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    1. 6/05/23

      by , 06-06-2023 at 05:15 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      UFO Pizza Ghosts

      I am outside some building that feels like a sonic
      It is nighttime, I see lights in the sky in the distance
      The more I look the more the lights resemble cartoonish-looking flying saucers flying in pairs
      There are probably close to a dozen scattered across the sky
      I attempt to point them out to the people near me

      Later I am in the building and it feels like a pizza restaurant that is closed for the night
      I gather we are in here to retrieve something for the owner
      My friend wants to snag a free pizza while no one is here
      The streets outside are also empty

      The inside where we are goes almost misty with a pinkish hue
      There are pink colored orbish like odd shaped beings floating through the restaurant
      They are dripping with some pinkish ooze
      They don't seem threatening at all but it feels ominous and somewhat eerie

      Somehow my friend now has a baby in a carrier he says we should take with us
      I don't mind he's carrying and he seems to recognize the kid
      We go outside and my friend is now in a 60s-style convertible waving me in
      He has the baby's cradle fastened in the backseat
      There is another random guy there smoking cigarettes
      I am disgusted and begin voicing my opposition to him smoking so near an infant
      The dream fades

      Fragment about getting a package in the mail, I am surprised it arrived several days before I was expecting it

      Fragment about seeing someone close to me going down the stairs, they fall face first and I race down the steps to see they are unresponsive. I turn them over and pull them level onto the ground while trying to wake them up
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Comp Night 4 - A Very Confusing Lucid

      by , 06-06-2023 at 02:55 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Y'know, I really love these podcasts with CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue. They always seem to say the most useful things right when I need to hear it... even if they said it years ago.
      Anyway, on to the dreams

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A girl was on the subway, heading for Japan. She was confused about Chinese versus Japanese pronunciation. Someone abruptly stopped her at 3:30 to ask a question.

      That's all. Ironically, I woke up at 3:30. Logged the entry and went to sleep, attempting WILD as usual. I used CanisLucidus's "99, I'm dreaming, 98, I'm dreaming" method this time.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Spoiler for suicide:

      There was an immediate scene change. Now I was not even in the dream, but the "camera" was on a guy wearing a turtle shell, and he said to me, "So, you're trying to WILD? Just give it up." We both became simultaneously alarmed by his words. "I mean, no, no, never mind.... I don't know anymore, you schmuck."


      I woke up at 4:21. After recording the dream, I lay awake for at least 35 minutes, doubting if I would be able to get back to sleep at all. But I was thinking of LDing and WILD the whole time, and eventually I drifted off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Where do I even start? The order of this dream is so scrambled... I'll try my best.

      I was on a spaceship, in a small room with my mom and a cabinet of spices. Lucid from the get-go, I remembered my first three-step task: flying! I jumped up and hovered in the air, being careful not to fly through the ceiling in case the dream blacked out.

      Wriggling in midair, I bragged to my mom, "This is a dream! This is a dream!"

      She clapped and praised me
      , yet at the same time, I heard her shrieking at me to do my work. It was weird, but the image of her in that room was super vivid. I remember being amazed and hoping I didn't wake up.
      Then I had a false awakening.

      I attempted WILD by imagining my mom as she was before, and she kind of "booted up," but in the end it failed. So I went to sleep normally
      and the next thing I remember is being in my living room, lucid again. I pushed my brother aside and jumped into and through the front door, trying to teleport. I emerged in total blackness.*

      At first I assumed I had woken up, but then I thought,
      Wait, what if this is the "void" CanisLucidus mentioned? Remembering how he hailed it as an effective teleportation tool, I tried to summon up a scenery. Grainy graphics resembling the ATNRPG logo popped up.** (I started playing it yesterday.) There were four letters instead of six, and they kept changing, most of them somewhat Greek-looking. I wasn't surprised; I was glad for the typical dream sign.

      I entered what I for some reason believed to be a WILD transition. I was in the woods in front of a stream, mentally comparing it to its real life counterpart. This one had more greenery, and the trees were packed more densely. A kid from my ESS class appeared, floating face-down in the river. (I was reminded of Dazai from BSD.) But he wasn't completely limp, rather suspending his waist over the water while keeping his head submerged.

      My friend A was with me and we pulled him out, despite his struggles. "Can't you see I'm trying to die here?" he snapped.

      "You should do a better job of it then," I said coldly. "Besides, we'll get in big trouble if we're caught turning a blind eye."

      He pushed us away and even started throwing punches. A was distressed but I figured it was a good opportunity to solidify the dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything.

      Don't remember the end of the scene, maybe it was another FA+false DEILD.

      I was on a spaceship again, literally on top of it, mostly non-lucid. My body was a mechanical bunny, and making it walk was quite difficult. A little astronaut was with me, and we had to avoid these moving concrete traffic barriers; touching them would be fatal. (On some level it was a video game.)

      He opened a door for us but I somehow entered the wrong one. I came across a device with the ability to change the background of my alarm clock. I was like, "Oh wow, I never knew that my alarm clock background could change!" (I was a little bit lucid since I assumed it would change it in real life.)

      A selection of anime-style backgrounds filled the screen. I scrolled through the various themes, among them Irisu Syndrome, Yume Nikki, generic night skies, et cetera. I was going to choose the first, but I couldn't buy it because I needed 30 "tickets" and owned none.

      How am I supposed to get tickets? Never heard of 'em, I thought grumpily. I accidentally pressed a button but canceled it by hitting "esc." I think it also teleported me to the correct door and sent me through.

      I was lucid again, more than before, walking through the spaceship's hallway with a bunch of people. I decided to go with the flow and follow them, wondering if they would take me anywhere important. We went through one of those futuristic, automatic, semi-circle-shaped doors into a room I didn't pay enough attention to to remember.

      I thought of the competition, under the impression that this was its own separate dream, unaware of the false DEILDs. I said hello to a reporter lady and she happily greeted me back. Then I tried to push my finger through my palm but it didn't work at all, so I looked at my hands instead. Totally normal. For a moment I assumed it was because the dream was so stable, but perhaps I was just being cocky. I looked closer and bam, suddenly I only had three short fingers on each hand! It was so creepy I actually said "Eek!" and shook them out. I looked away and in my peripheral vision saw them return to normal.

      I worried the repulsion would wake me up, so I distracted myself by flying. It was unusually difficult; I had to kick myself into the air and flail around to stay afloat.

