I’m reading through profiles posted on a website. For one, I read, “My story does not begin or end and has no need to stop at these David’s bones.” -- I’m going to a gym or similar. Everybody there is trying to work out some cryptic puzzle. The phrase “traveling in the tail of a sound” is a hint. -- I’m attending a class in a floating city where all the buildings and such look like clouds – almost certainly as a person other than myself. It’s a group of a dozen or so students led by a teacher. There’s a nocturnal atmosphere. Up until this point, I’ve been behind the rest of the class, but something has clicked for me since the last time we met. All of us are supposed to race to find a certain ship (airship, really, although it wasn’t described that way). I start out strong and have a lead from the beginning, and I actually make it there first. (This part is sort of video game-ish.) We do a couple more rounds after that; I take even more efficient routes, having a better idea of the city’s layout, and again make it there first. The third time, which works a little differently, I make it to the ship so far ahead that I actually have time to untie it and bring it around to where the others are still struggling to get past a certain obstacle. -- The next dream from that night is explicitly video game-like rather than implicitly. The dream involves the party going down to the underworld to rescue a comrade. This is a fairly routine occurrence, although enough of a bother to where it’s still better to avoid having to do it. This is the first time it’s happened in this game, so we get a special introduction to Fancrow, who is putting in a special appearance as lord of the dead. Fancrow is an older man, short, Caucasian, with white hair and a beard, wearing a blue uniform trimmed in yellow – just how he looked in the previous game. There are a number of little references to his role in that game, where he was a side character: there, you have to win a duel against him to get [handwriting illegible]. I’ve been given to understand that he just lets the dead person go the first time, and also the first time it happens after a solstice passes (which is yet another little reference). But nothing is happening. In addition to the action playing out, there are a number of interface elements visible, including one with a grayed-out sword. That means that we haven’t yet recruited the party member who would be really helpful in this situation. It’s also possible for the deceased themselves to trigger their own release, and the dream then cuts to the PoV of the person we’re here for, who’s in the process of doing just that. She jumps onto a flying vehicle, which instantly plummets since it’s set to the gravity of the lower realms. As it goes down, a bad smell becomes more and more prominent – associated with the place itself. The dream cuts back to the scene with Fancrow, where something is happening. He’s being hit with small objects in advance of the party member breaking through. Things are looking good now, but I’m still angry at Fancrow for taking my friend away, so I take advantage of his distraction to punch him. But he isn’t taken off guard. He just mirrors my action and grins. I know that now I’m going to be the next one to end up down here. -- To help RD, I go to a place that looks like an abandoned mall to complete some kind of puzzle that involves getting the air to flow into a certain place up high, which is necessary to accomplish something. There’s no place I can stand to get it there directly, so I have to use the extremely larger flowers growing high up on vines there to redirect it. This is a timed puzzle, but I manage to complete it quickly, mentally directing the air along the right path. RD is happy about this. We are part of a small group, and because of this, she will be able to provide the space for us to do something later on. Possibly related, although for reasons that are now unclear, later on, I'm running through mental projections of rat experiments, one after another, changing the conditions as certain aspects become clear so I can get another step closer to figuring out what I want to know. I do tens of thousands of them, although each one only seems to take instants to run start to finish. It seems as if all of this is necessary since I'm trying to actually figure out the causation of something rather than just navigating outcomes. -- I have, in connection with (dream-)siblings, made something that had gotten very popular. I'm getting invitations from people all over the world wanting me to have adventures with them. I could travel anywhere in an instant, but that somehow makes it seem less interesting. And what I really want to do is just to get back to the newest musical project I'm working on. -- I'm with a group of people in a small city, chasing after someone. We split into groups to surround them. Something will end when we catch this person, and I want it to be over really badly. I experience the landscape of the dream as having harmonic connotations – in the area where I am, specifically, ones indicating tension. There’s no audible music playing, just a sense of information being perceptible as part of my experience of the dream. (July, mostly)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my old bedroom, checking if the windows of the balcony are well shut as a storm is coming. My cat Yéti insists in following me into the balcony although I try to shut the door behind, so he doesn't. I feel like the balcony might be blown away by the strong winds. Then my cat Buda manages to slid in and climb to the top shelves. Then he becomes a real boy, my son. I insist he must come down. Other neigbors come to their windows to check on what's going on. Then he jumps or falls down from the shelf and by consequence out of the window I had not yet been able to close. I scream and the neighbors are in shock. I go down to the street but I don't see any body. I manage to find his jacket. He finally appears, alive but full of pain, with a broken ankle and looking confused. He doesn't want to go to a doctor, but I call an ambulance.
