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    1. 2011-02-01 | nonlucid

      by , 02-02-2011 at 04:00 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in my high school's band room, the lights are off but there are a bunch of
      people there including me, my high school band director, and my crush. We were
      setting up some sort of sound system and eventually we came to a part where we
      didn't have the right piece. my band director said it was at his home. My crush told
      him she would call his son and have him bring it. ( My band director doesn't have any
      children ). After feeling jealous for some reason,
      I woke up

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 04:15 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Day 4: Lucidity!

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:49 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Pre dream:
      I was hellbent on getting a lucid dream, so much though that I literally tried to stick my finger through my hand throughout the entire day and constantly questioned my reality and weather I was dreaming or not. I tried looking for all the signs, text looking weird and not looking the same with a second read, clocks acting weird (which is funny because I stared at a clock for a while and the minute hand went backwards an I was like "OMG!" but then it went back to normal), digital clocks going crazy, electronics not working, mine or other peoples hands looking weird (also funny because one of my friends hands were all different colours but then he told me people drew on his hand for some reason), and weird colours of the sky (throughout the day the sky was white). So it was a pretty trippy day, I also preformed double reality checks anytime something out of the ordinary happened or if something seemed strange or not right. Before I went to sleep I got caught up "in-between" the dream and reality, where my thoughts seemed to be deeper in my mind and not make a lot of sense, and when these things occurred immediately I got up and preformed a reality check. Eventually, I fell asleep.

      I was waking around in a familiar area, it's my old school(which is right next to my new one)and I'm facing the dufferin mall. (It's much smaller than in the dream than in waking life, it not necessarily an easy building to recreate). I was walking towards it through my schools parking lot. I find myself wondering how I got here. I preform a reality check and try to push my right finger through my left palm. It doesn't work.

      "Of course I can't do it." I think to myself.

      But just to double check, I pinch my noes and try to breath, and what do you know,
      I could breath!

      "I'm dreaming? I'm dreaming!" I think to myself.

      I do it again.

      "Yes!" I say to myself. "Time to do awesome stuff!"

      I heard about flying in dreams, it's the first thing I try. I remember hearing that an easy way for beginners to do it is to jump up and down higher and higher.

      I jump up...

      and fall right back to the ground. I do it again...

      same thing.

      "Well fuck me." I say to myself, quite frustrated that my first lucid isn't turning out so well.

      I pinch my noes again and try to breath, at first I can't, but afterward I have no problem. I feel discouraged. I begin walking towards the mall.

      "What else can I do?" I think.

      Then I have a false awakening. I'm in the back of a taxi, wondering how I got there of course.

      "That was cool, my first lucid dream." I think to myself unaware that I'm still dreaming.

      The taxi is parked outside of the mall. The driver looks a bit angry at me, probably because I fell asleep in his car. Someone's waiting for me inside the mall. I go inside. A DC greets me as soon as I step inside. She's white, kind of chubby, maybe in her 50's, brown short hair, and wide eyes. She's wearing a jacket (which I now recognize to be my grandmother's). The funny thing is when I first see her I say in my head:

      "You're not real, you're a projection of my subconscious."

      But I was like, "Nah I'm not dreaming anymore." Once again strange dream topography. The mall that I walk inside of the mall that I walk into is actually a different mall all together, the yorkgate mall. False memories begin flooding my head. I'm a boy who delivers packages for the mafia, this woman is my mentor. I delivered a few packages in my dream but only one delivery stands out in my head. I need to deliver this package to this fast food store, but I need thirty minutes to do it. I'm being timed. The goal is to reach the front of the line with thirty minutes left on the clock so I don't hold up the line. Weird thing is when this is happening a line of my text pops up in mind (with a lot of spelling errors): "I didn't want to hold up the line to long." I reach the front of the line, 27:36 left on the clock.

      "Good enough." I think to myself.

      I believe more escapades happen in the mall and I met some of the mafia guys I was working for but it's pretty hard to remember. Some time later I end up back at my apartment and I'm talking dad when my DC mentor comes through the door. Apparently my dad and grandma know her and are really happy to see her.
      I'm drawing a blank about what happens after this (if anything does) so I'll skip to the end. I wake up at around 4:30 a.m., 2nd of February 2011.

      Yeah I woke up late.

      "There's no way I'm gonna get up." I think to myself.

      "I'm going back to bed."

      I collapse down and fall asleep shortly after.

