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    1. Chase through the weed

      by , 11-30-2014 at 08:38 PM
      I dreamed last night that me and my parents were walking inside the mall where there was 1 store where they sold hookah and weed. So we went in and I asked my parents to buy me one and weed. He went flying in the air like thor and came on the ground exactly like thor xD. I ran through a hotel with my father chasing me. I ran through corridors and elivators. It was hard to concentrate but at the end It was a dead end with only a window. I had no other decision so I jumped through the window and woke up.
    2. Hairy Hamburger

      by , 11-30-2014 at 08:34 PM
      This one was a very short dream. I was in a room with a lot of people and there was 1 table. I said by the table and got a hamburger. After eating I felt hair everywhere in my mouth. I spit the meat out and saw the hair from the waitress in it. That's it xD
    3. Started off good, til I hit the ground.

      by , 11-30-2014 at 05:07 PM
      I have been practicing reality checks and WILD (I meditate, it's easy to focus) and I've finally managed to have my first lucid dream, pretty detailed too. I started off the dream in free fall through a pale blue void surrounded by a neon fog when I heard my mantra from earlier that night "I will be lucid!". Upon hearing the mantra I stopped falling and realized I was dreaming, so I decided to propel myself through the void. It was amazing, I felt the wind rushing by, the cold air, the breath in my lungs, but there was this loud ringing sound that was a bit disorienting, fortunately it didn't effect the dream. The void was host to a multitude of floating islands, each with there own fantastic climate: An island surround by a twisting vortex of green water with lava shooting up into oblivion; An island with three pink mountains, the apex of each breaking off into purple and pink striped moons before reforming, by my count there were 13 moons by the time I passed it; A tropical island surrounded by smaller ones covered in dead forests, each with a necropolis; A volcanic tropic chain with colorful birds slowly flying between. It was an overall amazing experience. I traveled to the center of the void where I found a large floating continent, another titanic mountain being the focal point. The land surround the mountain were hilly fields, river ways, lakes, villages, and forests. This is where the dream started falling apart, while I started off flying and had a pretty easy time, I didn't know how to land. I decided to crash land into the mountain, but the fear of impact made the dream destabilize. Hopefully I can manage to LD again soon.
    4. 3 strange dreams recalled

      by , 11-30-2014 at 04:20 PM
      Dream 1.) I was with my dad at a store that was selling weapons. He Bought this huge target that looked like a balloon, but it was made of rubber. Then he got this gun that looked normal. I tried to tell him that the gun would go throught the target, and it was a waste of money. He seemed to ignore me, then the dream ended.

      Dream 2.) I was being driven to my school for something Important. Then while parking I hid from someone I didn't want to know I was there. However he saw me. Then I got out of the car and went in. The whole auditorium in the school was filled. I looked for a seat for a while, then found one right next to two of my friends. We started to talk.
      Then I went home to work on an English essay. While writing it on my computer I was following a guide line. One said to write about a herd of sheep on a mountain. I tried to, but only the c and h keys worked. Then my school bus came to pick me up. I noticed that first graders were on, along with people I barley knew. Also when I looked out of my window there were a lot of cars in my driveway. Then this little kid was running around throwing a sticky note and laughing about it.

      Dream 3.) I was in this strange island that had a large volcano in the center. While ther I was supposed to find a missing person. After searching around for a bit I came upon a small encampment. Then this crazy guy came out of nowhere. I noticed that he was eating strange berries. I told him that he was crazy because he wasn't eating the berries correctly. The way to eat them was to eat the white one first, then the colorful ones.
      After teaching him about that he became normal. Then I straped him on a palne to bring him back home.
    5. Falling Back

      by , 11-30-2014 at 09:47 AM
      Early evening of November 30, 2014. Sunday.

      Ever since I was young, I learned how certain recorded affirmations in a loop (and altered in particular ways, which must be done correctly but would take hundreds of pages to clarify) - and at a fairly low volume using headphones - placed me into altered states fairly quickly (sometimes within less than three minutes or so). This is more effective with at least two different “streams” in two different locations of the stereo field (although one stream can be centered or monophonic). I never needed anything else and in fact, had been able to duplicate any kind of perceptual state without any drug or commercial product (which seems moot as dreaming is already a totally natural function anyway, but which is greatly enhanced through education, sharpening the mind, and real-life experience).

