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    1. The Dragon Friend and the Desert

      by , 04-11-2012 at 05:09 AM (The Realm of the Child)
      Dream Type: Non-Lucid, Memorable.
      Dream Mood: Excited, Fun, Exhausting.
      Dream Setting: Nature, A Warehouse, Some Desert.
      Dream Characters: A Dragon-Person, Comic-book Characters.

      I have not quite been able to remember the beginning of the most recent dreams I have been having, and despite the fact that this was a nap, it was much the same.

      I don't remember how the dream began, though it had to do with me being in some mountainous area that had a few tribal tents of some sort, though each one had a different more or less psychedelic pattern. For some reason, I took interest into a more natural looking patterned tent. It contained a dragon girl inside of it, like, a girl who had the shape of a human (save for the feet, they were like hind-legs) though had scales and a muzzle of sort. It perplexed me for some reason or another, and so I tried to visit her every now and then, though she was seldom there. The times I did meet her though, we seemed to get together quite nicely.

      Next, I was actually sleeping in my dream when I was sleeping (sleepception?)! I was in a warehouse, and there were others there, but I didn't seem to recognize who they were, and so I went to sleep. It seemed black for the most part, though I'd wake up and seemed to think I was going to some convention of some sort that morning, and I was not wearing anything but my boxer briefs, until I got up and everyone started laughing. I was suddenly in a pink tightsuit and so I pulled down the pants part of it to reveal that my inner-thighs were covered in water and shaving cream. I freaked out and wiped all of the cream off and put on some jeans and a black t-shirt, and we set off. I was with a few other people, though they were all characters from comics or manga books. One of them that I remember the most was Monkey D. Loofy from the manga One Piece. We walked outside, and it was suddenly really hot with a decent breeze as well. It was a desert, and so we began walking, in the distance was a sort of town. About half way through, we stopped and we were asked if we wanted a sort of popsickle or something. We all babbled on about who had the money for it, though soon enough, the dream ended.
    2. Church fire, razor blades, and murder!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:58 AM
      June 15, 2007

      Sitting in a church watching a big screen presentation. A lady to my left was very large and i was smooshed in the seat. She kind of moved toward me, or asked if I would move over, but I had no more room. So, I got up. I was about to leave. People were confessing to the minister in a makeshift confessional made out of cushions and pillows. (and I'm not Catholic)

      I decided to leave. Went to exit door and had my children. I saw a bottle with fire coming out of the top - a dirty bomb! I ran for the other exit. I told someone in a pew that there was a fire or danger. All exits had bombs.

      I think I got out??


      Saw a woman - blurry - at some point she attacked me! I had razor blades and cut her lower arm to make her let go. Then, I was on top of her and had control.

      I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Husband dreams of a Shadow Man

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:48 AM
      August 14, 2006

      My husband is not a believer in anything. But that night, as I had on other nights, would visualize each member of my family cocooned in white light.

      I woke sometime in the night to Russ's bad dream sounds. He got up and left, went to the back room to sleep. I fell back to sleep and recall that I had strange dreams but not nightmares.

      In the morning, I told him that I heard him moaning because he must have had a bad dream. I asked if he remembered what he was dreaming about. He said, he woke up because he felt a hand on his head. When he opened his eyes, a dark shadow figure stood in front of him and then faded out. He thought it was real, but realized his mind must have played tricks on him. I asked if he dreamt that . Said he was awake when he felt and saw the dark shadow. He said it had a hat, like a fedora and it stood near the doorway. He thought it was going to hurt us or him.
    4. Nasty Pelicans and School time for Me

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:39 AM
      July 16, 2006
      Pelicans were boxed in - they weren't really trying to get out. On water - many pelicans. They would - or maybe just one - try to bite and nip.

      Now, I'm in line for a psychology class. I had to sign in, but the class was full. Somehow I still got in.

      The teacher took stairs multiple steps at a time, but he got winded and would pause. I would catch up, but then he'd begin again and I would be behind once more. He had blond hair and was male.

      In part of this school (?), people were on gurneys. One woman in particular was on a gurney waiting to be operated on. Patients passed me in the hallway and I got the sense they were missing parts of 'themselves'. Perhaps from the operations? The woman suddenly jumped off the gurney and ran. I followed her but slower. She ran outside and found a gate or exit? Where she slipped into a type of drawer and was gone. A man - perhaps a security guard - chased after her but failed to capture her.

