Working the Earth I'm on a grassy hillside area, tilling some dirt. It's a sunny Summer day. The tilling tool is small. Like a kid's sand rake. I am on my knees near the ground. I work at a monastery of some kind. I'm with a girl that I like, but it is a forbidden romance-type situation. Will-they-won't-they scenario. We are working together on the soil. The temple is down the way, to the left of our viewpoint. We're talking about our friend (waking life BP). There is some project involving computers that we are part of with him. DJ is also involved. Fragment I'm up extra early for work today. I reflect how nice it is to experience some cool morning air in the normally oppressively Summer heat.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:24 PM by 99808
Original journal entry dated April 4th, 2002: This time, my dream had some people in it I know - S and Sr. S was a nobleman who was a slight notch above a knight, and Sr was a monk. As the dream progressed they sort of lost their resemblances to either person, though, and became characters in their own rights. Anyway, "S" had gone to the monastery to get some peace and quiet. He wasn't so much ill as stressed out. As he was walking through one of the fields he came across the monk, who was running around wearing butterfly wings and singing. He stopped to watch, puzzled by the strange sight, and the monk came up to him and started talking about how he wanted to communicate with the faeries. The monk had a Bible which was actually (and oddly) bound with the spirit of a demon. There was also a blue flower in the field that was a parasite, and grew so quickly and aggressively that it was strangling the others - this upset the noble/knight guy so every day he would go out into the field and try to hack the harmful plants up... it was a losing battle, though. Anyway, he went into the monastery to go back to his chamber and was admonished by a monk for being so loud. He was then stopped by a messenger who had been sent by his wife, to tell him that she was arriving there the next day. The servant was a little worried about the Lady's sanity, and as for the nobleman himself, he said, "I believe she is quite looney". The end of the dream was garbled, though - the Lady arrived, caused a lot of upset, and then through some sort of spell or ritual the nobleman or the butterfly-wing-wearing monk caused an earthquake - a chunk of the monastery that had been built to overhang the cliff fell into the sea, and unfortunately the Lady was in it at the time. And there was something about the demonic Bible, too, but like I said, the end was blurry.
Last night's dreams were mostly fragmentary. #1 - I dreamed I was playing a survival/horror game in the vein of Resident Evil (old RE) but with a combat system that was closer to Fallout/Fallout 2. At one point, I had to control a character who was an Airdale Terrier who was trying to accomplish some in-game goals and escape. I had to gather some other dogs using the character and then follow an escape route. Although the subject matter was "scary", the dream was not a nightmare and I wasn't afraid of anything. #2 - Then I dreamed I was traveling to some sort of monastery set into a scenic cliff side, and the inside of the cliff actually held an entire tiny village and economy - but when I got inside it turned out that the whole place was being run by Lady Gaga and instead of chapels there was a huge room full of lasers and balloons. #3 - Gross dream. Dreamed I was using a tiny vacuum to vacuum zits. Except, at one point, it looked like my face had been full of brown paste or mud... anyway, it was gross. #4 - Back to the RE setting. I am human now and stuck in some sort of solitary confinement. I miss my dog.
6/27/2011 I am at some sort of outdoor eatery. I am a secret agent or spy or something. There is a monastery and bones of a large animal or dinosaur. I? we? are resisting some sort of evil force in the city. I am working for/with a king. I make a knife/dagger that has a bone handle with a sapphire in it. I am in the dungeon or sewer underneath the palace/castle. I find some sort of portal to another dimension and go through it. I talked with many of the people there. On my way back out, I am in a strange chamber. It is flooding with lava or water. I find a strange statue and sit on it. I get some sort of hoverboard and use it to escape. There is a usurper, protected by strange technology (a force field). We fight.