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    1. Sleep Paralysis for First Time, and LD

      by , 08-09-2010 at 04:56 PM
      This morning I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. That led into what is either a lucid dream or an out of body experience, depending on how one wants to look at it. It started as a normal dream; I was at a friends house and we were playing with our pets. I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes, to rest I guess, not sure. Then I heard this loud mumbling sound in my ear. I thought it was just my friend messing with me, he jokes around like that. I swatted above my head to swat him away but there was nothing there. The noise stopped when I swatted and I think that is when I realized I was dreaming. I just lay there with my eyes closed and before long it happened again, it felt like someone's face was right above my ear making a mummbling sound. When I tried to swat I couldnt move my arm. I recognized this as sleep paralysis and knew what was happening. When a person experiences sleep paralysis they cant move and it is common for them to have hallucinations like mummbling or incoherent talk.

      With difficulty I did manage to raise my hand and swat. Again there was nothing and the noise stopped. Again I just lay there and before long that feeling was back but this time there was a panting in my ear like a dog panting. Not only could I hear it, I could also feel the dog's breath on the side of my face. For a second I thought it might actually be my dog but then I decided that was very unlikely because this panting is another common hallucination. I tried to open my eyes but I could only open them up a crack and couldnt see much. When I tried to sit up I felt something pressing down on my back, it felt like the front legs of a large dog. As I continued straining to rise there was a strange and uncomfortable sensation in my back. I think Ive felt that sensation before, maybe when I was under the influence of salvia. With considerable effort I finally managed to sit up, and when I did I saw myself still laying there in my house where I sleep. My body had its eyes open and was looking in my direction but I couldnt tell if it was really looking at me.

      With a little more effort I was completely separated from my body. I was elated to be LDing, or something similar, again. I tried flying right there in my house. With a couple of hops I was up and floating next to the ceiling. I flew through straight through a closed window with no problem and I was out and up. I barely cleared the top of a sweetgum tree by my house as I headed south-west. As I cleared the top of the tree I called out "Guru Rinpoche are you here?" because I decided last week that the next time I had a lucid dream I would try to locate this deity. This is the second LD in a row where I have had the presence of mind to pursue a spiritual goal. I saw my dad's tractor and I saw neighbors' houses and other familiar things. It was lovely! There were dark, stormy looking clouds to the west and for a second I felt concerned about lightning but then decided nothing could harm me. After flying just a short distance I started to lose altitude. Through a large force of will I shot up higher into the sky, up into dark clouds where I could see nothing but very dark gray. I wanted to keep the ground in view so I dove down out of the cloud. Once below the clouds I again began to crash and this time came all the way down to the ground in a forced landing. I was in the field west of my house but not as far from the house as I had actually flown. I tried to fly again and this caused me to wake up. When I woke it was 9:30am, about the time I usually get up. In the future when I am forced out of the sky like that Im not going to try flying again, maybe that will make the dream last longer.

      This sounds like an out of body experience, however there are things that might be taken as evidence to the contrary. Last week I got a hair cut, but this morning when I saw my physical body in the dream it still had long hair. In the dream there were dark storm clouds in the west, but when I woke up and looked outside the sky was clear in all directions. In the dream I saw my dad's tractor in a place it probably wasnt, however its possible I confused this for another tractor that might have actually been in use at that location at the time of the dream because when I woke up there was a man cutting our field. In the dream the sweetgum tree had some red and orange leaves like it does in early autumn, however right now the tree is all green.

      The thing pressing me down is an interesting topic itself. People have reported such phenomena for centuries. In the past they usually thought it was a demon or witch. Was it trying to keep me in my body? The noises and panting might have been attempts to wake me? Maybe its just a phenomenon with out purpose?