      In this dream a lady shows up to my house. She has medium long black hair. She's telling me about the school I want to get into (she's probably a representative) and she kept on insinuating that it was too late and I wouldn't be able to get in. This makes me sad as the school I'm trying to get in is the same school Maisha goes to (it really is this isn't false memory) and shortly after things start to get blurry, I fall down and lay down on a couch (the couch I'm sleeping on) and I wake up.

      I wake up at around 7:20 a.m., the 2nd of February 2011. (yay snow day! ^^)

      As lucid dreaming goes this was pretty much a success, as dream control goes this was pretty much a failure. But now that I know the noes trick works (and for some reason the finger one doesn't) I have successfully confirmed a reality check! Now I need to learn more about dream control and practice flying. Once again wish me luck!

      Note: It seems like I have a very short attention span in dreams. I just got so excited that was like, "First thing I wanna do, fly!" Perhaps it is just man's nature to reach for the sky. If I attain lucidity again I have to remember my goals and constantly RC so I remember I'm dreaming. I guess I'll just have to study them. Perhaps I couldn't fly because I half-expected to not be able to (it was very realistic). Also I remember when I jumped up and down gravity was the same, if not stronger. If anyone has any tips on how to remember things in a dream please let me know.

      Updated 02-12-2011 at 08:23 AM by 41835

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , lucid
    3. A Dream of a Lucid Dream?

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:47 PM
      Hello, everyone! Its not a nightmare (Thank GOD!!!) but it is weird: The dream started in my house. Everything morphed into a huge church-like room but the walls were tan. Suddenly the Sham-Wow guy and a random woman came rushing across the flour with a huge chalk board. The Sham-Wow guy yelled ,"SHAM... WOW!!!" and stared doing random math problems. I said ,"What the heck is going on!?" and I "supposedly" became lucid. I got scared for some reason I don't remember and woke myself up. ( Its funny because I didn't become lucid, I DREAMED of becoming lucid,lol ) The End
      Tags: church, sham-wow
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. 2.2.2011: another LD

      by , 02-02-2011 at 02:43 PM
      Dream Lucid Me DC

      Dream 1
      This might be a part of dream 2, iīm not sure.
      I was standing on a platform. Joe (From Family guy.) was laying there because his wheelchair was gone and I needed to get him out of there. I saw some floating thing in the air and when I got closer, I realized it was a floating eye. I also knew it was an enemy. I locked on to it (Another gaming dream.) and pressed a button to get information from Navi. (The fairy from Ocarina of time.) "You can absord its laser by blocking it", she said. Once I did this, a power meter appeared. It went up and down and I turned from red to normal with it. A text appeared saying, that if I would press R2+L2+both side buttons, I would hit my sword to the ground and create a portal. I could do this 84** times. I killed the enemy and grapped Joe. I started riding a camel (What?) to a ramp which had some arrows on it. They were some kind of speed boosts, and once I touched them, I flew through the air to another platform. After I did this couple of times, I started a new lap. This time new platforms appeared, allowing me to reach higher places. Then comes the part iīm unsure of.

      Dream 2
      I was in some cave-like room with 3 other people, 1 woman and 2 men. One of them was digging of some ground tile or something. "Iīm ready, boss" , he said to the other man. Then the tile collapsed beneath him and he fell to a cavern below. "What is that?" ,I asked. "Looks like a cave. Go get some rope", the other man said to the woman, grapped a flashlight and jumped down there. "You better take a shovel with you" , the woman said. I nodded and jumped to the cave. Once I landed, I stepped aside as she dropped an shovel to me. I grapped the shovel and walked to the other guys. Then the whole cave went pitch-black. "Oh great, now this dream turns into a nightmare", I though. (Didnīt became lucid.) I put my arm around the leaders shoulders. "Is that you?" , he asked. "Yes, itīs me", I reply. I feel someone else touching me. (I just knew it wasnīt the other man.) "Um... Is that you too?" , the man asked. "No?...."