      Then, I was in class at my desk. Both my desk and book were there but my chair was gone - it was missing. The teacher entered the classroom and I said, "While I think pretending to sit or acting like I was sitting would work, it might get painful." And then I asked for my chair back.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. A Party in my House with Bees?

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:26 AM
      April 4, 2006
      [Apparently I found an older entry than originally thought...]

      There's a party inside a house - my house? Windows are open with screens. It's warm out. At some point I notice bees. Bees were getting in the house. I was alarmed - worried. I noticed bees on the ceiling, many bees. I got angry and scolded people because they allowed the bees to come in. people in the party seemed unaware of the bees. I think I was worried that the children would get stung.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Dead Grandparents, roaches, and dogs! Huh?

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:14 AM
      Someone named, Patty, her husband, Joe, died. We went to my Aunt's house. Bugs were in the beds and on the floor. My grandma died again. She'd died once, but apparently, she wasn't really dead. Now, we had to have her funeral. Pap, my grandfather, called me and asked if we were coming. I said, I didn't think he was going to have a funeral because she'd already had one - it seemed a little awkward. Apparently, he was having the funeral.

      So, I had to get a dress or maybe hose for the funeral. But I was swimming. My kids asked to swim. My daughter said, no, and then we were leaving. I got out of the pool and my brothers said they would meet us there. I think, along the way, a woman was in the road doing something. I offered to pull over so we wouldn't block traffic and she could finish what she was doing. (?) So I pulled over.

      It was now a park like setting. I stayed in the car. A dog I had known, with his friends, came to my car window. I rolled the window down and he licked my face. His owners watched from afar.

      Next scene, I find myself driving to the mall again in search of a dress or hose. The mall is HUGE! And the parking lot was too. I drove the wrong way and someone in the car, I guess, pointed that fact out. They also mentioned that if I kept driving, I'd hit those spikes and ruin my tires. I turned to avoid them and saw a police man. I didn't know how to get to where my brothers had parked at the mall, so I could meet them. The lot and mall were so big. The police officer said to pull off and he'd take me to the mall and the correct lot. (how did he know?) I did as he said.

      As we walked people were following. I began limping as I had hurt my foot. Someone asked about it and I said I hurt it on the beach and stepped on something sharp. We were on steps going down, I think. Hubby came and woke me up.


      Fell back to sleep:

      Dreamed a wasp flew at me and hit me in the face! Darn wasp!!!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Carpeted walls, zombie, and finding someone to help.

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:05 AM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid
      April 6, 2012:

      Slept for 4 hours, then took 8mg of GalantaMind

      As I am going back to sleep, I feel my body get lighter. I crawl out of bed, out of my physical body. I can't see very well.
      Suddenly I'm back in bed again. I feel like I roll over onto my back. I reach up and I can feel the ceiling with my hands, and I knock on it.

      Now I can see and I am floating in my room. I see out the window that the sky is purple and then changes to dark blue.
      Now I am in a room with carpet on the floor and walls, maybe the ceiling too. I am lucid.
      The bottom part of the walls look rotted away. I go to what looks like stairs going down, but it's just a shallow hole in the floor.

      Then I go into a bathroom. The toilet also has a carpet-like cover on the lid. I see my reflection in a mirror. It loos scary, like a zombie.
      Now I am in a parking lot with no cars, surrounded by a chain fence and tall trees. A zombie falls from a tree into the fenced-in parking lot. I try to ignore it, knowing it can't bother me if I don't let it.
      But then I go pick it up. it is just a plastic skeleton with a ridiculous looking smushed-in face.
      I say "This isn't my best dream." I lie down on my back with the skeleton beside me. "But listen to that," I say. I can hear crickets and maybe frogs or birds. It is rather nice.

      Then I wake slightly, back in my bed.
      I don't move and I enter another dream.

      This one involves flying while carrying three ladies. I discover that one of the women has both male and female genitals. We play around for a bit until I wake up again.

      I am outside, in the front yard of my childhood home.
      I say aloud "I'm on an adventure to help someone! I'm like Fin from Adventure Time."
      It is dark out. I say "Too bad it's night time." Then I see the sun very low on the horizon and decide that it is the morning sunrise. Soon it is light out.

