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    1. Specimen slugs

      by , 03-12-2011 at 03:31 PM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 3/12/2011
      Type: Fragment/Non Lucid

      I walked into a kitchen, the room was dark, it was nighttime. I had just left my boyfriend/husband in the other room. I opened the refrigerator door to put something in/take something out (can't remember), but when I went to close the door, it would not close. I tried again and same thing, it wouldn't close like something was sticking out and blocking it. So I looked closer. The handle was on the right side, so the door opened to the left. I looked at the lower left corner of the fridge and saw this little external/internal "pipe" that was beige colored but was sort of cut in half so that you could place something into it, like a tiny jar. The closer I looked I realized I couldn't close the door because there was a clear little specimen jar in this little pocket (I remember having this dream a long time back and only seeing this jar), so I pulled it out and put it on a shelf in the fridge where I got a better look at it. At first it was very cloudy and hard to see it clearly, like there was movement inside and I couldn't focus in very well. Then when I could see, there were these 3 thick greyish slug/worm creatures floating in the liquid inside. I remember thinking that this was something that my BF put in the fridge to hide from me. I then looked down and realized that the door wouldn't close because there was a smaller jar, about half the size of the other one, that the first one had been placed on top of and that was why it got stuck in the door. I attempted to pull this one out too, but it somehow ended up on the floor just below it. That's when this one actually turned into the shape of the worm encased inside of it, but the worm was still inside of the jar. This slug was striped with teal/aqua and black horizontal stripes and I could see his eyes staring back at me, it had this glow of light just above in between its eyes. I went to pick it up to put it back in the fridge, but it slithered very fast towards the entryway out of the kitchen, and I felt a tad bit of panic as I didn't want it getting loose in the house. Then the next second it was back in front of me, looking at me with it's glowing patch, then tried to slither away again.

      Curiosity, wonder, fear, panic
    2. 12/03/11 - Fragment

      by , 03-12-2011 at 02:39 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I was so tired this mornign that I didn't even care to recall any dreams at all. All I've got left is a fragment of the last dream.

      23.00: Sleep

      10.00: Fragment
      *I'm in a hospital and I'm watching some guy getting a tube shoved down his throat to remove liquid which is slowly filling his lungs up. I can see the tube going in and draining the lungs on a monitor.

      10.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      dream fragment
    3. Odd dreams more vivid and easy to recall than the rest, same friendly presence helping me.

      by , 03-12-2011 at 02:39 PM
      Ok firstly this is the dream i had

      non lucid:

      Ok it started off it was a zombie apocalypse sort of thing and we were inside a building, we all had pistols (yes it was exactly like zombies on black ops except it was actual people rather than disfigured zombies.)
      So i ran into a car park and sprinted towards the cars, i headbutted an old lady zombie in the chest and then climbed into a mini van and picked up a few people that were survivors. I was driving about and i decided i needed to get somewhere so i opened up a digital map much like a mix between ones on GTA and google earth. so upon driving there it turned dark like night time which was odd and i crashed the mini van. we got out and suddenly everyone dissapeared, this is where it gets wierd.

      Another presence was with me, during the dream i knew them they were like someone i knew personally and was very close friends with although when i look back at the dream i cant see their face or what they were wearing or anything i just knew they were there.
      Anyway we were sprinting towards this bus and we were running as fast as the bus, we tried to cut it off at a corner so leaped over this building and during being in mid air my "friend" smashed the bus into a wall, i hit the ground (the details of the ground and the buildings were like industrial and a bit like stereotypical london with cobbled floor)
      we held the driver hostage and as he distracted the driver i picked up a device, it looked like it was for giving out tickets to people like the one you get on trains but it did different things like spit out money and it had a digital screen. Then i woke up.