    2. Cleaning seats.

      , 07-24-2010 at 06:01 AM
      I was cleaning some seats. One was a toilet seat for a toilet that I had been using. I used a squirt of some detergent stuff from a spray bottle and wiped it up with a cloth. It hadn't been long since I washed the toilet seat last.
      And then I proceeded to wash the car seats in my mum's car. I was driving it for some reason. But it was larger than usual. All the seats and dashboard and stuff were quite spaced out. I didn't end up cleaning it properly, and there were still some crumbs and stuff left on the passenger seat. Or on my seat, I don't quite remember whose.

      So I was driving around and stuff. I think there was a large factory somewhere. I can't remember much else.

      Edit: After I woke up I started falling back asleep, and managed to plunge into sleep paralysis. Unfortunately about one second after this, someone knocked on my door to talk to me >_>
      Lol annoying xP

      Updated 07-25-2010 at 02:49 AM by 33362 (Sleep paralysis)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Public speaking.

      , 07-18-2010 at 03:53 AM
      In a half-arsed attempt to WILD, as I was falling asleep I caught myself in sleep paralysis. There was a scary man's voice behind me but just as I was starting to think "holy shit this is scary!" I calmed myself down and told myself that it was just part of my imagination. It was hard trying to control my mental state. I ALMOST went from the paralysis into lucid sleep, but as I felt myself transitioning it went back into sleep paralysis. And then I became aware of my breathing and lost the sleep paralysis. I just fell asleep after this.

      I was giving a speech in front of a room. I went second when I really wanted to go third but the woman up the front kept insisting on me going second. Even though I kept telling her that I wasn't prepared to go second, I eventually gave in.
      As expected, I was making the speech up on the spot and made many mistakes. I know that the speech went for too long and I'm pretty sure that everyone was bored by the end of it. Perhaps there were a couple that weren't.
      I hadn't actually chosen the topic I was speaking about. So I thought that somewhere I might fit in the pictures of Bulbasaur before and after they'd been cacaview'd. I asked to connect my laptop to the projector, and asked my brother to stand up there at my laptop and I think he had to press H and K to change the pictures. I ended up not needing them anyway because I talked about a topic irrelevant to those pictures; I talked about people being nervous when they gave speeches, haha.

      The people that I was giving the speech to...I am not sure who they were. I think the speech was in some classroom of about 30 people. Maybe I was staying in some accommodation with them all.
    4. Loud Noise

      by , 07-17-2010 at 09:57 PM
      So when i was in the hospital I was waken up so much that my sleeps have been very light, and also it was hard to have a deep sleep when everything is beeping. I was really happy because I heard this loud noise or deep vibrations in my head, it was only for a second, but I wonder if that was my body going into SP, or what, and if it was how do I make it last longer?
    5. Mud, Sleep paralysis

      by , 07-03-2010 at 12:22 PM
      First I remember some dream fragments in which I was going somewhere by car. I stashed a cell phone which I had borrowed from a friend in the tailboard which was full of rust coloured muddy water. Upon arrival at my summer house in nydala my dad approached me and opened the tailboard. I realised how stupid it was of me to put the cell in the muddy water and I feared that it had broken. My dad agreed about my stupidity.

      After waking up by the alarm, I snoozed and fell asleep. Then I awoke again into sleep paralysis. While in that state I seemed to hear some noises at the outer door. It then felt as if I heard foot steps in my apartment. It was quite creepy and I tried really hard to turn to view the door but I couldn't. After 10-15 seconds if wore off and as expected, no one was in my apartment.
    6. Afternoon of February 13th 2010

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:12 PM (Slash's Mind Cave)
      This afternoon, I was on DV chat (awake), I was tired, so I lay back, and fell asleep. I don't remember now the dream I had then.
      I woke up, and I never moved. I thought to myself "Hmmm, I feel like DEILDing" so what I did was, I kept still, and I just simply said to myself "I am dreaming, I am dreaming, I am dreaming..." and as I started to fall asleep, the most amazing thing ever happened.

      All of a sudden, I felt as if I was being spun round and round in my bed, still in the same spot, just being spun really fast. I felt like I was awake, so it was extremely strange, but I knew it wasn't real (I was also still telling myself "this is a dream"), so I enjoyed it while it was there.

