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    1. I was no one until I became a prince

      by , 09-30-2018 at 09:01 PM
      I was no one until I became a prince

      I remember that I was waiting for my childhood friend since our mothers had decided to let us meet, without telling us about it first. My friend was late so I went outside the mall for a walk. But as soon as I stepped outside the building I felt dizzy and every step I took made me feel even worse. It even felt like I was going to vomit or even faint as I tried to get to my way back into another entrance of the mall. Just right outside of the entrance I felt so ill, so I sat down on all four and that’s when I threw up. In front of other people. They looked at me, saying things and then kept on walking. I got up and noticed that I felt way better! But now I needed to freshen up before meeting my old friend so I went to one of the bathrooms but there were so many other girls a head in the line. When it was finally my turn I took a shower and then got escorted to the meeting by my dad and sister.

      They opened the door to a large room, this is when I noticed that we were not in the mall anymore. Everything and everyone looked like they were taken straight out from the 1600s, even my friend had changed. She had a beautiful pink dress, with blushy cheeks and a white wig. She looked so shy this is also when I noticed something strange about my own appearance.
      But instead of wearing a dress I had male clothes and a white wig. Everyone was referring me as the prince and wanted me to dance with my childhood friend. I took her hand and bowed very gracefully. She smiled. I glanced at her and then at everyone else. They looked at us and I could tell someone even whispered that we were such a lovely couple.

      This is were I thought the whole thing was really odd and woke up.

      Note: Me and my childhood friend was bestfriends in the past but as we became older we just grew apart. We would talk everyday and now I don't even see her once a year even though we live 5 minutes in walking distance away from each other.

      Updated 09-30-2018 at 09:07 PM by 95361

      Tags: faint, prince, vomit
    2. That's How Much I Want This Job

      by , 07-12-2016 at 08:25 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      That's How Much I Want This Job (Non-lucid)


      So I'm currently job-hunting, and there's a particular job that should've gotten back to me this week--one that I want massively.

      The first part I remember is having to crawl across a large pipe above a huge pool of sewage. It stinks even worse than normal sewage I'm sure, and has a distinct vomit smell to it. I'm with three other people at least, split into two groups, though I don't think we're competing at this point.

      Me and a girl are taking it in turns to try and cross, but we fall off and into the sewage often. This then makes the pipe more slippery, and makes it harder and harder for us to not throw up ourselves. The girl is using a plate to throw up on so that it doesn't go directly onto the pipe. I don't throw up but I've never been able to taste such a horrific smell in my life. It even follows me into waking life when my alarm goes.

      I'm then in a skate park kind of setting, but instead of ramps there is a large multicoloured canvas stretching over about 200 square metres, and raised unevenly at various points, as if a sort of tent roof.

      I repeatedly (at least five times) climb up on one side and walk tentatively over what I deem to be the strongest parts to the other side, before jumping down and starting again. I do this in the hopes that it will help me get the job. There are two other people doing the same, far away from me, and one guy in particular I can see; he often picks up a skateboard and attempts to skate on it slowly. I worry that this will get him more points.

      Shortly after, in the same area, I'm on an astroturf pitch with various others a competing for the job. There is a coach-type figure, who will decide who gets it. Among the other applicants are some people I knew from school, but never really liked very much.

      I can't remember if there's anything he gets us to do, but I go off to the toilet, before worrying that I could be missing valuable time to impress the coach. I realise I've been complacent about my chances, and notice that there are still a lot of people in line to get the job.

      I dread to think of the people from my school getting it, as I feel they don't deserve it (they're not even in the same line of work as I am).
    3. #197 - When I get that feeeeling / Shark and poison

      by , 02-01-2016 at 10:14 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I had two lucids last night, the only thing I did different was meditating for 30 minutes before bed.

      Dream 1 - When I get that feeeeling
      This dream was pretty long, so there's a big segment from the beginning which I forgot

      Me and a friend and I think possibly a couple others have screwed up a heist during the night or something. The building we're in is the typical giant company building with glass windows, very modern and clean looking. We make a plan to place the blame on one of the members and then safely get him away, for some reason the name Todd comes to mind. We place some stuff from what I think may have come from a dead security guard (which may be why we're in trouble) into a giant pebble bowl which has a large stone statue of a man in the centre (about 2m high). Morning comes and we're all prepared, the building we're in starts busying up. We pretend to find the stuff in the pebble bowl and the blame gets put on Todd. Poor Todd :/ but we planned for this, he's the scapegoat with a getaway car. I remember some vague understanding that we had prepared a helicopter to come pick him up, but we also prepared some other surprises for the cops. Todd gets put in cuffs and is escorted behind me with two security guards at his side. I remember looking back and seeing him as we continued to the back of the building where the cops were waiting. Todd grabbed a huge platter of food which was being carried by a waiter and wrestled for it, trying to stall for time so the plan would have a chance. He does this to two different waiters. As we make it outside it's time to activate the plan, we see two men on a bridge nearby who get sniped with tranquilizer and then jets fly over bombing them. The two security guards behind me get knocked out (I forget how) and a black helicopter swoops down. I'm now 'Todd' and I leap up into the helicopter. Hell yeah lets go!

