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    1. The Crazy Teacher

      by , 10-20-2014 at 12:01 AM
      Non Lucid-Blue
      Semi Lucid-Purple

      I was in a school with a group of kids and an experiment was being done. I don't recall what it was but something went wrong and we were told to wait outside the class. Outside we saw more kids coming in and they were popular and kind of cool looking. I wanted to walk up to one of the guys caused I thougt his spiky hair was cool but some dream characters who were my friends kept telling me not to. But I couldn't hold it in so I tried walking up to him but I think I made him fall off balance and his friends moved him away from me. Than the scene changed and it was now a classroom. I sat down and the teacher who acted like a coach walked in. He gave us all a big pink purplelish gum candy that we were supposed to try. I tried a little but than water started to leak from the roof so I got up. Upset that I got up, the teacher yelled at me. I shouted back at him that it wasn't my fault because I felt water falling on me. He kept shouting though and told me to sit down. Thats when I told him how am I supposed to sit down when I don't have a seat and the class responded with "Ohhhhhhh!'. I didn't know if it was a good comeback but I still felt pretty good about it. Sadly the teacher was bigger than me and pushed me out of the room, and flew me above a wall on the roof. I had a feeling by the way he was moving he was going to try to rape me so I flew away and tried flying out a window. He came after me and pulled me back though. Somehow I got away and was running down the stairs for someone to save me in Japanese just for fun. But out of no where I ran into a few girls who said a evil guy was going to kill a close friend with a robot weapon. The close friend was sealed inside a red book bag and the evil guy cut him up a bit saying he was going to make scars on him. I ran to the bookbag, grabbed the bookbag and ran out of the room into the halls panicking. My close friend was now a bleeding mess inside a book bag and somehow I had to put him back together. Two girls grabbed me after that and took me to a room where we could fix my friend. But when we got there there was a huge screen of a girl kissing another girl. Than the girl that took me there started wishing lots of times for her crush to kiss her.I knew it was a dream completely than and was walking away but everything about the dream changed. I was staring at a wall with two African american ladies and one told me not to think so much about things or I'll stress myself out. Than I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Scarlet

      by , 10-19-2014 at 11:59 PM
      I had a dream about me and my family getting together at my grandmother's house. It's something that we do quite often so it seemed completely normal, well at some point there was a knock at the door. This is not normal because my grandparents live on a ranch and don't get many visitors. Well i went to open the door and there was an elderly looking lady who was wearing a red hood. She very politely asked to come in and stated that she was passing through and needed to find her way to the nearest town. I told her to wait and went to get my dad who had lived in this area the longest, I told him what was happening and he walked to the door. He then called back to me and said no one was there. I went to go look and all the doors in the house leading outside shut. we couldn't open any of them. They weren't locked just impossible to open. The lady then walked out of my grandparents bedroom and said that she let herself in, because we were taking to long. She pulled her hood off and revealed that she had solid red hair and black eyes. I don't know why but I instantly recognized her as a witch. she then said that none of us were ever going to leave. In the dream my family and I could rome the house freely and weren't constantly watched by the witch but we still couldn't leave. My sister after a while found a way outside, and told us we could all leave. We decided that if we all left together the witch (who called herself Scarlet) would surely know and that if we slowly left she would still notice that there were less and less people. So I came up with the idea that I would stay back and distract her while they all left, and while she was busy looking for them I would sneak out as well. It worked for the most part. My family got out and were all free. But as soon as they all got out Scarlet knew what happened and was furious. She then started torturing me for what seemed like forever. But the torture soon ended and she was going to kill me. I remember feeling releaved that I was going to die because that meant no more torture. But when she killed me I didn't wake up. I kept dreaming. I knew I was dead but was watching the rest of the dream from in the house. I knew where my family was and that she was going after them. But I still couldn't leave the house. I was stuck there watching her hunt down my family. I eventually woke up, but am still freaked out about this dream. Mainly because I've died in dreams before and always immediately woke up when I died. But this dream kept going even after death. It's also the only dream that I can remember having a witch in it. If anyone can give me insight to why I kept dreaming after my death in the dream I would greatly appreciate it.
    3. Basic Task - Pumpkin

      by , 10-19-2014 at 11:58 PM
      After a long dry spell finally I had lucid dream and I remembered the task. Last month I tried the fortune cookie but could not succeed. I watched a movie and was walking down the stairs and looking down I found I did not have shoes. I then realized that I am dreaming..

