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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Entry 2.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:16 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Dreamt about work.

      I dreamt that the washout that I had to dig out was on the same job as the collapsed sewer. I saw (irl) the broken sewer pipe and in my dream I put the broken sewer pipe in the washout and told work that it would be an excavation job due to the collapsed sewer and that it was definitely collapsed as I could see the broken pipe.

      Diesel (one of my dogs) had hurt his nail, I'd gone to buy food on pay day, it was at Wilsic Hall (my high school), Diesel was playing with other dogs and two bears.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:18 PM by 61677

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. Lucid Task of the Month Attempt: The Cook-Out

      by , 03-12-2013 at 01:04 PM
      I dreamed several dreams, and woke between each.

      *side notes
      *gaining lucidity

      #1 - I was having difficulty doing something. That's all I remember. Dream fragment.

      Woke. Did Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #2 - I am in a house. I'm looking for a bathroom. There's no bathroom, because I didn't have enough in-game gold to buy an expansion. I discover that some of the red and white scented candles I've been buying were made by my cousin. He's been lying about having a regular desk job.

      Woke, used bathroom. Reality Check. Attempted WILD; failed, fell asleep.

      #3 - A wife and husband are fighting over their finances. The husband is unemployed or doesn't make much money, and the wife is burnt out and tired of working overtime to completely support them. The wife decides to make adult videos, and her best friend offers to help her. Her husband finds out and is extremely upset.

      Woke. Rolled over and fell asleep.
      I dream that I am riding a bus through a sweeping countryside. It appears that I am somewhere in New Zealand. The landscape is mountainous and verdant. It has just rained, the sky is full of gorgeous, radiant clouds, and it's is very beautiful (note: sweeping landscapes after a storm are actually one of my dreamsigns)

      It begins to storm violently, and I'm up in the mountains. I am both riding and driving the bus. It's storming like crazy, and the mountain road is winding and dangerous. I'm high up in the mountains now, going over a narrow bridge. The choppy water has risen to the very bottom of the bridge, and it churns dangerously. The bus hydroplanes, loses control, veers off the bridge. The bus is now an old cadillac. The bus now disappears from around me as I enter the water. Frigid water envelopes me as I sink, and places immense pressure on my body; I debate fighting it, or merely letting myself sink. I allow myself to be pulled under and away with the current.

      I wake up on a bus. I don't wake up on a bus; I am driving a car. I'm going to pick up a friend's dad. My friend is a chubby blond teenager wearing a Hulk Hogan shirt. We pick up his dad at a fast food restaurant that looks like McDonald's. He jokes about us being a software development team. He is actually a developer, himself. He looks really tired, and I ask him if he's been pulling long hours. He says, "Yes, and driving is a challenge. I'm practically cross-eyed." He decides to check his voicemail and starts swearing; apparently, his boss/team lead is asking for a whole bunch of ridiculous stuff that he can't possibly do on such a short deadline.

      I wake up on a bus. I have stretched out across the seats, and a little girl is commenting to her mother that I'm taking up too much space. I try to pull myself up into a fetal position to free up more seats. My friend and his dad are also on the bus. The landscape is the one as described before; the sweeping New Zealand landscape.

      I wake up and feel a bit irritated that my prior attempts at WILD have failed. I see light seeping in through my bedroom window and am a bit upset that it appears to be so close to morning. I'm also irritated that I didn't pick up on my most obvious dream sign.

      I fail to do a Reality Check. In retrospect, my bedroom window was INCORRECT. The curtain wasn't there. I shrug it off, telling myself that it's just another chance to try to WILD again. I settle down in bed (note: I am fairly certain this was a FA and I am actually trying to WILD from my FA, which is kind of hilarious because it actually works)

      #5 (?) -
      I begin to see something forming in front of me, very blurry - it is a field of large, smooth pebbles. I decide that it looks somewhat like a beach, or is close enough to make into one. I try to make it solidify, but it fights me. I try to imagine it as part of a landscape, but it remains a flat plane - almost like a pattern. It is supposed to be the ground, I understand, but it takes up my entire field of vision.