      Sometimes there are drawbacks, but fairly inconsequential. This one was the “falling back into myself” event. This was caused by the fact that the sequence was only 22 minutes long and stopped suddenly, causing me to shift consciousness too rapidly (I did not intend to fully shift into this other state but sometimes it cannot be helped as it is often automatic at one point even if I am otherwise fully awake up until then). I had fallen into a deep altered state while sitting up in a chair (head slightly tilted to the right) and this is the second time it had happened recently with the “falling” event. It was so vivid and intense, I was nauseous for several minutes (much like car sickness but a bit more powerful), but then in a more focused clarity at this later stage.

      Entering this other “realm” or mental location, whatever it is, had always been (for over forty years) preceded by the exact same “imaginary” sound pulsing. This is always the sound of what seems like a small stone falling into a shallow amount of water, but with various frequencies over time, and in differently oriented areas of my perception, and similar audio effects, which are mostly fluid-like. (However, there are sometimes stages where it sounds similar to someone flicking the tab on an empty soda can.)

      Falling sensations “from greater heights” (seemingly) during actual normal sleeping times has been very rare for me over the last twenty years or so (other than when I deliberately do certain flying maneuvers).

      During the session as I was otherwise reading here and there and looking at a couple web sites, I started to realize I was shifting and thought it might be a good idea to lie down, as I do not really like sleeping or being in a trance in an upright position when I do not have head support. I started to become aware of vague sketchy patterns - somewhat comic-strip-like, but then seemed to be very aware of a girl (wearing blue jean shorts) walking over to me and placing glasses with lighter blue lenses on my face - not only did I see this, I also felt a change in my awareness once the glasses were over my eyes. After this, I am trying to focus. I am quite aware of the imaginary sound pulsing, which at times, seems to have audio “tendrils” emerging from the stone-into-water effect coming out into intricate higher frequencies in an almost ecstatic way, almost musical (bordering on the nuances of an intricate chime effect). Another typical sound in this state is a sound somewhat like the single shuffle of a bird’s wing, which sometimes seems to cross over through either ear.

      Eventually, after being who-knows-where for about twenty minutes, I find myself suddenly fully conscious “too quickly” and falling rapidly into myself (from a seemingly great distance) and am aware that all sound (both real and imaginary) has completely stopped. The nausea is a bit much but short-lasting and inconsequential.
    6. Lucid Fail

      by , 11-30-2014 at 08:24 AM
      I left work early because I was sick, so of course I came home, opened my window (it's a nice day...) and took a nap. I shift restlessly, occasionally jerking awake, worried that at any second the wind is going to finally knock the curtain from my window.
      During this nap I had one of those weird lucids. I saw my room but it was different in a few ways, the electrical box on the wall was missing, and in its place was a hole. I focused on it and tried to will it to change "I think I see light on the inside." I said to myself, focusing harder. "I do, there's light." But there wasn't. I gave up, considering my intention had been to turn the hole into a tunnel, by which I would leave the room. Instead, I turned my focus to the window. *eye roll* You know, because I can't use a door. That's just crazy. I flop over, but my body still feels heavy with sleep. I claw my way up to the sill and manage to look outside.
      "Come on, you're going to have to do better than this or the dream will fall apart." I thought, trying to will the heaviness from my limbs. Nope. Still not working.
      Then, of course, the wind knocked the tension rod out of my window and across my legs, shattering my delicate lucidity, the room suddenly awash with sunlight. Damn it.
    7. Fairy Training

      by , 11-30-2014 at 06:15 AM
      Part I
      Setting: Earth. mid apocalypse. a city.
      Characters: Me, Father in law, Wife, people, Strange solders, zombies, demon creatures.
      Influences: World war Z, Constantine, the matrix, left for dead.

