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    1. Fifty-Seven

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:09 PM
      I'll return later... Just to remember, here are notes about my dreams:
      1) Amusement park- lines, bathroom, R, bicycle, pool hall
      2) Crazy troll killer on my car window, police, freeway, crash in building, manslaughter
      3) People wanting me to vote for Ron Paul
      4) G visit, J with Cosmo quiz

      OK- Updated. (My recall hasn't been so great. )

      In which we visit an amusement park, but I spend the whole time in line with my bicycle...

      R and I are at a crowded amusement park. We are waiting in a long line that twists up and down several stairs through many rooms. I have my bicycle with me, and I get out of line to ride over to a bathroom. Along the way, I get lost and end up in a food court. People are drinking beer and playing pool. I ask if I can use the bathroom, but they tell me I have to leave my bicycle outside. I don't have a lock for the bike, and the place is so crowded that I know someone will steal it if I leave it out. So instead, I walk the bicycle into the food court with me and try to get past the pool players to the bathroom, unnoticed. A few people glance at me strangely, but they do not say anything. I bring the bicycle into the bathroom with me and prop it up against the sink while I go into one of the stalls.

      Later I'm looking for R again but I'd gotten so lost that I don't know where to find him. I run into Tall A, and he takes me over to R. When I get back in line, R tells me that they won't let me on any of the rides with my bicycle. I start to feel stupid carrying it around. People ask why I'm carrying it with me, and I tell them that it isn't a bicycle, it's my therapy dog. This works, and people want to pet my bicycle. The employees are fooled too but I decide not to go on any rides anyway.

      At some point, the amusement park turns into a music festival and the bicycle turns into a large white poodle.

      In which a crazy man jumps on my car window and tries to kill me...

      I'm driving through the downtown streets of a huge, modern city. There are neon lights and sky rise apartments all around me. The city looks like Tokyo or Seoul, but I'm in the United States. There is another woman in the car with me.

      A short, crazy man with long black hair and wild eyes jumps down from a balcony and lands on the back of my car. He sprawls out across my back window with his face pressed up against the glass so that when I look into my rearview, I see him making menacing faces. His eyes are dark and wide, and his mouth is salivating. He wags his tongue, shows his teeth and flares his nostrils. He looks like a troll.

      I know that he's trying to kill me, and if I stop driving, he will leap on me. I frantically call the police, but they tell me that they will not even try to help unless I slow down. I explain that if I stop, the crazy man will crawl over the hood of the car and attack me, but the police say they can't do anything about it unless I come peacefully to their station.

      Eventually, I crash into the penthouse of one of the skyrises. I drive the car high up into the air and then crash it through the full-wall window of the penthouse dinning room. The car comes to rest, managled and smoking, at the base of a yuppie's bar. I have calculated the angle of the impact precisely so as to kill the crazy man without injuring me or my passenger. The yuppie who lives in the penthouse stands on the other side of his bar with a drink, amazed.

      Immediately the cops are at the door. I'm trying to explain why I should not be found guilty of murder, but they tell me I will stand trial for manslaughter.

      In which people want me to vote for Ron Paul...

      I'm having a conversation with some friends, and they tell me that they believe I'm a Ron Paul supporter. I ask them what made them think this about me, and they point to my physiology textbook. Below the title of the book is a large silver stripe that is obviously a scratch-off stripe, like one would normally see on a lottery ticket.

      I scratch off the silver to reveal a petition to add Ron Paul's name to the presidential ballot. My friend tries to get me to add my name to the list. I try to avoid having a political discussion, and I get that tedious feeling that I always have when people who don't know anything about politics want to tell me their opinions. My friend won't stop telling me to sign the petition because he thinks this will be like voting for Ron Paul. Finally I tell him that he doesn't know what he is talking about, and he becomes angry with me.

      In which several friends visit, and J tries to make G take a Cosmo quiz...

      A and A come to visit us, and as a surprise they bring along G. The three of them, plus R and me, are sitting around the bar of a nice kitchen. It's my house in the dream, and I remember a feeling of familiarity and domestic contentment. But actually the layout of the kitchen is like at my friend S's parents' home.

      We are all happy and in good spirits and catching up on old times. However, G looks really unhealthy. He is pale and much too skinny, his hair is thinning, and he's wearing 70s style glasses. He admits that the divorce he is going through has been rough on him, but it is all over now and he is happy again. He says he's excited to be back in town. Everything feels bittersweet.

