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    1. The Warrior

      by , 01-06-2011 at 04:36 AM (Visions of the night)

      Last night I had this intense experience.. This time I noted it inside of my phone.. I was tired last night and went to bed.. quiet night and I fell asleep.. for some reason I woke up.. or so I thought I did.. don't know but opened my eyes to see someone over me as if ready to lunge towards me.. what I saw was a warrior over me.. I saw he was sleeveless and had a worn leather like breast plate on.. His hair was over his face since he was looking down and had a sword on one hand I felt the cold dark air felt warm .. I immediately started screaming and kicking.. I look again and see it was gone.. so here I am sitting up waving my arms in bed.. I had texted my bf and fell back to sleep.. so he shows me the text he got when he came in.. it said
      " I just work up screaning.. weird".

      Same exact spelling .. I was trying to say " i just woke up screaming but that is what I texted to him..lol..

      Weird dream..

      A warrior
    2. Dammit I hate Centipedes!...1/5/10(Early Morning)

      by , 01-06-2011 at 04:00 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      So, I find myself at my friend's house. For some odd reason, it's my house in this dream. Hm, weird. So, we're all sitting inside, my family and I. Then, we have to go do yard work. Ugh! So, we go outside, and everything is in place as it should be. The porch, patio, garage, and...what the hell is that? I see that there is a dirt rink being held up by bricks.
      My dad says we need to remove the bricks. Oh dammit...that means...I get to see......centipedes. *Shiver* I hate those damn things to no end(I really do, trust me). So, we begin to remove the bricks. The torture begins. Slither, zoom, wiggle, ehhh...no end to it. Then, as my mom removes a brick, a half-foot long one comes out. It crawls onto me. I nearly have a heart attack(probably in real life too). I grab, and chuck its ass. Phew, that was scary. Next, I get the balls to move a brick. I move and...HOLY MOTHERF***ING SH*T P*SSER!!!!! No joke: a ten yard long centipede that's only an inch thick comes out. I nearly pass out. It starts to crawl upwards me. Oh sh*t! I hit it, and it crawls away. Phew. We go inside and watch a movie until
      I awake.
    3. 6 January 2010

      by , 01-06-2011 at 02:54 AM
      My mum had just cooked curry for dinner and my sister and I were about to start eating it in my room. There were a few flies flying around so I had to keep hitting them away. I got up for a second and when I got back there were a couple of little birds, crickets and flies on my food. I was trying to hit them away but they wouldn't move, and the bird pecked me. So I put my bed sheet around me, as I only had boxer shorts on and went and got the fly spray. When I got back the birds had gone and the animals had almost finished my food which had turned into bones, with a tiny monkey now eating it aswell. But I still sprayed them all, even though the fly spray had very little left. When I put the fly spray back, I walked past Orlando Magic basketball player, Earl Clark.

      I was at the park and saw a really hot girl with her boyfriend. I sat down near them pretending to be calling someone. They soon noticed and walked across the road to outside the fish and chip shop to see if I'd turn around. I did, still trying to make it look like I was calling someone. All the time I was thinking of what I should do to her.

      I was then outside the fish and chip shop when I saw a series of monkeys walk past me all chained together, alot of monkeys. Some were walking backwards, some had their heads the wrong way around, etc. So me and a couple of other people walked around to see where they came from. We saw a big pit with big white plastic bags, which stunk. One of the people with us said that they dumped either chained monkeys or baby kangaroos there, like we saw before. He then got a bag out of somewhere and threw it in and said, 'see'. Then a baby kangaroo started walking near us.

      I was running past a main road when a car drove past, the lady in the car waved at me, but I had my headphones in and was looking down so pretending I didn't see her.

      When I was at the park I saw an advertisement for something stupid. And you had to pay for it which I thought was insane.

      Me and other people from school were waiting around for something. More people were gradually coming. None of my friends were there yet so I had to wait. Then my mate came and a bunch of us started talking. The thing we were waiting for had arrived and we were all in some sort of room with a teacher. People were sitted around on desks and we began kicking a ball around. I was trying to impress the girls with my kicking style. I somehow found out a couple of people of people added me on facebook since we started this thing included LA Clippers basketballer, Blake Griffin. I thought to myself, 'he must see how cool I really am now, we're gonna be best friends now'. I also remember the teacher saying something about jumping over a desk, so I took it literally, and jumped over the desk, thinking I was cool.