      We are always running. being chased by gouls, zombies, demons. The Police cant handle them all. They just keep coming. People get bit and turn into creatures themselves.
      We are hiding out in a school. I'm not familiar with it. Its dark, dirty, scary. We hear gun fire outside. The military is here to help. creatures keep coming. They don't seem to be affected by normal guns very much. They are trying to hold them off. We move to a lecture hall. The lecture hall reminds me of a theater. Stage where the prof. would talk and then seats going up in rows. They barricade the bottom doors. Outside more guns, yelling, screams, snares. The creatures break through suddenly! Guns blaze and cut through some of the smaller ones. Bigger ones push through and make their way up to the back where we hide. The back doors burst open! Can't see what came in its to dark. Its a man. Dressed in a trench coat and wearing strange glasses, and firing a futuristic looking hand gun. It seems to shoot strange colored projectiles, almost like light. Another man similar look enters and jumps on to a desk and begins battling the creatures hand to hand. A woman in similar fashion bursts in and tells us to run! My Wife, her dad, and I make a break for it out of the room. We find ourselves running down a dark alley way. the school to the right of us and a large industrial looking building to the left. Smoke stacks and cylindrical tanks adorn the building along with a crane and loading area. I turn around to see the hoard chasing us. jumping down from the roof tops, running out of doors, breaking through windows. The mysterious group continues to aid us and the others in our group. My wife falls behind with her dad and i stop to wait for them. I see a creature dive from a near by roof at them as they walk beneath it completely unaware of the danger. I run, jump and collide with the zombie creature knocking it away from them. I wrestle the zombie but it bites my side savagely. I break away from its bite and proceed to tear the creature apart. I look back at my wife and father in law and say im sorry. I run into the building to the left leading many of the creatures with me.
      =Perspective change=
      I see one of the strangers fighting a group of creatures and receive several wounds and bites. He crawls into what appears to be a release pipe for the factory/industrial buiilding. Through his eyes I see strange colors flowing like water toward a place of unknown origin.
      =Perspective change=
      I am me. Seeing my self crawling now like the wounded stranger. I unexplainedly start to see the same flowing colors and remember one of the strangers saying go to where the white is. I crawl, stumble, limp. Following a stream of color. To my left i can see a orange stream, and in front a green stream. I crawl into a large pipe and see that the colors are mixing into white at the end of the pipe. I slide down the pipe. Like a water ride at a amusement park i slide through tunnels and caverns. Through a conveyor belt system. Then into a sort of mine cart. The cart races down the tracks and i start to see light ahead. I slam into the end of the tracks and i am flung out of the cart. I land on my feet and seem to be OK. I hide as I see a person has seen my entrance.

      Part II
      Setting: unknown. resembles a farm. dirt roads. strange pool of water like fluid. Forrest like area. futuristic training area and obstacle course.
      Characters: Me, Fairy Women, Fairy Men, Trainers, Humans like me, Liam Neeson look a like.