      Then I was in a building, I think it was my bedroom. But I was still being wooshed about by something invisible, and it was taking me around all the places I have become lucid in the past, and a few other places, as if it wanted me to choose a place.

      I found it annoying that it wouldn't let me go. It then took me to the house of an old friend of mine. And I was starting to get quite annoyed that it wouldn't let me go, so I struggled out of it just as the thing was about to take me to somewhere else.

      I couldn't stand up properly, it was as if I was very very drunk. So I sat down. And the room changed to something of a similar shape, but it wasn't my friend's house.

      Some really good looking girls started coming in, and of course, the first thing I thought was that I should take this opportunity for sex.

      But... The crucial thing that I had forgotten. The thing that I have been trying to get into my thick skull, is that any time I think about having sex in a dream, I start to wake up. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
      So of course, I woke up before I could do anything.

      So, I was pretty pissed off at myself for making the same mistake I always make. I need to remember to stay away from sex in dreams, at least until I master attaining lucidity, THEN I can start to fix my problems.

      But, this dream was not a total waste, because of that experience at the start. That was very very amazing.
    7. Sleepwalking

      by , 03-21-2006 at 05:31 AM
      Original entry dated 03/20/2006:

      According to C, the other day (night) I had what we have come to call an 'episode'...
      I sleepwalk, I do it very very VERY rarely. I also talk in my sleep, a little bit more often (sometimes I can actually tell that I'm asleep and I'm talking in my sleep but I can't actually do anything about it).

      She was worried since I was going on 15 hours of being asleep. So she yelled toward my bedroom for me to wake up. My response was, apparently (I don't remember this) to get out of bed, walk from my bedroom to the couch, and lie down on the couch. Apparently I actually said a few sentences to her (she didn't say what) and went back to sleep on the couch.
      After a while, I got up off of the couch, and I was waving my arms and muttering/talking. When she asked me what I'd said, I angrily replied, "I'm not talking to YOU." and went back into my bedroom, lay down, and went back to sleep.

      This reminds me vaguely of an incident that I DO partly remember, about a year and a half ago. At some point, something startled me out of bed, I don't remember what. I remember a very loud, disorienting ringing/buzzing noise. I lived alone at the time. I ran around my apartment, panicking, unable to fully wake up (I realized that I was half-asleep but could not fully bring myself to consciousness - I could barely think at all), running in circles and throwing things around. I vaguely remember that I was searching for clothing to put on so that I could escape my apartment and run outside. Thankfully, two things prevented me from doing this: 1. I realized, even in my barely-awake state, that I was undressed (tshirt and underwear) and could not go outside in that state, and 2. I was too disoriented to find clothing, much less put it on, before the episode subsided and I crawled back in bed. I recall that it only lasted a few minutes (5, at the most) and that as soon as the deafening humming/ringing subsided, I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I thought that perhaps the fire alarm had gone off, but upon asking my neighbors, they said that no fire alarms (including the smoke alarm in my apartment) had gone off the night before. My mother ironically suggested that I had been dreaming.
    8. "Eat me…eat me…" and animated birds

      by , 07-06-1985 at 01:06 PM
      Morning of July 6, 1985. Saturday.

      Probably one of the most unusual clearer dreams I have had involved thinking I had awakened (in a very vivid “realistic” false awakening), only to find myself in persistent sleep paralysis (where I believe I actually did open my eyes at times). A box of Kraft macaroni and cheese (single serving) danced around in the air, screaming “Eat me! Eat me!” in a rather high-pitched raspy voice and it was shaking about like a loud rattle in my ears and face.