      Me and a dark skinned man are flying away in the helicopter, at some point the dream transitions to us driving a red car on the road. We're going downhill and I see Zeph walking uphill on the pavement. The guy next to me yells out "Chocolate!!" to him as we pass by. This triggers memory of this having happened already in the dream, I ask the guy what he means by yelling chocolate. He explains that it's to do with how his grandpa on his deathbed had a final wish, it was a block of chocolate. Then apparently Zeph said that on his deathbed he'd like the same thing.
      The guy next to me driving the car is now a skinny redneck man with a moustache. Hmm, odd. He starts talking about how the ladies don't want him because he's older and no longer has that 'sex appeal' or something.
      I realize I'm dreaming, but I'm surprised the dream is so stable upon this realization. I decide to go with the flow of the dream since the guy next to me is really dropping some passionate feels about how ugly he is. I look away and look back at him, wow he's uglier now. Half his mouth swollen, oh my god that's gross O_O. He says "my face just doesn't have that sexual healing factor". I instantly think about the song, the car stops as we arrive at our destination and I hop out. "it's that feeling which gives me sexual healing" I sing loudly.
      "Oh wait, that's not how it goes.. Ah!" I say to myself, but also to the moustache guy as if I was asking him. I remember how it goes now.
      "When I get that feeeling, I need, sexual healinignggngngg!" me and the moustache guy sing really loudly in sync, I really exaggerated the end of it too I know that I can't sing for shit and I wondered if I was singing in my bed as this was happening. Felt pretty good though .
      We're walking forward, we're at the skytower (although it doesn't look like the skytower). I decide it's time to ditch this moustachio and enjoy the lucid. I start by running and jumping a few metres high, touching a part of the skytower above me. Damn this is stable, I had a feeling that 'reality checking' may only destabilize the dream, like becoming too aware will wake me up. I couldn't think of anything to do though, so I decided I'd jump to the top of the skytower. I jump on top of the ceiling part which I touched before and look up. Wow, so high, it's completely shrouded by clouds. I crouch down, knowing that I'll have to charge up to jump really high or fly. Just as I was about to jump I wake up though .

      Dream 2 - Shark and poison
      I'm at home and my brother comes over. I decide it's time to move out, me and my cat leave to a trailer park place where I plan to live now. It's apparently a cult or something though, I remember being in water (like a swimming pool, but also the ocean). There's sharks swimming around so I hop out of the pool, damn sharks are scary. I'm in a fancy mansion house that the cult leader owns, I know that they're going to try poison me. The lady tries to jab a needle of poison into me but I keep dodging, she then gets a 4-barrel sawn-off shotgun poison shooter thing... It fires right at me and I try to dodge it but I think it got me. I run like hell, on the way I see my cat, she's been poisoned. I pick her and her body is limp but she's still alive, there's still a chance to save her. I'm outside running down the road, I see a person from high school and his older sister jogging together, I think they're a part of the cult but they're not after me. I see a random guy on the street and I run up to him. I tell him that he needs to look after the kids in that building (I point up towards the mansion, it seems different some how).

      The scene transitions, wasn't I poisoned? I'm surprised how resilient I am to its effects. I'm drunk in an apartment now with my ex girlfriend, I now realize that I'm not drunk though... It's the poison and I'm dying. I go into the bathroom and vomit blue (apparently from a blueberry smoothie). My ex comes in, we share a moment and kiss. It's actually pretty gross though, she now has blue on her mouth (wow that really is gross O_O). If we're going to kiss I should wash my mouth first,
      I look into the mirror above the sink and realize I'm dreaming, I go to wash the vomit out of my mouth. I look back up at the mirror and realize that the wax has gone funny on my braces. I fiddle around with it for a while but it's really soft and not the consistency + texture it should be. Argh I'm wasting my time, I'm dreaming so I should do something. I then wake up. damn it..
    4. Vomiting baby - a false awakening

      by , 06-21-2015 at 10:53 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in my bed, went out of it and took my clothes. I looked around the room - there was a big mess on a table, pile of clothes lying on an armchair. Next I looked through a window - it was a warm, summer morning. My house was surrounded by a dense rainforest. Wind moved the leaves gently. I sat down on a couch, and suddenly my sisters appeared, and turned on the TV. My older sister was holding a baby in her hands.

      The baby was wearing a blue suit. It was crying. My younger sister was watching some kind of TV talent show. I went out of the room, and heard screams from the room. I went back, and saw that the baby was still crying, and there was a perfectly round, red pile of vomit on the ground.

      I went to another room, to call mother - the room was tidy and clean. The window was open. As I entered the room, my old teacher appeared, and looked through the window - a woman in her early thirties. She was wearing a green top and jeans trousers.

      I told my mother to go and look at the baby. I went back to the room, and cleaned the vomit.
    5. Pinbasketball

      by , 01-30-2015 at 06:10 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #265: Pinbasketball

      I’m lying in bed in a false awakening, frustrated to be tossing and turning instead of lucid dreaming. I get a vague sense of floatiness and decide to roll out OBE-style. I imagine my legs oozing over the side of the bed onto the floor and now I’m on my feet in my bedroom, fully lucid.

      I remember my intent to slow down and take my time, inspired by one of Dreamer’s recent lucid dreams (this amazing one.) I look back at the bed and see Wife still lying there. For some reason I feel a little scared to approach, like this might destabilize things. But no, the whole idea with this dream is not to be afraid of stuff.

      I float up on the bed and stand over Wife. I watch for a moment just appreciating her beauty. I'm attracted to her and fascinated by her realism I don’t feel tempted to engage in sexy shenanigans. Wife opens her eyes a bit and looks at me sleepily. “Poo,” she says firmly. “Poo poo poo poo poo.” I laugh and say something like, “Okay, I’ll let you sleep…”

      I phase through the wall into the night and the dream feels very dark. I don’t worry about it and instead just rub my hands together. They feel numb and distant, so I imagine that I’m wearing thick, leathery gloves, which I peel off. More hand-rubbing, vision returns, and now it looks like early morning on a mix between my street, an amusement park, and the Las Vegas strip. I walk for about 10 minutes or so, just enjoying this, passing opulent hotels, workers sweeping the streets, a stone statue.

      Eventually I wander into a plaza that looks a little like a Disney World food court. I remember my goal of summoning Iokheira and transforming into wolves. :canislucidus: I hold out my right hand and look at the ground, expecting her shadow to form. But instead she bounds into the scene from the right and jumps right in front of me, smiling hugely.