      I am quickly found and captured. I am not ruffly handled but bound non the less. My captors are human in form. They whisper among themselves and I catch words but don't understand. A female of middle completion approaches me and ask why i am here. I then realize that i can no longer speak. My mouth moves and nothing comes out. I panic. She says " I see" then motions to some one to the left. I am sat at a table by what appears to be a lake not far from my entrance, which now has no tracks or carts but rather a gently winding path up a hill. I beautiful woman, looking similar to my age, comes to the table and sets some things down. A strange bottle. A strange flower. A root of some sort. She doesn't speak just looks at me. She has a soft look about her. Golden brown hair. Blue-green eyes that seem to reach out to you and make you feel good. I immediately take to liking her. The way she interacts with me and her almost loving glance is intoxicating. I feel safe when she is with me. Warm, loved, cherished. I am extremely shy of her though. The sensation of her is almost to much. I will name her Clair for discernment sake.
      A man strongly resembling Liam Neeson approaches. They others that have gathered part and greet him. He seems like a leader of sorts. Clair stands smiling beside me. I notice that all the people are scantly clad with garments that appear to be made of large leaves and some simple white cloth as a scarf, cape or toga. Elvish looking one mite say. Leader Neeson ask me a series of questions to which I still cannot talk to respond. They show me visions of my life. The only ones i see are a repeat of the earlier occurrences. I have a scar but no wound from the large bite i receive from the zombie creature. They tell me that I am special and will join their ranks. They explain that the warriors that tried to save me and the others were a special troop from their world. Trained to wield weapons and perform feats unthinkable by normal humans. Certain people have a hidden aptitude and power and can become these elite fighters. I accept the offer and get whisked away to start training. Clair is with me always. She seems to enjoy my company almost as much as i enjoy her's. She does seem to grasp my shyness though and breaks the boundaries of comfort.
      My first task is a simulation of rescuing friendly captives. I am shackled with strangle chains and suspended above a pool. A strange clay/resin like ceiling and walls are in front of me. I see the captive dummies stuck in the resin wall. I don't understand how to get to them. The trainers shout go get them! I can talk now! I ask them how am i to rescue them if i am chained. suddenly the chains jerk and send me into the ceiling. I feel like i am flying. I collide with the ceiling. I am then drug across the ceiling. The resin breaking against me is painful and i reach out to block incoming obstacles. The trainer yells but i can't hear. I see another recruit to my left experiencing the same training. "FLY!" Screams the trainer along with some soldiers watching. I see the wings for the first time. All different. Each pair special and unique like a finger print. Shapes, sizes, textures, colors, all different. Each person had a main color. Some had 2. I would later find out that was a measure of natural ability. I tried to think I had wings. Maybe I did and had to make them appear. The chains continued to drag me around. The pain was intense. I push out my hand again to will myself in a direction. It worked! The chains pulled me towards the captives now. I smashed through the opaque wall encasing them. I grabbed both dummies and again willed my movement back to the place i had started. I descended to the platform and the teacher and Clair stood astonished. I turned to see if I had wings but sadly I did not. A soldier step up to greet me and congratulated me. "I was one of the few that got it on the first try" he said. "You did to and even quicker than i did" he followed. I smiled. i fell to my knees over come by injury, emotion, and mental exhaustion. Clair looked worried at me and I quickly became super embarrassed of my sad state and sorry for making her worry. Even though she never spoke with her mouth, I could feel everything she was trying to say and how she felt. I was taken to rest in a bunk house near the lake i had entered this world at. I woke up, in my dream, from my rest and instantly sad. my heart ached and i was afraid again. Clair was nowhere to be found. I started to panic. I ran out side. I looked around feeling lost and abandoned. I looked to the hill and spotted Clair looking a mirror of my dreary state. As quick as it came my terror and ill feeling left and i was overwhelmed with joy as her gaze met mine. We ran to each other. We met and is grabbed my hand and held it to her chest. I freaked, but was entranced but the feeling of her heart and more so the feeling and emotion that she displayed along with it. I could tell she had worried about me since they had separated us yesterday.
      We are approached by the lady from my arrival and Leader Neeson. They explain that i will be partnered with a beast of color today and it will help me advance and strengthen my inner being. The lady asks Clair why she is so protective of me. The lady ask this of Clair the same nonverbal way Clair talks to me. I seem to be able to speak this almost base telepathic language and i catch the conversation. Clair doesn't answer only states that she will do the discerning. The Discerning I am informed of, by Leader Neeson, is the assessment of my potential, my color affinity and other qualities about me even I don't currently know. Clair is apparently very good at this but has never taken such interest in a recruit before. Leader Neeson is hesitant but gives the ok. Clair leads me off down the path she came from when we rejoined. Beside a lake next to what is possibly her dwelling we stop. She positions me against the wall of the house. She stands arms length from me and stairs into my eyes. Her vibrant blue green wings emerge. They shimmer matching her gorgeous eyes. I feel squeamish. Its just us, alone, her and me. I am nervous for my Discerning. Will it hurt? Why does she like me so much? What is she going to do? She places her hands on my shoulders. I feel her telling me to relax and that it will be ok. I feel my self start to relax. She stares into my eyes and i can't look away. She is getting closer and closer. I start to panic. Her Eyes glow, her wings glow. I see the universe spanning before me in her eyes. I feel as though i will be sick. Her nose is now touching mine. Locked in a solid unblinking stare I feel like we are flying. My nerves are about to explode. the sensation of her touch, smell, gaze, and nonverbals is overwhelming. Her expression changes to one of shock then concern. Then for the first time she speaks. My legs give out. My eyes glaze over and I break my stare. I feel myself slip from consciousness. "Chris" Is the word she said. My name. Never in waking or dream had i ever felt so much from that name. Never had so much feeling and passion been put into it being verbalized. everything is black.
      (Dream fastwards itself)
      I wake to find Clair sitting beside my bed. Watching over me as usual. I am dressed in a uniform like the other soldiers. Clair and I report to the obstacle course with the other trainees. She watches as I begin my final test. All the recruits charge into the course. We defeat trainers dressed and acting like enemies. We climb and crawl through terrain challenges. Then the color field. Our affinity makes allows us to draw power from certain colors of light. Others hurt us and darkness always hurts us. The color fields test our knowledge of our affinities and our endurance to our weaknesses. I approach the field and the "enemies close in on us. Capturing and ravaging recruits just like real enemies the trainers enforce the realism and direness of the moment. I was never told my affinity so i hesitate. I feel Clair reach out to me and say "fly". I smile at her and see her smile back. I think of that day we met. I think of my training. I think of my discernment. I jump full force arms outstretched into the air.

