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    1. Possibly Finding my Dream Guide (Lucid and Beginnings of Astral Projection)

      by , 02-26-2011 at 01:05 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      Last night before I went to sleep, I meditated for awhile, maybe half an hour. First, I meditated on my MILD mantra ("I will become lucid"), then, on peace of mind.

      I was in my family's driveway at dusk. Chris, an ex and one of my best friends, was there, and so was my dad. My mom may have been there too. My dad was videotaping me dancing and playing in the driveway.

      All the sudden, everyone is gone but me, and the garage doors are shut, with the left one being open just a teeny bit, enough room for one of the cats to get in under. I'm not sure how, but I got into the garage. I think I came through the back door, and then entered the garage.

      This scene was very, very vivid, more vivid than most of the dreams I've had lately. The garage seemed to be a bit bigger and spacier than usual, and Chris was in there, standing next to one of the cars. He was dressed in all white, his shirt being a long-sleeved white thermal shirt with a light blue design on the front, and I think he was wearing white cargo pants. I thought the scene was weird for some reason...and then I figured it out.

      Chris and I haven't talked in months. We don't even live anywhere near each other. This has to be a dream! I got excited, but not enough to wake me up. I started to talk to Chris. I was careful, however, not to just blurt out "This is a dream! I'm dreaming!", because that seems to dumbfound my DCs. Instead, I said something along the lines of
      "Chris! This is awesome. This is such a wonderful experience!", to which he replied, much to my surprise,
      "Yeah, it's a dream!", something to that effect.
      I was shocked that he knew it was a dream, but in a good way. How awesome! Then, I said
      "Let's fly!"
      I started to float upwards, but for some reason, I couldn't take off. Chris started to float too, and was surrounded by this bright, white-blue outline around his body.
      "Here, lift me up with you!", I said.
      He took my hand, and started to pull me upwards. I thought to myself "This must be my dream guide, maybe he's taking the form of Chris for some reason...". I've never had a DC help me with anything while lucid.

      Then, we went through the ceiling, and this very vivid music started to play. It sounded like the opening to a 1950's adventure film, with violins and such, like an orchestra. Also, everything was black, save for the most vivid hypnogogic imagery I've ever seen in my life. I was tunneling through vivid, colorful geometric shapes. Yellows, blues, greens, you name it. I felt like the dream must be over, but I didn't wake myself up. The whole time, I was still hearing the music, as vivid as can be. I also started to feel like I was laying on my family's bonus room couch for some reason.

      Then, as I concentrated, I started to feel my body in sleep paralysis. There was an intense buzzing sensation. I concentrated it to my head, and it came to my head in intense waves, making my ears buzz. I then started to sit up out of my body. I got this image of a girl's astral body sitting up out of her physical body, and a male voice commented on it, describing it as "the female astral body". I got too excited, and went back into my body, and woke up, thinking that I must have been asleep for hours, when really, it had only been about and hour to an hour and a half.


      I had a fragment about Ryan texting me, and calling me his fiance, but he was trying to be goofy and spelled it weird and spaced out the word (it was something like "fiz on ce"). I was very excited that he called me his fiance.


      I was at the coffee shop I used to work at before it went out of business. It had reopened, and the restaurant that had taken its place had gone out of business. Looking through their walk-in fridge, I found a lot of the food they had left behind. It was nothing that we served.

      I was then at the register with Kacey, and a lady with her young daughter ordered ice cream. Kacey got distracted by something, and I had to finish their order. I took big scoops of this very soft, delicious-looking ice cream and put it in a cone (maybe a cup?) for the little girl.

      Then, it was the coffee shop I currently work at, and I was trying to explain to some customers at their table that we didn't have what they wanted, because of the business that had been there before, and we only had their food at the moment. I told them "It's a long story." I think we actually ended up finding what they wanted.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 10:57 PM by 32059

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    2. Dream 6 - Play nice

      by , 02-26-2011 at 12:17 PM (Struggle for Lucidity)
      Dream 6 - Play nice (Non-lucid)


      I was walking home from school and I turned around and my friend was surprisingly angry. I'm not sure what he was angry at but he was swinging his bag around like a flail or some shit. I ignored it and kept walking through the trees and ended up in a heath which exists in real life. What I didn't notice about this heath is that there were a hell of a lot more trees all around it. The nerdy kids were all walking in a group and then one of them dropped the other to the ground. I turned around and my friend's step-brother ran at me and jumped like 3 meters in to the sky and the dream ended before he tackled/belly flopped me.

