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    1. Psych fragment | [23.08.2020]

      by , 08-23-2020 at 10:14 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Psych fragment
      At some point it's about Gus and Shawn at an airport working on a case. Then it's Jules being maybe shot and dead, but a few seconds later shows that she fell on yellow gems which were apparently zirconium which heals you, so she survived and Gus and Shawn came to help.

      I should really really reality check to the series I watch, shouldn't I?
    2. Doctor Who and the Cavalcade of Crooks

      by , 05-16-2013 at 05:53 AM
      12-11-2010 -- [Warning, very slight sex, hopefully handled in such a way to be no worse than a PG-13 rating] I am driving on a narrow, crowded carnival midway, approaching a midway version of Knott's Parachute Jump mounted on the back of a truck. I am driving very fast, and realize I have no way to stop a car in the space remaining without killing somebody or crashing, so I mentally transform the car into a motorcycle, and send it into a tremendous skid, squealing the tires and coming to a stop well less than a foot from the short line for the ride, causing the people to gasp in fright.

      The ride, itself, is a single parachute unit, with the exact cage used to hold people from Knott's Berry Farm. There is no Sky Cabin, just a tower raised on the truck to the same height as the real parachute jump. The bad guy shoves the girl I am trying to rescue into the cage, and starts the ride, and they quickly begin to rise. I grab a short canvas strap hanging from the underside of the cage and rise into the sky after them, trying to climb the strap and make it into the cage.

      By the time we get far into the sky, I succeed, and I'm so angry at the crook who is trying to torture the girl (who I think is Juliet from Psych) that I give him a tremendous kick to the head and decapitate him. The parachute opens up, and we drift back down to the ground, where I toss out his now lifeless body.

      I head off, and more Psych people are showing up in the dream, though they are not part of the Santa Barbara PD, but instead work for the FBI. I know a couple of the agents have gone rogue, and I am trying to figure out which ones. I decide to hide in a bathroom stall, hoping to overhear something. I enter a stall, drop my pants, and sit down, so things will look proper if somebody checks under the stall door, then I wait. Oddly, it seems to be a unisex restroom, because there are some women coming in to use some of the stalls around me.

      As I am sitting there, the partitions of the stalls keep changing and getting shorter. Soon you can see the heads and torsos of the people in the other stalls, though the partitions are still enough to hide the bottom half of people. There is an attractive woman in the stall next to me who for some reason decides to remove her sweater. She is wearing nothing underneath, and has a very attractive bosom. As I am admiring it, she changes to Juliet, and she leans over and rests her head on my shoulder (both of us still sitting on our separate toilets) and I do a little slight exploring of that nice chest, while she groans appreciatively.

      The reason I am here is to try and spy on Lassiter, who I think is the traitor, and eventually he has come through and revealed a little bit of the plan, so we're now on the move, skulking after him, trying to learn more. I am thinking how it would be nice to have a TARDIS, and thinking that I ought to find and borrow the Doctor's, take it for however many years I want to use it, then return it just seconds after I have taken it, so that my use of it does not interfere with the Doctor's using it.

      I think that I will program it, while I have it, so that it will come to me where and when I first got it, so that I don't have to go looking for it, forming a time paradox (much like Harry and Hermione did in one of the fan fics I read which gave them a headache trying to figure out how they got it in the first place), and thinking of doing it is enough to cause the paradox, so that now I do have a TARDIS to use. I find myself thinking how cool it would be to do a Five Doctors kind of story, interacting with several Doctors, but remembering I will have to make sure our TARDISes never come together.

      Anyway, we have trapped a perp in a hotel room, and we're approaching and ready to bust in. The guy we're chasing is a combination of Reid from Criminal Minds and Johnny Depp, and as we break into his apartment, and the others move into the bedroom to catch him, in the living room I spot Spuds McKenzie laying on his back in front of the TV chugging a beer, which is really weird. I warn him to stay out of things, and he can barely focus on me, and gives a drunk bark, and I figure he's too drunk to be a problem. Odd thing for a dog.

      We caught Reid, and soon I am with somebody driving down a very narrow alley, with other vehicles parked in it, and I am worried that somebody will suddenly pop out of a space and cause an accident, but thankfully nobody does. I'm carrying four or five books. I think one is the Doctor's 500 year journal, and another is a Marvel Masterworks (X-Men, I think, but I'm not sure), plus a couple of other things.