      There are lots of animals around. especially a lot of cats near the house. I ask them if they need help. I move some object so they can get to some food. Then there are lots more cats around. I say to myself "I wonder if there really are so many cats outside our house. Surely there's no so much junk in our yard."
      There are big piles of garbage around me.

      I keep walking and find a shop full of glass objects on glass shelves. There are little bowls with figures on them and hanging glass shaped like people, like art mannequins. I break something by throwing it, but mostly just look at things.

      I think of trying to smoke something and getting high. Probably because the glass bowls remind me of pipes. But instead I find a Chinese restaurant. I say "I can help finish soup."
      I go to the owner, a little bald Chinese man, and ask him if I can help by cleaning the floors or washing dishes, or whatever.
      He eventually agrees to let me clean the floor. This is not very exciting, but at least it is helping someone. We go to a room in the back. Employees are checking out.
      We are about to get the mop when I wake up.

      It is slightly disappointing that I didn't follow through, even though it would have been boring mopping a floor in a lucid dream.
    8. Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Building - Unless it's really on FIRE!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:57 AM
      September 21, 2008

      Day 13

      I dreamed about a fire. A fire was set purposely to kill those inside a building. I escaped with others and found this building further away where everybody was. I thought this place was safe. I saw the fire coming toward this new building and told the people to leave - to get out. I ran for another building, but I had to sneak for if the bad guys saw us they'd kill us. I ended up in a building with African American kids. At one point, i was in a hotel in the halls.


      Knife stabbing. There was a fight over a girl. She went down.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Spiders - BIG Spiders!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:53 AM
      September 20, 2008

      Day 12
      Dreamed a big spider ran up the wall and hid behind the curtain. Hubby got it with his bare hands. Could see it in his hands Took it outside. When he returned, I asked if he killed it. He did.


      Dreamed about lumps on my arm - forearm.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Party under a Waterfall - Woo Hoo

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:49 AM
      September 8, 2008

      [This began the time period when I intentionally began trying to recall my dreams, become lucid, and have an OBE]

      Right before bed, I wrote in my Dream Journal:

      I am a spirit in a body capable of experiencing dimensions beyond physical experience. I have the ability to separate from my body, return safely, and remember.

      [First lucid dream occurred on DAY 5]

      My husband's cousins were at a waterfall party and drinking. [an aside: these cousins are very religious and I can't imagine them doing this in real life] The male cousin, we'll call Paul, got drunk and fell asleep. My husband filled the fountain (?) and then went to lie down. Paul was flirting and then he passed out. I played religious music for Kathryn (not her real name).
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Night 1 of Dreaming

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:30 AM
      I managed to remember one dream which isn't bad for me. Here it is.

      'I was in a 'club' and everyone in it was female except for me, my gender wasn't noted but I am leaning towards female. I got woken up from a sleep with a 'surprise promotion' which I had to give to someone. We were in a house with white walls and regular furniture, a fairly normal house. The lighting was normal if not bright. It reminded me of a scene from a movie. I was uncomfortable with the pressure of choosing someone to give a promotion. One of the leaders of the club had brown hair in a bun and was wearing thick framed black glasses.

      In another part I was outside an elevator in a lobby with red carpet and beige walls. I was listening to two people talk and then crying. It was a nice looking place, five star hotel style.
    12. 04/10/12 Recent Dreams

      by , 04-11-2012 at 01:20 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: It has been a long time since I have posted any dreams. I have been sooooo depressed lately that all I have really wanted to do is crawl into a hole and fall asleep and never wake up. I think it is lifting a bit, so I decided to go ahead and post these dreams.

      Maze Hunter
      I am in a suit of futuristic armor and in a futuristic looking underground facility. The facility is laid out like a maze, and I am there to hunt some creatures, some violent creatures that have been killing randomly both in the facility and on the surface around the facility. Killing indiscriminately. They have to be stopped. I am walking down a long hall with flickering lights giving it a rather creepy feel, like the facility hasn't been in use recently. I hear movement up ahead, I look at a scanner on my wrist to confirm it is one of the enemies and not an ally. I cautiously approach a turn in the passage where I know the enemy is just around the corner. I manage to surprise the enemy by jumping around the corner and firing my weapon before he can react. My weapon is a laser blaster that is about the size of a shotgun, and it emits a blast of fire that blasts the enemy apart. I can see through the broken parts of the armor that the enemy is reptilian in nature, I am wondering if it is of a race I have encountered in the past called Reptizars. I'm not sure, usually they don't need any armor beyond what is offered by their scales. I hear something behind me and turn just in time to dive out of the way as another of the enemy fires at me. I dive down a side passage, rolling over quickly onto my back and waiting for the enemy to appear. I don't see anything… what is that thing up to? I am sure he will come around the corner at any time, but before he does, I wake up.

