• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. It Never Works For Me!

      by , 03-20-2012 at 12:06 AM
      Oh, wow... I really wish I remembered all the details of the non-lucid part of this dream. I can only remember the part when I was with this boy and his grandfather in Egypt, and we kind of broke into one of the tombs. I can't remember anything else. T_T

      Then, I "woke" up on my uncle's couch and glanced at the television.
      "Hey, wait...I never fall asleep at my uncle's!"
      After deciding to do an RC for once, I walked up to the television and tried putting my hand through it, then my fingers through my hand. Didn't work.
      "See? This is why I almost never reality check."
      I refused to believe I was awake.
      Sadly, I woke up for real after that.
    2. False Awakening, Wolf Shift, Running, Lucid

      by , 03-19-2012 at 11:46 PM
      This means normal dream
      This means lucid dream
      This means I'm loosing my lucidity
      This means non-dream notes


      One non-lucid dreamlet that I can not recall.

      It started as a false awakening from the no-recall dreamlet. I swear to God it felt like just any other time I wake up at night, i had no susspisions that it could be a dream. But, I decided that would do a few RCs. I did a finger-through-hand RC under my covers, which was a mistake, and it 'checked out'. But, I remembered that nose-plug is the most reliable RC, so I did one. I thought that I had done it wrong, because I could breath. So, I reajusted my fingers and tried again... I could breathe! It was a dream and I was lucid as all get-go! Let me tell you, I was happy. Very happy. To double check I watched myself take my finger and push it through my hand, a successful finger-through-hand RC, which I had never done.

      I got out of bed and went to the steps to walk to the ground level of my house where the dream was taking place. The dream was fuzzy and unclear, but the more I walked the better it became. Half-way down I was confronted by a middle-aged black man whom I felt was of some relation to my mother. It shocked me for a second, but I remembered it was a dream and that as far as the NPCs were concerned I was meant to be in bed asleep. "I forgot to wash my gym clothes." I told the man, as excuse to why I was up. This was true in real life, so it felt like the best excuse.

      The man accepted this wordlessly and left me alone. I continued to descend into the dining room and cross into the living room so I could leave through the front door. I really didn't want to command a location change, so just going into my yard to do some practice stunts felt logical. I went outside and saw two NPC men in a car buzzing by my house. The driver stared at me, dumbfounded, almost as if he knew I was lucid and that it was a big deal, then sped off like a criminal from a crime scene. I shrugged it off. NPCs and their crazy antics, and all.

      I crept to the side of my house that faces the back yard of two other homes, trying to think of what to try and do that would have a minimum risk of breaking the dream. Last time I lucid dreamed had tried to fly from a running start and only managed to get three inhuman jumps in before face-planting and bursting the dream. I ended up settling on shapeshifting into a wolf, something I love to do in nonlucid dreams that I figured would be even better with lucid control.

      I got onto my hands and knees, in the wet grass and the dark night, and thought "I will be a wolf now." It was only semi successful, in the fact that I was now slowly and unnoticeable trading myself for my wolf self, a still disappointing result. I suddenly felt so bare, so watched by the closeness of the houses around me, I couldn't even focus on trying to fully shift again. I control was slipping away, though I was ignorant to that fact at the time. I was becoming more instinctual and less logical from both lack of dream control and my slow, seeping transformation.

      I crawled to the back of my house between the heater and the shed, the only spot in the entire yard with three walls of privacy. Settled, and more sheltered, I tried to fully shift again and as I did
      I saw a flash. I was losing my lucidity, but my curiosity took over and I forgot to try and regain it as I scanned the area for the flash's source. Another flash. Another. And yet another. They were blinding.

      I located the source of them quite quickly; a motion sensor, still mounted camera pointed at me. I was not sure how wolf I was, or how clothed I was for that matter, but, I did not want it on film! I grabbed the camera, ludidity and logic gone, and began gnawing on the lens to no avail. I threw the camera on the ground, smashing it over and over. I ripped the roll of loose film from the camera's smashed hull and looked around as the people in the houses stirred to life. Film in hand (claw?) I started to run away in a fluid four-legged lope, scared of being caught.

      I was full wolf now, and had lost my grasp on the film, leaving it behind. It didn't matter. They were after me.

      I felt so fast, but never nearly fast enough. I hid under the portable classrooms in the school yard, every time I saw a pair of feet passing by my hiding spot I would bolt from under and be running again. Somewhere along the lines I switched from wolf to cougar. Some older man, I could almost smell the faulty small-town political status on him, was having some people push together two stone slabs together in front of the school. A place to put my body after he killed me, he boasted.

      I grew panickier, and raced into a basketball court full of students. I felt as if I knew one of the boys there, and he seemed to know me too. Still, in this form it failed to matter. I lept over the chain-link fences, using my hind legs to springboard from the top. The boy pursued me as I raced into the woods, a wolf again.

      Free. Not free enough. I ran through the forest, past a van full of more people I thought I knew and that knew me too. I felt my humanism tugging at my wolf skin, ripping it away. I dove into a ditch, claw hands pulling a thatched mat over me. I was safe, warm, human. And stark naked.