      I feel great discomfort yet also feel the mildly pleasant body-wide tingling. I try to cover my head but it does not work very well. It seems to torment me for several minutes. As I finally begin to wake more fully, I notice a smaller moving silver engraving (like a photographic negative) of a heron and a bittern dressed up like elderly gentlemen (though the birds incorrectly rendered as being around the same size), with one in a top hat and the other in a derby, and with canes and fancy shoes, in a position moving away from near my door (King Street boarding house - the L-shaped room), on a table. Although they are implied to be walking westward, the imagery mostly remains in one area, as if I am seeing it on some sort of implied projection (as if on an unseen television otherwise).

      As soon as I woke up, I went into the kitchen and cooked and ate that last box of macaroni and cheese. (Well…what would you have done?) I was not “starving” but I had regularly been eating a lot less at the time. I do get a vague impression at one point that the birds may be coming back from “celebrating the Fourth of July” in a partial or subtle anthropomorphic manner.

      I have finally decoded the macaroni and spaghetti symbolism, I believe. It relates directly to the energies of the human brain (as a bowl of cooked macaroni and cheese resembles the brain to some extent). The box (in its potential but not utilized form) was trying to get me to appreciate the nature of using my brain in my state of sleep paralysis and the two birds represented my conscious and subconscious finding freedom in “walking together”.

      Updated 12-05-2015 at 01:49 PM by 1390

      lucid , nightmare
    9. Swimming with Plesiosaurs (House by the Lake)

      by , 11-07-1976 at 05:07 PM
      Morning of November 7, 1976. Sunday.

      Water induction autosymbolism commences. Water is dream state autosymbolism for the essence of sleep. The presence of the water in mid-afternoon is more beautiful than ever. It sparkles and radiates in the promise of healing and maximum well-being. Water is life.

      I had apparently come out from the water and that which had made me. There are several times when I open my eyes and squint due to the brightness of the sun directly overhead. The backyard of my Cubitis home has changed but I do not take that much notice to this. It seems I had fallen asleep in the backyard. The orange grove is not present. There is a large lake with islands rising in the distance as I gaze northward. Everything is so bright, well-defined, and vivid.

      It seems as if I am slipping back and forth between my real bed and this “bed” in semi-lucidity. In my illogical thinking, I am wondering which location is where I really am. Perhaps both are real. Perhaps both are an illusion. The backyard is no longer covered with green grass, but smooth white ovular stones of about the size of my hands. This is not uncomfortable.

      Eventually, when I hold my eyes open for a longer time, the head and neck of a very small plesiosaur, about the size of a cat, emerges from the lake about three feet from its shore. It has the grace of a swan. It sways somewhat as it seems to be watching me. Soon, there are a total of six. They all swim closer toward the shore, seeming curious of my presence. I am unsure if they are baby plesiosaurs or a miniature species.

      I eventually enter the cool wonderful water. I swim with these creatures in a smooth and enjoyable event. It is a wonderful and peaceful experience. It is as if I am seen as a part of their world and they are welcoming me, though I am still fully aware of my human form. Euphoria. Can you imagine anything better than swimming in cool pure water in the dream state? The brain and heart are both about 73 percent water. It is the unsullied expansion of the self to be within this depth in the dream state. We swim to the depths of the lake, but eventually this segment of my dream fades.

      In an offset dream, seemingly without waking fully, I now seem incorporeal. I am aware of a very large flatbed truck carrying our house to Wisconsin over a curved fictional highway beyond where the railroad tracks are in real life, to the east. I hover and watch the event. There is a vague focus on the house falling off this large truck as it makes a turn but I subliminally choose not to will this to happen, even after my dream resets and the scene repeats. It goes around a curve near a high embankment. I feel a sense of amusement as if I can shape the outcome in any way I choose.

      Years later, there was a highway in real life in that same area (though no lake or backyard of smooth white stones was ever a feature to this day). Although there had been talk of widening the highway (which has never happened to this day), that was regarding the original Highway Seventeen beyond our front yard to the west. I found it quite odd that the highway instead was built as in my dream. I never considered that this would actually happen.

      Last reviewed on Friday, 4 May 2018.

      Updated 05-03-2018 at 06:45 PM by 1390

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