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    1. Recall where are you again?

      by , 08-06-2013 at 08:12 AM

      I had some dreams I could remember well as I woke up.

      But mysteriously, my memory vanished the time I got up and came back from the bathroom.

      I just recall 3 things:

      1. I wrote a test to become a baker (what the hell), but I had to answer some questions about french literature (again what the hell?). Naturally I couldn't answer the questions and left without giving the test back.

      2. I'm waiting in front of a train crossing, which stands in middle of my street (where there is none)

      3. Something about Ninjas. But I can't recall more
    2. dunnnn

      by , 08-06-2013 at 06:26 AM
      i was sitting on a computer chair with a fine chick,i wanted to just grab her and start tocuhing her right their but i didnt,i was sortof wondering why i felt i could do it ,then i looked down to type something and when i looked back uyp she had her arm around me,i did the same and started touching her,then im not shure but seems like the same dream,but a different day,it branched from this to just more intercourse
    3. August 4th

      by , 08-06-2013 at 05:29 AM
      Dream 1

      - I'm standing in a fairly empty plaza. Nicki Minaj arrives and starts a rap battle with an old man. She speaks her lines, the man writes his on a chalkboard. I am now the old man and looking at the board. I see some stray markings and turn them into a male anime character. He fills with color and comes to life on a tv screen and I am suddenly in a room with my friend, watching this tv.

      Dream 2

      - I'm at lake Tahoe, by a tall rock by the water. Someone has jumped off this rock and gotten his pants stuck to the rock, right above the water. Now, I am in a house on top of this rock. There is an opening in the wall that allows you to jump off the rock. A guy in the water is telling me he will give me a tip if I jump, but I do not. I go into a room and see my friend building a model rollercoaster. I try to talk to him, but I end up leaving the room with negative emotions. When i leave, 2 girls in black swimsuits run by and hide in a room. 2 boys also come out of a room; I realize i am naked and try to run past them, but I trip up. I do make it into a room and then feel slightly embarrassed.

      Dream 3

      - I've done something to my ankle and have been given a bag of tiny baked potatoes for it. Now, my dad drops me off at the mall and I go in with my friend and her mom. We pass a lot of pieces of art with only nude subjects.
    4. 8-5-2013 Defending dagger

      by , 08-06-2013 at 02:02 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      So..... I didn't log last night. My past couple of logs have also not been very vivid. So, tonight, i'm going to focus and meditate a little before bed. This should sort of remind myself to wake up after a rem cycle is complete and log instead of being lazy.

      Anyway, what i remember:

      Defending dagger:
      It's night, i'm outside on my farm. Me and a friend are vampires and as a result, my family is planning to kill us, or at least i think that was the plot. So i'm outside with a knife, my family members are running at me and i'm slicing them one by one to wound them enough to stop them. I then wound a little girl pretty badly ( i didn't know i had a little sister in my dream world :3 ). because i hurt her, i can't help but break down and cry.

      Then the plot slowly turns to me watching a movie part by part which is being projected onto the lawn.

      I was talking with a girl i know about a written drivers test and she said it had like 2000 questions and i was a bit shocked.
    5. Semi-lucid testing the senses, and vampires.

      by , 08-05-2013 at 11:38 PM
      (Technically lucid, in the sense that I clearly knew I was dreaming, but there was no more control than usual and no particular moment of becoming lucid that I remember, I seemed to have simply started out that way. Then again, I can't remember how this scene started. Background info: I recently read something claiming dreams usually don't include all 5 senses, mostly just sight.)

      I want to test out that bit about how senses work in dreams, so I float up to my bedroom ceiling and run my fingers over the ridges of the plaster. My sense of touch seems to be working fine to me. I even break off a piece of the plaster and taste it - the taste is probably not what plaster really tastes like, and it's very bland, but the sense of taste is certainly present. I decide I need to wake up to write this down.

      (And I did. Rather than being any more aware than usual, it seemed more like I'd unintentionally programmed my dream self to complete this task, and my dream self was just carrying out those orders, without me having to take any active control of the dream. I went back to sleep for a few more hours.)