      Somewhere there is a scene standing outside of a TARDIS, talking with the Doctor. I knock out Juliet for her protection, and teleport her into the TARDIS, while two different K-9s displaced in time are talking to one another. Don't quite know where or how this fits into the story, but the scene was there.

      We're now being chased by Lassiter, and I think we've accomplished most of what we needed to accomplish, so I'm trying to figure out how to make my getaway. I run into a small wooded area, and find a small hole in the ground, right underneath the edge of a sidewalk. I am thinking it is the entrance to a huge cave like Mammoth, even though the hole is so small that most people wouldn't think you could fit through it.

      I'm thinking about trying to slither through it when water comes bubbling up to within a few inches of the top of the small pit the hole is located in. I look at a drain a few feet away, and I can see water rising in the drain, then vanishing again and bubbling up in the pit, kind of like a double sink can do in odd ways when the drainage pipe is blocked. The second time the water backs up in the pit, I realize it could overflow, and my books are on the ground right around it, so I head over to pick them up.

      As soon as I think of it, the water does overflow, and catches a couple of the books, ruining them. I decide on the spur of the moment that the ruined 500 year journal was only a copy I'd made, and as soon as I think it, it is so. I leave the ruined book, since it is now a copy, and the original is safe in my possession. I know Lassiter will find the book, and be convinced I was drowned in the cave, and therefore will no longer be chasing me, and I wander off.

      [This dream was not lucid, I never realized I was dreaming. But I was incredibly powerful in this dream, because all I had to do was think of things to change things, like the journal being a copy, the car turning into a motorcycle, or more or less using a mental paradox to create a TARDIS. Very cool dream.]
    3. Bears and Elephants in the Warehouse

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:11 PM
      02-05-2013 -- I'm in the Hickory house, and somehow I am here with Juliet (Psych) and her brother (played by John Cena). There is some really odd stuff, like broiling pillows in the over or something, yet they aren't burning, but just getting very hot. I really don't know what was going on, this was the first part of the dream, and I may not have been fully into REM yet.

      Soon I am at the strip mall at the corner of La Palma and Magnolia, and I am heading down Magnolia toward Peter Marshall Park, when I spot a drainage ditch starting at the edge of the street, going under Greenleaf and right into the park. I drive into it and follow along.

      Soon I find myself in a warehouse I've dreamed of before. It is a large warehouse, I work there, and the bosses are particularly unfriendly and miserable. We are working the North docks, perhaps loading up trucks. There is a little kid here who is screaming for his daddy, but his daddy is off working in a different portion of the warehouse. I'm worried if the kid doesn't shut up, he's going to get he and his daddy in trouble with the bosses.

      I'm kind of wandering around part of the warehouse while our team is being ordered to move over to the West docks and help with the unloading going on there, as they have turned off the lights in the part of the warehouse we've been working in. [Hints of the moving around at APAC.] I can remember the last time they did this, and I was not with the group, being hunted and chased throughout the warehouse, so I'm trying to get back with the group as quickly as I can, but I end up in just the wrong area.

      I find myself standing right under the conveyor belts which are removing full pallets of stuff off the trucks, raising them to about 40 feet in the air, and then dropping them to land (hopefully in neat rows) on the floor, below. Unfortunately, I am right on that portion of the floor, so I am dodging about, trying to avoid having these heavy pallets land on me, and moving further and further south, trying to get out from under the dropping products.

      Eventually I do get far enough out of the way, only to run into another problem. Here they are not unloading the trucks, but there are rows and rows of pallets that have already been unloaded, waiting to be stored in the warehouse, and instead of using fork lifts to move them, like in the rest of the place, they have large elephants wrapping their trunks around them and moving them. So me and my crew are facing a large herd of elephants that are slowly walking toward us, and we are backing away, not wanting to be crushed. The elephants are moving faster, and soon we are running, but our running is triggering a stampede, and the herd of elephants are thundering behind us.

      Soon we're running into the racks of products, dodging this way and that, the elephants right behind us, when I get the idea to actually dive into the racks, climbing on top of some of the boxes to get out of the way. Problem is, the elephants turn into large bears (possibly brown, possibly grizzly) and a couple of them are climbing into the racks after me. I'm horrified, but think to myself that if they are trained to work in the warehouse, they probably can't be all that dangerous when they aren't stampeding, so I just wrap my arms around the two that have been chasing me, and start petting them, and they settle right down.
    4. The Boring Log Ride and the Sweet and Sour Sauce

      by , 01-13-2013 at 01:35 PM
      01-13-2013 -- [Any earlier bits are long gone.] I find myself waiting in a ride line at Disney. It is a very long queue and lots of people in line. Occasionally the line has fallen behind because somebody hasn't moved when the line does, and suddenly we find ourselves moving fairly large distances in the line, and sometimes passing people in the other line unexpectedly.