      "Stop that," the reporter scolded. I did, and she led me over to a marked circle on the ground, asking me some questions I didn't listen to nor answer.

      I wracked my brain for the memory of my next three-step task, but nothing came up. Again I worried about waking up, and maybe the dream dissolved, or I had an FA, but this is the next scene I remember:

      My memories of this part are particularly fuzzy, and I wasn't even in it. There was a play going on (in the same spaceship I believe) but a couple actors had been abducted—a gay boy and a pretty blond girl. An image of the latter flashed across the screen, anime style, of course. Short wavy hair, long eyelashes, a floppy hat, and a white sundress.

      Someone said, "Oh, I knew that gay guy was going to get abducted someday."

      "Well, I knew that girl was going to get abducted someday," someone else put in. [The visuals were very bad.] "[Name], you should have watched her better."

      [Name] was a teenage boy who probably had a crush on the blond girl. "I thought it would be creepy to watch her too much..." he mumbled.

      They were about to set out on a rescue mission, but before they did, I woke up for real at 5:36. There was a sort of hypnopompic transition into wakening, similar to the turtle guy but less vivid. A monk was facing the "camera" and talking about lucid dreaming. I don't remember what he said.


      The reason the order of everything is so confused in my brain is because I didn't write it down right away. When I first awoke, I still believed all those false awakenings were actual DEILDs, and I tried to do another one. But after a while I realized that this time was different than the others and I needed to hurry and write down the dream, or I would forget.

      Anyway, this is my first LD of the competition! YAY! Maybe I'll draw some pics for it tomorrow.

      Edit: Pics!

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      WILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      *Does this count as Fully Phase through Big Solid Object if I lost lucidity afterwards? - TBD (Edit: Yep, 10 points)
      **Is this Advanced Summoning? - TBD (Edit: Nope)
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 26.5 (Edit: 36.5)
      Previous sum: 25 points

      Comp total: 51.5 points (Edit: 61.5 points)

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 01:56 AM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    3. Night of Sunday 6/4/23 (Comp Night 4)

      by , 06-06-2023 at 12:01 AM (Dreamlog)
      Great-Grandma Versus Orochimaru
      I'm back in my childhood neighborhood back home. There's snow on the ground and sky. Orochimaru from the Naruto series is chasing me. Either he has poisoned me or I'm trying to prevent it. My Great-Grandma shows up to protect me. There are trip-wires setup around my house after I've made it. They are for Orochimaru. Setting up trip-wires checks out for Great-Grandma. She was a badass. I make it to my garage and Z from my WoW group is there. The dream presents him as a childhood friend and I accept it. I don't really meet him until much later in life.

      Starry Flyover
      It's night-time with a starry sky. I'm at the top of a grassy hill. It reminds me of the hill Dustin uses for his radio in Stranger Things to contact Suzie. There is some kind of military flyover happening. Maybe for July 4th? My friend L shows up in a small hatchback car. She was part of the flyover service. I guess she is a pilot or somehow involved. She has a phone-holder in the car with a woman's breasts as the support structure. Neat. She's driving me over to her place, but it feels innocent. As in, we aren't going to hookup. The town has tiny alleys and turns that no car I've ever seen should be able to fit in, but this car does. We arrive back at L's place.

      Updated 06-06-2023 at 12:15 AM by 99808

    4. Competition Night 4

      by , 06-05-2023 at 09:41 PM

      My Mother came to visit today. I slept late, and she woke me up. As a result, I didn’t put a lot of effort into dream journaling this morning. I don’t know how these things fit together, but I feel like this first part might have been all one dream:

      Missing Out... Sinking Boat... Where’s my Hat? Where’s my Coat?

      ...I had been taking a nap, but when I woke up I found that a bunch of people had gathered together for something. I walk over and it seems that they are having a theological discussion, but I’m not sure. Then I go back to my room, but realize I might be missing something fun. I go back, but people are leaving now. There had been a lot of kids in this room, watching a movie. Next to the room was what seemed to be a large rock overhand, with a large fire burning beneath it. I hear from someone that Kira Nerys (from Star Trek DS9) and Seven of Nine (from Voyager) had been there. I think to myself that I will never sleep during the day again, for fear of missing something great like this...

      ...Someone getting off an airplane talking about how they were on the same flight as Taylor Swift...

      ...Some guy comes along (I’m in the front yard of what might be my grandparents’ old house, or a house I used to live in, or a mashup of the two). This guy is looking for a drink, and find a garden hose. He asks if he can drink out of it, but I’m hesitant because the water comes from the well and I don’t know if the well is contaminated. He drinks from it anyway. It seems to be night now, or at least getting dark. The man goes inside, and decides to take a shower in our basement shower. I find him the shower curtain. He also has trouble finding how to turn on the hot water, and I help him with that...

      ...Someone has taken my hat, and maybe my coat too, and has not returned it. I go looking for it. I go into my cousin’s room in a hotel/conference center that we seem to be staying at. We are all packing up to leave, but I don’t want to leave without my hat...At some point I think I’m crawling over a second floor railing and maybe dangling down to a counter (like a hotel check-in counter below)...At another point I go into someone’s apartment in their house (also one of my Professors’ houses, I think this guy is his son). We just barge on in. There is a bed to the left, and a fireplace to the right. Also a set of drawers, I think. It might be a nice place, but the house is a little run down...

      ...Now at a family vacation spot by the lake. There is a boat that is supposed to be coming in, and someone is supposed to meet them at the shore. There is a place called “dock street”, or something, where the boat is coming in. The boat comes in, and there is something on it that we want to chase away by stirring up a swarm of insects that are on the front of the boat. Somehow, the boat escapes and slips out into the water. Then it goes underwater. There were people on the boat too, and I fear that they have drowned. I go through this thing where I feel responsible for killing people, and then realizing it was probably just a dream (without becoming lucid) and then forgetting it was a dream and feeling bad again...

      ...I go into a store, and want to buy a present (for my Grandfather?). There are some kind of green balls being sold. I think I had bought some, but I lost them. I decide to buy a few more, and they want to charge me something like $50 for 5 of them. I ask if they will take $40. They make a sound as though agreeing, but they aren’t really. At first I’m a bit worried that they will give me less for less money...

      ...A hotel room. Something had happened and they are just now cleaning up. The hotel room is reopened, but just has a TV sitting on the floor and looks like they just restored the minimum of furnishing...


