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    1. 1/09/17

      by , 01-09-2017 at 04:59 PM
      Multiple false awakenings and paralysis made for one hell of a night. Enjoy the terror I just went through to make it easier, since everything runs together, I bold the spots where I have a false awakening and my commentary when I'm awake will be in italics

      I don't really remember the dream leading up to this point, but I remember getting ready for bed. My boyfriend's already asleep on his side, and I've got an unknown person (I knew him in the dream, but I dont know who it was now) sitting on my side, leaving just enough room for me to lay between them and my boyfriend.

      Instead of getting in on the side, I decide that it makes sense to crawl into bed from the bottom. I'm halfway up the bed, and I see a small shadowed figure flicker in front of me. I remember saying, "Oh hell no, that's it for me. I'm done," and I wake myself up. I reflect on what a weird dream that was, sitting up in the dark in bed to gather my thoughts. The end unsettled me, so I was trying to calm down.

      I'm just beginning to lay down when I feel the bed shift from behind me (my back is to the side of the bed, I'm facing my boyfriend). I immediately think cat just as a hand grabs my upper shoulder. I let out a squeak of alarm and jolt awake. And of course, I've got some sleep paralysis going. I rarely ever experience this, so it's making me panic. I'm trying not to. I'm struggling to keep my eyes open, and I want to move to keep myself awake, but I can't. I try to call out to my boyfriend but I can't talk.

      I get this slow, cold dread that trickles through me because I'm realizing there's a good chance I'm not actually awake again. I have no way to confirm if I am or not. I want to force myself to stay away but I just can't. I feel the bed moving again, like someone crawling from the end of the bed up to me, and I throw myself into panic overdrive.

      I jerk awake and though this time I'm sure I'm awake, I still can't move. I can barely keep myself awake but at this pint I know if I fall asleep I'm right back where I left off and I don't want that. I slowly, slowly come out of the paralysis and I roll over. I get up and check the light in the bathroom (my reality check is to make sure lights stay on when I turn them on. It's always my tip off, more to let me know if I'm in a false awakening over lucidity). It works, thank god. I'm exhausted but terrified to sleep.

      I finally make my way back to the room. I lay down, and toss and turn for a good ten or fifteen minutes. I shut my eyes and try to drift off a few times but keep rolling over. I lay on my stomach and hide my face in my pillow and really do my best to sleep.

      Again, I roll over. Damnit, I thought I was asleep, and I'm still just lying here. I've had it. I don't feel very good, and I'm going crazy just laying here. I untangle myself from my blankets, and pet my cat for a few moments, since he's lying on the end of my bed. As I put my feet over the edge to stand up I turn on my bedside light. It flickers and turns off and I have half a second to panic and think "oh no, oh my god I'm asleep" when hands grab my ankle and I scream, jolting myself awake and also waking my boyfriend.

      He's not mad, he understands I'm terrified at this point. He motions me to come over, and I do. I scramble back and lay down, my back to him. He wraps his arms over me and hugs me tight, reassuringly. The man from my first dream is back, but again I know him, and to me it makes sense that he's there (still no idea who he was). He sees I'm terrified and he lays down, facing me, and hugs me too.

      I shut my eyes and try to fall back asleep. The bed trembles like someone's running over the mattress. My eyes snap open and with no warning about 3 or four hands and arms wrap around me. One around my neck, one around my waist, one around my lower legs, and one like, goes up the leg of my shorts and comes out the waistband, and at once they all haul me back to my side of the bed, telling me something along the lines of "you aren't waking up again".

      I wake up into paralysis again but the terror is so great I manage to whimper out half my boyfriend's name before it completely takes over. He doesn't wake up (jerk) and I'm stuck laying right where I was when the demons were dragging me. I am terrified, I have no idea if I'm awake or not and no way to tell. I'm trying desperately to keep myself awake and I can't. I want to keep myself awake until the paralysis wears off so I can check the lights, but I keep dozing. At this point I'm not sure if I've already fallen back asleep or if this was just me being paranoid and scared, but I remember dozing and then jerking my eyes open again when I felt my bed begin to shift, like someone was crawling on it. I thought I was awake, because my mind was like, "no this isn't happening. Things like this only happen in your dreams", but now I don't know if I was actually awake or not.

