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    1. 2-4-11 Playing piano

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:33 AM
      I was in my room and I heard my little brother. I knew he was already at school so this must be a dream. I flicked the lights on and off to make sure. Nothing. I looked at the lights. The bulbs were gone and there were strange black and brass electronic devices in there place. I think this might have been my mind trying to rationalize why the lights didn't work but I didn't realize this in the dream. I went downstairs and played piano. I wasn't really playing, my mind had a song going and no matter what I played it played that song. I could sort of change the rhythm. I didn't really like the song.
    2. 2-4-11 Garage sale

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:32 AM
      I was in my house in the piano room. I was talking with Benny. Not sure if he was there from the start or just appeared. We were talking about music. I asked him if he still played much. He said yeah, I jam with some friends sometimes. Everything he said had no content, it was a sort of mimicry. I looked out the window and saw a young women putting stuff on the lawn for a garage sale. I thought the old lady must have died, that;s her daughter. I looked back at Benny and realized that I hadn't seen him since high-school and this was probably a dream. On top of that I had my winter coat on and it was nice outside, and I was inside. I thought about RCing but I didn't. I might have asked Benny what it's like to be a DC but if I did he didn't answer.

      Then I walked outside to the sale. I had decided I was gonna do this right before I became lucid and did it automatically. I walked throught the window. I remember looking at a latch and thinking I can just walk through this, I don't need to open it. I started looking for Madison to do the basic ToTM. I was really hot with my coat on and I thought I wouldn't mind being naked when I found her so I decided to make my clothes disappear. I was too scatterbrained to physically take them off, I felt like I'd wake up if I did. Never found her though.

      I remember looking at the sky. It had a strange jagged pattern in it of shades of grayish blue. I walked a few blocks before making it to the garage sale. The neighborhood seemed to deteriorate as I walked through it into a slum. I remember seeing a barren tree. I looked around the sale and talked to the owner(pretty sure I was still naked haha).
      lucid , task of the month
    3. 2-4-11 Creepy Choir

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:31 AM
      While I lay in bed after waking I had a dream about a choir singing at Gesu. They were singing very strange verses. I could tell I made them up. I didn't really become lucid, this was hardly even a dream, kind of just imagery. I sort of realized I was laying in bed thinking all this but I wasn't even really there, it was just an image.
    4. 2-4-11 Hanging out with Nick

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:31 AM
      I had a dream where I was hanging out with Nick. Before that I was writing some music with Brad. Nick kept wanting to make more food. I told him I needed to go to Durdel's to get some strings. It was 6:40 and I said we needed to go now to get there before they closed. I was thinking it was sunday even though the're closed on sounday. Nick wanted to make one more thing to eat first. He handed me a fruit by the foot and told me he'd drive and loan me the money to buy them if he could(for some reason I thought we had to go to his house to get my money). I said fine. He put something in the oven. I checked it a minute later and the fruit by the foot was in there sizzling yellow goo(I think he origianllay put something cheesey in there). I told him it was done. He said I dunno before he even looked. Then he checked and the goo sixxled up and hit him in the face. He winced in pain and closed his eyes. He had the tea kettle on and it was shooting out water.

      It was 6:45 now and I told him we had to leave in the next 3 minutes or we'd never make it. He said give him 6 and I said alright for some reason. I looked in the driveway and saw my car there and not his and I said I'll just drive. Then it was 6:49 and I noticed I was wearing pajama pants and a ratty sweater. I ran upstairs to change. I put on some pants and decided the sweater was alright since I was just going to the store. I found a bunch of money in my pants. My room was extremely messy and reminded me of the table in Nick's basement.
    5. 2-3-11 Fancy house fragment

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:30 AM
      I was in this really fancy house. It was similar to mine, but much nicer. I remember a piano but I didn't play it. I talked to some people, maybe my family. I pulled out a cigarette case. Hand-rolleds again. I may have closed it and opened it and found a joint and smoked it but I can't remember now.
      lucid , dream fragment
    6. 2-3-11 Lucid at school

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:29 AM
      I dreamt I was leaving my house in my car following my mom. I looked away for a second and when I looked back her car had turned into a green one, I noticed that this didn't make sense but didn't turn lucid right away. We turned onto Bancroft and I realized it was a dream. I remember driving on the wide sidewalk on the front of campus. I got out of my car. I remember walking around a bit. Talking to people, more at them randomly. I remember sliding down this long cement ledge either on my feet or on a skateboard. Might have been doing a boardslide.
    7. 2-3-11 Smoking weed at a recording studio

