non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I get lucid while at some old building and I admire the intricate details of it and feel the textures of wood and other materials. I feel like this place is absolutely identical to some place I have been in RL, but in actual fact I don't recall any instance where I have been at this building, at least not in this life. I walk into a large balcony, don't know what to do next, so I just observe and think about it a bit more. Then I see a beautiful tree with pink flowers and I feel like making rain such beautiful flowers from the sky. But instead, I just make it rain, normal water. Then I float down to the open ground below and I get surrounded by people of different african tribes coming out of nowhere. They seem startled by something. At first I think it is of my powers, but then a couple white ladies erupt through the crowd and they come dragging a tiger which apparently is unconscious. That seems to be what was making everybody nervous. Unexpectedly, the tiger regains consciousness and everyone runs in panic. I run to the tree. Then I remember tigers can also climb trees. As I struggle to hop on the lowest tree branches, and not exactly suceeding, I feel the tiger behind me and that dreadful feeling that I am about to die. Then I remember I am just dreaming and I can do anything. So the tiger becomes a beautiful lady, completely naked and a bit feral, but harmless. She does climb the tree and I manage to join her in a flat area between tree branches which makes a very solid platform. I get aroused by her simple beauty. I touch her and she likes it. I kiss her and give her pleasure. Then she retributes.
This was a good one. I slept a ton and that helped a LOT. I’m gonna have to list everything out. This journal is also going to be a bit censored compared to my private one. 1) Shortly after descending into hypnagogia, I started getting some sleep paralysis vibrations and a feeling of rising into the air. I saw a flash of cool-looking patterns, but my eyes were shut, so I saw them internally. Lots of colors and swirls and dots, very technicolor, very cool. I saw a flash of a video game character's face for a moment, which I somewhat willed to be there. It really felt like I was opening another pair of eyes. I then woke up and had to get a drink of water. I had only been asleep for a few minutes. I was essentially lucid, but at a low level of awareness. 2) nsfw and censored. 3) I woke up and went into vibrations again! I had a creepy sleep paralysis dream where all these huge eyes were floating above me. But a white tiger showed up, a character from my fantasy world, and he rescued me with a mighty roar. Everything frightening disappeared. Unfortunately, I either woke up or fell completely asleep after that. 4) I had a brief non-lucid dream which was also nsfw. Man. xD 5) I heard a faint scream in the middle of the night. Was definitely from sleep paralysis and not real. 6) I might’ve had a dream of taking a freezing cold shower, or it might’ve actually happened a few days ago when I was showering during a laundry cycle. Can’t remember. Maybe both. 7) This one is going to be fun. It started with a dream that I was on a tropical island. I was running with some middle aged dudes and one of their wives who was pretty, flirty, tan with dark hair and thin, and was (nsfw and censored actions are here lol). At some point she was (nsfw actions again, holy CRAP subconscious what is WITH you lmao). Lots of moms with strollers at the beach etc. We then were at a high point somehow, just me and her at first, looking down at the whole island at the height of a descending plane. I could see rainforest, rivers, white sand, the ocean and waves, and super fancy resort huts. I then realized that my tulpa was there as well, holding my right hand while the dream character woman held my left. We engaged our hovershoes which we suddenly had, and DROPPED! Then we engaged the fuel and stopped just before hitting the ocean! I believe I thought “I’m in my fantasy world right now!” which is why I thought to engage my hovershoes. The feeling of freefall was amazing. So was it lucid -- no, but it wasn't normal either. I didn't believe I was on earth. I believed I was in a real fantasy/magical world, which allowed me to summon hovershoes at will, so there was probably some faint degree of awareness there. 8) Next: Straight out of dream 7, I woke up, but I was sleep-paralyzed. It was powerful enough that I tried to move my dream hand separate from my physical hand. Believe it or not, it worked. I wanted to open my eyes and lift my whole dream body out of my main one for an OBE but a) I had the feeling that I’d wake up if I tried, and b) I could tell that I was gonna project myself directly into my room instead of the universe I wanted to go to. I tried to see the white tiger again and he was definitely there, but then my hand started to feel weird and uncomfortable (it was curled funny when I fell asleep). Then I woke up fully. 9) I tried to AP again one more time, at like 8:15 AM when I should’ve been awake. I was trying this method where my tiger friend was going to yank me out of my physical body and ascend straight into another universe. Well I felt him biting me on my neck, not hard or painful at all, just like a mom picking up her baby kitten. Unfortunately, the sensation was strong enough that I woke up. It was really cool though. Actually my neck still kind of feels it which is weird because I've been awake for around 90 minutes now. :O