      Finally the paralysis wears off, and I'm scrambling up. It's morning and light's coming in from the window. My boyfriend is gone, in his place are my mom and my uncle, and WWE diva Alicia Fox (who is apparently my best friend, even though she's not even one of the diva's I actually like...). I tell my mom, "It's happening again. The false awakenings are getting worse" and she and my uncle share a look.

      "The demon's are trying to take you," my mom explains. "If you hadn't woken up when you did, they would have dragged your soul from your body and you wouldn't have been able to wake up."

      "What do they want from me?" I ask, following the three of them to the living room. My uncle turns to look at me.

      "We don't know. But you'e not falling back asleep. We're sending Andrew (my older cousin) instead. He'll ask them what they want."

      This strikes me as really stupid and dangerous, and I shake my head.

      "No. I need to be the one to go." Mom and my uncle try to argue with me and I don't let them. "They obviously want me, and they want me alive. If they wanted me dead they would have killed me. And if we send Andrew instead of me, they'll kill him. Let me go."

      As we're having an argument over who's going, Alicia goes and hooks herself up to this machine that induces dreaming. Straps with little sensors on them go around her waist, wrists, and ankles, and a cap goes on her head. She's standing in my room (now with no beds, just this contraption) hooked to this thing, and her dream is broadcast on TV monitors.

      She confronts the demons. They need me for something (no idea what) and Alicia wants to go in my place. They tell her she isn't good enough and she gives this huge, long speech about how she can handle whatever they throw at her, etc. At one point she rips off the sensor around her waist (that was apparently holding her in place) and throws it down in defiance. This turns into a promo for her for wrestling. There's a crowd of fans watching her, and as she stands up to them the crowd starts chanting "Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!"

      Apparently that's for her, and her parents (standing with me watching her) cry with happiness that the crowd loves her. The wrestling show ends and the crowd leaves. I'm walking to my car (because now it's at an arena, not my apartment) and I see two divas I actually do care about. They're playing basketball and their ball gets away from them. I get excited because now I get to hand it to them and meet them, but when I turn, they're already walking away and someone else takes the ball.

      The divas meet my eye, and I give them a sad smile. This morphs into me going on a picnic with a whole car full of WWE Divas and the last memory I have is taking off my watch and laughing with two of them as I slowly wake up.

      As I said sleep paralysis is really uncommon for me. I can count on one hand the number of times I've experienced it. I dont know if it counts having that paralysis in a false awakening but it was really weird now that I think back on it.

      EDIT: As I've been thinking over the dream throughout the day, I remember a few pieces I've left out. We're having really bad wind here right now (category 2 hurricane force winds) and I remember I was really worried about my bird feeder. One of my false awakenings had me waking up and going out to the balcony to check on it. It was broken, and I remember trying to get the broken piece from under our patio furniture when someone/something made me rush back inside and leave it for morning.

      I remember at one point as well explaining to my mom, uncle, and Alicia that I knew this was a dream that we were in right now because the lights wouldn't stay on. Alicia asked why that mattered and I gave a lengthy explanation about reality checks and how this was mine, how it worked, and then said, "it isn't gonna work this time though because one, I need some more sleep, and two, we're in the middle of something."

      Updated 01-09-2017 at 09:44 PM by 18361 (adding details)