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:28 AM
      I was at this recording studio standing on the porch talking with some musicians walking around. We stopped at a door and I looked in and saw someone playing guitar and a bunch of equipment, amps, EQs etc. I remembered my goal. I visualized the case and then reached into my pocket. It worked! But it didn't look exactly how I imagined it. I sat down and opened it. There were just a bunch of tobacco roaches inside. I asked Mark if he had any weed. He said, "yeah, just some mids". Then I tried to make some danque appear by closing and opening the case. First I made a burnt looking joint but wasn't satisfied. I was able to make a bud. Then I spent what seemed like a half an hour breaking it up while talking with people around me. I was still lucid when I focused, but I was spacing out not really aware of what I was doing. When I finished breaking it up there was only a tiny little bit. I asked Mark for some. It's kind of hard to tell the order of what happened next. I was really unsure about what to do and kept looking around scatterbrained. I saw some huge buds of mids on the table. I remember thinking I don't wanna smoke mids, then thinking it's a dream, it's not real weed anyway so it doesn't matter. I remember Mark opening his bag and a whole bunch of keef falling out. I got really excited. We decided to pack a bowl.
    8. 2-3-11 Floating like in waking life

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:28 AM
      I was stuck in hypnogogia. I was lying in bed but I wasn't sure if I was asleep or not. I felt really wierd and saw wierd colors. Then I started dreaming that I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I knew it was a dream because of how it felt, I was in SP I think. I couldn't move, but I could roll over. So I rolled off my bed. It didn't hurt at all. I still couldn't move so I started dream spinning. I teleported out into the hallway. I had no balance so I grabbed the railing to keep from falling over. The physics all gave out and I started floating in. I held onto the railing to keep from flying away, very like the opening scene in waking life with the car.
      lucid , memorable
    9. 2-3-11 Fiction character and Greg's wedding

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:27 AM
      I had another dream where I was either on the computer or reading about this really interesting character. I called some random phone number and got an electronics shop in Columbus. I was just messing with them, but ended up haggling the guy down on something and then listened to his boss bitch him out. Chris was there and we talked about the character. I remember putting something other than a guitar on a guitar stand, maybe a soda.

      This connected to a dream where I was at the rehearsal for Greg's wedding. I remember these big stairs and screwing something up right in front of the camera. This dream was much more vivid at the time but I had it early in the night and don't remember it well now.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 2-3-11 Alien german shepherd

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:25 AM
      I had a dream where I was at Mike's appartment getting stoned. It looked a little like his old house but just because it had a bunch of couches and a big TV. The room was different, and it changed throughout the dream. When we were smoking we were standing up in a room with bright fluorescent lights, similar to the recording studio yesterday. When we finished smoking Mike and Nick went outside for a cigarette. One of the girls went out to but she just went to her car, got her smokes, and came back inside and smoked there. She had rolling tobacco. She was doing something weird with it where she would roll the cigarette and tobacco would come out of the end, then she would roll it the other way and it would go back in and come out the other end. A black hipster looking guy came in with three packs of cools that turned out to be more hand-rolleds. He gave everyone but Madison and I one. He blew smoke in my face and it made me feel really high and I had to sit down. Then we were watching TV. One guy kept saying we should watch this thing about the universe with an experimental soundtrack. I kept trying to say we should watch this movie about a character from the dream before, something Ray Bradbury had made(not really thought).

      Then this guy had a huge dog outside. It was a 6 ft alien looking German shepherd. It had these strange black marks on it and a menacing but stupid looking face. We could see it through the screen door. He asked someone where he should put them(as in there was another one). Then someone inside looked the dog in the eye or something and it started growling at us. The owner growled at the door and I somehow knew this was to show the dog that the door was bad and he should leave it alone, he shouldn't go in there. He grabbed the dog by the collar and wrestled him into the apartment(a different one). Then there was a panther and he had to do the same with it. The panther bit him(in the head maybe). I said people shouldn't own animals like that and Madison agreed. Then the panther was inside snarling and we were all cowering on the couch. I clawed at one couch so I jumped to the other. It got really close to me and growled in my face. But it didn't do anything. Then I punched it. It punched me back. Neither of us hit hard. Then it sort of pinned me down and licked me so I licked it back.