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a college student and I hit and run a man and left him bleeding to death on the road. My thought was that he was going to die anyway, before help arrived and so I rationalized that fleeing wouldn't ruin even more lives, namely mine and of those around me who would suffer immensely if I was convicted of manslaughter. So I decided to run away and pretend I had nothing to do with it and act normally. I was absolutely sure I could pull it off, even when the police appeared on campus and started investigating the students. I am heading to the library and the detectives are in the corridor talking to people and my paranoid mind believes a couple of them seem to be watching every movement I make and my facial expressions. I do get a bit nervous and I bump into a table and throw an ashtray to the ground, but I am already out of their sight. At the library I steal some chips from some kid who has a bag of chips open on his table. He doesn't even flinch. Wonder if that's because he is my friend or he just fears me. I go meet a friend at the most far back table and he is playing a computer game with cars and he is very proud that he managed to fit a car with a long hood into the back of a truck cabin and make a weird truck trailer, just to prove his smart and ability to bend the rules and codes of the game. I couldn't care less and cars actually trigger me at the moment, but I engage with his enthusiasm, to not raise suspicion. Later on I meet a group of friends, who are all very shocked with the events. One of the girls (looks my old friend Mara) says she would have no mercy for whomever the killer is. I feel very uncomfortable that I am the person and imagining if it is ever found out. We go for a walk outside the campus and we pass by the road where the accident happened, but they don't know that. There is no longer any sign of what happened, besides a patch of sand the authorities spread to soak up the blood. But my friends don't know, they have no idea where the accident happened, so "Mara" asks what is this for and I swiftly say probably to cover some oil spill. They look at me a bit strangely and I say I am just guessing. We arrive at some snack-bar / pub by the side of the road, where they like to go, and the cops and detectives are gathered there. This makes me anxious. There is also Master Harry, a Scott who is like the keeper of the campus. He spots us and invite us along. But my friends feel super interested in talking to the cops. The owner of this place is a surfer and has a long board decorating the place, above our heads and one of the detectives apparently also surfs so they engage in conversation regarding the long board. I am not interested. Then the older detective throws me a bate, by teasing me about a plant cared by the bar owner. I am not the least interested. He asks me stuff like if I can identify it, if I'd like to have one too and what I think about this guy managing to have one in this climate. And I am like "why should I care?". Then he shows me it is a pineapple and asks me if I shouldn't I be more enthusiastic about plants. I realize he already knows too much about me and my interests, which means I am a suspect. I do have a greenhouse that I care for meticulously at my parents house and I care a lot about plants, just not in this context with the stress I am feeling. I am seeing my life going down the drain. I don't know how they know, but they already suspect it was me, and are just trying to catch me. I think about my plants dying if I am arrested and I feel extremely sad for that, more than anything else. Back to previous dream. I am not caught yet, but I am going crazy with the guilt and duplicity. I have to deal with several people related to the victim and the feeling that I am keeping this secret from them and they would hate me if they knew the truth is consuming me. I am wishing to go to some island where nobody knows me and start a new life. I am staying at some pension of a lady who isn't particularly fond of me. She complains of something I supposedly did in the kitchen and asks me to clean it, but I am relieved to know it is just a silly thing I didn't even do. She has no clue that some other night I was drunk and peed in the kitchen. So I go look into the fridge and instead of cleaning whatever, I steal something, like some cheese and bread to make a sandwich. Then I hear her talking to her daughter, who just arrived from school and is complaining about something. Her mother says "well, you're not doing anything, because her mom is Carolina Herrera and nobody dares to upset that family at this moment, because of the terrible thing that happened to her dad." They are talking about the man I killed. I feel guilty again and run to my room. The room looks like my mom's office and there are tigers outside of the window trying to come in, so I rush to shut all the openings and lock the door. At my mom's house, It's night and I look outside. I spot a UFO, just a white light orb dancing around at distance. Then I spot another one, static and the first one moves towards the still one and then they both move away. During the day I spot one again in the sky. I start seeing them a lot. One day I spot one very small just hovering a street. I now am able to spot them all over the streets, spying on people, unaware of them. Only I seem to be able to see them. with the help of some friends, I