      J shows up with an issue of Cosmopolitan. She keeps interrupting our conversation by insisting that G take a Cosmo quiz. The questions and answers are all really stupid, but J thinks they are funny. I can tell that G thinks she is very immature, but he plays along with her because she is pretty. I want to remind him that she's half his age, but I don't want to embarrass J.

      In which I take a pregnancy test...

      And one more that I just remembered.

      I have two small strands of paper which are supposed to be pregnancy tests. I take them into the bathroom where I pee into a large plastic bowl. I dip each strip of paper into the bowl, and after it is saturated with urine, I run the paper between two fingers to push out any excess. Then I flatten the soggy paper strip very carefully onto the linoleum floor. The process is similar to paper mache.

      A few minutes later, a message appears on the first and then the second piece of paper. It's pink and has different symbols and characters on it. I can't understand what it means, so I call someone in to help me decipher it. I think it was H? She tells me that it says I am not pregnant.

      Updated 01-24-2012 at 02:49 AM by 38879

    2. 11/2/2011

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:08 PM (Adventure to Lucidity)
      I’m writing this a little while after I’ve woken up. I have not been keeping up with this journal and it makes me sad. But last night, I had a crazy dream. It involved Courtney and I, and we were in another dimension of sorts. Like Terra Nova, our world was apocalyptic and many had escaped to the thriving dimension. There were lots of rules and orientation meetings about life there we had to attend. I even saw some of the friends I had in elementary and middle school there. I can’t remember enough about it though, just the premise.
    3. Been in SP land

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:08 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So it's been really hard memorizing my dreams. However, I had one yesterday that involved a shotgun shootout. It was pretty intense, but I was just too lazy to write it down.

      Last night I had a dream about M, and I was with her watching over special people. I want to say they were having a party or something. I remember talking about how far we live away from each other so normally we just meet half way or something.

      Also had a dream about AN. I was Jr. high at first, and then the dream shifted to a hotel room. This room was pretty huge. It had two beds in the main room, and then a private side room with a king sized bed in it. That's where we were. Sex almost seemed definite, but we kept stopping because of x y and z. Then we went in the main room where the people were, and was still going to continue. I kept thinking "wtf, why don't we just go in the damn back". Eventually we went to be the back room again, and she wanted me to use the bathroom. I did, and when I was finished D showed up, and we met up with him in the main room. Then they both went to the back room without me. I can't even say I was mad. It was more like I was slightly frustrated, and I knew this was going to happen anyway. Ugh...I really have to get my confidence with women back up. WTF.
    4. 10/04/2011

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:07 PM (Adventure to Lucidity)
      All remember was this was a mix between Pokémon, game of thrones, and running a tough mudder. Lots of game of thrones characters, each with Pokémon. Then I had to run a tough mudder…Melatonin does weird things.
    5. 9/29/2011

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:06 PM (Adventure to Lucidity)
      The first dream I remember was pretty freaky, I got bitten by what my dad called a Red recluse. I was bitten because I went into some abandoned room to get something and ran into some spider webs. Not thinking much of it, I just tore them down with my arms as I went through. I felt heat and a pinch on my left arm and then got out of there as fast as I could. I showed my dad, and little pimple like pustules had developed on the spot. The area around it had become really red as well. When I moved or flexed my arm, the pustules would pop and leak. Gross.

      Then, the dream started out with a giant conference-like event, except it was in a series of empty suburban homes. My interest was in a Pokémon section where they were selling cards. I found 2 decks and you were able to take cards from a stack to replace other cards in your deck, building your own then buying it. I made my 2 decks and was going to buy another stack of extra cards when people from my graduate assistantship showed up and told me we needed to go, we had to work. That translated into us making sandwiches in a fashion like Subway. I was not too happy about this, but then I realized I forgot to pay for my cards. I was then chased down by the sellers of the cards, saying I stole the cards. I produced the appropriate money and explained my story and things smoothed over.
    6. 9/27/2011

      by , 01-23-2012 at 02:05 PM (Adventure to Lucidity)
      So I finally had a dream in space, or with space ships in it at least. It was very “Aliens” like. But anyway back on earth, I run into a girl who is obviously distraught. She pleads for help from me. I’m scheduled to go into outer space soon to a new colony, but I decide to help her anyway. I find out she is being chased by some federal agent. I finally confront him and he begins to threaten me. I ask what his badge number is and I demand to see it. I quickly learn from his hesitation that he is not a legitimate agent or officer and something sinister is going on. We fight and I subdue him, and take off with the girl. It is decided she’ll come into space with me and some other friends.

