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    1. 2 dreams!

      by , 02-19-2011 at 05:21 PM (Cathy's Dream Journal)
      In the first dream, I believe I went back in time. Or someone else went forward in time. I'm not sure how it happened, but I was in the same time as Arthur from the BBC show Merlin. We were in my room and I was showing him a flag with his Pendragon crest on it. He gave me two big coins with the same image on it which I stored away for safe keeping.

      He soon started choking on something. I panicked and started doing the 'Heimlich Manuever' but I was never trained and couldn't do it. I tried really hard but I couldn't get the thing out of his throat. He ended up falling on the floor and I was panicked and terrified since he died right before my eyes since I couldn't do the Heimlich Manuever. However, he woke up anway and looked at me in a way I verbally expressed as his "Arthur Look".

      In the second dream, my mom wanted to do surgery on me by cutting my head open with a knife. I was freaked out and kept begging her not to, I was crying.

      Also, I had random school scenes in my dream. It took place in my school and I seemed to have forgotten my timetable for my classes were in the wrong order and somehow they were at night.
    2. 2011-02-18.2 | nonlucid

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:33 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in a chair in in dark room that looks like a common room or something. I am sitting there under
      covers, going to sleep I guess, but my eyes are open. I see some guy I don't know walk by and go out
      the door. I look over at the TV ( CRT ) which has suddenly turned on and it is as if it is angled away from
      me. The screen is the glitchy purple color an lcd gets when viewed from an angle. The tv is slowly turning
      toward me and finally the color resolves. I think it is "That 70's Show". I wake up. It is dark and in my dorm
      at college. I should have realized that I have been sleeping in for a while now and it should be light but I
      didn't. I wake up, without moving, I think about the dream and decide not to write it down. Instead, I
      decide to try WILDing. I remain still and the sleep paralysis comes instantly. I feel immense pressure practically
      contorting my body. I feel like one of those mutating creatures from horror movies. My foot is on the edge
      of the bed and slips off, the "transition" dies down a bit but when my foot stops it continues again. I think,
      "It was not this intense the first time." then it stops. I think, maybe I've entered a dream? No, no I haven't.
      I get angry with myself
      and wake up for real. I decide, a false awakening would be a good thing to
      put in my dream journal

      Updated 02-24-2011 at 02:58 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. 2011-02-18 | nonlucid

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:27 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      My dad gives me a 12 dollar bill and my brother an 11. For some reason, he decides that I should not have
      anything so he says I have to give it back but he forgets about it so I keep it. I am in my room looking at this
      lucid dreaming article or something. I also have DreamViews up on my computer. All of a sudden Stephen Laberge
      shows up in my room and I'm like wow It's Stephen Laberge. But he turns out to be this fraudulent idiot. I remember
      actually looking at his computer and he had his website up and DreamViews in another tab. He didn't look like any
      of the pictures I have seen of him, he looked more like a bum off the street. Anyway, my family and I goes on this trip.
      We arrive at a dark hotel and Laberge had apparently followed us there. My dad is looking through his wallet when he
      says "Where's that 12 dollars?" I said, "I have it right here.", "Why didn't you give it to me? That's stealing!" I argued
      the point saying that he never asked for it and I forgot as well and I am giving it to him now.
      The dream ends
    4. Escape – 'The Ultimate Lucid Induction Drink'

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:06 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 19, 2011 – 8:15AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am standing in a poorly-lit parking lot of a strip mall, chugging a thick, bitter bottled drink of some kind. I throw the empty bottle on the ground and reach into the bag to grab another. Just as I open the second bottle, a young female DC who is walking by picks up the empty bottle and hands it back to me, saying, “Don't litter here. It's not cool, dude.” She walks away, cussing me under her breath. I look at the bottle closely and notice that the drink is called ESCAPE and right under the title it says The Ultimate Lucid Induction Drink. I throw the empty bottle on the ground again continue to chug the second bottle.

      When I woke up, I was a bit mad at myself for not noticing that one. Wouldn't it be nice if there was such a drink?