15th January 2021 Dream: I am delivering a Borderlands mission. The UI is like BL1 but I'm not actually in one of the games from the series. I can choose between two legendary rewards. One is a sniper and the other a grenade launcher. I check for some kind of extra stats which are supposed to appear in blue; the grenade launchers' tooltip is greatly expanded and there's something about it having a unique ability which allows summoning one of five vehicles of choice. I'm what looks like either a warehouse district or an airbase/military base. Mom and dad are here and some other people I don't recall, too. H is nearby? Anyway, I decide to summon one of the vehicles. It's a very Metal Slug-esque tank and it has a somewhat shiny panelling, either red or grey. Skipping ahead a bit. In an abandoned, disused or ruined area. I go through some dark tunnel and fighting stuff happens. Then an interaction with some character makes me reveal that it had been some kind of theme park, long ago (I surprise myself?). There is what looks like giant heads of an extremely realistic-looking horse and a canid of some sort. Their mouths or lips move about, but as if swaying with no control. I think about it a little bit and conclude it's the wind. We are near the coast. It's sunny but sunset-like and looks like a scene off DSII; the lips of the animal heads look ripped, like they're made of leather or some kind of heavy duty material chosen to be close enough to real textures. I think some part of me thinks about drawing.
I'm venturing on an unknown street, can't remember where I was coming from.., it's night time. I passed a sign on the right side of the street, I take a quick look, it's sort of educational, but wait I saw a middle finger picture on it?!. At this moment I'm looking 360 *, like if I have eyes on the back of my head, about 3 feet away, letters are mixed hallway letters and the rest pictures. I Walk back, to take a closer look. All lettering and pictures keep changing, I say: yes! is a dream!, I look in the dark sky, with a bright moon semi-covered w/clouds.., "thank God" I start rubbing my hands together, (for the first time in a while!) about 3 sec. dream time. Now I keep walking in the opposite direction. I say on my head: "Now let's feel the wind!! ". A comforting cool breeze arrives, fresher than normal WL temperature, I could feel it on face and arms..It's pitch black..Did I close my dream eyes?? Then dream shifts, I Appear inside one of those huge dinosaurs, inflatable suits. My perception shifts outwards, I'm looking at a cropped view of it, the neck, I know I'm inside... now what?? I started waking up around 3. I hear the dream clue from my phone right afterwards... https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/monsa199a/
Updated 06-24-2020 at 07:36 PM by 40904
I remember standing in a sort of booth next to the door out of the house, seeing a thunderstorm in the distance. My father is outside, on his way to somewhere. I call out to him, telling him that there's a supercell coming. Suddenly, there're really strong wind gusts, blowing around leaves and possibly some other stuff. My father swears and quickly runs to the porch and inserts the key into the door, going in and closing the door behind him. Suddenly, we're inside the house. My father is sitting in his bedroom as usual and my mother is sitting on the living room couch, with her tablet in her hands. We're all just basically ignoring the storm. I sit down on the couch, too, and she comes over to show me something on the tablet. She explains that she found an app in which you just have to some easy activities like drawing on something to earn money. She does that for a bit. Then, I am suddenly at the entrance of the living room and go over to my mother. She then gives me the tablet and says that I should draw on some characters face because I'd like it. I was about to explain that I only like painting, not everything having to do with art, but then the dream ended. I also wanted to ask how much money we had earned so far.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A tv showing some house full of abandoned stuff, neighbors talking about the people who died or left, cops going around. They say they'll open up the house to people interested in taking things away. Me and mom apply. it's like a game, they choose people and divide into 4 family teams each with a coach / guide who explains the rules and guides us orderly into pre-selected divisions. We feel very anxious because there is a team who is being clearly favored, they are some 6 people and they are the first ones allowed in the house, while our coach is just stalling us with talk. We pressure her and she starts saying she will block us if we pressure her too much. She finally takes us to the living room and explains what we can take. We look around to choose because we can't take everything. I look at the bookshelf and see some books I really like, but leave it for the end. I'm certain the other contestants won't care about books. I find family pictures and realize our late friend's Nela family members and there's pictures of her so I grab all I can. I tell mom and she agrees the pics should stay with us. I am at home. Riverstone arrives. It's a summer storm like we never seen. Strong winds. I suspect by the sounds I hear that our gutters are not holding on. I check through the window and they break, ending up pieces on the roof and others on the ground. I go outside to pick it up but it's very dark, so I ask Riverstone for a flashlight. He hands me a wet sponge. I'm puzzled and say how did he heard sponge and why would I need a sponge? Then he goes back and brings the flashlight.