      One more random thing before I’ve left, I’m driving my car around and I end up making the drive from Dallas to Clemson in like a few minutes. I try parking and this guy pulls up and parks in the middle of the street. I stand there outside my car looking oddly at him. He comes up holding a rock, saying that he needs to smash my car up so he can get his fixed. I tell him that makes no sense whatsoever, and he says “yeah…” and drops his rock and drives away. I remember just saying…weird.
    7. 60th Shared Dreaming Attempt- Katsuno's Dreams

      by , 01-23-2012 at 01:17 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Katsuno's Dreams

      1st: I was dating my crush and we were going to a restaurant. We took seats at a table in a corner. Next to us was a huge glass tank with some crabs and octopus in it. The waiter came and asked if we already chose our meal. I looked inside my wallet and noticed that I only got 5 dollars (lol) so I searched for something cheap. I looked through the menu and found a Lobster Soup with chocolate for only 3 dollars. There was a caption below the soup with "Only avaiable if there is a hummer in the glass tank". I asked the waitor if I can order this and he said no. I looked inside the glass tank and there was now a lobster inside it. I told the waitor that there is one and he just ignored me. My crush ordered something different and the waitor left. For some reason I had the urge to walk to the glass tank and I tried to catch the lobster. Now the dream got weird. I suddenly fought with the lobster and shot it with imaginary bullets. My crush helped me and killed it. Now I told her "Haha, I defeated the lobster!" and she got angry and said "You forgot about my help!". I felt bad and got scared that she might not like me now. This somehow reminded me of my father because he is exactly like that. The dream scene changes and I was now on a huge field of grass. I immediately noticed that I was dreaming. I was happy because I just started doing the dream-yoga techniques and they already worked. I looked around but my view distance was really short. I thought about what I wanted to do. Suddenly, visiting a friend of mine came into my mind. I tried to focus on him but nothin happened. I got frustrated and changed my subject. I focused on Windhover and the dream scene changed. I was now inside a room with many big windows and yellow curtains. I focused really hard on Windhover's energy and the curtains started to move while a flash of white light appeared. I woke up :/

      2nd: (fragment) I was at a public swimming pool with some of my classmates. The memory is pretty foggy but I remember sliding down the waterslide but a friend of mine tried to stop me. The waterslide was really long. The dream recall gets foggy again and the last night I remember is being on my computer and looking through facebook. There was something about my crush being in a relationship now...
    8. 60th Shared Dreaming Attempt- Cay's Dreams

      , 01-23-2012 at 11:45 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Cay's Dreams

      Dream 1
      My house had moved to the side of a four-way intersection. I was quietly reading a book, and my sister and Azra were playing Skyward Sword. Then an explosion shook the house and catapulted us all into the floor. My sister and Azra commenced running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I went to the blown-out window, and a wave of heat pushed me back. Close to the house, in fact sheltering by it was a news van. The reporter clutched the skirt of her pants suit and her updo at the same time in the ripping wind as she screamed instructions at the cameramen not to miss a moment. The source of the explosion was one of several alien fighter craft dipping and screaming in the sky like hawks. Every now and then one would let out a great burst of light and send another one reeling. I ran out to the news van and demanded to know what was going on, but the crew was too irrational to communicate.

      Dream 2
      I was running around the castle at Camelot with Merlin- this being the young one as portrayed by Colin Morgan in the BBC series by the same name- looking for a number of small blue stag beetles. And by beetles I mean assassins. We were keeping several paces behind Arthur all day, crushing them when they scuttled out of corners and cracks in the wall after Arthur. This task was made all the more difficult by the fact that they could fly, so a lot of nose dives and belly flops were taken.
    9. My first lucid dream

      by , 01-23-2012 at 11:40 AM (Journey into the Unknown)
      Color Code: Non Lucid: Red , Lucid: Blue

      I was in zante, my brother was in malia and my other brother was on holiday too for some reason, there was a lot of hassle about us all wanting to leave our holidays and meet at 1 place, which was zante. Next i was in the streets of either zante or malia, we was at some internet cafe and there was a boy who wouldn't move his feet from the chair.. next i remember someone shooting him and a fight broke out. I was in some sort of prison shooting people, i then jumped out of the roof and began to fly. It was amazing, as though i was flying with a joy stick, i then remembered my brother had been shot earlier in the dream and then saw him flying, this is when i became lucid! we was flying together and then i started thinking to myself, "wow im dreaming" everything went a tiny bit blury for a second then i started to think about real life too much and i woke up! exactly 2 minutes ago after typing this!

