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    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:58 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Fight! (Non-lucid)

      It's another Bleach style dream. However, there are no real characters from the show. To prepare for a final battle I go around fighting in order to establish my skill as a combatant. I spend the entire dream fighting things like Hollow and Arrancar. It was fun, but the final battle never happened.


      Guitar Hero Duo (Non-lucid)

      I was at a gig that a popular group was doing. They were putting together a Guitar Hero Band for the latest game featuring their music. I end up volunteering for the guitar spot, but it's a toss up between me and this other guy, who just started playing the game a week ago, but has shown ridiculous growth in skill. We have a face off. We're playing Cliffs of Dover, I'm doing great, but my guitar is having double strum issues. I mention it, and they check it out before agreeing with me and giving me a new controller. But instead of just a normal face-off, the guy and I decide to travel around playing at various venues nationwide, improving our skills as we go. We get better and better before, eventually, we decide to both play guitar in the band.


      Resident Halo (Non-lucid)

      I'm playing matchmaking in Halo 3. I'm at my former skill level, but there are these new setting that allow you to set your difficulty. At Very Hard, you do less damage and are much easier to kill. At Very Easy you deal a bit more damage and it takes a lot to kill you. I'm playing with my skill set to Very Hard, but most people are playing on Very Easy. I'm wiping the floor with everyone, and continue to do so until the dream suddenly turns into a zombie dream.

      I give the shotgun to a friend and elect to use a Katana to cut down any zombies in my path. We end up in the building's Hospital Ward, which before long is overflowing with zombies. I'm slashing away, holding up the rear as our group makes it to the stairs that lead outside. I jump down the stairs entire flights at a time, as they wind down ever closer to the outside world. A zombie is waiting in ambush as I head outside, but a sword lodged in his brain stops him dead. In the end, once we reach a grassy hill, it turns out the whole thing was just a simulation and we didn't have anything to worry about. All of a sudden, someone in the group starts convulsing. Everyone looks at each other, realizing this wasn't part of the simulation. Before a real zombie outbreak can start, though, I wake myself up because I don't feel like dealing with it.
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:45 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Game Night (Non-lucid)


      Good night for dreaming, bad night for recall.

      Fragmented Dream: Crappy Wizards

      I'm in a Gauntlet/D&D style RPG with some friends. I'm playing the wizard. I had joined in midway through, as we were going about, slaughtering these creatures and gaining XP, we eventually reached a checkpoint. Everyone got an XP bonus and most of my friends were now level 5 or 6. They were all offered class upgrades, but I was stuck as a crappy level 3 wizard that could only use a bow and magic potions. The detail was nice though. The only reason I remember this one was because of the bleakness and beauty of the environment.

      Fragment: Gaming with the Ex
      In another game this time around, similar, but different. My Ex is playing with us, but she has to leave halfway through a mission due to some prior obligations.

      Fragment: Hammer Away
      I'm hitting this girl with SSB hammers for reasons I can't recall. She's having a good time, but she never goes flying from any one hit, which frustrates me.
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:44 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Fragments From a Restless Night (Non-lucid)


      So, I was in an accident the other day, which sucks because I had some great dreams I didn't get a chance to record. I need to start getting back on top of this. I think it has been helping for the most part. Regardless, all these were from last night.

      Dream: Sligh Magic
      I'm playing a game of Magic. The actual match is done using the cards, but the environment we're playing in is pretty wild. I'm on a volcano type thing. I've got a red sligh deck and my opening hand is ridonkulous, except for the fact I have no mana sources. I figure it'll be fine since I'm going second, and all I'll need is one land to dominate the game. I end up not getting a single land the entire game. . .

      Dream: Forge Me a New One
      A few friends and myself are working on a joint Forging project to increase the structural integrity of an old map. I'm trying to place a particular object, but I can't find it for some reason. It turns out my friend, whose system I'm using, doesn't have access to that piece because it was a special exclusive item you either had to pay for or be given by Bungie.

      Dream: Wait, How Did You Get On This Topic?
      I'm attending a class/workshop on Lucid Dreaming. It turns into a technical seminar on how to efficiently organize our school accounts for maximum software development potential.

      Fragment: Not So Bad-Ass Now, Are Ya?
      Using abstract methods, I'm trying to play episodes of bleach in a VLC like media player that didn't really exist. In one instance, Byakuya tries to stop me, but I kick his ass with the help of Yoruichi.
    4. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:25 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Baseball, Dances, and Math (Non-lucid)

      It's the top of the ninth, the score is 0-0. Two outs already on the board. I'm up to bat in a game and field that seems reminiscent of my old middle school. I start out swinging lefty, but miss the first ball. I remember that I'm a righty and step into the other box. Another swing and a miss. It's at this point I realize the bat itself has a large chunk of it broken off. I step out of the box, intending to fix this problem. I must have at some level realized I was dreaming, because all it took was a little will power and running my hands along the bat to fill in the rather large spot where the break was.