      Eventually get to the front of the line, and it seems to have been the line for a roller coaster. The person seating people seems to be Shawn Spencer (Psych), and he is just about to get off work, and is upset they are forcing him to seat a few more people before they let him get off. But finally he is let off, right after he seats me in the front car, and he climbs into the seat behind me.

      The ride almost immediately turns into a log ride, though it is a very simple (and not very great) one, since there is one tall ramp, followed immediately by the big drop and the end of the ride. Since Shawn is right behind me, unhappy, and seems to be trying to prank me or something, I am actually kind of turned around in the log, keeping an eye on him, instead of the ride, itself. When we are just about to drop down the ramp on the other side, I turn around fast, but because of the motion, I look really strange in the on-ride picture (which is projected while we are still on the ride.)

      The splash-down is fairly large, and I get nicely soaked, and soon we exit the ride. We seem to exit about where we would from the Matterhorn at Disneyland, and it seems we are at Disneyland, since there is a parade going right by us. We're trying to figure where to go next. The easy path to Main Street and the exit is blocked by the parade. There is a close parade crossing that we could use to head over to the Frontierland area, but it would be a long walk. Or we could head the other way and move on to Tomorrowland. Shawn is even thinking of leading me backstage, but we know that could cause trouble.

      About this time, we run into Michael Murphy, whom I haven't seen (in dream or real life) in many, many years. We're just chatting for a few minutes, when he suddenly remembers something, and hauls out a sort of soda bottle, and tells me something like "It works. It still works." He explains that he fills the bottle daily with some red liquid that is not the soda I thought it was. Instead, it is some kind of gunk that he has kept in the freezer that I gave him many years ago.

      It is something like the mushroom stuff that Pat had given me, that is supposed to continue growing, and be really, really healthy for you. I gave it to him, and he never believed it would work, but eventually it did, and for years since, he has taken some of it every day in the soda bottle and drank it during the course of the day. I ask him what it does for him, and it turns out he has no idea. But it is something Chinese, and he figures he can ask for information at a Chinese food cart right next to us.

      It tastes slightly weird and quite sweet, and looks kind of like a sweet and sour sauce. He asks the Chinese lady at the food cart if she knows what it is, and what kind of health benefits it might have, but she only seems to be annoyed with him, and doesn't want to talk to him. Instead she tries to wander off. We try to follow, but she goes up a ladder and through a hatch, and as we are considering following, the hatch is becoming harder and harder to open, and the ladder is becoming less and less stable.

      It has turned into the entrance into some sort of strange business involving buying and selling things. By this point, Geoffrey from Waiting For God is here, and is kind of in charge of the business. There are six people who each have a portion of the business. One has 3 clients, another has 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the last one. Each client is represented by a coin or some other small token, and a different type of token for each person.

      For some reason, though they are in charge of their clients, they are all being told to give me their tokens, so I will get the money and credit for all their work. They aren't pleased with this, of course. I am neither pleased nor displeased, but I can remember the last time I had to do all the work for all the clients, and got no credit, so this does seem to be balancing things out. Very strange.

      Suddenly I find myself driving in a familiar area, perhaps on Harbor in Garden Grove. It is an area I have driven a lot in dreams, but I don't think it really is a place from real life. I think I have just gone over an overpass hill, and am now coming up to a light where I will make a left turn and head north to drive a couple of miles and reach Disneyland again.
    5. Harry Potter Fights in a Warehouse, Time Travel, Super-Kinky Non-Sex and Babylon 5

      by , 12-30-2012 at 05:12 AM
      11-26-2012 -- [Very little notes on this one, and a month late in entering it on the computer, so almost everything is gone. But I have had several other dreams similar to this one that got noted in much greater detail, so there are other places to see the same type of dream.]

      Giant fight / chase dream, mostly taking place in a semi-lit warehouse, much like this dream. We're all dodging back and forth between tall racks of boxes and pallets of products, stacked to the ceiling. This one had a lot of Harry Potter characters in the fight, including Neville and the twins.

