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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Dragon Ball Z Marathon

      by , 05-28-2011 at 12:07 AM
      Gosh, it's been a while since I was on here.

      Anyway, I've had a few dreams recently and one lucid one in the last week, so we'll save that for last.

      In the first dream I was arguing with my older cousin, he's 19 now. (I'll be 16 in August) He was telling me that he was too young to hang out with me when I'd asked him to play a video game.

      I don't remember the exact words but I do know we had a BIG falling out with lots of screaming and foot stomping that ended up with me crying.

      It has felt like my cousins are getting to old to be around me so that's probably what prompted this dream.

      My second dream (the same night) started with me walking down the street from my house with my other cousin. Her name is Brianna and she's 17. She's in alot of my dreams so I count her as a Dream Sign.

      Anyway, there's a corner store at the end of my block where you can buy snacks and pop. We went and grabbed these bottles that contained liquid meals in them. The one I took was a 'Steak Shake.'

      We went to the counter but nobody was there. Apparently I'm very underhanded in my dreams because we decided to just steal the stuff.

      We went further into the store to see if there was a back door. We found a door and went through it, but instead of ending up outside we were suddenly in my room.

      The walls were yellow when they should have been blue, and I did notice this. I was thinking that this could be a dream but Brianna distracted my and said we should steal more stuff since we had the perfect getaway door.

      I forgot all about the possibility of this being a dream as we stole more of those meal shakes.

      The last time I went alone, hoping to get a regular milkshake, when I heard somebody in the store. I turned around and saw a little boy, probably about two. I just knew he was the cashiers son for some reason and I ran back to my room, closing the door that led to the store behind me.

      The kid was banging it on the other side for a while while Brianna and I waited for him to stop.

      When he did I opened the door and peeked through. I saw the cashier and she waved at me so I panicked and slammed the door, which woke me up.

      This last dream relates to the title. I woke up and it was Memorial Day. I knew this because there was a Dragon ball Z Kai marathon on and it was supposed to be on this day.

      I was laying in bed watching it, and did this for hours, only moving to get something to eat or use the bathroom. It was interesting, because at the end of the marathon there was supposed to be a new episode, and I apparently dreamed up an episode that seemed pretty realistic.

      But then I suddenly thought, 'Yesterday was Thursday, how can today be Memorial Day when that isn't until Monday?' It didn't cross my mind to do a reality check, because I just KNEW I was dreaming and didn't need to.

      So I'm lucid now, but it didn't last long. It had been a while since my last lucid dream so I got very excited; much too excited for my dream to hold, unfortunately, and I woke up seconds later.
    2. Graveyard in the desert

      by , 05-27-2011 at 06:07 PM (Raphael's dream journal)
      This was a very Mortal Kombat inspired dream. It was one of those things where I'm watching it like a movie, but have control over some of the characters at points. So it takes place in the desert, kind of resembling the MK desert stage, but it's around 8pm and getting pretty dark. There's an area of the desert that has a seemingly endless collection of dead bodies, some decaying, some mere skeletons. They're hung on these wooden frames, like they were tortured before death (resembling the Krypt section in the new MK game). All the bodies are very sectioned off from the rest of the desert.


      About 50 yards away from beginning of that section is a small village area, medieval-esque. Fights are constantly breaking out in the village, and you can watch people batting with swords in this big ravine area that runs between the Krypt area and the village. There's a rule set-up, you can battle and kill someone without consequence, as long as you put the body in the ravine, that way it can be buried by the sorcerer in order to keep the place clean and tidy. I don't remember what the sorcerer looked like, but he had powers similar to Quan Chi. He could raise the dead, and make huge skeleton hands come out of the ground. When you end up winning a battle and killing your opponent, the sorcerer doesn't wait for the winner to get out of the ravine, he immediately raises up the sand with his powers, and sometimes ends up burying the winner alive if he doesn't get out fast enough. The sand also turns much darker once it's raised, and skeletons can be seen protruding from it.

      The last thing I remember was this big battle happening between 3 or 4 Shang Tsuns, they were resurrected from the krypt by the sorcerer. They kept opening up portals and jumping through them in order to teleport around the battle area. As this was happening I woke up really suddenly, and that was it.