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    2. Sleep paralysis & cats

      by , 12-14-2016 at 01:12 AM
      Very long night! First off I laid there while I prayed & did some relaxing chakra opening exercises. I wake up to Meesha laying by my side. I get up & feed her & crawl back into bed. I then woke up again w/ Meesha back on my pillow. I am having a bout of sleep paralysis but I can lean my head just barely as she rubs my face w/ hers & she is agitated. At that moment I feel what I think is a cat laying next to my side. So basically Meesha is between me & Mike's head & on the opposite side of me I feel a what I assume is another cat snuggling up to me just like Meesha did earlier. I'm starting to freak out now. I try to yell at Mike but I can't talk or move. I finally can move & there is no cat there but Meesha is still as freaked out as me. I again get up but just go pee & lay back down & fall back asleep. Again I wake up to the exact same thing but now I'm really really freaked out! I'm trying to will myself hand to hit Mike if necessary to see if he can see anything & I'm trying to scream at him. Meesha is still freaking out again too. This is so really freaky. I finally am able to move & look over & still nothing is there. I have no idea what this was all about. My dead dog Dioji maybe? We see him sometimes & I've had other weird encounters but all I can think is it's a cat because yesterday I had a couple of encounters w/ this stray black cat coming in my house. Mike wakes up at this point & I tell him what happened. I go to smoke a cig in the bathroom & he tells me to come back in the room & he'll smoke one w/ me. He knows how bad this kind of thing freaks me out. Meesha finally jumps down & soon we both go back to bed until my alarm goes off & I'm exhausted from a restless night but I have to get up & get dressed to kick of Mike's vacation w/ a meal at HuHot because it's half price Tuesday. Anyone else care to make something of all of this?
    3. Lucid 26.09.13

      by , 11-14-2016 at 07:51 AM (Crusader's Journal)
      Sleep paralysis from dream by a teleportation. I had a dream in which I go to a some place, I needed to ask a permission, but I went there without it. On the walls were laser sensors, that have marked me. I knew that soon I will be found and was so ashamed. This place has no other exit but to go back, so I decided to teleport out of there, no matter where, closed my eyes and wished to teleport, and I appear in my body.
      I understand that I was lying in sleep paralysis, lucid comes, no phantom sensations, no vibration. I decide to stabilize by rubbing hands, started rub them, which I haven't seen, but was a some vision, instantly felt the touch, sensation was unpleasant, rubbed them 10 seconds and felt that I get a stabilize. Has decided to move away as possible from the body, and I crawled on hands and knees, the vision was gone (simply get up out of body at then time for some reason I could not), I got down of bed to the floor, crawled to the window and at this point drew attention to awareness, it was almost like in real life. Further happened that I came out the window, as I climbed through the window or wall, and only after a vision appeared. I'm hovered in the air outside the window. I look into the yard, he is not such as in the real life, only grass beautiful soft green color and light mist over it, I say to myself "Astral Oh My God!" and awake! Apparently lost control of delight. Just wake up without sleep paralysis as if he was not. Fall asleep.

      And had a long lucid, with ~50 percent of lucidity, but my mind was worked clear. When wake up I forgot many, write episodes.
      Dreamed images of people and a lot of things, moving picture in black-white, place like a shopping mall. I was a immaterial observer, and I decided to imagine myself there to enter inside, I imagine that I'm moving there in the body, trying to move quickly to realize, as a result I appear inside with lucidity. It was the first place and I can't remember nothing of here.
      Then I remember another place in huge lobby of some cultural facility, very nice, all in stone. Here were guy and girl with me, we are talking of something. At this place was an unusual sculpture, and this guy jumped on it soaring, did a beautiful flip, and landed skillfully on top of the sculpture. They said me to show something like that. I started trying to fly smoothly, began to wave my hands, and with spurts flew on the sculpture. I was told that it was so-so. After that I stayed with girl, she led me to another place, it seems we moved flying, holding hands.
      The cave, light, white sand and underground river. There meeting, a lot of people, and the chief speaks, but I do not remember any of it, I was engaged in other observations are not particularly listening, keeping understanding that this is my lucid dream. Guide girl was still here. Remember I drew attention to the quality of dream, in this place picture become worse, appear dimness, unrealistic, gaps in perception. I restored the quality by concentration, peering, and touching sand on the ground, sensations as in real life. I saw the laptop and there is a message, I read, it was not the words, but sets of letters and meaning I could not understand, then I turned away and looked at message two more times and each time the order of the letters changed. I saw cookies and eat one, it seems tasty.
      In the cave wall was a passage, I go into it with a man. We come in the some hall, in the twilight, on the floor a very beautiful golden carpet. And why we have started the fight on the carpet, as if sparring, without anger. He defeated me, hit me in the belly so that I could feel slight pain and knocked the breath. At the same time I kept understanding that it a dream.
      Last place, I was at some apartment, there a woman, she immediately began to chase me, with something in her hands, I ran to the kitchen and jumped on the windowsill. Stand on it and call for help, "help me <name>!, help me <name>!, help me <name>!" sounds like a song. Then I think that's so stupid to call him because of such nonsense, I folded hands as in prayer and begin to say, "forgive me <name>, that I called you because of this, I'm sorry <name>!". I could not run away from this woman, and awake.
    4. Trying Direct Method

