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    1. LD: Pigging out...Again/Green Ham/DV Member/T-Rex

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:47 PM

      Dream 1 (Lucid and DV member):

      I was in this large building. I walked out to this one large level part and saw this huge pool. As I looked in the pool I thought I saw a killer whale. I wanted to take a picture of it so I went to get my camera. When I returned I saw a girl in the huge pool room. The killer whale was out of the water. She was having it do tricks like roller and she was then rubbing it and it was making happy noises. I talked to the girl and she told me how to get it to do the tricks. I had it roll over and it roller all the way across the room. I ran after it and rubbed its "chin". It felt so incredibly smooth. As I rubbed it, the killer whale made deep happy moans. It was really cool.

      Then I went out of that room I was a group of people. One of the people had a T Rex with him. I felt angry. I knew that the guy who owned him probably thought it was very safe. But I also had heard enough stories about wild aminals being kept as pets attacking people.

      Suddenly I felt very nervous. I decided to run into the next room which was the center of the building and very open. I was afraid that the T Rex was chasing me. I came to a dead end on a balcony overlooking the huge open center of the building.

      At that point I suddenly realized that I knew how to fly (I don't think I realized that I was lucid yet--just that I had my lucid abilities). I jumped up on the rail and flew to the center of the building. At the top were all these cords. i grabbed onto one and found that it was stretchy. I swung on it and started flipping around and doing tricks and making up a sort of dance.

      I then decided to fly outside. I flew down and ended up out on the courtyard. I then saw DV member Ame sitting at a table with several other people that I knew were also DV members. I listenend to their conversation. It seemed that Ame had come up with an idea a having a contest to see who could dance the best in their dreams. There was another girl who wanted to criticise everything that Ame came up with. I could see that the conversation was not going well.

      I then spoke up and told of how I had just been "dancing" on the cords in the building. And how that could count as "dancing in dreams"

      At that point I was fully aware that I was dreaming. I then remembered that I really needed to eat some ham to get credit of the "Green eggs and Ham" Task that I had started in my last LD.

      I was now in an alley with my old best friend Marie. I saw a doorway up on the second floor I grabbed her hand and told her that we were going to fly up to the door. She was easy to lift. We flew in the door.

      I saw several people I decided that instead of looking for Ham (like I did in the last dream and had no luck with) that I would ask someone to bring me some. I called out that I needed some ham, and a guy brought me a bite-sized hunk. It was normal colored. I suddenly wasn't sure if the ham needed to be green, or just the eggs. I decided to play it safe and make this ham green. I focused on it until it slowedly turned first white, then green.

      I put the piece of ham in my mouth. It tasted just like I remembered ham tasting like. The texture was just right and it had a salty taste. I swallowed it. I felt good that I had been able to get that done do easily.

      At that point I was suddenly hit with a wonderful idea. Why stop with ham?? Why not eat something I really wanted to eat. Next me me was a Japanese girl. I asked her if she could bring me some chocolate. She left and came back with the tiniest thinest piece of chocolate. I put in on my tongue and let it melt. I could taste a little chocolate flavor.

      I saw row of freezers along the wall. I asked the Japanese girl if anyone would care if I ate something out of the freezers. Then immediately I remembered that since this was my dream I could do what I wanted and no one would care.

      I opened the freezer in front of me. It was full. I could see a slice of pie in from of me. It looked like it was made out of mint chocolate chip cream. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. In two bites I had it all in. It was cold, but not frozen hard. It didn't hurt my teeth by being too cold.

      I then looked and saw a few ice cream sandwiches. I pulled one out and tore half the wrapper off. I ate the first half in one bite, then I sqeezed the wrapped and the other half just slid out into my mouth. The favor was wonderful. The temperature and texture were also perfect. I thanked my mind that it was all so enjoyable. After eating a few ice cream sandwiches, I saw some Twinkies. I unwrapped one and found that it was also cold but not frozen hard, but cool and slightly firm. I ate that in one bite and went to grab another one.

      Then I started to lose the dream and everything faded.
    2. LD: Cooking and Eating Geens Eggs, Flying, and Showing Off

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:41 PM

      Lucid dream:

      I suddenly suspected that I was dreaming. I was in a house. I tried to remember one of the tasks. the first thing I thought of was eating green eggs and ham (I hope that really was the task--I haven't double checked yet). I rushed into the kitchen of this house (not mine).

      I looked for the green eggs and ham. Often all I have to do is just look, and it is suddenly there. But all I saw was a table with some dirty dishes on it. I looked at the stove. There were some dirty pans. I opened the fridge. I saw a carton of eggs. They were white.

      I then realized with a little frustration that I would have to go through the effort of cooking them myself since my brain didn't magically create them for me.