      I used 100mg b6 about an hour and 20 minutes before sleep (I couldn't sleep. I was supposed to sleep within 40 minutes.).

      (Also, this is the first dream published using the dream journal programs actual publish button.)
    3. Saturday 26/02/11 - 60th Lucid

      by , 02-26-2011 at 12:08 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got my beauty sleep last night, and even though I didn't try hardcore to recall or get lucid, I had a few dreams and a small lucid. Did some mantras before I fell asleep. I didn't have any goals in my mind, and I'm starting to see the importance of that. When I don't have anything to strive for in a lucid, I wake up.

      23.00: Sleep

      10.30: Working at the beach MILD
      I'm sitting on a bus on my way home. A drunk sits down next to me and starts talking about a beach. I recognise the name and realise he's talking about my work. "Yeah I worked on that beach, fixing it up" I say. Someone infront of me turns around and starts asking me questions. I answer them and they're all curious to what the next job is. I smile and is not sure if I can tell them. "Come on tell us!" another person says. I explain how I cleaned up two beaches, and all of a sudden, I'm there. I look around. Monica's with me and we're walking towards the water. It's warm and I notice how clean the bottom is. Further up where the water level is higher, I can see branches and all kinds of black mud on the bottom. Monica swims out and I start swimming under water. I can breathe.

      I turn lucid. I swim up to Monica and try to convince her this is a dream. "Try to breathe under water" I tell her. "I can't!" "Yes you can, just pinch your nose and breathe, you'll see" I say. I start jumping around on the bottom. The gravity is alot weaker, like on the moon and I jump from branch to branch. I start wondering if Monica would remember this when she woke up, that would amazing. We fool around for a few more seconds before she suddenly stiffens. She jerks two times before she disappears. "Oh, she woke up" I think.

      10.30: Math nightmare
      I'm in a newly constructed building with a friend of my sister. "Let's get up on the roof" I tell her. We start climbing stairs and after a while we reach the top. I see a dark room with the beginning of a stonebridge visible. I don't know why, but I feel like I have to go over it. I start walking on the bridge, but where the light ends, I don't dare to walk. I start crawling and hold my arms out to feel the edges. They're very close. "Shine a path for me with your flashlight" I tell the girl. "Okay" she replies but no light comes. I start to feel dizzy and it's very frightening.

      I wake up in math class. "Fuck me!" I yell out loud. It takes a while for me to realise that my teacher had somehow induced that dream. I was the only one who had it done to me though. A girl infront of me has the same headphones on as I do, and she's playing some songs from "Pulsedriver" very loud. "Alright I've taken a look at your tests" our teacher tells us and starts handing them out. When she comes to me I point out that I answered wrong right away. "Yes, but other than that you got a full score" she tells me. I start looking at the test. I spot several errors, and retarded questions I have no idea I didn't even get. "How do you masturbate?" Wtf? An old Turkish man comes up to me, a teacher aswell or something, and he starts talking to me. I don't really get what he's saying. I realise that I've got more than half the answers wrong on the test. I feel crappy as hell.

      10.30: Fragments
      *An old classmate of mine tells us how he achieved his dream. "I wanted to become a math scientist, and I succeeded". I can't believe he did it, he was an idiot.

      *Monica comes home, and I want to have sex with her.

      *I'm playing Warhammer Online and I'm in Undercity. I compare it to WoW, and it looks cooler. Some strange machine is on loop, and is cutting the heads off of characters.

      *I'm watching old photos of my mom and my uncle. They are swimming and my grandpa and grandma is in floating chairs. They are all scowling for some reason.

      10.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements: 2 x Omega-3, 200 ml applejuice

      That's it! Nothing special, but atleast something compared to my crappy week. Only had fragments all week. Oh well!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: swimming
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. vidya, swimming

      by , 02-26-2011 at 12:07 PM (Sehnsucht)
      I was playing a game with my brother again, this time it was something like Mario Party + Banjo Kazooie. Even in the dream I made this analysis. And we had some problems with some watergods, can remember that we had to watch out for poseidon and a female water god.