capture one. It is the size of a basketball and it loses the ability to camouflage when offline. I show to my friends, who believed me but had never seen one themselves. I teach my friends how to spot them, and we can see them in the sky, in strategic places, positioned in geometric clusters. They form ice crystal like shapes with arms connecting them inside pentagonal areas. These bigger structures seem to be regulating the climate or other purposes. The little ones at the street level are watching us on a daily basis. Back to the dream. Me and my friends are now a rebel force meeting in secret and collecting data on these UFOs, trying to understand what they are here for. One day, I am on a bus ride with one of this friends and we spot one in the sky, after a long time not seeing them. We wondered if they found a new way to cloak or had simply disappeared. Then we see two jets flying on each side of the orb but at some point leaving and the orb staying fixed in a position. Me and friend point to it but no one else seems to see it. As I point to it, I feel like I am pushing a button and the orb opens up into a square of squares of different size, like a virtual keyboard. On top rows are bigger blue squares and bellow are smaller red squares. So I do what I did before and also pretend to click them as if they are buttons. I push a random combination of keys. The UFO/keyboard disappears and immediately strange things happen, like some cars on the road going bananas as if they lost their electronics, and going over the rails and crashing. We rush to meet with the others and tell them what happened. They are a bit incredulous, but I explain maybe all orbs are programmable but we need to crack the code and see which combinations do what. Then the girl who usually brings us food comes in looking scared. Says the building is surrounded and they threatened her. Everyone wonders how they found us and I say I actually told them and it is part of a bigger plan, but they think I am just crazy and are in shock that I did that. I seem to have a really intricate plan, but I wake up before finding out.
Updated 06-14-2021 at 03:38 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I'm an exchange student at some foreign country. I am walking the street at night and have an encounter with a tiger. I somehow escape him and warn everybody else, specially the college students nearby. I become sort of a hero and the Prime Minister of the country comes on an official visit to thank me. He makes some joke I don't find funny and he feels embarrassed publicly. I feel tired of all the circus and I go hide in the toilet, but I encounter Kevin Spacey naked and apparently under the effect of drugs, wandering into the restrooms to. He doesn't even notice me and I use the opportunity to get out of there.
Morning of October 25, 2018. Thursday. Dream #: 18,938-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 83. In late morning, I find myself in a big barn (in an unknown location) that serves as a recording studio for the Beatles. There is much sound equipment on hay bales and the barn floor, such as big amplifiers and mixing consoles, but I do not see any musical instruments. There are a few unfamiliar men present, one being a producer, another, a sound engineer. While a man is checking a track, there is an unusual drum fill where the snare audio reverses at least twice. The man is puzzled and asks Paul McCartney what that was, but he does not reply. A different “drum fill” is heard, but it turns out to be someone knocking on the barn door. (This scene is ambiguous for two reasons, one, a door knock would not have reverse audio and two, the sound came from the equipment.) A man comes in with a tiger that belongs to John Lennon’s wife (Cynthia Powell). He pets it for a short time. There is no sense of danger. Later, there is an unknown man with a Bainbridge livestock prod. He taps the tiger with it on the rump, and John and the man with the tiger slowly leave the barn. They seem cheerful. Next, the man uses the prod on some farm animals. He touches the rump of a horse with it to get it to move to the corner of the barn. The horse seems annoyed but goes where the man wants him to go. I do not see any of the Beatles at this point and decide to leave the barn. I go around to the back and see a young version of Zsuzsanna, who is about eight years old. However, my real-life identity is not extant in this dream, and so my dream self does not recall who she is. There is a cage adjacent to the back of the barn. There are at least three brown-mantled tamarins in the cage, a mother and two babies. Zsuzsanna is sitting on the ground watching them. She does not speak. I hold the paw of the mother tamarin, stroking the fur on the back of its “hand.” It seems tame. Later, I get up and go back into the barn, which is now empty and full of hundreds of flies that start buzzing in my face. The air is thick with them, and they are loud. I soon decide to leave the barn and slowly wake after I walk back out. As I wake, I realize that the illusion of the flies was a distortion of the sound of the fan and its air on my face (from the foot of the bed). Two other dreams came before this, one of sending many DVDs over time to a member of the dream journal website (a long-term male poster). The other related to capturing each instrument from the Beatles’ “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” to use virtual versions (mostly on keyboards) for a live cover.