      (1) Someone has a package of frozen waffles with a lot of ice on them. I think I start knocking off the ice.
    5. 05.06.2023 4th night SC2023

      by , 06-05-2023 at 05:06 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      WBTBx2 => 2 non-lucids and 1 fragment

      First round:

      …/I’m in a concert hall. The hall is still empty. The stage is set. It looks like it’s very early in the day of the concert, all lights are off, except for a couple of bulbs somewhere above the stage. Not enough to illuminate any. There’s some people, no more than 10. The place is very dark. As nothing is happening I go on the stage, take the microphone and start talking shit. Then I see N. Is on the back side of the stage, standing next to a speaker. I challenge somebody to come to the front to show up as she is. And I look at her and ask again to come on. She laughs but doesn’t want to step to the front. I ask once more, to show up, so much that you like to show up, I say. She’s nervous and smiles. She has her lips painted in red. Ok I say, and ask for somebody to show the program. I see that E. has a T-shirt showing the program of the night. But he doesn’t react. I ask for somebody to bring some music on the stage. A shadow comes closer and gives me a small speaker, with a white logo on the front side, like it was a signature. There’s a big speaker almost in the middle of the stage. N. runs to the right side of it to get the small speaker from the shadow. I don’t understand her. I already have it. It’s playing some music, like a primitive Black Metal song. I think to myself, it fits perfect with the video of that parody band of Black Metal. And I see for short the mix of that song with the video of the Black Satans/…

      I wake up for short, to record some audio notes for the DJ, it’s almost midnight and I try first WBTB

      Second round:

      …/I see an old man coming to the house, ‘the father’ I think. I see him from the second floor through a window in the first floor. There’s some agitation in the house. There are women there, possibly sisters. An old woman who I think it’s the mother is sent to the basement. She doesn’t have to meet with the old man. They’re hiding her. She goes downstairs. The place is very illuminated and wide. Once the old lady is down, I see some crows building nests on many places around the floor of the basement. There’s hay all over the place. It looks like a barn. The old woman tries to go upstairs, but the doors are closed. I see again the crows. There’s one guiding the rest, showing them what they have to do. I get distracted for a while with their activity. The place diffuses to black behind the nests. There’s a little girl to the side, doing something similar. Although she’s following the instructions of a small bird. It is told that she’s learning how to build a bonfire. I see the small bird jumping and shaking his head as he’s giving instructions while tweeting around a kind of nest with leaves set in random ways/…

      I wake up once more, still have around an hour before the alarm clock goes off. So I resume the voice journaling and go back to attempt once more to get in lucid

      Third round:

      There was something else but I was able to recall just a fragment, I woke up short before the first alarm and realized I was already in the void again when it went off. I forgot all of it along the day. I was surprised to find a voice recording from the last fragment I was able to take. No memory of doing that.

      …/I’m following a girl in 3rd person view. She’s performing long step jumps. Every time longer. Like those I use to surf on the air. Holding the feet up avoiding to touch tte ground when falling. She needs something from another city. She got there in three steps/…
    6. Comp Night 5

      by , 06-05-2023 at 04:49 PM
      About time for some good lucids!

      Dream 1: I was working with a friend to build a road, with the very same tractor that was at my old construction job. In the sky though I saw an eye, which got me lucid. I believe I teleported through a wall to a dark room before losing lucidity. I then remember turning the lights on and watching some old movies when a set of grenades was put on my desk from the movie. I was fine until it was turned on accidentally. I threw it as far as I could but it was still pretty close. Hiding under my bed, it didn’t just explode. It had a mini machine gun inside that shot me a couple times but was blocked mostly by the bed, and eventually went away. I then woke up.

      Dream 2: I was going into town with a friend of mine. (Who I'll refer to as FE) In this dream, she was a catgirl for some reason. We stopped at this coffee shop in the middle of town and shared this cinnamon roll. I was outdoors when I realized something wasn’t right and got lucid. I tried teleporting but it didn’t work. The dream felt like it was ending so I grounded yet lost lucidity. Came over to another friend’s house. (C) Somehow FE turned into this yellow 2D horse thing. Then for some reason C was this huge asshole, and his girlfriend was just as irritating. They didn't let me leave. Suddenly though, FE turns back into a catgirl and sits on C's lap and starts licking him. Me and his girlfriend were shocked as hell, and I woke up.

      Dream 3: A friend of mine sat me down to watch the Mario Movie 2. It was about Mario, Luigi, and DK climbing this impossible mountain that people lived in, but the height brainwashed them. Turns out some witch was there. I made it a few minutes in and it ended. Apparently the guy who showed me said it was a collection of some leaked clips posted on reddit. I was confused, because I thought I would’ve heard of this by now, and then he insulted me. I gave him a “fuck you” and walked away
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. Summer Competition 2023 05.06.23

      by , 06-05-2023 at 02:51 PM
      Today nothing specjal, just dream Fragment

      I was waiting with my friends in school for exam. Someone tried to check porn on my computer. Also I remember part of this dream was in hospital. I was in corridor and I was talking with random patient
    8. Comp Night 4: Another NLD Drop

      by , 06-05-2023 at 02:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      NLD 1:

      I was at some kind of party when someone threw some prank smoke bombs. Blue and pink smoke and confetti burst out and they said it was a gender reveal party. But they had actually thrown one of the prank bombs and it landed inside a glass mason jar of sewing needles. When it went off it was like a fragmentation grenade and everyone nearby was full of needles and running away screaming. I distinctly remember a transition from an outdoor scene to a stairwell. It felt like the stairwell to the basement in my childhood home, but it seemed like it was rotated 90 degrees with the stairs running north.

      I remember me and several other dream figures were hiding in the stairwell. I think some of them were recreations of people I knew in school. I recall hanging on to a light fixture at the top of the stairwell, with some perspective and scale distortion I was maybe a good 3 or 4 meters above the stairs. More and more odd dream figures headed down the stairs including some robots (or people in robot costumes) and a donkey or mule or something. I distinctly remember holding onto the light fixture for a long time saying "wow, I've been hanging on for a long time and this things has not been pulled out of the ceiling and my arms haven't gotten tired."

      Eventually the mob of dream figures passed and I climbed down and headed down the stairs. It led out into this dark otherworldly canyon/crater type region with a small lake of liquid silver/mercury. Everything was shades of dark purple.