      I wake up. Alarming buzzing. My heart sinks a bit and I revel in Clair's eyes until i can't remember what she looks like. though out the day i think of her and how she made me feel.
      lucid , memorable
    8. Yellow-Rabbit-Egg-Thing and Leaf Pile Portals

      by , 11-30-2014 at 06:14 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 29, 2014

      I was at the school in which I am student teaching, and we were doing the reading buddies program we have (basically my 1st graders are paired with a 4th or 3rd grader, and they read together). There was this large egg-shaped rabbit thing. It was yellow, and would role around and bounce up and down. I'm going to call it Ralph for now.

      So Ralph was rolling around the class helping out, and then the kids went to lunch, or a specials class. The room was empty, even the chairs and tables were gone. Ralph was glitching or something; he would jump up and down on a spot on the floor, doing the Mario Ground Pound, and would seem to go through it, at which point the floor directly under him would spin. He would get stuck in a few cycles of this, and then roll away. He would go do something, but every time he rolled over that spot in the floor, he would glitch.

      I decided I wanted to know what was up with this spot, so I wanted to see what would happen if I went over it. I was aware that something was weird here, but didn't get to lucidity yet. I walked over the spot thinking I would glitch too, but I didn't. So I jumped and used a Ground Pound, and the floor gave way, spinning like it had for Ralph. I was falling down a long shaft. It was lit pretty well, but I don't remember seeing any actual light sources.

      I landed in a large, rectangular room. Every inch of wall was lined with cupboards, drawers and two fridges (one at the corner behind and to my right, the other midway along the wall to my left). There were two eggs that looked a lot like Ralph. One was smaller than my first, the other was as big as my head. I picked them up and put the smaller one in my pocket, and somehow managing to also fit the larger one in my hoodie pocket.

      I thought that Ralph would be happy to have younger ones of his own species (I assumed they were eggs for his species). I started looking through the drawers and cupboards, finding nothing much at first. As I made my way around the room, the drawers and cupboards started having things in them. By the time I reached the second fridge, the one in the corner, it had parts of toys in it. Like bags and bags of a single part of the toy, so you could make lots of them by putting the pieces together. There was also some sort of snack food in the fridge.

      A colleague opened a door at the corner directly behind me, which I had not noticed before. They were calling me because the kids would be back soon. I turned and left the room, and was surprised to find myself in the hallway just a few doors down from the classroom I'd started in. How could I be in the same hallway if I'd fallen down that long shaft? I looked down at my hands and realized I was dreaming. I was aware enough to do a task.

