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    1. April 9, 2923 11:45 am

      by , 04-09-2023 at 11:03 AM
      Spent the entire night wanting to party but instead ending up walking all around Berlin to see which clubs were open to not deciding to go clubbing anymore at all around 6 am.

      The dream
      We had rehearsals for a play at theatre school, quite similar to our first play, it was about a talent show, directed by the same teacher who was the director of the first play. I played one of the assistants. The set consisted of a stage as well as a river around the state, but upon having to play a scene where we save the lead from drowning and me doing a cannonball into the river, we discover that the river is actually not that deep at all, ow.
      In the river, we do a scene where we dance while the lead sings to Boom Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys.

      I then have a solo scene where I sing Hello by Adele while the original song with vocals plays in the background. Partially as a joke as I cannot sing at all. The director said she liked it that way.

      Around this scene I wake up.

      This dream was in Dutch.
    2. Menthol and Marriage

      by , 05-22-2013 at 03:11 PM
      Blame it on the menthol.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #98: Menthol and Marriage

      I'm watching my son E perform some kind of a play with other 3-year-olds. At one point he's supposed to pretend a wiffle ball bat is a magic wand, but of course he goes waving it around dangerously close to other kids' heads. I run over to intervene but another mother gets there first. "I'll take that," she says, plucking it out of his hands.

      "Sorry! Thanks for grabbing that from him," I say, embarrassed that she got there first. The woman gives me an unfriendly "where were you?" look. This annoys me, but as the father of the kid who was going nuts with a wiffle ball bat, there's not much I can say. I look back over at the play and E, laughing merrily, leaps over a low stone wall and goes running off God-knows-where. I take off after him...

      ...and have a false awakening in complete darkness. I hear Wife stir in the darkness and she asks me why I'm awake. I tell her that "I had this crazy dream where [E] almost hit a bunch of other kids in the head with a wiffle ball bat." I move to settle back against the pillow and realize that it's way, way too dark in here.
      "I'm dreaming," I tell her.

      "Mm-hmm," is her sleepy reply, and I hear her roll over.

      "It's super dark in here," I say. "I can't even see you." She doesn't respond but she rolls over again, leaning her head against my shoulder and putting her hand on my chest. I'm feeling really frisky and I think about asking her whether she wants to "make out a little bit."

      Before I can unleash this suave line on her, she exclaims, "God, your breath!" and rolls away in horror. As she says that, I notice that the inside of my mouth feels nasty and vaguely thick, like my pre-bed dental care has totally worn off.

      My confidence is a bit punctured, but I respond, "This is a dream. I can't possibly have bad breath in a dream."

      "Okay, if you're sure," she says.

      I move toward where her voice is coming from and try to kiss her. I wind up just finding her feet, which start flailing around when I touch them. "Why are you facing the wrong way now?" I ask, confused and a little exasperated.

      "I don't know!" she responds. Holding on to an ankle, I very clumsily sort of turn her around. Since it's dark, I can just imagine that she's now facing the right way. As I do, the light in the scene increases ever so slightly until I can see her. I've managed to put my "death breath" from earlier out of my mind, so we kiss.

      As they say, "one things leads to another", and the dream ends with roughly 4 minutes of very vivid LD sex before I wake up.
      Describing this part in detail would be a little too personal and graphic, but even after having a fair number of lucid dreams, the realism and detail of LDs still amazes me.
    3. 11/24/11 Thanksgiving Break

      by , 11-24-2011 at 07:01 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      Hug Aurea
      Hug Katie in school setting. Somewhat lucid.
      More school, set for play? Many thin walls in maze like design and layers. Practice phasing. Semi-lucid.