      To The Races
      I am in my own car, the car I have in my waking life, which is a red Dodge Neon. I am driving down a street quickly, intent on getting to a race track where I have been entered to race… in my Neon. There is a special race going on at the race track where whoever feels like entering and has a non-modified street car can race for prizes. I think I probably don't have much chance entering with a Neon, but someone else has entered me and I am not going to back out. I figure there will probably be some other amateurs there with cars even worse for racing than my Neon. Right now I am racing on the freeway just to get there before it is too late, before I miss the start of the race.

      Mad Monkey Inn
      I am in a hotel of some kind, I have a job there. I am taking the key cards from people as they check out and leave the hotel to go on their way. It seems many of the visitors are disgruntled, and cranky upon leaving. Also I notice that several of them look like they have been bitten or scratched, like they have been attacked by a wild animal of some kind. I look around and see an ad on the wall that says each visitor to the hotel gets their own monkey to sleep with for the night. Not a stuffed monkey, a real live spider monkey. I think that is really strange. A man comes from the rooms area with a particularly cranky monkey. The monkey is clearly trying to bite and scratch the man, I wonder what is going on there. Have monkeys been injuring all the guests? The man stops by me and says no one told him the monkeys wake up so cranky in the morning. He says he should sue this dump. He hands over his key, then shoves the cranky monkey into my hands as well. He leave in a huff, but I pay very little attention to him since I am now trying to keep the monkey from biting me in the face. I am holding the monkey at arm length and I am not sure what to do with him now. After all, I haven't even been trained to handle the monkeys!

      Hawaii 5-O
      I am with Steve McGarrett from Hawaii 5-O. We are trying to gather evidence against a cop we both know is dirty, but so far we have been unable to prove it. Alicia is there with us, and I go with Alicia to check in one direction. Alicia spots a couple of gang bangers and proceeds to flip them the bird. I wonder why she did that. They get pissed and come after us. Alicia disappears quickly, and I hide myself behind some dumpsters in an alley. I meet up with Steve just as the gang bangers catch up with me. Steve kicks one of their asses, I fight and manage to beat the other one into submission. The dirty cop is there, too, presumably there to get a payoff or something. But there is still no evidence. Steve takes the cop's gun and shoots each of the gang bangers, killing them. He hands the gun back to the dirty cop, who is standing there looking stunned. Steve says we had better leave, the rest of the gang will be coming. Steve beats on the cop for a bit and then we disappear. Steve says when the rest of the gang finds the cop over their dead friends, they won't hesitate to tear the cop into so many pieces that we'll never find all of them.

      Darkness Below
      I am at the public library and I realize I have to go to the bathroom, so I look around to see if there is anyone around that looks like they might steal my computer while I'm away. I see no issues so I head into the bathroom. There is no one in there so I choose an empty stall to do my business in. I sit down and do my business, and I am about ready to get up when I hear a strange noise outside the stall. It doesn't sound like a person, it sounds more like an oozing mass of something crossing the floor… and the smell of raw sewage reaches my nose. Yuck! One of the other toilets must be backing up. Gross! I look at the floor to see if I can see any sewage coming from the other stalls… but what I see is that the ground is suddenly all cracked and covered in mold. Yuck! How could I not have noticed when I entered that the bathroom was this disgusting? Black ooze is coming up from the cracks. It seems to be alive. I step out of the stall, there is something really gross happening. The mirrors are all broken in the bathroom, and there is black ooze also coming from cracks in the wall. I head over to the door, which is also covered with black sludge. A humanoid form is stepping from the sludge, human in shape, with a huge gaping and dripping mouth that is emitting a long groan like a zombie. The thing reaches for me, and reflexively I use the spell Damage, Inc. to throw a fireball at the thing. The spell works, and the thing bursts into flame as if it was made out of oil and is very flammable. The room is quickly engulfed in flames, completely surrounding me, but then I wake.
    13. My Dead Grandmother's on the Subway

      by , 04-11-2012 at 12:59 AM

      (Not lucid)