      There was a scrap of paper, covered in doodles, in the ditch that I clutched to myself. I was human now and I was safe in my thatch. That was all the mattered.
    3. 03/18/12 Super Strength WILD

      by , 03-19-2012 at 11:37 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD32 as of 02-17-12, Four failed WILDs before this one. I reach SP and this time as I try to feel a dream body I can feel myself move. I do a stabilization blind. I can only see HIs but I manage to solidify a great dream body. I just start walking through the swirling colors. I screw around doing all sorts of motions like dancing around and running. I finally come to a formed scene. It is like a English village where you may see Little Bo Peep. I spider climb up a lerge stone chimney.
      What had I planned on doing? I remember the challenge thread on Dream Views, probably something to do with that. I am tripping out on the tectures of the stones of the chimney. The are moving and changing. One stone comes off in my hand. Super Strength, that was one of the things I was going to do. I started tearing large stones out of the chimney. I pulled the whole front off the chimney. I climbed on top of the building. There was construction stuff around, so I saw a box of stone tiles and lifted it easily with one hand. I lifted it high with just finger strength and then casually threw it way out into the village. Not good enough; I looked for anything heavier. A pallet full of bricks or tiles was there. I picked it up withone hand and flung it off the roof.
      I went too long without stablizing, and something woke me up. Dur~8 minutes
    4. Fragments

      by , 03-19-2012 at 09:56 PM
      Hmmm... where did these ones start x.x....

      I don't think i can do any kind of order so...

      One dream I was watching a sea-flying bird, it seemed to be looking for some fish to eat in these large crevices where the ocean met the cliffs. As me, and a group of people nearby watched, the bird seemed to have messed up, because it seemed to have gotten stuck when a wave banged up against the side wall, it floundered under the water. After a few moments, it got out of the water, flew up the side and stood on top of the rock seemingly gathering itself.

      There was a battle on top of one of the high-rises, with guns n such. There seemed to be 3 buildings, of which they came from 2, I pretty much guared the top of mine..... was pretty much a slaughter of them. I remember at the end I was standing at the top I heard a voice of the maynd from the show i'd been watching, apparently she was taking some creatures and moving them somehwere they were allowed to be.

      I recall running through rooms as a large.... oversized boar shaped creature.... that had head shapped like an aligator in terms of long jawed, snapping at me and a few people ahead of me as we ran from it. I recalled having gone through it..... so I stopped and decided to see what it would look like if it ate me..... it was very "dead space" ish if you know what I mean. I remember thinking how funny it was that it couldn't eat my ass fast enough.

      I'm pretty sure I recall the parking structure again.... I'm starting to wonder if i should just use my locations as entry-ways... the structure has tons of cars..... yay i just remembered another bit of my dream

      I recall stealing one of what seemed to be a pair of mean cars.... and randomly its owner caught up to me. I remember he asked me about it so I was like "let me show you how its not yours" i went to to the other side of the vehicle, and grabbed a spray can i had down there, and turn around to blast him in the eyes with it XD.... to which I remember talking to another dc about how.... i'd trapped him inside of the can as opposed to just spraying him with it lol.
    5. Old Friends/Aussies

      by , 03-19-2012 at 08:06 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Awake Non-lucid Semi-lucid Lucid


      I went to bed at 9:30 (early I know, but I'm sick and had nothing better to do) having read The Final Empire for an hour. I had set my alarm for 3:30, however I couldn't sleep again for the second night in a row. After two hours of tossing and turning I read again and fell asleep shortly after that. I woke at 7:15, but went back to bed half an hour later. I woke up at hourly periods after that, up until 11.


      Old Friends

      I am in the shelter at school. It's a gorgeous, sunny day which I'm taking full advantage of, until the Rector strides over. He stops at the floor to ceiling glass wall which shows a staircase, and several sleeping girls beneath it. I gasp as he pushes in a glass pane, which swings open, and expect the whole thing to come down, which it doesn't. The girls slowly awaken, groaning and stretching, lifting their heads from their schools bags which they'd used as pillows. I recognise one as my old friend Sarah. She snaps at the Rector - which is quite unlike her - and he leaves.

      I notice that Sarah doesn't look herself; she has light blonde hair instead of it's usual bright red and pairs this with a pair of dark, smokey eyes and an air of confidence she doesn't usually possess. She jumps up, grabs her bag and rushes out with a "bye guys!"

      I turn my head to find I'm sitting on the ground in a circle with a group of friends. "Is it just me, or is something different about her?" I ask. They nod in agreement.


      F opens the door to the Asda freezer and peers inside. "What's in there?" I ask. He smirks, as if it should be obvious. He grabs a bag of frozen vegetables and waves them in my face before putting them back and slamming the door. I wander off to the end of the store, where there's a line of vending machines. As I think about what sugar filled, carbonated drink I want, it unexpectedly churns out a dark bottle of Vimto. Ew, I hate Vimto. I pick it up gingerly, placing it on the nearest counter.