      I'm playing the role of Louis de Pointe du Lac and watching a performance of Les Miserables in french. The girl playing young Cosette reminds me a little of Claudia, which makes me remember the songs she used to sing around the house. Their voices are similar. But Lestat's distracting me, talking as we watch the performance, telling me about his run in with Daniel and how he'd given him that 'choice I never had' line. And then he says to me that really, that was something of a lie; Daniel was already 'for the blood' as he puts it, since he'd met me.
    6. The Flying Beyonce.

      by , 08-05-2013 at 10:28 PM
      Date: August 5, 2013
      Method: WBTB & MILD (WILD attempt during WBTB)
      Total Sleep Time: Don't ask

      Dreamed I was with Beyonce at what seemed to be the circus. She was performing an act on the trapeze where she was suppose to sing at the same time she was doing these amazing flips, all while flying. My job was to toss her the microphone from the ground at the exact moment of a flip and she was to catch it with one hand while holding on with the other and start singing. Well, let's just say I got my part right by tossing the microphone at the correct moment. She did indeed catch it, but she fumbled with the mic and it fell in her lap and she missed her mark. I woke up soon after this, but I'm sure if this dream was to continue, I would have been fired for making the Queen B look bad!

      Note: Well, it is no surprise that I am not being very successful with my attempts to become lucid during WBTB. I have never had success with WBTB & WILD, so I believe that I am not really sure what to do except try to stay awake while my body is asleep. I always end up falling asleep and wondering what the hell happened that morning. Lately, my total sleep time is just not enough and I know this is making my lucidity suffer.

      Got to do better!
    7. 8/5/13 - walking

      by , 08-05-2013 at 10:13 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm on some unfamiliar street, and I want to get home before all the night people come out because it's almost sunset. I have this map, and I'm discussing with a body-less voice the best route to go, the short one is on a public street and I find that unappealing, but the back way would take far longer, the voice urges I go the short way but i just walk on thinking i will decide when I get to the two ways. I get to the two roads, and suddenly all these people start coming out of no where walking towards me and passed me to go to their homes. I turn to the right which is the short way without thinking, and theirs a lot of people, even more, and some of them walk towards me when they could of perfectly walked around, then I see my dad standing across the street through the crowd and he has a mad look on his face, I start to run through the crowd hoping he won't catch up, but the crowd gets thick and slows me down, then I turn my head and he's right next to me and I flinch, then sudden;y I'm in this office with my dad and there's this other girl and she's talking to this woman at a desk about her embarrassing problems and her voice is so brittle and she's so nervous, I realize this woman is going to talk to me and my dad next, so I try I stare at the door planning to run out. To get the courage to get up, but then the girl is done talking to the woman behind the desk and gets up and opens the door to leave, so I panic and run passed her and I hear the woman at the desk yell something at me.
    8. 5th Aug 2013 Fragments

      by , 08-05-2013 at 09:50 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about dragons.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was playing some game and at some point was placing alot of explosives in a bunker and then exploding it.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching something about minecraft and then some Yogscast video. Lewis was building some kind of structure out of blue and red grating blocks and then later Simon arrived, twice, and both of them started helping, one of them had slightly different voice. Then there was some talk about some missile launch center.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was watching some series that looked like some series that i've seen in the past, people were arriving at home and welcoming back each other and there was something about some having different personality or something.
    9. Going Forward

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:53 PM
      Date: 5th Aug

      Total sleep time: 7 hrs<

      Pre bed: Calcium&Magn, 100mg B6

      Natural wakes: 6x, vivid dreams after each, lazy to record, also mislaid notebook

      Early dream(+3 hrs?): a memory of a lucid, where I didn't do anything in particular? We were gathered on street around a fountain/pillar?

      Dream: An emotional personal dream with a rather unpleasant outcome. Sadness and anger.

      Dream: Sitting on the table of a local cafe. My high school classmates smoke cigarette after cigarette. I am thinking about that, blowing out clean air in front of me.

      Dream: A bit like a FA, or was it a dream, this was more hearing the dream than seeing it. Mom is talking with dad that she regrets not noticing the details of her dream, because this is the third time she actually has a lucid.