      It was the best dream I've had in a long time, I just wish I could remember the beginning part leading up to the desert area. Oh well, I will definitely be returning to the desert in my next LD. ~
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Fragment

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:53 PM

      I had a dream in the morning, but I didn't write it down and forgot it. I was thinking about random things while still in bed, and remembered this, from an earlier dream:

      I was walking down the road, in the left lane, right next to the grass. The grass was kind of yellowish-green and didn't look too healthy. I was looking at the ground, and when an oak tree up ahead entered my vision, I burst out crying.
      Tags: emotion
    4. Babies, a Gift Exchange, and Fashion Designing

      by , 05-27-2011 at 04:29 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at some strange trailer park with some other people. All the trailers looked the exact same and were very close together. We approached one of the trailers, and one of the guys that was with us started to climb the edge of it to get on the roof. He helped me climb up after he was up there. I remember us running and jumping to different trailers.

      Then, I remember being in a room with my mom and some other people, I remember a couple of the other people being a couple and their child, a baby girl. My mom and I were sitting at a table exchanging gifts, I think they were Christmas gifts. I opened mine, and I think it was a set of tea lights and a candle holder (which also happened to be a candle). I gave my mom her gift, which was the same thing, the candles were just a different scent and color than the ones she gave me. I think they were white, and the ones that she gave me were maroon-ish.

      I looked over at my mom, and she had lit the candle that was supposed to be the holder. I blew it out and told her how it worked, telling her it was like the other one. Either she or I put one of the tea lights in the bigger candle. I watched my mom, and she looked like she wasn't sure what to think of the gift. I asked her
      "Do you like it?"
      "Yeah.", she said. She didn't sound very convincing.
      "Are you sure?"
      "Yes.", she again said.

      Then, I saw the couple with the baby girl. They were celebrating her 1st birthday. I talked to her, asking her how old she was. She held up one finger and said
      I was surprised that she could talk. After asking her, I felt kinda silly, since she was so young I thought she wouldn't answer. I smiled at her, and she laughed.


      I was trying to design something to get into some fashion camp or school. Kacey was with me and had already designed hers. We had to design it using eyeshadow, and some sticker things that had words on them. The design was to be put on black shirt. I was standing at this kiosk to do he design.

      We had to answer 4 questions using the designs to do so. The only one I remember is "What are some fashion tips?". I remember drawing pictures of myself, mainly focusing on my eyes. Kacey told me I needed to do something differently, but I didn't want to, so I just did it my way. I remember using a purple glue stick to glue on the sticker things with the words on them. I used them for the fashion tips. I remember gluing the word "In" on there 4 times. I used other words as well, but I can't remember what they were. I remember picking up the shirt and looking at the finished product. I was pretty satisfied with it. I hoped it was good enough to get into the school/camp.

      I then remember being in a house. I had a baby, a little boy. He had just been born that day. I was holding him all wrapped up in blankets. I remember a little cap being on his head, the ones you see on newborns normally. I remember feeding him a bottle.

      I then remember someone else being there, a guy, but I don't remember who it was. He was holding the baby. I think he was the father. I asked him for the baby, and he gave him to me. I noticed the baby was hungry again, and asked the guy for the bottle. Before he gave it to me, he drank most of it himself. He gave me the 1/4 full bottle, and I fed it to the baby. I thought about breast feeding, but wasn't sure if I could do it. I also thought about how I probably wouldn't sleep that night, because the baby would keep me up. He hadn't really cried much though since I had brought him home. He was a very quiet, calm baby.
      Tags: baby, candle, gift
    5. incident at an airport

      by , 05-27-2011 at 02:12 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm with D at the airport, and he goes to pick up this check from someone....things happen, and eventually he's gone. This guy comes up to me and asks me if he picked up some money from someone and already left. Before I get a chance to respond, he says "if he's already gone, I'm going to get his side of the story and come back and kill you". So I told him that he already left. Just then the guy pulled out a gun, and I ducked behind the crowd of people. He let off three shots, and two of them hit random bystandars. The third was pointed directly at himself. I rushed over, and saw that he had blood on his chest, but I didn't see any wound. Finally I looked up at his face, and there were brain chunks and skull fragments behind his head where he lay. I still didn't see the entry wound, but I knew he was dead.
      Tags: airport, death, guns
    6. 05/27/11 Sleep (2+1L) 12:00AM - 5:45AM

      by , 05-27-2011 at 01:21 PM (Graham's DJ)
      First, I had a dream I was driving with Aziz and Nick from school and we were talking about the types of security the richest people in the world have around their houses. Bill Gates had some kind of sticky grass that you couldn't walk in properly, and some fruits the size of swimming pools. Anyway, we ended up driving to a baseball diamond, pulling up to some weird kid, and telling him to get in.