      I was in an antique store and was looking at teacups. It was a very upscale place and I felt I didn't belong there. As I looked into a case, the sales clerk asked if he could show me a teacup or take something out for me. I asked for one teacup and saucer. He told me I could go to the table near the window and wait. I took a seat and waited. There was a pot of tea on the table. When he brought the teacup and saucer he set it in front of me and left. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to test drive the teacup by pouring myself a cup of tea. I decided not to. I looked at the bottom of the teacup and it was expensive. The saucer had to be bought separately and it was expensive too. Well, I thought, I can afford the teacup but not the saucer. So, I bought the teacup. The sales clerk looked disappointed or disgusted with me. Guess I didn't buy 'enough' for his liking or commission.

      I left the shop and took the subway home, which in real life, I don't do and don't even live in a city. On the subway, I met my grandmother - my dead grandmother. I told her and showed her what I bought. She tsked me and said, go back and buy the saucer. What's a teacup without a saucer. The dream ended.

      In real life, that weekend I drove to my mother's house and just happened to go into the garage to get my mom something. In the garage were these beautiful teacups or coffee cups and saucers. I asked my Mom why they were in the garage and she said, they were my GRANDMOTHER'S and she didn't know what to do with them. I asked, Can I have them? So, I got the teacups AND saucers because my grandmother would not have been happy had I only taken the cups!
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Mel Gibson Saved Me (Lucid)

      by , 04-11-2012 at 12:45 AM
      [This dream was developed into a story because it was just so dang cool!]

      This one was strange in that I became aware that I was dreaming BUT I was not participating. I watched my dream and it was frankly, annoying while it was happening. I even woke up twice and when I fell back to sleep, the dream continued and I was awake. I was exhausted when I finally woke in the morning.

      Okay, I found myself on a table (yeah, me and tables and gray rooms, go figure) in an unfamiliar place. My head hurt bad and I immediately felt threatened. I snuck out of this room and as I was running down a hallway, naked, yeah, naked, men in black burst out of no where and began chasing me. I ran until I got outside and people stared at me and some screamed. I didn't even care that I was naked at that point because I knew I had to get away from these men in black. (do I watch too many alien movies, maybe?)

      This whole time I am totally aware that I am dreaming and I can't STOP watching my dream. It was awful because I wasn't getting rest. It was like having your eyes pinned open and being forced to watch a movie. It would suck!

      So, I am out on the street and notice that things are weird. The buildings are mostly all glass and very tall skyscrapers. The cars are flying and not on the street. Although some come down to land. As I'm taking all this in the men in black bust out of the building and I glanced over my shoulder to see this one man in black pull a lipstick like silver tube out of his jacket pocket. He pointed it at me and the dang thing shot a beam out of it and vaporized part of the sidewalk! I freaked! I took off running and crossed the street - where there weren't any cars - and ran smack dab into Mel Gibson!!! Yep! He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me up and down - I was naked and suddenly felt erm, a bit exposed. He threw his jacket over my shoulders [how chivalrous] and then asked me what was wrong. I tried to pull away but he had a tight grip on me. Then, the obnoxious men in black barreled toward me with their lipstick weapons drawn and pointed at my head!

      He saw them and pulled me down and to the side. We ran through a restaurant and then out the back. Finally we lost them or they gave up - I don't much know. But at some point, I may have fainted and he carried me back to his place. When I woke up, I was confused and my head hurt like a son-of-a-gun.

      Mel must have heard me wake and came to my side. I asked if he had an aspirin and he looked at me like I had two heads. I asked again, you know, an aspirin, something to take away the pain in my head. He said, he didn't know what an aspirin was but he could take away the pain. He left and returned with this thing that looked like a thermometer - the kind that go in your ears. He moved it to my temple and I pulled back. He looked perplexed and I said, that doesn't go there. He said, your head hurts right? I asked what it was and he said it was a pulsejet. I was like okay whatever. And he put the thing to my head and it zapped a bit of electrical current or something into my temple and my head stopped hurting.