      Immediately, I felt the difference in the weight of the bat. I stepped back into the batter's box. I mention that, with these new repairs, I'm 2/3 more likely to hit the ball. The pitcher, feeling my intent to knock it out of the park, walked me to first. The next batter hit a line drive through second which the second baseman missed. I somehow managed to make a run on that play. The next batter hit a home run, putting us up by three. Then we switched sides. I have no idea who got out, but w/e. They managed to get one controversial run that evoked an argument among the players and caused the game to be shut down by the person moderating it. After that, it was off to the dance.

      I hate dances, so it makes sense that this next part was relatively short.

      I go to the dance and enter the only open bathroom, with a classmate, at the end of the hall. Freshening up involves shaving, and dabbing my rampaging acne with a wet paper towel. When I'm done, I make my way through the throng of people. The dark atmosphere and hairdos reminded me of the late 90's. However, it isn't long before I recall I have a math quiz to get to.

      The quiz is in a room from my old high school. I take a seat. And grab the stack of papers sitting there, thinking them to be the quiz. They were, but these quizes were already graded. I noticed a few hundreds, so I figured that despite my lack of studying I would be fine. I give papers back to the teacher and somehow procure a blank quiz. Let's just say when you combine simple Calculus concepts with Discrete Math concepts, and more advanced Calculus concepts, and horribly impossible questions that have no way to be solved, you get one bitch of a quiz. It didn't help that the teacher was standing over me half the time. I'm really self conscious about my Math. . .

      The dream ended before I could finish the quiz.

      My next dream involved some crazy mixture of Pokemon, Phantasy Star Online, traditional Japanese RPGs, and platforming. Much of it was pretty abstract, convoluted, and would be difficult to write about. So, I'm not going to.


      Action Fragments (Non-lucid)

      A lot of action dreams. I can't remember many of the details unfortunately. I'm pretty sure there were swords involved.
    5. Armageddon, Cat Cooking

      by , 02-20-2006 at 05:26 AM
      Original dream dated 02/19/2006:
      I had this dream that a whole bunch of people were back from the dead. Not zombies... just suddenly not dead either. Including my old pet cat, Abby, whom I loved more than anything on the face of the earth.
      However, all of the people who had returned were also going to die again soon. For some reason, in my dream, I thought that the best way to commemorate Abby's passing (and soon, her passing again) was to eat her remains. Hell if I know what goes through my head, it was a dream. Except that we put her in the pan and started cooking her while she was still alive, and when I realized "oh my god, what the hell am I doing?!" her paws were all charred and she was halfway cooked. She didn't seem to be in pain and she didn't seem to hold it against me, but I knew that she was going to die again very very soon because of what I'd done... my mom rationalized it by "She was going to die anyway" except that it wasn't good enough reasoning for me because it meant that she was going to die sooner than she would have died on her own...
      So anyway, I held my half-cooked cat for a while and cried. On to the next dream...

      So then I dreamed that there were 2 teams of people. All of them were female. One of them was 3 different people, and one of them was composed of a team of one person, cloned 3 times. The second team sat on top of some very tall poles and had little white explosive balls that bounced off of everything and anything. The first team's job was to get the balls from them. The second team got no weapons or anything at all, but their position was very secure. The first team got a whole bunch of gadgets and toys.

      So, the first team got really close - they had to because their weapons didn't have much range (one of them was a fan attached to a rope). The second team threw 2 of the 3 balls at them, which they managed to whack away from themselves with a flashlight, and the explosions the balls made were really big. The first team managed to kill 2 of the 3 clones, but the third one was impossible to get to.

      Finally, after talking with the clone for a while, it came down from the pole. It had originally been a girl, but now for some reason was a boar. The leader of the second team talked to the boar and told it that she wished that it could see something really beautiful so it would appreciate life.
      There was also a cat. The first teams' supervisor came up, and the boar was afraid of him, so it ran back up the pole. He wanted to talk to the cat, but the cat was also afraid of him.

      Then I woke up.
    6. Giraffe Video Games

      by , 01-22-2006 at 05:22 AM
      Original dream dated 01/21/2006:

      So I had a dream... something about giraffes... I don't really remember. Or video games. Giraffes in video games? I know it was really weird, but I didn't write it down right away, I just though "Hey, that's a weird dream, even for me". Usually if I forget what a dream was, and I just sort of think about trying to remember it for a while, the memory will come back to me later (usually at an odd/inconvenient time). Something about World of Warcraft, with giraffes, maybe it's that the new race was a giraffe, I don't know.