      NLD 2:

      I was outside at the lake behind my childhood home. It had a feel very similar to the lucid dream from night 1, with the overcast weather and just the general vibe of the scene. This may have been connected to the first dream but I'm pretty sure there was a brief awakening where I state checked. This dream certainly had a new plot as Marcus was present along with some self replicating robots. They were trying to gather up all the metal on earth and recycle it to make more robots. The self-replicating robots, which were sort of crab or insect like with multiple limbs were climbing in and out of open doors or windows stealing metal objects from homes like pots, pans, parts of cars, pipes, doorknobs and so on.

      I remember finding the lid of a mason jar with a bunch of nails in it and putting it onto one of the big piles of metal objects. I think it was a reference to the earlier dream. Marcus was talking with me for awhile about how he had released sleeping gas so he could take all the metal without people interfering.

      Did a WBTB around here.

      NLD 3:

      I was in the courtyard of an apartment complex in a tropical locale. It might have been on woue because there was a starleaf tree. Marcus was there in human form. He was showing me another copy of my hade form that the consciousness of some other dream figure had been loaded into (though this one appeared to only have blue eyes). They were being bullied by some other dream figures.

      I then started to thinking in a weird way that dream character was sort of my "brother" and maybe I should do something to help him. I then remembered that I was talking with MadMonkey last night about meeting on the moon and going to spar there.
      I looked up at the sky and saw two moons (definitely on Woue). Then I said to myself. "Well I can't meet monkey on the moon because I don't know which one to go to. (Or I knew I wasn't on earth and couldn't easily get to earth's moon) So I guess there's no point to becoming lucid."

      Updated 06-05-2023 at 02:40 PM by 53527

    9. Wolfito closure.

      by , 06-05-2023 at 07:50 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Sunday June 4th 2023

      Ah, Wolfito.

      I am home looking for something to eat. Become lucid while doing so and continue eating like normal and then go to the garden, teleport to another world and prepare to start having fun. Not much can be found here, but there are a few places that are deserted and about to be destroyed by the pass of time so teleport over there.

      The house is red, but now looks pink due to time. There is a big hole on its side, so it looks like only half the house was built in place and the other half was made to look cutely at the hole.

      No other houses around, I go over there and prepare to make it so it won’t fall, and then make the grass below stronger. While doing so realize something is weird, its like I am being watched, but by whom?

      Don’t mind it much since its not showing up and just jump down once I am done and start exploring the big hole. Its at least twice the size of the house.

      Not much happens before I end up waking up.

      Back to sleep.

      I am going to the garden, become lucid and teleport back to where I was at before. This time it’s a bit later at night and there are some people in the place coming and going. They seem happy its no longer moving around like before and seem to be happy to also bring some materials from outside.

      Prepare to leave when they spot me and go inside to tell someone they saw me; just jump out of the hole and run somewhere else.

      They don’t see me anymore; just move and transform in consciousness and start watching like that. In terms of species, humanity is no longer the dominant specie in this world and there is only a few small cities.

      From what I understand humans finally learnt their problem and, in this planet, at least they are trying to live a good life with nature so am ok with them and don’t plan to kill them.

      Keep looking, find a few parks for watching nature. There is one in a forest and one in a city that leads to a beach. Most people don’t really care about the creatures roaming and mostly about being in a peaceful place. I like it so pretend to stay here for another dream or so.

      First thing first though, humans are having trouble protecting other life forms while staying alive but now they are too afraid to do anything else and don’t want to focus on themselves so give them a hand.

      Move to the top of a building and regain my body, like to use powers more this way. Place my hands in front of me and reaching out to the distance and make it so the plants around will bear better fruit for humans and monkeys in general while also making it so that the places that are still up become stronger and decay slower, don’t want their houses dying too quickly, since I calculated around 20 or so years only before complete decay.

      Once I am done prepare to go sight seeing but wake up.

      Back to sleep.

      I am looking around, become lucid while walking and realize I am in the same place as before, cool! Don’t have to teleport again.

      Anyways just start walking towards a few stands, purchase but don’t know what type of coin they are using. It seems coins are no longer a thing and instead they ask you to please provide food from outside.

      So get out of thin air a basket of fruits and provide them to the locals.

      They are super happy and tell me if I want to stay with them at an inn.

      Everything is so rundown, how do they manage to have inns?

      When they bring me to the place, finally realize that rather than an inn, they have 4 or 5 buildings completely set up to allow surviving humans out in the wild to come here and start living with them.

      I get more baskets and provide them to the guys, tell them I know where they grow and make a place where there is LOTs of it.

      Make it so the plants start growing as I get to know people; only 10 rooms have been occupied so far in this place and people are losing hope of more humans reaching but they believe some other cities might still be out there. They have even set up communications and what not.

      I did scan the planet, but not much in terms of humans is left and most will die before reaching here. Maybe another 50, and that is going to only use one building, the other 4 will be for the growing population.

      Not much is done besides showing me around the building, where to cook food, where to go to the bathroom and what not. The building is set up for an amusement park and as such the bathrooms are connected, there is male and female ones and there is a part for showering. Feels like I will need to use it so wake myself up since its coming from outside this time.

      Back to sleep.

      I am home looking at the cell phone, mine is heavier than normal so become lucid off of that and teleport back to the other planet.

      The people there were nice and I keep going around with them, they show me the location still and I ask them to please bring me somewhere else.

      They invite me to go eat with them at a place on the outskirts and then I feel it again… someone is watching me, or something similar?

      Tell the guys that the food is amazing and that I need to go to the bathroom just to see… the wolf man from before? I will call him Wolfito since I don’t know his name. How did he find me?

      He starts running towards me and I just phase through the walls and end up at the other side and the guy just kind of… breaks through them.

      Damn it! This place is good and I don’t find many of these! Become a mass of consciousness and restore the buildings then move around. The guy starts following me and I want him out of the city, since he seems to be mostly pursuing me.

      Use Scan and apparently, he realizes this, but isn’t very good at hiding why he wants to find me; apparently, he still remembers the fight from yesterday and believes I ran from him; this belief is reinforced right now due to him realizing that I ran away thinking that I am actually afraid and wants to hurt me. He disappears all of a sudden and again I feel like I need to go to the bathroom so just take the chance.

      Back to sleep.