      As I feared, a shop assistant rushes up to me and demands to know whether or not I paid for it. I explain that it just dropped out F shouts over to me that he wants a Coke Zero. Well he can get it him bloody self.

      I remember that my dad had sent me to to supposedly buy a car. That's strange, a car? I'm not even old enough to drive yet... But I find a till and ask to see their cars. I feel quite stupid considering Asda don't even sell cars, but the man surprises me by leading the way out. I recognise a girl following us that I knew from primary school, she notices me and smiles, telling me she wants to buy a Ford.

      Out in the car park, I glance around awkwardly for a small, cheap one. It's not exactly hard since they all look rather old and run-down.

      Under the shelter of the walkway, I notice Andrea waving her arms wildly and beckoning me over. She points to a large group of boys in sunglasses and beach shorts. What..? One of the boys turns round and grins at me. I recognise him as Alex
      (Dark_Merlin) . I run and jump on him, giving him a tight hug, excited to see him. He's taller than what I expected. "What are you doing here!?"

      He says something I don't quite catch. He's brought a lot of friends with him and they're all talking at once. God, was his accent always that strong? "I can't make out what you're saying..." I tell him, frowning in frustration. One of his friends announce that they want to go to Starbucks, so we set off walking.
      I find it difficult to believe that they're here on holiday, and the confusion makes me faintly believe that it's a dream, although it doesn't register. I babble nonsense to Alex, and start to feel like I'm annoying everyone with my constant stream of chatter.

      It's very, very hot and I try to fan myself in order to cool down. An Australian girl with dark hair and really badly applied purple eyeshadow rolls her eyes at me. What a charmer.

      We stop outside what I thought to be a holiday inn but is now a cafe. I stare at it for a few moments in shock. "I did not know this was here. Since when was this here?" I splutter to Andrea, who sits on the grassy bank and is looking really rather tanned. I sit beside her, and a blonde boy from the group joins us. He and Andrea already appear to be acquainted.

      "How many boys have you...?" He winks. What, sex with? A blunt question.

      "None." I reply, rolling my head back to face the warmth of the sun.

      "No," he chuckles. "Liked."

      "Ah... now that's a different story." I say, smiling faintly at the boys. Andrea giggles beside me. But I'm so hot it's getting to the point where sweat's starting to run down my face, so I decide to head home for a change of clothing.

      The Australian girl smirks and says "what, can't handle a bit of heat? You're so full of yourself. I bet you're going home to slap on some makeup so you can get in someones pants."

      Who the hell is this girl? Didn't she hear what I just said? Alex has some pretty bitchy friends, it seems.

      "No, I'm going home to change because I feel like I'm melting. You might be used to this heat, but I'm from Scotland, remember? It isn't usually like this. I'll run home, and won't be long."

      Alex nods at this, seemingly amused by our little spat. The girl sulks and crosses her arms.

      I run home, faster than what's possible. When I get home I find it's night, which confuses me. I open the blinds in my bedroom to see next door's having a party, fireworks and BBQ included.

      Night time? I bet they didn't even wait on me! I look at my phone to see a couple of missed calls from Alex. Since when did he have my number? I run outside, planning on running back to Starbucks. I get to the park nearest to my house and see a ghostly woman in a floaty, shapeless white dress floating in the air, a shocked expression on her face.

      I sigh. Another distraction, Alex must be getting really pissed off with me. "I know this is a dream, but this is ridiculous." I tell the ghost woman.

      I pause, thinking about what I just said. A dream... A dream! Of course I'm dreaming! I feel like face-palming over how long it took me to realise. I should have known as soon as I saw Alex in the Asda car park.

      I stick my finger through my palm and cheer in excitement. It's been ages since I've had a lucid dream. I rub my hands together, but it doesn't do much. I run to the nearest tree - amber coloured leaves like in autumn - and try to see as many details as possible. They start swooping in and out, as if the world is tilting, so I can't get a good look at them.

      Alex appears from behind a tree and comes over. I'm about to speak to him, but I wake up.

      Tonight I plan on reading until I feel really tired (reading in bed usually puts me straight to sleep) and then set my alarm that way, so I can do a proper MILD tonight. I figured it's time to start LDing again

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 08:55 PM by 33736

    6. Random Dreams and Strange Chanting

      by , 03-19-2012 at 08:02 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      I had several random dreams last night / this morning and they weren't very interesting. However, as I awoke from the last dream this morning, I heard the strangest sounds.... Like a low, mumbling chant of sorts. I thought that was kinda cool, lol.
    7. Ophelia the Pirate and St. Michael

      by , 03-19-2012 at 07:39 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Woohoo, broke my dry spell!! Well, sorta. They were brief, mini-lucids. But I credit lower stress and better sleep to my new health regimen. As usual, it was after 7am when I got Chris back to school, and I went back to sleep to try to DEILD. The supplements were making me a little to awake, so I wasn't sure if I could get back to sleep but I finally did.

