Not having eaten much as well as starting to eat healthy combined with going to bed late, I've been very tired with dreamless nights lately, I squeezed in as many alarms between waking up and work as possible. My dream remnants this morning consisted of me hearing my phone alarm but not from my phone, getting the Idea that it came from somewhere else (maybe my roommates) I then started dreaming about how some sort of chip was placed into my body that automatically sets off alarms.
Spent the entire night wanting to party but instead ending up walking all around Berlin to see which clubs were open to not deciding to go clubbing anymore at all around 6 am. The dream We had rehearsals for a play at theatre school, quite similar to our first play, it was about a talent show, directed by the same teacher who was the director of the first play. I played one of the assistants. The set consisted of a stage as well as a river around the state, but upon having to play a scene where we save the lead from drowning and me doing a cannonball into the river, we discover that the river is actually not that deep at all, ow. In the river, we do a scene where we dance while the lead sings to Boom Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys. I then have a solo scene where I sing Hello by Adele while the original song with vocals plays in the background. Partially as a joke as I cannot sing at all. The director said she liked it that way. Around this scene I wake up. This dream was in Dutch.
I fell asleep without setting an alarm clock today. Woke up on time and realised I just fell asleep. That dream was very short and about me meeting an experimental musician I saw perform live a few weeks ago. She had a new song out and it had a Spotify canvas of a video filmed from underneath her looking right into her skirt That was especially weird because I deleted Spotify over a year ago. I then woke up at 6:30 am and remembered I was going to work at my home office today anyways (I was going to be late if I went to work on site today) so I set the alarm for 40 more minutes. I can't recall my dream of any but was still so tired I feel right back asleep after turning off the alarm, oops. During this dream I was dreaming about there being a supermarket across the place I live at and me cleaning the floor with a broom. My friend from Luxembourg showed up and asked me if I worked here when in some hilariously meta moment I realised that I had a job and needed to clock in ASAP. I went back home to my home office to log in and woke up, still on time fortunately. Shout out capitalism fr This dream was in English.
April 14, 2010 Notes Went to bed at half past midnight, woke up at 5:30 a.m., was so wrapped up in dream I had the common delusions that my alarm clock was somehow distracting me from the real issues, AKA whatever was happening in my dream. Hit snooze too many times and overslept by 10 minutes, panicked and jumped out bed, subsequently forgot dream. Entry 002 Something about a queen.