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    1. Dream Journal: Lucid #9, Weed, Adam Sandler

      by , 01-19-2011 at 05:48 PM
      Dream 1-- Lucid #9

      I am waiting outside of the guest room in my house for my friend Blake, from high school. He is inside the room, speaking to me while roll around this piece of luggage I found. Somehow I am in this enclosed room that is four walls in a square shape surrounding me with two doors on the front and back wall. The suitcase is large and dark green, the room is dim without any lights and the doors are white. My dad is home and he calls up something to me. I don't remember the words but I walk over to the computer room on the other side of my staircase.

      Sitting in the bench that was normally present, I look over because I can clearly see the guest room door. I am just sitting and staring, waiting for something to happen. I don't really care what in particular because I am bored and restless.

      Then, my ex-gf walks out of the door and doesn't even look at me. She is busy talking to five other people who are also coming out of the door. These are tall white guys and hot white girls. I am still sitting watching how they are talking casually about bringing over alcohol. I get the impression there is going to be a party at my house, and I remember that my dad is home which prompts me to get up and walk over to them.

      I stand right next to this tall white guy and confront him. I don't remember the conversation exactly, but I remember that I was surprisingly composed and confident considering I had to look up to talk to the guy. I don't know he if he ever gave a reasonable reply, but I turn around and walk away to go down my back stairs. As I walk down the stairs, I look to my right and see a whole group of people sitting in the dark and looking at me. Their eyes are wide open focused on my soul it feels like. Some of them have glow in the dark beads and sticks. Other's have whiter eyes that have a sort of glow to them.

      I turn and continue to walk down the stairs for one step and then suddenly realize that I am running away from these characters and that I have a choice to stand up. Immediately I conclude that I am in a dream and I walk back up a couple of stairs. I look at their faces and say "I love you all." I feel so happy, like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I remember that I am in a dream and have to stabilize the dream so I spin around. Everything turns into a blur as I spin. Once I start spinning I can't seem to stop. All the people fade away into darkness. The dream is slipping away as I spin and I don't know how to get it back. I get the painful feeling that I am about to wake up regardless of what I do next.

      Then, I feel this amazing taste in the right side of my mouth. I try to hold on and focus to that sensation. It's a tingle that reminds me of a certain flavor dessert, and I never want it to go away. As I desperately try to cling to that sensation, all other feeling is lost. My vision turns to black, I become deaf, and suddenly I reawaken in my bed

      Dream 2-- Peer Pressure

      I wake up in a bed in an unfamiliar room. It's large, with windows that look out to the street, three black couches that surround a table with a TV at the fourth side of the square. I walk over to the couches because I see two people already sitting down on the right side couch. I sit down in the middle couch, directly facing the TV.

      The two people to the right of me are talking about smoking weed, one of them is actually my next door neighbor in the dorms. They light up a small piece and I immediately get uncomfortable. I feel like I should leave or do something to avoid smoking because I really don't want to. I don't look around I don't move I don't say anything. I just sit there, paralyzed, and wait. Eventually they pass the piece and a lighter to me. Now I'm more nervous than ever. There are extra people who have suddenly appeared on the left couch, watching me also. There is a force in me screaming DON'T DO IT. LEAVE. STOP RIGHT NOW YOU WILL REGRET THIS. Then there is the inertia. The force of smoking in a rotation, having people expect you to follow in the flow of the social environment. I gave in to this force and immediately felt horrible. I felt so shitty, in my head I reminded myself how now I would have to tell people I haven't drank for 6 months but I smoked weed yesterday.

      Suddenly, we are transported into a card. I am still caught up in my mental chatter about how disappointed I am in myself and how I can't bring myself to admit to other people how weak I am for allowing these people to tell me what to do against my will.

      My neighbor is talking and talking about how he is going to change his name and do this and that. He is a disembodied voice. I am just listening to what he is saying while staring out the windshield, watching as we enter on the tollway ramp.