      I can feel it there - the dream is blurry, but it's forming. I don't want to lose it or lose consciousness, so I start actively trying to make it stabilize. I focus on the pebbles; they sharpen a bit, and then go all fuzzy again. I run my hands through the pebbles, then dive to the ground and shove my face into the pebbles. They're still fuzzy and immaterial, although I feel the ghosts of sensations from them. I enthusiastically rub my face back and forth in the pebbles. I feel like they're fading away and get upset, so in a moment of desperation, I lick the pebbles. They don't become any more material; they taste like grit and sawdust. I roll around on the ground like an idiot, grabbing handfuls of the ground and rubbing it into my face. I feel and smell dead leaves. Suddenly, there are dead leaves mixed into the pebbles.

      I look up. There's more landscape forming! I see fuzzy green. I feel like this is like the edge of a lake or swimming hole. I stumble to my feet and pick leaves out of my hair.

      The world suddenly solidifies, as my lucids often do - everything goes from a blurry mess to absolute perfect clarity. I am now on the edge of a small lake or swimming hole, on an artificial beach. I'm at a cook out!

      There are tons of people milling around. The dad from my prior dream is grilling food, and there are a bunch of fat guys in tank tops drinking beer out of a cooler. There is a little girl in a purple swim suit playing with the sand. She has a toy shovel and those little plastic sand castle molds, and she's making a castle. She has white-blonde hair that curls in little ringlets around her ears, and blue eyes. She looks like she's maybe 3 or 4, and she's adorable. There is also a black and white Border Collie lying on a red and white checkered blanket next to a guy in a t-shirt and his kids. The dog is panting, because it's hot outside.

      The swimming hole has a tall, metal slide where you can slide into the water. The sky above, unlike 99% of my lucids, is vivid blue and brilliantly clear - this is a hot summer day, probably July or even August.

      I clap my hands together and yell out loud "YES! Finally!" I immediately run up to the dog and pet her. Her fur is thick and somewhat coarse. I scratch between her ears. She's very friendly, and enjoys the attention. As I scratch her behind the ears, I recall my lucid task.

      "I need to destroy something right away!" I tell the dog. I had decided on Simple Task I, which was to destroy an object by any means.

      I look around. One of the first things I see is the little girl's sand castle mold, but even thought she's a dream character I feel kind of bad about that. I see a plastic drinking cup with Vash the Stampede on the side of it (I haven't watched anime since the 90s, I don't know where that came from) but decide it's too solid/not interesting. There's an array of picnic stuff - plates, cookware, food, etc. I settle on the one thing that I feel is out of place: an empty carton of half & half.

      I point at it and try to make it explode. Nothing happens. I get angry and pick it up and throw it, yelling, "This is MY dream!" It still does not explode. I chase after it, scoop it up, and tear it into several pieces. I begin to throw the pieces at the two fat guys who are sitting in plastic lawn chairs and drinking beer. They think this is hilarious.

      I hear the little girl calling to me from behind me. She is running toward me, waving a huge syringe. One of those big, scary-looking ones they use to inject things into your rump. It's almost as big as she is (and for some reason, empty). I laugh and launch myself into the air, hovering above her. She runs around below me, waving the syringe. I rise higher into the air, using swimming motions, and taunt her. She begins to climb the ladder to the slide, which has now somehow gotten higher and scarier-looking and is turning into a bridge.

      The dream fades, and I wake up. It is 3 a.m., which means that it couldn't have possibly been light outside last time I woke up.

      Updated 03-12-2013 at 01:20 PM by 32101

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    3. ??th ??? 2012 First Lucid

      by , 03-12-2013 at 03:03 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I managed to recall this lucid fragment randomly yesterday when i was going through my old dream memories, and i had it before i got into lucid dreaming, making it possibly my first lucid experience, unless i had one even earlier and just can't recall it.