      by , 10-31-2016 at 01:15 AM (Crusader's Journal)
      July 2013

      In those days I was trying to get out of body by direct way before sleep, it is successful one. About 12 evening I went to bed with intention of direct way, and relax on the back without moving and calm the mind. Attempting to not fall asleep and catch slumber. Had a condition of semi-sleep, then was short dip in consciousness, one episode of dream, where I go on the field, after I was in the body with phantom sensations. Understood what was happening, awareness come back to me, and I try to get out. Crawl from my body, strong resistance pulls me back, and no vision. It is impossible to break away, and thinking "Motivation is not enough, there is no desire to fight". I ceased to apply effort and probably I was back into body. Then I think "if I can't, I just wish to appear in the room" and next moment I was standing in my room.

      I immediately knew that came out, remember these feeling and happy. At once was stable space, no gaps in perception. I came to the window and look at it, see the yard. Decide to go through glass, but could not to pass through it. Then I try to go through the wall, put my hands into it, made an effort, and it does not work too. Look outside and see that there is not even beautiful, the yard is not like in real life and not embellished, landscape such as an location in some old computer game, got bored, and changed my mind to get off.

      I think what can be done and remember one thing I wanted to do - look at my physical body. Turned back at room, see walls with a little gray lines and dashes, on bed I saw someone under a blanket. There was a slight feeling of anxiety, something like: I do it for the first time, it is important moment but gained confidence, going closer and knelt before him. I look and see my face, I was lying on right side, and at that moment my body head rises, opens his eyes, looking at me and starts to do some grimaces, in the eyes is seen that there seems to be no consciousness now, an unpleasant sight, but I decided to endure it and look at it for a while.

      Having seen enough, I got up and thought what to do next. I decide to leave the room, open a door, handle is opened as in real life even with same sound.
      Walk in the hallway, and wanted to enter into next room, door was open. As soon I come some one said "who is here?" I'm afraid that I will seen as a ghost and ran back to my room. Then I thought that is a good result, and decided to return into body at will, close to my body and wished to return, immediately open eyes and I was lying in same position how I saw myself from outside.
      (Now I think that was a ghost of the physical body.)
    5. Lucid After Sleep

      by , 10-29-2016 at 03:20 AM (Crusader's Journal)
      May 2, 2013

      Realize after sleeping in my body with phantom sensations of hands. Understood what is happening and began to struggle with rage like mad to go outside my body. The feeling that I was crawling on the floor in the dark quagmire and pulls me back, it seemed that crawled a many meters, but I ended up in my room when the vision came.
      Next, I went to the window and pane at the top of the window apparently was open, began to climb out through it, climbed half and wanted to jump down, then I wondered whether not this is real world, think I'll break. Thinking, I knew that in real life it can not be that I got out of the window like this, and jumped down.
      Was on the ground, I walk around the yard, see the trees, no people, came to the end of the house. Then I take off and fly smoothly at a height of 2-3 floors, along the house, flew on the same line one yard and fly into the next, where landed. All buildings were in the same places as in real world. Looked at my body, arms and legs, pants which are dressed in the real.
      Drew attention to the lying stick and for some reason I wished to draw it by willpower, and turned out it flew into my hand. I throw it into the house standing in front of me, at first it fly at random, I see it can not reach, and send will to it so that flew straight and stuck in the wall.
      Next moment, from behind, my leg gets an arrow, and pierces through shin. There was no pain, I pulled out the arrow, turned around, see a woman, dressed in red archer clothes, the bow, distance to her ~30 meters. To aggression my answer the same - throw arrow at her and directing it, she tried to dodge, but arrow fly like self-homing, hit it as well as she did, in the legs. She starts to run away. And dip in memory...
      Then remember, I was standing with this archer, and there are men with us. They are talking, and I remember she said that I'm Italian and do not understand them, I said, I'm Russian and understand. After I returned back to body.
      But I not woke and tried once again to get out, and get out of body through resistance, climb out again for a long way, I appear in the porch, it turned out that I climbed through two walls. I went down the stairs, there I see was very bright, hyper-realistic. Went to the window in the stairwell, open it, and jumped down. Then back into body and wake up.