      Dream 3
      I have an FA, my vision is still bad. I look at my clock. It shows 9 oīclock. I assume itīs 9am, ignoring the fact that my alarm didnīt work, my parents didnīt wake me up and iīm hopelessly late from school. I do the nose RC and it works. I do it one more time just in case and then step out of the bed. Itīs still very dark and I try to fix it, but I fail. "Iīm not allowing some darkness ruin my LD", I think and fly through my roof. My vision gets normal as soon as iīm outside. I look around me and see, that my house is some sort of church, and theres an old man walking up stairs to my front door. He says something, which I donīt remember. I fly higher and begin to stabilize my dream by looking around me and touching the bricks of the roof. I remember my goal of going to Lucid crossroads and decide to use the "Fly on top of the clouds and search for a hole" technique. I look to the sky, but theres only a few little clouds up there. I start to summon more and start flailing my arms around, like I would be saying "come here", but without, you know, talking. Just as iīm about to give up, I see one really dark cloud on the sky. I continue and more and more of them start to appear. Soon the sky is black and I can see some lightningbolts up there. I start flying upwards, but I got scared. What if a lightning hits me? Plus my "flap your arms" style of flying is too slow. I give up and think of another way. I decide to try to go underwater and then rise from the fountain in the Crossroads. I begin to look for water, and land. I pull away an curtain and see, that there is an pool on the other side. Well okay, I wouldnīt call that little hole full of water a pool, but it will do. I was in third person and iīm not actually sure if even did go underwater, but I failed. After this all I remember is, that I start to see some random scenes, bouncing between lucidity and normal dream until I woke up.
    5. "when this burns, that will burn too"

      by , 02-02-2011 at 01:37 PM (Somnium)
      Comments non-lucid Lucid

      I felt like I have had an introduction to this dream before. I recognized the bridge in it.

      A family, which are depicted as members of my family are preparing to stay in a cabin / house on a tiny little island in something resembling to a fjord. The island only had room for a house with a floor. The house was white with dark brown lists. It was a great and wide wooden bridge to get to the island. At the bridge there is an old man with a blanket over him and a cap on his head sitting in a wheelchair. He has two holes where the left eye should have been. As if the eye had become skin tissue and was punctured. But they have said previously in a dream that he was not dead. The atmosphere is hazy, and over the bridge, I see only a mountain sticking up from the earth that goes sky high. The rest is just swamp, not a road even. Further than just across the bridge I do not see because of fog. Around the hut was only heather, all the way to the water.

      There was a baby there, portrayed as Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. He played in the heather on the west side of the cabin when I heard some voices from nowhere and he argued with them. He died of some reason and the man in the wheelchair drove him west from the cabin with a pickup truck. On a road that did not exist. Later, the father and daughter (my sister and dad) are discussing something I don't remember, while she looked down into the water on her reflection. They stood on the north east side of the cabin. It felt like she were suicidal. I felt that everyone in the family would die.

      Dream skip until night. The whole family sat and watched the reflection of a very similar cabin on the other side. The father explained that the same happens to the cabin as it happens with this. If it burned, this one burned also. I saw that the hut was burning and that this one also did, then the image disappeared. I now have a sort of guided tour of everything in place before I wake up again. Just like as the dream wanted me to remember it. I woke up.

      You may call it a nightmare, but it didn't frighten me even though it was some pretty freaky images there. Like the old man with holes in his eye.

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:10 PM by 41756

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    6. experimentation

      by , 02-02-2011 at 12:54 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Technique: WILD
      Dream Control: 7
      Dream Length: short
      Recall: Average
      Vividness: Excellent

      After waking up naturally, and going back to sleep, I immediately felt myself floating up out of bed. I landed on my feet, and headed out the door. The dream was still forming, so it was pretty dark. I didn't worry about stabilizing, I just had a feeling that things were going to break apart soon regardless so I headed outside.

      When I got there, it felt like I was wearing my shades and my hood at the same time. I tried taking off my shades, and another pair appeared on my face. I attempted to remove my hood, and the same thing happen. I tried a few more times, and saw several shades on the ground accumulating, and finally I gave up on it. I continued on out towards the road, and jumped into the ditch.

      It had water in it, and it came up to my knees. I raised one foot off the ground, and stomped and watched the ground swell up and there was a moving hill forming away from me. The water had traveled underground through the cracks that I made, and I decided to work on something else.

      I looked at the sky, and there were several stars out, and almost immediately it changed to where the sky was littered with them. I closed one eye and put fingers around one as if i was grabbing it, and moved it. I did this to another one just to see it happen again, and then I proceed to make a constellation of the entire North America by moving hundreds of stars at once. Instead of moving them by hand, it was more like it was just my will. Eventually I had everything done except for Florida. I had to play around it with several times to get it like I wanted to, but finally it did. The whole thing looked like a night time satellite view of light pollution pasted on the horizon. After that, I woke up.