      I was at home and then suddenly HUGE blades were retracting from the walls/floor/ceiling, i was dodging them at first but then i started thinking, 'But this is a dream', and started ignoring them while they were going through me with no damage at all. There was that recurring chandelier thing and then i woke up.
    4. -Two Dragon Friends-

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:06 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: Two Dragon Friends

      It was one of those dreams where something happens over and over again that causes you to awaken, then sleep, then awaken again in small intervals.

      I hate these kinds of dreams, as they don't really help me get any sleep, but it was a bit of a strange one, one that kept me thinking as I ate breakfast. I don't remember a lot of it, but I was a dragon of some sort, this rather masculine, blue and white reptilian thing with plate armor on, yet for some reason I was actually going to school. It was either high school or it was college, I forget, but I kept thinking to myself, we shouldn't go to school today. I had planned not to go late into the dream, though I kept getting these calls from this other dragon -- a more orange and pink thing that looked rather like the dragon I was myself. This other unnamed dragon kept calling me as if he knew my thoughts, saying "Please go to school. It's worth it!" or something in the same topic as that.

      In the very muffled end that I barely remember, I went to school, it seems. That dragon had convinced me to do so, and much like many times during the night already, I woke up in the morning at 6: 45 AM, not feeling like going to school at all.


      Dragons are common in my dreams. I can't quite pinpoint what they mean, but they usually appear in my dreams if I read, play video games, write or draw before I sleep.
      These dreams are quite troublesome, as they always awaken me more than once during my sleep.
      Perhaps this is related to my recent interest in dragons.


      I've been ditching school as of late, and perhaps this is my mind trying to motivate me to go... through dragons.
    5. In which these dreams may as well have been nightmares, except perhaps one.

      by , 03-11-2013 at 09:28 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      I'm not sure what order these come in, which makes me realize I need to add in a number peg in the future to keep dreams in order. One that can't be mistaken as being part of the dream itself, I mean. =P

      Dream 1: Me and mom were at my sister's, and we ask about a puppy, only to hear that Duke (her biggest dog) has killed it. As Mom and my sister talk, Duke comes up to me and starts nipping at my hand. I say, "Duke is biting me!". Just then, he takes a big chomp. I'm crying out, but mom isn't even paying attention, still just chatting away. I think I had a visible, bleeding wound.

      Dream 2: Me and a guy are running in a gym. We're running so fast, it's amazing. I think we come around this bend and stop, and someone is coming. For some reason, I have to hide, so I crouch down and walk around a wall partition to leave.

      Dream 3: I'm in the shower and see little black pellets near the drain. One of them is bigger and starts moving, and I realize it's a round, fat bug. I back away, and use the overhead to start spraying them away.

      Notes: I'm not sure when to consider things as dream signs now. Children and animals will inevitably be on the list though, I guess I can go ahead and start bolding them. And stores. And vehicles...

      Updated 03-11-2013 at 09:48 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. Confusing Buildings

      by , 03-11-2013 at 02:47 PM
      (this dream is current, as of last night)

      Side notes:
      WILD attempt unsuccessful. I felt the onset of paralysis, but the sound of the heater distracted me, so I was unable to "dive". Ugh. I need to not let those things distract me! I may have to turn the heat down, although then I'll have issues with being too cold. I can't wait for summer.

      The second time I woke up, I just couldn't tolerate remaining on my back. It's hard to describe the sensation, beyond discomfort coupled with a compulsion to roll over onto my side.

      The dreams:
      1. I was wandering through a hospital, which was also a university somehow. The elevators didn't work properly. The math professor accidentally locked me in the classroom; I don't remember how I got out. I remember that there were a lot of ledges and narrow bridges you had to climb in order to navigate even the most basic parts of the building, such as the library, and thinking to myself that it was unsafe.

      2. I dreamed that M--- and I were driving through a city. It was an unfamiliar city, but it was on a bay or sound of some sort. I wasn't paying attention, and M--- was driving. He drove up the metal framework of an unfinished bridge, and over the edge, into the water. I bitched at him and told him that he needed to pay attention to where bridges end. Rather than letting the car sink, I dragged it along behind me in the bay so that it floated and started the engine, using the car's engine to push us through the water faster.