      Am walking around a forest. Become lucid and start wondering where I am, use Scan. Oh yeah same location as before.

      So now I am wondering if I should move somewhere else or just stay there, given that the guy is trying to kill me and destroying things around. Maybe I should just kill him but his persistence is kind of cute and not sure if I want to kill him or not.

      The guy shows up again… gosh can’t he leave me alone?

      He destroys a few trees which I regrow and keeps on attacking me. He realizes the trees are back and that I am protecting them so he destroys even more and it gets annoying.

      Finally while he is trying to create a huge fireball jump on his back, kick him out of the way and make the ground grow around him while flying towards the buildings and becoming a mass of consciousness.

      Can feel the intent of Wolfito to destroy the buildings since he lost signal of me there so just regain a body inside the building where I was hiding at and go to the bathroom, take a pee and then go outside as I sense him coming towards me… damn you Wolfito.

      He is coming at top speed so start flying out of the way and end up waking up instead.

      Back to sleep.

      I am in a big hole. Become lucid while in there and decide I should probably go to the middle of the ocean, in that part where I scanned before and there is no life.

      Prepare to do so and start flying when I get tackled by Wolfito.

      Now that I take a good look at him, he is wearing a blue hoodie and jeans; we turn around like crazy mid air and end up crashing not too far from the city. I prepare to leave again when he makes some type of barrier around the city, which also cancels out air.

      DAMN! The people here don’t have any type of powers and will die. Prepare to destroy the barrier when he touches me in the chest and sends me flying with some kind of kinetic energy attack. I am sent flying back against a few buildings so just phase through them, become a consciousness and try to hold Wolfito down.

      He somehow manages to slip through, breaks through the buildings and some of them are falling down.

      Rebuild them as he comes to me and regain a body. I really need to teach this kid a lesson, he keeps thinking I am easy prey. Right now standing below a building that is like a school place, there is huge walking places in front of office-like rooms that people use to live in a family at a time.

      He finally comes down at me from above. Repair the ceiling thingy as he crashes down on me, we break down concrete and the guy attempts to punch me, why when he has claws?

      I grab his punch, turn around and smash him against the ground gently.

      He crashes down and as he does the guy grabs my leg and also smashes me against the ground then a micro blackhole generates above me which starts to warp space and light around us.

      I grab it and collapse it quickly then place my hand on his face and slam him against the ground a few times.

      The guy finally attempts to claw at me and I just fly towards the barrier, break it and leave the place when he reaches out to me and tries to collect energy for a real black hole.

      Alright, he is going off of limits I don’t want this place destroyed.

      Teleport in front of him, grab him by the stomach and drag him around with his skill, fly FTL and reach out to a few galaxies from where we are.

      When we stop, Wolfito seems uber confused and nearly pukes. I tap his head and collapse the energy, he looks even more confused and he flies back, gasps a bit for air and then stops caring as he starts gathering energy on his palms.

      I raise my arm and make the totality of the universe stop for a second and gather its energy above him in a giant pole of light. He finally stops, looking completely amazed and then drops his stance and just look at me “Just… who are you?” he asks me “Why are you pursuing me?” I ask him, he points at me saying I invaded his dream first. His what?

      Does this kid believe I am in his dream? Ask him just that and he says yes, then says he is confused because since the time he saw me, his dreams are more like reality.

      I ask him again if this is his dream and he says he is not sure. So grab him by the collar and fly him back, this time he does puke. We stopped at the water park part of the city. Let time move forwards again and he is confused.

      Tell him his hoodie looks good and then tell him I wasn’t running, I was avoiding him since this place is good.

      Tell him this is actually on my space and he is the one coming in, and also that I don’t believe him he is a real guy.

      He turns back human and adjusts his clothes, they are a bit big for him now that he is back to human; the guy has greenish eyes and cute short hair, but nowhere near a wolf like he presented himself.

      Pat him in the head and he gets mad, asks me not to do that and also wants me to give him my real information so he can contact me once he wakes up “I suck at names Wolfito, and you probably won’t remember” tell him, he insists, says he wants to know more about me.

      Tell him to move out of the way and the guy starts following me… this is bad, bridge effect? WHICH reminds me I should probably stop using pheromones like I always do so stop that before the guy gets the wrong idea.

      When I turn around he is super happy about the water place and asks me if I dream often in this city “First time on this planet, but this universe is mine” tell him, he seems surprised and says dreams can be so much more than he originally thought.

      “Please give me your information” he says again “No” reply quickly and prepare to leave, then he says cute guys always say that… this brat. Ask him how old is he, 20, 19? He says 25 and then kisses me, so push him aside.

      He says its ok for me to call him Wolfito then says his name which I forget and tell him that, I will forget about his name and just remember our convo. Then he says he will talk more about himself.

      The guy starts to piss me off so finally tell him my online name “If you want to find me, look through discord dreaming channels, look for Hukif” tell him, he says the name a few more times and prepare to leave the guy behind when he rushes towards me.

      Prepare to tell him off again when I realize his taken his hoodie off and wants me to go with him to swim… no. Damn, the guy looks good without the hoodie, but still no. Tell him I will be waking up in like 10 mins or so and he starts talking about himself.

      He tells me where he lives, which isn’t exactly far from where I am located at, he also says he doesn’t quite looks like this in the waking world and describes himself better.

      From what he says the difference isn’t big, I avoid talking about myself besides repeating that he can look for Hukif online and that if he is an actual real person and can find me, I will invite him to a date but see it doubtful.

      I don’t like where this is going, he is getting to close to me and I keep telling him that he should not be there with me and that I actually don’t want to be with him, that I was meaning to enjoy the place.

      He says he will be waking up soon and then grabs me and places me against the wall to kiss me. So push him again, this time it’s a bit harder and I don’t want to push him so hard he will break the city again… gah. Just use TK this time and take him off of me then tell him to just look for Hukif and then he disappears. GOSH annoying kid.

      Since I am already here, walk around and eat some stuff while watching the creatures, some very cool Octopi like animals that I like and some fruits that grow only in salt water that are unlike anything I had ever seen. Have some more fun before waking up.
    10. Wolfito meeting.

      by , 06-05-2023 at 07:50 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Saturday June 3rd 2023

      Hello good Sir.

      I am talking to someone on the phone, become lucid while doing so and decide I will be leaving the room.