Morning of August 19, 2018. Sunday. Reading time: 1 min 21 sec. Readability score: 49. In my dream, my family and I as we appear now are living back on Barolin Street (though the house is no longer there in reality and our youngest daughter never lived there). It seems to be late morning. She is looking out into the front yard. A white plastic bucket (contents unknown, if any) rises from the ground in about the center of the front yard and hovers in the air to about five feet and floats slowly from north to south. The scene resets and repeats several times. I think that an invisible whirlwind is causing it. It does not pose a threat, and my daughter sees it as a joyful event. It is not a tornado dream, but it is a basis for the ultradian rhythm process (in addition to VSC). Tornadoes stem from a specific type of vestibular system correlation at the peak of ultradian rhythm. Even so, I have often controlled their manifestation and direction in both non-lucidity and lucidity. Here, my infra-awareness (with non-lucid dream control) mediates the event as being cheerful and soft. It represents ultradian rhythm being less dominant in the projected contemplation of my illusory fictitious dream body, also affected by the level of natural melatonin. The white bucket likely represents a specific measurement of it. From a biological standpoint, water and how it occurs in dreams is autosymbolism for the level and dynamics of sleep and levels of melatonin. I have “water symbolizing sleep” as appearing 350 times in my main online journal (though water induction/melatonin begins all sleep cycles). As I have written often, dream “symbolism” is not symbolism in the conventional sense, as it is not even viable in non-lucidity despite popular misconception. The association, although I never take medication as such, probably stems from the following extract: “When it’s nighttime and melatonin levels are high,” says Dr. Wurtman, “taking melatonin supplements is like putting a drop of water into an empty bucket; when it’s daytime, it’s like putting a drop of water into a full bucket.”
Morning of July 17, 2018. Tuesday. In my dream, the setting is an isolated version of our present home, with the erroneous factor of being in a large field. The roof is different from what it is in reality and is more like the roof of the Cubitis house. We have neighbors who live nearby, but not as in a typical suburban area. It seems to be late morning in my dream. Threads of my conscious self identity are scant, but I am aware of my marriage and family. Vestibular system correlation begins in the form of the approaching winds of a storm. Zsuzsanna and I are outside. I see a tornado. It is not a threat and seems unusually thin. I non-lucidly mediate the weather without my dream self becoming lucid. As time passes, there are a few more tornadoes. One of them moves toward our house. As I anticipated, one of the tornadoes turns, moving into our house, tearing the roof off, but not doing any other damage. “Oh no, not again,” I say, without much emotion or excitement. (This is a reference to the natural disaster that we survived in November of last year.) There are several large sections of boards scattered about the yard. (I do not see steel roof sheeting as in reality.) There are also sections of tar paper (which I have not seen in real life since the 1970s). An unknown Hispanic male, apparently our closest neighbor, comes over to look at the damage. He exhibits a cheerful and helpful attitude. My dream self automatically correlates with the factor of non-lucid dream control (with no discernible trigger) and I start to realize that I can will the roof to become whole again. Pieces of the roof fly up and go back onto our house so that the roof is complete. At one point, I hold onto small rods that are part of the foundation of the house and wiggle them around as the top of the house rebuilds itself. (This is an attempt to reinduce my dream or to get more sleep, as it represents the vertical pipe of the outdoor faucet near the front of our house in reality.) I wake shortly after this. There is no exploration of indoors in this dream. It all takes place outdoors. Readability score: 73 (likely to be understood by a reader who has at least a 7th-grade education).