      Updated 02-01-2012 at 01:55 AM by 52437

    10. Super-jump

      by , 01-23-2012 at 08:29 AM

      Identification: (No. 73) Super-jump
      Time recorded: 8:00, 20-01-2012
      Genre: Adventure
      Character(s): Daniel D., Michael D.
      Method(s): Mantra
      Lucid: Yes (DILD)

      I am standing at the mall with Daniel and Michael. There is an Asian mime here. As some Asian people and families walk past, the mime does something funny. An Italian woman comes to me, accompanied by her husband. She asks me (in very poor English) where to find a bathroom. I speak to her in Italian to get her to follow me. So the Italian woman, Daniel, Michael and I, head off to the nearest toilets. As we are walking across a gravel court, Daniel criticises me about my past pronunciation of an Italian word in the plural. We arrive at my primary school's oval. At this point I begin to doubt we have gone in the right direction. We go forward despite of this. We jump the fence and cross a long, arid area, until we arrive in a small town. The men there wear nothing but shorts, and have tattoos. Everyone lives in caravans or tents. When we arrive the people are gathered around a camp-fire, smoking drugs, so I take a different direction. I see a toilet block, and point it out to the Italian woman, who walks off to go to it.
      We are now in a different area, there is a gate, trees, gravel ground and a wooden rail that goes around the edge of a cliff with a nice view of a forest. I remember that we have been here before, and tell Daniel that he should be filming this place. Daniel says there is no reason to, because he remembers it all... in his dream. I calmly, and blindly accept that this is a dream. Then Daniel questions why I am not reality checking. I become lucid. Firstly I think of what I should do. Daniel is yelling at me to fly. I try to fly, but I end up jumping a few meters off the ground. I try to land on the wooden side rail, but I miss and land before it. I feel that I am going to wake up, so I rub my hands together to keep the dream stable. Both Daniel and Michael are nagging to me, asking what I am doing. I try to ignore them and keep rubbing my hands. I place my hands on the wooden handrail and concentrate of the texture of the wood. I go back to rubbing my hands. I tell Michael to stop talking, who is still screaming at me, to tell him what I am doing. I then apologize to him. I keep rubbing my hands, but the constant distraction of Daniel and Michael is too great.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 02:28 AM by 52698

    11. Air-show in a bus

      by , 01-23-2012 at 08:26 AM

      Identification: (No. 61) Air-show in a bus
      Time Recorded: 7:30, 02-01-012
      Genre: Sci-fi
      Character(s): Daniel D., Melanie O.
      Method(s): Not recorded
      Lucid: Yes (DILD)

      Daniel and I are standing on the footpath beside the road that comes past our house. we see first a single flying speed-boat, then another, both had a loud engine roar. Next came an extremely large airship, powered by it's two very large (e.g. 1km wingspan) and powerful red wings. It had a very synchronised and strong down stroke. At this point it became apparent that we were watching a Japanese air-show. Next, a young, anamatronic Japanese girl walks past us, followed by another robot girl who was fatter. It stops and looks at me and tried to lean in to give me a kiss. I use my hands to push her away. As I do this, Melanie appears from behind Daniel, and says to me "did you just...?"
      I find myself climbing up a rope in a place that is called 'hell'. The floor is red and there are flashing lights everywhere. I somehow know that the Japanese are responsible for the transformation of this place.
      I believe I have just woken up from my sleep on the bus. Somehow I suspect that this is a false awakening. I urge myself to reality check, but before I get the chance I become lucid. I start to think about whether I'm going to wake up, and to my surprise I have remained asleep. I wonder what I should do. Because the dream still doesn't feel very realistic, I decide to try touching some objects. All I can think of is touching the glass window, so I lean my head against it - it is cold. I look at the bus driver and the sides of the bus. It still feels very unrealistic. I get the sensation that I am drooling, but I don't do anything about it because I fear a distraction might make me loose my lucidity. The bus stops and I get off. I go inside a shed with some people inside. I'm not sure why. but they are hanging large spiders (the size of dinner plates) up on the ceiling in two rows. At the end of each row are some dead apes, with their arms hanging down. Both men and women are picking out the largest spiders, and taking them down. I watch one lady unhook an ape and hold it's dead body.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 02:28 AM by 52698

