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    1. Alien Salvation

      by , 05-02-2018 at 11:02 AM
      Morning of May 2, 2018. Wednesday.

      My dream begins with the very common circadian rhythm correlation of the “something wrong with the sun” factor.

      In late afternoon, I am in a distortion of my Cubitis home, on the east side of the living room, though it is implied as our present home. I become aware that the sun is becoming too hot for life to continue on Earth. Thus, this is a typical “end of the world” theme (though these are rarely nightmarish for me in the way described by other people), which has occurred on a regular basis for over fifty years. I perceive much of the solar system as being oriented above and beyond the house to the east, with the implication there is no detail rendered elsewhere (such as beyond the other side of the world or to the west). This is surreal, as there are vestibular dynamics where I seem to “fall” into outer space in a dream within a dream and then shift back into my original dream’s setting without waking or with any perceived concurrent threat or concern other than the prospect of the sun eventually becoming too hot. It is as if my dream self is subliminally testing the autosymbolic (vestibular) design of my dream before deciding to continue (even though I am not viably lucid).

      I am aware that the sun’s heat will be increasing exponentially, and that in a few hours it will be about 6,400 degrees (or 80^2). A number of unknown people are present. Some of the others talk about surviving for a few additional hours. Apparently, they believe they can live for an extra hour or two, or longer, by staying in a building with an air conditioner that remains on. We all go out to find a safer location.

      There is a surreal scene where I am temporarily inside an upright hollow rectangular prism. Someone else is near the top looking down at me, as I am looking up from within it. There is some sort of ambiguous association with it being a vehicle. It seems nighttime at this point, but soon switches back to afternoon.

      While in an unfamiliar building on the third floor, I watch equidistant soap bubbles float by outside. I realize that this means aliens are present (subliminally influenced by comic book story I had not thought of at all in years). I consider that the aliens are here to save humanity, even though I only see the spaceship briefly in a dream within a dream. Some of the others suggest that we need to go underground, though we remain on the first floor for a time.

      My dream becomes more vivid and I am now in a distortion of the Loomis Street house, near the back door. A doll walks in from outside. It is about a foot high. It does not talk but makes clicking and humming noises as if to analyze a person’s status. A teddy bear also walks in as well as a stuffed elephant (with a floral print) walking on its back legs. They are all the same height.

      In the final moments prior to waking, I consider that the friendly and helphful aliens are very shy, so they sent in these devices to make first contact and to study people for a time before taking the human race to another planet to ensure survival.

      The “alien” association is caused by the transient dream self not being correlated with the conscious self identity while in REM sleep (as the non-lucid dream self has neither viable contact with the unconscious, such as consistent memory of personal history, or the conscious self identity as in waking life, though most people do not have the ability to realize this at all, hence belief in nonsensical forms of “interpretation”). This is not quite as common as more mundane RAS correlation factors. This is resolved by the introduction of the dream state indicators, teddy bear (first-level dream state indicator) and doll (autosymbolism for the physical body being inactive in sleep - more specifically, my subliminal awareness of Zsuzsanna also being asleep). An elephant, the last “toy” to enter the room, is autosymbolism for the waking alert factor in this case, due to how it “trumpets” (initiating the return to waking consciousness). Once my fictitious dream self subliminally accepts the dream state indicators, RAS modulation begins the waking process. Additionally, this is also a form of doorway waking symbolism, as the “toys” walk in through the back door from outside. (There is no personified preconscious factor as the “toys” hold this role.)

      Updated 11-17-2019 at 07:30 PM by 1390

    2. 6 lucids in a night!! - 2017 DJ #30 LD #23,24,25,26,27,28

      by , 02-06-2017 at 11:17 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am driving a car, and other cars are going the wrong way! I see a purple tube that descends off the floating road to where? I am lucid, but I want to know what is down there. I descend rapidly with tons on adrenaline, and reach a bubble. The bubble is the size of my car, and tansparent. I get out of he car and go in. Suddenly, it drops down and down, until it hits water! I am now in an air bubble floating through a beautiful pale sea.