      I can't remember how we got there or WTF was going on but me and a bunch of other people were kind of walking through a TV guide. Like, we were stepping on it, and I had a birdseye view of it. The guy who's TV the tv guide was from' Mum had locked all the rude channels and everyone gave the boy shit and was saying how nothing good was on.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Jan 5 2010

      by , 01-06-2011 at 02:49 AM (Mah Journal)
      I'm not sure where I was, but apparently I had a new cat. It was this little chocolate point burmese. It was very fluffy and cute. I petted it. It was really soft.


      I was apparently with school on some trip. I was supposed to be a model for something, but that got delayed. I remember walking down a hall and asking Mrs. B. about when I would start with it. She said that they were slightly delayed. Then, later on, we were about to go into this room and do some assignment that I wasn't too enthusiastic about. To my luck, Mrs. G. was there and she pulled me out and told me that they were ready for the modeling thing.

      I went through all these staircases and giant rooms. The rooms were quite grand with elegant, darkly stained wood staircases and walls. There was a rich dark green carpet everywhere.'

      When I got there I was told to take my clothes off. I took them off and I was in a purple bikini. I thought they were going to shoot me in that. Then they grabbed some other clothes and told me to change into them. Then the dream ended.
    5. Jan 4 2010

      by , 01-06-2011 at 02:45 AM (Mah Journal)
      There was something about glitter. I remember seeing something obscene written on a purple glittery sticker. I wanted to get one. Someone was making them.


      I was in DW it seemed. There was some sort of battle. I was on some rocky cliff looking over some plains. Can't remember what happened, but I remember traveling to another area.

      Wow, school is really killing the recall D:
    6. Hypnagogic Hallucination

      by , 01-06-2011 at 02:41 AM
      I think I had a hypnagogic hallucination last night. It was kind of like when you think you're almost asleep and then jump 'cause it feels like you're falling, except way more extreme. It felt like my hand touched a pot of boiling water. I jerked my hand back, but I'm not sure if I did it physically or just mentally. That was the first time I tried to go lucid on purpose, and i don't remember any dreams, but that was pretty cool. I'm pretty sure I have lucids all the time, but i only remember going fully lucid once (or maybe twice?) in my whole life.
    7. Dreaming in dreams

      , 01-06-2011 at 02:23 AM
      I suppose I better start this now, since I can't remember most dreams after a day (Surprised I could remember this one after 2), and this one was rather interesting.
      Also note that this was as closely accurate as I can remember

      I appeared in the mall, or more accurately put, a mall. From what I remember, I walked around, then ran into two guys. One stuck out in particular, the other really just followed him around. For whatever reason, we just stuck around each other. I just continued doing what I had done at the beginning, walking around the mall, only having the two boy around.

      Then we walk through a large, sliding glass door, which leads to a peaceful landscape: a pond, numerous tiny hills that looked about 8 feet high, and each hill had the exact same tree on the top of it, all aligned straightly. I walk up about 10 feet away from the pond shore, when the 'leader' of the two boys I met earlier starts getting angry. He starts shouting something that I couldn't quite make out. His structure grew largely, until he towered an extra two feet higher than normal. This was scary, considering this boy had been about 6 feet tall already. But as he grew taller, the other boy got shorter and fatter, and a pair of smooth sun glasses appeared on his face. He then started to back off.

      The larger boy now had a large knife, and grabbed me. He made very large cuts down my upper arms, and other places I can't quite remember. I remember the pain being unbearable. And suddenly, I woke up.

      This could've been another great opportunity for me to realize my dreaming state, because my basement room was filled with lots of natural lighting. I suppose the reason I didn't notice is that things were MUCH more detailed than earlier, balancing the unnatural with the normal. I was determined I must have been dreaming, but when I looked at my arms, the two cuts were still there. I started freaking out, wondering how my mom would react. I continued to get out of bed, opened my room door, then ran up the stairs. This is when I woke up for real.

      Looking back on the dream, I remember the "original" dream to be very detailed in everything but the two boys. I distinctly remember the tall one to be wearing red, but other than that, I could never really interpret a real face, except the sunglasses scene I suppose.
      I think the sunglasses could've been relating to something with a drawing I drew earlier (I'll post later).
    8. 1/5/2011 finally caught up.

      by , 01-06-2011 at 01:40 AM
      close to getting WILD, but failed
      Dream 1: I were running with christian merkau through snow (its night) down running down wilke a little further from lous house towards mcdonalds and BK. we were headed for taco bell though. we got to the area with the dry cleaners ( but that wasnt there ) and gas station, christian started to head behind the gas station and then face planted into the snow on the uphill slant, then I thought wait... taco bell isnt near the mcdonalds or bk im headed to. I must be dr......eaming... I woke up.. once again denied by my dream.