      I could have gone back to the classroom to tell the kids we were in a dream, but I didn't remember that task... Instead, I went to what I assumed was the door to the outside. I paused before opening it, trying to envision the kind of surroundings I wanted to see. I knew this place was supposed to be the school I teach in, but it was so different that it wasn't too hard for me to envision a new surrounding. One with more trees, and therefor more leaves.

      I opened the door, and there was a long lane with houses on each side. All the houses had big front yards with big maple trees. Perfect! Some of the trees were bare, some were green, and some were orange, red and yellow. I think my subC didn't really have a grasp of different seasons being at different times. I did notice that the trees that were colorful seemed to clump together, as did the green trees and the bare trees.

      It was almost like a temporal whatchamahoozit. Like there were different times at the different clumps.

      Anyways, I walked over to one of the clumps of fall trees, and looked around. There were leaves on the ground, but no piles. I was too lazy to rake them up, so I decided to walk along the lane until I spotted the house of a more conscious leaf-raker. It didn't take long for me to find one. There was this big old yard with a decently large pile of leaves.

      I stood next to the pile for a moment, and then decided to jump in it the way I do IWL. I stepped back a bit, and hopped through the air right into the center of the pile. At first it was just super normal. I was on my stomach, so I turned so that I was sitting up in the pile. I let myself fall back into the leaves, and then it was like every leaf was a gentle spark.

      I could feel a lot of little tingles and waves on my back and the backs of my arms, and there was a sensation of sinking. I felt like I was being sucked in, and then I was completely surrounded by leaves. I stayed there for a moment, and then felt air on my back, and pulled myself up face down in a pile of leaves at my Oma's house.

      Leaf pile = dream portal?

      I dinked around in my Oma's back yard for a bit but lost the dream pretty quick. I kept trying to remember another task to do, but couldn't before I
      woke up.

      Updated 11-30-2014 at 06:37 AM by 69491

      lucid , task of the month
    9. Car at School

      by , 11-30-2014 at 05:37 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 28, 2014

      I was in a high school shop or art class, but my boyfriend was missing. I knew that he liked to sit in his car and listen to the radio, so I went out to the parking lot to see if he was there. The lot was a lot like the lot at my high school, just a bit bigger and with more trees around the edges.

      I found him in his car and he wanted me to sit on his lap facing him. We sat like that fooling around for a while and we're just about to have sex when another classmate (his friend, who turned out to be one of Zukin's housemates... We'll call him J) was walking toward the car, calling my boyfriend (lol, I don't even know what his name was). I hid in the back while the boyfriend talked to J just enough to get him to go to his own car, which was on the other side of the lot.

      Classes were just about to get out for the day, so we decided to just leave and go somewhere quieter.

      Flash-forward, and I'm at my conferences that night. I was acing all my classes, but the shop/art teacher had docked me half my grade for missing class that one time. What a bitch.
      Tags: car, school, sex
    10. Lohengrin and an escape by sea

      by , 11-29-2014 at 09:45 PM
      I'm standing on an empty stage, going over some papers for the show currently in rehearsals. My soprano calls down to me from one of the boxes - she calls me Mr. Bevelle or Deville or something similar-sounding. She's got black hair done up like a Gibson girl, and an unusually high speaking voice, but in a way that I find pleasant. However, we're both aware her singing voice isn't going to last - she's only going to be able to perform in a few more shows. Because of that, she keeps coming to me like this with demands on how to run her last shows.

      Scene changes to show her at rehearsal. I'm disembodied this time, without Deville's sense of background information, and I only catch three notes of her singing - lovely clear tones - but I recognize Lohengrin.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm disembodied and observing a setting based on China some centuries ago. Literally just observing the setting - I'm outside of the timeline. Nothing is moving, not even the waves, and the colors of everything are incredibly saturated. I'm on a path with the sea to my right after a long drop, a long single-story house directly in front of me on this path, and several two-story buildings off to my left, among green fields. Far off in the distance I can see the shine of a building decorated in gold. Following the path, it curves to the left of that long house, and off to my left there's a man and a woman standing in a field, embracing, yellow flower petals frozen in the air around them. I know of them, though I don't know them personally. There's something secret about their relationship.