      He asked me if I had a place to stay. I said no. He then asked why those men were chasing me and I explained I had no idea and that I had woken up on this table. I had children and a husband back in my...time...life..world? I began looking around his apartment. The entire room had glass for walls and they were darkened like sunglasses darken when they are exposed to sunlight. He eventually gave me sweatpants, socks, and a t-shirt to wear. But as I looked around I realized things here were advanced. The lipstick guns, the windows, the flying cars and I asked him the year. I don't remember the year now, but I know it was in the future. I sort of freaked out on Mel and he stared at me like I was nuts, which of course, I probably seemed nuts. We stayed here for a few days ( and oh my God it seemed FOREVER in my dream because I could NOT shut it off!!!!). I made breakfast, snooped around, noticed a video type of phone. He called someone and asked this person to come see me. That freaked me out because I didn't trust anyone.

      It went on this way for awhile - just day to day stuff. And at some point I ended up in bed with Mel. Yeah. That was not awful. Funny thing is, in real life, I do not find Mel attractive. Apparently, dream me, did. And I began having all these internal struggles because I wondered if I had just cheated on my husband...what about my kids....but they weren't here and I had no idea how to get back.

      So, after spending time with Mel, growing quite close and intimate with Mel, he finds someone that knows about me...or what happened to me. It was a mistake. They - this corporation/government - was trying to send someone into the past but when they did that, somehow, I ended up in the future. They did not know how to send me back.

      They found us - and Mel saw them coming through some sort of video device. We bolted and ended up in a minivan - I have NO idea why - that had another family riding in it. The men in black chased me and Mel. The family in the minivan got shot up, I think. And at that point - I woke up. EXHAUSTED!!!!!!
    15. UFOs and Aliens oh my! (Lucid)

      by , 04-11-2012 at 12:04 AM
      2005/2006 (From my old journal)

      I'm posting prior dreams here as I begin attempting to lucid dream again. This one and the Becoming Golden dream are two of my first. I cannot remember if this was first or the Golden Dream was first but both have never left me and were incredible dreams - both were lucid.

      I went to sleep as normal as I had not begun intentionally LD'ing or even trying to recall my dreams.

      While still dreaming, I found myself on a sidewalk, in my nightgown, at nighttime. A streetlight was to my left and I kind of was standing beneath it, I guess. I was on a corner and a traffic light was turning yellow and then red. I felt that I was waiting for something but I had no idea what i was waiting for. To my left, stood a lady, also in her pajamas. I didn't pay attention to what she wore. She had her head back and was staring up at the dark sky.

      I copied her and looked up at the stars. It was a clear night and the stars sparkled except for a dark patch that was shaped like a triangle. I heard a dog bark off in the distance and crickets were chirping. I kind of thought that was a weird detail for a dream. Anyways, after I noticed the dark triangle patch in the sky that blocked out the stars, I realized this dark patch was descending...or getting bigger. Then, I just said in my dream, "I knew they were real." And I turned to look at the lady beside me to see if she saw the craft too. Her head was still back. She had on a white nightgown - I now noticed. I think I snickered at her. I remember thinking - huh, they don't have any lights on, but why would they unless they wanted someone to see them.

      I turned my attention skyward again and the feakin' triangular thing was about 6 feet off the ground. It hovered above me! It blocked out the entire sky from my view. Now, light emmenated from beneath the object, but I couldn't detect or see any actual lights. It just glowed. (still not lucid)

      I spun in a circle. The woman was gone. I was now in the middle of the street, but I couldn't recall walking or moving to get there. A cool white light engulfed me, and, as if I'd turned a switch from off to on I arrived in a gray metallic room. My pulse pounded at my wrists. There was NO transition. No intermediate locale. I was standing in the street, outside, on the blacktop, and then I wasn't.

      (still not lucid but beginning to freak out)

      The room was dimly lit with the same kind of lights as were on the object's underbelly. I couldn't see a light bulb or any indentation where a light could be. No furniture. No pictures. Just a gray room. Except it was small - maybe 10X10 feet max.