      There was another part where I was looking at the top of my lava lamp. It was curved in a strange way. I was thinking about calling my parents to tell them I wouldn't be home for dinner. The clock below the TV said 6:59.
    11. 2-2-11 Jarius fragment

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:24 AM
      I remember little bits of a dream where an R&B band was playing. Jarius was playing guitar and I was trying to explain who he was to someone and how Nelson had shown this guy to me on youtube.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 2-2-11 Playing catch near the creek

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:23 AM
      Then I was in another dream. I almost feel like they were connected or I was aware of one ending and the other beginning, but I wasn't lucid. I saw 2 people I knew playing catch up ahead in a parking lot next to some buildings. There was a creek on the other side of the parking lot and more water back behind it. I walked up next to the closer of the two. The further signaled for him to throw another ball. Then he said something to me and was gonna throw a few to me. I asked the guy next to me if I could borrow his mit. He said sure but before he could even throw it to me the other guy had thrown the first ball. It was way over my head and I just let it go. Then the guy tossed me his mit. Before I could put it on he threw the other ball. It was over my head but I ran and caught it barehanded. "Great catch!" he said. I went to get the other ball, it had rolled into the creek. The creek looked dirty and black and the ground and plants by it were all brown and tan, very industrial waste looking. When I got to it I saw that it had somehow connected to a cement parking block in the creek. I pulled it toward me with my foot, I didn't want to get wet. I disconnected the ball, which was now a piece of metal. I threw the metal and the other ball, which had turned into a beer can, back. I thought they would have been heavier and overthrew them.

      The two guys went into the water to get the balls. They were clowning around in the water a while. They found a rusty sledgehammer and the one guy was sitting on the other's shoulders swinging it around. They came out of the water like this. The guy on the bottom walked away and the one on top stayed that height. He had really long legs now and was all out of proportion. The other guy had his shirt off and they were getting really rowdy now, like they were raging drunk. It started raining. The teacher from the last dream drove up in a golf cart. She said, "Maybe you don't see anything wrong with your behavior, but there are other people here who do not appreciate it." Then drove off. I felt nervous because and wondered if she had recognized me.

      Then we went inside to see the boss. The shirtless guy was Adam now and he said that our band wouldn't be playing any gigs here now. We were in a basement looking at a marker-board that had a list of bands playing there soon and other venues listed as well. Then we walked upstairs and I saw some friends of mine. They were all wearing suits and looked like they were in the mafia. One guy snuck up on my friend pulled a fake gun out, held it to his back and whispered something really funny to him. Then put it away and hugged him or shook his hand. We all talked for a minute. The place was a restaurant so the other guy and I went to see the boss about getting jobs. He was really happy. He showed us the kitchen. I made a correction in his sudoku puzzle(2 2 in a line) and he said this guy's sharp, make sure you come back for an interview. Then we were walking out and the gun thing happened again but this time it was my friend Jantzen doing it. We all laughed.

      Then I was outside by myself. I saw a car back out, smash into a building across the street then drive off. It happened really quickly and violently. The teacher came out and said something like,"Do they really think they can get away with this?" I told her what color and make the car was and that I had seen them smash into the building so it'd be easy to find them, their car would be all dented up. She smiled at me and said, "I would have never thought of that I know nothing about cars."

      Then we were in her recording studio. She was checking the computer for what files they had stolen. The studio was a big cluttered room with bright fluorescent lights and 2 computers. A younger girl was at one of the computers working.
    13. 2-2-11 Subway driver class

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:22 AM
      I was taking a class on how to be a subway driver. My teacher from American government was teaching it. He looked more mature and together, less like your average american beer bellied football fan, though at the same time younger. He was asking questions and everyone was getting them wrong. I kept getting distracted and missing the questions so I just kept quiet. I finally heard one and got it right. There was a guy who kept making really bad jokes. They were like will ferral's jokes but not funny at all. The teacher kept implying that he was stupid and should shut up.

      I remember talking to a foreign guy, I think he was Indian. He was telling me how he was trying out for the job now. He had somehow skipped the class. He walked down this strange futuristic looking staircase to the platform with a supervisor.

      We did a simulation. The teacher let one of the students drive, maybe Will Ferrell guy. I couldn't see how the driver was driving or what he saw, but I watched where we were going on a map to learn the route. I saw a red line moving over the map with the tunnels shown in blue. There was more to driving than just switching tracks like you'd think. The driver had to steer like it was a car. The teachers interface was a touchscreen and he could control the train with it. We drove all around Toledo and some of the outskirts.