      LD: After trying to fall asleep for a while after the natural wake, I catch myself in the midst of a dreamlet. I see my bf already in the dream on the street, but I am still there more of a side spectator than an in-dream presence. My bf starts doing repetitive movements with his hands as if he is entering the dream as well. I concentrate and soon my hands and body appear in the dream. I have a little trouble moving, feel my body slightly paralyzed, but am relaxed about it and just wait. Bf gives me a hand and pulls me closer, which helps me become more solid. He is very friendly and nicer than most of his DC appearances and I wonder whether this could be a shared dream. I walk on the street for a bit, but things destabilize, then the dream is possibly back again. Memory gap?

      I have no idea what happened but now am on the roof floor of a building with lots of kids around. I think I lost my lucidity or am quite distracted at this point. The kids are playing with two balloons, one red and one blue, and I am getting closer to the edge of the building as they almost throw one of the balloons too far. I have worries about falling down. Then I go over one of the kids and tell her to turn off/change the music. Here I regain my lucidity as I try to go down while I get a strange fear of heights. I conclude that when people feel this fear they enter a similar to the dream state while awake. Some sort of exaggerated anxiety mood.

      I am now one floor below, with my bf and a number of DCs next to me. I decide to ask my bf about the meaning of life. Again, he looks more like himself here. At first he answers something about "going forward", which I very much like. I tell him to repeat it again but instead he says "I like going back and forward" and then blurts out "Money". This disappoints me a bit. I want to get more and better answers so ask another DC. This guy looks falsely familiar and initially gives me the impression I might have encountered a real dreamer as he begins to ponder the question. But then he just keeps repeating "mmm" and "mmmhum" and doesn't say anything. I am annoyed and feel the dream is slipping away as I have been waiting too long. The dream stops but instead of going through the void, I lose consciousness. It takes maybe about 10 seconds and I am back in the dream.

      I was in some sort of a corridor before and now I go into the next room where there are a lot of DCs from my class. I want to ask once again, so I organize those DCs which are now around 20 to gather in front of me as if I am about to take a picture of them. I then make an intro and ask them what the meaning of life is. Lots of my classmates raise hands and I select K. who is smiling to answer. She starts a long speech about happiness. She doesn't say anything exciting, just tells me about her life. I have no more interest in getting the question answered. I then address the whole class and ask them if they know what a lucid dream is and if they have had one. A few try to say something, but it is really hard to concentrate as there are too many DCs in the room. I tell them that this is a lucid dream, but then begin to worry that I might actually be having a shared dream with someone and they might think I am crazy. I leave them to talk with one another. I lose consciousness again, the dream is back in a few seconds. (no void)

      I am trying to think of more tasks when I see this pretty Asian girl maybe around 20 years old. I start having distracting side thoughts and want to get close to her but she looks scared and tries to run away. I relax a bit and so does she. She lies on my lap as I marvel her beautiful hair and caress her. When she stands up, I notice she is wearing a knee-length dress. I know it is a bad idea to do it temptation-wise, but I just can't resist and start licking her leg. (Yes, I have a problem!) I notice how super real her leg looks, feels and tastes (a bit salty). I am still considering whether I should fully indulge or try to remember and do other tasks, when the dream suddenly ends.
      I stay still, but am too wakeful to DEILD or fall asleep.

      Comments: I did some quick reading related to neurotransmitters and noticed that B6 plays a role in the synthesis of five: serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and GABA. So, after the intake of B6 it is likely that my levels of these increase.The usual effects for me are earlier onset of memorable dreams (today first wake was at plus 3hrs), emotionally loaded dream contents (often aggressive DCs, sometimes me running away, i.e. fight or flight response, also some sexy moments), reduced sleepiness/increased alertness. After thinking about the effects, it looks like one neurotransmitter receives a significant boost and influences the overall mood of the dream - dopamine. I feel that this information finally coming to my attention is important as it increases my understanding of dream intensity and may help me eventually achieve better control during lds.
    10. Can't fly properly