      I went back into the movie theater and was forced to sit down by a female DC and watch the movie. I was seeing two version for the movie side by side in two different languages. I remembered the basic task and tried to conjure up a pumpkin on the empty seat beside me. No luck, tried one more time and still no luck. So I decided to leave the movie theater and try to find a pumpkin. I ended at a railway station and then I said I will find a pumpkin near the huge column. I found the pumpkin, now I need to find something to cut if open. I saw a food can and was able to remove the lid. Using the thin metallic lid, cut the pumpkin open. But nothing inside, just the pulp inside. Disappointed. Then I found another pumpkin, it was very small one. Wanted to open it, but lost lucidity.
      Tags: basic, pumpkin
    4. Resin casts / Gun party

      by , 10-19-2014 at 10:05 PM
      Resin casts
      I'm with a couple of friends playing with some kind of sticky sap I'm calling a resin. I'm tell them that it gets incredibly hard once it solidifies, and that it could be used to make an amazing cast. We're in a time period from before plaster casts were invented, so I have to explain what it would be like, wrapping a sheet of resin (still soft) around my elbow and talking about how once it gets hard it would hold the elbow totally still so that a broken bone there would heal better.

      At a gun "party"
      I'm at a the house of a gun dealer, attending one of his "gun parties" where he (legally) sells guns at a very fair price. I've been to a couple of his other little "parties," but I haven't bought anything yet, though I really want to. I'm strongly leaning towards a shotgun for home defense, though I'm also tempted to get something small that I can carry concealed. I briefly think about ammo types, whether bird shot is enough for home defense - I've never fired a shotgun before, though I've heard they work well. I know they're also incredibly loud, and I wonder whether I'd need to use ear protectors. I'd hate to go deaf from firing it, but if there were someone in my house I'd also need to hear them. As I'm thinking about all of this, I run into the dealer and we chat for a couple of minutes. He asks me if I'm still "upside-down" on what I've gotten from him, and I remind him that since the only money I've given him was for the entry fee, I'm completely upside-down and will be until I actually purchase a gun from him. We're in a room with Subway sandwiches laid out, and I ask him how much a sandwich costs. He tells me they're free for the taking since he couldn't in good conscience charge for something that poorly made. I thank him and grab one, then look around for condiments. I see both packets and bottles of mustard and ketchup. I grab some mustard and squirt it over my lettuce, then start to eat. I don't add ketchup since that just sounds weird on this kind of sandwich - except there's ketchup dripping out of it. I must have added it when I wasn't paying attention. Oh well. As I'm eating, I realize the bottom bun is almost completely gone while the top bun is barely touched. Normally I do a better job holding things together and keeping the top and bottom buns even. I flip it over so the larger top bun is now on the bottom and try to pay more attention to where I take my bites from.

      Now I'm upstairs in the house, where the customers usually are. His property is such that one can enter on either level, but I'm not sure why I started downstairs this time. Now my wife is with me, and she asks me questions as we walk around. Now we're in another room looking at some strange bird crafts laid out around a round coffee table. They're really unattractive and have zippers in strange places. Someone picks one up and shows me, indicating that the zippers are there to imitate bodily functions. The person asks if my children would be interested in trying to make one, and I decline on their behalf.

      Now I've left the man's house and am driving home. I'm currently driving through the old section of a city with narrow, strange roads. I end up having to make a left by turning right down a 270 degree cloverleaf-style "ramp", going under a tunnel under the road I was just on, then coming back to street level. I consider how strange that was and wonder why they couldn't have just left everything at a normal level and had me make a normal left-hand turn. Someone is with me in the car and says that city traffic is always terrible and every little thing they can do to improve it helps.

      Fragment: Something about walking through a park?
    5. Training Real Life skills, and meeting my Subconscious' personification !?

      by , 10-19-2014 at 09:11 PM (My Lucid Dreams)
      So I had a pretty severe ankle sprain yesterday, which pissed me off because I'm not going to be able to train Parkour/Freerunning/Tricking for a few weeks... but then I remembered that my training space wasn't limited to the waking world
      And so last night...

      Lucidity: 8/10
      Control: 6/10 - didn't really use dream control, other than controlling my own dream body.
      Vivacity: 8/10

      I'm in my mom's car on the left rear seat; we're on a road with a forest on the right and some bushes on the left. I reality check for a reason that I can't remember: four fingers!! I tell my mom that I'm dreaming as I reach for the door handle, and my mom reminds me that I have important goals in mind (I asked my Subconscious to not let me drift out of high lucidity and do unproductive stuff - I find it easier to view my subconscious as a person, it makes it easier to ask for stuff ).
      I open the door and jump out of the car, and I start flying close to the ground. From my point of view it looks a lot like I imagine long boarding at high speed.