      Three times in a row I went to sleep and never lost awareness. They weren't even DEILDs this time, just a bunch of mini-WILDS. After a loong WBTB (sorry for all the acronyms, I've been studying ). So each time, I opened my eyes in bed, and realized immediately I was lucid. So I hopped out of bed, and went immediately to the bedroom door to begin my journey. But I felt sooo sluggish. I couldn't even open one of my eyes. Before I could even get to the door, my lucidity faded back to awakeness. Really smooth transitions though. It happened 2 more times, and each time I tried to get to the door faster, push through the sluggishness harder, but same ending. I realized well after I woke up, that I should have done the opposite: relaxed, look at my hands, slowly go to the mirror. Oh yeah, in one of them I looked in the mirror on our dresser, but it was too dark to see my face. Oh well, I'm happy nevertheless. I had some FAs too, where I though my cell was vibrating, and I kept checking the time.

      Anyway, in the non-lucid, it was present day, but we all lived with my parents, along with my childhood best friend's older brother, Michael. Only he was still a teenager. He was living with us because (just like IRL), he was getting into alot of trouble. Even been in jail. The weird thing though, oh yeah, besides the fact that I was pregnant again and due any minute, was the fact that the last time Michael had gone to jail, some kid karate chopped a thick nerve on the back of his neck. You could actually see it (looked more like a tendon), broken under the skin. This severed nerve caused a phobia of the dark for him. Long story short, my mom and Danny's kids took Michael to the hospital to get the nerve fixed, while my step-dad and Chris stayed to take me to the hospital in case I went into labor. The last part of the dream was me fighting with my son, Chris. I was calling him over to tell him thank you for deciding to be one of the ones to stay with me. But he was being a tool. He finally walked over to me, but I gave him the hand. "No no, nevermind. I was just going to thank you for staying." "But mom.." "NEVERMIND." "Waaah."

      The End.
    8. Fragments And Sensing Energy

      by , 03-19-2012 at 07:20 PM
      Dream Fragment - I was at a Target-like store with D and my European History AP teacher from high school, and we were locked in some battle over who would get some random girl DC as their wife, "based on some doubles/singles Ed, Edd n Eddy setup", I have no idea what that last note means. Don't remember much else, it was pretty weird....

      Dream Fragment - This one there was definitely more to, but I didn't wake up all the way from it and it was hazy even when I did, so it's pretty much lost. But what I do remember is that the whole time there was a very emotional feel to it, and I spent a lot of the dream talking to a girl, in whom I could clearly sense Linkzelda41's energy.

      Dream Fragment - "Hanging out with M and N, shopping on ecstasy and sort of freaking out."

      False Awakening - I woke up and walked to the window and looked outside and was super excited to see the ground covered in snow. Somehow, I had a feeling it would be, too, even though the weather in waking life is nothing like that.
    9. 3-19-12, Finally a night I don't feel like I'm struggling to remember

      by , 03-19-2012 at 06:48 PM
      Of course I have fragments that I can barely remember about the dreams, but I actually had a lot of dreams and can remember two in really good detail... and one of them I was Lucid for the second time! It wasn't impressive because I was significantly less confident this time around, lol.

      Dream One (Fragment): I was fighting, with a sword, I think practice fighting though, not a serious battle. I'm pretty sure that sword was a Zanpakuto, and my opponent was Ichigo, lol. Don't remember anything specific about the fight though.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I was on a road trip with my grandma. We were talking, and I could see the mountains out the car windows.

      Dream Three: My mother in law had a little pet pot belly pig. We wanted to take a nap, but we had to put the pig in a cage or something first so that it wouldn't get hurt or make a mess while we all slept. We put it in a plastic tote, and my MIL said it needed water. So we started to water it, but end up filling the whole tote with water and it's little snout just barely extended over the water if it raised it's head. We freaked out and drained the water out, and put in a little dish of water instead. When the pig had water and was contained, I was ready for a nap, but my MIL said we couldn't sleep because we had to watch the pig. I asked her how she planned to sleep at all if she had to watch the pig 24 hours a day, and she seemed bewildered for a moment, but I woke up before she could give me a solution!

      Dream Four: My friend was buying a new house, and it was like a sims game, complete with the drop down premade houses and green squares, lol. The house changed several times before it made my friend, her grandmother, and me all happy.