      At some point during this dream after walking outside, I was in complete blackness, and everything reformed.
    7. Pieces

      by , 02-02-2011 at 12:39 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember something about porn...I'm not sure, and then things got crazy. There was a terminator after me. I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but I ended up reprogramming one by nearly destroying her. We spent the rest of the dream talking with some DCs about music.
      Tags: terminator
    8. Future hostage situation

      by , 02-02-2011 at 12:20 PM
      Because I waited so long to write this I forgot many details about my dreams.

      Note to self record dreams first thing when I get up. NOT 12 HOURS LATER.

      Dream 1- Snow

      All I remember is seeing snow and thinking this might be heavy enough to cancel school.

      Dream 2- Future hostage situation

      Before I went to sleep I tried to imagine a scene and walk through it several times so that I could dream about it. I thought it might be cool if a tried to do a cycle duel like in tron. I imagined the situation about 4-5 times before going to sleep. I was about to pass out when a stray thought ran through my head and changed the dream. "Maybe I should watch an episode of Mobile Suit Gundam before going to sleep."

      I was in a room holding a bunch of hostages and a book full of Gundam stories. The very hostage situation I was in was written in the book. I checked the news and saw that the military had stepped down and surrendered to me. It was just like how it was written in the book. Unfortunately there was this one guy who had a white mobile suit who refused to surrender and instead stated that he intended to attack me. Also just like in the book. I tried to read further ahead in the book to see what would happen but instead saw some covers for some other Gundam books. I then woke up...
    9. Apartment Stairs

      by , 02-02-2011 at 11:19 AM
      I am coming down a staircase in an apartment building (I think I might live there?), and there are two people behind me. It's a different entrance than I remember coming in, and one of the people said that's the way I should go in from now on. We are about to go outside when an older guy comes in front of us and says that people are allowed in only by 2's, and asks who is the pair among us. I feel like I'm the odd one out so I walk outside right away. As we are walking up the street, there's a guy and a girl on the other side pacing back and fourth and the guy is yelling.


      I'm on one of those spinning swings at a carnival.
    10. Epic battle

      by , 02-02-2011 at 10:52 AM

      So, I've decided that I should post this dream now, though it happened long time ago

      When the dream started I was standing by some dwarf and he was saying that there is a danger of enemy attack.I was like "No way, who would attack us".I saw some church but it was destroyed.I thought it was because of eartquake.Then a enemy dwarf attacked my dwarf and then I started to believe him.But then dream started to fade out, and while it was fading out I figured that I was dreaming.I was saying "C'mon, this is going to be a lucid dream, don't lose it".Then I came back into dream, but again it started to fading.I managed to stay in the dream and then I saw this epic battle.Enemy is attacking, and I have an army but it's not strong enough."C'mon this is my dream, I will win"
      I was thinking what I should do to win.And then suddenly some giant stone creature appeard and helped me to win.It was not like a golem, it was more like some statue.And when we won the battle, he smiled and then the dream faded out.
    11. Jim67 MILD-1 Workbook

      by , 02-02-2011 at 10:22 AM
      Good Meditation again an hour before sleep. No TV.
      In bed, incubation of first scene - then distilled to one 'frame' at concert with mantra.
      Stressful report to write for work kept me awake composing draft plans for 4 hours - sleep about 2am.

      2 fragment dreams followed by long Concert Dream coupled with river/water dream sign. Non-Lucid.
      Summary: I am at the outdoor field concert of incubation but larger scale consisting of 5 stages with 100's of thousands of people. The 2 lower stages have been flooded by river (dreamsign) and two large tug boats with cables are needed to stabilize remaining 3 main stages of concert from being swept away. I suggest/realise we need to go "upstairs" to get 3 remaining stages away from the strong current of the river so tug boats can secure concert stages more easily.

      6am work start so very tired. Amazed at dream about concert incubation semi-successful but also realise that my subconscious has used dreamsigns of river/water and incongruity of "going upstairs" in a river in an attempt to make me realise I am dreaming. I still do not realise and attain lucidity. Almost like I am resisting realisation of dreaming despite best attempts by my own subconscious !!??