      Dream 3-- Sandler's New Movie

      I am the passive observer camera for Adam Sandler's new movie. I don't know the title or anything, but I am thrown into this scene as just the camera. I watch as the main character, who is some domineering, sex-craving, megalomaniac talk to this woman. They are having a conversation at a table and somehow the topic of misrepresentation comes up. She asks him what the swastika represents and he says a man raping a woman. I tried to imagine the figure in my head, and somehow I came up with the same conclusion.

      The main character stands up and is talking to Sandler in the hallway of the office. I see behind the man a giant series of windows that overlook the city. There are giant posters on the windows of movies and famous, beautiful actresses. I can't remember specifics.
    2. Zombies and awareness in a False Awakening.

      by , 01-19-2011 at 04:27 PM (Jogui's Dream Journal!)
      - Real life and comments.
      - Non-Lucid Dreams
      - Lucid Dreams

      I woke up at 04:00 ( I still had 3 more hours of sleep ) with a strange feeling and thoughts of zombies, yeah, but i don't recall anything about the dream... (shit! x'D). Before going to sleep, i saw the second chapter of The Walking Dead, and I think that this caused the strange feeling (seriously, a apocalyptical feel).

      Concience in a False Awakening
      Before this night, I never had recalled a False awakening, a VIVID False awakening. After return to sleep at 04:05 aprox. ( I wake up every day at 06:40) I had the false awakening.

      Like every day, I wake up very exhausted, well, my mum wake me up turning on the light and screaming.
      -Joguiiii! Wake up, look at the time!
      Holy shit, It was 06:55 and i've to run to catch the bus at 07:10.
      -Ok ok mum!
      With great effort I could get up and BOOM!

      ... It was a dream! Other time the same situacion, but now, my mum didn't turn on the light and it was 06:40, like every day.

      ----- Conclusion -----
      My first false awakening, YEAH!!!!! I don't know if that is a LD, because i don't know that it was a dream, but i think that i have full control of it, awareness, i don't feel like in NON-LUCID dreams, but well, it vas so vivid, don't know :3

      Updated 01-21-2011 at 04:59 PM by 38425

      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. 19.1.11: random weirdness, then a plot, with an old dream element involved!

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:47 PM
      I don't know if I was lucid or not. But I was watching a TV recording of a freaky ballet based on some kind of 18th Century French Novel. Then there was an ad for a warped Peter Pan sequel, really New Agey. Then I left to go work in a theatre, which had a few levels of basement in descending levels of decay as they went downwards. In the lowest level, I found one of my French profs, my favorite one, also working on the stage piece the theatre was putting on (My old theatre prof was the director of this piece.). It turned out to be the same freaky ballet, and he was consulting on historical accuracy.

      We chatted for a while, and we both found out that he's related to my husband's side of the family by marriage. Someone else's, not his, as he's never been hitched. We had a few moments of "Cool, we're kind of maybe related!" before the director sent me to a beauty parlor to get supplies.

      I didn't fit in there any better than I do in real beauty places. Someone tried to convince me to cut all my hair off, showing me a wig with "Lesbian Chic" short hair in 5 different shades from yellow to red. I know this hair now; a few years ago I had an erotic dream featuring a chick with this hair. Odd. Sexy, though... I'd forgotten about that dream...

      They completely ignored what I was needing, telling me that these colors were no good for me... but I needed them for someone else, I worked in a theatre, but no one even seemed to hear that part. I left angry, and it was dark. Kind of stormy, too, though I vaguely remember seeing stars. Then I woke up, happy because I didn't have to really go back and tell this theatre prof that her favorite salon wouldn't sell me anything basically because I was so ugly they wanted to fix me rather than help me.