      Dream Five (LUCID!): The dream starts off with me and my kids visiting my cousin. My kids wander off to the back of her house and I have to go back and run them out of her daughter's room telling them it's rude to go into someone's room without being invited. Then I see the neighbors daughter walking into my cousins room and I run her out, briefly wandering how she got all the way over to my cousin's house and if I'm supposed to be watching her. Then there's a broken candy dish that's filled with melted chocolate and I can't help but think, "Mmm Chocolate!" ha ha ha. Then my daughter has to go to the bathroom. I take her to the potty, and notice that my cousin has the same bathing suit I just bought, and I wonder if it looks better on her than me. Then I notice the bathroom has a microwave and a mini fridge in it. I think for a moment that's weird, but I bet this whole area could be a little apartment. Then my logic finally kicks in, "Wait, There can't be a kitchen in the bathroom! That's too weird, I must be dreaming!" To test that theory, I run towards the counter and jump over it in a single bound, landing in the middle of my cousin's living room. I think for a moment, I shouldn't have left my daughter alone! Then I realize, I'm in a dream, she's not my daughter, it's just a dream character and it won't get hurt, it'll just disappear! I decide I'm going to leave, being at my cousins house is pretty boring and I want to do something cool. I walk towards the door, with no destination in mind, and think I'm going to just walk through the door since I walked through a wall in my first lucid. Then self doubt kicks in, and I think, "But I don't know where I want to go, what it if doesn't work this time?" and of course I smack into the door face first, ha ha. The I try to just open the door, and it's locked and I can't get it open either. I stop to think for a moment and I'm finding that even though I know I'm dreaming and lucid, my mind is pretty blank on what to do, it seems harder to think, ha ha. So I recall confronting my husband in the last dream, and think maybe I need to tell someone I'm in a dream for the control to work properly and the door to open to let me out. I look at my cousin and tell her something like, "This is a dream, your just a dream character and I'm getting out of here." Then my cousin morphs into a MAN with a pointy face and small slit like squinty eyes, and he replies, "How so you plan to get out of here? None of my escapes have worked. You can't make a portal, you can't walk through the door, you can't even open it! You don't know how to teleport do you?" I get annoyed and feel like he's trying to keep me trapped. So I tell him flat out, "I'm going to close my eyes and spin, and I'm going to imagine the scene changing around me." So I close my eyes, and notice instead of seeing black I see gray, and I start spinning imaging the floor being tatami and apparently Renji from Bleach laying on it, ha ha. But then after three spins I get dizzy and fall over landing on top of Renji, but the room still hasn't changed! I stand up and dust myself off, Renji asks me if I'm ok, and I say yeah, but the pointy faced guy is still looking at me and laughing like he thinks it's sooo funny that I'm having all this trouble with my dream control. Frustrated I ball up my fists and decide to try the back door, maybe it'll open. Renji jumps up behind me and yells to me to wait up, but I'm ignoring him because I didn't mean to drag him into this dream anyways. I reach out and grab the door, and it's opening and there's a white light spilling into the room that I didn't even realize was so dark. I'm glad I'm finally getting out of this weird house! But I end up waking up before the door opens all the way!

      Dream Six (Fragments): I'm in a car driving through the country, seeing mountains in the distance. There's a house that someone tells me was in a TV show or something. We pull up to it, and they're filming a cop drama, but all the actors and actresses playing the cops have weird hair and make up. Their hair is shades of dark plumb, forest green, royal blue, and blonde and black. Their makeup reminds me of a rock band, like maybe Kiss or something from the 80's with Stars and stuff around their eyes in the same colors are their hair. They're also covered in colored glitter and glittery clothes, glitter right down to their fingernail polish! It's so crazy and extravagant, I wonder how this could possibly have good ratings!

      Dream Seven: I'm at my Grandma W's house (she actually died in '05) and she's going to watch the kids while my husband and I go to Walmart. We're going down the hill to the car, and I notice the neighbors kids are playing basketball at my Grandma's house. They are far from home, lol. I climb in the car, but my husband starts driving before I can even get my MP3 player out of my pocket and get buckled in, or even close my door! I yell at him to wait a minute, and he tells me to stop taking so damn long. I counter that I don't even have my seat belt on, and he argues that I'm being slow and pulls forwards. The door closes, pinning my leg against the seat in a very uncomfortable fashion and I yell at him to stop the f-ing car. I fling the door open to get my leg unpinned, and he yells at me to just get out of the car he'd go by himself. I do and slam the door about to cry. I walk past the neighbors kids, then realize I'm in a housecoat and pajamas and I feel like everything's falling off. I am really embarrassed and run to the front porch and sit on the swing. I cry for a few minutes about getting kicked out of the car and about my clothes falling off and being embarrassed that everyone saw it all. Then my grandma is on the porch, coming out of the shadows and scaring the crap out of me! She tells me to relax, It's all ok, no one will remember any of it in the morning. I nod, and decide to go ask my son if he wants to play outside. I yell at the neighbors kids if they will be out for long and if we could come out and play too (my kids a lot younger so they can't play as rough with him as when it's just them) they tell us to come on out, so I go inside to get changed. My son is at the computer, and I ask him if he wants to play outside with the big kids. He refuses, and I feel frustrated because he'd getting so fat playing computer and video games all day and not outside! I wake up.

      Dream Eight (fragment): We're at a hotel, at the end of an Anime Con. A friend of mine has a room beside ours connected by a door. He's already turned in his key at Check out and asks us if he can borrow our key because he forgot something in his room. We let him, and I start freaking out that we need to pack and get out of the room before we charged for another night. My husband just wants to lazy about and not do it, so I'm packing it all up by myself and feeling so desperate that I'm not going to get done in time. I even start crying.

