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    1. August 1st, 2024 11:54 am

      by , 08-01-2024 at 11:11 AM
      I was approached by this journalist to do an item on something, idk what exactly it was about, voice acting or something.

      I go upstairs to take a shower real quick and there's a whole group of people partying in the bathroom there. I don't care and shower regardless. Once I'm ready much later, we head into the city, which is Alkmaar for some reason despite me not living there, nor have I ever been there. We film a bit, but it feels unnatural, so the reporter gets these fake red dreads and attaches these to my hair in the front so it looks like I have more hair. We then go to the McDonald's for dinner and it's super busy there. Meanwhile the camera woman gets the plants out of there so we can film.
      She does this whole shot from streets away where she runs towards the McDonald's, puts the camera on the table, then interviews me. I can't even remember what it was about and it definitely wasn't a serious interview. The guy working there says the interviewer used to be her boss, I check her LinkedIn and she used to work at a hand washing service company. I think she got some B-roll afterwards, and we get into the Berlin metro and head home. In the metro, I access a locker that apparently everyone in my art school can access, and I get my journals out of there. As the metro arrives at the destination, I try to grab my stuff before the door closes again. A little kid brags that I was interviewed, but no one really cares and I wake up.
    2. April 10th, 2024 8:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 07:54 PM
      A beat making channel I watch on YouTube was in a city around Central / South America to meet up with a friend there for a beat video. The friend's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared and they did a video on YouTube where they friend dates another girl in order to find out where she disappeared off to and they go to this sauna that is in a weird beige, backrooms-esque setting. The friend appears to be possessed by something and walks off with his girlfriend in the furthest room in the back. We then notice all guys and girls in the spa wearing their swim suits grab their towel and follow them in the room.

      As we enter the big room in the back, everyone is kneeling on the floor as the friend is laying on a massage chair, getting his privates licked by his missing girlfriend and the date.
      The beatmaker's beat start playing in the background and surprise, unbeknownst what's happening until he enters the room in silence, looks at me, who has the role of camera man. The guy who owns the spa asks what the hell is going on, ignoring the situation in the room and referring to the beat playing instead. Before any response, goes back to watching football in his office next to the room. The beatmaker, completely in shock runs out of the building as I follow him, initially outrunning the beatmaker and running out of the dark night street before noticing the beatmaker across the street by the subway entrance, signaling to follow me. I run across the street after him, as we enter the subway station, the metro drives off, leaving us behind. We sit by the platform as I say "At least that creepy owner didn't follow us" as we look at the apartment buildings across the platform and notice a guy looking exactly like the owner entering his balcony, telling us to quiet down. We then turn around to the TV screen behind is on the station looking at a news report where they're looking for a suspect who looks like the owner, reported by a newsreader who too looks like that owner.

      I then woke up from my nap.

      Updated 04-10-2024 at 08:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. 231115: Morbid Mittens, Jeffrey Dahmer in the Trunk, Semi-Sleep Paralysis?!?!?

      by , 11-23-2015 at 09:59 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Only recall some pretty vague dreams as I punched my alarm clock into snooze mode...

      I see Bart, Milhouse and Nelson from The Simpsons in a metro tunnel. They all have super powers. Bart starts showing his stretching ability until he is electrocuted by Milhouse's electric ability that is then absorbed by Nelson's super strength.

      Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is playing bad cop as he interrogates a prisoner in a children's clothes department. I see mittens meant for children, colorful, with words like "dying", "cancer" and "paralyzed" knitted across them. Pretty morbid.

      Nick Fury and his partner are outside an American suburban house. They throw Jeffery Dahmer in the trunk of the car, they finished interrogating him. I don't want to sit in the back seat in case he starts stabbing me through the cushion. I go to the front seat thinking Fury's partner is going to sit in my lap (or I'd be sitting in his) but to my surprise the seat is not taken.

      I have a false awakening, I get up and I'm walking in my old childhood home. Where is everyone? Did I sleep past my alarm and miss school? I'm pretty upset. I try to make out what time it is by looking out at the grey sky outside.

      I wake up in my real bed, but my body is very heavy, can barely swing around and get my feet on the ground. My body suddenly collapses into itself, I'm back in bed again. I try and try, never getting further than my feet onto the floor. How can this be so hard? I then wake up for real.
    4. 171115:A Bunch of Parties, an Old Woman Turns into a Postcard, mini-Wayne Knight and Skinny Big Show

      by , 11-17-2015 at 01:40 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm in the back yard of a house, it's a summer night, I think it is midsummer's eve. The sky is a slight purple, very gentle. There are some tables, chairs, made out of wood. I see that is held by a couple but I'm not sure of the pronouns I'm supposed to use with them, I don't want to offend them or make them feel uncomfortable. I try to find ways to not have to drink during the party, trying to talk a lot.