      I am doing some swimming contests, I manage to win, and then I get invited into a big room with a big and deep swimming pool, you can hardly see the bottom. I swim a bit in it, and notice that the water is dragging you down, but I get out somehow. I see a few people I know, and figure that there must be another entrance somewhere (damn you, absent logic!). I talk to them a bit, they ask if other people we know are still in the military.
    5. 24/2 night and 25/2 night

      by , 02-26-2011 at 08:32 AM
      No dream recall these past two nights 'cause I was on camp. Back to dreaming now. yay!
      side notes
    6. Reign of Fire

      by , 02-26-2011 at 08:28 AM

      The city is crowded and my friends in eye are walking in no particular direction. I look into the sky and notice a symbol I mistakenly recognize as a red superman symbol being projected by means of a spotlight. Upon pointing my finger to show my friends, I realize it is actually a goat's head in the shape of an inverted pentagram. My heart sinks. I recall there being some sort of prophecy of the night changing to day and the world ending. At that moment, I see I bright red ring in the distance. The night turns to day and I notice the ring is surrounding an Eiffel Tower-like building. It explodes and collapses.

      The entire city is in panic and everyone is running in different directions. My friends and I make off in the same direction until bombs start dropping. It is now a frantic effort to stay alive. I start leaping what feels like ten feet at a time, at one point being propelled by an explosion beneath my feet. Eventually, I make it to what I decide to be a safe location. A parking garage built underneath a large office building. I'm with a close friend of mine, Chris. We have a view of the large reddish nebula-like phenomenon, I think it to be some sort of portal, which has now taken the place of the Eiffel Tower-like structure.

      We're relieve and rest in this location, intently staring at the portal. I decide to call my parents and inform them of my dire situation, say my goodbye, and tell them I love them one last time. As I start to fiddle with my phone, a group of three red and black dragons emerge from the portal. Again, my heart sinks... To our horror, the dragon flies and lands right in front of us. We run for our lives up the stairs of the parking garage, being followed closely by the dragon. We get to an upper level, where we split ways and run to different stair exits in an attempt to shake the dragon. I jump down each flight of stairs as quickly as possible. The dragon is coming after me. Once I'm at the lowest level, I sprint to the elevator and smash the close door button until it finally closes. Just in time! I can feel the dragon blowing fire up the elevator shaft, heating up the elevator I'm now trapped in.

      Right before it's almost too hot to bear, the elevator stops right before the floor I'd intended to get off at. I press the open door upon and see that I've stopped a few feet too short and pull myself up the rest of the way and climb out. I'm now in an large, open office-like room with a surprisingly amount of calm, collective people. I observe my surroundings for a few minutes until my comrade emerges the elevator shaft. I'm surprised, but ecstatic to see him. We feel as though we've escaped the dragon for the time being, but that he'll be back. I take this time to try to send a text message to my parents, but I cannot get it to work no matter how hard I try. It's extremely disheartening.

      My friend and I decide it would be a safe time to go explore our area. We exit the building to our left and enter a park filled with benches and trees. We wander for quite some time and meet up with another friend of ours, Chris C., until we notice a dragon emerging from the portal once again. We make a run for the building we came from to shelter ourselves and hopefully not stick out as targets.

      I notice a few men investigating the elevator shaft I came out of, which now resembles my car's trunk. It has all the things I'd normally have in my trunk: some tools, a skateboard, a deflated volleyball, and a case full of Magic: The Gathering cards (which wouldn't normally be there). The men want to by them, but I tell them to wait for my friend, who they belong to, and to come back later. They argue they aren't well enough protect as the box they're in cannot lock, but I show them I can shut the trunk and lock the doors to my car. Problem solved.