      Dream Nine: I'm looking at skin, I'm not sure if it's my hand or someone else's skin. There are these little dark spots on the skin, and looking closer I can see they're wiggling. They're bugs swimming under the flesh. It's really gross and creepy and I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    10. The Most Pissed Off I have felt when Becoming Lucid

      by , 03-19-2012 at 05:48 PM
      I got lucid night before last...and it was the most pissed off I have ever felt when becoming lucid...haha.


      I was in a gym and I saw a pull up bar. I decided to see if the new workout program that I started was helping with my pull ups. I grabbed the bar and started pulling myself up. I was amazed at how I was able to pull myself up so easily. I completed my first pull up and lowered myself back down. The bar was sort of low, so I bent my knees back so I wouldn't touch the floor. I decided to give a second one a try. Again, I was able to pull myself up with ease. I felt this huge surge of joy.

      I continued to do pull ups. I could feel my muscles working hard, yet the pull ups were still coming. I went to find a few people I knew to come watch me. I continued my pull ups. I counted....17....18....19...

      Suddenly I had this horrible fear.


      No no no no no no.

      I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't be dreaming.

      But I started to wonder why I had improved so quickly. I mean, really...how many people suddenly can do 20 pull ups...20 easy pullups?

      But I didn't want to think about the fact that it could be a dream. So I didn't RC. I hoped that I could somehow make this reality.

      I continued doing pull ups. I called more friends over to watch me.


      I knew I was dreaming. How could I deny it any longer?

      It made me mad. I didn't want to fly. I didn't want to do any cool lucid things. I just wanted to be able to do pull ups in real life.

      I went over to Daron. I sort of jumped on him. I wasn't sure what I was doing. I didn't want to make out. So I climbed up to his shoulders and jumped back off.

      I knew I shouldn't waste this LD, but I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. I was mad and sad and frustrated.

      And I think that was it.
      lucid , memorable
    11. Fighting Krauser, Trying to Shoot Monk, Sand....Alaskan Beach Sand?

      by , 03-19-2012 at 04:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Fighting Krauser, Trying to Shoot Monk, Sand....Alaskan Beach Sand? (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Fighting Krauser from Resident Evil 4

      The dream is out where I'm given advice on something for Metal Gear Solid. I hear some music playing which seems to sound like the song,"Cavern", in Metal Gear Solid 1.

      The advice was kind of small, but pretty useful in terms of knowing which areas you already went to. It told me that the new stairs that you go up towards have this sort of new shine to them, and stairs you already when to, they would appear blank and look dull.

      It also mentioned how that if you're found out, the boss will know you'll be coming after them, while if you managed to sneak attack, they would barely notice you; they were showing a clip of someone sneaking behind Albert Wesker who was typing on a keyboard in some front, which kind of felt odd if this was supposed to be Metal Gear Solid related.

      This advice was common sense, but I guess helpful anyway for those who never played a stealth game.

      I go up the stairs a bit, and go into this hallway, and I could tell I'm going to face a boss here. The door closes, and the flooring has a white shine to it, so taking the advice from what was mentioned above, I obviously wasn't here before.

      I see some entity that looks like Albert Wesker from Resident Evil, but his back is facing me. I don't know what happens, but I do know I leave the other door he was in, and I was back at the enclosed area with white flooring and white all over basically.

      Then I see a figure that looks familiar, I can't really tell if it's Albert Wesker or Krauser because all sorts of colors flowing on this person's body to where you only see the outlines of their figure. (like the picture below)

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      Then the colors start to fade away, and it really is Krauser. At first, I didn't really feel anything in this non-lucid, except for the fact that I had nothing to do but ONLY feel nothing, so that I wouldn't screw this encounter, because I know if it's Krauser, I better think QUICKLY to kill this guy.

      He was in his fully developed mutated arm blade, and I immediately knew what to do, shoot the fuck out of him before tries to stab me.

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      I knew I had to aim for the legs, because his Arm Blade would cover his entire chest region, so shooting the legs would make him fall and crouch down, exposing his chest for a few seconds before he makes another quick flip and defend himself again.

      I started to shoot him in the legs, then his chest, then I quickly crouched down to shoot his legs again, and basically repeated this process until he's killed.
      (For once, I actually am able to cause DAMAGE in a dream where I have a weapon!)

      If you don't know who the hell Krauser is, here's a video that basically describes how hard this guy can be if you keep getting unnecessary hits from him, but he's really easy when you can dodge his attacks.

      I killed him way quicker than this person did because I was just as fast as Krauser since I was able to crouch down really fast and go back up and shoot his chest with automatic weapon to the point where he only had 1-2 seconds to actually make a move on me lol.

      Instead of him using a flash grenade to escape in the video, he actually died this time.

      For once, I have a dream where I leave the room where I killed someone quickly and walk out the room like a bad-ass mofo WITHOUT using the "Run like Pussy" tactic that I see myself doing with intense things like this.

      Dream 2: Trying to Shoot Monk

      It's night time, and I'm in a room where I see Tony Shalhoub, the guy who acted as the main character in "Monk" headed towards some door. I'm right behind him, maybe 4-5 feet away from him.