      This theatre prof's rage is notorious. I don't ever want her pissed at me. Not even in a dream.
    4. Project Indigo

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:40 PM
      Night 0 - not valid test night, emotions - content going into sleep, content coming out of sleep. Images - old house, possibly cabin at SAS. Remember - nothing of actual dream just pictures and speech. progress to becoming lucid - 3%
      side notes
    5. LD and The sword of darkness

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:20 PM
      Non-lucid Lucid

      I was driving to my home along a street. I parked the car in front of my house, when suddenly a woman and her daughter started stealing everything they would from the car. "What you think you´re doing?", I asked while taking back my stuff. "We´ll come back", the woman said, "and if you call the cops bad things are going to happen!" Then they ran away. I went inside and started writing a text message to the police, when I heard a knock. I climbed up a ladder (where did that come from?) and opened a door. Behind the door stood a man who apparently was the womans husband. He attacked me and my father, pushing him to the ground and starting to hit him. I jumped on his back and put my arm around his neck, pulling him backwards. It worked and my dad attacked him. (I´m not sure what happened here). I´m in my room playing some game, (something else happened too, but can´t remember it) when I realize I´m dreaming. I remember my task from the serial dream RPG thread and try to look into a mirror and turn into my character (my avatar). I turn around, expecting there would be a mirror there, but I fail. "Oh well, theres a mirror in my room anyway." I say to myself. I walk to the mirror and look into it. My skin color has become greyer and my hair is black (can´t remember did my eyes change. Probably), but I still have my normal clothes. I try to change them, but wont succeed. Something else happened, but can´t remember it and soon after that I woke up.

      I was in a mine. I had some pieces of the sword of darkness. There were 3 pieces: the handle, the hand protection-thing that is attached to the handle and the blade. The handle was made of steel, the protection-thing was golden and the blade was purple. I re-assemble the sword and it possessed me and I started killing people. Then something/someone makes me drop the sword into a bottomless pit. Later it turned out that it wasn´t bottomless and the sword is wating there for me to go and destroy it "after the awakening".I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Dreaming of Writing Down My Dreams While Semi-Lucid

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:06 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Since my normal dreams are in red and my lucids are in blue, lets have semi lucids be in purple!

      I just had a FA from a previous lucid dream i had, but at that time i didn't know it was still a dream. I rolled over in my bed to face my dresser and noticed my DJ wasn't there. I snapped my fingers and said for a pen to be there, and it was! Howeverr, this only got me semi-lucid. I could still use all my powers, but i couldn't control anything. Now that i had my pen, i said out loud, "Notebook!" and one appeared. However, when i opened it up it was already full! I had summoned a filled notebook, great. I said out loud again, "No, Notebook!" and another one appeard, this time a bit smaller and not as rigid, and seems like it was held together by tape. I opened it up and noticed that this time, there wasn't as much writing, but it was still used. It looked like notes of a scientist or something, lot's of jumbled up texts with a mix of funny symbols. I repeated one more time, "No! BLANK NOTEBOOK!" and so it appeared yet again. This time, i eagerly went through it and finally, it was comepletely blank. Nothing written in it. I smiled a little and started to write down key words about each part of the lucid. Here's where the sucky part comes in. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT I WROTE DOWN!!! This pissed me off too, because i could tell that it was a really long and epic dream. Infact, the only thing i remember from the lucid itself was thinking of how awesome it was and how i couldn't wait to write it down!
    7. Sex and Drugs...Yup.

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:00 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my brother's room with Drew, an ex from high school. He wanted to have sex, and I didn't think it was a good idea to do it in there, but he insisted. So we got naked and had sex. He threw the condom and the wrapper away in my brother's trash can. My parents found the condom and the wrapper, and weren't really mad, just annoyed. I think we were planning on doing it again.


      I was at my grandparents' old house, but I don't remember seeing them at all in the dream. It was Thanksgiving, and my Uncle Mike was there. I was making candied sweet potatoes in a small pan. I kept thinking I was doing it wrong, because we normally use a huge skillet to make them. I continued making them, and my uncle took them and put them in a pot on the stove. I think he was going to boil them, which is definitely NOT the way you really make them, but it made sense in the dream. We sat down to eat, and the fried chicken strips we were eating were very pink and underdone. Everyone was complaining about them, so I just put my plate in the microwave for 30 seconds to see if it would help. I took them out, and instead of getting whiter, the chicken turned more brown, though it was still very pink. I didn't eat any more of it.