      I give her a hug and ask, “Did you want to do the wolf transformation right away or should we look around first?” She says that she’d “rather play” so we set off, looking around the park. We talk for a bit about lucid dreaming and (I think) video games. I describe how I’m trying to use Dreamer’s method of slowing the dream. I remark that we have “tons of time” and she agrees.

      We wind up in an area filled with carnival games and enter a building that has this cool-looking game that’s a combination of pinball and one of those games where you have to shoot a basketball. In this one you throw the basketball into a hole, where it flies up a ramp, bounces off of a wall, and hurtles toward the basket. We play for a while, and I notice that when I get too into the game, both Iokheira and I forget to give the other person a turn.

      We decide to keep looking around, and as we’re leaving I notice that Iokheira now looks a decade or so older than in waking life and I mention this. As we pass by a line of 5 women waiting in line to buy something, I see that she’s transformed further, and now looks like a completely different person, a woman with short brown hair in her early 50s. The woman looks like she feels ill and asks me to help her. I scoop her up and carry her outside where we crouch on the ground. She apologizes: “I’m sorry that I don’t look right. I don’t think I’m her anymore.” I tell her not to worry and that I’ll help her either way.

      The woman lies down on her left side and vomits loudly onto the plaza stones. I feel enormous compassion, and I sit with her for a while, rubbing her back a bit until she’s able to sit up. She seems shorter now than before but also like she feels okay. She again apologizes for not being Iokheira anymore. I reassure her that “this has been a great lucid” as the dream starts to fade. As I’m pondering my next move,
      the dream ends.

      Updated 01-30-2015 at 06:14 PM by 57387

    6. Uncontrollable Vomitting

      by , 12-18-2014 at 01:32 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 15, 2014

      I started this dream at a school building, with a small trailer of things. I had the feeling I was moving.

      Part way through the journey, they dream shifted to a different plot...

      I was traveling with someone different from the beginning, and I'm not sure who exactly it was with me, but they had a familiar feel to them. I had this condition... Or something. I had with me a bag of some sort of liquid. It was attached to my body through a tube, though I don't remember where it was attached. Basically, this thing kept me alive, because without it I would uncontrollably vomit chunks of myself, or something.

      We were stopped at this house for the night. It was abandoned, but looked well-kept still. My companion and I were sitting in a corner of the room and being goofy. Somehow it got so goofy that I intentionally cut the bag connected to me. I think I had figured out that the liquid reacted strangely with the air and made beautiful patterns or something. It took me a while to realize what I'd done. There was very little liquid left in the bag now, and I suddenly realized, and ran to a bathroom. It was a VERY uncomfortable feeling next. Not being able to stop vomiting, even when I was empty... Feeling the chunks in my throat and mouth... I even heard the sounds. I don't usually actually hear things in dreams, as it's all more of an innate knowing of what people are saying or what sounds are around me.

      It was terrifying especially because I knew there were no more bags I could replace the ripped one with, so I thought I would die.

      But my companion rushes in and sticks something in my mouth. She sticks it right in my throat, which you would think would choke me, but somehow it doesn't, and stops the uncontrollable vomiting. Whatever it was, it saved my life. The companion had more of whatever it was, so if I accidentally swallowed the one in my throat now, they (I dont even know if this companion was a man or a woman. At times I had the feeling it was a man, but at times I felt like it was a woman) could put another one in.

      After a little while, we found a pair of headphones that would be able to keep me vomit-free until I could get a new bag of liquid. It was a temporary fix only, but better than having stuff shoved in my throat.

      I started walking around the house, and ended up on a balcony with a whole bunch of mannequins wearing costumes... They were posed, even (there was a Spider-Man one, which was posed like Spider-Man on a wall). It was fucking creepy. I'm glad I woke up then b excuse that place had such a horribly feeling... Like something bad definitely would have happened if I hadn't woken up.
      Tags: costumes, dying, vomit
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. School and Projectile Vomiting

      by , 11-04-2014 at 09:09 AM
      I was at this weird school which slightly resembled my own in the way that all the buildings were re-arranged and there was a lot more forest like growth around and a few animals too, it looked pretty rad. At one stage I was filming something with a few friends behind a building. Everyone started going home after that and getting a ride from other friends so I asked my sister and she said yes. We hopped in her car, she was sipping on a drink, she started to vomit a little bit and then went into full projectile vomiting all over the car, when she hopped out she had this weird green face although she pulled it off and her normal face.

      We ended up driving to a house and I just sat there for the rest of the dream.
    8. Powerpuff Girls Frag, Unstable Lucidity, and Work Stress

      by , 09-07-2014 at 03:18 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was on a huge ship sailing on the ocean. It was nighttime. Something about a shower. The Powerpuff Girls were there. Bubbles broke off from the other girls for awhile because she believed a problem that was going on had no resolution, but towards the end of the dream, it got resolved. I was kind of disappointed that it got resolved for some reason. But what did I expect? The Powerpuff Girls TV show always had a resolution.


      I felt myself falling back asleep after being awake for 4 hours. -_-' But anyway. I was lucid sitting up in my bed, but everything was so dim. I looked at my hands, trying to examine them and make the dream brighter and more stable, but it wasn't really working. I floated into the other room where my husband was sleeping (he got home at almost 5am IWL so he went to sleep in the other room so as not to wake me or keep me up). I started trying to talk to him. He started to get out of bed as I was doing so.
      "Dallas," I rasped. It was surprisingly difficult to talk right now. I kept on anyway.
      "I'm lucid reaming," I said, either I said that or something similar.
      I started to undo his pants,
      but I woke up.

      Similar scenarios kept happening over and over again. I'd feel myself going back to sleep, I'd enter a dream where I'd be in my bedroom, I'd sit up out of my body, but everything would be dim. I'd try to examine my hands to induce clarity, but it wouldn't work. I'd go try to have sex with my husband, but everything would always black out, and I'd start the whole damn cycle over again. Sometimes, I wouldn't even get as far as approaching my husband before I'd wake. I just kept thinking to myself every time before I'd black out that I must not be in a deep enough sleep.