      Updated 09-29-2012 at 08:05 PM by 36447 (Moved image on server - updated image tag)

    5. A couple of fragments

      by , 02-19-2011 at 04:02 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 19, 2011 – 5:45AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      #1 Busted!
      I am sitting on the top of a bunk bed with a younger DC, watching cartoons on TV. We are taking hits from a pipe and blowing the smoke out the window. Suddenly, the door opens and our parents walk in. I quickly hide the pipe and lighter under the pillow, but it's too late. We're busted!

      #2 A long hallway.
      I am walking toward a door at the end of a long hallway with no doors or windows on the sides. I can hear several people talking and laughing at the end of the hall. I arrive at the door, open it and walk in the room. There are several older people sitting around cracking corny jokes to each other. I am very disinterested, so I turn around and leave the room through the same door. There is no hallway this time, just another room with tables full of random junk. I walk over to one of the tables and see several rack-mount audio effects processors, some of which are partially disassembled.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. school flying dild/deild series

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:49 PM
      i managed a dild from an ultra realistic dream for a change. was back at school and in a class about peoples physical issues like manboobs etc... i realised that the class was bollocks, which first led to a minor strop from me and almost walked out, then i realised that it was a dream. i explained this to the rest of the class who all dismissed it until i proved it by floating. i said to them that they were all free to sit there and waste the dream sitting in school, but i wasnt going to waste it but was going to go outside for a fly, and anyone who wanted to join me was very welcome. one of the lads seemed scared so i just said well dont you ever fly in dreams, and he said yes but not when he knew it was a dream. eventually one of the girls said can she come along. i took her out of the window without having stabilised the dream. as we got outside it started to fade and i pretty much woke up.

      fortunately i remembered how to get back to it easily and was back in exactly the same situation. now however more of the class had joined us and all wanted to learn how to fly. this meant that the pressure was really on, but fortunately i could still do it. we all joined hands and i floated a little to show them how it was done. some responded well but others didnt manage it so i took them seperately and encouraged them to just jump up and down on the spot and concentrate on a feeling of floating, and just that if they know they can do it, then they will. i showed them how to just tuck there legs up and they started to get it.

      back in the classroom i needed something to confirm the dream so i looked at the teacher and her eyes turned into cartoon type eyes. ive never had anything cartoon like in a normal dream so this was a nice surprise. she introduced herself as willow w something and i shook her hand which cemented the dream and my lucidity. i remember looking at everyone and noticing that i could see a pale white aura around everyone, with a white patch above some peoples heads. also there was an authoratative type guy there who was very interested in what was going on. he introduced himself as eric pickles. i knew the name but could not place it. i found out today that eric is a uk mp, and i was reading some posts by a guy named pickle yesterday so that is probably where that came from.

      meanwhile the girl who had wanted to fly was fading out of the picture but straining to stay in the dream. i put my hands on her back and tried to bring her back. i encouraged her to rub her face and her body and this seemed to make her look solid again and fully back into the dream. some of the girls were worried for her, but i assured them it was ok. whe she was back, she went outside and started flying around like crazy which was awesome to see. i joined her and flew about nature for a bit, feeding birds and stuff.

      i think thats all the key points but the order is probably a bit out as i had a gap between dreaming and write up. must remember to stabilise before changing environments.. the only thing that makes me wonder if it actually could have been a partially shared dream is that when teaching people, it made it so much harder to stay in the dream, and really felt like i was lending them energy. still experimenting and awaiting any kind of confirmation that dreams have any relevance to reality though... i left an image on the whiteboard and told them to use it if any of them remembered anything
    7. Poundland

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:37 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Meh. Rubbish recall last night. It was a pretty fun dream too, I just can't remember most of it. I have the feeling something went on at my school, but it's just a feeling.

      Awake Non-lucid

      I'm in my local Poundland. Most of my friends are here. But only the guys, my girl friends aren't here. They seem to be in a line, waiting for something. The aisles are very close together.