      lucid , false awakening
    12. I can't drive

      by , 01-23-2012 at 08:24 AM
      (Note: for this post and future posts, I will only be posting lucid dreams here. (Too time consuming otherwise)


      Identification: (No. 8) I can't drive
      Time Recorded: 7:30, Date not recorded (presumably 09-2010)
      Genre: Disaster
      Character(s): Mariella R.
      Method(s): WBTB used before dream at 5:50. MILD Visualisation
      Lucid: Yes (DILD)

      I am sick and spending most of the day in bed. I am watching T.V in bed, Grandma comes in with a computer. On the screen is one of my old illustrations scans of a nautiloid mollusk. She tells me that she thinks my illustration is ''very good''.
      Later I decide I am going to drive to the hospital. I am in the back-seat of the car and the car is driving itself using the G.P.S for direction. After a while I notice the car started to be following a car infront of me, so I work out that that car must be going to the hospitol also. I climb into the front seat and take control of the steering wheel, I think it would be good practice for driving for when I get my driving licence. I keep following the car infront of me until we arrive at a gate that was partially opened. The car infront of me is slightly smaller and is able to scrape through, I realize my car is too big, so I am about to open the door so I can get out of the car and open the gate wider. The car rolls forwards and smashed the gate down. I quickly drive away and look behind me in the car. There is a policeman who is yelling ''we need to close down the road''.
      At this moment I realise that I cannot drive, and therefore I must be dreaming!

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 02:28 AM by 52698

    13. Bad recall

      by , 01-23-2012 at 07:47 AM
      Another night with little or hazy memories. I had the feeling there was at least one dream with a consistent story buried there somewhere, but couldn't find a way to reach it.

      There was something about dreams, trying to find a technique that works with four or five test subjects.
      Tags: no dreams
      dream fragment , side notes
    14. 1/22/12 Car Crash Breakdown

      by , 01-23-2012 at 06:45 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      Seeing a scene of the opposite street of my house and cars streaming past. Accidents are being replayed, at a fast rate. One car jumps the curb and rams into a house under construction, causing walls to fall over. Another is my mother and a passenger running into a tree.

      I am in a car with family? I talk about my fear of death and ask why I should care about living. One says "Find a reason."
    15. First Entry

      by , 01-23-2012 at 04:59 AM
      I was into lucid dreaming about a year ago, started a dream journal and everything, but got too busy with certain other things to focus on it.
      I've decided it's time for round 2. Every morning I'm quick out of bed and into my day, making my dream recall suck. So here's my start at building back my dream recall.

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The first bit is a fragment- I like watching AMVs on youtube, and I had found one of the Professor Layton series for the DS. And I thought "That is such a weird thing to have an AMV of..."
      I recall a small fragment of a dream that had Nintendogs being played to music, an even more random thing to have an AMV of lol.


      The second bit is slightly longer- my grandma is getting pretty old, but doesn't like the idea of "being a burden" to anyone- she'd rather take care of herself. My family and I were in the living room of our old house (the one I spent the first 17-18 years of my life in). Out the front window I look and see our grandma walking away from our house, looking over her shoulder axiously to make sure no one is following her. She is on her way back to her house, which is next door to ours. It's cold outside (snow is on the ground) and everyone always worries that she might slip on ice and fall or something.

      My dad also spots her, and rushes outside. She sees him, and starts running. Her lot's elevation is about 3 feet below our's, and she reaches the "edge" where the lots meet, and is forced to jump down. She looks nervous about it- looking down, back at my dad, down again, back at my dad- and then she jumps down. At about this point my dad jumped and grabbed her, held her over his shoulder, and walked back to our house.

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

      Wow, so much text for something that took literally 10 seconds... Here's hoping I'll remember more next time.