      I take a train and make it to a train station. There are a lot of inspectors, good thing I have a ticket. It is now the toward the evening of a winter day, the sun is about to set, getting darker. There is a lot of people around, there must be some kind of celebration, like Mayday. I walk around trying to avoid all the drunken people. I go up the escalator into the station. I pass an old couple, man and a woman. The woman falls over, as if having an episode. As she hits the ground she turns into a postcard on the ground. I'm alarmed and go up to the card, the man has disappeared. I try to call the emergency services. The voice on the line tells me that because of the festivities they are unable to send anyone but there should be police at the station to get assistance from. Before she hangs up she asks if I am foreign and I try to keep it light and laugh saying I am. She says she just wanted to know.

      I pick up the grandma/postcard gently into my hand and try to find a police officer. I see a female officer but as I try to get to her I lose her in the crowd. I walk and walk trying to find anyone, how can they all have just disappeared? I end up having to walk almost to the center of the city until I find a group of officers talking to a group of teens. I try to explain the situation, the postcard/grandma in hand. The officer looks apprehensive. a teen comes up and messes with with, calling me all sorts of names. I try to stay strong and stare him down.

      I walk down into the metro tunnels. I'm on the second floor, I can see the large square down below. Beyond a railing I see stairs that look like they are going down. I go up to them and see that the stairs end in a sheer drop to the ground, I start to get a sense of vertigo. I see a guy sitting on the stairs casually, why isn't he scared? Children, little ones, come over the railing to play on the stairs. I'm really concerned, what if they fall off? I don't know what to do, I try to tell them to be careful and to shoo them to the safety beyond the rail but I don't want to shoo them too much in case they fall down. They play and slowly move toward the railing. I try to make it very slowly to the platform. I see a guy who is hanging out on the stairs. He speaks in an American accent and says he's in the Marines. I try to be really friendly and talk to him with ease.

      I get over the railing and onto the second floor platform. As we walk I see a really small guy, like a little over a foot tall. He's Wayne Knight, the actor. I have to stop and say "hi" to him. As the Marine and I walk away I say that it must be weird for celebrities, people know them but they don't know who anyone is.

      I walk down with the Marine until we reach a hallway that looks like it belongs to an old building, grey light comes from the windows to the right. I see a really tall guy, like Big Show the wrestler but he is really skinny and has long blonde hair. I say "hi" to him as well and tell him we're going to my friend's place. He knows my friend and wants to walk with us. We walk about a minute and we are in the hallway of my friend's apartment. I'm amazed, I thought the trip by foot would take an hour and we did it all in a hallway! We go up the stairs and skinny Big Show wants to come along, hope my friend doesn't mind, it's pretty early in the morning.

      We go to my friend's place. It is small, like a cabin of a cruise ship, no windows. It feels like there is a party going on, some people are also in the cabin. I see an ad for a Pepsi rave in a club, apparently it's a big deal and a lot of fun. I recall going to one years ago, didn't think it was too special. Must have gotten bigger with time.

      We go up stairs to the roof. It's dark and marvelous, the lights of the city light up the sky gently, there is some kind of magic in the air that I sometimes feel during Friday night. We go back inside and as we go into the fall and through a door to the stairs a woman comes up and loudly complains that we can't drink in the corridor. She hands me a little Chick tract kind of comic outlining this point. I snap back saying that we are not. I ask why she has such a rotten attitude? She should calm down, jees. We go back into the cabin/apartment and I tell the others of how nasty the woman was.
    5. 151015: Pieces of Machines and Dreams

      by , 10-15-2015 at 11:15 AM (The Dream Journal)
      Dream 1: Forbidden Rat Trap
      I'm outside and the sun is out, it looks like a late summer or earlier autumn afternoon. It's an open space with some trees out further behind me: I'm on a rock and the flatness stretches forward below me. There is a fenced area on the rocks. I'm with a bunch of young guys and we all try to get over the chainlink fence, there is something in the center of the restricted area we all want to see. I'm able to climb over it with a fair amount of ease after looking at it for some time. Of the around 15 people only two or three can't make it over the fence right away. We look at the thing on the ground, some kind of weird mechanical device.

      We hear people coming and everyone jumps and climbs the fence. I'm able to get over quickly but see that two people can't climb the fence and escape, they're stuck in the enclosed area. I know I can run and dart into the woods like everyone else but I stay, I can't leave these guys behind. A bunch of middle-aged guys come there, fat and mustached, they look pretty ragged, and ask us what the hell we're doing. I nervously say we were interested in the device in the area and nothing more.

      We enter the enclosed space and look at the device. They are about to show one of the guys how to repair it. I quickly take a place by them to see how it's done. It turns out to be a rat trap a long line of wire comes out that is kept mechanically in place with a kind of clip. The rat eats the wire and it triggers a spring that breaks its neck.