      My mom catches up to me in with the car.
      "You could train parkour!" she shouts.
      So we're finally working together, uh?...Thanks, Subconscious.
      I stop and step back onto the ground. I'm feeling a presence next to me. I can't really see him, but from a 3rd person view, I realize that there is some kind of half ghost, half human dude flying at my left. I immediately "know" that he is the dream personification of my Subconscious.
      "So, what do you want to do?" He asks.
      "I need to train here (in the dreamworld) so I don't loose all of my skills. What about corks?" (it's a kicking and twisting flip).
      I throw and land a few corks but I'm not rotating enough, it doesn't look good.
      "You could try to kick more towards your opposite shoulder," my Subconscious suggests.
      I take his advice, and almost magically, I land my corks much better; I am actually feeling like this would work very well in real life.
      Because I feel like I've learned something, I decide to move onto something else. As I walk under a bridge, I remember that some people on the forum believe that you can heal yourself from a dream.
      Meh, why not try? It's not like I'd loose anything.
      So I sit down and grab my injured leg; I concentrate on it and I try to send energy into it.
      "I'll see if it worked when I wake up," I tell my Subconscious.

      I wake up.

      My foot is feeling a little bit better, but I assume it's just natural recovery - I'll keep trying to heal it in my dreams though, you never know
      I'm obviousy not able to test if my subconscious' advice about corks works in real life, so I'll have to wait until recovery. Until then though, I'll keep training in my dreams

      Updated 10-26-2014 at 04:09 PM by 57825

    6. Florence

      by , 10-19-2014 at 08:48 PM
      I'm someone playing cards with three other guys, and one of them mentions the (some surname beginning with T) manuscript. It's this anonymous collection of old medical notes. A few copies have been made of it, but it was never published, so it's very rare. I tell them a bit about that manuscript - I love having the chance to do so, I enjoy sharing stories from the past a great deal.

      During the war, it was an open secret that T. was seeing a certain woman. He always used a nickname when he mentioned her to others, but everyone knew. (As I'm saying this, I'm seeing an image of myself playing cards with T. in the past, much like the scene with these men now, both of us in uniform; and then an image of that woman walking down a street.) And she'd often go to his room to make use of his typewriter. (I'm seeing a typewriter that doesn't actually make sense for this time period.) For whatever reason, when he left to return to England those notes she'd been working on were mixed in with his typewriter and his other things. He didn't make it back to England of course, and when his things were eventually recovered, that anonymous manuscript was naturally associated with him. But the identity of the author of the T. manuscript is Florence Nightingale.

      This doesn't get the reaction from the other card players that I'd been hoping for - I get some odd looks but mostly they just seem bored. They change the subject, talking about pharmaceuticals. I'm disappointed - I'm reasonably certain Florence is still a household name, recent enough and well-known enough that I'd thought they would find this interesting, even though they were all born well after her death. It's always an isolating feeling when this happens - no one much cares about old dramas. But at least they only see it as the eccentricity of a history buff, and I don't have to worry about them seeing me as a threat.

      Updated 10-19-2014 at 09:04 PM by 64691

    7. Treed

      by , 10-19-2014 at 08:36 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #371 - DILD - 2:31AM (October 18)

      I had to make a quick trip to east Texas with my wife and three kids for some family business. We got the cheapest double-bed room we could find which led to a very uncomfortable night of sleep. Luckily, my recall was crazy with the multiple awakenings and I scored a short LD for the win. I intended to get lucid that night and set the goal of exploring the other rooms in the motel but I missed my task.

      I woke up around 2:15am with no recall and fell back to sleep with LD on my mind. There was no real technique but maybe a weak MILD that quickly led into the experience below.

      I notice some SP-like sensations and quickly have an in-dream-WILD. I exit briefly taking some sheets with me and leaving my sleeping wife behind. I exit a door to the right and find myself in my ex-in-laws' house. For some reason, I think this is were I was spending the night and thought nothing of it.

      In the living room, I see my younger daughter curled up asleep on the couch. I creep near her to try to scare her. Always having the possibility of literal AP on my mind, I wonder if I am affecting waking life. This may terrorizer her but I would have some proof when I wake up (What an ass!). However, when I am over her I notice I have accidentally made myself look horrific with long claws on my hands and dark grey skin. I pause and change my intentions, because at the same time, I notice my daughter looks completely angelic with glowing white skin. When I take a closer look, she has beautiful yet inhumanly blue eyes as she sleepily peers up at me. I am a little dazed and confused by this and all I can think to do is mutter and kind 'hey' before I aimlessly wander off.

      I venture out the front door and see an unfamiliar grey car outside in the driveway. I notice I can't see who's inside because there is a reflection of the daylight and shadows from the trees. Curious, I poke my head through the passenger side glass. My ex wife is sitting in the driver seat staring straight head with both hands on the wheel. She doesn't seem to notice me and is a complete lifeless "extra". I'm not sure what to do with this so I say the first random thing I can think of. In my best Jesse Pinkman impersonation (had be been a LDer and not a meth-head), I say, "Lucid dreaming... bitch." . :lol:

      Now, I just want to get away from this area so I run down the street toward my side of town. There is a large birch/palm tree hybrid growing in the middle of the street and I run up it without much thought. When I reach the top, the limbs are too much like palms to grab on too and I fall backward. I am able to defy gravity and lift myself forward in a set-ups motion but I still can't grab ahold of anything. This happens several times and the dream starts to become unstable. I suddenly, remember my goal for the night and the fact that I am actually sleeping in a motel in a small, crappy town in Texas. The dream fades to black with this thought and I try to visualize the exterior of the motel. It seems to be forming nicely, but unfortunately, I wake up because my son has now positioned himself on top of my head. :rolleyes:

      NON-LUCIDS (brief)

      The future, Teleportation

      My wife and I are in the future. There are cylinder shaped teleports the size of phone booths. We step and in some girl and her mom are right behind us. The girl makes faces at me and I try to tell her she will get hurt when we teleport. Suddenly a blue light comes down and I hear a sound. I look around and see the area has changed and we are outside a hospital. The girl and woman are fine. She says something mocking me. I tell my wife that I am going to remember all of this because it would be great to do this in a lucid dream. There is some version of The Doctor and I ask him many questions about the teleport. I wonder if it will work world-wide. He wouldn't answer any questions. I get mad and grab him. I wad him up in one hand put him into a video game screen at an arcade. I don't have quarters and I know my debit card wont work this far in the future.

      The future, Military
      I try to unofficially slip in the ranks in some futuristic military. Everything goes fine until they want to micro chip me. I panic and try to use the excuse of religion but they aren't buying it. I wonder if maybe it will be ok for now and I will have it removed later. I know it will hurt because I'll have to do it myself.

      Sleep outside, vicious dog turned friendly
      I am trying to sleep in the back of a pickup. Some dog attacks me but I beat it and scream and growl at it. It yields an whimpers. Now it is tame and curls up in my bedding. I am pissed off and I throw it out and barricade the truck bed with plywood to keep it away.

      Updated 10-25-2014 at 05:02 PM by 5967

    8. Very aware in my last Dream after ssild

      by , 10-19-2014 at 07:54 PM
      I was in my neighborhood up the road from my house where my little brother and I were saying goodbye to our parents, which I don't know why.
      Then as we were walking back to our house we found a wagon. So my little brother got in and went really fast down a hill. I followed him because I was scared he would get hurt. Eventually we ended up in someone's yard and created a ditch there. I was really embarrassed as I tried to walk away like nothing happened. Then for some reason someone pulled into their drive way with a really old car. When he got out he had an aparell that looked as if it belonged in the 1930's. Then I finally arived at my house where my older sister was waiting. I was really happy to see her and hugged her because I usually don't get to see her because she is always at college. Then we talked for alittle and the Dream ended.

      Key points

      Very vivid and long
      Strong felling of emotions
      Neighborhood seemes to be out of place and also a lot nicer than usually (not to say my street is crappy, it was just a little more vibrant)
    9. Early Christmas?

      by , 10-19-2014 at 07:37 PM
      Morning of October 19, 2014. Sunday.

      Once again, my family and I are living in Cubitis though the house is different on the inside. I see that the front yard is mostly the same, but when I look out, while apparently resting in bed, I see an older green station wagon (late 60s Ford Torino) parked in the yard, looking a bit in need of a wash, directly facing the house and near the third silver oak. I am wary of this, because I do not know who it might belong to.

      Within a short time, it turns out to be a very wealthy celebrity couple, although I presently cannot name him or his wife. He may be Jack Gilford as he was when around age forty, though I get more of a sense of a more serious visage, almost James-Bond-like. They sit down on chairs in our living room. Apparently, it is nearing Christmas and they have brought a gift for my wife because she is supposedly a relative. They do not seem to feel out-of-place in my smaller childhood home. In fact, they comment on how quaint it is in a non-sarcastic manner almost as if they are thinking of getting such a place to live. The package they give to my wife is shiny and blue and I get the impression that it may be a ballroom gown, but she does not open it before I wake. It is fairly large but light-weight.

      The very wealthy movie stars do not expect a gift, it seems, and they are making their trip a bit earlier than they normally do from what the man says, continuing south, I believe, before driving back to Hollywood after delivering all their gifts. I am not sure how they are related to my wife (she comes mostly from Hungarian Roma people). In fact, they are not certain either. We even talk about different family surnames as they are leaving, all beginning with “N” and stopping with an idea about the name of a sister’s neighbor from years ago (but altered somewhat) who I did not even know in reality, something like Nigh-gly in pronunciation, possibly a vague play on “nightly” (or a corruption of Nyíregyháza or even Nardia, similar to earlier name variations), though dreams often provide nonsense words and nonsense definitions to real words (as with my “Jacuzis are vampiric monsters” fiasco from years ago - though this is more likely to happen if one does not fully know the real definition and the dream invents an unlikely one).
      Tags: christmas
    10. 10/19/14 - snake and train