      I could tell the dream had ended and I layed in bed to try to go back to sleep, I think I accidentally DEILDed or something, because the next thing I knew, I was laying down in some dimly lit room, with Nina from my school staring over me asking me something. I knew something was up, but didn't bother RCing or any of that. I was in shock (maybe SP?) because I knew something was wrong. I whispered rather loudly, "Purple skies". Nina and some other DCs who I couldn't see all made the sound the aliens make in Toy Story "Ooooooohhhh". I felt this euphoria that I could only describe as "going lucid". I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself being somewhere else, but when I opened them, I was back in my bed.

      I knew I wasn't dreaming anymore, but decided to RC anyway., not believing what I just experienced. It all happened so fast, but I didn't get to take full advantage of it. It had to have taken me another hour to fall asleep. I was so excited from my short lucidity (like 5 seconds maybe), that I just couldn't sleep.

      Interestingly enough, the next dream I had, I became lucid. I guess I was extremely skeptical of everything due to my earlier lucid experience. I remember being in a men's locker room, (a girl was in the men's room, but I didn't pick up on it) and I just blurted out "purple clouds" pretty loud. None of the DCs even looked at me or reacted at all. Imagine going up in a room of like 10 people and saying something like "purple clouds" really loud. Yeah, I went lucid off of that, oddly enough. I didn't even think to RC and oddly enough, I didn't have to stabilize. I asked the closest DC if I was dreaming and I don't remember what they said, but I had a short conversation with them. They seemed so absent-minded. Like every response was systematic. Anyway, I wasn't even thinking about flying or shooting fireballs or doing anything supernatural. I closed my eyes and decided I wanted to appear on the moon, which didn't work, and then I decided I wanted to appear on Mars. To my surprise, I didn't appear on Mars, but in a red lighted room with a drill sergeant yelling at me through an intercom system. He told me something that had to do with getting rid of my children if I wanted to fight in this war. Excited for action and ready for battle, I wasn't really sure what he meant by getting rid of my kids. He walked out of the closet beside me and I decided to ask him some things like I did with the other DC. He didn't respond the way the other DC did, though. His responses were shouted questions back at me, namely asking me about a paper on a desk. He asked what one of the drawings meant, and I explained I wasn't sure; it was just a doodle (it was a drawing of a steak I think). At this point, I think I lost lucidity and began to accept this dream as reality again. I don't remember making anymore conscious decisions in the dream. I remembered a fragment of the end of the dream where I was in my class and some kids were exclaiming to my computer teacher that it was possible to control your dreams. Everyone seemed rather intrigued. I was the only person who wasn't so excited and the teacher looked right at me. He looked back away and I guess the dream ended.

      False awakening. Forgot to RC. Rosa comes to wake me up and I tell her about my first LD. I was really excited and she was about to change her pants for some reason. Her mom suddenly walks through the door and she obviously thinks we were sexing it up. She doesn't really get angry, but Rosa is shocked and doesn't have her pants on yet. I can hear Rosa's dad coming around the corner, but the dream ended before he did, thank GOD.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:14 PM by 47214

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    7. Chris's Not Twin

      by , 05-27-2011 at 11:52 AM
      I was talking with Chris and his friend who looked exactly like him, save for a darker hair color. I then asked "is he your twin." Chris replied and said "No, why would you think that?" I got annoyed and said "He looks just like you." Then Chris said "no he dont." The dream ended.
    8. garbage dump house; philly and pittsburgh; fedex and ups; zero point list; pyramid drawing

      by , 05-27-2011 at 11:46 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      Some kind of disaster had occurred. It may have been a bomb of some kind. The force of this disaster had been so great that it blew an entire garbage dump into another location.

      I saw an Asian woman, maybe in her late fifties, sitting inside her house. The house was small and empty. It was just one room, maybe 4m by 4m. The walls were probably made of wood and were dark. The only furniture in the house was a bench along the left wall. The woman sat on the bench.

      The woman's hair was in disarray, as if blown out of shape by the wind and set in place by sand and grime. The woman was wearing a dress of rough, dark fabric. She seemed to be studying something. She may actually have been some kind of scientist.