      Updated 10-31-2016 at 11:29 AM by 91991

    6. Sleep Paralysis experience 3

      by , 09-13-2016 at 07:10 PM
      This will be short. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, I was laying on my stomach and I kept my eyes closed. I did not really think anything because every night I have times where I wake up and fall back asleep so I was laying on my stomach with my eyes closed trying to go back to sleep when I felt my bed start moving, it felt like someone was trying to get on but was having difficulty and it was at this moment I started getting scared and I realized what was happening as I tried to move or talk but couldn't. I felt the bed move again this time whatever it was got on it and and I felt pressure on my back like something was pushing me down. The only thing I could do was moan because no words could come out and I couldn't move. After thinking back and remembering, it couldn't have been the cat because the presence on my back felt more like a hand with force.

      Updated 09-13-2016 at 08:55 PM by 89699

    7. Lucid With M, Crazy Lady

      by , 09-08-2016 at 07:31 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I felt funny. This was definitely a dream. I was in a huge empty room with white walls and plain grey pillars. There was a ledge, and on top I noticed a woman. "It's M," I thought, attempting to make her appear. And it actually worked, it was her. She climbed down from the ladder. Her hair was long and wavy, a shade of reddish brown. She was wearing a white top and light blue pants. Desperately, I asked her, "WHAT DOES THE DREAM MEAN?!?" She replied with, "Re-birth." I said, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??" and she replied with something I don't remember, but I didn't understand her answer at all. I looked down and noticed she was pregnant. She said one more thing that I don't remember and then I lost the dream. I then had sleep paralysis. I tried to move but couldn't, but remained calm because I knew what this was. So I just kind of laid there until I was able to wake myself up.

      Notes: Well, Okay. This is the closest I've come in years, so I suppose that's progress. But what does "re-birth" mean? And was that really M? She was pregnant so that doesn't really make sense.
      I want to try again in my next lucid, but this time go to the actual place of the dream, my old home, on my driveway.

      I was in my aunt's house and this lady was super angry with me because she thought I did something(like disrespect her dead husband or something). As more time went by, she started getting furious. She started taking my things, my phone, my clothes, and putting them in the room where she was. She was turning evil, and it was freaking me the fuck out. So I ran out of there, down the street. I saw a sketchy looking guy and said, "PLEASE, CAN I BORROW YOUR PHONE? I NEED TO CALL 911 RIGHT NOW" and he gave me a weird look, said "sure" and thew his phone at me. It was a Samsung and I had no idea how to use it(things are difficult in dreams, okay?) I realized that he had stolen the phone and was trying to get rid of it, so I didn't touch it. I kept running until I saw a man, Hurley from Lost, in a convenience store. I said, "CAN I BORROW YOUR PHONE??" and at first he said no, so I said, "PLEASE, I NEED TO CALL 911. YOU CAN EVEN DIAL IT FOR ME" So he dials 911 but lets me press "call" and at first I hear static, then a woman's voice. "HELLO?" I say, my voice shaking and scared. She says something like, "It's okay. I understand what you are going through. You'll be okay through this." Like what? I didn't even tell her my problem! So anyhow, I told her but then woke up.