      At this point the dragon has arrived again and I still haven't sent my text message, although I've been trying this entire time. We all run out in the direction of the park. We leap in different directions in an attempt to avoid the dragon and the flames its spewing. I realize now, that instead of killing people, the fire transforms people into non-aggressive goblin looking creatures. Instead of attacking, they merely point my direction and inform the dragon of my position if I try to hide. The dragon gets both of my friends, and I'm dismayed to be on my own. I keep going however, and reach a neighborhood where I hide behind a circle of fences which are surrounded by trees. A goblin gives away my position and the dragon finds me. I wake up.

    7. weird dreams

      by , 02-26-2011 at 06:48 AM
      2 nights ago:
      i was watching a new show on comedy central. it was hosted by those 2 guys from Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. and there was a third host who was the guy with glasses from The League. the show started with the first 2 guys in the middle of the street talking. then instead of me watching them on the tv, i am where the camera would be. the hosts talk about going to some place so i walk away to get into my car. as i start driving, cars start hitting each other like its a race or demolition derby. i hit a car but kept going to the place the hosts were talking about. we get there and we enter a gym that is set up to be a dance. the 2 hosts join up with the 3rd host and crash the dance and start saying stuff in the microphone. i found it hilarious. then i woke up(false awakening) thinking how odd it was that my dream could be so funny. i woke up lying on a couch in my bedroom where my computer should be. i go back to bed(in my dream) and then i wake up(for real).

      the next night:

      im a soldier, walking with my squad. the hallways we were walking in looked like the halls from starwars(black, sleek tiles with white light strips on the walls). we walk into a dead end. my squad just kinda dissapears. i see other soldiers, they are polish or something. there were a lot of them and they were allies so i felt safe. then the german army came. i found an open door and hid behind it, but peeked to see what was happening. they were all wearing black armor and helmets that looked like darth vader's helmet. they killed all the polish soldiers. then i saw a really tall and muscular soldier, kinda like the juggernaut from xmen(live action movie not cartoons), but in black. i closed the door and ran away. i found a room with all my friends in it. i explained to them that the german army killed all the polish soldiers and they strangly looked like darth vader impersonators. they all just laughed a little and didnt take it seriously. then i woke up.

      same night:

      starts with my playing basketball with some guy. he didnt wear a shirt and was muscular, looked pretty douchey as well. after playing for a while he asks if i wanna go look for some girls to hit on. i agree and we walk down the street. we go to a park and see 2 moderately attractive girls. the douchey guy im with talks to one of them as i stand next to him but she says she has to leave to meet some other guys. then he starts talking to the other girl, but she isnt interested. then the douchey guy starts gropping her trying to have sex. he gets very physical so i push him off her and she starts to run away. he gets pissed off and tries chasing her. i end up tackling him and she runs away. he calms down and i stand up and try to catch my breath. out of no where i see 2-3 sailormoon girls floating down the street saying something(dont know what) and i remember being very confused. i turn around and see that the girl that ran away came back becuz she wanted to have sex with the same guy that i pulled off of her. that made me more confused and then i woke up.

      Ive been getting some really weird dreams lately.
      i dont get false awakenings that often
      its been about 6 days since smoking a fairly large amount of pot(for my age and size).
      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Half a Dog

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:34 AM
      February 20, 2011

      I walk into an area that has a lot of shelves with all kinds of stuff on them. I pick up a fake plastic tree that’s standing in the way and put it on a table and realize that I just knocked off the top half of the tree. I look around to see if it is laying somewhere and see a lot of other stuff. I look back at the tree only to see it is a dog now but this makes sense to me because it is half, like the tree. I feel really sorry for this half dog and can see inside his halved intestines and think about if the other half will still connect and if he will be OK. Then there is a girl there and she is upset at the dog being halved. She yells “this is all your fault!” Me: “He’ll be ok don’t worry so much.” “you don’t understand he’s just a DOG!” Me: “We’ll get his parts and he’ll be ok!” I then take the half body outside and put it down gently. I go back inside but no one is in there now, there was a guy around too but he didn’t say anything. I went outside again confused and the dog was walking around! He only had 3 legs but at least he was improving!

      I see some similarities to other dreams I have been having. “be ok don’t worry so much” were the words from another dream a few days ago. I will heed my subconscious’ warning and not worry so much.