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      I can't remember much, but I think he was helping someone or something find its way, maybe a monkey? I'm not sure, I think I do remember something small walking on the floor, but I'll just leave it at that.

      I try to shoot Monk, but before I do, I figured I should use a silenced pistol, and one actually appears in my hand for once, I guess I had good control despite it being a non-lucid dream.

      I aim for his head and shoot like two times, but it compared to the first dream where I'm fucking Rambo and killing someone quickly, the bullets don't even come in contact with Monk.

      I started to think this silenced pistol was really just a bunch of silenced piece of crap.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 3: Sand....Alaskan Beach Sand?

      I was resting on my back on sand in this vast environment. I saw some palm trees I believe and sand operating like geysers or something like that.

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      I think my mother was with me in this dream, and I told her how amazing that the sand on the surface on the earth seems like so much, and how below the surface there's even more.

      I think I even made sand angels for a while in this dream.

      After being amazed by the beauty of this environment the dream shifts to where I see Liam and probably even Hope from The Bold and The Beautiful.

      They're at some place with a lot of green plants, almost like being in a tropical paradise or something, and they're smiling at each other while eating a cake I believe.

      The dream shifts to where Steffy comes in a house, and she's wondering if Liam and Hope left some cake for them, but to her surprise, they leave the container where the cake was empty, with some traces that show that they ate it already.

      I honestly can not interpret anything from this dream.

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 07:16 PM by 47756

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Greetings to you all!-liam-hope-beach.jpg  
    12. Stupid camera!

      by , 03-19-2012 at 04:06 PM
      I were at some camp, Again.
      And I found out that some guy, and a girl friend of his, not girlfriend) had taken some photos of me. That worried, and annoyed me.
      Me and Lise, my friend went over to them. I asked him to borrow the camera.
      "No! Why? You'll just take it." He said irritated
      "No." I started convincing "Of course I won't. I'll use it on shopping!"
      "You'll just delete the pictures."
      "No." I lied, "of course not. Just give me the camera, please?"
      And that was what it took to get the little compact grey camera that may or may not have been digital.
      I went down to a clothes department, Cubus-ish I think, except I had never been there before. Lise were with me. To play out the "faking" I looked at some T-shirts along a wall. Then I lifted the camera to look through the pictures. I showed Lise.
      The little camera showed 5-6 miniature images of an unknowing little me walking around, standing around, sitting around.
      So I decided to delete them. I was worried that Sim. and Mal. (owners of stupid camera) would come down to check up on what we were doing. And just then they did. And that pushed me into a sudden hurry.
      I rotated the camera in my hands, and pressed a Menu button. A little grey menu on the right side showed up, but none of the three alternatives contained "trash bin". I lifted the camera feeling like a trapped mouse, looked beneath it, and all that was was little grey buttons. Agh!
      Sim. and Mal. were getting closer.
      "I told you." "What are you doing? Deleting the photos." "Give me the camera now!"
      "No.!" I said, rejecting to hand it over.
      Looking for a gap in their defense, and finding it, I leaped between them, avoiding contact with their bodies. I think Sim. had reached out for me, but missed way far off.
      I had managed to push out of the door when they got themselves together enough to follow me. I didn't have much of a headstart though.
      My heart was beating quickly and something similar to adrenaline started spreading trough me. I think I might have run over parked cars beside the sidewalk.
      Then the dream ended.

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:12 PM by 53379

    13. Getting my Bus; No Bullying; Eating at the Banquet

      by , 03-19-2012 at 04:01 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was looking for my bus out in a country environment, but it was just one of the shops where I park, according to dream logic.

      I found my bus and noticed it was dented in the middle. As I walked around to the passenger's side, I got a better look. It had been wrecked. (Why would I be picking up my bus in that condition?)


      There were a bunch of people picking on someone, or fighting them. Unlike me, I immediately went over to help the person, ignoring any harm that might come to me. I felt really good to be doing the right thing.


      I had another dream where I couldn't get food. I was at some type of banquet. I had eaten two plates already, so I didn't get to enjoy them in my dream.

      I didn't want to be greedy, so I didn't eat more, but everyone around me was eating. I eventually decided I better get full; that's what we were there fore.

      I went to the buffet, but they were out of food. The server went to get more, so I waited. When he came back, my plate had been served with a piece of steak that I didn't want. Oh well, I would just put some more stuff on my plate. I got my plate and saw about 3 different dishes. One was little clam-like things. It looked like h'orderves. I wanted to get them, and some of the other dishes, but they told me now they were closing up.

      Why would they bring out all the food that they did just to close? I started to hurry just to get one plate of food. I saw some broccolli. I never got more food.

      I then went to the bathroom to wash my hands. There was stuff all around like a dirty clothes hamper and a stool with clothes hanging off everything. I had to turn to the side to avoid the stuff just to get to the urinals.

      Once I got around the stuff in the way, the room opened up. It was a huge bathroom. I thought about how much of a waste of space it was.

