Last time sleeping in my apartment in Berlin, moving out today. Kept having the same dream about turning in my keys and catching the train home before waking up every ten minutes, except each dream the locations looked differently, sometimes I'd miss the train, or a woman being an imaginary family member of my mom's side would show up.
I had a dream that my workplace decided to make e-learning videos and approached me for it through their chat. Boring ahhh work dreams, it'll soon be over.
I dreamt that I was sleeping in my room, but the room was several times the size, had multiple doors and an emergency exit, and it had museum artifacts inside. Meanwhile, people kept putting their stuff into my room, it started with two people whom I overheard speaking Dutch before jokingly asking if they were speaking German before revealing that I could speak Dutch too. I then notice more and more hipsters and diverse types of people (in style, they were all still white) move into my room. I get on top of the stage, but having a dry mouth from just waking up I can't reach the rest of the group. My flatmate then offers me water whilst dressed as a water bottle like one of the people moving in is, I wake up before starting my speech
Basically, I got evicted from my apartment yesterday before the follow-up apartment was confirmed and I was "homeless" for about 20 hours. I stayed at this hostel in a shared room with foreign tourists I had set an alarm to wake up on time, but every hour I had this"internal body alarm" and dreamed about someone walking into the room telling me to turn my alarm off before I wake up the others. In hindsight pretty funny and ironic that someone loudly told me to be quiet lol Dream was in English I'm not homeless anymore, this "sleep deprivation era" will hopefully end now, I lowkey enjoyed the insane dreams that spawned from it, but can't wait to sleep normally again.
Cannot legally disclose the contents but I basically dreamed I was at work, updating my IMDb and used [redadted] from my workplaces as proof and verification. Sometime later my supervisor comes in, asking me if I have an IMDb profile and shows me [redacted] which I apparently had uploaded to IMDb instead of proof. I immediately try to log in and delete it. I woke up relieved lol English dream
I was in the hallway of my old community college, browsing my social media when I saw a tweet from a chillwave artist I wanted to see live but won't because the festival tickets are beyond expensive. The artist spoke about this fictional artist called Ferrol Farraque, apparently a city pop artist they used to sample. Someone even subtweeted "Go sing over Ferrol Farraque again" Thos mysterious artist usually keeps to themselves, even their interview was just them saying a whole lot of nothing. Then I saw them at my community college through the door talking to someone, but they're voice was muted and it just showed subtitles saying they're never playing at this event again after this. I go downstairs and they do a panel where I can here their voices a little when paying close attention. I then wake up in a room with someone else, we're colleages apparently and we overslept, my colleague takes the blame by premiering their music video over a projector in the hallway while the supervisor is mad at them. I then wake up and snooze multiple times in real life as I'm still tired. Been sleep poorly lately, got early shifts at work and no apartment yet while I have to move out soon. Dream was in English.
Updated 04-26-2023 at 07:28 AM by 81762
Not having eaten much as well as starting to eat healthy combined with going to bed late, I've been very tired with dreamless nights lately, I squeezed in as many alarms between waking up and work as possible. My dream remnants this morning consisted of me hearing my phone alarm but not from my phone, getting the Idea that it came from somewhere else (maybe my roommates) I then started dreaming about how some sort of chip was placed into my body that automatically sets off alarms.
Working late shifts this week, they may start three hours later, but for my routine and body clock there's not any more difference other than the day being three hours longer. Woke up tired yesterday, and went to bed right after the shift ended which caused me to wake up at 2 am and stay awake until 6 am. I then set alarms for an hour every hour until my shift started, I woke up before the alarm went off each time. The first dream I've had convinced me that my roommate was a fish, I woke up confused because I have nothing seen him in water at once. Although he does work in the kitchen and occasionally goes to the bathroom... I can't recall the second dream, but the last dream consisted of me playing in a Dutch television series. The series was set in the 80s about a white wealthy family who owns a bed and breakfast at the beach. I play their adopted son. My "sister" was played by a theatre student who actually came from a blue blood family. The show was a mystery show, a boy and his monkey (probably the son of the family) go treasure hunting. He tells his friend and shows him a book before running off with his monkey partner. The friend reads the book and discovers his own family owns treasure here at the beach. He goes to the spot and discovered that his friend with the monkey partner already dug it up. He then angrily runs and climbs up the sand hill where the BnB is located. Meanwhile, my character wakes up and walks towards the elevation to go to the cafeteria. His sister asks him from the stairs if he thinks peanut butter is good for you. Confused by the completely random questions say "sure" before getting handed a breakfast coupon by her just so I can eat the hotel breakfast. I then zoom out of the world map from the 80s to which I started using Photoshop's magical wand tool to highlight Northern Europe. It keeps messing up and then I go to Wales before I wake up in real life. I don't know anything about Wales, might be an interesting vacation destination. Dream was in Dutch, the second one at least as I don't recall any dialogue in the first dream.
I once again had a dream about graduating from theatre school, I don't remember much of it other than being in an attic of some mysterious mansion-like building that reminds me of Muppet Monster Adventure from Playstation 1 with another plant classmate who was packing their bags. I recall one of my classmates having some sort of performance on stage reminiscing about the studies. Got the day off from work to prepare my registration, I literally just fell asleep in bed and forgot to set my alarm or sleep tracker, as a matter of fact, I don't even recall falling asleep, it just sort of happened. Strange how I keep having recurring dreams about theatre school, especially graduation. It's been three, nearly four years since I have last been there and seen most of those people. Sure, the recurring "trauma flashbacks" still happens sometimes when I'm alone and overthink too much, but not as regularly since I have gotten to Berlin. Once I can afford it I'd definitely start going to therapy. This dream was in Dutch.
I can't even tell whether I was asleep at the first "dream" or just half asleep "daydreaming" just being relaxed enough to vividly see my thoughts as I was relaxed enough. First dream I was meeting up with an alt girl named Hotdogs and we went to my apartment. In the second dream, I dreamed about having apparently finished an entire song a recording a music video for it. The song in question was mainu sun 找路 by the Taiwanese artist ABAO. The music video in my dream was then uploaded to a YouTube channel, but they had credited the artist under a different name and featured a married artist duo whom had no idea that their song just got leaked. It wasn't my song after all, it was theirs. I then woke up. What I'm surprised about the most is that I was able to unconsciously remember the entire mainu sun 找路 song as a whole as it's performed in indigenous Taiwanese. I moved to a new apartment in Berlin that has a super comfy bed, but I have not yet found a comfortable sleeping position as well as a healthy sleep schedule in general which is why I haven't really had any interesting dreams yet but rather half asleep dream remnants. My alarm is set to go off in an hour, but I don't even know if I have any sleep left. On the bright side, my new full-time job starts today, which means I finally start to have a routine again after three years which will guarantee me going to bed earlier due to all contact and exhaustion, gotta love capitalism innit. idk why the girl's name was hotdogs either I should also mention that this dream was surprisingly in English with Dutch names and characters. I never mention language on here, but most of my dreams are usually in Dutch with some exceptions. But now that I'm in Berlin that might change to dreaming in English and German.