      There was one where I was looking at my hands, and imagining that they were burned or dismembered. Some of my fingers would then look weird and grown together, but that's about it.


      I was in my apartment in my kitchen, which had a brighter, more fluorescent lighting to it than IWL. A short black girl was living with me; she was my new roommate. We were talking about something else too, and I knew she'd be a great roommate.
      "We're going to get along just fine," I said, but she was on the phone. She acknowledged what I said, however, by looking at me and smiling while she was on the phone.
      She then started to tell me why she used a Keurig to make her coffee. I then saw an orange Keurig on the counter making a cup of coffee. I thought about how Dallas and I had gotten an off-brand one-cup coffee maker as a wedding gift, but we still hadn't opened it. I guess there was no use for it now.

      The Keurig then started to malfunction. Water was going everywhere out of the top of it. I was trying to hold the water back. I then noticed how clear and vivid all of this was, and more water started to come out. I realized I was dreaming,
      but woke soon after.


      I had just gotten to work. It was my last week there. Kaitlin was going home for the day; it was two o'clock, and I was coming in to relieve her. I then was by myself, and was trying to think of why I quit, and how I wouldn't be rehiriable. I started to regret my decision. I couldn't go back to Kohl's, and now I couldn't go back here. What had I done? I actually really like this job. Where would I go now? I had no back-up plan.

      I then had a customer who wanted a deli sandwich. I went to the sandwich bar and got some bread. The deli was on the opposite side of the bakery than it usually is. I also had never made a deli sandwich before, but the person working at the deli was already helping another customer. The customer, a female, was telling me what she wanted on the sandwich. I was having a hard time remembering what she was saying. I was also waiting for the sandwich bar to clear up so I'd have room; there were a couple of deli employees there already making sandwiches for customers. I put her sandwich on the end of the bar. I then saw Judy, a lady I used to work with at Kohl's, run up to the sandwich bar to help the deli really quick. I don't recall what else happened with that customer.

      I then had another customer, a younger man, probably in his 30's or so. He ordered some "garlic cheesy bread". I had never done this before, so I tried to repeat his order back to him so I knew I was going to give him the right thing. I had thought he said he wanted a lot of garlic, and I picked up a shaker of garlic salt. I asked him if he wanted lots of garlic, and he said no. So I put a moderate amount on there, and asked if that was ok. He said
      "It's fine," but he didn't seem happy that I had put any garlic on there at all.
      I don't remember anything else about this encounter.

      A lady then came to the counter and asked if Kaitlin was working. I said no, she left at 2.

      I then was cleaning up a mess on the floor. It looked like some small sprinkles of flour had gotten on the floor. There was water all over the floor for me to squeegee up, but there were a couple of long rugs on the ground as well. I kept trying to not get the rugs wet, but I'd always accidentally dip the squeegee into a puddle and it would soak the rug. I was trying to squeegee all the spots of flour up, but I was having a hard time with the rugs and all. I then noticed that water was now pouring all over the floor. I looked over and saw that the clear hose that drained water from something that ran the mixer into the drain was dislodged from the drain and getting water all over the floor. Ugh. I went over and lodged the hose back into the drain. I let it go, and saw it move a little, and thought it may come back out. I tried to adjust it a bit more. I then left it alone. Water and bread dough then sputtered out of something in the mixer as the hose started to function normally again.

      I then started to feel how full my belly was. I had eaten a big breakfast. I burped and puked a little bit in my mouth. Instead of swallowing it though, it came out of my mouth as little red, chunky-looking salsa bits. They landed on the ground, only about three or four of them though. I had eaten some kind of Spanish omlette with salsa for breakfast. I kept going on as if nothing happened; I didn't think any customers saw me, even though there were a lot by the sandwich bar. I then saw someone walk away from the bar who hadn't been helped yet. I guess maybe they had seen the vomit.


      Just a side note...IWL I have not quit my bakery job. I haven't even considered it. This is the second dream I've had about it, however, the other one being a couple of nights ago.
    9. Female Disintegrates Body and Runs Away from Military Base & A Girl Vomits that Defies Physics

      by , 12-12-2013 at 08:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Female Disintegrates Body and Runs Away from Military Base (DILD)


      Spoiler for Personal Notes:

      I recall existing inside of a building that seemed to have high-end technology, almost like some kind of government or private organization that associates with several political magistrates. I wasn't sure what I was doing for this dream, I just knew that I was dreaming.

      The outfit I was wearing is a bit difficult to process, but based on how my dream body felt, it was probably some kind of Tac Suit you'd see in Tom Clancy games. This dream had several themes, and the most prevalent were:

      • Espionage
      • Military
      • Anime

      The atmospheric overlay of the dream environment contributed to how it was mostly a colder region for several reasons. The soldiers or guards within the dream all seemed to have a default format from the MGS2/MGS3 soldiers with the black mask covering most of their face except the eyes.

      Spoiler for personal note:

      The weapon that I'm holding was probably just like the default gun you get from MGS2, the American military M9 that's modified to fire tranquilizer darts. Considering how I was using that gun instead of something lethal, I guess there was some ambition to stop killing figments of my imagination, since the last time I tried doing that to try to save dream characters, it ended up biting me later on.

      I see a few soldiers passively patrolling this linear area I'm at, and I quickly shoot them in the head since I was just going for Metal Gear Solid logic here. The area itself seemed to be split off with a black metal rectangular border in the middle.

      And if you looked from afar, there were more guards on patrol as well, and I had to be very careful of the direction they're facing. I had several guards wondering what was occurring in the area I was in, and I had to quickly go to the other side for safety.