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:02 PM

      *I realize I am dreaming while being my brothers old apartment. I take off flying just to practice. I wanna master flying really low to the ground accurately. I ended up at the apartment but all the lights were off, so I couldn't see a thing.
    11. Finding a Home

      by , 08-05-2013 at 06:37 PM
      DR1- My Girlfriend (in my dream) and I were looking for a new place to live. We drove past a really nice tower, and I was instantly, and with ease, doing all I could to keep my vibration high so I would attract a living situation that would be best. As we drove past this tower, I looked at the small field behind it, and in the ditch beside the road I noticed a burrow where I assumed that homeless people would sleep. As I looked at the back of the tower, I noticed this tall grass and oat straw covered a considerable portion of the back of the tower too. As we continued driving to look for a place, we passed a town-home complex, that had a stucco exterior. There were these weird unattached balconies, and every one had a large flatscreen TV on it, not any of them being used, all with white screens. I was intrigued by the town-homes but ultimately knew my heart was with the tower. After our cruising, we stopped to ingest some sugar. It seemed like we were doing a drug of some sort, but it was definitely sugary, and it didn't get me high in my dream.

      DR2- I was making consistent trips back and forth to do freshwater diving. I had 3 buddies I was diving with, whom I could not identify on waking. I was riding a bicycle to and from the dive site, which was very refreshing.
      All 3 buddies were living in the same house as me, and one of their mothers I believe was the owner. She had said she was taking the other 3 on a freshwater dive in a further dive site. She didn't have room for me in the car, and I wouldn't be able to make it in time on my bike. They left shortly, and I went to visit another friend. As I got to my friend's doorstep, one of my old rivals stood in my way. He wasn't aggressive as I remember him from the waking world, almost as if whatever he didn't like about me was not an issue anymore.
    12. Drug boss; Cutting myself; Roommate;

      , 08-05-2013 at 05:54 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Monday 8/5/13

      Last night bed 11:30pm - 9:10am

      I remembered 5 dreams from last night. Every time I woke up, I remembered one. Re-told it with words in my head and went back to sleep. I remember the older ones, but not the last two.

      DR1 - I'm at some kind of crossroad. Then I'm at my friends house (p. Bros). She is not home. Inside is nice. It's a one story building with nice big rooms, nice furniture, kinda modern.

      I'm in the bedroom. I have a knife in my hand and I make a slow, deliberate cut on my left upper arm. Someone is there with me, watching me. I make another cut. I feel it bleeding. I let it be for a while. Then when it's all dried up, I ask for some bandages. I put some antiseptic lotion on a gauze pad and clean myself up. Then I dress it with another gauze pad.

      Then I decide to take a nap in the bedroom. There are no sheets on the bed, but the comforter is nice, fluffy, white, down.

      When I wake up, I think I hear my friend outside with her small kids. I quickly make the bed and straighten stuff.

      DR2 - I'm a roommate with another friend of mine, who happens to be a daughter or a person from my first dream. We are fetting along nicely and I'm telling her to just tell me if she wants the windows opened or closed, tv on or off, and stuff like that. I'm easy to get along with, so she should just tell me if she is not comfortable.

      Someone there askes me to close the window and I see that person is old and shivering in a coat. So I close the window.

      DR3 - I'm sitting on a sofa, next to a friend of mine. Room is opened, with lots of people. Someone comes closer and we learn he is a drug boss with his body guards. He is not happy with us encroaching on his territory. There is sense of danger, but I'm not scared. I tell my friend not to let him take her to another room. At the same time I know, he is about to take me there. I think I saw someone coming out of there in distress. Some woman.

      Too bad I forgot last two dreams.
    13. Doing lots of stuff [Lucid!]

      by , 08-05-2013 at 05:05 PM
      So the dream starts out with me walking home. Some guy pulls up in a truck. He looked sort of shady and he was carrying a gun. I then started trying to wake myself up.

      Then I realized, wait, I'm trying to wake myself up? I tried to imagine the guy turning into some sort of a gummy bear. It worked, but it was more like a pile of green mush.

      At this point I'm really exited, I start to remember the task of the month. Which is teach a DC something you don't know how to do. My thoughts were, my mom was a DC, so I would teach her something. I flew over to her work, then realized it was night time. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the world being light out. It worked! My mom was pulling up in her van.

      I stopped her at the door and said "I'm going to get you a better job, you hate your job." This was true, she complains about her job a lot. She smiled and said OK. We both got in the car and she started driving. She passed her grandparents on the street, and said "I'm going to be a flutist ". So then the problem of finding out something for her to do was over. I don't know a clue about the flute.