      Once outside wonder what to do now, fly for a bit and then teleport to another planet. I reach somewhere that is close to a mountain and prepare to go down except that it looks barren. A volcan?

      I get closer and sure enough it actually is a volcan. Get down to the lava and start walking on top of it, since there seems to be a cave at the on there side and flying would be awkward in this small space.

      Once I reach, find a cute little rock in the middle of the volcan site and some people in there, dead. Did they get caught in the explosion? But its not hot here, what happened? From what I can tell examining the atmosphere, it seems like the place was filled with venomous gas and people couldn’t survive.

      Examine a bit the rocks around us and just clean the air, as there seems to be other non human animals close by, make them healthier and resurrect one of the dead ones and slowly take them out with TK while flying out the place and then reach out outside of the forest. Wake up not much longer after that.

      Back to sleep.

      Its super early in the morning, and I am feeling a bit tired. Start going outside and get some water but become lucid while doing so; this water is far too heavy.

      I remember about the last place and want to go back and check that everything is still good since the volcano was still active.

      Once I reach the place its going off again and its stronger this time, too strong for most creatures to move out of the way. Just contain the explosion with TK and make it slower with time control until the creatures in the place can fully escape. Once I am done fly down and let the lava keep like normal. A few humans come by and attempt to do crazy stuff, a missile comes flying by so teleport on top of it and eat the thing before it makes things worse. Also set up a barrier before I wake up again, due to dumb humans maybe making things worse.

      Back to sleep.

      I am online talking to some people, become lucid while doing so and get curious about the net of this world. So just go online and start talking to people in a few discord servers.

      Find a few ones about LD and also find one with members I recognize from the waking world, so talk to them and try to hint them at getting lucid.

      It gets complicated but a few realize this is actually a dream world and then things go crazy.

      People start abusing stuff as if they were staff which I find stupid… just create a virus that hacks directly onto their world and makes them unable to keep being annoying, then just shut down the internet on the whole planet before teleporting somewhere else.

      I arrive to a location in the middle of a mountain range and fall slowly towards a big city, wake up before reaching and don’t even bother to do anything since it was tiresome talking so much online for a dream.

      Back to sleep.

      I am home going over to the bathroom. Become lucid while doing so and… oh yeah, teleport back to the other planet.

      Once I am there start walking around the streets, not much to see neither much to do and I am just going around sight seeing for as far as I can.

      That is until people start closing down things around us because it is late and I am told that a room to stay on is needed.

      Use scan to check the currency of this planet and then use creation to make materials out of it and make the local coins then move over to a big building, enter it and pay my rent for a night.

      Things seem fine in the hotel for the most part and I take my sweet time in the bathroom taking a shower and going to pee, even if it’s a dream showering always feels nice.

      Get out and then hear knocking on the door. I thought it was too late for anyone to be working? Maybe staff does work late here who knows.

      Go open the door and then get met by two girls and one guy who all stare down at me since currently just went out of the bathroom and wearing a towel and sandals… oh sorry. Close the door, dry myself with magic and then teleport clothes on top, open the door after like 3 mins to make it believable and ask them how I can help.

      They show me a bottle of win and want to go inside… is it rude if I say no? Let them in and ask them to take off their shoes since I am not wearing any and don’t trust strangers.

      They comply thinking it’s a cultural thing and then come in, make some remarks about me being half naked before, we drink a bit and they tell me all about their life… why? I try to ignore them and prepare to go to bed so tell them off, but they say its too early. Stupid humans, just use mind control and make them leave but then the wine kicks in and I need to go pee, so just do that.

      Back to sleep.

      I am in bed, become lucid while trying to get up and hit my toe with the nightstand thingy next to beds, which breaks it down. People get startled because of this and… why is there people next to me?

      They tell me apparently I fell quickly due to the alcohol and mention that they put me to bed, and why is it that everyone is sharing bed with me?

      They got drunk too from what I can gather, and I am not liking this conversation. Make them stay in bed while I am about to leave and then something hits the bottom of the hotel.

      It starts to shake and the surprise makes the other three guys break out of their trance so I just rewind time and stop the giant rock of fire coming at us with TK, then go over the edge of the wall and teleport outside just to see some kind of creature casting a second shot.

      Teleport in front of it, look up at it and see its arms are preparing to shot another meteor-like thing. Grab it with my hand and crush it with TK then send the thing flying down and just prepare to leave when something strange happens; everything around me starts to crumble and I don’t mean the place, but reality itself.

      Use a few skills that prevent the usage of causality against me and then things go back to normal after a very loud click happens.

      Quickly look for the source and find some kind of creature outside of the galaxy doing it. Fly towards it and then prepare to engage in combat when I wake up…

      Back to sleep.

      I am on the computer. Become lucid while talking to Naiya and then realize I have not visited her in a long time. Should I do it today? Probably not, been sleeping poorly and don’t want things to get messy. So instead of trying to teleport over to her start talking to people in another server.

      Not much is done, since I am trying to learn mechanics about things I have never done before in waking life and get lost in technical stuff and don’t even know if I can apply it upon waking up.

      Try to read something on biology instead, which goes a bit better but also get confused on some terms that I know can look up after waking up.

      Once I am done reading teleport back to the other planet I was on before, but this time outside of it, what was the creature that tried to breach causality to reach me?

      Can’t find it quick enough for me not to wake up again so end up just losing sight of it.

      Back to sleep.

      I am sitting, eyes closed. Can’t open them for some reason, try to do it frantically and while doing so realize my eyelids are super heavy, that also allows me to become lucid and gain enough strength to open my eyes.

      Once I have them open realize that I am actually in space. Teleport back to the planet I was on before and prepare to use large scale Scan to look for the creature when the star of this system starts to shine around, it’s too bright.

      I cover my eyes and start the Scan then find the creature and as I do so a few people come to me.

      The first one is a man in his 30’s charging at me, stab him in the chest and toss him aside as I feel a woman coming from above, she gets crushed by hyper gravity as I keep walking forward and then start flying.

      As I fly, am met by another guy who is actually more of a wolf person, whom is trying to shot something at me. By this point in time have located the creature from before so just teleport out of its way and on top of the head of the creature.

      The things tail comes at if as if a stinger and I grab it then open my mouth and shot it down with some energy. Surprisingly that does not kill the creature and instead it just gets angry.

