as the reintegration of full consciousness, especially as the merman rises from the area in my Cubitis backyard where we had bonfires. The ambiguity of the hybridization was caused by dream events involving, firstly, the death of a politician (bottom layer - aggression) by the transition (top layer) of the phoenix concept - or politician’s “resurrection” (conscious self emergence as a cheerful epiphany)

      Updated 02-26-2016 at 06:55 PM by 1390