      Updated 09-08-2016 at 07:37 PM by 23237

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Sleep Paralysis and Beyond..!

      by , 08-01-2016 at 07:29 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Real Life
      Side Notes
      Dream Fragments


      So last night I woke up straight into SP, however, and I think it's because it was just some kind of progress as opposed to my usual failings, I handled it really well..! I didn't panic, in fact there was a distinct lack of foreboding (at first), so there I lay, gathering my composure until I felt ready to move on..! My first attempt at separation was trying to 'roll out', it didn't work..! I tried again, a couple of times to no avail, I did though I think feel some slight vibration in my right arm, I was laying on my left side..! So then I tried to 'will' myself out and this didn't work either..! It was at this point I started to feel fear creeping up on me, I stuck it out for as long as I could and then moved my arm to pull the covers over me..! Not wanting to waste an opportunity, as I fell back to sleep, I gently tapped my fingers as in performing a FILD..!

      My question is simple, knowing what I have told you, do any of you have any observations, tips or advice..? Did I do something wrong or do I just keep trying..? Should I try the rope technique..? I've just recalled, I did try to levitate and I think I may have had minimal success, but I'm telling you this as it comes to me as I write..!

      Thanks for any advice or input I receive in advance..!

      Cheers, Nicho..!
    9. Lucid Dream turned to a painful nightmarish false awakening

      by , 06-29-2016 at 10:20 PM
      I was having trouble sleeping, and the last time I checked the clock it was past 8 am I and woke up around 9 am, so it wasn't a long sleep.

      I was having a normal dream and I realized I was dreaming, I was excited but somehow I was floating over my bed unable to change my position. I almost always have full control over my body when I LD, but this time I had only control over my mind. I ignored that and tried to conjure something behind the door while floating over my bed and failed.

      Then suddenly I was in my bed thinking I'm awake but I wasn't. I had very painful sensations.

      I felt like a couple of balls are moving inside my skull, they were moving and crawling under my skin, and I was shaking badly.

      I also felt hot air coming out of my ears. I can't remember every sensation now, but I was in so much pain and trying to fight it. I tried to move my body and it made things worse. It all felt so real but I think at some point I realized that it wasn't because I tried to snap out of it and I woke up.

      It didn't feel like sleep paralysis because that's not how it felt in previous experiences but probably the same person experiences it in many different ways.

      I failed to sleep after, and I am still awake with only 3 or 4 scattered hours of sleep in the last 34 hours .

      I opened a discussion about it here including a previous recurrent experience.
    10. Sleep Paralysis bad experience

      by , 06-22-2016 at 01:29 AM
      I kept trying to wake up but felt like something was trying to have sex w/ me & was speaking. I couldn't yell or move. I also heard a door creaking & closing. I have had AP things happen to me & many bad experiences w/ sleep paralysis also. I finally woke up & got halfway through a cigarette when I thought I'd try to go back & deal w/ what ever this thing was but things happened in real life that prevented that from happening.
    11. #1 - Lucid Burglary & Fragments

      by , 06-15-2016 at 02:34 AM

      I'd known about lucid dreaming for a long time, but it took longer for me to experience it, and it was essentially spontaneously. I'd found I could accidentally go through a WILD-like trance when struggling to fall asleep after waking up early. The dreams would start off at a distance, like a television screen, and then become 'real', often as dream chains that I had some conscious influence over. Sometimes they were fragmented (e.g. being frozen in darkness, having very blurry vision, or the only sensation being the feeling of flying very fast), but now and then the clarity and reality of the scenes I experienced would blow me away. Still, I was unable to stabilise them. A few days ago I discovered that spoken commands like 'increase lucidity' could turn a vague fragment into a full-fledged visual scene, which was encouraging.

      Waking Myself Up From A Burglary Dream

      I'd told myself that I would write up any dreams I'd have that night and post them to DV for my first entry, so it's only fitting that I ended up having my first (semi-)lucid nightmare. After waking up in the morning and went back to sleep, I had a dream where I was sitting around a table with a few people, including, I think, a family friend. I was concerned about an exam that was coming up. I was worried that a question about acid-base chemistry was going to come up; something involving a base in ammonia, and I was sure that it was some other substance than the ammonia itself - NaBH4 or NH4OH. But the exam was cancelled because of an outbreak of 'parainfluenza', and this news was accompanied by the image of a woman with sore-looking yellow eyes. Since it was cancelled, I could rest easy and go to sleep.