      I wiped my hand on my thigh and realized I was still wearing my nightgown. (I think I started to become aware) I looked up and saw in the corner of the room a being - the typical big headed, black eyes, grayish body - standing. Whether she, and I say she because I knew it was female, had always been there in my dream or materialized, I don't know. Anyways, I noticed she had blonde hair. And that triggered my awareness. I don't know why but it was like I had been slowly waking up after I showed up in this gray room thing.

      I stared at this creature and thought, quite deliberately, You're not supposed to have hair. Pale blonde hair covered her light bulb shaped head! It has to be a wig, I thought, again quite intentionally. She tilted her big head and then sent me this thought. It was THE coolest thing! I just got like a complete sentence dumped into my consciousness: She wore it to make me comfortable. Her slit of a mouth never moved I felt her intention and I also felt comforted. She seemed to smile but her mouth remained motionless.

      Oh my God! They're real! They exist! And a big grin spread across my face. Then, I felt her happiness. I felt that she was pleased with my reaction.

      I spoke aloud, Am I dreaming? And it was at this point that I knew I was 'awake' because I began to feel more and question things. But as if in response to my own question I got the answer, No, you're not dreaming. It kind of echoed in my head, you're not dreaming. That freaked me out. I began to look around and realized that the other lady was not with me. So, I asked the creature, where the other lady was. She told me it was not my concern. She was on her own tour and not to worry! Holy crap!

      My heart started racing at this point because I just felt awake and I felt and saw everything. It was too freakin' wacky! My knees got wobbly yet I know outwardly I remained calm.

      She asked me, in my head, which is kind of weird because I was already in my head , if I wanted my tour now? She motioned with her long, bony arms toward a door behind me. I turned around and a door slid silently into a wall - like the ones on star trek, except this one made no sound.

      Outside was a hallway that was also gray (what is it with gray and my dreams???) and had subdued lighting. I followed her down this hall and it turned slightly and opened up. The lighting here was strong and bright. It was a white light but again no actual light bulbs could be seen. AND the fact that I was checking for freakin' light bulbs bothered me. This new area felt like and reminded me of the center of a mall. It was like the center of the craft??? It was all white and lit. There were many light bulb head creatures roaming around. Some held see through clipboard type things but they weren't clip boards. It was like a see through computer screen or something. I don't know. Anyways, they didn't seem to notice me or mind me.

      In the back of this space, was a cylinder, clear glass or plastic. And I watched a few aliens go into it and then it shot straight up - like an elevator. There were tropical plants in front of the tube elevator. These creatures wore tunic type of clothes with pants. The colors they wore were pastels - no primary colors - yet.

      We moved on and followed the curved wall in the hall. It seemed to go around this central hub. And as we walked I got this feeling she had a surprise for me. She hoped I 'd like it. At the end of this hall was another large room. It had row after row of seats - orange seats with a metal frame. The whole area seemed like an airport waiting area to me. On the left side of the room were windows - it was black outside though so I couldn't see anything out these windows. But the weirdest thing was these chairs and what was on them.

      On every single chair, was a photograph. Each photo was of a different person - all humans. She kept on walking until she got about halfway back and then she stopped. I got this feeling that I might see my grandparents who had been dead for many years. She motioned with her long, twig-like arm for me to move into the aisle. I shuffled down the aisle like I was in a movie theater. And when I was halfway down that aisle she motioned for me to stop by holding up her long arm with four spindly fingers. I looked down at the chairs and there was this photograph of a man, Indian in nationality. He had dark hair and dark skin, dark eyes. He appeared to be in his forties, maybe or fifties. I don't know. And to the chair on my left was a woman with dark hair in a bun on top of her head, I think. She too was Indian. I stared at the photos and then looked back at this alien. She 'asked' me if I knew these people. I did not.

      No sooner did I have that thought that everything changed.

      She put up this mental wall so I couldn't feel her anymore. I don't know how else to explain it. But I felt cold and alone and frightened. I felt as if I'd made a wrong choice or said the wrong thing and everything spiraled out of control. From the back of this room came ten or more of these creatures. They surrounded me and pushed the chairs out of the way. They forced me to the ground with my right shoulder down (I think) and left shoulder was up. I saw one of these freaks had a syringe in its hand that contained an orange, syrupy solution. I began to yell and thrash telling her I was sorry that I could try again. But I had no sense that she was even there anymore. Then, they stuck me with this syringe and....of course...I woke up!!! FREAKIN' WEIRD...