      Then, I was driving. It was the middle of the day, and I was high. There was no traffic at all. I thought I was driving to The Avenue, an outdoor shopping mall in my town. I thought I had been in the car for a little too long, but I didn't pay much mind to it. I saw what I thought was The Avenue, and pulled into the parking lot. It wasn't The Avenue, but a giant Target store and a couple of other stores. There were very few people in the parking lot. Apparently, I had driven out of my town, and was in between Crossville and some other town. The shopping center with the Target was called something mixing the names of the two towns. My dad had been expecting me to be home at a certain time or something, so I just left the shopping center.

      I was at home then, I don't remember driving there though. I was just there. I had just bought quite a bit of weed, and stored it in a drawer in a desk. I could still smell it though. Mk was there, and I heard her talking to my brother in the other room, sounding very upset. I heard her tell him that all I do is smoke weed, and she didn't like it. Then, my mom came in my room and started opening drawers. She tried to open the one with the baggies of weed in it, but I held it shut. She asked me if I had bought weed, and I said yes. Then, I told her I hadn't done it in a very long time, so it was ok. That seemed good enough for her, and she left the room. I was trying to figure out how to smoke it without it stinking up the room, and I decided I should just blow it out the window. I "remembered" getting high with my parents and brother.
    8. Baseball and Ice Cream. Great Combination!

      by , 01-19-2011 at 02:54 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was at some sort of baseball game in the stands. I didn't know who it was but i did know that i wanted a better look, so i moved down closer to the field. I eventually just walked onto the field and sat on the 3rd base side near the edge of the fence (on the field, mind you). /a fan told me to get off, but i told him to go away because i wanted to get a better view. Just as i said that and turned back a foul ball flew right past me, within 1 foot of hitting me! I figured that I didn't want to get hit, so I moved, right behind home plate. Not a good idea.

      For somereason, while walking, the inning changed and all the players started running by me into their dugouts. One of them gave me his glove for no apparent reason. I was like, ok! I moved behind home plate and then the game started up again. The first few pitches were normal, ball, strike, but the catcher caught them. After like 5 or so pitches, one got past the catcher and raced towards me! I ducked down just in time and wasn't hit. I decided to put the glove on just in case that happened again, and then, right as i got the glove on, another pass ball! This time though, i had the glove, and, instead of catching it, i just deflected it as if it were a hockey puck. An umpire started jumping by 3rd base and blowing a whistle, but didn't say anything. I was a little scared to see if he was going to yell at me or not for coming on to the field and then hitting the ball and interrpting play time, but he didn't. He just sat there and blew on his whistle.

      After another minutes of watching the game i decided, "screw this, I'm hungry!" So I started to walk down the 3rd baseline towards 2 big door i saw at the end. I walked through them the same time as another person who seemed to be working there. "Looking for food?" He asked me. "Yeah, preferable ice cream." "Here's the freezer room where we keep our ice" he said, pointing to two more big steel doors. I could see some of the mist from the cold leaking out through the bottom of the doors. We starting walking up a staircase that was just past the ice room. Once we got to the top, the mysterious man said, "Can you feel the cold under your feet?" And sure enough, i could. "Yeah," I replied, "It's kinda weird." Keep in mind that i had shoes on the entier time, but now i didn't We got to two mroe big, steel doors and the man said, "This is where we part our ways. You will find planety of food in there." I thought what a thoughtful, kind person he was, but when i turned away for a second, he was gone.

      Being as hungry as i was, I quickly walked through the big doors into a Wal-Mart type store. Something that sells a little bit of everything. I walked around a corner into the first room on my right and it turned out to be some model vehicle shop. There were huge boxes that ahd pictures of helicopters and planes on it. I even saw a kid with his mom walk out of the store with one. There were about 6 people in the store in all, but none of them had food... So i walked out. I quickly saw a place where you can but ice cream! There was tons of it, but no really good kinds. There were your standards like vanilla and chocolate, but there were also really weird ones like peanut butter and jelly, and dirt, none of which sounded very apetizing. But then, I saw the mother of all ice cream inventions. The create your own sundae stand!

      I looked for the bowls but there was only this small, funny shaped one that was made of plastic. There was a sign above it that said, "The all new POP bowls! Put your ice cream in the bowl, pop it, and made it into a delicious lick-to-eat cone without the cone!"