#517 - DILD - 2:30AM I have an anxiety nightmare early in the night about rats. I do a mini WBTB and fall asleep with my intention set. My last thought was about my LD goal. That same dream repeats itself, but this time there is no anxiety because I recognize it almost immediately and become lucid. I turn away from the rats scene and turn down a hallway in some way better version of my house. Everything is brightly light. Because I am always amused how realistic my shouting is, I yell out, "Hey! Hey! HEEEEYYYY!" I suspect all this shouting will conjure up a DC. I turn into a door way into a bedroom. I see my wife is scantily clad. I notice no bra under her thin shirt. I say something to her, I don't recall. All I remember is that she has a really strange reply. She gives me a high-five and attempts some strange secret handshake I lose track of it. Instead of getting caught up in it I remind myself by telling her that this is a dream, "I am dreaming. This is a lucid dream." She smiles. I then tap her once on each boob and say, "I'll be right back." I turn to a window in the room and phase outside. I recall my goal, inspired by TWD, to ride a tiger. I wonder around my neighborhood. Again, enjoying the sound and feel of dream shouting, I call out for a tiger. After a moment a large, dog-sized version of my childhood pet cat appears. The orange tabby reminds me of the cat I once named Tigger. I take a brief second to appreciate this memory, but this isn't quite what I want. I turn away down the street and try to remember the name of the tiger from TWD. The closest I get is Shebra, but I now know that what I meant was Shiva. It's OK my dream tiger can be Shebra if I want. After some walking and shouting for Shebra, I find her sitting and waiting. She's about the size of my Great Pyrenees but that doesn't stop me from trying to ride her. I get on her back and wrap my hands around her neck. She stands and carries down the street. Though see feels like she has gotten quite a bit bigger is really just feels like I am hugging my own dog. I am a little disappointed. I see some kids playing with an young woman, maybe still in her teens. I notice her shirt has an 80's design and reads, 'LOVECRAFT'. I ride away as I gradually wake up. It's probably meaningless coincidence, but I found this after googling 'lovecraft tiger' Little Tiger Little Tiger, burning bright With a subtle Blakeish light, Tell what visions have their home In those eyes of flame and chrome! Children vex thee - thoughtless, gay - Holding when thou wouldst away: What dark lore is that which thou, Spitting, mixest with thy meow?
2017, 05-16 Eye of the Tiger I am in my bedroom at home. I am sitting on the bed, and I get up to walk out to the other room. My mom is out there petting a cat… a BIG cat. She isn’t petting a house cat, she is petting a full grown tiger! I am about to ask her what is going on when there is a commotion outside. My mom looks out the window and then tells me I need to hide the cats before they are taken away from us. Hide the cats? She says they never check bedrooms or bathrooms, so I should hide them there. But don’t crowd them too much or they’ll fight! Still confused, I lead the tiger my mom has been petting into my bathroom. It’s small, but the tiger sees the bath tub as a box and lies down in it like house cats will do in a sink. I shut the bathroom door and see another tiger coming from my mom’s room. I lead that tiger to my bedroom and shut the door. The tiger is on my bed… so much for my waterbed mattress. I leave the bedroom and find another tiger. I think to put the cat in my game room but my house cats are in there. The front door is opening so I can’t take time, I duck with the tiger into the bathroom. The other tiger is sleeping in the bath tub, and the one I just brought wants attention. It is rubbing its head on me and purring so loud that it wakes me up… it was Princess purring in my ear!
My first lucid dream I remember was weird. I was 4-7 years old.While I was walking with my mother, she met a friend of her and stopped to talk with her. There was a tiger near us but nobody was frightened. I realized that I was dreamming and asked the tiger to eat me to prove my mum that I am dreamming . My mum didn't pay attention and it seemed like nobody cares about that the tiger is eating me . As the tiger was eating me I woke up .