      It was big enough that I fit completely on its head, like a giant crocodile. Punch it and the thing gets sent out onto space, then it does something that gives me a slight headache and can see the guy from before. I believe he is trying to locate me. Just get to the creature and kill it before I wake up.
    11. Forests are good.

      by , 06-05-2023 at 07:49 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Friday June 2nd 2023

      Oh, how I like these places.

      I am home, looking for something to do. Become lucid and then start to work on finding something interesting to do. Teleport over to another planet and fly down to the ground.

      End up in a forest, so start walking around. There is not much to do but I like forests so don’t mind it. Keep on walking, jump from time to time between trees, find a small fruit so eat it and it tastes terrible.

      Just keep going and rest on the place.

      Back to sleep.

      Am walking around the house, become lucid and just teleport over to the planet from before.

      The night is coming and along with it a mist, so it makes it hard to see. Prepare to make it go away when see some eyes on the distance that lunge at me, it is some kind of snake. Grab its head and get pushed back. Once I land back again on my feet place the head of the snake down, its head is as big as a cow damn! Once I place it down just toss it to the side and keep walking.

      The snake comes again at me so just stop it with TK and teleport to the tree tops. Its too big to climb trees and it seems like most creatures hide from it; the snake seems to enjoy eating humans because it keeps looking for me using its tongue.

      Just make my smell that of a putrid plant, which makes it go away quickly once I do that, there we go. Just enjoy my view on the place.

      Back to sleep.

      Reading something about family online, become lucid and teleport to the planet from before. Still the same location as before, but it is morning now and the snake is gone.

      Some people are coming over and they are preparing to hunt, with weapons at hand, some with bows and some with guns.

      They point at small animals that am guessing are too small for the snake.

      I like the forest too much so when the arrows and guns get shot just run to them and grab them then place them next to the people. They are confused since they can’t see me until they realize all the stuff, they are shooting is appearing next to them.

      Now the issue is instead of leaving they decide to shot more… stop everything with TK, break a few bones so they can’t shot nor run and let them just stay there for the snake once it comes out at night while I keep exploring and having fun.
    12. 6/04/23

      by , 06-05-2023 at 06:03 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      Gun Game

      Firearm situation with teams of people against each other
      I am with friends it is very tense like an action sequence
      Arming myself with various weapons and matching clips/ammo
      Have long x-ray scope I can snipe with, on some random rifle
      Take out two of the other team on the rooftop of the opposite building
      One enemy is in our building
      He casually walks through the door of our hotel room wearing a silver vest and smiling, he looks like liev schreiber
      I unload both clips of the auto pistols I have that look like pez dispensers
      He seems fairly unaffected and I instantly think he's cheating
      He shoots me a bunch with his auto but they feel like bbs or airsoft pellets while saying he messed me up really bad
      He has also stolen several pairs of my colored glasses and pulls them off his hip and hands them to me, I note they are colours I don't normally don't have like white and several brighter shades of green
      (Note: I hardly play fps games and do not own a firearm)


      I am in a dark large house on the second floor that has banisters wrapping the walls covered in fancy paintings
      A toddler maybe 4 or 5 runs at me shouting a play name for me "Nooooowwwwiiiiieeeee!" and they hug me like they are glad to see me after some long time. I say thanks I really needed that and the dream fades

      White Carpet

      The room becomes a very nice house
      I arrive out front of a very open all-glass wall seated in a rock wall with the front door wide open
      I realize I just woke up on the driveway with my head on my pillow
      There is a man who looks like Anthony Fauci sitting in a small round car that looks like a jetsons car with wheels, he is watching me stand up slowly
      I pretend to be ready to work, so I wave as I carry my pillow inside
      The foyer is all glass and opens to an ultra-wide stairwell leading down into their home
      The wife is in a flurry is getting ready to leave for work
      I tell them the service guy is here because I don't know what work I'm doing
      Now realize I am doing contracting work for a friend
      Long open floor concept spreading three of four rooms across and she wants all the white carpet ripped out
      I say no problem as she leaves for work
      I go outside to call Chris to double-check he's coming with the truck
      I am transported to the work warehouse and I'm hanging onto the back of the truck while talking to two other female employees
      One is obscured by a forklift
      We are back in front of the house
      The woman is finally leaving the driveway
      It is a very ritzy neighborhood and I see other fancy cars driving by
      For some reason, I ask her if the Bidens live up here
      I go back inside and start ripping the carpet up
      It is double layered and I realize it will take twice as long
      It's also double-sided with a black suede flowers pattern on the underside
      I now notice there is a difference of off-whites between the carpet in the kitchen and the carpet in the middle room as I haphazardly start to rip it up with a pair of scissors I found
      Realize I don't have any of my tools or kneepads and it's going to be a long day

      WBTB- Drank some blue lotus stamen tea, awake around 30-40 min
      Dream is nonsensical and a mishmash of the previous locations and people I interacted with. Did not get it written down

      Fragment of trying to journal my dream on my phone with little success
      Continually delete what I typed and tried several times to just get a single word to input correctly
      The dream fades and I wake up realizing I never journaled my dream
    13. Very brief realization

      by , 06-05-2023 at 02:36 AM
      I was in a mall driving for some reason. I realized I was dreaming and then the walls began to close in on me as I drove around the mall. Then everything went dark and I began to feel myself waking up. I attempted to stabilize for around 10 seconds before I suddenly awoke.

      (I'm not sure if this has enough substance to count as a DILD for the competition or not, but either way I figured I'd write it down.)
    14. Competition Night 3

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:25 PM

      Backrooms (1 point)

      I don’t know where the first part belongs, but I feel as though it might go along with this dream. I’ll put it here and count this as one dream:

      ...Possibly being chased. I might be with someone else, and we get into an elevator. I need to go to the 6th floor, but push a few other buttons by mistake first...

      ...Walking through the University. I open a door that leads to a hallway. It doesn’t look familiar, and actually it looks to me like something from the Backrooms. The hallway is long, painted yellow, and doesn’t have any doors or openings on either side until the opposite end. As I walk down, I can see that it opens into a larger space, sort of like the upper floor of a mall. It kind of looks like there are stairs or an escalator leading down, and those backless "bench" things that they put in places like that. I start thinking about Entities, and decide to go back. Heading back to the door, I imagine something coming after me, and when I get to the other side and shut the door I imagine taking out a gun and pointing it at the door. I either imagine something coming through at this point, or something actually does, and I shoot it/them (or imagine that I do)...