      (Great, now my mind is starting to advertise to me in my dreams. I mean come on, WTH??)I looked closer at it and noticed that the prices of the ice cream were there. It was something like $2 per type of ice cream, $.50 per topping, $1.00 for hot fudge. I figured that, instead of using these funky looking bowls that i would grab one of the ones off the other stand with just the plain ice cream on it. They were a bit bigger and i figured that they didn't charge on size, right?

      I looked in theice cream selection part and only saw vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream, and that peanut butter and jelly. I took some vanillla and a little bit of cookies and cream. I walked over to where they sold the pints and gallon tubs of ice cream and opened up a peanut butter one. The sign didn't say we couldt do that! I grabbed a scoop or two of peanut butter and that went to get toppings. I picked out peanut butter cups since they're my favorite and piled them on. Then, i picked hot fudge, and boy did I put a lot of fudge on it! So much so that it started to leak over the edge of the bowl! I quickly grabbed a spoon and started eating. For some reason, there were bananas in it! But i didn't mind, and i just kept eating. Then, once I was almost done and there was only a few bites left, i figured that i should probably buy this before I eat it all. I walked over to a register and started wating in line. Then, everything started to blur and i could tell the dream was fading, and that
      bumped me into lucidity. I quickly finished off the ice cream and started spinning, but eating what was left of my dessert made me lose too much time, and the dream faded away.
    9. 1/19/2011

      by , 01-19-2011 at 02:52 PM
      I did not have any recall this morning, which is pretty unfortunate. I can remember some incredibly vague details such as eating breakfast in between midterms and playing on my phone... but honestly that's about it.

      Perhaps it will come back to me when I go to school in a little bit. If that's the case, I will edit this post to reflect that.
    10. #18

      by , 01-19-2011 at 02:08 PM
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Timewarp Road[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](DILD)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"]NON-DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#800080"]DREAM[/COLOR] [COLOR="#00008B"]LUCID[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]After a few weeks of NO recall, I got something :)

      [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]I was in a McDonalds, waiting in line and everything seemed normal. Though, suddenly something didn't add up and I pinched my nose and [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]could breathe.

      I was trying to recall my goals and remembered my goals to go to the past and future. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](remember this) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]Before I could attempt it, something caught my eye, I saw 7 Year Old Blue-haired quadruplet girls in robes lining up. I remembered another one of my goals was to ask a DC for inspiration, or for what they might want. I went up to them and asked them what they would like, they said they wanted Santa Claus to show up this year, they're a poor family. Before I could try to accomplish their wish...I woke up...or did I?

      [/COLOR][COLOR="#800080"]I was in my bed, thinking, "Why'd it have to end there, I was just about to do something." I though that I should check on my plaster cast I just needed applied when I [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]became lucid, the reason...I don't have a cast. I looked around and I was in a hi-tech house with automatic everything that had a very nice view though. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](My SC helped me with my goal...) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I had a look around my home and peeked outside where there was a big excersise ball in a bush. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](this likely showed up because my one popped, I like to sit and bounce on them) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]I attempted to shatter the window by punching it, which didn't work. I continued to try punch it to no avail and then tried a jumping cliche' kung-fu kick. I failed to even make it to the window. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](even in my dreams, I still suck) [/COLOR][COLOR="#00008B"]Giving up hope, I just went outside and followed a sot of Cyber-road. As I was walking along I felt the dream fading by stabilized it, I also noticed the road was sort of slowly losing it's techy look. I eventually came to a big hill. By this time, the road was only modern, I went up it and saw the road turn to big slate bricks like they wee a long time ago. When I got to the top I was overlooking a moonlit village. It was the most beautiful thing i'd seen in a dream, It was so realistic, I saw a simple village with people walking around, I felt the dream fading, but satisfied I completed 2 goals, I let it.[/COLOR][/INDENT]

      Updated 03-29-2011 at 10:14 AM by 35848

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    11. The fountain of good luck

      by , 01-19-2011 at 01:32 PM
      Non-Lucid Thoughts/Awake

      Last night I tried to attempt a WILD right off the bat to see what would happen. I went to sleep and woke to the alarm I set up for 4:00. Sadly I forgot that I was trying to WILD and turned off the alarm and went straight back to sleep.