I was in a city with my friends. Moo and I were going back to the house everyone was sleeping at. We were about 50 feet in the air on little chairs. We were trying to steer the chairs in the wind towards the house. I remember I had gotten really close at some point but had gotten blown away. It didn't feel dangerous but this isn't possible in real life and if it was it would be dangerous. We eventually get into the house and I see Bahar and Kolby are waking up. Ky is there too. The room is dark with a stair case in the middle that goes to a visible 2nd floor. When we were flying in the air it seemed like it was fall with a strange festival going on. I go outside and now there's this pool with people hiding items inside. The idea is that the swimmers can swim and find valuable things but it's supposed to be rare. Every few seconds the water would become clear and you could see a bunch of shiny objects laying about, then the water would become extremely murky. I was following the story of an attractive girl who had gone back into the house and was now engaging with two men at the same time. She goes into the bathroom after and realizes she was somehow ugly in her view but the guys couldn't notice. She was freaking out. It seems like she traded the ability to see in that pool to get shiny objects for being pretty. Now she thought she was ugly and there was mud covered all over the shiny objects anyways so it didn't even matter that she had them.
There were many people who were going after the important leaders. I didn't know if they had a rank or title specifically, but they seemed to be in charge as leaders of the community. The people were going after us because there was a science lab underground. This would be underneath the government building, but separate enough that the lab was its own thing. The lab had many high tech devices, and I found some of these important enough to assemble together. I know one was called a star forge, which I added to a metallic cube which could re-configure itself a bit as it was made up of smaller cubes which could move. Kind of like a rubix cube, but way more complex with many more parts. Anyways this device could gather quantum energy from the universe, as it was powered in some ways by a black hole. There was a light coming from its center indicating its power level. This also seemed to have something to do with me and some of my dream characters having super powers. The others and I had to use our powers to protect our base, but people got in anyways. The next thing I know, they had a chain on one of people I was guarding, and they were trying to drag her away. I grasped the chain, and heaved back against their pulling. More people joined in against me, pulling. Soon there were a hundred of them against me, in a tug of war. I wouldn't give up and they could not budge me an inch. After this I kept jerking the chain, and therefore the whole crowd, several times and they seemed to tire and give up. A little later on, after I got several of the important people near me to a safer place, I attempted to clean the area somewhat. All the people coming through the area had trashed it. There was a way I could make the wind blow near me, which I used with some limited success to blow away the dirt and trash. It involved me holding my arms out with my hands kind of parallel to each other. In this way, I could feel the air I was attempting to push around to make wind. This was pretty neat as I don't ever remember doing this before in a dream as far as making wind goes. I just couldn't get the volume I needed to make a big gust of wind though. It was then that I took a different approach, lifting my hands up to the sky while willing it and speaking out loud, "wind come down". It came. So much wind came directly down from directly above me it blew everything that wasn't bolted down away. I think I did this three times the same way, each with the same effect. The gusts were 10-15 second bursts of wind, although I could have made them last longer by concentrating. There were more force behind them when I had the wind come in gusts it seemed.
-1-I don't remember anything from this LD. Later on in this dream, I parked the van in a residential area. After that, I walked down the street for about 2 seconds before I was climbing stairs at college. -2-I became lucid for a few seconds at the tail end of a dream. The dominant color was beige. -3-I reentered a dream, spawning in a store, before losing awareness. I looked at the lackluster board game selection on a few shelves, then left with my small, empty, useless cart. Later, I regained lucidity in a hallway, where I decided I would put my stabilization routine to the test. It was a failure, so it needed revision. (I'll be testing the revision tonight) -F-Grandpa sat in a weird computer chair that had malfunctioning arm rests. -F-FA. I noticed the winds were really high outside (60+ mph), so I observed at the window. Lucid Time: 1m55s--3m40s
I had money issues (as I do in real life, been unemployed for too long) and I'd agreed to take part in a bank robbery with a few professional bank robbers. I'd never committed a crime before, so I was very nervous. In the car on our way to the bank, I got cold feet. And the rest of the crew, not exactly nice people, noticed. They said that if I got nervous, the deal would be off. So I said I was good. We all had carbines, but they assured me we'd rob the bank at night and almost no one would be around. They lied. They used a lot of force and violence and I think people got hurt. I complained that this wasn't what we agreed. I was worried enough about being charged for robbery, and I didn't want accomplice to murder being added to that list. And I'm generally speaking not a murderer. These other guys... were nothing like me. I was in a city in Turkey, and suddenly some kind of earthquake shook the ground. People assumed it was a nuclear explosion for a while, but then we realized it wasn't. Don't know what it was. Just a quake, I guess? People were standing on this rickety bridge above a pool of water (in the city center). I wanted to get off as I realized it might collapse. We were traveling to Barcelona in a big bus, like I did a decade ago with school (twice). We got out to take a break, on an empty road somewhere halfway to our destination. There was a massive raging fire on the horizon. One of our teachers (math teacher Van Achteren) came up behind me and talked about a kind of app for merging pictures on her phone? For photographing the fire, I guess. My notes say our history teacher Peeters was there too, but I don't remember him. Notes also say "chocolate egg NL". Yeah, no clue what that means. In a later scene, I was in a hotel room, presumably in Barcelona. We had to share rooms with other students, just like how it was in real life. I realized I'd forgotten a lot of stuff back home, and I had almost nothing on me (just my wallet). I walked on a balcony outside of the hotel, wrapped in a blanket. The wind was blowing so hard, I could barely stand, let alone walk. I couldn't keep up with the others, who had already left. I was terrified of being left behind. Something about Doom savegames?