      It starts as nothing more than some physical brawling and chasing, but soon we've got swords and knives, and things are spilling out of the warehouse/department store it started in, and we're now outside the Buena Park Mall. Neville is an ally, and Mr. Weasley seems to have been forced into the role of a reluctant opponent. In the middle of all this stumbles Susan Ivanova, who doesn't know what we're doing, but finds it pretty easy to stay out of harm's way.

      [Wish I'd entered this sooner, as I'd probably remember a lot more.]


      11-26-2012 [Same night] -- Can't pull up any memories of how this started, but I seem to be Spider-Man, and I am approaching a seven floor hotel that I have to get into. I am coming at it from the back of the hotel, and between the building and I is a very large swimming pool. I decide I'll try the ol' slingshot maneuver, and shoot out a couple of web lines to some anchors, then pull myself back, and let loose.

      I shoot forward with very little force, and am about to belly-flop right into the pool, so I kind of 'super-jump' it. [A type of dream jumping I've had much experience with, where you jump huge distances, by making just a normal jump, and then just willing it not to end, as the jump gets longer and longer.] There was not enough power behind my slingshot, but I just refuse to let myself drop in the pool, and keep drifting closer and closer to the hotel until I end up landing on a balcony somewhere around the third floor.

      I climb inside, and quickly take the stairs up to the seventh floor, and when I come out of the stairwell, I barely manage to stay out of sight of my competition on this case ... Shawn and Gus from Psych! The worst thing about these two in this dream is one of them (almost certainly Shawn, because Gus isn't insane enough to do so) is wearing a mini-skirt, which is just wrong!

      I take a ladder to the roof / penthouse area to avoid the two of them, and sneak back in right as Gus is leaving the room. (Shawn was already gone.) There are four teen girls here, and I ask them if they know what are the room numbers of the people we're looking for. They give me some clues and point me down a short corridor leading off from the main one.

      I move down the corridor to the first room, which is filled with a couple of jacuzzis. There is a couple going at it in the first one. At this point, I already halfway know I am dreaming, even if it never turns fully lucid, and I've already been using tricks like the 'super-jump,' and at this point, I just kind of try to turn it into a sex dream. I don't succeed very well, however.

      The second jacuzzi is filled with a bunch of teenish Japanese anime-style girls, and I jump on in, but instead of landing in the hot tub, it kind of stretches and deepens, and I find myself in a large underwater spa, where I have no problem breathing. There are couples all over the place just going at it, and the bits some of them have are very weird. Somehow this entire spa is somehow a good few centuries in the future, and everybody is just ... different. There is one young lady, perfectly formed, blonde, incredible figure, but she is about the size of a house elf! She is incredibly sexy ... but the idea of her trying to get it on with a full-size male ... no!

      I finally come across one nice, reasonably attractive lady who seems to be relatively normal, and we get it on, but the lousy dream skips right over that part, and the next thing I know, she's on her way out, and so am I. As I am about to step into the pneumatic tube system that will pump me back to the surface, a nurse steps up to hand me some pills and schedule my next appointment. She tells me she hopes I enjoy my pregnancy, and I glance at the pack of pills in my hand marked something like 'For establishing male pregnancy'. What? Hell no!

      I drop the pills on the ground, and almost shoot into the pneumatic tube heading for the surface. But others are blocking the tube, trying to force us back down, and threatening me, so I'm having to force my way back up. Soon I manage to fight my way back to the surface, and back into normal time, though I now have a fake ID showing I am something like 12 years older than I am, because of odd time effects.

      I make a comment on time travel, and say something about how I at least don't yet have to deal with the Psi-Corp, when suddenly a nearby speaker activates, spewing forth some sort of political message in Alfred Bester's voice. The Corp is already here!
    6. Psych, It Has a New Name!

      by , 10-29-2011 at 04:18 PM (Dreams of a Hooded Figure (and his trusty sidekick 8))
      (I've been watching Psych lately, so this remined me of it, mailny because Gus was there and so was his ex-girlfriend Ruby)
      (I guess I was Shawn, but It was first person, and no one said my name, so I wasn't sure)

      I was in the gym Lobby. I suspected we were solving a mystery, Gus was beside me and a girl, I didn't (and still don't) know who she was, but she looked familiar (I think she might have been 8, the DC from my other dreams, not 8 years old). We walked by the desk (empty, but messy) and the smoothie bar (I like smoothies). We went past the rooms where people hit the tennis ball on the wall and try to get it over and over, everything looked like it did in the gym my dad used to go to (which means there really was a smoothie bar) but it was all empty. We sat on a bench, the only thing that was off about the place was the round window leading to the next room behind us (It was supposed to be a mirror, I didn't think about that until after).