      by , 10-19-2014 at 05:56 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me and my sister and other people who's faces I can;t see are outside and we have guns and we're shooting each other in the chest and shoulders and nothing happens. We laugh each time and when I was trying to shoot my sister and her trying to shoot me we're jumping around in this corner that is draped in shadow so we can;t see each other and I decide to just shoot randomly into the dark. And then I hear my sister cry out in pain, and then I panic drop the gun and drag her into the light and ask her whats wrong. She's holding her leg and says the two leg bones are broken and her ankle fractured. Someone tells us we need to take her to a hospital to have it wrapped up so the bones will heal back together, but me and my sister don't want to take her and want to wrap them up ourselves and now my leg is starting to mimic her leg wounds so we sit down and realize how dangerous that game was and hide the guns and think about how what if I accidentally shot her face, she would've died. (Dream changes) I'm at my grandmas house and these two egg looking people start painting my moms car black and my mom and uncle doesn't mind so they let them do it even though the paint isn't working right. Then we all get into the car, my whole family somehow. My grandpa goes to my sisters window and says he decided he wants to sit on her side and she convinced him. So I scoot from the middle seat, to the far left and we all fit in. The while waiting for my uncle I'm looking out the window and see the hugest fucking snake I ever saw and its brown yellow and black and longer then an RV. I yell to my grandma that there's a huge snake outside and she gets a shot gun while I'm still watching it and now its grabbed a duck off the ground and is eating it. My grandma shoots at it, I'm not sure if she hit it, but it quickly slithers away to the front into the tree's. Then m,y uncle takes the gun and acts cocky and says he'll go kill it, but we all worry because he hurts himself easily. Then time passes and we get out thinking the snake is eating him but then we see him so we get back in the car and my grandma yells at him for worrying her and then he throws the dead snake on top the car and I'm disgusted because some blood drops are now on the window from the snake. (Dream changes) Me and goldy(the twitch streamer) are walking on this train track and it's down in a two walled ditch. Then we hear a train coming and blowing it's whistle noise so we hide a little and then when it mostly passes we jump onto the last cart of the train. Then he pulls out a wooden train whistle and tries blowing it, but just air came out so he hands it to me to try, and I blow though it and it makes the train noise super loud and then the real train whistles one long one and then three short ones, so I mimic it and then the train driver pulls a lever or something because he made the cart we were on detach from the rest of the train and we see the train leave and ours starts to go out of control and flips to its side and crashes into the ditch walls and catches fire and me and goldy crawl away from it and sit and watch wondering what happened. We guessed that the wooden whistle alerted the big train the the cart was useless or damaged or something. So me and goldy get up and walk to his house(scene changes to his house) He knocks on the door, it's night time now. His girlfriend ally(twitch streamer) opens the door slightly and peeps her head out and asks where goldy's been and then lets us in. He explains to her what happened back with the train, and then ally takes me upstairs and shows me a bedroom I can sleep in for the night but there's other girls in there standing in the dark at the floor and it creeps me out so I ask her if i can use a bathroom and she giggles and says yeah that there's on in the room with the girl and one down stairs, so I tell her I'll use the one down stairs. I didn't want to go into the dark room. I go downstairs and forget about the bathroom and find some of my family sitting on a couch watching a huge tv. I sit with them and my cousin keeps asking me if I knew the things about the show he keeps telling me, and I'm like yeah because I know but get annoyed he keeps asking me things, so I get up and go into a kitchen and see that ally left a letter for me on the fridge but then my cousin runs in and grabs the letter before I can fully read it, I yell at him to give it back. That she wrote it for me and it could be important. But then he puts it into an red cow print notebook and then puts it into his pile of school crap. Then a large man comes into the kitchen asking whats going on and I tell him my cousin is hiding a letter meant for me for some reason and the big guy tells him to give it back but he ignores and smirks, so I push him to the ground and start for his junk, and then my cousin says fine that he'll give me the letter back. He give's me a paper and I can tell it's not the letter so I tell him that's not it, so he's pulls out a blue notebook and tells me it's in there and I tell him no, it's in a red cow print notebook, he looks annoyed that I remember. Then he stands there so I push him again and start looking for the letter but instead I find his binder notebooks that he wrote in them that he loves david arquette, so I point and smile and walk over to his brother but then my cousin calls him over first and I hear him say that I'm gonna try to use finding out he's bi against him to get my letter back. So I tell his brother to pretend like I told him something else that pisses him off and then my cousin gets confused so I grab the letter out of his hands a laugh and tell him that I told his brother nothing, then run into this room that has two tables and my cousin follows me but i just wanted to read my letter alone but mila kunis follows us and is pissed at me for stealing his paper she says. So I tell her it's a letter meant for me and show her and then she gets pissed at my cousin for lying to her because she was going to beat me up to get it back for him. Then we three are at the table and she's super angry and there's puzzles and coloring books now on the table we begin to do.
    11. Adventures in the Mountains