      I saw a pillar made of marble that was very finely sculpted. The pillar was in the middle of the Han river in Seoul, South Korea. The pillar spraying water very high into the air. Behind the pillar was a soccer stadium.

      Paperdolls New Avatar-seoul.olympic.stadium.01_copy.jpg
      Olympic stadium Seoul

      A narrator with a british accent suddenly started talking about how the pillar brought good luck to who ever looked at it. The narrator also mentioned how South Korea was not allowed to have a soccer stadium or international team until the pillar was built. It was then I noticed how cloudy the sky. When I looked closer at the stadium I saw a lone figure standing on the top of the stadium watching the fountain. I assumed he was looking at the pillar in order to support his team.

      After going to the stadium so many times with my high schools track and field team I should have immediately known this was completely bogus and that the stadium was not a soccer stadium at all it was the olympic stadium.
      I am almost positive that it was the narrators accent that convinced me. It's hard not to trust a guy with a good London accent.

      I'm know recall is a going to be my biggest obstacle. This dream was a step in the right direction.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Paperdolls New Avatar-seoul_olympic_stadium_-from_ttukseom_resort-.jpg  
    12. playing boxes; people in basement; cafe and grocery store; getting leads for report

      by , 01-19-2011 at 01:11 PM
      Good morning everybody.

      Dream #1

      I sat in the dark, facing a bunch of boxes. I would tap the sides or tops of the boxes or gently squeeze the boxes, and they would produce chime-like notes. I may eventually have started to play a song on these boxes.

      (I woke up to my headphones playing a tune from a music-box from the end of a song.)

      Dream #2

      I was in "my mom's house." It was dark. My mom and my nephews were in the living room with me. I sat on the floor, in front of the front door, facing the right arm of the couch.

      My sister came up from the basement. She was really angry. She yelled back down the stairs some sarcastic comment that made it clear that some guy and his mom were downstairs, possibly with my brother-in-law. The guy was either running from the police or was a generally shady character that my sister didn't want around the kids.

      We were all afraid to have to deal with these people and get them out of the house. My sister eventually went outside to her car. My brother-in-law may have been there as well. My sister was getting ready to leave the house. She also may have been calling the police. I wondered if there was some car I could take to get me back to my hotel for the night.

      Dream #3

      I sat at a cafe with my old friend H. The cafe was open, a little dim, with greyish daylight coming in through the windows. The floors were white tile, and the tables were a thin kind of wood. There may have been potted palm trees somewhere. The place was kind of empty.

      I ate some kind of carrot bread while trying to explain something to H about how we'd been here or near here in the past. I said something like we'd been at the back end of this cafe, more pointed toward the Sunrise Market (?).

      I could now see outside. The cafe was a part of a two-floor complex. Just a ways away, across a wide stretch of sidewalk, was a much larger shopping complex, apparently the market I had been mentioning. It was brown- and tan-painted concrete. It looked like a grocery store with another floor or shops on top of it. The sky above was a pale grey.

      I was now in a dim grocery store, walking past a bunch of widely, randomly spaced displays (like some kind of farmer-style produce section) and toward a refrigerator full of drinks. H sat at a small table near the fridge.

      I wanted to grab a drink, pay for it, and tip the person who gave me the drink. I knew I could tip the person by leaving the tip (a few quarters) in the slot from which Ib had grabbed the drink. But there was some creepy grocery store worker kid who looked like he was just waiting for me to leave the tip so he could steal it.

      I asked H what I should do. She told me just to put the money in the slot, and that it would wash away to the person. I looked at the slot. There were little holes through which jets of water flowed. I saw that the coins would be pushed through the holes and to the person, who apparently worked behind the refrigerator.

      I was now in a nice room, like a nice hotel. There were a lot of Mexican boys and girls. They all had suitcases. They tumbled about and had fun. Then they lined up by the door. I lined up behind a few of them. I understood that we were all heading toward some bus or flight.