      dream 2: in a pub of some sort i played pool never remembered any of the shots and also wanted to impress a chick and I broke the pool stick at one point I think.
    9. December 2010: more slack one less dream and another lucid..when im lucid my dream loves to deny me.

      by , 01-06-2011 at 01:31 AM
      Dream 1: Chased by zombies in timesplitters-esque mansion. I was with a group, but me and an old friend matt mueller found a tower room behind the large wall door that whipped open as zombies came through the door and caused several people in the group to shrink into to fear and not realize me and my friend found a door. me and matt went up to the tower room that had a staircase that curved rightwards, the building had large grey bricks for the build of it all. once we got into the room that had old arcade games, green cushion seats and a light of some sort. Matt talked about sharing a graduation party with me and Pat Frankenthal.

      Dream 2: Mortal kombat between mileena and kung lao, i cant remember for sure if it was mileena though. They fought on stage that looked like hell from earthworm jim. then I became more involved in the dream, becoming semi-lucid as well. I was under them above shed, it seemed like I was teleported there. I then froze half the top of the partially red shed. Then I also used a low lying sheet of fire that quickly melted the ice(but there was no steam?)I then became more lucid than before and hopped down of the shed next to a large barn on a steep elevated hill. I swung both my arms around to try to gain energy from the atmosphere to create a windy ice energy ball, but my dream denied me and yielded no activity.... soon after I awoke.
    10. November whole.. I slacked, had a few dreams and a lucid(well a tiny one)

      by , 01-06-2011 at 01:12 AM
      Dream 1 date: unknown along with the others- in a bayou- like area that is apparently an amusement park, the dirt(or land) reminded of wood chips(due to the shade of brown they were) but they looked like wet wood chips. trees such as willows hung over the swampy area as I believe i arrived. I walked in and saw to murky water sections, on shallow one deep, I also saw tables to eat on in one area. I decided to go over to the deep water area and check it out. someone threw a airplane(white and red one) over the water and it came falling down in a deep spot of the water. this section of the amusement park was the creepy critter area, containing bugs of all sizes. I decided to go over to the shallow area. The shallow area contained crocodiles I beleive and my friends in my lunch group were in this area, ryan widdis, tommy and mike. ryan and tommy swam out quick but mike was having trouble and being followed by a swift crocodile, something soon came over me... I was dreaming I ran into the water which i don't remember feeling and mike just got away from the tiny crocodile that was about to attack. the crocodile seemed frustrated and opened its mouth in front of me, but it didnt open wide enough (thats what she said) I thrust my left leg up and came speeding down............. but i never hit the crocodile and kicked my dog that was on my bed instead on mistake. whoops. my dog was okay by the way.

      Dream 2: asked brett to play Today by kota hoshino on our comp. in the living room. it played perfectly.

      Dream 3: Yacht club. I crashed a yacht by resort, not much damage done though. I had a third person perspective on it all though.
    11. 01/05/11 Out Of My Dreams, Into My Car

      by , 01-06-2011 at 12:55 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: My goals for this night included completing the Dreamviews task of the year that involves opening the Ark of the Covenant from the first Indiana Jones movie, I planned on doing this with Nomad. It seems Nomad remembered me doing that with him, but unfortunately, I don't remember the dream. I vaguely remember seeing Nomad in a fragment, which leads me to believe it was a true shared dream which I don't recall, but since I don't remember it I can't count it towards the task of the year. I also have the plan of completing the tree task for the Lucidity Powers Trials Club, since I have only four more nights to complete that and have it count. Again, epic fail. MoSh asked me to use a healing spell on a friend of his, Saim, who is a woman he has both spoken with online and dreamed with. This task I completed. Hmmm… one out of three goals completed… better than none, but not great.