      This led into another dream where I was at home in the night, looking down the stairs so that I could see an area near the front door. I heard noises near the front door and looked closer. There was a fairly short man standing there. I thought it was my father - though I wasn't expecting to see him - so I called out to him. Rather than respond in kind, he shushed me, and I realised that it was an intruder. More of these intruders came through, so I retreated into a nearby empty room. At this point I began to suspect something was off. I thought I might be dreaming, but if so I wanted to wake up, so I could be sure and not have to worry about the intruders anymore. This wish suddenly ended the dream. It was replaced by text filling my field of view, being read off by a calm male voiceover. It said something along the lines of, "Welcome to your lucid dream. Wake up now or wake up dead in two weeks." At the time I think I had enough critical faculties to not be sure if this was right, but I realised I was in sleep paralysis and I really wanted to get out of it. I found that, surprisingly, I could slightly move my body with great effort. With what felt like a lot of willpower, I forced myself to move and woke up.

      There wasn't any lingering feeling of terror, which is my usual criterion for a nightmare, but I think this fit the bill, if only because it made me realise that a semi-lucid dream could still be unpleasant.

      Video Game Fragments

      I was watching a boy playing a FPS game, switching between my view of him and a view inside the video game itself. He was clearing a large building with many corridors similar to a hospital - of what enemy I don't know - and then went up a curved staircase, which had many offices running alongside it, arranged in a staircase fashion themselves. The general aesthetic was wood and blue light. By entering this area he went into a sort of mini-game where he blitzed through the offices at high speed, which also involved strips of light flashing on his mousemat very fast. I thought it involved predicting the lights, but when I asked he told me that it was actually a very fast memory game, which observation seemed to confirm.

      I thought about the idea of being sleep-deprived from addiction to virtual reality. I imagined a person distracting themselves from their tiredness by immersing themselves more into it. I have a dream in which I see scenes from an online FPS game called Xibalba, which I think actually represent a place within one level. Bizarrely, I also pondered the merits of a religion that worships the electron transition in one type of molecule (containing nitrogen!) versus a rival religion that worships another.
    12. Sleep Paralysis November 17th 2015

      by , 11-17-2015 at 07:03 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I was watching harry potter 6 when I fell asleep at around 5pm. I awoke in sleep paralysis where I couldn't move anything. My dream arms for slowly being ripped from my physical arms as I tried to raise them but it just wasn't budging. I attempted to use the floating method to float out of my body but that wasn't working either. There was a clear sight of my entire room at some point but that didn't help me get out of my body. I managed to wake up by using the altered breathing technique, but I was being so lazy I fell back asleep into paralysis. Extreme pressure started pushing against the sides of my heads. IRL my jaw sometimes aches really badly and in this paralysis it started to ache horribly. It felt like my jaw was being pulled downwards. I managed to wake up with the altered breathing technique again.
    13. Sleep Paralysis, Super Short LD

      by , 11-04-2015 at 07:57 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Don't remember much. Main reason I'm posting this is to record the sleep paralysis I experienced, which I think is only the second time ever that I experienced it. Quite scary.

      -4 people dying in a beautiful tragedy style dream

      -I'm on the street by my house french kissing everyone I see. I realize
      I'm lucid, and decide to go to my neighbor's house to see who's home but I wake up.

      -I died and went to heaven. I'm opening drawers that when you open them seem to go on forever.