      Fortunately they didn't go too far into investigating things and seemed to have pre-fetched sayings and declarations for whenever they're suspicious or presume the area is clear of intruders. As for the bodies of the soldiers that were passed out from the tranquilizers, it seemed I could care less about putting them in safe areas.

      I figured that there wouldn't be some weird system that demanded one to store bodies, or else there would be an alarm of suspicion. The area that was about 40 feet away from me seemed to be the external section where the weather had a lot of snow on the ground, but no snowing in particular.

      The dream shifts to where I'm now inside another base that has a lot more guards, and what seemed to be unarmed individuals that looked as if they're important. I found myself lying down on my stomach near a section to the left. I believe I was probably under a desk, and there were conveniently placed rectangular objects that concealed my position that were at least 9 inches in length.

      Since my field of vision is limited in this position, I had to make use of my lateral peripheral vision. I saw a Black male that was wearing a milky light violet colored dress shirt and regular jeans. For some reason, he was looking down right where I was at, though I wasn't sure if he knew I was there.

      He seemed to have made several glances back and forth at me and whoever he's talking to. Seeing how he didn't scream my position, he probably wanted to help me out, or he was just staring at random space to avoid the whole averting eyes awkwardness that occurs in most conversations.

      Whatever the case may be, looking at his visage and how he expressed himself, he seemed to have been involved as a computer guru or something of that nature. After a while, it seems some of the individuals leave to their bases and sections, and I finally get out of the awkward position under the desk.

      Unfortunately, there were still a good amount of guards around the area, and I had to time my shots in a specific pattern so one or two would hear their own men being knocked out with tranquilizer darts. Fortunately, the process was easy and I managed to take down the three guards within this room.

      Then the most absurd thing occurs in this dream. There was another individual that was knocked out that was unarmed. My mental image of this person seemed to be them wearing a white dress shirt and red jeans with some pink to it.

      His whole existence disintegrates, and a 3d model of a female that looks like this
      (it's hard finding an image of her not making lewd facial expressions):

      Spoiler for ...:

      I don't know what the hell was going on, and I was busy trying to process what I'm going to do if she ends up doing some weird demonic things to me. I can't really recall what happened after that though, just her running away.


      Girl Doing the Limbo & Vomiting that Defies Physics (Non-lucid)


      I'll keep this short and sweet, no need to be sensory descriptive of someone vomiting in a dream.

      A girl that seems to be 6-8 years of age is walking in a manner as if she's setting herself up to do the limbo without a bar. Then she randomly vomits while in the limbo position, and I'm not sure if the vomit is going in my direction.

      Maybe it's a sign that I'm a pile of vomit, or I'm being aware of certain false pretenses of those who I feel I could relate to. That's not really surprising, though I wonder who it is in particular the dream was trying to inform me on. And I guess the girl doing the limbo is either another symbolic implication of how that certain individual in waking life is still an enigma.

      And considering I had a dream about two children dying yesterday, maybe it's probably that one individual that I feel is another confused woman that just happened to gravitate to my openness to them. Probably a sign that I should go for more stable females than the psychotic ones.

      Updated 12-12-2013 at 08:09 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. Blacked Out At a Hotel Party

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:46 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my house, sitting in my room. It was evening, and I had this awesome idea to book a hotel for the night, since I didn't have work in the morning and it was the weekend. I thought it would be something fun to do for a night or so. I thought I could bring some drinks and maybe a game system or two, and I'd be set. I was thinking I'd probably go to Nashville.

      But I didn't want to go alone! So I called up my good friend Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy, and asked her to go with me. I told her we could just get a room with a single queen bed to save on price if she "didn't mind that sort of thing". She didn't mind.

      We were then in our hotel room in Nashville. It was now dark. The room was pretty nice and spacious. The lighting was dim. The bed was to the left, and the TV to the right, with big windows at the end, covered with translucent off-white curtains. The carpet was a dark red, I believe.

      I was really excited for this. It would be fun to treat myself to a weekend out in a hotel. I couldn't wait! I then "remembered" doing something similar with Jake once, where we stayed in a hotel room, and I went to sleep while he stayed up and played games.

      Then, I was with Christina Yang, Dr. Shepard (also from Grey's), and another woman. We were by the bed in our hotel room. Dr. Shepard and the woman were then lying side by side on the bed; it was an invitation for Yang and I to join. I got on top of Dr. Shepard, and I told them Yang would take the girl. We had been drinking, and apparently Yang hadn't really drank before. She stumbled into a hallway in the room and threw up on the floor. She then came over to the bed, and I was looking down at Dr. Shepard as I took a swig of drink from a bottle when...

      it was then the next morning. I couldn't remember a damn thing about the night before! I must have blacked out. I asked about it, though I'm not sure who I asked, and was told it was a crazy awesome night! I asked if I drank a lot and I was told yes, though I honestly only remembered drinking a little. I was not nearly as gone as Yang, and yet, I couldn't remember anything! I had a feeling it had turned into a foursome/orgy type of thing. Sigh. And I didn't remember. That would have made for some interesting memories.

      I then asked Yang what it was costing us to stay at this hotel per night, and she said it was $200 something. Shit! I barely have the money for that. Definitely not the money to stay two nights. I suggested to Yang that we stay in a cheaper hotel that night, one under $100/night. She suggested a hotel in Mt. Juliet instead of Nashville. I was fine with something like that, but we needed to check out ASAP. Yang then disappeared off somewhere, and I was left to pack everything up. I looked over by the big windows, and there was a small dresser there with a Wii, a small tin, and a Playstation 2 neatly lined up on top of it. The Wii and the tin were mine, but the PS2 was Yang's. I then walked by an ironing board, and hanging off the edge was a navy blue cable knit jacket. I then remembered that that had been the jacket Yang had on when she threw up on the floor, so it probably had vomit on it. I left that alone.

      I then was trying to find the hotel exit. I rode in the elevator a couple of times, which moved very fast up and down. I talked to a man in the elevator the second time. I commented on how fast the elevator was.