      3. I dreamed I was lying on a mattress with Mom and G---, and G--- was trying to tell me that if you add red paint to yellow paint, it makes green paint. I was arguing with him that it did not, although at the time I couldn't articulate why. Mom began playing with actual paint, like finger paints, and made a mess.

      (Woke up, used bathroom)

      4. I dreamed I was in a city with high rise buildings. The light was shining off of them.

      5. I dreamed I was talking to a rheumatic old man. He had oddly-colored eyes, one was a deep blue hazel with brown in it and the other one had a brown iris shaped like a flower, where each petal had 2 dark brown dots in it, and no pupil. He had a cloth that was soaked in bleach that he would sniff, and told me about how comforting it was to him to smell it, then pressed it in my face - I wasn't too thrilled with it, although I do like the smell of bleach sometimes. He then told me about how the gene for his weird eye was recessive, and asked if any of my relatives had the recessive gene. I told him no, because he was creeping me out. His eye reminded me of a weird cat I remembered seeing (dream memory, not real), a black cat that also had oddly-colored and oddly-slanted eyes.

      (woke up and went back to sleep)

      6. I dreamed I was grocery shopping, and trying to select food that I thought both my brother and I would enjoy. The grocery store was dark and dingy, and the freezer cases had cloudy glass and didn't seem to close correctly or be working properly. I was loading up on junk food, thinking that we hadn't been able to afford it lately and he would be pleased. I also bought Fresca. I wanted to buy a small sample pack of different sodas, but someone had stolen 2 out of one of the sample packs and another one was nothing but grape (I hate grape). I was disappointed.

      Woke up. I need to remember to perform Reality Checks more often upon waking, though.

      Updated 03-11-2013 at 07:52 PM by 32101

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    7. The First Dream: -An Amusement Park and the Problem with Fast Food-

      by , 03-11-2013 at 09:36 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I - The Amusement Park

      I had visited this place more than once in my dreams -- a theme park that looked almost broken judging by the worn brick walls that had a dampened red hint to them and rustic metal that looked almost desperate to be torn down. It was an amusement park of some kind, one that didn't label their rides or have any fancy sideshows or midway game stands. It looked like the shipping dock of a warehouse, and yet it had a more joyous feeling to it.

      It was my mother, my brother and I who took favor to this place. My mother looked the same as ever -- long blonde hair with a boyish face that led just enough femininity to tell she was a mid-aged woman, though me and my brother were of a younger age. Being twins, this would make us 6 or 7 about. Perhaps older, but not younger. We had been searching for a ride, and my mother kept telling how it was my brother's choice because it was his birthday. Thinking of it now, that's ridiculous. Shouldn't it be my birthday, too? We were twins after all, but I went along with it.

      He could decide of a ride, and as we wondered, we found one ride that we had been on in a past dream. In the dream previous, this ride consisted of much darkness, followed by some torches and the occasional spooky jump-scare, yet had all the drops and twirls of a roller coaster. We entered this ride and got in the car that could fit the three of us even with room to spare. There was only one car, and it was a blue, 50's carnival-esque shape. It also had no safety bars or belts, but I assumed this was a safe ride. As the car started to move, we proceeded unto darkness, thus ending the first part of my dream.

      Part II - The Problem with Fast Food

      I woke up at about 7:30-something AM, and didn't feel like staying up, so I didn't. I went right back to sleep, telling myself that I'd only sleep for another hour.

      Near my mother's home, there is a small restaurant called In-N'-Out. It's rather popular on the west-coast for it's cheap prices, excellent fries and horrible waiting times, if you went by car anyways. In this case, my mother and I took a trip by foot to the 50's-themed restaurant, with orders in mind, or so I thought. Instead of going to the ordering window, we went deeper, into the kitchen. My mom said we were in a hurry so I had to order fast, and I did -- large fries and ice cream. My mother ordered likewise. The man in the kitchen -- a young Hispanic man in the employee outfit of red and white, gave us this order, but the ice cream was the star of this order. It came on a cone, and had at least eight scoops on it, towering enough to almost reach the ceiling. My mother gave out a groan of displeased humor, saying that we'd never be able to walk home with a thing like that.