      I wake up, but I can't move. I can't even open my eyes. It's scary but I figure I'll come out of it eventually I try to fall back asleep in hope that when I wake up I won't be paralyzed anymore, but I somehow am finally able to move. Sometime during this I hear things like my dad in my room(in RL he's not at the house) and my dog(also not here in RL). Weird dream-like state.
    14. 261015: Astral Projection after Sleep Paralysis?! Flying and Feeding the Birds

      by , 10-26-2015 at 06:57 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I tried some FILD before falling asleep.
      A little after falling asleep I go lucid, surrounded by darkness. I'm unable to keep it up and "fall" into an awake state. I immediately begin falling asleep again but I'm still a bit aware, I feel myself becoming paralyzed. At first this is exciting, I haven't experienced this since childhood. As I lose more and more control I begin to fear a pang of fear, not sure I want to go into SP after all. I begin to try as hard as I can to turn on my stomach and as I do I feel my body lumber toward the left. As I turn I see my body flump over and I'm looking down at it in the dark room, slowly floating up. Thinking this is also a sort of bad idea, I push myself back into my body and fall into the darkness of sleep.

      I'm in the shoe department of a department store with some skater dudes. As I follow them I get bored and try to do a handstand but accidentally hit someone in the head with my feet, a father passing by. I feel embarrassed that I did that. The skater kick me on the ground as punishment, I accept it. As they kick me in the face, I feel that it is becoming a bit excessive.

      I'm in a large, fancy house. One side of it has large windows that show the street, it's in the city. It's night time and I go up to the second floor where a hall circles the first floor. There is a show on with William Shatner about UFO's. I decide to draw aliens with ink in a notebook, perhaps they will come to life? (??) I draw one from behind, his large black eyes visible from the sides of his head despite it.

      Back on the first floor of the house, it's now late afternoon, golden sunlight. There are a bunch of my friends down there. (The house must be one of theirs?) A friend bring chocolate mousse cheesecake, it's really good. I ask a friend of mine I see there if we are going to reschedule our meeting up that we missed last week. She says Tuesday would be good. We can meet in the local McDonald's.

      Out back there is a large, fenced backyard with lots of bird cages. I see one on the patio, it has a small delicate bird in it and I feed it. I begin to fly around the backyard, I guess I have a jetpack? I zoom around feeding the various birds in their cages, they are on multiple levels, suspended and resting on large trees. The last of the birds are a bunch of chickens in a coop up on a tree. I try to feed them, but not too much.

      I go back to my friends, it's dark outside and they are now out in the yard. My friend complains he ran out of candy, I laugh nervously saying that happens sometimes. His girlfriend seems upset about it and my friend yells out at me for eating so much. I feel a sting of shame.

      Out back I see two robots that look like they came from the Warhammer 40K universe. A few criminals, badass skater guys, take me hostage as they drive off in a convertible to escape the law. We drive down the sepia colored evening road, it's like LA. There are two demons with us that look like a few monsters from the Nickelodeon show "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters". They try to drive the guys insane, rubbing up against them as they whisper vile things. "I will be inside you soon...."

      Updated 10-26-2015 at 08:05 PM by 80544

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. N2: Omg! Omg!

      by , 08-10-2015 at 09:30 PM
      So first, I dreamed my cousin, her friends and I were at a toy store when we were younger. Apparently, in the dream, my aunt (who lives in Hawaii) was living in our neighborhood. I asked her if she wanted to come along to the store. She says "Sorry, I can't be in this dream, I'm busy." For some reason, I didn't realize I was in a dream, even after she said that! So we went to the toy store. Stuff happened, Blah blah, and I woke up to sleep paralysis. I think. Or a false awakening, in a drem... But everything was so in detail, but blurry. I saw one of those things that hangs up pictures. I thought it was a little hole. Anyway, I couldn't see my hands, because I couldn't move. But I felt like I could move my hands. So I did a couple of reality checks. I tried to push my finger through my other palm, and it felt like it worked, But I wasn't sure. So I closed my eyes, plugged my nose (or felt like my hands were plugging my nose) And closed my mouth. Apparently I could breathe, and I tried to move my head. I sorta figured out how, for some reason a voice in my head said to "Imagine my head is a disc, and a DJ is moving it". I tried it, and I guess it worked! I turned into a dog, and my sister into a cat, and I don't remember what happened. Then, I turned into a Zayn Malik- looking guy, and after that, I lost lucidity.-
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