      by , 10-19-2014 at 05:09 PM
      I'm in the wilderness, with a bunch of my friends. We're surrounded by beautiful mountains.
      We're walking with a guide, finding black bears. I have seen 4 before we come to a bear in a small cage. The cage is decorated for Halloween, and is set back from the trail. Behind that is tall grass.
      "Who do we have here?" the guide asks to nobody in particular, getting closer to the bear. My friends follow him but I stay on the trail, which is on a ridge.
      The long grass moves. Something is coming! An opossum scurries out of the grass and up a tree.
      "Guys! Run away! Something's coming!"
      I start running away frantically. I look back; my friends haven't moved. A massive black bear jumps out from the grass, and gives a loud, mighty roar.
      My friends scramble up the hill to join me in my mad dash. The bear chases us. We burst out of the forest and arrive at a mansion. Out of breath, I look back at the forest. The bear doesn't come into view. I get an overwhelming sense of safety.
      Then, I wake up.

      Updated 10-19-2014 at 05:15 PM by 69683

    12. Minecraft Series, Rocket Scooter, Breaking someone's laptop by accident, Lost Lucid.

      by , 10-19-2014 at 02:02 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Way back, early in the night, I recall there being a short, bland lucid. I can't recall what it was about now, but I remember waking up and thinking about how frequent my lucid dreams are getting. I thought about how it was 3:00 now and I should 'go back'.

      At some point or other, I was watching an animated Minecraft Series. In it the main character had lived as a wanderer without a house and actually befriended one of each of the hostile creatures in the game. One Zombie, One Skeleton, One Creeper, One Spider and one Enderman.
      The Zombie and the Creeper wore helmets so they wouldn't burn in the daylight.
      I can't recall why, but they are trying to get into this big mansion and grief this other player. The Creeper recommends that he could blow himself up, but the player doesn't want him to do that. He then says he has to wait until sunrise to ambush the other player when he comes outside.

      This dream was actually really cool.
      I was a part of a small street gang of skaters; though we were generally good people, we did sometimes steal from the fat cats in our neighborhood because we were all members of poor families. Everyone in our gang had a unique ride; we had a guy on a skateboard, a guy on inline skates, a girl with a BMX bike, and me on a scooter.
      The leader of our gang was this wheelchair-bound kid who stayed at home, but worked on all of our rides for us. In fact, he was just showing me his latest work. He had attached a small tank of compressed CO2 and a pair of small engines onto my scooter. I could throttle it with the handlebars and use it for an extra speed boost.
      At some point, A rival gang of older, more experienced skaters broke into our garage and stole all of our leader's parts and tools. We were chasing after them. I was going the fastest with my rocket scooter and managed to catch one of the goons in this stairwell area.
      I made them give back the parts that the stole form us (for some reason they were a big handful of rubber bands and some black plastic wheels.)
      Then, a powerful man in a suit coat with a Bluetooth headset came and took the parts from me.

      I somehow came to the realization that this was actually a children's TV show. And the reason we couldn't catch the other gang, and even when we did, we got the parts taken from us was because the writers wanted us to learn some lesson about teamwork.
      I began making all of these fourth-wall jokes. Then the writer came and talked to me and told me he was going to take my character off the show if I kept that up. I told him I didn't want to be on the show anymore.

      So wait, how does this work? I'm on a show, I'm an animated character, but I'm also self-aware, like an actor?

      At some point or other; this was somehow related to college; I knocked someone's computer out of their hands while they were on the stairs. I apologized and actually felt really bad for her. They were crying as well, and trying to hit me, but I kept blocking her strikes.
      I 'remembered' this man I knew who could fix anything and took her to him. He was crazy and ran around his workshop gathering all of these wires and components, and re-attaching parts of the computer.
      At some point he managed to get the computer working once more. He had to plug in a new monitor; an old TV screen. On it were all of these special effects demos. One was of a bunch of dinosaurs fighting with Stormtroopers and AT-ATs.
    13. Am I Passing This Class? and The Baby Girl Who Started Her Life Again

      by , 10-19-2014 at 10:25 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was going into a math class. It was the last day of the semester (not sure if it was high school or college). As I was walking in, I couldn't remember if I had gone to this class during the semester more than a few times. I was thinking about the grades she had posted for me, and there were some holes and about as many grades. Ugh what was I gonna do?

      I sat down and there was a shorter, kind of stout black woman teaching the class. She was very lax and laid back. I was starting to wonder if she had even held class for half the semester. She handed out a test, our last one of the semester. It was a multiple choice test. The questions had little to no math relevancy. I don't remember them specifically right now, but the first one had some numbers in it, but the question was silly, and the next ones just had nothing to do with math at all. Man, this teacher must not care at all. I then "remembered" taking another test like that with her before and getting a bunch of them wrong. It didn't seem like there should really be any wrong answers since it was so silly...