      "So she's in here?" I turned to Gus, he nodded.

      "Be careful, she's listening to music," said the girl. (Wow, she might kill me! *sarcasm*)

      I went in, but Gus went ahead, the girl stayed behind. Gus went around a beam in the middle of the room, but I stood right infront of it, observing. There was a large dent in it about the size of my head. I grabbed the inside and lifted my self up, then went back to the ground (I've been climbing trees a lot lately, I guess I was still thinking about it). I walked over to Gus and saw that he was talking to Ruby on a treadmill. She was the one we were after I guess. I pulled Gus away.

      "Dude, let's go to the gift shop," I said.

      "Okay," he said

      We pulled Ruby along and I stopped, "Wait a minute, I used to go to this gym!" I said, "It used to be called, (I said the correct name but I forget it now)"

      Ruby nodded and pointed at a TV with the old logo on it. (Odd enough that they would keep it there) I got confused, but we continued on to the gft shop. When we got there I noticed a bunch of rolled up temper-pedic matresses against one wall. The girl behind the counter was the one we were with earlier. There were action figures of what 70's-80's band names inspired on the counter. I looked to my right and this girl from real life was standing with her sister (I'll call her Half (it sound cool huh?) and her sister Half's sister "Half's sister (creative, I know....)) I looked at Half then quickly looked away. She picked up one of the figure's from the desk and observed it. I looked back at her and she said something along the lines of:

      "Well, I guess I should buy this as a preasnt in case I can't aford anything else" (what an odd choice for a preasant)
      I looked at he with an odd smile, (her sister hadc no real importance in the dream, she just was there in the background) she smiled back. We walked away and out the door, and everything faded.

      Updated 11-03-2011 at 02:57 AM by 50764

    7. #31. The Lunar God

      by , 06-14-2010 at 05:33 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I'm drinking. A lot. At a bar. I'm wondering if it's Saturday night and I missed the meetup with Vicki. I see Matt and Jen from High School on the other side of the bar, and debate over whether I want to talk to them. I've been drinking things like rum and coke all night, and now I've moved onto Pinot Gris. I guess. It tastes like champagne.

      I'm in the backyard of the Ixburg Inn, having been ordered to clean up the scaffolding houses by my dad. I notice movement in another yard, a brief dark flash. I watch the roof of a nearby building for another sign of it. There's a dirtbiker up there. My mom and I watch him ramp from that roof an impossible distance over the highway. He lands badly, but that was supposed to happen. He's fine.

      At a fair, I argue with Gus about something. I'm Shawn Spencer, and my dad (Henry) is around, too. The fair has a layout suspiciously similar to the backyard I was just in.

      As myself, I put the truck in park, turn off the ignition, and raise my hands slowly. I'm turning toward the man in the passenger seat, who is happily delivering his Hannibal Lecture while pointing a gun at me. It's a revolver, I notice.

      He explains to me that the time I was born can be flipped backwards to show the time it is right now. "You see," he says to me, "This time is the antithesis of your birth."

      "Yes, that's very poetic."

      I'm ordered out of the truck. I keep my hands up as I follow his orders, stepping onto the green grass in the backyard of my house. I know that there are kids inside the house, quite possibly my cousins. At this point in the dream, though, I think they might be mine.

      I try to bargain with the man, but I know that he's going to kill me. If I resist, he says he'll kill everyone inside, but I can't be sure that he won't do that anyway. We circle each other over the grass. The man tells me that these bullets were specially made for me.

      Don't I feel special.

      The gun wavers for a moment, and I take my chance. I lash out with a kick to his wrist, then grab for the gun. I pick it up and aim at my tormentor. He raises his hands and grins, daring me to do it.

      I can't. I empty the revolver of the gold bullets. They spill to the ground, and I scramble for the six of them. I stumble backward as the man laughs. I step inside, latching the glass patio door behind me.

      "Go downstairs," I order my cousins. "Get one of the adults to call 911. Ask for police!" I shout at their retreating backs. I move through the house, locking and bolting the other two doors shut.

      "So..." says my uncle, "We're safe as long as we don't go outside."

      I consider the patio door, how easily the man could get in. "We're safe." I lie.