      As we were driving down (it seemed like a short time) she veered off into the woods. I started freaking out but she remained un-phased as we flew through trees.

      Yes. Through them.

      I closed my eyes, for no apparent reason, then opened them just as quickly. We were in a new place! I had teleported! I then tried it again, only ending up at the same spot we were at 5 seconds ago. I tried it one more time, this time imagining a music place...

      And then I woke up.

      Damn it.

      I guess I learned my lesson about how NOT to teleport.

      But hey! I did:
      Transform someone
      Dilate time
      Go through things
      And teleport!

      Oh, and fail at a task of the month.

      Seems pretty good to me.

      Updated 08-07-2013 at 05:32 PM by 63516

      lucid , task of the month
    14. First Lucid Dream - 05-08-2013

      by , 08-05-2013 at 04:59 PM
      It was a normal DILD.
      However I just re-read Naiya's MILD Guide before going to sleep. So I repeated some mantras, done some visualization, etc.
      Not sure if it had something to do with it.

      I'm not really sure how to describe it. It's a visual thing. It's a really vivid dream.
      I was on the bottom of what it seemed like a giant table.
      Two guys (video game characters) are flying around fighting around the table legs. I'm ascending. Not sure if floating/flying or just climbing.
      When I reach on top of the table I suddenly realize I'm dreaming.

      Don't know how. I just knew. I didn't even made ​​a RC.
      I feel this huuuuuge rush of adrenaline. My heart is racing.
      The scene changes and I'm on the ground on an old railway.
      I remembered the few things I've learned about dream stabilization and I stopped to look down at my hands. I stood still for a while just looking at my hands. Then I rubbed my hands.
      When I was calmer I stopped and looked around.
      It was beautiful. it was an old railway full of trees that led to an awesome beach.
      It seems that I'm seeing a blue ray movie. It's so vivid.
      I try to fly. I jump and fly a bit but then I'm being slowly pulled to the ground. I can jump and fly for a bit but I'm always pulled again. I do this for a while. It's still awesome.
      I'm walking to the beach.
      There's an old abandoned car. I make both doors open and close.
      Then shoot a dim light beam out of my right hand. I'm so proud.

      Things are getting a bit blurry now.
      I remember a girl on the beach. Boobs. Kissing..
      Only fragments from now on.
      The scene changes again and I'm in a weird place. It seems some kind of underworld market.
      There's a lot of people. I'm not alone.
      I'm not sure if Brad Pitt (yep Brad Pitt) is walking with me.
      I remember blowing a Dream Characters head off with some kind of dark side energy force Don't really remember why. He's a bartender.
      I'm trying to convince a girl to have sex with me. She almost does.
      I'm not sure I have much control at this point. I have the feeling I'm barely aware I'm dreaming.

      Woke up.

      I have the feeling that this is a very long dream. But it was early in the night.
      I normally use a phone app to record notes but I didn't want to wake up my girlfriend. So I just stood there trying to go through the dream over and over trying to recall everything. Big mistake.
      Oh and the Brad Pitt Thing.. I'm pretty sure it was because a Podcast I'm listening (Being Lucid) where this guy turned himself into Brad Pitt in order to get laid in his dream
      Anyway... this is an awesome day for me.
      Happy happy happy!!

      Updated 08-05-2013 at 10:13 PM by 64282

      Tags: 1st lucid :)
      memorable , dream fragment
    15. Being a servant.

      by , 08-05-2013 at 04:26 PM
      So I dreamed that humans were being oppressed by giant... Somethings... Not sure what they looked like, because they wouldn't allow us to look at them. They ordered us to do meager tasks, and people with the skills to do better tasks would do them, and get better treatment. I showed them I could use some kinds of weapons, so they taught me how to fly, and made me a warrior. The dragon from the neverending story (giant flying longcat, but its a dog) came and started rampaging so they ordered me to kill it. Some guy came with a bow and started shooting it like crazy, so the dragon turned him into a baby? I told the dragon that his parents were killed by "one of you." he went over to confort the baby who was next to his dad (dafuq)
      non-lucid , dream fragment