      The front doorway of the house had no door in it. I saw outside, to the piles of garbage that had been blown over in front of the woman's house.

      Dream #2

      Some historical event which involved a group of scientists or businessmen in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In relation to this I may have seen film footage from the 1920s.

      I was now in a nice restaurant with my mother and grandmother. It was like we, mostly my mom and grandma, had been discussing the historical event. Now the discussion was done and I had my normal awareness again.

      The table we sat at was really long and possibly full of eating implements, though we three were the only ones sitting at it. I sat at the head of the table, and my mom and grandma sat near me on the left and right side. The restaurant was busy with people but calm. Natural light apparently came in through some bigs windows behind me.

      I told my mom and grandma, "Well, speaking of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, have you heard of -----?" I had named somebody who was apparently a scientist in the area.

      Dream #3

      A FedEx truck was in front of a UPS truck. They were both stopped, but they were on a road and could have started moving again at any moment.

      A young man who may have been Latino, kind of skinny, with short-shaved hair and a thin mustache, jumped out of the back of the FedEx truck. He wore a FedEx shirt and black denim shorts that went down to or just below his knees.

      Just as the young man had jumped out of the FedEx truck, the UPS truck rolled forward a tiny bit. The young man did some weird flinching move, rolling and twitching his head downward and kind of spinning around a bit. The young man barely missed getting hit. He walked away by the driver's side of the UPS truck.

      Dream #4

      I was looking at a big sheet of paper or a big sign made to look like an old sheet of paper. It was a list of people who had done research into zero-point energy. The words were all blurry. But the font looked like the stereotypical lettering for wanted posters in the old west.

      Dream #5

      I was in some room which may have had dark floors and dark walls. At least one other person was in the room with me. He was an artist. He may have been trying to teach me something.

      I suddenly had a vision of a clay-red pyramid on a horizonf of grass before a white-grey sky. I got really excited about and absorbed in this vision. Then the vision was before me, as a painting.

      The man kind of forgot what he had been teaching me. He seemed to think whatever I was doing with this painting was just fine.

      I now walked out of the room with the painting folded slightly in my hands, so the pyramid was still visible. The paper may have had a weird, rough feeling to it. It was paper, not canvas. But it was a rough kind of paper. The painting was folded up with a number of other paintings as well.
    9. Angry teacher.

      , 05-27-2011 at 11:45 AM
      First DJ entry on here, I have more elsewhere, still online though.
      In this dream, for some reason, my room was moved to the school I go to, and I had to live there. Me and two friends were in my room at night, when a teacher at my school came in and started getting angry and shouting for no reason. He decided he'd make us write stuff down, not sure what. I asked if I could turn the light on, but he interrupted by shouting "No!". Soon after that, I saw someone who looked like a relative, they said something, and I woke up.
    10. May 26, 2011

      by , 05-27-2011 at 11:08 AM
      Sleep. I am in the library of my highschool, waiting with my partner for people to carry down boxes that contain brain cells. Once they arrive, they put the boxes down on the counter and the library technician asks if people need brain cells. So I say that I do. She gives me a pair of tweezers and tries to get me to hold onto this white blob shaped like larva. It is almost too slippery to be held by the tweezers, and I don't want to pinch it too hard. Wake.
    11. Babies go to outer space, apparently

      by , 05-27-2011 at 10:24 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      Lucid: Green
      Nonlucid: Blue
      Notes: Black

      Vividness: 4/5
      Lucidity: 0/5
      controll: 0/5

      Saw a story about my science teacher on the news. One of her relatives made his wife get an abortion thinking the baby, once dead, would end up in space. I looked down from the TV and realized I was already in front of her house. Her house was light blue with white shutters and a huge garage. I saw her on the porch and asked if I could interview her for my journalism class. We went into the garage. She answered my questions like "why does he believe the baby will end up in space?" and "do you believe it will happen?" she seemed to believe that the baby actually was in space. After the interview a girl (I doubt she was even old enough to drive) in a small red car pulled into the garage, nearly running me over.
    12. Dream Journal #22, May 26th, 2011.

      by , 05-27-2011 at 08:54 AM
      Dream Journal #22, May 26th, 2011.