      I grabbed one of the dirty pans and took it ot the sink and scrubbed it out. When it was mostly clean, I filled it with water. I then took it to the stove. Then I cracked the egg and dropped it into the hot water. Why I did it this way, I have no idea. I usually eat my eggs boiled or fried/scrambled.

      As I watched the egg cook in the boiling water I focused on it really hard willing it to turn green. Finally I could see it change color until it was a nice shade of green. Satisfied I reached in the pan and pulled it out (I obviously didn't notice the heat). I put the egg in my mouth and really tried to notice the flavor. It tasted like one big yolk, but it didn't really have the dry texture of a plain yolk.

      After I was done chewing the egg, I started searching again for some ham to eat. But before I could find any I started to wake up.

      I willed myself to go back to the dream.

      I was in my old backyard. I thought I was still dreaming. I jumped in the air and found that I could fly. I then decided that I could care less about finding ham--what I wanted to do was fly. I took off into the air and felt like I was flying pretty fast. But when I looked down I saw that I wasn't moving. I was actually just flying into a very strong wind. I could feel the wind in my face and blowing through my hair. I decided to go the direction of the wind so I could go really fast. I turned around and started flying quite fast. I flew past a flag pole and noticed that the flag was blowing the wrong way.

      Finally I landed and I was with some people. I started to lose lucidity again.

      But at one point I started climbing up the outside of a building using just my arms. And feeling so proud of myself for being so strong.

      I became lucid again and finished climbing up the wall wanting to show off.
    3. LD: Observing a Black Widow

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:37 PM

      Lucid fragment:

      I was laying in bed and looking over at my nightstand and watching this very large black widow spider. It was about 6 inches long. I remember knowing that it was a dream and looking at it closely and thinking something like, "Wow...look at that detail. It's amazing that my mind can come up with that kind of detail. I couldn't draw that in real life--I wouldn't know exactly where to draw in the legs and the cephalothorax --so how can my mind create it so perfectly.

      Then I saw two beetles walk across my nightstand. I wondered if the spider would try to catch them. As soon as I thought this the black widow pounced on one of them and started to suck it dry.

      I must have been quite lucid or else I would have felt quite creeped out by all of this.
      Tags: black widow, bugs
    4. LD: Using all Five Senses...and Unstable Clocks

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:35 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was in this room with a friend. It looked like a bank. My friend went to stand in line. I walked to the back of the room to wait. On the way I slipped and fell on the floor. I sat there for a moment, then noticed that I was starting to spin. I found this strange and just let it happen.

      I then became lucid. I jumped up and flew over the line of waiting people. In the next room I tried to remember the tasks. I remembered two. One was to look at a clock. I looked around the room and saw a digital clock sitting on a cluttered shelf. It said 7:42...or was it 7:34...no, it was 7:47. I really tried to focus and stablize it, but the clock was a blur of numbers that changed everytime I tried to focus. I remembered people saying that time changed, but I hadn't realized that it was quite this unstable. I wondered why that was.

      I then remembered that I needed to use my five senses. I had already been seeing and hearing things, so I decided to focus on "touch". I reached out and felt the solidness of a rail in front of me.

      I then decided to find something to taste. But before I had gone anywhere I realized that I had already been eating. I had a bowl of macaroni and cheese. I could taste the cheesey flavor and feel the pieces of partly chewed noodles in my mouth.

      I decided to move on to smell.

      I flew around and saw Jeff. I told him that I needed to find something to smell. I couldn't see anything that would have a smell to it. I then looked at him and asked, "Have you been working out? Maybe you'll smell sweaty?" But as I leaned toward him and couldn't smell anything.

      I started flying out of the building. I then saw next to the door a styrofoam container of food that somone had brought back from a restaurant. I openind it and saw leftover green peppers. I knew that they would have a smell. I put my nose right to them and took a big whiff. I could smell a very faint pepper smell. I was disappointed that my dream nose wasn't better. As I pulled my nose back I realized that my nose had touched the peppers and that the peppers had little prickly thorns on them and some of the thorns had stuck in my nose. They were painful to pull out. Jeff thought it was funny that I had let that happen, as if I should have known better than to put my nose up to peppers.

      I followed Jeff into the parking lot. He got into a large white pickup truck. I started to get in too. Then I had an idea. I told him to just start driving and not to worry about what I was doing. I then rolled the window down and stood outside the truck and reached in and grabbed the handle above the window. As the truck started to move I was carried away, floating beside the truck. It was a wonderfully exhilerating feeling. I told myself that I would have to remember to try that again in future LD.

      Jeff stopped the truck too soon and started talking to someone. I got back in the truck and waited. I saw a baseball glove on the seat. I ran my fingers over the soft leather, then picked it up to smell it. It had a faint leathery smell. I then started touching other parts of the car so I could say that I really did the task thoroughly.