      Then we took a break. When we came back the teacher changed and so did the room. We were in a room with this huge strangely shaped bed. It was shaped like 10 beds put together in a pattern but it was all just one bed. I waited for people to sit down trying to decide where to sit myself. I took one of the last open spots. The teacher sat next to me. She was a really pretty brunette about my age, maybe a little older. I could tell she liked me right away. I answered her questions very articulately. Then I needed to blow my nose extremely bad but couldn't find a tissue. It started to drip and I wiped it on my hand and my sleeve and felt embarrassed and tried to hide it from her. Someone got up and blew their nose. Then I saw the box of tissues right behind me and cleaned myself off, but there was still a stain which bothered me.

      Then we were doing an exercise where we were drawing on the carpet with markers. She kept asking me to borrow my markers. I felt like a little kid, it was very cute. Her drawing looked really bad, it didn't look like anything, just random lines, and they weren't even good lines, they were very crude.

      We took a break and one and one of her friends, heavy Indian woman, came in. She said some very nice things about the teacher. Then she said we should be learning meditation in this class and how it would help us. She said some things about Jay(the guy I study meditation with) and about how she just went to one of his talks 2 days ago. I said something about him, then she said she recognized me from the talk. I tried to think if I had been there but couldn't remember.

      Then Madison was next to me. She had taken one of her gauges out and was talking about it. She said something about a brand she wanted and how it was too expensive. I said my sister had looked at the same brand. We talked some more but I don't remember.
    14. 2-1-11 Smoking grass in the house

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:21 AM
      I had a dream where I was smoking weed in my room with Andre and some of his friends. I realized what we were doing and opened the window and told people to blow the smoke out of it. I stared at the door for a second, then went downstairs to look for my parents. I didn't see them so I asked my sisters friend where they went and she told me. I went back up to my room and saw a girl just exhaling in the middle of the room. I said comeon it's not that hard to blow it out the window. Geoff called me but I didn't answer because I was too caught up in dealing with the situation. There was a part were my little brother was naked and peed all over the floor in my room and my sister had to carry him out. I remember the keef bowl I smoked with Haley and Madison, but not sure if they were there. I remember a recurring part where I was with a girl I liked but then I realized it wasn't the girl I like in real life and felt weird about it.
    15. 1-30-11 Blue Juice

      by , 02-05-2011 at 05:20 AM
      I dreamt I was in Nick's basement. The lights were off and the only light in the room was the one coming from the computer. Nick and a few others were sitting around the table talking about the website on screen, either for a band or some unusual phenomenon. I was sitting back a bit from the table at first because there were no more chairs. Someone left and I got up to take their seat. There was a stain on it(I recognized this from a youtube video on waking). I never ended up sitting down, I just examined the stain. Something about it was funny to me and I explained it to the person sitting next to me.

      Either I was looking at the computer or Nick was talking about something and the scene changed to being outside on the corner. There were 2 people, an adult and a child, I was one of them but I'm not sure which. We were talking about something philosophic, wisdom of some sort. Someone was using a butane torch to light a 15ft copper rocket.

      I walked toward school and turned into myself. Then I was driving, pulling into a parking lot with dead bushes in the front. The sky was a bittersweet orange. There were police officers and a gang both minding their own business. A mexican guy came up to me and started talking to me. He was trying to intimidate me and hinting at how he was going to steal my car. I pointed to the cops and made a joke. I sad just don't forget to steal the whole thing, don't forget the fan belt or something.

      Then I was looking through my car for some food. I saw that white ceramic pot with some corn in it, I think it was outside the car. I found some blue juice in the car. The scene then transformed to a combination between high-school and krogers. My sister was there and I had some food for us to share. I had a pack of blue Hi-Cs on top of my car. Anthony and the gangsters ran up and stole some. I chased them around. This is when it turned into krogers. I felt like I was an employee. I chased him around throwing stuff at him worried that I might get caught. He knocked over some plates and then fell down a flight of stairs near the registers. I threw a thing of laundry detergent at him. I charged at him to get the juice while he was down. But then the manager showed up and I started walking nonchalantly. The detergent was still bouncing and sliding across the floor. The manager didn't seem upset at all. This girl who reminded me of a girl from gradechool said something that made absolutely no sense, like aren't you glad we didn't have school today.