      I see my good friends Sam, Phil and Chris. I smile, and push past people to get to them. They all grin, and move around to let me in the middle of them. We all laugh as Sam sticks his foot out to trip me up, but I jump over it, landing between the boys.

      The aisles seem to get even narrower, and I end up with my back against a wall, Phil pressed up against me. "Well, this isn't awkward at all." We both laugh shakely, and I shoot evils at Chris, who is winking and smirking at us.

      Finally, the line moves forward, and we get some space. I ignore the guys and look at a tv on a shelf. A tv in Poundland? I only ever come to Poundland to buy chocolate and other sugary stuff. I read the cheap, bright, star shaped label that's stuck to the box. "£67" It says. What? This is frickin' Poundland! Everything's supposed to be a pound! Another label below it says "£10". I scoff and move on.

      There's just something on the edge of my mind that I feel I'm about to remember but it's just not happening... Aw well, at least I recalled something.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Tribal Imposter + Book Thief + Frag

      by , 02-19-2011 at 03:31 PM (The book of mars)
      Tribal Imposter

      I am watching a movie about an anthropologist who is living with a native tribe. Jake comments on the scene where, after eating the native spicy food, the anthropologist has to take a huge shit. He washes his hands in a regular bathroom and there is a girl who also comes out of a stall and washes her hands. They join the tribe in the circle around a fire.

      Suddenly, I am part of the tribe. Whether I am "part" of it or not, I'm not sure because while they are all black, I am still white and also have no relationship with them. We get a message from a lady somehow informing us that there is a huge storm coming and we must all walk to the safe weather house. We're all kind of disappointed as if we've been there before and really don't want to go. It doesn't take us long to walk there and its only just beginning to rain. Its dark out but I can make out the details of the area. There are a ton of trees, we are in a forest, but the path to the house has been cleared. It's muddy but none of us mind.

      The house itself doesn't look like it should for a weather safety house. Its a usual wood building with chipped paint, it looks pretty old and out of the norm in the woods. I wonder to myself why the tribe would let modern man come into the forest so easily, but I don't apply the fact that this building is old and therefore the expansion must have happened quite a long time ago. To enter the house, we don't go through the main door. We all step through a fake painting on the outside of the house. It looks like a black and white framed painting, but its actually silk flaps that we can walk into.

      Inside, against one wall there are little cubby holes for each of us. Some are built for two people, and the couples go into them, as if all was pre-set for us (or as if we've been here before, recently). I run to the last one, half knowing its where I belong and half thinking if I don't get a cubby to stay in, I won't have one. We all get settled in. Mine is relatively empty, as is all the others, though some have blankets and pictures on the walls. Everyone starts talking to eachother in their usual dramas and friendships.

      The lady who called us in here is really nice. She might be an anthropologist herself, perhaps thats why she is taking care of us tonight and runs this building. She calls attention to us and on a huge chalkboard on the opposite wall she has written the alphabet. Everyone is bored with it but we are handed little chalkboards and try to write it down. She explains the letters and then in a strange yet understanding way she explains the song behind the "alphabet song", the accents on each letter when you sing and how they relate to other sounds you can make, and how "big" or "little" the sound is. A few of the tribe people understand this completely and laugh at her elementary way of explaining things. My conscious dream mind daydreams of the thought of musically inclined people.

      I come back to the dream and start drawing the letters but remember that I am an educated person and don't want to be "found out", so I draw them with my left hand. The lady comes over to me and she has a little see through plastic page with black lettering. Its an astrology chart. I ask about the Chinese horoscope and she says this one is the Zodiac. I talk to her about it and she asks if I'm a leo. I say yes, and she says she is too, that she was born on August first. We begin talking about the tribe. I leave behind me the notion of "fitting in" with them, and talk about how its like having your own soap opera always with you because of the intricate dramas always happening. While we talk, the tribe people are all just talking, fighting, laughing, etc.

      I wake up and it looks like lightening is illuminating my room. Not just light-wise, but everything in my room is highlighted by lightening streaks and the windows are completely white. I do a reality check, I seem to be awake, and wonder if this is just more of the winter thunder storms that has happened. I go back to sleep.