      I retrace my steps back to the entrance to that long house, where those two live. I look in briefly, noting the room where she stayed off to my right, with a window looking out to the sea. I leave the house again and circle around to the right, hovering over the sea, sticking closely to the side of the building. There's a door hidden here - she escaped through here, sometime after that embrace in the field among the flowers. It becomes difficult to cling to the side of the building. I float above the water, following the path she took, until I come to another building and look inside - there's a pallet on the floor where she stayed for a while. A doctor looked after her here.

      Updated 11-29-2014 at 09:50 PM by 64691

    11. Teleportation to Disneyland

      by , 11-29-2014 at 08:22 PM
      A week before this dream, I had just come back home from a trip with my family to Disneyland. I had loads of fun and thought it would be cool to go there again. I fell asleep in my bed and somehow became lucid.

      My dream was very short and very blurry. I managed to teleport to the castle in the middle of Disneyland, but when I looked at the lights, it seemed like I was squinting. I floated around the park a while, going to Tomorrowland (My favorite part of the park). I went into the entrance of Space Mountain and awoke.
    12. Lucid dream

      by , 11-29-2014 at 08:05 PM
    13. Starship

      by , 11-29-2014 at 07:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #384 - DILD 6:37AM

      This dream was probably inspired by watching "Gravity" and "Guardians Of The Galaxy" yesterday.

      I am the captain of a starship. I have somehow acquired several other ships either by space battles or other means. I look at a computer readout showing several ship ordered by value. The one at the top is worth 8 something billion dollars, almost 9. There is some older woman who I think of as important. She is in need of a ship of her own and I am feeling generous. I decide to let her have her pick, but not the most valuable one. That one is mine. Shes comes back not liking any of the starships I offered her so I reluctantly offer the more valuable one. I haven't really got to check out this ship yet so I decide to go with her. I see that I have a spacesuit on with a helmet already. I notice that there is no face shield and I am able to put my hand inside the helmet. I decide there must be some sort of force field that will activate when I go out. I open the air lock and make a quick space walk to the other ship that is docked to my main ship. I use something like a large air tank to propel me forward but when I look down it is just a can of air duster. I feel embarrassed and quickly drop it. Unfortunately, I don't think to take in the view of space during this all of this.

      I climb up a ladder and come to the main bridge. It looks very much like something from Star Trek but there are skeletal corpses standing around. I feel fear and disgust but I remember this is the effect of the weaponry I used against them. I haven't had a change to clean this up. I think I see one of the corpses moving but when I look I see that it was just my imagination. I make my way through some darkened corridors and feel I am being followed. I turn around and see that one of the corpses really is moving and right behind me. I say, "You're dead. You're not supposed to be following me." Then I quickly dismiss the whole thing as I turn a corner and open a door. There is a room full of people that are still alive and healthy. I am not sure how to handle this so I hit my communicator badge, "Dad.... I mean... err... Co.. Commander." It's really weird having my dad as my "Number One" officer. I tap again, "Commander, we still have people in here. I need assistance immediately." There is no reply but I feel like he got the message. I find a darkened room that I really need access to but I can't find any light switch. I tap my badge again, "I need power diverted to Engineering." This doesn't do anything for me. I feel a little panicky now, "Commander, come here please. I need help."

      *Memory Gap*

      I am now somehow lucid and talking to a woman on an old Motorola RAZR flip as I walk around the living quarters of the ship. The exact conversation is a little hard to recall but she kept saying, "Tonight's the big night. Stick to the plan. Don't fuck it up." Her voice sounds like Scratch from "Were Alive". There is some other garbled word she says but I focus many on asking what the plan is. I can't get any answer from her other than her repeating the same things. After a long time I hear a click and the phone disconnects. I try pushing the send button as a redial function. There is one ring then silence. I do this several times then try *69. Someone picks up. I say, "Just tell me what the fuck you are talking about. What's the plan? What plan?" I have no idea why I am so hung up on this but I am completely obsessed with getting an answer. As I am on the phone I am paying close attention to the living quarters. Most of it looks like a large mobile home. I end up in some large complex bathroom. There is a section that has a toilet in the shower. I feel like something looks familiar but can't place it (my parents camper trailer). I leave this area and find my mom sitting at a dining table. I let the phone conversation go and decide to ask my mom, knowing that all DCs are connected as part of my subconscious. As I make my way to mom I feel a slight instability to the dream. I know this dream has gone on for quite some time and i wonder when I'll wake up.