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation “Imprinting a tiger” In the dusk I find myself walking into a garden. Et is elongated and narrow and towards the end there is a house. I look to my right into the hedge. At the grass I see a female duck and below her chest a small duckling that soon meets my eye. As we lock our eyes together the duckling starts a trip out into the uncut grass towards where I am now sat down. Behind it follows it’s mother, trying to establish contact with little luck as it seems the duckling has already imprinted me as its mother. I feel both excited and ashamed. I feel guilty for robbing the duck of the chance to bond with its off spring, but also excited and joyful of my own bonding with the creature. I look down at its little beak and let it push its body against my knees and one of my hands. Then I look up at its mother and try and stroke its chest. It lets me, but with an air of calculative anticipation and scepticism, which makes me apprehensive, if persistent. I then look down again at the duckling. I don’t recognise the absurdity that the creature has now transformed into a miniature Tiger of maybe 10-12 cm in length and is crawling about on my right thigh. When I look up at the mother duck again to explain that I am deeply sorry that I have stolen her chance to bond with her infant. When I look up mother duck is now wearing glasses and a pearl necklace, and quite frankly it would be impossible to describe if she looks more like a duck than a human. She explains “That is OK I had a clutch 3 months ago.” and frankly she sounds relieved. “Travelling in trains with Liv” Fragment: I am standing on a lengthy and wide platform on a train station. It is morning and the lighting foretells of a sunny day, which has yet to breach the foggy clouds above and around. It seems like late spring or summer. I am standing with Liv and we are going somewhere. The conversation we are having is about finding the right train. There is more to the dream, though I recall nothing but this fragment. “Getting to the shore, 4 metal objects in the water” Fragment: I am on the water. The sun is bright and the ocean water which I am on is very bright and lightly blue. Up ahead I see a beach, a wide and almost white sandy beach. I think my Dad is there with me and he asks: “Do you remember us being here?” I look up towards the right and in the distance gaze upon a little island around 50-100 metres from the shore. As the foliage behind the beach the island is covered in lustrous trees and other greenery. I remember this place, I have indeed been here before. (In writing this I recall a dream of way back, perhaps detailed somewhere within this journal. I am in Holstebro, where we throw our family reunions, and as I walk down the forest pathway that in waking life take you to the river in the dream it takes me to a cove. From this cove I rush across the open water to an Island, which is the one I see in this dream.) I jump out in to the water and submerge myself. Light penetrates the surface and everything looks very bright, if blurry beneath. I loose four metal objects I have in my pocket and for a moment worry if I still have my phone in my pocket. I check that it is empty and then sweep the sand below and pull up the objects, where one of them is a key. Then I head for the beach. End of dream/recall
Well... In a sense I went to sleep at 1 a.m. so... Let's just get to the point Not having any dreams worth mentioning for a while now, I haven't posted for quite a long time. Now this dream, however... This needed to be discussed. It was about 1:30 a.m. and I was tired so I went to sleep. Got comfy real quick, set my alarm to 6:30 in the morning, all that stuff. Now here are the first set of dreams: 1. Oddly enough, I was a prehistoric animal (for some strange reason) and was in a cave when a... Tiger? Came by killing everything in sight. Now I still felt fear even though I knew it was just a dream. Maybe I wanted the dream to continue on? Either way, I stood against the wall and... For whatever reason the tiger just kinda skipped past me for no appearent reason. Knowing the big cat was still hungry I couldn't help but think it was some of my optimism. For example, I wouldn't've stayed still had I known I would get killed for sure. Anyways, walking out the cave I was led to my old bedroom for whatever reason. I then saw that same tiger waiting there, and at that moment when I walked out, I was my 5-year-old self with the same mindset as I am right now. The tiger then said "What were you thinking?" I just stood silent. We went to the bathroom to discuss some things (for whatever reason) and the discussion stood quite stable. I said "I just knew if I stayed optimistic then maybe chances were I'd be safe. The tiger asked "You know I just killed your entire family, right?" To which I responded "and you know this is a dream where I can simply bring then back, right?". The tiger kinda just stood silent. I left the bathroom and well what do you know? I'm back to myself again! In this dream, it seemed as school has started up. The date was August 17th on the first day of school. I then kinda teleported to my old school ('cause I hate my new school) and was in the workout room for some reason. Oddly enough, I was the one to view the dream this time. I saw a discussion going on about the whole tiger incident and it seemed like everyone knew about it. Though oddly enough everyone came back alive after the tiger killed everyone. I teleported home and it seemed like my dad was doing some work on the floors (I was back in my present home at this time) and my bedroom floor was oak instead of cherry for some reason. I then woke up to my 6:30 alarm. I pretty much said "Screw you alarm, I'm going to find out what happens next!" And headed back to sleep. In the next dream I kinda saw a flashback on the things that happened and was in my old house again. Next thing you know the Tiger's a T-Rex this time. Oddly enough all is the same. This time we headed up the appalaichians Only to discover something was a bit off this time. We hit the tip and we were back in the bedroom. Then we discovered a telescope in my room which i couldn't help but look through. All's the same, except when I look back the T-Rex is just gone. I then Lie in bed for a few wondering where they went, and then all the sudden what do you know, there's a 7-foot tall robot in my room for no appearent reason just taking off. I kinda shrugged it off until the T-Rex came back as a Tiger and we had the discussion. We kinda said our goodbye to eachother and the dream ended. I got a fine 13 hours of sleep when I woke up and my thoughts about the dream still remain as I typed this. I woke up choking on phlegm as i saw it was 2:15 in the afternoon. Please let me know what you think of this confusing dream in the comments.