      I later saw the teacher somewhere outside of class. Also, something about writing two papers on two different books or pieces of writing. It was and extra credit assignment for the math class. I wasn't sure if I needed it or not, but I wasn't going to take my chances. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to choose to write on for the second one (I had already picked the first out). I'd start writing in purple sharpie, but then I'd scribble it out. I asked someone, maybe the teacher, about what I should do. She gave me some suggestions on what pieces to write about.

      Then, something about Dallas and I having had a baby, a girl. Someone else was taking care of her, my mom I think. The baby then decided that she didn't want to be here anymore, and wanted to start over again from a newborn. I think she got really depressed about something. So she did that, and was an infant again. I then was wondering if Dallas and I should keep trying to have a baby since we had one already apparently. I then went to go see my daughter. I asked someone where she was and they told me that Debbie was watching her. I started to go down into this basement area that was supposed to be the break room at Kohl's, either down some stairs or a ladder. I started to see the tops and backs of these ladies' heads. They were two very gossipy ladies at Kohl's. They were sitting down on the couch watching TV. I didn't really want to interact with them, though Debbie was their friend. I went down there all the way. I saw that it looked as if some of them literally were living in the break room. Interesting. I didn't see Debbie or the baby anywhere. I then asked someone something. I then saw this pink dollhouse/cage thing that had plastic, interchangeable cribs in it. I was flipping through the different ones, watching them come up through the floor (I think I was pushing a button to change them out), when I heard R's voice. She is a lady that I work with at the bakery. She was saying "Sen and Simpy! Sen and Simpy!" (meaning Ren and Stimpy). She was talking about the themes of the cribs they were using for the baby. I kept flipping through them and didn't see any like that, though sometimes, two cribs would pop up, and then five.
    14. (l?) 10/18/2014

      by , 10-19-2014 at 02:34 AM
      My dreams today were much more blurry than yesterday. All signs of the vividness is was pretty much gone. My ability to remember them was so much less as well. My mind was very active and pumped when I went to bed, so maybe that is part of the cause. But also, I didn’t take a sleeping pill.. Were those helping more than I realized? Looking back at past entries, it seems the most vivid and memorable dreams all occurred while a pill was in my system. I think I’ll try another day or two without one to test this out. If the trend of blurry dreams continues after that, I’ll try a pill again and note the difference.

      The details are gonna be almost nothing on these dreams, and the writing jump around and perhaps end abruptly. But I’m just working with what little I do remember here.

      Going forward, I will mark entries with a lucid dream in them with (L) at the start of the entry’s title.

      The first dream focuses on my brother and him having trust issues with women. Someone he was supposed to spend some time with has bailed on him and given him a reason for doing so. But he doesn’t believe her, so he checks on her. This process I think repeats a few times, and some of the women end up being honest and some of them had lied.
      –Flashes: KFC, a huge (and very nice) house, something about today’s Vols game.

      In this dream it was somewhat close to time for to go to work, but I decided to lay in bed with Willow for a little while before I left. Figuring it would be a good idea to set an alarm in case I fall asleep, I ask her if she’s sit up and set it for me. She accidentally changes the time though instead of setting the alarm, so I fix it for her.

      For some reason though there’s a group of three people nearby and they’re making a lot of noise, so I get up and leave to go sleep somewhere else. When sleep became the singular goal of this laying down, I’m not sure.

      This next dream is the “big” one for the night, because unlike the other two I remember more pieces of it. I do recall that there was a villain/antagonist in this dream. A floating figure, black robed and blue haired. Like the villain in The Little Mermaid actually, though I can’t recall if it looks exactly the same. This antagonist made several appearances, usually that I just remember in flashes that I can’t really place in the timeline.

      Myself and a bunch of people from work were outside watching fireworks. Some big firework shell fell near us and landed on someone’s car, doing serious damage. Somehow another firework made a boulder roll down the road and it hit my car, doing serious damage to the front left side and tired. It was still able to be driven (as I remember doing so later in the dream, we went to the park I think) but the tire as at an odd angle I and I feared it would fall off. Anyway, I was going to go after whoever was shooting the fireworks and demand that my car be fixed, but now in the dream fireworks were being shot in the air from all different directions around us, so I couldn’t tell where the one that caused my problem had come from.

      I also just now remembered that at first the fireworks were coming from only direction when my car got hit, and Jordan showed me a flier saying some place was supposed to be firing off fireworks at the exact time my car got hit. So we were trying to figure out if that place was near us, so that we could tell if they’d done it. Before I could take action though the fireworks from all the other directions started as well and we were no longer sure that they were our culprit.

      At another point I was being chased through some sewers by spiders. Lots of them. There were other vermin as well. I think they were rats and snakes, but I’m not positive on that. Somehow I realized though that if I just laid down and waited, the vermin would all just pass over me and keep going after the others that were being chased. I realized that because the spiders had gotten me once before (I vaguely remember being chased before earlier in the dream), that they had no interest in getting me a second time. The antagonist was behind the vermin.