      "Wait," I say after a beat, "Has anyone called 911?"

      I curse and grab for the nearest black portable phone. I dial three numbers. "Hello, I need police at -" Silence on the other end. I glance at the display and read 901. Great. I'm wandering down the stairs at this point, redialling the number repeatedly to no effect. I see a flash of the man, laughing. I consider that he might have cut the phone lines.

      "Does anyone have a cell phone?" I shout into the basement, frustrated and panicking. I begin redialling numbers on a blackberry no one gave me. 090. 901. 109. 119. My frustration reaches a peak -

      And I realize that this is always what happens in dreams. I look up the stairs to the side door, reasoning that I fell asleep in my bedroom and there's no way I could actually be here. I walk up the stairs, touching things (the bannister, the wall), feeling the texture in order to solidify the dream. I'm worried about waking up. I unlock the door, open it. When I step outside, it's dark, and there's a layer of snow on the damp ground.

      I move toward the street, making footprints as I go. I look up to the night sky, which is clear and filled with stars.

      "Go to the moon," I whisper aloud. "Go to the moon."

      I stretch a hand out in front of me, willing a portal to open, for something to happen. A pulse radiates outward from my hand, blurring everything briefly and circling behind me. I can still see the stars. The dream dissolves.

      I'm in some kind of afterlife realm, filled with ribbons and people and flying. I'm attached to the colour yellow, which I hate. I try flying, but can only achieve a delayed falling effect.

      LG's Got a Gun. Scare Facter: 4.5. Reaction: Lucidity!

      I did the faux-math LG was trying to tell me about. Apparently I'm supposed to die next week. Saturday-ish.[/QUOTE]
    8. #4. Doomed Underwater Research Stations

      by , 06-14-2010 at 03:18 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      March 2010

      The underwater station might as well be in the vacuum of space. Our oxygen generators are broken, environmental systems are failing, and lights are flickering their hearts out. At least nothing's sprung a leak. Yet.

      Lassiter and I are running at a full sprint down the narrow hallway, but our progress comes to a grinding halt when we reach a fork in the tunnel. Left or right? A flash of an image: I recall the unofficial layout of the station from a map I may or may not have wrangled from a drunk first mate.

      "I'm sensing left!" I shout over the ambient noise of the dying station.

      "How would you know that?"

      "Really, Lassie, after all this time, don't ya trust me?"

      A beat.

      "If you're leading us the wrong way, Spencer, I will kill you myself."

      When we get to the escape pods - because of course we're going the right way, don't insult me - there's a woman near us, kneeling over an unconscious woman with long, curly blonde hair. I don't recognize either of them, but I get the feeling that the unconscious woman might die if we don't get her out of here soon.

      The woman - the conscious one, we'll call her Joy - spots us and points at me, "You, in the t-shirt, I need some help here. Help me lift her into the escape pod."

      I hurry over to their side, and pull the unconscious blonde's left arm over my shoulders. Joy takes the right side and three - two - one - lift! Lassiter hovers over Joy's shoulder (not literally, I feel compelled to point out) in case we need help. More help.

      The "escape pods" are basically miniature submarines scattered throughout the station, designed for a one-way trip to the surface. They're also very small.

      Sparks are shooting everywhere, but I'm focused on the escape pod. "Hang on a minute," I say to Joy.

      The door to the pod is open, possibly jammed that way. And there's something wrong with the controls. The autopilot, maybe?

      "There's no way we're going to make it to the surface in that." I say.

      "Are there any escape pods left?" asks Lassiter.

      Flash. Two escape pods to the northwest, through a section that would be venting poison gas into the hallway right about now. That's the quickest route. I shake my head. "We can't make it."

      Joy looks at me, considering. "Not with the two of us, you mean," she nods at her friend.

      Lassiter and I, and Joy, even, could make it to the remaining shuttles. There's no way we could make it while dragging an unconscious woman with us. And we're not leaving her behind; we're the heroes in this story!

      "We're going to have to make it work."

      Somehow, we do.

      When we surface in the pod, and climb out, we're not greeted by sunlight, but what looks like a conference room with a pool. Several men in suits are staring at us expectantly. From my position, balanced on top of the pod, I hone in on the man who's in charge of this whole fiasco. He's smiling. I sigh.

      "I have to go down there again, don't I?"

      This time, it has sprung a leak.

      Doomed Research Stations. Scare Factor: 3.