I was watching this scene from the Belgian TV show Samson & Gert where the two meet in an apartment full of single beds and couches with Gert's girlfriend who looks like Mr Bean's date while she's studying. Her roommate walks in and strikes a conversation with Gert while she sneaks out of her own apartment. Gert is hinting at Samson to talk with the other dogs. Meanwhile I'm watching them interact while multiple people sit on the couch with me. This girl in particular borrows my phone charger and tries talking to me while I vaguely and shortly respond because I was focused on the Samson & Gert situation. She then leaves and passive aggressively points out my lack of enthusiasm of talking to her, expressing she was looking forward to getting to know me better. As I look at her, I start to realise she's pretty cute and tell her we can have a proper talk along with some drinks together, which she rejects before leaving. As I sit down, a girl from theatre school whom I did a magician act with once, comforts me. As I walk people home, I come across another theatre school classmate who asks me if I can return the backpack to the theatre school classmate who's student dorm I visited once. As I walk through the apartment complex, I hear about the student's campaign to raise funds and awareness for special "sleeve phones" that Spanish businessmen use apparently as they are shown talking to their jacket sleeves. It's late at night, I Google some bus rides to Utrecht as I'm around Southern Amsterdam and the classmate gives me a message while talking to me like it's therapy. I struggle to maintain proper balance as he keeps massaging me. He whispers something to me, "uncontrollable" or something and I wake up feeling a little seasick and nauseous.
Spent the entire night wanting to party but instead ending up walking all around Berlin to see which clubs were open to not deciding to go clubbing anymore at all around 6 am. The dream We had rehearsals for a play at theatre school, quite similar to our first play, it was about a talent show, directed by the same teacher who was the director of the first play. I played one of the assistants. The set consisted of a stage as well as a river around the state, but upon having to play a scene where we save the lead from drowning and me doing a cannonball into the river, we discover that the river is actually not that deep at all, ow. In the river, we do a scene where we dance while the lead sings to Boom Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys. I then have a solo scene where I sing Hello by Adele while the original song with vocals plays in the background. Partially as a joke as I cannot sing at all. The director said she liked it that way. Around this scene I wake up. This dream was in Dutch.
My school has their introduction camp and we all go to this old cinema buliding where we all get a room to prepare our bags. I'm late and hear the glockenspiel already that's announcing the bus taking off. As I go downstairs to my room to pack my bag I see two girls from high school also still downstairs and I'm relieved I'm not the only late person. I go upstairs and the bus is about to take off, we go to this fictional place in Noord Holland which has the same name as a chat term we use at work so I can't write it here. Apparently I was the guide at the introduction camp of the new theatre school students but I end up leaving earlier. I then work at a Nike store owned by an elderly couple, I want to take over their store which is only possible if they get a divorce. I go to the bathroom, which is apparently at the entrance of the store, but actually in the open instead of a private room. As I prepare for the shower, a popular lightskin dude comes and films me and turns showering into a music video while his fanbase was watching through the windows. They finally finish and leave, I turn down the blinds and curtains so the I can shower for real, a desperate customer tries to enter as I hold the door closed. I notice a bunch of customers still needing to leave, the elderly couple walks along them, telling me they got the divorce and I now own the store.. Sitting in the train on my way to a new job, I think about the fact that the elderly couple divorced because of me and I pretty much just ruined their lives. I check Google Maps but the layers are 3D and the route's height updates as well. I then wake up and hear my alarm clock. Dream was in Dutch up until the Nike store when it became English.
I once again had a dream about graduating from theatre school, I don't remember much of it other than being in an attic of some mysterious mansion-like building that reminds me of Muppet Monster Adventure from Playstation 1 with another plant classmate who was packing their bags. I recall one of my classmates having some sort of performance on stage reminiscing about the studies. Got the day off from work to prepare my registration, I literally just fell asleep in bed and forgot to set my alarm or sleep tracker, as a matter of fact, I don't even recall falling asleep, it just sort of happened. Strange how I keep having recurring dreams about theatre school, especially graduation. It's been three, nearly four years since I have last been there and seen most of those people. Sure, the recurring "trauma flashbacks" still happens sometimes when I'm alone and overthink too much, but not as regularly since I have gotten to Berlin. Once I can afford it I'd definitely start going to therapy. This dream was in Dutch.