      Self assessment:
      I am achieving concert incubation although not achieving lucidity so sub-conscious bringing in dream signs in attempt to help my consciousness realise dream an LD. I still obviously lack energy/awareness to bring this to the fore and become lucid. Beginning to think I may be trying too hard and draining my energy that is obviously required to become lucid at concert task.
    12. A trip to the park.

      by , 02-02-2011 at 10:06 AM
      Non-dream Lucid

      I had had about 2 other dreams as well in the night, both which took place in my house. But they were short and I can't remember them clearly. This was also a WBTB attempt.

      I woke up and immediately felt weird, so I decided to do a RC, and it worked. I realised I was dreaming, and told the two people in the room (Never bothered to ask why they were there) to come to the park. I'm not sure why, but I knew there was going to be a big event there. When we got there, the dream started fading, but this girl took my jacket, bundled it up, and went "There, it's fixed now". I highly doubt she was talking about the jacket, because the dream became more vivid. Although the dream was still very unclear, and when it started fading again, I couldn't even remember what I had been doing in the dream, so had to wake up.
    13. Baby or Bacon

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:00 AM (Trial and Error)
      (A dream from a few years back...The dialogue is not exact, but it is just about right.)

      I walk into the kitchen, holding my pregnant belly, to where my mom is making bacon. (note: I have never been pregnant.) It is the exact kitchen I had at the time of the dream.
      I feel my water break and stop dead in my tracks.
      Me: "Mom, my water just broke."
      Mom: "That's nice dear." I walk closer to her.
      Me: "You don't understand, the baby is coming!" She does not even look up at me.
      Mom: "How much bacon do you want honey?" I begin to feel the baby crowning.
      Me: "Mom! It is coming!!"
      Mom: "Not now sweetie. I am cooking." I am so confused as to why she is not helping. I feel the baby's shoulders begin to descend. As soon as the shoulders are out the entire baby follows. It is contained in a sac which I rip open immediately leaking water on to the kitchen floor. I grab my child and place it carefully on the kitchen counter. I put my hands on my legs to catch my breath and after a few breaths I turn to my mom again.
      Me: "Mom, I just had a child...here in the kitchen..."
      Mom: "That's nice." He turns to me holding the pan toward me. "You want some bacon?"
    14. Texas spa/fish animation (fragments)

      by , 02-02-2011 at 08:50 AM (Trial and Error)
      I decided that one the one week break from school me and all my roommates should go to a spa (I have never been to a spa irl so I made up what I thought it was when I argued my point XD) For some reason we were going to go to a spa in Houston, TX.

      dream skip, there was some kind of animated movie involving a fish getting sucked into a whirl pool, I knew in the dream that my roommate L had helped work on it.

      We randomly arrive there, and for some reason have to sneak through what looks almost like a maze, but I know it is not, it is some kind of shopping center. (After awakening I realize it looks kind of like the art store "blick"). There are many people I know irl were hunting us down, and in order to make it to our vacation we had to get bay without them seeing us.

      Dream skip, we are returning from vacation and an equally strange animation of the same fish in the same style plays, only it is more violent and scary.

      Dream skip (pretty sure this is the next dream)

      I let my roommate B know that her bird is chewing a hole in the wall (believe it or not, actually happening irl XD) I let L know, and she begins to yell at B like a crazy person. She yells to the point that I feel the need to defend her and I step in to say that is was not her fault, these things happen, we can fix it.

      Not sure what these mean, they were to scattered for me to get any meaning out of it.
    15. January 15, 2011 (Zombie Dream)

      by , 02-02-2011 at 08:15 AM
      Zombie Dream (Non-lucid)


      It all started in a building at the edge of a road, there was some idea that zombies were coming and that I needed to get somewhere. I got out of the house and I found transportation. I somehow followed a road pretty far to an end where it looked like a freeway met with a sewage runoff and there was no way further. To the right of me there was a fenced in area, on a higher up ledge than the road. I climbed up with my bike, but hid the bike and looked around. I noticed there were two zombies and the only way to get past them was to run around them somehow and get to a control panel to move forward. They were moving in a disorderly fashion and made it hard to predict how to get through them, i attempted to get around them but suddenly once i was past them they had the ability to aim at you and then charge very fast. (Like the charger from left 4 dead 2) I tried to do the control panel, but they were moving too fast and I had to abort. From here on I remember hopping back over the fence and riding my bike somewhere. I ended back at the original spot by the fence, but with other people this time and zombies were on the road behind us which is the direction we decided to head. As we approached the zombies and tried to get around them, the leader of our group willingly ran up to a zombie to let it bite him and he became a zombie in a second. I quickly was outnumbered and got bit by one and that was the end.