      Edit: 2/25/2011
      I walked inside a building the other day I heard a girl yell "It'll be OK don't worry so much" to her friend. I was shocked by this and hurriedly walked around a corner and did a RC! I have been hearing this statement so much lately, dreams and waking life.
      Tags: dog
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. iPad 2.0 and some other strange things.

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:26 AM
      08/02/2011 -
      I woke up with a headache this morning plus it was raining so I didn't feel like getting up.
      I Entered a dream, I was walking with someone we went to the door of an apartment and he started banging and ringing the bell, yelling for the person to come out. There was a little girl inside she yelled out “I'm not coming out, my Dad will be home soon you better watch out.”. He keept on banging and yelling, I didn't want to stay around so I continued to walk up the path there was a door I opened it and went inside.
      The building was really strange inside hallways and rooms everywhere. I entered one room there was a group of girls sitting on a half circle lounge in the middle of the room face a guy using a computer. I sat in the middle of the girls the girl closest to me turned into a guy. I yelled at the guy using the computer , “I'm going to kill you' or something like that, I think I was a Russian gangster or something. I got up and throw him into the wall and walked out.
      I opened the door directly opposite, it was like a broom closet with a door on each side the left hand side suddenly started sliding back. So I walked down the newly formed hallway, I remember thinking something about korean houses. As I walked around the corner I was in a bedroom, there was another door on the other side of the room. I couldn't open the door and woke up.

      Woke up in a bed that I had a touch pad in my hand I decided to play with it to keep me in the dream. I tried to sit up but couldn't for some reason.. I tried again and stood up.
      I started second guessing whether I was in a dream or not I steeped outside my room and sore that there was a cabinet in the middle of the room so I knew that it was a dream – strangely I didn't notice it wasn't even my house – I started playing with the touch pad again you could push it in to become smaller and pull it to become larger. I decided I was going to ask 'them' how to make it. So I whent outside still pushing and pulling the touch pad into different shapes. I ended up breaking it because I pushed it so small I couldn't pull it bigger again. So I threw it on the ground. I started walking up the side of the house towards the street. My foot steeps where so loud and exaggerated. I got to the street and lookout we were on a hill and they were building a massive high way down the bottom of the hill. I jumped up and started flying down towards the construction work, every time I blinked things changed and moved around, so I decided to just land. There were some animals in the dirt I thought they were cows or something. When I landed it turns out there were giant – well I guess cows is the best way to describe them – they were staring at me chewing, I was afraid of them. I pulled some gum out of my mouth and threw it at one. It caught it in its mouth and looked angry so I run, it spat a big ball of grass at me and it hit me in the head and I woke up.
      Tags: ailens, cow, hallways
    10. Purse Throwing Contest & Paris

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:22 AM

      Feb 25, 2011

      Dream 1: Paris

      I am riding my bicycle in the area I lived as a kid. It was a boring ride and I thought how I could be doing other things. I saw a vision of being in a part of France. I thought this at least looked promising and chose it and then was there. Me and some DC friends walked around. I walked away from them up to a theater looking place and a guy came out and told me how we could walk around and my friend could be safe. A force-field could be extended from the theater and balled around my friend but he couldn’t go too far like that. The guy was waiting for me to answer him so I looked off in the distance to my right before answering only to look back and see that he had vanished. I realized he was a DC and taking your attention from them they vanish; no prob. I ran off to my buddies who were still there. They were by a wide river like the Seine of Paris looking around and a couple were looking at a map or something. In the distance over some buildings I saw a tower and a little something that looked like the Eiffel tower but a lot shorter.
      We looked around and found a sandwich shop. You made sandwiches yourself like a salad bar. I made an egg omelet sandwich [hey this is actually a great idea]. The guy behind me was a local and was going crazy with all the different condiments he was putting on his huge submarine-like sandwich. He showed me all the things and ways to put is all on a “fixin” like this.

      The dream ended but I refused to wake up and…

      Dream 2: Purse Throwing Contest

      I was in a Caribbean country and the locals were betting on the hotly contested local favorite pocketbook throwing contest! I saw a tall skinny guy throw a purse at this big white painted board and then go pick it up, he had just finished the round. Then they all set their bets again and the pocketbooks started to be thrown one at a time, each guy trying to hit this big white painted piece of plywood with black numbers painted on the top from 100 to 170. The numbers were out of order making the game harder. The guy I was watching threw a big pocketbook that was white with yellow, red, and green floral patterns on it, it looked so out of place in his hands. He hit 120 which was right next to the 170 and he and his supporters all went “OH!” and he slumped down with a smile disappointed, while his opponents and their supporters laughed.