      I then was down in some basement area, and an older lady there, I think the hotel owner or some employee there, said the only way out was through this basement maze. She opened a door to it to show me. She said that I'd throw up in there quite a few times because of something with the amount of oxygen down there. I looked through the door and saw some people walking through, one a man. He leaned down to vomit. Ugh, gross. This can't be the only way out, right? I backed away from the door. I needed to find Yang; evening was coming again, and I didn't want to get charged for another day in this hotel.

      I found Yang at some point at told her about the PS2 still being in the room. I then started to worry about the Wii and the other valuables that were still sitting in the room. I thought that since we had been away from the room for so long, someone may try to steal all of that stuff; it was sitting out in the open, after all.

      Updated 11-10-2012 at 05:11 PM by 32059

    11. Tormenting a Disney Employee, Fighting an Invasion with Star Trek, and Superheroes

      by , 10-28-2012 at 06:14 PM
      10-28-2012 -- [Darn it! Some dreams with great possibilities from last night, but I can remember almost nothing of them! Guess I have to post them as fragments again, and lump two or three together, rather than do them separately. Meanwhile, I have been having dreams to write down for the last week, but haven't had the time to post them, and won't for a couple more days. Will eventually be able to catch up again.]

      Fragment 1 -- I'm kind of in a sort of nature area, and I am kind of being forced to do something, but I have no idea what. I get the feeling it was all sort of Harry Potter related, and also had something to do with cats, which makes me suspect it also had to do with Mcgonagall, but I can't remember almost anything, which is very annoying.

      Anyway, I soon find myself in a ride queue at Disney, and one of the people who works on the ride turns out to be the person who was forcing me to do something I didn't want to do in the last bit, and I get my revenge by coming through their line and doing something every week to annoy them. These are long, detailed things, but I can remember almost nothing of them.

      I think one time through, I was talking spoilers about the ride, telling everybody what was coming, which had them mad at the staff for not stopping me. In another trip through, I was somehow firing stickers out of a sort of air cannon and onto peoples foreheads, often blocking their eyes and/or glasses and making it much harder for them to see. I took the end of a long strip of stickers on a roll from the souvenir stand, pulled it out into the line of people, and told them they were getting free stickers, which led to them wanting those stickers on their foreheads.

      The whole thing was driving the female cast member nuts as she tried to catch me and throw me out, while fighting with all these people. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I came walking in with a leather belt tied around my head, the tail of the belt stuck down my throat, which somehow caused me to projectile vomit non-stop. I vomited on everybody and everything else in line, but when I tried to vomit on the cast member, she tried to duck into a sort of stairwell, and found herself trapped there. I vomited a huge amount down on top of her, and somehow it caused an explosion and vomit suddenly spewed back out of the stairwell, flying everywhere, even hitting me. Yuck. But it drove the cast member nuts.

      Somehow this led to me kind of getting together romantically with another cast member, an attractive blonde. There was a ton more detail than I can remember, and instead of being gross the whole thing was actually quite funny, but I just can't remember it well enough to do it justice.


      Fragment 2 (right before waking for the day) First bit I can remember is walking back on forth on Crescent past the nursery, kicking a little sand, worrying about red ants, and a vague memory of somebody stuck up, snotty, demanding, and perhaps alien arguing with me.

      I'm pretty sure I kind of tell them off, and start walking toward Buena Park. There's detail here, but nothing I can remember. The tiniest hint of kicking something metal as I walk along. By the time I am ready to turn on Hickory, I glance across at Tom's house, and somehow I can see a reflection from the pool of an attractive blond swimming in a white, semi-transparent suit. [Think Leslie Easterbrook in the swimming pool scene in the Police Academy movies] I think it is Tom's mom, even though I seem to remember her being a brunette.

      Somehow I suddenly find myself in a sort of meeting in a room that I kind of feel is at Fullerton College. It still has something to do with aliens, and in fact as we are discussing them, Hawkeye Pierce (from MASH) starts saying what he thinks, and a hanging red light bulb starts to swing toward him, somehow drawn to him. Its hard to explain, except it is some sort of alien tech that is drawn to the aliens almost magnetically, and in what we've been dealing with, we're worried he is somehow becoming alien. So the light that is kind of pulsing hypnotically also keeps swinging toward him when he speaks, but not toward anyone else.

      Soon we're all walking across the campus, spreading out and heading in different directions, spreading information or something, then I find myself in another group meeting, though this time more out in the open. Oddly enough, we're now Starfleet personnel, and I am not sure, but I may be Riker. We're trying to figure out what we're going to do in regards to the aliens, and reactions have been spread in two directions, either for or against the aliens. The 'against' group, my group, has won, so we get to decide the response.

      There is a lot of argument along the lines that we should take command of them or something, but Picard is here, and reminds us that would be against our oaths to the Federation, so if we went that route we would be forced out of our commissions. I start on an impassioned speech about how we won't go that route, as I, for one, am not willing to give up my position over this. But my voice is very limited, and nobody seems to hear me.

      One of the opposition is starting to argue about my position and our decision, and he is overly tall, thin, and bald. I think he is probably from Mr. Homn's race. He is making an objection to what I am saying, until Picard starts walking toward him, poking him in the chest, and saying something about how actors are wonderful people, but since he is just acting, and not being honest about what he thinks, he should shut up.


      A short one from yesterday: Somehow I am Spider-Man, and I find I have to tear my way through a sort of a strong, thick plastic wall surrounding a ball pit in a play area. There is a little kid watching me, and hoping I can fix everything. Problem is, the flexible plastic shield is very strong, and I have to really exert myself to finally manage to tear it, and find myself falling face first into the ball pit.