      My dream faded and I thought I had woken up. But then I forced myself to relax and drift back into the dream.

      I was now in a building with Marie. There was a bad guy we were having to get away from him. We locked outselves in a bathroom. I felt quite nervous. But then I told Marie that if it got too scary then I would just let myself wake up.
      And that's all I remember.
    5. LD: Exploring my Sense of Touch...Prediction of the Future

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:30 PM
      December something 2008:

      Lucid dream

      I was in a dream when I suddenly felt that dream-like feeling. I tested it by foating and found that I could indeed float. I floated to the door to go outside so I could fly. But before I went out I decided that my last few LDs hadn't been that tactile. I decided that when I grabbed that door knob that I would really feel it and notice how if felt in my hand.

      I reached out and expected the knob to be cool. I was a little disappointed to find that it was the same temperature as my hand and didn't really feel like anything in particular.

      I then had another idea. I remembered how when you rub something against you lips you can feel a lot more detail. So still holding the door knob I knelt down and leaned over and brought my lips to where the doorknob was supposed to be. I didn't feel anything so I leaned further. Still nothing. I pulled back to find that the knob was gone.

      Since the door was already opened I flew outside to the street in front of my mom's house. I saw my friend Becky in the road. I landed by her. She was very happy about something and grabbed my shoulders. I remember really feeling that sensation. She told me something which I no longer remember.
      Then I had an idea. I decided to ask her about the future (My dream self somehow thinks that if I ask a dream character the future there is more chance if it being true, I don't know why). So I asked her to predict something. She then said like "Pretty soon the planet Mars will be..... " [and she said something that didn't really make sense]. But the meaning to me was that something spectacular was about to happen concerning the planet Mars.

      And that's all I remember.
    6. LD: Flying with Duran Duran's John Taylor

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:27 PM
      December something 2008:

      One of my lucid dreams:

      Very short memory. All I remember is that I was lucid and flew around with John Taylor from Duran Duran. He was wearing a white sport jacket and white hat like I think he wore in their video Rio. I remember seeing his beautiful smile.

      I even found a picture that looks almost exactly like he did in the dream.

      Tags: celebrity, flying
    7. LD: Another Pig Out Session

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:24 PM

      I had a total lucid pig out session last night.

      I don't remember how the dream even started. All I remember is becoming lucid at a table absolutely full of goodies. I decided to take full advantage of the situation. I started grabbing handful after handful and stuffing it into my mouth. I ate cake, cookies, pie, and my favorite-- a chocolate peanutbutter cheesecake.

      I remember grabbing something off the plate of the person sitting next to me knowing that that person was a DC and didn't matter.

      Another thing I noticed was how much could fit into my mouth at once. I was almost able to "inhale" large pieces. Then when my mouth felt full I would just swallow it down. I don't actually remember chewing alot. The food mostly kind of slid down my throat. The flavor was there. I enjoyed everything.

      I also remember grabbing a piece of a decorated cake. It was in the shape of a teddybear. I scooped off the head and inhaled it all in. It was a chocolate cake with very creamy--almost pudding like-- vanilla creme frosting.

      Man, it was all so good.

      So yes, if you are curious, I'm still depriving myself very well in real life.
      Tags: eating, senses, taste
    8. LD: Alarm

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:22 PM

      Dream 6 (Lucid):

      I was in a backyard I was with a boy who looked about 13 and two young women about 20 years old. I saw that they were tutoring the boy. I realized that this boy had superhero powers that he just learned about. The two women were also super and were helping him learn how to do all the things that he could do. I saw that they were about to teach him how to fly.

      At this point I suddenly became lucid. I wanted to take off flying with the three of them. I already knew how to fly. I crouched down into almost a squat ready to spring up and fly into the air.

      At that exact moment my stupid alarm went off.

      In that split second that I was still in my dream, the sound startled me so much that I fell back onto my butt.

      What a graceful ending to a lucid dream cut way too short

      I even had my goals all planned out....
      Tags: flying
    9. LD: Manipulating Paper and Following the Yellow Brick Road

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:19 PM

      I remember the dream starting out rather creepy. I was supposed to visit this little boy. The boy had this skeleton. Well, part of a skeleton. It was just the skull and the spine. It still had some skin on the bones. I saw it in my mind even though I hadn't gotten to where the boy was yet. The more I thought about the skeleton the more freaked out I became, almost to the point of panicking. The thought of having to be in the same room as that skeleton was absolutely horrifying. I didn't know how I could handle it, but yet it was something that I was going to have to do.

      At some point I became lucid.

      I was in the room with the boy. I wanted to do something significant with my lucid abilities. I didn't want to just waste my dream flying and then hardly even remembering it. I wanted to try something--a new lucid skill. The idea of developing my lucid talents really appealed to me.