      Everyone has left the building or something, and I am outside in the darkness gliding/running very very fast across muddy hills. I see a modern house and hear a voice that tells me "they are inside" and so I glide to it. On the porch, I'm welcomed in by a black lady who has a motherly aura. We go into the kitchen and she's making dinner. I lean on the counter and we discuss how one of the tribes people, a 20 something woman, is living here and is trying to fit into modern society. She has wrecked her life somehow, getting into drugs and prostitution and lacking any education. Her memory comes to mind. On her chest, she has one of those microdermal implants. It's a circle with a piercing in the middle, and a sun tattooed around it. Her whole face has piercings and dot tattoos. I wonder how she fits in with the people of this area and age. The motherly woman asks if she can move in with me because she needs a place. I tell her she is my sister, even if we are very different and of course I will take her in.

      Book Thief

      I am with Autumn and her parents and another man and we go to a gift store (which is where Goodwill is in waking life). Inside I begin to look at the books and everyone scurries off into their own directions. On a rack I find a book by the same author as a Series of Unfortunate Events (I can tell not by the name but by the artwork/similar appearance). The title amazes me: How To Be A Lucid Dreamer! I have a dream memory of wanting this book very badly, ritually looking up reviews and prices online.
      I don't have any money with me though, so I carry it around and intend to steal it. My mom comes to look at the books and I tell her I brought this book into my life and we both celebrate a little before I walk away. I start looking at little zebra sculptures that are for sale on one wall and daydream of a dream memory: I am asking Autumn to put a zebra sculpture in her bag for me to take it because I am too nervous. I feel bad about it and the guilt hits my "present" dream self, so I stop daydreaming. I walk over to a mini train that is running on a track circling a platform. I sit on the platform and go through the pages of my book. An electronic tag falls out, the kind that make sensors go off if you take it without paying, so I carry it around separately. I don't throw it away immediately because I know the techie who is in charge of that kind of thing in this store is somewhere near by.

      I go back to the main part of the store and there is a giant dunk tank and folding chairs placed to watch it. Everyone in the store save a few shoppers are sitting down watching, so I do too. They say they are dunking all the people who steal from the store. I wonder how many people there are, but realize its one man who is representing all of the thieves. He has a disgusting mutilated Halloween face mask on and a belly shirt. His stomach is huge and over stretched. They dunk him, and the water makes his stomach rise and fall in slow motion. Everyone is laughing at how fat he is, but this is part of the act and he doesn't take offense. I really don't want to watch this idiotic scene anymore, so Autumns family leaves, though Autumn isn't with us.

      Before we leave, I am simultaneously in the back seat of the car and inside the store. I ask the man driving if I can have four dollars so I can buy the book. The Dalai Lama is in the passenger seat and turns around and tells me "you're really getting into something". My heart jumps at recognition from such a high being. I don't pay for the book, we just leave, and that seems to be part of the driver's joke he quietly has with me. I give him back the money. He gives me back the same amount of bills, but its 3 one dollar bills and 1 one hundred dollar bill. I laugh and give it back to him: I don't need it.


      I am in the back seat of Jacks car. Jack is driving and Andrew is in the passenger seat. We are going around the highway looking at dead animals. We see an orange cat in the middle of the road and a fox on the shoulder. I get a text from Heather and she asks me to come over, I say sure and tell Jack to drop me off. I get worried about her seeing Jacks car. My POV switches to upstairs in Heathers house (usually she lives in a one story house) and looking out the window, seeing the car. I tell Jack to drop me off at the beginning of the driveway, but its really snowy so I know that wont work. I dont know what to do.