      Soon I find myself staring up through the colorful balls, catching glimpses of my surroundings in the gaps between balls. Somehow I seem to be fighting my way through a corridor to reach a sort of female ogre who I have to fight. As we're fighting, she is slowly kind of turning into Wonder Woman. And I am slowly turning from Spider-Man into Harry Potter.

      Wonder Woman has an equally attractive teen age daughter who is kind of rebelling against her (teens, go figure) and since as Harry Potter, I am also a teen, we are kind of close. Somehow it seems Wonder Woman has kind of adopted me, at least unofficially. As things heat up between WW and her daughter, she somehow starts singing something about how it is only because she loves her, and "that's the way it should be." Its nice, but kind of dorky. Then everybody goes to take a nap or something.

      Soon it seems that my Godfather, Sirius, decides he wants to check on me. He has somehow broken into the house, and is trying to sneak around silently without being seen. I am watching him silently from around a corner. He doesn't know the layout, and he ends up outside Wonder Woman's bedroom door, and her boyfriend (who may be Batman) comes out the door, and is upset to find him there.

      Sirius tries to pull his wand, and the boyfriend kicks it out of his hand, then gives him a big kick and sends him flying. He turns around, and finds himself picked up and tossed to the ground by Wonder Woman before they realize who it is they are fighting, and let him go.

      Sirius is on the ground, looking up at Wonder Woman. She is not wearing her hero garb, but street clothes, and seems to be in a gray skirt down nearly to her knees. He grabs on to her to try and pull himself up, not meaning anything by it, but what looks like a gray skirt turns out to be made of dozens of thin strips that part under his hands, leaving him pulling himself up by more or less grasping her (admittedly very attractive) butt, in a pair of semi-small (but not quite thong) pair of panties.

      Sirius falls back to the ground in shock, turning crimson from embarrassment, while I just stand there laughing my head off at the whole situation!
    12. Annoying Guests

      by , 02-12-2012 at 04:19 AM
      I'm at my old house. I get into a secret room in this Atlantis video game. I'm trying to tell M about it. A guy is over here, and a van full of his friends arrives. I'm in my bedroom with him and a couple that came in the van. He makes fun of the bedspread with hearts and asks me how old I am. I tell him. I feel embarrassed.

      I'm in the backyard, now. A guy approaches me. He looks at me funny. I think he's drunk. I back away. He barfs on me. I scream. It gets everywhere, even in my mouth. Disgusting. I need to be clean.

      I find a package in my room and open it, thinking it must be a present for me. It's Magic: the Gathering cards. I got a present for someone else?
    13. Crap In My Mouth; Neo Born Prematurely

      by , 12-16-2011 at 05:04 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      In waking life I've been sick with nasal and chest congestion and a sore throat. This led me to dream that I was in a hospital room as a bystander during something that had doctors and nurses together in a room.

      I had a "What is this shit in my mouth, and when I get it out, why does more manifest?" dream. I was spitting in a sink in the hospital room trying to get this nasty, stringy crap out of my mouth. It was all between my lips/cheeks and teeth like cotton from the dentist's office, or dip in the lip of a red-neck.

      I didn't want the doctor's to think I was going to throw up, so naturally the doctor said, "If your going to throw up..." I don't remember if he said "...go ahead and do it" or "don't do it there" or what, but he knew something was up.

      I wasn't going to throw up, but I did take my fingers and start pulling the crap out of my mouth. I never saw it, but the junk in my mouth was red and looked stringy like muscle or something. Blah!

      Finally, my dream changed to where I was looking at a tilting table with a piece of paper like from a straw. At the top, it was a little wider and ovular. It was kind of like straws that some restaurants used to have with a tiny spoon at the end, but it was all paper.

      It was poorly taped to the tilted table, and by dream logic, it was Neo from The Matrix born prematurely.
      I fixed the tape job because he was about to slide off the table.
    14. Tibetan communion, Aliens, a visit to Mars, My sister's many eyes et cetera, and so forth

      by , 07-04-2011 at 10:15 PM
      Bed @ 10pm
      Wake @ 2:45 am
      Bed @ 3:30am
      Wake @ 9am

      Before bed: 2 caps Theanine Serene

      Non lucid: I was walking up a path toward an ornate pavilion, where two lines of women sat facing each other. The ones facing me were dressed in "Tibetan monk" robes but they were different from IWL, more Thai style. The path changed as I got closer and became covered in pink lotuses. I wasn't sure if it was ok to walk on them, and I noticed that the women on my side were taking communion, and I hesitated and sat on a round circle of white cloth on the ground which was prickly, because I wasn't of their religion so I didn't think I should participate in the communion.

      In front of me, a priestess/monk woman was talking to my friend Ceanna, and told her that she had something different for her, and from behind her stuck a tissue in her mouth. Ceanna whooped and danced around and seemed to enjoy whatever it was she received.

      Then I was closer in, sitting with the women. They were passing around what looked like a wedge-heel shoe. The woman to my left said, "When they pass the pig around you should ask for the money. They give it out to people, you should tell them you're a good person and (you'll do good with it?)."

      The shoe came my way and I passed it along and said something that I don't remember, I remember that it felt false and like I was repeating what I heard them say and it didn't really make sense. (Obvious reflection of longtime issues of not fitting in or not belonging.)

      Woke at 2:45 am (planned to wake at 3:30 but earlier dream woke me up so I took supps and went back to bed).
      8mg galantamine
      500mg choline
      2mg melatonin

      Okay....here goes....

      Non-lucid - I was holding a small child, in the dream she was my sister K. We were talking and enjoying each other's company. I saw that her 3rd eye was open, it was sort of blipping in and out of sight. I told her that I noticed it was open, and as I observed a whole row of eyes opened across her forehead, very beautiful and sparkling. Someone came in to take her, and commented on how happy she was and how well she was doing. I was really sad and upset that they were taking her and pleaded for them to let her stay with me since she was doing so well.

      gaps after that, just an image of another baby who may have been evil, who insisted on vomiting on me and it was a big thick stream of something white like lard (with gold in it) and I was trying to avoid it and get it off of me

      Woke up at 4:30, had forgotten to turn my normal morning alarm off, slowly back to sleep.