      I FA and become lucid by seeing 6 fingers, and attempt to wake.

      However, I am still dreaming! I become lucid and fly out the open window. The sky is a cloud covered pink as I float through a serene town. I see a church with a yellow light emanating from inside, and I float through the window. Some poorer people from the village are gathered at a table sharing a humble feast. However, a rich man in a red cloak steps in, and sends them away, and eats it all himself. I leave sadly.

      I wake for real in the middle of the night.

      I fall back asleep. I become lucid and fly around aimlessly a countryside peacefully. I eventually try to fly to my solar system, by getting on a truck and trying to pull myself out of the atmosphere but fail.

      I wake up for real.

      Updated 12-14-2020 at 02:05 AM by 91855

      lucid , memorable
    3. A pony, a lucid car accident & a teleporting angry me

      by , 09-01-2016 at 03:00 AM
      D1: Non-Lucid: A guy looked a lot like "Chuck" Saul's brother, from "Better call Saul". So I went there w/ the pony & it turned out to be something like a big feed store where you buy in bulk for animal food. He had some stalls in the back. The guy got really mad at me & said that we didn't deserve a pony & that we murdered our dogs. He told me we were criminals. Kept calling me a dog murderer. I was crying in my dream & in real life. I could here myself. So I knew I was dreaming but I still had to defend myself for personal reasons. I told him that wasn't what happened. I was hysterical & he kept yelling. But then he went around the corner which is the exact moment I knew I was dreaming, crying, & screaming. I started back in on him after I rounded the corner. He suddenly stopped & looked at me like I was crazy & said, "what are you talking about, I didn't say that."

      I woke up still screaming & crying & Meesha Cat was loving on me. Then I realized all the screaming had freaked her out & woke her up. She had peed all over my bed. This was not a good start to the morning. I had to get up & wash all my shit & console my poor cat. So I finally got back to bed about 2 hrs later... Oh, & the dream was some small guilt I still carry about rehousing our dogs due to my health. They all got homes & yes I now have a cat but she's never under foot like they were.

      D2: Lucid- Mike & I were driving to go see my Grandpa Harry. (He passed away 24 yrs ago) We were going around a sharp curve on what looked like the side of a mountain.It was getting dark & I was starting to panic. Something went wrong w/ the brakes & we were airborne. I was driving. I held his hand & said "I love you, Mike." I thought we were going to die! I had this strange feeling right then though. I had to try & do something. Part of me thought this has to be a dream & part of me thought this could be real. So when I told him I loved him & held his hand I went full on lucid. I slowed down time & willed us to be in a bubble away from the car & we slowly floated down.

      D3: I had a big fight w/ a guy who was treating like shit. Apparently he was seeing me & another woman. I got really mad & started teleporting all around which freaked him out while I was yelling at him. He was so confused, lol. I started to get lucid but my phone went off & I had to deal w/ real life. Sigh. That would've been 2 lucids. Oh well.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown/OOB
    4. Strong fever nightmare

      by , 05-29-2013 at 10:28 PM
      I had a cold some time ago and I experienced some really strong, feverish, nightmares. Going to share them here and maybe some of you have had similar experiences. After i had these I kind of put down the dreaming for a while as the power of them scared me. Clearly a downside of getting better at dreaming, all dreams become stronger, no matter good or bad.

      Dream 1
      I was floating in darkness. Just complete and empty darkness. In the darkness there were bubbles. Bubbles of knowledge floating in a calm and dark eternity. Among them I was floating. I could not choose were to float, I just did. At some times i passed through the bubbles of knowledge. And the knowledge were so strong, and so terrifying. It felt like my mind was gonna burst like a soap bubble. And then i had passed through. But then there were another bubble of terrible knowledge.

      I can't remember what knowledge they contained, just that it were very strong and very powerful. I woke up covered in sweat and with my heart racing.