      Updated 02-28-2011 at 01:21 PM by 42137

    9. Lucid Dream 180: The Ancient Bowl

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:47 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      February 18, 2011
      Lucid Dream 180: The Ancient Bowl
      Series: Friends, Episode 2
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Exploration/Sports

      I decided to lay down for a nap around 1:00 and try to WILD. After a short period, SP set in and my body felt like it was being jarred around as if I were in a car. After some random flashing lights and some other brief HI, the scene formed around me. I was in the back seat of a car. My friend Shawn was driving and Christoff was in the passenger seat. It appeared to be raining. I wanted to give the dream a moment or so to stabilize, so I just reached in my pocket, pulled out a blunt and fired it up in the back seat. I had some brief conversation with Shawn and Christoff, and we stopped somewhere. The windows were foggy and the pouring rain didn't help with visibilty, so I didn't know where we were. Shawn rolled down his window and began talking to a familiar voice. It was my ex. She got into the back seat beside me and immediately said, "Oh, HE is here?" I paused for a moment and thought, "Yup, I'm getting out of here. Otherwise, I may kill the bitch!. I didn't bother opening the door, thrust my body headfirst out of the car window and took flight before hitting the ground. It wasn't raining anymore and I found that I was within a deep jungle setting. My flying was too slow for my liking, so I touched down and took a running start and entered flight again. I flew through a vast jungle. Over and under heavily vegetated limbs, around massive trees, and busted through some thick brush. I came upon a huge waterfall and flew toward it. I decided to see what was behind it, but there was nothing, but a rock facing. I turned and flew up the waterfall. The front of my body skimmed the falling water as I soared to the top.

      I reached the top and noticed a wall off in the distance. As I approached the wall it seemed to belong to an ancient temple. I flew into the wall and grabbed the ledge. I pulled myself up over and stood atop the wall. There was a large green field out in front of me surrounded on all sides by, multi-layered walls and seating areas. It appeared to be a large dilapidated temple/stadium/colosseum. The walls appeared to be made with large blocks stacked on each other. The blocks looked similar to those used in a pyramid. There was ivy drapped across many of the walls and I felt like I was in an area from the video game, "Shadow of the Colossus." I looked out into the middle of the field and saw a giant Colossi roaming the area. It was mostly covered in white fur/hair. I hopped off the wall and about that time, someone else climbed the wall and took off running toward the Colossi shouting, "Join me Ollie, and help me defeat the colossus!" I looked around, but there was no one else there but me. I shrugged and took off toward the colossi. I tried to shout at the strange individual to avoid its legs, but before I finished the colossi had already stomped the guy. Nothing was left but a smashed, bloody, pile. I flew around the colossi's head several times causing it to turn a circle and trip over its own legs. It fell to the ground and let off a giant shockwave that cased parts of the stadium to crumble. I leapt onto its head and sank my teeth into the soft spot on the back of its head. I bit down hard and ripped out its brain with my teeth. Black blood gushed all over me.

      I suddenly heard a roar of cheers. I turned around and saw a group of people running toward me. Daledo (my friend Dale, but we call him Daledo...pronounced "Dale-doe") was in the front holding a football and said, "Yes! Now we can play football! You in!?!" I replied, Hell Yeah, I'm in!" There were eight people at this time. The other team kicked off first, and using my lucidity, I completely rocked three of the opposing four players. Our guy easily ran the kick back for a touchdown.
      I lost lucidity for a bit somewhere around here. I regained it just as the other team was about to score. It was fourth down and like 1 or 2 (the endzone on each side was a large wall that you had to touch with the football to score a touchdown, lol.). They threw a pass and Larry (friend from high school) caught the ball and stuck it out to touch the wall. I dove/flew toward the ball and knocked it out of his hands just before he touched the wall. We recovered the fumble. The next play I went deep, using a little extra "lucid" speed to break away from the defense and caught the ball down field. I had burnt the defender and would have easily scored, but my right leg locked up. I immediately noticed it was locked into the exact same position my waking bodies leg was in when I had been in during SP (bent significantly). I got tackled and couldn't properly stand up. I knew my dream was becoming unstable, so I began to stabilize. I waved for Daledo to come help me stand up. I got up and managed to unlock my leg.