Fell asleep: 11:03 P.M. Woke up: 8:05 A.M. 8 hours 39 minutes sleep last night 7 hours 2 minutes restful sleep 1 hours 36 minutes restless sleep 81 % restful sleep Fragment 1: I'm in a house. Dogs keep coming up to me, they seem really friendly and cute, but then? Then they start snapping out at me by jumping and shoving at me, and worst of all, taking big chomps out of my limbs! I'm terrified, but the others in the house don't seem to be taking it seriously, they just say the dogs have some emotional issues. The other dogs are outside or something, but there's one left in the house that's also cute and friendly looking, but I'm just waaaiting to get chomped on again. ;A; There was more to this but it was a really early dream and I didn't log details before going back to sleep. I'm not good at describing things but the dogs were on the small side and lean, brown/gold colored. Fragment 2: I'm sitting by my grandma F. (dead IWL). I remember picking up a notebook/diary and turning to a page written in 1992. Grandma wants me to read it. I'm having a hard time seeing what's written on the page though because of the darkness, so I try using the backlight on my activity watch, but it doesn't help much, just enough to see a small, faded paragraph written at the time in pencil. I come across a page made in 1988. It has words cut out from magazines, and I realize it's our names. I remember seeing dad's name. Either I knew or someone told me that I made that page. But after a moment I'm like 'wait a minute I was born that year how the heck would baby me make this'. I remember going through a tall stack of magazines. One was 'Pokemon'. Some people are talking in the background and one (mom?) asks grandma if she wants a taco. I'm thinking about the heartburn when she says yes. She says something about how she'll need cough(?) syrup, and I replied that I was just about to say something about the heartburn she'll have. Fragment 3: This is a bit jumbled, but... An audience, including me, is watching two black singers on stage. It's kind of dark, but someone just beside the stage to the left notices someone else has snuck up there. As we watch, they become part of the performance, dancing in the middle. They seemed to have thick, stringy hair and a round face. Back to me watching, I see that instead of a man, a tiger is dancing and singing with them. At the end, he transforms back into a tall, thin man in his late twenties maybe with brown/blond hair. The crowd boos, and I think it might be because it's a white man singing songs typical of black men. I think I knew what song they were singing on the tiger part but I forgot. Wakeup times: 1:30 A.M. for 25 minutes 3:50 A.M. for 1 minute 4:20 A.M. for a couple minutes 6:40 for a minute
1 minute 54 second read. Monday, 14 March 2016. Holographic Toy Tiger (sleep simulacrum) Dream # 17,983-01. My dream's location is my den from the Stadcor Street house in Wavell Heights (where we have not lived for years) in Brisbane in the late morning. A stuffed toy tiger is on a blanket on the floor in the center of the room. The design implies that the animal is resting on its stomach. (See the image if available. It is similar to one we have in waking life, but my dream's version is less realistic.) With the back of my hand, I pretend I can touch and feel the intangible hologram. I move it over the periphery of the hologram's imaginary surface. I "know" I am feeling something, but I consider it may be something located elsewhere and not in alignment with the hologram's shape. (I have often had dreams of this implication. It is otherwise a specific type of lucidness to increase my somatosensory phasing response to the dream state, to bring about more vividness and realism.) Eventually, Zsuzsanna stands in the doorway (in the background), looking into the room. I see her from the other side of the stuffed toy tiger hologram (in the foreground) that briefly moves its head in her direction. I see a flick of its tongue from its profile and feel intrigued, waking at this point. The stuffed toy tiger correlates with a thread of lucidness in recognition that my physicality in the dream is unreal. The blanket signifies my realization of sleeping in bed. The toy tiger's tongue moves somewhat because my tongue has some mobility before waking before REM atonia diminishes. A similar model from early childhood, titled "The Skunk," has the same foundation of causality, although the co-occurrent dynamics are slightly different. I will compare and contrast the content of both dreams here: "Holographic Toy Tiger": A hologram of a stuffed toy tiger in a sleeping position on a blanket signifies my co-occurrent recognition of being asleep in bed. The room is otherwise featureless. Protoconsciouness initiates as Zsuzsanna in a doorway (background), seen from my side (foreground) of the "sleeping and waking animal." The outcome reveals my recognition of having tongue mobility before REM atonia wholly diminishes. "The Skunk": A sleeping skunk signifies my co-occurrent recognition of being asleep in bed. The room is otherwise featureless. Protoconsciouness initiates as an unknown girl in a doorway (background) seen from my side (foreground) of the sleeping and waking animal. The outcome is that the white area of the skunk's body becomes a question mark to correlate with the essence of being puzzled by the sudden realization I am dreaming. Imagine all the people who cannot understand or accept the factual attributes of concurrent dream content causality (as explained here) and seek to corrupt it with the unintelligent misdirection of "dream interpretation."