    11. I should 'Make diry off the land" ?

      by , 02-26-2011 at 05:16 AM
      8 – January
      Woke up at 6:30 didn't need to wake up till 8 and am still felling very tired and stressed about work, so I decided to WILD for some fun. Inspired by a new technique I read about I try it out.
      Unfortunately I didn't write them down because I overslept and had to go to work now I only remember fragments.
      I awoke in my childhood bed, at the time I didn't notice. Strange feeling like my head is sinking so I continue to 'push' it through the bed eventually I sink through and enter a dream.
      I am in my childhood bedroom I go to walk out the door but the dream starts to fade so I turn around, it comes back very vivid now. My brothers room next to mine is full of boxes. I move my vision from one to the other quickly hoping I become anchored in the dream.
      I begin walking around the house:
      – a table is fallen over I tried to move it with my mind, the table didn't move but the leg broke off and I was able to move it around.
      – I try some more TK

      The house was empty so I consider trying to summon people I start losing the dream. I decide to play more with the TK instead. I start losing the dream again so I stop. Once the dream stabilised again I try again, this time it works much better. I found out that concentrating on the object itself makes me lose the dream, but just having a thought that the object should move, then it does. Maybe there is truth to thoughts being real..

      I wake up from my childhood bed again, I walk out and my brother tells me I am dreaming. I think cool my DC helped me and I actually listened. I remember I wanted to ask my Dcs how to make an independent income. He tells me in a really country redneck voice, “you should make dairy off the land”. I am excited and happy I had two Lds. I get side tracked and decide to look for girls, this is always a downfall as I nearly always lose the dream when I do this. And sure enough I find a beautiful girl start talking to her and lose the dream. My alarm goes off so I have to get up now.
      Tags: telekineses
      lucid , dream fragment
    12. my faerie senses are tingling

      by , 02-26-2011 at 03:52 AM (Wandering in Dream Debris.)
      In my first dream I find myself floating around in 3rd person. I begin to notice that I'm at an old home I lived in except it had been taken back by nature.

      I'm amazed by the tree vines and roots that have consumed the walls. There was this mystical sense with little particles floating in the air and a few rays of sunlight peering from holes that were now in the roof. I focused on the particles and to my surprise some of them were floating in very peculiar ways, so I zoomed in closer and I noticed they were actually faeries. Very happy little guys, floating around, glowing, and minding their own business. Some were attending flowers and removing pollen and sap, it was really cute. Then I noticed one in particular speaking to another one, this is when I took over the body of the 2nd faerie.

      He began to talk to me and was telling me that if you listen closely, you could pick up human conversations, it was like a magickal sense that the faeries had the ability to do, anywhere they were. I listened intently and picked up the cry of a little boy being physically abused by his drunken father. I pleaded to my faerie friend that we must go and help him, but he told me we weren't allowed to interact with human affairs. I found it ridiculous so I flew away. There was a slight sense of lucidity, not that I knew I was dreaming, but I had a very good sense of control that felt different from normal dreams. I zoomed around till I found the source of the noise I had picked up and my faerie friend followed after me. We saw the father yelling at the boy but it wasn't anything I could understand. I tackled at the window over and over till the man looked at me with total shock. I notice I had a very bright aura coming out from my wings. He dropped his bottle and yelled something in an angry rage, but he backed off and stormed out of the room.

      The boy looked at us from the window and had tears rolling down his face. My faerie friend proceeded to do some faerie magick and was shooting small fireworks and bursts of light for the boy, who was very pleased. I noticed it had been raining and could see reflections of the lights in the raindrops sliding down the window. The boy smiled and there was this great sense of peace and serenity in the air, a feeling I've felt before in dreams, it was very nice. He waved at us and somehow I had the sense he knew we were leaving, everything faded to black and I woke up.