      Wierd thing is i still cant remember who this person was but within the dream he was a friend and we were like working together as such and i cant really remember much on this device either, sooooo was this like a shared dream with someone i dont know or just like me fighting alongside my own sub consciounse, before doing DJs ive had dreams in the past where ive fought against something with a presence which like in the dream, i know them but when i wake up i dont.
      These dreams are also more vivid and easier to remember than even my LD's any advice? maybe its a dream sign?
    4. Second dream in DJ

      by , 03-12-2011 at 02:30 PM
      non lucid:

      In a caravan in wales with some friend and 2 known friends start shagging in front of us all so we all run out into a car park and its sunny outside. we run and get into a car
    5. A nice stroll through a very familiar place

      by , 03-12-2011 at 07:58 AM
      March 11, 2011

      Last night's LD was a visit to my snowy Harbor Town dreamscape. I felt like simply relaxing, plain and simple. Since it had been a while, I decided to take a nice stroll through the town, just for the enjoyment of sightseeing as well as the atmosphere. I also visited the docks again to practice my fishing, almost losing a leg to a Mega Goldfish that thought it would be cheeky by trying to grab me from the ledge.
      After my fishing, I attempted to practice my drawing skills again, doodling the docks on great sheets of paper. While I wasn't all too successful, it was all fun nonetheless.
      Once I was done failing at that, I made my way to a nearby cafe to treat myself to some soup and sandwiches, all the while observing the life around me.
      I decided to take another stroll along the docks before waking myself up for work.
    6. Awesomeness

      by , 03-12-2011 at 07:21 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I took 100 mg Seroquel and went back to sleep from around 4PM-1AM
      My memory of this awesome dream is quickly fading.

      I was in a jungle (?) Something was loose that was killing people. I found a couple dead bodies and they looked really gross because limbs and flesh were missing in some, others were bloated and oddly decayed.
      Another dream paralleled this one. It was some sort of beauty/intelligence contest. There was an obstacle course that spanned a lot of ground. There were hurdles and strange natural elevators. I found the bodies during the contest. One woman was able teleport because of her trauma. I hugged her as we jumped through our current location during different times. It was always a place of great sorrow, being a bunker in several wars.
      She was captured at some point, as people wondered how she could do what she did. I found her again and began force feeding her. I thought her ability was triggered as some sort of subconscious nurturing mechanism.
      It worked.
      Rabbits and insects were part of the various scenes, but I don't recall how they fit in.

      Then the dream changed and I was a mentor. The location was the same- some forested island were bad things were happening. Some kid was receiving a scholarship to a school of his choosing. S/He (the gender kept changing from scene to scene lol) wanted some place in Georgia and when I asked why, he wanted to go there because the desks were the same and there was also some sort of outside fountain. I said he couldn't choose a place based on that info.
      When he got on stage, a mayor or somesuch offered him Hawaii but he asked for Georgia. Because it would have been cheeper, she agreed.
      But the dream fast forwarded and I was checking up on the kid who went to Hawaii after all (Hawaii became the place with the specific desks). She was a little upset for being there. They didn't have her desk but there were nude works of art everywhere which made her uncomfortable. She met a guy though, who cut her hair, so she was accepting her lot.

      I also vaguely recall something about a beauty competition and being late for it. And once, during teleportation, we landed at a mine where women brutally worked other women. We eventually helped them escape.
      That's it.

      Now, I need a soda lol. I'll be up for a couple hours, then I'm going to crash again. Gotta love sleep and dreams as a means to escape my sorry life
    7. Defecation and Pokemon Hunting

      by , 03-12-2011 at 06:50 AM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was in the living room of my Omi’s old house in Louisiana. Austin was playing old video games. I went into the bathroom to relieve myself. Sometime later, I flushed and realized the toilet was clogged. Not only that, but a massive lump of waste (about the size of my head) had somehow ended up in the bath tub full of water beside me. I fished it out with a plunger, but I kept dropping it back in the water and on the floor of the bathroom. Every time I dropped it, a little chunk fell off. Eventually, it was small enough to fit in the toilet, so I put it in there. I didn’t clean up the mess on the floor. I put the plunger back in the bath tub, and suddenly, I was floating on the surface of the water with a fishing rod. A message appeared at the top of my field of vision, warning me that something was approaching! I tapped a button on a controller several times and pulled a Gyarados out of the water. The traditional Pokemon battle screen appeared. I didn’t have any Pokemon yet, so my health bar appeared. I only had 19 HP. The Gyarados had several hundred. I knew this couldn’t possibly end well, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d saved my game, so I fled. I got away without any problems. As I swam to the edge of the bath tub to get out, I had another random encounter – this time with a Magikarp. It was much weaker, obviously, but it had some abilities other than splashing around like an idiot. I ran from that fight, too, to save time.