      This is were things get perplexing to me. Later in the dream (I THINK it was the same dream), I was outside on my front porch. Something strange happened and it prompted me to reality check. I don’t remember what check I did, but I think it was something with my hands. And I don’t remember exactly how that played out, but I realized I was dreaming. For some reason the dark was scaring me, so I closed my eyes and said that when I opened them it would be daylight and I’d be somewhere else (Amy and Andy’s house I think). I ended up teleporting a few other times as well, and at some point the antagonist showed up. That’s all I remember though.

      The thing is, I’m not sure I actually went lucid. Is it possible to just DREAM that you had a lucid dream? Not sure.. I’ve posted on the forums about it. The thing is that the dream didn’t feel any different than a normal dream that I can remember. The memories don’t feel any different. All recollection that I have of it points to it being just a 100% normal dream. So did I just dream that I was lucid? A&A’s house IS a dream sign, which also makes me question. Plus the fact that I can’t 100% remember my reality check.

      So I’m just not sure, on that one. I’ll think more about it and see what people with some experience have to say.

      Work On:
      –Write down every dream the moment I wake from it. Every time.

      Current Dream Signs:
      –Amy and Andy’s House (Perhaps Amy and Andy themselves as well? Unsure.)
      –Yylvis, The Fox
    15. 10/16/2014

      by , 10-19-2014 at 02:33 AM
      Well damn. There’s two short ones that go along with this one, but guess what? I didn’t write them down. They were short and there wasn’t much to them, and I remembered them so well at the time......... So! Remember yesterday how I said I’d never skip writing one down out of laziness? Well let me rephrase that. From now on I will not skip writing one down for ANY reason. If I’m supremely sick or injured, maybe I’ll get a pass. Maybe. But outside of that, there’s no more excuses. They’re to be written down, every single time. You got that brain? Okay great, good. Let’s move on then.

      Here’s the one big one that I do remember.. I’ll come back and edit this later if I happen to remember the others, but I have doubts.

      My brother and I were sitting in the living room at Andy and Amy’s house. I don’t recall seeing either of them, or any of the kids for that matter. It actually seemed very much like we lived there. Come to think of it, during the “Orathrapod” dream, we were on our way there.. Starting to suspect that living in that house is a common there in my dreams.

      Anyway, we were in the living room and I was playing some video game. I beat the game and decided to pop in a new one I got. After the first few minutes of the new one (maybe it was an opening cinematic, I don’t remember) myself and Mike (who had watched me beat the previous game and was now watching this one) thought it looked very exciting. I got excited and pulled my chair to the center of the living room for a better view and to be closer to the tv. Think it may have been a rocking chair. Pinkish red. (Didn’t I have a rocking chair like that as a kid??)

      The game was very colorful with poppy cartoon graphics. Looked a LOT like WoW at first. I made an archer. Mike leaves (I think) at some point while playing. The game starts to look more like Skyrim. At one point I’m backpedaling away from a bunch of rats and spiders. Maybe some tigers too? Not sure. I’m shooting them with a projectile, can’t remember what kind. Don’t think it was a bow. This was in a forest, backpedaling parallel to a river. Spiders were shooting webs at me, but it was short range and usually missed. Got too far away from the pack at one point and had to move forward to get close enough to hit them again. Ended up with a 1 vs 2 and I went into the water (don’t remember why). The game becomes reality at this point and it’s me vs a rat and one other thing. Can’t remember what. Tiger maybe. Holding the rat off to the side with one hand as I fight the larger beast. I remember trying to choke it and hold it underwater to drown it. Other beast is eventually gone, can’t remember if I killed it. I’m scared the rat is going to bite/claw me really hard as I hold it underwater. Lots of adrenaline and fear here ‘cause I didn’t want the rat (it was huge) to bite me as I desperately tried to kill it.

      Next thing I remember is this weird Kelly and Willow thing. I’m standing in the kitchen (still at A&A’s) with Willow and she’s telling me about a fight that they got into. I’m feeling flashes of the fight in my head as she talks. It’s also in a river I believe, and I think she’s telling me this story as an “I can relate to your giant rat fight” type of deal.

      The fight is brutal and she almost loses, but she ultimately wins by shoving a straw through Kelly’s eyeball, thus killing her. Straw was a cheap, pink plastic. When she tells me about the straw stab, I ask her if that “was a KO”. I find it strange for some reason that she didn’t seem phased by my nerdy little reference. She just says “yes” and keeps talking.

      The backdoor is open and from where we are I can see the alley behind the house while we talk. It’s a bright, sunny afternoon, that reminds me very much of Summer days as a child.

      Work On:
      –Write down every dream the moment I wake from it. Every time.
      –More reality checks when things seem strange.
      –Get some B6 vitamins.

      Current Dream Signs:
      –Amy and Andy’s House (Perhaps Amy and Andy themselves as well? Unsure.)