      I use my light / sound machine as I fall asleep and I slip directly into a WILD…

      I am inside MoSh's inner world, inside his house. I look around and see that he is right there with Asuka, and both of them are looking at me as if they had been expecting me. I have to pause and think for a bit before I remember the reason why I might be there, and soon I remember that MoSh wants me to use a healing spell on Saim, someone he has been sharing dreams with recently. So I tell MoSh that if he can get me to Saim's dream, and it is ok with her for me to be there, I am ready to try a healing spell on her. MoSh says Saim could really use some positive energy, I say I will be glad to help with that. MoSh says he has to find Saim in a dream first, and the last place he saw her was in Hogwarts, so maybe we should look for her there. So I follow MoSh through the house and out a door into the grounds around Hogwarts school. We are heading up towards Hogwarts when I hear Hagrid say hi to us from off to the left, we stop and look over there. Hagrid seems to want to talk… he says we are doing great in the tournament, we're giving Hogwarts something to be proud of. He says Harry usually does that, too, except that Malfoy kid screwed things up for him in the second challenge. I tell Hagrid I don't think the blame goes entirely on either of them, when I saw them, they were both acting about as mature as a five year old. Hagrid doesn't seem to agree with that possibility, he says he knows the Malfoys better than I do, and… I tell him I know the Malfoys better than he may think. MoSh says we have something we need to do, so we had better head up to the castle.

      MoSh and I go up to the castle, and we go inside, intending to look around for Saim. I wonder if there is really any reason to believe she will be here, or if we are just playing a hunch. I try to focus on finding her, though I'm not really sure what I am looking for, so it doesn't seem to be working very well. We look around for a while longer, then it turns out MoSh definitely knows where he is going, he finds her in one of the halls, it seems she is looking for him. She takes his arm and tries to lead him off somewhere. MoSh says I am there to help her get some extra positive energy going. So I use the song spell "You Are Loved" by Josh Groban, which transfers positive energy to Saim in the form of golden and blue energy. Once that is done, MoSh and Saim are over there talking to each other, so I just kind of slip out. I head out of the castle and start wandering around the grounds, feeling very much alone. So I find a spot behind the castle where there aren't any people, a place where I can just sit down and be alone. I spend a bit of time wallowing in self-pity, feeling sorry for myself for the fact there is no one out there for me in my waking life… I am just sitting there by myself and letting out some negative energy by crying when I hear someone behind me, there is someone else here?! That is not good… I hear Draco behind me saying it took forever to find me, what was I doing back… at this point I turn around to look at who is there, at which point Draco stops in the middle of his sentence, he asks if I am crying. I get up quickly and say of course I'm not, then I head quickly around a corner before waking myself up.

      Updated 01-09-2011 at 02:08 AM by 27700 (Post restored for members who have been following my DJ)

    12. October 20th batman

      by , 01-06-2011 at 12:55 AM
      was watching batman and joker talking to eachother in arkham asylum with 3d glasses on. then it repeated and i didnt have glasses on then i saw the joker from batmans perspective.
    13. Zen state of mind

      by , 01-06-2011 at 12:54 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember all of these DC's were worried about something that happened, and they thought I was going to go on a rampage. Whatever it was, it had already slipped my mind, and I think it got to them more than it got to me. I also remember seeing my cousin, and some accident happened involving someone else's vehicle. There were other DC's that kept asking me if I wanted to take punitive measures in order to get money from the situation, and I had to tell them no about three times.

      There was also a brief amount of studying involved where I was looking at three words that were identical, and they all had nearly the same meaning.

      I think this is a direct reflection of how I've been lately. Things happen, but I move on, and I'm not trying to take it out on anyone.
      Tags: family, studying
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. october 18 2010 recess intro and vic

      by , 01-06-2011 at 12:50 AM
      I was in the middle of the recess(cartoon) intro it had sugar ray music playing in the backround though( every morning, and someday). It was really fun. kinda reminded me of hanging out with friends in elementary school.

      phase 2: In my houses family room and victor wooten song came on itunes that i never heard. my sisters friends changed it to something garbage-like.
    15. 5-1-11

      by , 01-05-2011 at 11:59 PM

      making homework at school, soon finished.
      crazy outburst, about some of my partners papers, leaving.
      catched and put in prison, in a church looking room, with showers.
      grandparents, talking about nice room.

      i was doing some work at school, i think i was to an exam, with my partner. he put his papers down on our table and i bursts out like crazy, standing up from my chair, waving my arms over my head, shouting: "YOU CANT PUT YOUR PAPERS AT THE TABLE, BECAUSE SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN." i took the papers throwing it through the air, papers spreading out in the classroom.
      before i left i noticed the bald teacher, his thick eyebrows and the priceless expression he had.
      i was now in the hallway, and a teacher catched up with me, he took my arm and looked me in the eyes, then i said:"IF YOU DO THIS AGAIN YOUR GOING TO GET KILLED."
      he locked me in some kind of a cell, build around something, which looked like church seats.
      over the seats there were showers attached too the cell bars.
      then i remember fragments about a water leak outside the bars, but cant really descripe it.
      having a visit by my grandparents discussing the the church looking room, like they owned it.