      Don’t remember much.. only remember fragments. I was.. trying not to dream inside a dream? I’m not even sure. It may of had something to do with lucid dreams, but I woke up at 2:30 am again, marking the end of my REM. I know Dan was definitely in my dream. I remembered the dream when I woke up at 2:30 but now I forgot it lol. It may have had something to do with cars also. I remember having an FA and trying to take all my blanket and push it into something near my desk right next to me.. I forgot why. It failed and I was like damn, so I put it back. I KNOW i was trying to sell something.. but I just forgot what it was.

      edit: just remembered a dream! wow this was vivid, and it seemed like i was lucid but i don’t really think i was.

      so.. it started out with me in like, this dancing place? kind of like the dancing place in sucker punch, with the same teacher. the teacher was surprised to see a guy wanting to learn to dance lol. she taught me some basic moves, blah blah. then some girl asks me if she wants to go get a banana with me, and i’m like sure. at this point im thinking, wait, am i allowed to do this? will i get in trouble? but i do it anyway. then these 2 guys come out during lunch break, kevin kim, and some random ass black guy. the black guy starts to give me and alvin shit. alvin just appeared out of nowhere.. lol. i then proceed to beat the living shit out of them. like, literally, the living shit. im pretty sure the black guy died, but kevin kim survived. he was unconscious however on the floor. they’re bodies looked really weird lol. they looked liked corpses except with spaghetti noodles coming out of thier body and instead of blood it was spaghetti sauce. so now i find myself in my house, with the 2 bodies on the floor and alvin next to me. then i’m like, alright alvin lets go back. but then i’m like wait, should we hide the bodies? and alvins like umm, idk. so i decide to hide the bodies using dream control (lol wut wasn’t even lucid). so i tell alvin, “hey dude, go in like another room or something! i’m gonna make the bodies disappear with dream control”, so alvin goes to another room. i close my eyes, focus on erasing the bodies from my mind, and when i open them, they’re gone! but the time significantly changed… like i forwarded 2 hours into the future lol. alvin comes out, and i tell him, “DUDE did you see that? I did it!” and he looks at me weird and he’s like “huh? did what?” I then concluded my dream control also erased his memory lol. So we go into the living room and play this wii game.

      fragment: I remember going in front of my house, it’s somewhat sunny, and theirs piles and piles and piles of beer and other drinks. I remember thinking damn, this is gonna ruin my dream recall.

      Second dream I remember is playing this wii game with my brother lol. It was very similar to marvel vs capcom 3, except the characters you could play also included people from my school and other hot girls rofl. i’m not sure how they played in the gamge, but i remember owning my brother the first 6 games and then he proceeded to own me after that. i also remember texting ralph “bring weed” lol. supposedly there was supposed to be a party at my house, because i also remember my brother asking me “do you want anything” and i’m like “uhh.. nah”. sarandy comes home and he brings my brother some weird recorder tape thing that you put in your shoebox… imking to be exact. lol idk. i don’t remember anything after that.
      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. fragment 05-13-11

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:27 AM (I Have a Problem)
      I was in a classroom and my Tumblr page was being shown on the projector.
      Everyone laughed because I had a Rubik's Cube as a picture.
      Abraham, a classmate, shouted "Rubik's Cube? Really?"
      I felt embarrassed.
    14. fragment 05-12-11

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:24 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Someone said they were punishing anyone with an "I love boobies" wristband.
    15. It's Snowing Cocaine!

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:23 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-12-11
      Length: 5 Hours
      Vividness: 9/10

      My girlfriend Dakota and I were at a snowboarding park.
      We watched the snow machines plow right by a hill we wanted to board down.
      We got in line to ride down the hill, and I saw Seb and a couple other friends.
      I rode down the hill first, and was going really fast.
      It felt amazing with the wind in my face.
      I got completely launched off one of the ramps and straight into a wall inside of a cave.
      It didn't hurt, even though I plummeted into it at full speed.

      We walked back to the starting point and say down to go eat lunch.
      I believe I was recording dreams onto Dream Views as I was sitting.
      Dakota got up and walked away.
      She passed Seb and flirted with him by touching his hand a bit.
      I got up and talked to some friends.

      The dream skipped to a weird little house.
      My friend Garrett had come over and we were sitting upstairs on the side of the bed.
      He pulled out three bags of drugs; weed, cocaine, and these weird strawberry looking things.
      I thought I heard footsteps so I told him to put it away.

      I went to go check and Mike (one of my friends renter), and my mom were talking downstairs.
      Mike asked me if Dakota was doing any work in Chemistry and I said no, but I was sure people in Westlake were.