      Dream 2
      I woke up and I was completely convinced that there was a snake beside me in the bed. I could feel it. It was there. I did not dare to move. Then i jumped out of the bed and ran across the room and lit the ceiling lamp.

      There were, of course, no snake there. But it felt so real, and was so vivid.. Scary as fuck.

      That's it! Is it normal that the dreams you dream while sick is stronger and darker then normally? Because I never experience nightmares normally.

    5. The Bubble, Swim Center

      by , 05-12-2013 at 05:38 PM
      I was at a swim meet. It was in an open, airy room. I think that there were glass walls, or a glass roof. I wasn't swimming as fast as I could, because everyone in front of me was swimming slowly.

      I think that I might have been in a twisted version of the Bubble. There must have been 8-10 lanes there, long-course. I was slacking off, then I decided to go all out. I swam at would normally be considered a sprint for almost an entire 200 meters, and I felt this great feeling of pride, and I could tell that everyone was watching me. I had the feeling that people were there from school, and they were amazed that I could swim that fast. I watched myself in third person. I was happy that my practicing was finally paying off, to the point that I could swim a 200 sprint without running out of breath.
    6. 3/29/12

      by , 03-29-2012 at 04:33 PM
      Initially I had a dream about designing an intricate pulley system. Later I had a dream that my whole high school class was filing into an auditorium for an assembly. I was making messing around with my friend Blake in front of his girlfriend. He waited until the until the school cameras panned over our area then slapped me so that the whole school saw it on the big screen in front of us. I didn't know if I should play of cool or retaliate. As we were waiting for the assembly to start, a rumor got out that there was a bomb in the school. I narrowly escaped the school through an unlocked door. As I ran, a girl and here friends were on the outskirts guarding the peremesis. The big one in the middle started shooting at me. I dove and rolled down a hill to dodge the bullets, taking two. She has given up, as I watched uphill, I notices these big astrict ( * ) shaped glowing lines in the air, wavering like a bubble and surrounding the whole school. I kept running and made sure to keep my head down low. Eventually I found some other kids from the school who had made it out. Infront of us was a large ski lift looking lift that rose way into the sky and on until it was out of view. I boarded it like everyone else, my passenger being a little bit of a weirdo. I don't remember much else. I can also recall a snippet of a dream where I'm getting on an elevator with an older man and someone else. I was frightened that the elevator might give out.
    7. Racing Game

      by , 09-17-2011 at 12:00 PM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      I am in a racing game, it is a heads down view on the cars. The cars are very strange, it is possible that they are hovering, each with it's own special ability. At first I try this massive yellow car, it can bash through the other players, but it is too clumsy, so I go for a small blue one which can send bubbles out which does damage over time.
    8. 06/04/11 Sleep (1) 1:00AM - 9:00AM

      by , 06-07-2011 at 04:34 AM (Graham's DJ)
      I dreamt I was in one of three arena-like settings. One with a large spider overhead, one with two fighting triceratops an one with two boxing kangaroos. I was in the spider's arena where a giant spider overhead (like 200ft across? Yeah.) was dropping large sphere-shaped blobs on me as I tried to pop them with a stick or something. I remember getting paid a couple thousand bucks everytime I did it without getting hit.
    9. Wall-Walking

      by , 01-12-2011 at 12:43 PM
      1/12/11 - Wall-Walking
      Dream Non-dream Lucid
      Yay finally, a fun little lucid!