      Updated 02-26-2011 at 07:01 AM by 37090

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. The Apology Song!

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:51 AM
      I was in a cafe with bear (our campus cop, cool dude), and we were walking around making rounds and chatting, as this was his second job, and it was to patrol this HUGE cafe to make sure everyone was being good. All of a sudden people started singing and 4 girls really stood out, so I got them together and made them into a band. I went home, and my friends were there. For some reason, my friends were there and they attacked me, I threw one through a wall and the other was more persistent, when I didn't want to kill him. I ended up snapping his neck. I gathered two of my pillows and went back to the cafe (Wtf?), and went to a table where people were talking about 80's amps, and how newer amps didn't have this buzzing sound. I told them all I had a buzzing amp No one really saw my pillow, which I was sitting on. Then this kid (We'll call him moody) stood up and started singing to me, and it was an apology song. Another friend, named Michael, came up and tried singing, but he kept getting interrupted by moody, who was doing a different song for a different reason. Then all of a sudden moody became a girl, and by this time everyone was staring and thinking "aww" while I was laughing my ass off. She wanted me to stand up, and asked my spanish teacher to hold my hand.

      So yeah. Drugs are bad.
    14. Snow Tube Wash

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:47 AM
      I leave from my grandma's house with my mom. We're with Marcus and Elana. Soon we're in an a snowtube wash and I'm putting my snow tube on the conveyer belt and somehow I'm still on it. I end up in the tunnel and get sprayed with high pressure water. I'm screaming so they take me off of the tube and I soon realize that I was supposed to ride the tube. Then Jamie appears and she is sitting by the side so I join her. After I talked to her I walked away. Soon a mob of parents are yelling at me saying I let their kids listen to inappropriate songs. This doesn't make sense because I felt like I showed a Beyonce song. I was very offended
    15. Drowning Mom's Dog

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:25 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 2/25/2011 (afternoon nap - first recall in 2 days)
      Type: Ordinary/Anxiety - Non Lucid

      I was suddenly in a living room my mom and step dad. I remember my step dad saying something about my mom's dog, Buddy, and then pausing for a bit. A few moments later he stood up and walked over towards my mom and opened a box next to her, and I heard rustling around and a jingle of metal/aluminum. Then Buddy popped up out the top of the box, I was calling out his name and was very excited to see him (because I absolutely love dogs and had to leave my 2 back home). So I was sitting in a chair and Buddy was then up next to me in the chair curled up along my left side sleeping, and somehow was covered in like a cloth or blanket. I remember watching tv, but somehow interacting with whatever was on (it was vivid in my dream, but I cannot recall), I think at some point my step dad was changing channels and I may have been changing them back.

      Then the setting changed, I was in some kitchen with a very dim light. I don't remember how, but I filled some container up with water that was on the counter. I turned away and I think I was looking for Buddy. All of a sudden I couldn't find him and thought "oh shit!", I had accidentally dumped him in the water pitcher! I could see him still wrapped in the little thin cloth lying on the bottom of the filled water pitcher! I instantly pulled the top off of it, shoved my had in and pulled him out. I unwrapped the cloth, at this point he was palm sized, so abnormally small, not because of the water, but in the dream it was natural. (I felt like his size was possibly a sign of delicacy.) So I started trying to get the water out of his lungs by patting his back sternly, and some was coming up/out. Then there was this strange like 2 or 3 piece machine in the kitchen that he would fit on that would somehow xray him to show water spots in the lungs, but I couldn't find a piece to it, I was searching frantically. At the same time Buddy (still micro size) was up, alive, walking around on the floor, soaked, but alive. I remember seeing him walk around but still feeling worried about him. So I took hold of him and for some reason stuck my pinkie in his mouth to trigger gag reflex to force up excess water. (But this makes no sense because there is no danger if water is in the stomach, only the lungs.)

      Objective Context:
      Today is my birthday and my step dad (who creeps me out and I have not had contact with for over a year, by choice) texted me and called. My mom sent me a text. I am an EMT basic, so life skills and sustaining life are ingrained into me, but a dumb attempt like that makes no sense to me.

      Excitement, contentment, neutral, fear, panic, sadness, worry and guilt