      I sit down across from here and ask her about the phone call; I forget my exact wording. She responds, "Austin to Houston then to a computer." I was listening really closely and want to make sure I understood her so I repeat it back. She smiles and nods with raised eyebrows like she had really said something great.
      I chuckle and say, "That doesn't make any sense. You [My Subconscious] are all crazy assholes." After I say this I realize I am insulting the deepest parts of my psyche. My mom frown and almost looks evil. I lean forward and I large cardboard box appears between me and the edge of the table. It jams into my neck. There is a little pain but I feel like I am choking. I decide to give up on all of this now and try to think of actual goals as I stand up. I wake up.
    14. Creepy DCs/RPG World

      by , 11-29-2014 at 06:51 PM

      Dream 1

      I was running away from something but I don't remember what.

      Dream 2

      A DC that looked like Eye at first(changed into a chubby short girl)was threatening me to listen to it or it would take the knife it got out of the box and stab me. It manages to stab me with a needle and started saying that the bumps I got on my veins and wrist were because I didn't listen. Than two DCs took money from me so I had to chase them. Another one of them came out of a frog wallet dressed as a soidger and tried fighting me. But I got on the couch and told him to stop cause he was too tall.

      Dream 3
      I made myself appear in a dream rpg gaming world and was hoping to find Eye in there. I looked around and felt like I heard his voice so I grabbed the DC and asked if I could be on a dream RPG team with him. He said OK and we ran around for a bit. But than I started thinking about how Eye was leaving me to fight my own battles more and got a bit mad. I jumped on his back and we fell down. Than I told him I don't care about battling DCs and getting stronger. I just want him around more like before. He laughed and said okay but than a girl DC came and was like "What do you think your doing!?" I started to laugh and tried hiding it behind a purple cloth that appeared in my hand but the girl DC just gave me a stern look like there were consequences. That's when the dream started fading and a view of a castle came into the picture. I was viewing the inside but than I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. 26th november

      by , 11-29-2014 at 06:45 PM
      Was at university, sharing dormitory rooms but I didn't get on with anyone and kept arguing with people within the first 10 minutes, char s was in the bed next to me which was good, there were 6-7 beds but loads more girls who were going to go in the other room and this blonde girl who I really didn't like was sat on my bed talking to libby who had just come in. Got into an argument with the girl. Was like my bedroom at home but a lot bigger. I was going to suggest moving mine and chars bed apart more so lib and that girl could sleep on the floor between them. They didnt, i had a tv in the corner which was good. Was getting shouted at for having food. There was a common room which I never actually went to and the woman in charge said we could pick 3 (?) people who we wanted to share aroom with but no one told me when that was so I didn't get a say but I ended up with just libby who was in my bedroom at home on the other side by my desk. Wanted her to read a book.
      Trying to get through a door and Sparked was sat on the floor opposite where my bag was hung up by the front door when I came in and said "Clares the type of person who wouldn't get in to drama school" and I was really pissed off, tried to tell libby who was with the other girls and they were ignoring me and I was literally shouting at them. Texted Daff because I knew he was at rose Bruford too so I asked if he was free as I was really upset. He didn't reply.
      My birthday, dad and his dad, went to a shop but nothing there I wanted so we went to the same shop in Winsford but the bags were £400 despite others being 3. Wasn't allowed in the wig department because you had to be 28 and was lifted up and pushed away from entering by a guy who looked like John. Wanted to build a swimming pool in the garden and was hallucinating as to how big the pond was (was a different garden to mine) Mrs hauge was there.