      Dream 2: Going to Beat Up a Robot
      I'm in a machine shop with a teacher. He is taking apart a fairly complex machine with many gears and moving parts, I see he is looking at some drawings that have the complex assembly laid out, it is drawn in a dark, shadowy ink like something from Warhammer 40K. His intention is to fix a part that has worn down in it. I look around the small machine shop, it looks like a classroom, the large lathes and milling machines take up most of the space. Students are there also doing work with the machines. I try to get a peak at the drawing and machine the teacher is working on. There is a female student there as well looking at it. He mentions a few pieces need to be repaired and re-machined. I say I want the hardest one to fix, it better my skills. I hope he chooses me.

      There is a robot in the class, is it the programming for the CNC lathe? I only know it is menacing and needs to be defeated. I ask it how to make a mech exoskeleton, as if I was working for it. It says there is a suit in the back room. I enter teh dark, cluttered room and I see an exoskeleton like in Aliens. I see what need to be repaired but it looks of. I jump in and strap myself into it, There is little protection for my body but my legs and arms now control large hydraulic lifts.

      I walk into my class, ready for anything. I see a classmate is also wearing a suit, we fistbump our large metallic fists together. Walking down the class, the robot is gone.

      Dream 3: A Mysterious Machine and a Metro Tunnel
      After not finding the robot I join the rest of my class to a dark, windowless and cramped storage area. There is a caged area to our left. The teacher opens it. There is something there that is mysterious and odd, as if I can't make it out as it is so alien to normal life. I'm not sure if this is the impression I had in the dream or if it's just that I don't remember what it was. I get the sense that is was a mechanical device of some kind, but it was special, unique and weird. Were we to repair it or admire it?

      I leave and go to another class. I knock on the door and my old class is there, they are all by computers. Delicate white sunlight comes from the slightly shaded windows to the left. The computer classroom is also very cramped. Everyone is happy to see me, there are smiles and greetings. Everything is very vivid. I try to see if I can get a computer from somewhere and quietly work on my stuff. The small class has no computers free. A few students I know smile and ask how I'm doing.

      I'm in the central metro station. It feels like it's morning, many of the kiosks are not open. I walk around, I'm in a three piece suit. I see my dark reflection in a plexiglass window. This is just like my dream a few nights ago, I think to myself. (!) I see others from my class. They are also in suits and dresses, is this some kind of graduation event? Who or what are we all waiting for? I break from the rest of my class to see if there is a good place to put a sticker down, that way I can see it next time I'm here and realize I'm dreaming. (!!) I think of the metro area in the game Yume Nikki.
    6. 270915: A third Bush, a metro station on the TV, swollen knee.

      by , 09-27-2015 at 07:51 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm watching Jeb Bush take the podium on a stage, he has just won the American presidential election. There is talk that a third Bush says far more about the state of America than a second Clinton.

      I'm watching a television program that looks like it's from the late 80's or early 90's, the footage is grainy and old. I recognize a metro station in the background, there are intercity kids who are being interview, they have a belligerent attitude. I try to recognize the concrete apartment buildings against the grey sky, I'd want to visit the place. I see That some of the balcony windows are boarded up and have tags sprayed over them, you don't see that everywhere.

      I'm being sent to a military base, I have an injured knee so I come a little late. I make it to see that all of the special rifles we were to be training with have been taken, I feel a bit excluded. This is out in the parking lot outside the base. I see lots of people I knew from school, one wants to join special forces. Inside an armored truck I'm sitting and waiting in, some of the new recruits are shooting at the armored car, I guess they assume bullets can't penetrate the hull. I pull my legs and hand in, just in case. What dolts.

      At the base I see an old teacher I knew, I ask him where I should go given that I'm injured and can't do much. He says he'll get right back to me and disappears into a crowd, it looks like there is some kind of fair going on. I pace painfully around looking for something to do. After a while of not seeing him, I flag him down and he apologizes for not getting back to me, he puts me in contact with a receptionist who will put me somewhere. The receptionist is a woman in her 30's and asks me to follow her outside, she is going for a cigarette break. I do, it's sunny outside. I get the impression that smoking on the job is not allowed when she says I can also take a break if I want to. I say I'll just stroll around. Outside the building proper she asks me about my knee and why my right pant leg is pulled up. I tell her it gets injured sometimes and I show how swollen it has gotten.
    7. Searching to find the bad guy.

      by , 07-16-2013 at 12:59 AM
      Someone in my dream was annoying me. I know he/she is someone in sport Stadium in Tehran. People in my dream thought he/she is a friend of mine that has psychological illness. But he/she wasn't. He/she just was a bad guy who I want to make revenge. So I decided to go there by metro (subway). When I went to subway I saw something very interesting. All the metro passengers were my friends. But we didn't talk together a word. It was interesting I mixed up although I have gone to stadium by metro many times... So I asked subway assistant. He was very kind to me. “If you want to take your friend to psychologist you should go hard to hard”, He said. I don’t know what his mean was. I don’t know what the meaning of “hard to hard” is! In this time I saw a friend of mine (name: Hemmat) in a room in subway eating watermelon…
      I remember a sentence in my dream that said: “foolish people are psychological ill that can’t be cure.