Sleep notes: Yesterday, I got to be part of a dope project I cannot disclose about that was a ten-hour-long day, I had to wake up very early to get there, had a breakfast smoothie, and bought a sandwich at the train station to eat as lunch later knowing it was gonna be a long day. It was genuinely a great experience, but I hate to admit this, they treated us poorly on terms of nutrition; Half of the catering consisted of sugar-heavy snacks (Which I didn't eat because I recently quit using sugar) and there was an this weird sweet tasting water that was in a bottle previously used for syrup, that was the only "normal" water, any other option was either cola or sparkling water. There was lunch, but not until 4 pm, which consisted of a very small portion of food and between lunch and eating that sandwich at the end of the day I barely ate because there was nothing but candy and soda available. I ate my sandwich from earlier in the train home, and two bites from my dinner before going to bed early. Safe to say, I suffered a great headache as well as a lot of dizziness yesterday due to poor nutrition and lack of hydration. It's gone now, fortunately. Anyways, here's my dream: I believe I was at another field trip of some sort, the same girl from the previous dream and I were once again going to share a hotel room, we hugged and made out, but we were both a little drunk so we didn't go any further than that. That and I also had to go to the bathroom really badly and found myself going though random hotel rooms looking for a vacant toilet because why should I use the one in my room. Finally back from the toilet, I get back in bed with her and we were about to sleep when a guy I knew from theatre crashed into our room to give us a college lecture through a projector which was already installed there. As he asked us questions we answered and he laughed, his laugh (and in hindsight also his appearance) resembled Eric from Sex Education. A blonde teacher I cannot recall walks into the room and logs into the computer and changes all her folder names to the new class she will he teaching after the head of department from my old theatre school gave her the opportunity to teach her the class she dreamed about. I'm trying to listen to her story, but the setting of the dream has now changed to a classroom whose interior vaguely resembles that of a theatre and cinema foyer as well as the Eye film museum in Amsterdam but in a dark, metal colour. In the classroom sat my old classmates from theatre school complaining about how her changing subjects will somehow affect their studies, but they were doing that while she was talking about her dream class and why she wanted to pursue that which I wanted to hear more about, buy couldn't. I got up from my seat and stood closer to listen, eventually telling the class to shut up and only have one person at a time speak, this angered the class and they all started getting mad at me which didn't help my sensory overload either. They felt threatened by my presence as I was still standing between them and the blonde teacher, who didn't step in once, and my body language seemed defensive in an aggressive way apparently. Kids from the class get up and tried to pull me out of class, I refuse. They then get the head of department there whom I'm glad is here so I can explain the situation to him, but he angrily grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out of class then tries to find a vacant room, opens a random door in the hallway that leads to an unknown room. We sit down, but as we're about to talk, I wake up and can't get back to sleep to dream about something else because I was fully rested with eight hours of sleep for once! It was an interesting dream to say the least. The girl from the hotel room from both dreams, is a girl I haven't seen in years now and barely spoken to, let alone thought about for a year now, too. The theatre school part has been more common, though. I should definitely see a therapist about that. Because although this type of situation didn't ever take place in real life, there is a lot of unresolved theatre school trauma I personally still struggle with that still lingers my mind and gets triggered at the most random situations. Also the hotel rooms as well as the labyrinth of hallways were all pink coloured.
Updated 03-03-2023 at 12:08 PM by 81762
I slept in an uncomfortable position with my head between my pillows and bad a collection of short, strange dreams. I was working different audiovisual related jobs, such as operation a radio tower I was in a pop up bank in Utrecht Central Station, where a robbery started to happen and had people with rifles and RPGs shoot the place. I try to distract the robbers and make a run for it towards the exit, but suddenly wake up. I might've been shot and woke up or forced myself to wake up until realising that I was dreaming. Half asleep, half awake after waking up from that terrifying bank dream, I stare into the dark as my tired brain generates psychedelic visuals of a vibrantly coloured desert where I blow away the sand, and come across strange, colourful creaturesI had my theatre school graduation, my family as well as the women that did my hair were there, one of my family members was playing GTA on their laptop and I've been told my classmates and school walked by during an inappropriate scene from the game There were more, but I forgot what happened. A lot of capitalism-themed dreams, and I know exactly why :U Can't disclose yet but I'm happy about it