      He leveled the tower of frozen dairy to just one scoop, and we got our fries, and we went on our way.
      We now had to walk home. It was sunset; the sky a blistering, hellish red with darkening clouds scattered in lines along the horizon like platforms in the sky. My mother was complaining about the heat, though I for one found it to be a very mild temperature. The ice cream agreed with my mother, though. Only five minutes since we left the place and they were starting to turn into a colored liquid. I did my best to hurry and slurp it up, and I did, my blond-haired mother apologizing to me that we couldn't get home sooner as we walked into the sunset, idly nibbling onto our fries. We never made it home before I woke again, almost precisely an hour later.


      Both of these dreams included my mother.
      Her personality was rather different from that in real life. She's actually rather excited and playful, while in this she was worried and seemed stressed.
      This is the third time I've been to the amusement part in my dreams. I've noticed no specific pattern with real life occurrences that induces the setting.
      The In-N'-Out restaurant as well as the area around it was stunningly accurate to real life.


      Perhaps my mother is stressed or worried. I have taken notice of a change in her average personality as of late.
      In-N'-Out might represent my increase in food consumption.
      My brother's birthday could represent an imminent event with him soon. I'll keep track of that.

      Updated 03-12-2013 at 05:09 AM by 61757

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Trying on Names Like Hats (Dream Fragments)

      by , 03-11-2013 at 07:12 AM
      In this dream I was alternating names, sort of trying them on for size, like hats (I thought in hindsight, though sadly, no actual hats in this dream before waking up, which is a shame). They were mostly old family names, like my relatives maiden names, or names of close friends of the family.

      This dream was all about self-identity, and I just know that part of why I dreamed it was because before going to sleep I tried to respond toa thread on dreamviews about changing gender in dreams. I say tried because I had server failed errors, so I do not know whether I actually did respond to that thread or not.

      I also had some difficulty breathing in this dream, probably due to having a lot of congestion in real life, and hat raised the anxiety level in this dream.

      Of course, given my struggles with myself lately and throughout life, anxiety about self-identity is not an unusual theme for me. Who am I? I am the one who is full of contradictions, and that's ok.

      I think the fact that these were old family names is significant: I am aware that part of what makes me me is my family history, the women who came before me, who changed their names in marriage to redefine ourselves.

      Updated 03-11-2013 at 07:14 AM by 61501

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 11th Mar 2013 Confusing false awakenings, pigeon mail

      by , 03-11-2013 at 02:54 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from non-lucid naps.

      Nap #1:

      In the dream, i was still trying to WILD, but i failed again and was basically in the dream in the dream, and there i was still trying to WILD, family came and were annoying and distracting me about something, which ended up with me waking up in the dream where i forgot to reality check and decided to try DEILDing instead, then family was distracting me again and then i woke up truly, what the fuck.

      Nap #2(fragment):

      I was at home and we were using pigeon mail top send some messages somewhere, there was one weird pigeon that didn't looked like pigeon at all.
    10. Dreams and Censorship (fragment)

      by , 03-10-2013 at 10:11 PM
      This dream fragment tricked my memory: I thought I remembered already writing it down, but I clearly did not!

      This dream fragment during nap time was about dreams and censorship, and how dreams elude censorship, and how dreamviews is also free speech.