      Carp Fishing (1 point)

      People are fishing along the bank of some body of water. There is a big splashing, and someone starts reeling in a large fish. “It’s probably a carp”, someone says, and sure enough it is. It’s about 3 or 4 feet long, at least. The other two people fishing (one of them is me now) also have large carps on their lines. I see one of the other two guys get the hook out of his fish’s mouth. Looking at mine, it appears that the hook has caught on a gill or something. Looking closer, it appears that the hook is actually deep in the fish’s stomach, with some line in there too. My Dad is there, and we don’t think we can get the hook out. We might just have to cut the line. I think we should kill the fish, since it would be cruel to make it live with a hook in its stomach.

      Too Many Fingers (1 point)

      In a parking lot in an area about 2 hours from where I am currently. I’m walking to my truck, trying to think of where I am, exactly. I don’t really know for sure, but I speculate that it is the town of Martins Ferry. I look across the street, and there are a couple large-ish buildings. One of them is a pharmacy. For some reason, when I get to my vehicle I decide to do a reality check and count the fingers on my left hand. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. That doesn’t seem right. I try again, and this time I actually seem to have extra fingers. Awareness that this is a dream dawns on me as I either wake up or lose the dream (not sure I would count this as a lucid dream for the sake of the competition).


      (1) I go down to a room in a basement, above a lower level of the basement. It is kind of dark both places, but it seems to me that I should start cleaning up the one room by at least moving an empty bookcase downstairs. (0.5 points)

      (2) In a class. The instructor, Dr. A- is walking around the classroom holding a cookie in front of students’ faces to show them something. As he holds it in front of me, I take a bite, thinking it would be funny. He doesn’t seem to notice until he gets back to the front of the class. (0.5 points)

      (3) Some people are loading large bags of gold coins, either into or out of the back of a vehicle. They seem to be loaded or unloaded by a crane. I jokingly suggest that I should take one of the coins, since there are so many and nobody would notice. There might be some driving that happens after this...(0.5 points)
    15. Comp Night 3 - The Cannibal and His Blind Daughter

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:07 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Huzzah for creative titles Slept at 11:20.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I don't remember this dream very well, but I wrote it down in my journal. Someone was doing reality checks by inspecting dragons' teeth and identifying their type. They explained to the citizens of a city how they were able to do so, and I have a vivid image of a severed, roughed-up fang. I was shocked when I woke up and it was only 1:30.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was in a manor with an ugly boy that everyone hated, looking at his family portraits. There was one for each child (and there were a lot of children), held either by the mom or the dad. He was the firstborn, but his picture was the only one where the parent was not smiling.

      I felt bad for him so when he started poking my shoulders I allowed it, despite their oversensitivity. The borderline-painful sensation was distinct and quite realistic. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when he started poking my neck instead.

      Insert transition here, I was now at a carnival with J and she wanted me to play a game she'd played herself as a child. You had to buy a glove with these fancy buttons on it, then attach it to a machine to play. It was a boring and simple game, but J and I obtained a glowing orange orb and did something cool with it, so it was fine.

      A man and his kid came over to us and tried to steal the glove. There was a brief struggle but I think he eventually got it. It cast a spell on him that made him grow with each terrible "command" he followed through with. By the last one, I had taken on the role of an observer (I believed I was watching an anime) and was able to input the command myself. I wanted to make it sound fancy but it was difficult to use my brain, so in the end I typed, "He will have a complete and utter loss of respect for human life."

      Momo from The Executioner and Her Way of Life was there, and she cried, "No, at least don't go that far!"

      The man was at this point the size of a large tree, holding a rollercoaster in one hand. He started lifting people out one by one and eating them, periodically smashing the bottom into the ground and breaking a few people's skulls. Everyone was screaming and you could hear bones cracking, and I remember thinking, Wow, this show is pretty gruesome. But I was invested. On some level it felt like I was making him do this.

      He picked up a small boy, and as he squirmed in his fist, the man hesitated. It felt like he broke free of my control as he suddenly burst into tears like a child, throwing the boy onto a nearby building and shouting, "Mou shiranai!" ("I don't know/care anymore!")

      Into his voice recorder he shouted "Hayai!" ("fast") and sprinted away. He was being hunted down for his crimes, so Momo told him to come up with an alias. He decided on "Kouga," which confused me because I was (suddenly) under the impression that he was Inuyasha, and I thought, Don't you hate Koga? Why would you want to be called that?

      As he ran, with intense concentration, he was able to form a teleportation portal and jump through. It led to a mostly empty but beautiful garden. His daughter was there, a blind girl of about 5 years. He plopped down at the base of a tree and she leaned against him, and in Japanese he said, "Daddy is really dangerous right now."

      Also in Japanese, she responded, "I disagree. The place where Daddy is, is the safest place."

      It was extremely difficult to hear her, but the word she was using for "place" was oba instead of bashou. I was like, Huh? Is that another way to say it?

      He told her to listen to the tape on the voice recorder, and she did. He was saying hayai/hayaku over and over, getting angrier and angrier with each one. I was wondering if it was okay for him to show this to a child so small, and then she got to the last one, which he shouted so vitriolically that she flinched away.

      She asked why he was so angry but got no answer. She replayed the tape and this time meowing could be heard after the first or second "hayai." The dad started to get annoyed at how many times she was repeating it, and I worried he would attack her, but there was no real danger of that. He was going to restrain his annoyance and ignore it.

      The kid finally stopped and pouted, jealous that he was hanging out with someone else. [The meowing was Momo.] She stood up and patted him down, searching for soft pink pigtails, though she wouldn't have been able to see the pink due to her blindness.

      That's where that scene ended. I don't know when this happened, but sometime in the same dream I was at school and had missed my [true] AP test on Monday. My mom was there yelling at me about it, but I didn't care too much.

      Woke up at 6:57, poorly attempted WILD, and went back to sleep.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      There was something about an injured arm, but I can't even read the rest of my notes except the word "levels."

      My alarm woke me up at 8:15 and I couldn't go back to sleep after that because I had to go somewhere. A shame, since I was quite tired.


      WBTB - 2 points
      Non-Lucid Dream Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      Tonight's sum: 9 points
      Previous sum: 15 points

      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Total: 25 points

      Updated 06-04-2023 at 10:13 PM by 99938 (clarification)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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