      Daledo proceeded to throw 3 straight absolutely horrible passes, that minor lucidity couldn't even help me get to (was avoiding god-mode lucidity for obvious reasons). It was 4th and like 5 yards. I looked at the other team and noticed that they now had like 30 players...all standing in the endzone along the wall. I told Dale to toss it high and I would kick off the wall and get it. I took off running at the snap, kicked off the wall, and was two whole body lengths above everyone else. Daledo didn't throw the ball and got absolutely rocked. I thought, "Damn! That was a Ray Lewis hit." I then noticed that it actually was Ray Lewis who hit him. The ball bounced around before the other team scooped it and took it to the house. I walked over to Daledo and said, "Damnit Daledo! Why didn't you throw the ball? I was wide open!" He looked dazed and said, "There were a couple of guys." I replied with a confused, "What?" He then mumbled, "They weren't up to anything good. They were trying to make trouble for me." I replied, "Ok, but why didn't you just throw it high?" He then began to mumble again, "It was my neighborhood. I would have gotten into a fight and my mom would have got scared." I laughed and said, "Your mom would have got scared if you threw me the ball?" He then jumped up with a cheesy grin on his face and said, "Yup! She would have said, "Your moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air"." He then began cheering "I Bel-Aired him in his own dream!!!" I couldn't do anything but laugh. On the next kick-off, my leg locked up again. While trying to fix it, my arm locked up too. I knew I couldn't hold on any longer and I woke up.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 08:41 AM by 22654

    10. Saturday 19/02/11 - Random dreams

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:24 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Was out drinking last night, but that didn't stop me from recalling a few dreams this morning. One was quite scary, the others were just random and boring.

      01.00: Sleep

      08.30: Ice
      I'm at work. The ice is melting and I can see the dark water in several places. My friend Jesper gets on the ice to save other people from falling in. He walks on the thin, transparent blocks of ice and falls through. He quickly gets out of the water and shrugs it off, kinda hyper. He dives back in and this time he doesn't come up at once. I jump down on a thicker piece of ice and snow just by the dock and grab for his arm with my hand. I manage to get a hold of him, the current had swept him under the dock a bit. He breaks the surface and breathes out loud. "Wow, that was close" he tells me and smiles. Idiot. I spot two people out on the ice with dogs. They're on long skates and go past us quickly.

      08.30: Roadtrip
      I'm with Monica, my brother Martin and his girlfriend in a car. We're driving through town and a car appears on our side of the road infront of us. "Fucking idiot" Martin says as the car goes past us. He decides to do the same in a roundabout and we end up at some kind of toll. "Oh shit, we can't go back" I say and we have to back up to the tollbooth. Martin starts talking to the lady in the booth, and she starts asking questions. "I smell vomit, have you guys vomited recently?" I remember there's a vomit in the trunk. "No we haven't" Martin says. "Okay good, because it's against the law to get on the boat if you've vomited".

      "Do you have any heavy computers in the trunk?". I realise Monica's and my own computer is in the trunk. Almost getting caught is exciting. "No we haven't" my brother tells her. "Okay good, that will be 500 kr" she tells him and hands over a ticket. On the road again. "We have to go all the way to Uppsala now" Martin says. "What? That's miles away, I could have just paid her the 500 and we could have taken the boat" I say. I calculate how much time we will waste. I've got plans with Monica later tonight. Too bad they have to be cancelled. Martin is in the backseat with me now, and he asks me if I want a strip of candy. It's a broad strip of limegreen candy, and there's a darker spot in the middle. He smiles at me and I ask him what it is. "This is a substance with bla bla bla micrograms bla bla" (can't recall what he said). "Oh so it's LSD?" I ask him. He nods and offers me a lick. "No thanks, I won't be doing any hard drugs when going into the sauna, I'll pass out" I tell him.

      08.30: Lost in confusion
      I'm standing infront of a glass cupboard at a large villa ontop of a hill. I open the doors and spot a class photo of my old class. It's newly taken and everyone looks grown up and serious for a change. Suddenly I hear something and run out of the house. A battle is coming up, and there are alot of people at the villa waiting for the enemy. The sun's behind a few skyscrapers down the hill, and I decide to scout ahead. There's ice on the road down the hill, and I slide it all the way down. I take a look behind the skyscrapers and the sun shines on me. I can see anyone yet, and I head back.