      I think I remembered more than that right after the nap, but as I said my mind tricked me. Out of some reason both this and the previous dream fragment show that my subconcscious mind does not want to bother with writing down dream fragments any more, which at this point in my dream recall I cannot afford! Yikes!
    11. 10th Mar 2013 Dreaming related game, Martial arts dude, Space game, Museum, Unsealing Rirual

      by , 03-10-2013 at 07:19 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Pretty fragmented, but still.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was game of come kind, that had this 'virtuality' style with grids and geometry and it was somehow related to lucid dreaming. There was some sort of lab and there was professor of dreaming doing some research and telling me that i am doing something wrong in game, and a bit later he was showing me room where bunch of people were playing some game with super bouncy spheres(they bounced only on specific surfaces though).

      Dream 2:

      Don't remember much of dream start, there was some story about some martial arts dude that could also use some form magic and he could get sealed souls onto his side. Then there was rebellion of some kind.
      Then there was one scene where some child was getting annoyed and was attacking everyone including me by ramming, then after we got him to calm down there was discussion going on and that martial arts dude was showing up again.
      Then i was at home, which looked almost entirely different from IWL and more eastern styled, and there was some discussion about some game, and in a bit i was in that game. It was about something in space, i was in some sort of spaceship or space station, there were 10 space races that got to get some unity agreement of sorts, that included humans and i was apparently representative of them(sadly can't recall how any of them looked).
      Then i was in some sort of museum, apparently searching for some information for that martial arts dude. There were some really big rooms and also one of guards was apparently a blue chinese dragon that wasn't really good at disguise and also he was playing in the pool whenever nobody seen him. Later on i got information i needed and i was just annoying other guards and then being chased by them.
      I was at home that still looked different and eastern styled, martial arts dude was there preparing for something, i went to balcony and there were some mosquitoes annoying me, so i tried to lock balcony door by bending some iron bars with bare hands so it couldn't be opened. Then that dude started some form of ritual over the book with weird seal. The seal was apparently locking some soul inside a book and he was unsealing it and moving it to his own book, there was also agreement between them so it was not forced. It looked like some blue particles and dust were moving from one book to another. The ritual almost failed due to random book falling from the bookshelf and interrupting the particle stream, but he managed to regain control of it and finish it.
      Later on i discovered that my home was apparently in a castle on a flying island and there was some other dude that accidentally fell off it.
    12. meh....legs, tiny black holes, and a dress shop

      by , 03-10-2013 at 01:45 PM
      And I promise. All without the aid of any "dream enhancer."

      I'm pretty sure I know the hidden meanings, but I want to write it down anyway, cause parts of it are so darn weird.

      It started out, with me being about 4-5 years old. My mother even had her 70's hairstyle and she was young again It was night time and I had a twin sister (IRL I dont even have a sibling, let alone a twin). Somehow I found out when I was 5 that I had my right leg cut off just below the hip (mid thigh say), I was walking around on a prosthetic leg (ugly plastic barbie doll leg made for "5 year old me"). Then I was healed - suddenly my natural leg was back under me, and no one wanted to tell me that I had once even lost my leg or worn a prosthetic - it was like "pretend it never happened", but somehow I learned that this whole thing had happened, I had a moment of lucid realization (wow, shocker to hear that at a lucid dreaming forum), and suddenly I was filled with exhilaration because I knew about this, and I knew I wasn't supposed to know about it. For some reason, the "missing leg" also included a "missing twin sister", they were somehow connected. Dream changes.

      I'm in a strange little dress shop, filled with ORANGE, and in-your-face colorful clothes that I wouldn't be caught dead in. A friend of mine named Ace was there, and he had something in his hand, looked like a tiny galaxy but it was a tiny black hole/vortex that was sucking everything, even light, he was catching these things, they were quite a few of them hidden in the clothing of this shop, and we were going around finding them. I was cautioning him about touching them, saying "You might lose a leg doing that so be careful" and I'm telling him my story about how I had to wear a prosthetic leg as a child (YEH, mind fucked me, the dream from before was now a back story to this one and whats hilarious is that in this segment of the dream, I was aware that my story was from the previous dream).

      Dream switched and we were hiding in a huge building, like a school, only we were hiding in a stairway that went UP, and DOWN, and you couldn't see the ceiling or floor. There was a window so you could see outside, and the weather was rainy. There was fog all around, sometimes even in the stairway. I felt like I had to get something, so I woke up.