      I decided to go ahead and sleep on my back and take a chance on SP.
      At some point after that, I feel myself paralyzed and I roll with it, managing to take a deep breath and consciously transforming the feeling of fear to excitement as best I could. Then I begin rising up and up to the top of my room (looking back I might call it an OBE). I am feeling pulled by a force, still feeling paralyzed, I do my best to relax into it and not fight it or freak out too much. I am pulled or float to one side of the room, and bump the wall, I can still feel the feeling of the sheetrock brushing my skin.

      I floated from there, across the room, bumping the ceiling fan, and bumping into the opposite wall.
      I see a small round alien ship outside my bedroom window, and I realize it's playing the Close Encounters music. The ship looked like a miniature version of the Close Encounters ship, with the beautiful lights which are shining in through my blinds. (Even though I knew I was dreaming, the feeling of my body rising and hitting the wall and ceiling fan was so real, plus the music from the ship, I wondered whether my neighbors could hear...)
      I finally start to have a little bit of a grip on the dream, and I hid in the bathroom. I didn't want the aliens to get me!

      Ok ok I'm a little more coherent now and decide to go out to the ship, I'm dreaming, what's the harm? I step out of my bathroom and next thing I know I am on the ship, seemingly alone. I walk into a room and in the center of the room is a bench that looks to me made of pewter or silver, with filigree scrollwork. I wonder if that is where 'they' do their research, if they are going to try to do the anal probe (lol) there or what...

      Oh, I catch a little more snap. This Isn't Real. So I began digging into a wall, and the wall gives way. I continue to dig through layers and layers of what looks like brain tissue, until I get to a pocket where there is a large green grub nestled. I pulled it out and tried to squish it. It tried to attach itself to me so I ran a few frequencies through it to try to fry it or change it. Finally I asked, "how could this thing be dead?" waiting to see what happened. I think it then changed into a black circle that tried to go back into the tissue and I chased it down firing frequencies at it until I think it fell out and off into space (I hope!).

      ---Next scenes, I'm not sure of the sequences ---
      ---I am in a tent with a guy who wants to kiss me. I'm not lucid, and not very conscious so I push him off and notice in profile that he's not very attractive to me. I asked him who he was and he said something like he was one of a bunch of pixies that would go through the portals between worlds and visit. He looked at me face-on, and I think he had only one eye on the left, and on his right was a row of flashing LED's across the browline.

      ---lucid - I am on an planet that I identify as Mars, because it is so dark and hot and murky. I notice a big pool of dark fluid that seems hot, and I decide to dip in it because I know I am dreaming. It didn't really feel like anything. I ask the dream to show me something important to see, and I'm suddenly in a gym that reminds me of the 80's, with women in 80's workout gear doing aerobics. I'm wondering why the heck am I here? Then I see a group of friends who are looking at me like they are angry and annoyed. It seems that I've disappeared on them without an explanation and they aren't happy about it. I ask if I've done this before and they say yes, apparently that is why they are so irritated with me.

      ---non-lucid - I am walking and see a former friend walking past me to my right. She doesn't even seem to see me. I unexpectedly screamed, "F*** you, Jenni!". She turned and looked at me, and I fell on the ground and started fumbling between apologizing and not, feeling terrible, saying how I was really hurt by the way our friendship turned out and it wouldn't happen again.

      Then I begin walking and walking and walking in the dark, through mountains. Somewhere along the way there are Boy Scouts that I consider asking for a ride. More walking and walking, somewhere along the way I lost my shoes and was concerned about my feet being torn to shreds. I walked into a house and found some shoes "that my mom gave me" that didn't quite fit so I wasn't sure if I should wear them and if I did were there any socks around.
      I also remember being on the side of a mountain watching eagles fly over in the dark, and they had amazing luminescent wings.

      Then I finally woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. Biggie's literary skills; boss vomits; boss' bad neighborhood

      by , 01-16-2011 at 03:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was telling somebody how the Notorious BIG "could actually write," by which I meant to say that he had very good literary skills. I had apparently known this from letters or messages I'd received from him. I'd also, apparently, had a few conversations with him, and I remembered his voice sounding very gentle and distinguished. At some point Biggie may have been sitting near me, wearing a white t-shirt and sunglasses.

      Dream #2

      My boss was in some very dim space, before a white wall which, in the dim light, looked faintly purple. It almost looked like the room was lit by a fish tank light.

      My boss began throwing up some blackish substance that looked like a mix between dog feces and those ash-worm "fireworks." The substance was small and came out slowly. My boss may even have pulled it out of his mouth. My boss seemed to be extremely uncomfortable and a little afraid.

      Dream #3

      I was in some room of an apartment with my boss and a couple other people. There were no curtains on the windows, so plenty of light came into the room. It was a bright summer day. The room seemed pretty empty, but the people in the room and our mood made the place seem really stuffy.

      The apartment was probably my apartment. My boss or someone else was on the phone with someone, trying to get me moved out of my neighborhood. Apparently something bad had happened here, either to or around me, and the people in my life decided that they needed to get me out of here as soon as possible.

      Suddenly my boss seemed jealous of all these people talking about how I had recently had such a hard time in my neighborhood. My boss said, "Well, you know, I live in a pretty tough neighborhood myself. Right now."

      As my boss continued his speech, it was like we were driving down some side road in a rolling area full of tall, tan grass. We came to a "T" in the road at the bottom of a short, steep slope and probably turned left.

      My boss continued, "My house is just a refurbished house. It used to be a crack house. In fact, when we moved into our place, we found a whole bunch of drugs that the cops have forgotten to clean out. I'd say that's a pretty tough neighborhood!"
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