      Dream #4

      I was sitting at a school-cafeteria-style table with an older woman who kind of reminded me of my grandma, except that she was blonde and a tiny bit overweight.

      I was discussing a number of things with her. At one point I had an image in my head of a lot of stainless steel boxes, like heavy safes. Some of the boxes were for data memory. Other boxes were like small servers. Other boxes were just boxes for holding the other things in. I saw some kind of advertisement lettering somewhere on the image that said something like 275 MB or 275 MW.

      The woman now explained to me that for my report (?) I should contact a man she knew in Vegas. He'd become an expert in probabilities. As the woman told me this I could see a hand holding clear green dice with white dots. The woman told me that the man was a slightly shady character, but that that had to be expected after the tough times he'd had to live through. And, besides, sometimes you had to get to know the shady characters if you wanted to get good, new information.

      The woman then also told me to contact another person she knew, a scientist with a lot of knowledge about (something I forgot!). I had an image in my head of a man in a white robe, with a long, white beard and long, white hair.

      Some other people had now also come and were getting in the way of the woman. I was saying goodbye to her. I was talking to her from over a tall, wooden railing. We may have shaken hands as she explained something else to me about my report.
    13. 19 Jan 11

      by , 01-19-2011 at 01:01 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was at the ER and I just walked through the front doors. There was a crowd of soldiers looking at a big white board, and I believe they had some trivia game going on. The first thing I said was "the ER will take on all of the other clinics". JL came up and greeted me, and made some comments about the weight I put on. I was looking around seeing all the other people, and making conversation at the same time. Next thing you know, someone said we had a bird coming in. I was so hyped up because I knew it was going to be a true medical emergency coming through those doors any second.

      I started running the whole scenario thought my head, bp pulse ox, and then IV, blood draw then start it. On the outside I remained nearly expressionless and calm like I used to do in those situations. The sliding double doors were already locked open, and we just needed to wait for him. I started checking for my BP cuff and woke up =\

      I also had and another one where I was traveling the road with this beautiful mountainous scenery.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 11:25 PM by 10773 (added details of the er dream)

    14. Climbing

      by , 01-19-2011 at 11:34 AM
      I am climbing up Machu Picchu and there are people sitting all around on it. I see one person eating, and it kind of seemed like a restaurant. Then I am at a part that seems like a hotel, so I get on an elevator to go up. My room number is 394. I get the feeling that everyone is waiting for something to happen so I'm trying to hurry back.


      Feeling like this happens a lot:
      I am walking in the woods somewhere and I come to a clearing, like a campsite, and there are people there already. I'm on my way somewhere else, but kind of without any direction. There's water, maybe a lake.
      Tags: incline
    15. My Ex-Girlfriend

      by , 01-19-2011 at 10:48 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      This was another lucid from several days ago that I didn't have time to journal. I don't recall much now, but the lingering emotion makes it memorable.

      I become lucid somehow. I am in a house. It's vaguely familiar but I don't know specifically. I try to recall my plan. I think to summon my ex-girlfriend (which wasn't my plan, but it's something I've thought to do, but feared it might be dangerous). I seem to be in the living room of the house. I sense that around the corner and through the hall is the kitchen. I take a breath and prepare myself to meet Jen, who I haven't seen in 3 years. In those years, I have only dreamed of her once or twice, and even then only briefly. But I am haunted by memories of her in waking life.

      I finally muster the courage and start walking toward the kitchen where I expect her to be. As I enter the door, I call to her loudly: "Jen?" Then I walk in and there she is. I stop, shocked that it worked. There she is after all these years. I take a moment to really look at her. She doesn't move and doesn't say anything. I look at her face. She seems a bit older. He face a bit worn and no makeup. She is not ugly but she is somewhat... undesirable. I silently thank my subconscious. I thought this would be very difficult and painful. But somehow, now that I see her, it's not so scary. I am not overcome with desire, or anger, or sadness. I just see her and she is just a person.

      I talk to her briefly, but I don't recall any detail of the conversation. I only recall my sense of relief that I saw here and I didn't totally freak out.
      Tags: jennifer
      dream fragment , lucid , memorable