      Prosthetic leg/losing a leg

      • not having a leg to stand on
      • feeling crippled
      • losing my partner, watching him die makes me feel alone and I'm scared
      • losing part of myself
      • my mom being gone
      • feeling like i cant make it on my own

      Tiny black holes

      • living life with no hope for tomorrow
      • playing with fire
      • feeling out of control
      • feeling like I can't stop it
      • fighting to control an unstoppable force of nature

      Colorful clothing

      • having to "put on" a persona in order to survive
      • spiritual armor

      hiding in the stairway with no end to up or down in sight

      • its the best thing to do when you cant move or do anything
      • waiting for a direction so i can move with it
      dream fragment , lucid , memorable
    13. Why Bother With Dream Fragments?

      by , 03-10-2013 at 09:31 AM
      My dreaming mind wants to know why bother with dream fragments. My waking self is shocked that this is not clear.

      Too groggy now to type.

      This dream fragment indicates that my subconscious mind is becoming impatient with dream journal and dream recall, and would like to cut some corners. My conscious mind says "No!" First of all right now most of the dreams I remember are dream fragments, and it's still way too early to take dream recall for granted and not to work on it as hard as I can. Also a lot of my dream fragments have been gems in my opinion: I greatly enjoy and treasure them, so not focusing on recalling and writing down all dream fragments would be a bad idea.

      Updated 03-10-2013 at 01:44 PM by 61501

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. alien invasion

      by , 03-10-2013 at 04:18 AM
      I started out in my dream at my mother’s house. It was night time. I was apparently in bed. I, my mother, and my brother woke up to bombs roaring in the distance. Outside, our house was on a hill in the desert. I looked out of a bedroom window and saw the bombs lighting up the night. It wasn’t lightning. There was some sort of alien cruiser dropping bombs on a city. The skyscrapers were futuristic looking. There were fires on the side of the buildings. It was really dark, so you couldn’t see anything except when the bombs light up the sky. Now this cruiser wasn’t Covenant, UNSC, or Forerunner from halo. I play halo a lot, and know what their ships look like. It wasn’t from any movie I have seen. I could only see a glimpse of the ship’s shape, and I couldn’t tell what color it was because of night time. It kept shooting burst of electric balls down on the city. This was their bombs. Then I knew it was time to gear up. I opened the closet. There was camouflage and tactical gear in the closet. There were assault rifles called SCAR/MK 16 in there too. It was awesome. Soon as we were geared up, we decided to get out of the house and get away from there. Right before we were about to go outside, the US army is running past our house, shooting back at something. They were shooting at 8 feet tall aliens in metal armored suits. They had helmets and really strong armor on. Then an M1A1 Abrams come out from behind the house and killed the alien. We quickly ran out of the house and joined up with the army. The dream then faded. This concludes my dream.

      Updated 03-30-2013 at 03:52 AM by 61439

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    15. 10th Mar 2013 Fragments and a couple of short lucids

      by , 03-10-2013 at 01:07 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Recall from naps also stabilization suddenly does not works?

      Nap #1:
      Dream 1:

      I wake up, take off headphones, can still hear binaurals. I do some stabilization, rubbing hands. As i go towards balcony dream just fades out.
      I wake up for a short period of time.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I was at home watching some anime and dad suddenly entered room and started talking that he hates that certain dude from that anime. He explained it that they were in the same bath house(somehow), and anime dude was the only one not naked and was laughing at him.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was browsing some stuff on my PC and writing DJ entry, then i got to change chair and as i got into different chair i got paralyzed and dream faded out.

      Nap #2:
      Dream 1:

      I wake up, take off headphones, can still hear binaurals. I do some stabilization, touching bed with hands and rubbing hands. As i go towards balcony dream just fades out again.
      I wake up for a short period of time.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I was helping friend with anime translation or something and we were not able to find meaning of 'Hakuda'. We had idea that it had something to do with ice(Apparently not).