      I encountered a Rattata on the tiled floor of the bathroom. I decided I was going to catch it. I punched it in the face when it was my turn, and then it bit my arm. This continued for a couple more turns. After that, my health was getting low, so the game asked me if I wanted to use pills to heal. I started popping pills. The rat did the same thing. It wouldn’t give me the choice to stop taking pills every turn… The Rattata and I both restored ourselves to maximum health. Interestingly, I had seven health bars, and the Rattata had nine of them… When I punched it once, eight of them disappeared. I prepared to throw a Pokeball and capture my first Pokemon…
    8. Dead Space 3: School Zone

      by , 03-12-2011 at 06:11 AM (Living the Dream)
      Dead Space 3: School Zone (Non-lucid)


      I'm at my school. Only it is now Dead Space themed. The lighting is super low and there are windows and vents everywhere. I know that this was deliberate, as many people were talking about how this was "to scare people." The weird this was that they were trying to basicly scare themselves. I remember that there was this room, it was compact and on each wall there was a poster. These posters were scary as shit, so I kept asking to get out. I see one of my teachers walk in and say, "No, you gotta stay," but I walk out the now open door. She follows me and says, "Tell you what, if I don't see you the rest of school, you don't have to go back in that room." I think that that is resonable enough, and head up the stairs. I sit at the top and hear some people coming. They turn the corner and I see it is a girl and the teacher. I think Oh, shit, just don't do anything too big and she won't notice, and sure enough, she walked right by. I go back down the stairs, when I see that the downstairs is normal (besides the whole Dead Space thing) but now there is a hallway that wasn't there before. I go down it, now with my dad, and try to find something. I know that this hallway was straight from Dead Space 2 as I have never seen it before besides in Dead Space 2. We find who we wanted and turn a corner. The hallway was just a big U, and I'm now back where I started, only now I'm trying to talk to another teacher. Then I woke up.
    9. Dream goals

      by , 03-12-2011 at 06:04 AM
      1.use geass-incomplete
      2.contact a person trough dream-incomplete
      3.gain power-complete
      4.meet a god or goddess-incomplete
      5.get a real power-INCOMPLETE
    10. Dreams

      by , 03-12-2011 at 05:58 AM
      Well i'm new here so i don't know very much about this place.But i do know that i want to learn about dreams.For some unknown reason 'm able to control mine and never have a nightmare.I want to learn why.Anyone who might know please message me.
    11. A Tsunami: Beautiful destruction

      by , 03-12-2011 at 05:42 AM
      I am on a high floor of a hotel which resembles an upscale city hotel room. The room is rather empty,
      and just has white walls and creme colored carpet.

      I look through the window and see a large, crowded, and high tech city. It has many, many buildings
      and I say "Looks almost like New York City...but different". The ground is becoming flooded with water
      and buildings are being destroyed. Asides from the crashing buildings, it looks somewhat
      beautiful (the water is clear, like a Mexican beach).
    12. I need some help from some experts!

      by , 03-12-2011 at 05:19 AM
      Alright guys, I was reading the thing on here about how to lucid dream and doing reality checks and wat not. And it said that during your dreams take note of things happening and if something that would happen in real life, then you'll know it's a dream.But I have a prob. with that like 90% of the time it's not like having a dream, it's like watching a movie. I'm not using my brain I don't see out of my eyes I see myself and my surrounding, again, like I said, a movie. It's I'm retarded or something, I just dont regester things. HELP PLEASE??!!
    13. Prego

      by , 03-12-2011 at 04:50 AM
      The only thing I remember is being pregnant. I looked down at my stumic and could see a tiny little baby in my belly botton.
      Tags: baby
    14. Deleted

      by , 03-12-2011 at 04:05 AM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:32 AM by 39215

      lucid , dream fragment
    15. March 11, 2011- A Tad Morbid

      by , 03-12-2011 at 03:49 AM
      I dreamt last night in black and white, which is a first for me. The set-up of the dream was odd; it was like a game or simulation. An experiment. I was on an old luxury boat, and it was sinking. There were four groups of people staying in different cabins- one was a single mom and her two kids, one was two good friends, one was an African tribe that stayed above deck the entire time, and the other I can't remember. I had to experience each group, as if it were a level in a video game, as they tried to survive. I don't think they made it; the most vivid part of the dream was me dying. I often die in dreams, but I always wake up before I'm legitimately dead. This time, however, I died all the way- I fell backwards, and then there was a rapid progression of black-and-white imagery. Then I woke up.