Morning of August 19, 2017. Saturday. I am in an ambiguous new composite setting (as all dream settings are one-of-a-kind since early childhood), which seems to align the front (northernmost) room where I use my computer (at our present address) with the Cubitis southwest bedroom (so that the main north windows from our present address are directly associated with the Cubitis southwest bedroom’s south windows, though also present are that bedroom’s west windows as defined easterly, which otherwise have no association with our present address). It does not have the usual essence of bilocation, only an unusual atypical blended association and awareness. There are threads of liminal dream state awareness but no active lucidity from my dream self’s viewpoint. Zsuzsanna is present at times. In the main scene, it seems to be late at night. I had been going through, in my mind, a set of patterns relating to the dream state. I consider how certain rules or symbolism has remained the same all my life. There are three main ones I had been writing about, but I do not recall what they were, though I think one was specifically related to directional orientation regarding dream features. I am in the room and a cardboard box containing some of my older dream journals is present on the floor. There does not seem to be the presence of other discernible features. The top of the box is partly open. As I turn to face the windows, I vividly feel a cold wind flow over my back and I am aware it has somehow come from the open cardboard box. I am puzzled and consider that the wind should have come into the room from the windows, though I still consider closing the box more securely. I remain puzzled, standing in the semidarkness, and slowly wake. (In real life, it was very windy outside at the time. The sound probably altered the rendering of my dream in an illogical way as has happened many times before with environmental sounds, body position, movements, and tactile sensations. In this case, my dream self was looking out the window vaguely aware of the sound of wind, while my real physical body probably simultaneously felt a cool spot on my back unrelated to wind.)
Updated 06-07-2018 at 11:38 AM by 1390
July 1 -1-I went back in time to around 1994 in SE Canada, where I walked towards a house on the side of the road. When I got inside, I found the windows on the south side open with strong wind coming in. I shut one, but that allowed a pile of snow to appear. It tasted sweet and looked like sunscreen. -2-I was being hunted by someone. I ended up in a building, using my camcorder to zoom in on snipers in the far distance. Also, there was a guy that knew some of the area there and we were walking somewhere, through piles of leaves on the way. July 7 I was running around to find shelter somewhere during an F2 tornado. Then I ran around trying to find shelter during a tan, F4 tornado on a farm with a bunch of empty buildings, none of which were satisfactory. Sometime earlier, my brother and I looked for cereal. I also landed a plane, played some Mario Party, and talked illogically about Starfox.
1/28/13 (L)x2 Value: 0 | Generic Lucid 1 -I went outside during the night, and looked into the sky. I wanted to fly, so I ran onto the street. Some boys came out of the bushes and it suddenly became daytime. Still trying to fly. Went down the street to try to fly, then woke up. -I was in my room and became lucid, tried to shapeshift, and woke up. Lucid Triggers: 10*, field*, c, digital clock 6/29/13 | Disaster Dream Carter and Andy (Eureka) were in a strange, small town. Once random things started happening, such as the Majora’s Mask moon appearing over the town, everybody, including me, fled towards the barriers. They opened once we got there. Also, people were swimming in the lake that the barriers were placed over. |1st barrier: 69 mph wind; 2nd: 73 mph wind| Things started exploding.