      I looked around for something to give me an idea of what to try. I saw a piece of construction paper on the floor. As I picked it up I could see that it must have been one of the boy's art projects from school. It was in rough shape, crinkled with one corner ripped off.

      I decided that I would poke my finger through the paper. Not ripping a hole through, but just magically sliding my finger through. I put my finger up to the paper and gently pushed. The paper just moved with my finger. I told myself that I could do this. That was was really good at developing lucid talents.

      I tried again. This time my finger just slid though the paper. I pulled my finger out. It left a perfectly round hole. I concentrated on that hole and slowly I could see the edge of the circle come in and the circle became smaller until it was finally gone.

      I was so impressed with myself. It just looked so cool. I had to do it again. So I stuck my finger through the paper again, pulling it out and then concentrating on making the hole go away. I did this at least five times.

      I then looked at the ripped corner. I concentrated again. Slowly the paper stated growing, filling in the missing corner.

      When that was finsihed I looked around for something else to mess with. On the floor next to the boy was another art project. This one was a very large figure of a person. It was also made out of paper and very crinkled up. I decided to use my lucid powers to flatten it. I concentrated, starting at the feet and flattened it. It was really cool to watch. When I was finished, it was complelty flat as it it had never been wadded up.

      There is a trasition here.

      I am outside again. I decide I need to complete a Task. The only one that comes to mind is DV's follow the yellow brick road one. I decided to go look for one. I was at the edge of a forest and I flew around looking. I flew for what seemed like a long time and finally I found a brick road. It was not yellow. Instead, it was red. I was tired at this point of looking for a yellow brick road, so I decided to just follow this red one. I was hoping to find something very interesting. I followed it into the woods. It went past trees and big boulders and up hills. But nothing unusual came into sight.
      Tags: flying
      lucid , task of the month
    10. Mulitple Flying LDs

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:14 PM
      Late November (2008):

      I have had several lucid dreams lately where I have been flying. I think I'm only partly lucid because all I can think of to do is fly (I'm not thinking fully like I do in real life or a really good LD).

      I don't have very good memories of these dreams, only that something triggers lucidity and I RC by flying. I do remember in one dream I was flying over a beach. In another dream I was flying to the top of this stone henge looking thing. In another I was flying down a street trying to go faster but not having much luck.

      I feel like I have been flying so much lately that it seems like I should be able to do it in real life too. Like I'll be looking up at something and suddenly think how easy that should be to get to...how I can just imagine what it would feel like, look like, to fly right up to it. Things look so much closer, more tangible. It's neat and weird. I kind of like it.
      Tags: flying, ocean
    11. 2 LDs: Flying

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:12 PM
      Mid November 2008:

      I had two LDs last week. Both short with me only remembering that I like to fly when lucid. And not even doing that well. No thought of any more interesting or complicated tasks.
      Tags: flying
    12. LD: Flying Fragment

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:11 PM

      Dream notes.

      Mini LD

      Tags: flying
      lucid , dream fragment
    13. LD Fragment: Camera

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:10 PM

      Fragment 3 lucid fragment: taking picture of the moon through the orange autum leaves on a tree. Became lucid. Was disappointed that these pictures would never turn out. Dream over.
      Tags: camera
      lucid , dream fragment
    14. LD: Telling DC's that we are in a Dream

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:09 PM


      I was in a room. These girls were all working of these projects involving weaving. Some were rugs. Some where....well, I actually don't know. They had edges that were made from carved bamboo slices.

      At some point I became lucid. I tried to remember what to do. Finally I remembered to tell other dream characters that this was a dream. So I call out to get their attention and say, "Hey everyone--this is a lucid dream!"

      They all stared at me with blank looks on their faces as if they had no idea what I just said, as if I had been speaking a foreign language.

      So I say it again. I turn around and look at the group of girls standing behind me hoping for a better reaction. But I still just got that blank look.

      I'm not sure how this dream ended. I either woke up or just lost lucidity and went on to other dreams. I think it was the latter.
      Tags: dc's
      lucid , task of the month
    15. Turtle power

      by , 10-18-2012 at 05:22 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I jumped out of a building and I saw some female ninja running down the wall. We hit the ground at the same time. She's wearing a typical ninja outfit except it's brown, and her mask is a darker shade of brown. She also has a Chinese straw hat on. We're both running and she vanishes in and out of perception view..I don't know if she's teleporting or just moving fast as hell like DBZ. I stopped for a moment, and she turned around and threw something at me. I held out my hand (three green fingers), and immediately caught the sai. She threw another one and I did the same. It was like I didn't have to focus on the object, but more or less my hand and and everything else just guided it in. I told her I was the best with sai's and some lady came up and started asking me question....all her words were weird. Like her sentences didn't make any sense. I tried to answer them, but it was just off.