      I never actually went to the bathroom. I started to wash my hands instead. As I started to wash, I found I had some tin foil in my hands. I was trying to rinse my hands, but the lather kept building up. I never got rid of the tin foil in my hands either.
      Tags: banquet, bullying, bus
    14. Summerdream

      by , 03-19-2012 at 11:00 AM (Sleeptights dream journal!)
      I dreamt I was with 4 friends. Two I hang out with quite regulary and one girl that I haven't met in ages
      We where running down to catch the train and it was summer outside and it was fun.
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 03-19-2012 at 06:43 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Entry time.

      ‘Cause I promised I would and everything seems to be telling me to get back into the whole dreaming thing.

      Not a five star entry, so no recording for this one. >.>

      Fun House (Non-Lucid)

      Both of us peek inside the wooden crate sitting on my deck. Inside sits an assortment of bottle, each a different blend of some sort of coffee mixture intended for consumption before the special event I’d set up for the two of us later that night. MTM grabs the most potent bottle of the lot and downs it before I can protest. I sip something much more mild, but the effects of the drink are immediately apparent.

      I frown, knowing that MTM has probably already been compromised, but preparations continue, as the two of us glide down to a field behind my house. Words were exchanged with the man in charge of tonight’s festivities, a suave twenty-something with short, blond hair and a red jacket over a black undershirt. After a few winks and candidly coded responses between him and MTM, I confirm my suspicions: she works for them now.

      Looks like I’ll be doing things alone.

      The day passes, night falls, and the real fun begins. After a mostly uneventful day filled with brief bits of uninspired HvZ and other campus shenanigans, I find myself riding a motor-powered skateboard, racing to the big event. Not satisfied with the speed, I kick things up a notch and transform the motor-power into rocket-power and the wheels into anti-gravity pads.

      Tearing through the streets, blanketed in the glow of yellow-orange street lamps and rushing neon lights, I make my way to the first check-point and blaze past the rag-tag line of people assembled in front of the entryway, up the concrete stairs, and over the dingy, dark-red carpet. Finally, in the first chamber, I dismount in a flash of sparks and approach the table where the first challenge awaits.

      Several guys in dark blazers stand there, hunched over the table in the center of this poorly lit room, watching me approach. Only one person sits, flourishing a deck of cards, grinning as a I approach. Without hesitation, he deals out the cards in front of him, forming rows and columns as the Chinese symbols on the face of the cards, begin to glow a shimmering blue and purple gradient and rise from the cards in a ghastly fashion.

      The first to rip itself from the card floats towards me and attaches to my forehead, causing the world around me to shift and distort. I know the game immediately. If I didn’t do something about these symbols, they’d attach to me and mutate my perception, driving me to insanity. Grabbing the board I’d rode in on, I manage to get the exhaust to create a shower of sparks. Quickly, I douse the symbols with those fiery sparks, extinguishing their power and clearing the game.

      As I walk toward the stairs, leading up to the next chamber, I notice two other tables and games set-up in front of the stairs. The world sways around me, and I realize: these are just illusions created by the symbol; I can move on.

      Ascending the stairs, I’m met with another challenge. This time in a more home-like setting, a woman, who looks like a grade-school teacher smiles briefly at me before finishing up the colorful board she’d been working on. It’s one of those peg boards frequently used in classrooms, decorated with a bright, wavy yellow border and big blue letters on a cerulean background. The letters spell the command: “Ask Margie about H2O.”

      In the corner of the room, to my left, rises a giant girl. She can’t be older than eight years old, but she towered over me, bloated and disproportional, with an expressionless look upon her drooling face. One look is all I need to determine the only winning move is not to play. I continue upwards as a fellow challenger comes up the stairs from the first chamber. I hear her ask ‘Margie’ about water. Then come the screams...then silence...

      Upstairs now, I make my way to the porch, where I meet the man in charge for the second time today and MTM standing beside him. He expresses surprise that I arrived so early. Not in the mood for bantering, I let him know that he needs to fix whatever was wrong with MTM or he’d regret it. Smugly, he reassures me that I simply need to complete one more task, but I sense betrayal and deceit in his words. Delving deeper, I discover his identity as a vampire and the entirety of his plan. Oblivious to the fact that I know everything, he takes me and MTM into a room with another giant, disproportionate child, this time a toddler.

      The door locks behind us and the man stands behind the monstrosity. My final task is simple, he tells me: “Defeat this child.”

      Scornfully, I remark, “Don’t insult me. The two of you are so far beneath me I could blow you both away with a single blast.”

      “Then do it,” he laughs harshly.

      But I’ve already charged up a blast, or at least, tried to. When I release the stream of energy, forming a Kamehameha pose, the blast is imperceptible and simply passes through the head and body of the giant infant. Improvising, I modify the stream’s frequency as it passes through the thing’s brain, mutating it further, restoring its free will and rational thought.

      When I’m finished, the giant baby and I have a short, intelligent, discourse, much to the dismay of the suave twenty-something. We bargain out a deal, wherein I let the giant live and he grants me the win. He even offers, very casually, to kill the guy standing behind him, but I insist that honor falls to me...