      I don't remember how I got lucid, but I definitely knew I was dreaming. I was at the front door of my house, and there was a big bubble on the porch. I jumped into the air, and floated/air-swam over to the bubble, and pulled it back into the house with me and closed the door. Will was there, and I'd been trying to impress him, though I knew he was a DC. I gave him the bubble and he left.
      Remembering a scene from the movie Inception, I decided to try and walk up a wall, and change my perspective a bit - almost like turning the room sideways. I looked around for a good wall to use, and found that my dad's office was perfect, with walls and areas of ceiling at varying angles. I saw my dad sitting at his desk and asked him, "Can I walk on your walls? It is my dream." He just nodded and smiled, so I turned to the wall and walked straight at it, then stepped onto it and walked straight up. It took some concentration, but the room's gravity seemed to shift. The wall I was on became my floor. I proceeded to walk all over the walls and ceiling, enjoying it very much. At some point I decided to get rid of all gravity, and just float around. I did lots of flips and turns, enjoying the way it made the room spin, and the overall weightlessness of it. I then started talking to my dad about it, and he said something about a baseball team, which confused me.
      I rolled over in bed and woke up.

      Maybe next time I'll remember to do something productive.
    10. Old Dream: Bubbles of Light

      by , 08-28-2008 at 03:27 AM
      August 27, 2008:
      One of my rare positive dreams.

      I was sleeping in my mother's room on her bed for this one, which isn't usual for me but her bed is softer and my back hurt a lot.

      As I was beginning to fall asleep I started to dream that shadowy grey figures were shuffling around the bed, they were wearing grey cloaks and had veils over their faces. I was sort of scared but then another figure appeared who was a humanoid with golden hair, and announced himself as a "golden" something, at which point a bubble of light began to expand from our bodies to fill the room. The shadowy figures couldn't withstand this and disintegrated. The light filled all of the corners of the room and then expanded beyond it and my new friend and I flew around inside of a bubble of light. He demonstrated that he could expand or contract the bubble, and then the dream faded into the blackness that's usually deep sleep for me.
    11. Early magic dream, age 6 (recurred for several years)

      by , 08-25-1977 at 08:48 PM
      Morning of August 25, 1967. Friday.

      Location (both in real life and in first versions of dream): Rose Street (and surrounding area), La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - the apartment building that mostly served as a tavern below (a venue where my father sometimes performed) and apartments above, which was struck by lightning and burned to the ground years later, after I returned to Wisconsin.

      Real-life Associations: Wendy the Good Little Witch comic book number 45 as shown here, with, I think, a news agency stamp of August 17th, 1967 (“publish date”, which is sometimes several months ahead the release date, listed as December 1967).

      Characters: Me, the young version of Alice Liddell (the real “Alice in Wonderland”, 1852-1934) as Wendy the Good Little Witch in “real” human form (recurring - I cannot presently recall a dream-witch who did not have black hair - she also wore a blue outfit rather than red - sorry Harvey fans, blonde witches just never seemed “right” for some reason), and a few random adults. Interestingly my wife had a very similar haircut around that same age, so that is just another intriguing familiarity, I guess.

      This was the first occurrence of the “rain shield”. The first version of the rain shield or “bubble” shield was in the Pepto-Bismol pink I have mentioned in other entries. I could have lived without it, I suppose. I have not had pink as a dominating color in my dreams very often since late childhood. Blue has mostly been the most outstanding. At any rate, it was mostly about being “protected” from the rain in several recurring dreams this way, and it eventually became one of my own recurring dream abilities after moving back to Florida. Sometimes, it was a special wristwatch I wore (when it was not just “mind-power” or magic), which of course was a special variation of the 1967 Omega Seamaster, which could also allow the wearer and anyone he held hands with to walk on the ocean floor (which was less common than the walking and flying in the rain dreams, but to be honest, I actually liked walking and flying in the rain in some other dreams).

      The shield was mostly egg-shaped and transparent, extending out about three feet from me and whoever I was with. I still had one dream of it now and then at age twelve. These were some of my more vivid and (lucid) self-reflecting dreams, which were eventually “replaced” by the flying in a cloak in the dead of night dreams - which tended to have the same overall amazing mood and feelings of peace and bliss.

      Historically speaking, this was the day (25th) that a certain Nazi Party founder was killed at a laundromat in the US. Not knowing any better, I told an older girl (D. Rockwell) I knew at the time how sorry I was that her father was shot at the laundromat. Obviously, this was no close relation, so she looked at me in a very puzzled manner.