Updated 07-13-2022 at 08:00 AM by 1390
Morning of February 5, 2016. Friday. Dream #: 17,945-05. Reading time: 2 min 12 sec. I communicate with unknown people. Some of them are arrangements of objects that are not in one cluster, but I still perceive them in human form at times. A table lamp on the floor, books in a bookshelf, and a table leg may equate one person. Even though they seem sentient, an unfamiliar female thinks this type of supposed human is without life and does not have the same rights or ability to communicate. I quickly climb an unusual structure (vestibular system adaptation). I am atop a big cage. At this level, open enclosures are on each side with spaces from them. Beyond the gap on one side at ground level, is an oversized leopard. Its oblong spots are longer than on a real leopard and its coat more of a brownish tint. I have a concern it could jump up to get to me, and it does. I bite the back of its neck and push it off the top of the cage. As it goes tumbling off, it bounces into another big wild cat which makes it angry. That one also jumps up to eat me. I bite it and throw it off backward. Two big wild cats come up, one from each side (through each gap on each side). The one on my left seems like a tiger. I somehow bite both of them on the back of the neck in a short time and push them off. I do not seem to injure any of them. I become part of an experiment using changes in DNA to make the test subjects more like prehistoric people. I am in a big mostly featureless field (at least one end with only high grass) in a rectangular fenced-in area. The others are all men and women who look like cave people from a cheaply made movie. They seem almost like modern humans on one level in that they remind me of a group of businessmen and secretaries. They want to pretend to have a business office even in this unusual setting requiring hunting and survival skills. For this and other reasons, the group annoys me. I pretend that I am “more primitive” than them by growling like an animal. I decide I will have no part of the controlled experiment or whatever it is and go to the opposite side of the fenced-in area where there is a big tree (the only shelter in the area) as well as different food plants. Meanwhile, I keep throwing long spears (which seem to come out of nowhere) at the group. I throw them like daggers, and they spin horizontally like helicopter rotors before reaching their target, either their neck or chest. (That is impossible as the spearhead would hit from its side not suddenly go forward into the target.) There are about half (five or six people) of the group left. I plan on living on this side where the big tree is. There are a few animals, including a saber-tooth tiger resting in the shade of the tree. I am not threatened by it. It seems more natural and right than trying to live with the group. (They stay on the featureless side of the fenced-in area away from food and shelter.) I sense I will be the only one to survive.
Scene 1 Rushing to the Airport I'm outside, dark outside, in the center of a suburban area of a large city. I have to make it to the airport, I try to find a bus I can take there. I look and look and somehow jump onto one. I make it to the airport. Do I make it on board? I'm travelling with a group of people, feels like class from a school. In the lobby of the airport, it is busy, shops around, I see a Pizza hut with a really old Jurassic Park promo pizza stand. Lucky they kept it this last 20 years, now with Jurassic World out. I'm outside again, it's sunny outside, morning, and I'm where a friend of mine used to live. I get on a bus, but it costs almost 10 euros to make it to the airport. Confused, I give the driver a 50 and get on. As an female inspector checks my ticket, I think there must be some confusion, a ticket can't cost that much. As I turn to get to the driver I get out of the bus to let a person pass me to get out and the bus takes off. I'm going to miss my flight! I call another friend of mine who was with me (apparently) who was on the bus and has my change from the fifty. She says she is too busy to come and give me the money back. Now I'm stuck here, missing my flight and penniless. Scene 2 Creeps Outside my Childhood Home I'm in my old room at night. My bed is by the window. I can see outside into the night, light on in the other apartments. I feel cold, as if the window is not really there. I think that's absurd, it has to be there, otherwise I'd fall out. I look down at the people walking, I'm in an apartment way higher than it really was. Looking down at the people walking below I feel safe. I then see a person carrying a person on his shoulder, the person is a woman and clearly passed out or dead. He drags her to a puddle on the icy street and leaves her there, as if dumping her there. Should I call someone? Has this guy committed a crime? The guy then goes and passes out in a puddle a few steps away. The woman gets up and drunkenly tries to push the guy out of the