      Ok, I finally remembered my dream, and it had nothing to do with giraffes.

      I dreamed that I was playing this video game based off of "Inspector Gadget". It wasn't an MMORPG but it had social elements (somehow?). Anyway, it was a VR game for a full virtual reality system that had just debuted, and in the dream, I was one of the main people who developed it. It was REALLY good game, too, not lame like a lot of games based off of animated series' are. Good graphics and special effects, kickass soundtrack, and the sheer gameplay itself was awesome.

      I was basically playtesting the game I helped create in the dream, the particular level I was in involved chasing this one badguy down mineshafts, he kept using explosives on me, it was pissing me off. You didn't play as Gadget, but switched between Penny or Brain. You generally didn't get to choose whom you would be playing as, it depended on what point in the story you were at. In this case, the story was forcing you to play Brain at this point in the game. I think that in this level the Chief was hidden inside of a barrel of explosives (TNT?).
      Basically, you (Brain) were following Gadget, who was chasing the bad guy, and your main objective was to keep Gadget from getting killed by all of the explosives, collapsing mineshafts, falling rocks, and machinery. It was a very tough level - one of the toughest.

      Basically, how 'levels' were completed was, each level had Objectives. As you fulfilled them, your Objective bar lit up and filled. You had to fulfill all of the Objectives to pass the mission. Once you'd fulfilled all of the Objectives for that stage in the mission, the difficulty level went up, and you got another Objective bar. Your objectives changed depending on what you did and what happened, so you might wind up with different objectives every time you played a level. I dunno, it was a system that made sense in my dream... in any case, I had fulfilled objective bar #1, which had been hard as fuck to begin with, and bar #2 was pretty insanely difficult. You could technically beat the level if you fulfilled only the objectives in the first objective bar, but you wouldn't get the best outcome once you had completed it. If you managed to fulfill all of the objectives in objective bar #3, you got the best possible outcome for the mission/level. So basically, objective bar #1 was Necessary, bar #2 was second priorities, bar #3 was going above and beyond what you technically "needed" to do. i.e. bar #1 would be preventing Gadget from generally being blown to bits, bar #2 would be actually harming the badguy he was chasing, bar #3 would be collapsing the mine shaft on top of the bad guy.

      Most of the levels revolved around preventing Gadget from killing himself, or else playing as Penny and sneaking around/hacking into computer systems. So the Brain levels were puzzle levels, and the Penny levels were sneak/recon levels, although they revolved as much around not being seen by Gadget as not being seen by the enemies. And of course, what you did as one character affected your next mission as the other character.

      All in all, not a bad dream. I think the giraffes idea came from Gadget having a stretchy neck... who knows?
    7. Old Dream: Sunken Ship, Black Hole

      by , 08-13-2003 at 04:12 AM
      Aug. 7, 2003:
      I woke up after what I know were most likely some pretty strange dreams, some of them about Lemmings, with a vague sense that something wasn't right. I still have that sense that something isn't right, but I can't put my finger on it. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, when my house is a smoldering pile of ashes or something. In the meantime, the Lemmings beckon.

      Aug, 12, 2003:
      I had a dream that I was a moogle, only I was some sort of strange, aquatic moogle. I basically spent a lot of time looking for treasure and bringing it back, particularly archaeological treasures that were impossible for other people to reach. I dreamed that I found this stash of rare pearls and stuff in a really ancient sunken ship. The catch to this was, even though I was aquatic and stuff, I was more like a penguin and a fish: I still had to breathe air. The wreck was perched on this really unstable shelf of rock, or something, and I was breathing pockets of air in the wreck, when something happened and it started sliding into the crevasse, so I had to make a split-second decision as to whether or not to take the treasure with me. I knew that people would probably exploit or wreck something so rare and beautiful, but I couldn't bring myself to leave it there, so I decided to bring it with and escape. I exited the room I was in, on the ship, and suddenly I was in some sort of little bedroom, and my aunt was there packing stuff up, to get it all out before the ship tumbled into the crevasse. She helped me pack the treasure, and then we escaped.

      So then, the dream continued... God only knows why... and there was some sort of sorceress, or evil, or something, taking over the land, and there were a bunch of mages I hung out with at this academy and they were practicing their fly spell, only one of them flew off-course and was attacked by some higher level enemies, so we had to go and help him.

      And then there was something about a big explosion and a matter-crunching/black hole sort of spell, and the apocalypse. There was lots of lava.
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