puddle. They are just drunk, no need to worry. I'm on the big blue sofa in the living room trying to sleep. My mom is sleeping on the sofa behind me. I hear a crash and some commotion and see that a man and a woman, both drunk, have come in. Who are they? Despite not knowing them I don't panic, I only hope they don't wake up my mom. I get up and go to the kitchen. The guy is a bearded guy in his thirties., his eyes are drooping. I ask him who he is and what's up, pretty non-nonchalantly. He says he's been up in a bar with his girlfriend all night. (It is morning, greyish light can be seen through the kitchen windows. I see that his girlfriend has passed out on a sofa bed across from the blue sofa. She is apparently a family friend who is visiting and has brought a guy over she met in a bar. Kind of rude. Scene 3 Tigers and Messed Up Turtles I walk outside, grey day in front of my childhood home, the same apartment. I see tigers playing with a bunch of string just like cats. Tigers are really rare, awesome that my housing complex is one of the few groups that has some as pets. I hear documentary footage commentary about the nature of growling. A little further on the play park in the next yard, on the grass I see a group of turtles, a mom with babies, walking. They are pretty weird looking, all greenish-brown and wrinkly, remind me of snapping turtles. The mother comes up to me and snaps at my heals. A family, like the Vine family Ehbee's, are playing with puppies with a remote-controlled car. Scene 3 Serial Killing Couple By a lake, see a summer house. There is a TV connected to really long cables. There are puddles everywhere. I think Garfield and Friends is playing on the TV? I try to carry the TV to safety but I drop it into a puddle, I quickly pull it out, hope it isn't broken. On the summer house veranda, I see a couple, ideal and perfect looking. The woman says she got together with the guy because they can kill together, the only thing that gives any of them pleasure. I find the juxtaposition oddly disturbing. Scene 4 The Church My sister is graduating? In a church, I see that there are only two guys in her graduating class of almost 30. They begin to sing Gaudeamus Igitur, I see some of the people are struggling with it. By the altar I see a piece of paper with the Latin lyrics. I see an English translation under them and it translates "Gaudeamus igitur" as "The Matchstick" and the rest of the lyrics are about light. Is this supposed to be some kind of metaphor? At my mom's house, see my sister, a grey day outside, I go down the stairs. Lots of people there, getting ready for the graduation ceremony? Back at the church I see a couple of kids I knew from church as a kid. They are grown now and plot an evil revenge plot on a teacher of mine for marrying their mom. I see Tess from "Touched By An Angel". She is getting ready to get married in the near future. I look into her eyes and ask her if she can do anything to stop this plot.
I've had a lot of lucids, semi-lucids, etc. lately, and I'm so bad at recording them. I even forget some of them. When I first started practicing, I would have said that's crazy talk, but it's like remembering stuff from your day to day life. After you live enough days, the details of what happened during each one get hazy. I'll record the one from last night, though. In this particular one, I realized I was dreaming while I was waiting for a train on an elevated train platform that doesn't exist along that particular rail line. It was dark and stormy at the time, just generally nasty weather, and it was extremely late (like 4 a.m. late/early) and I was thinking about how tired I was going to be... then I realized that this train platform doesn't exist, and I don't work at the job I was thinking about any more. The weather immediately switched to daylight/dusk. I hopped off of the platform into the air and flew along the train tracks, exploring this new and different rail line. I ran my hands along the metal, along the weeds as I skimmed the ground, focused on the feeling of wind, so I could maintain my thread of awareness. I flew down into a neighborhood I wanted to explore and found some apartments where there would normally be a metalworking shop. I decided to explore the inside. Inside of the apartment, the walls were sort of orange... everything was decorated like a grandmother might decorate. Sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of tea was a bipedal talking white tiger in a grey-brown trench coat and fedora. He was extremely tall, and he carried himself and spoke with a great deal of dignity. I decided to see where this was going and told the "detective" that I needed help finding my missing cousin. He was reluctant at first and basically said that he wasn't interested in helping. I was trying to talk him into helping me when my alarm clock went off. I'll probably run into Mr. Tiger Detective again at some point. Some characters pop up more than once, and he seems like one who will.