      I get back in the building, but something's wrong. All of a sudden I'm talking to a person infront of me, or trying rather. I can't form words easily, and my thoughts are a fucked up mess. My vision is failing, it's crooked and it feels like I'm about to pass out. "Get help" I manage to whisper. "Something's wrong with my thoughts" I tell him. My coworker Christian shows up and he seems as confused as I am, but none of them appears to know what to do.

      11.30: Fragments
      *I'm playing a cool FPS RPG game. I'm on a battleship and we're flying through the landscape. Something's off with the graphics though, and I check the settings. Everything's on low, so I turn it up to medium. The game goes black for a few seconds before starting up again, and my god are the graphics sweet now. The quality of the sound became amazing. I shoot at a small ship flying towards us.

      *My little brother Morgan is going to bed. I tuck him in and give him a kiss on his forehead. "Go to sleep now" I tell him. He's whining about something, not tired at all but he listens to me. I shut the door and head into the bathroom. I fill my stomach with water. Delicious, cold water. When I'm done I fill up a glass and chug it aswell, trying to quench the thirst I have IRL.

      11.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10½ hours

      Supplements: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! If nothing shows up today, I'm going to WBTB tomorrow, and meet up with Ozzy once more. I'm thinking of training him as a task, as I need to make sure he obeys me. If I have nothing in mind after summoning him, the dream will most likely end.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Dream date shows up with girlfriend

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:19 PM (NBF's DJ)
      I'm asked out by someone who's exactly my type and I'm ecstatic about it. He kisses me and says he can't wait. When the day arrives, he shows up at the dinner place with his girlfriend, who has surprised him by dropping into town. They keep smiling dreamily at each other and can't seem to unwind their arms off each other. I know his locker is next to mine, so I'll either have to suck it up and be just friends with him and wait out the relationship, if it ends, or I'll have to give in to my feelings of jealousy and anger. The latter prove too powerful and I walk away from the situation, venting to my friend Carol from high school. I notice a lot of people staring at me, particularly men with headsets (workers on a film crew) - it's the film production department of a university. I've suddenly become the shrill, unreasonable woman who yells, to anyone within earshot, "I really thought he liked me. He kissed me and everything. And then he shows up with his girlfriend??" So Carol is continuing to try to be sympathetic, but I'm looking like comic relief and I know it.

      We go into a classroom where a well-dressed woman is sitting at a piano. I walk up and ask if I can practice singing a jazz number I know. I feel I need to do this just to feel better. She just stares, so in order to reassure her I pull the sheet music from my bag. It's at this point that she tosses me one of those icy uppercrust smiles and says, "I'm sorry. Our soloist is performing and I do have to get ready." (She'd just been sitting at the piano before I'd tried to do anything.) I say to Carol, who is seated, and for all in the room to hear, "Now, you see how that just took me down a few notches socially?" Carol and the others pretend I'm crazy. I reassure Carol, "Don't worry. This is a dream, so these people aren't actually real." Carol sinks further into her chair. "I'll prove it," I continue. "Watch this." Then I address the room: "Freeze!" Everyone freezes in their spot, including Carol. I bend forward and address Carol, "Unfreeze." She does. But others are slowly starting to unfreeze as I speak. I continue, "When the pianist refused to play my piece, especially since she did it in front of the entire room, don't you see how I was left standing foolishly and holding the bag? No one wants to acknowledge it and I don't know why, but that's the way it is. She does it because she can."

      I have to go back to my locker at that point and there's a produce aisle right near it. Dream date and his girlfriend are there, ogling. I see a note scrawled in the dust by Dream Date: "Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you. " It only makes me angrier because I know that means he knows I liked him and this means he'll never be interested in me in any case. Anyway, the last scene I remember in the dream is of me walking quickly with my head down, trying to stay ahead of the Dream Couple, bounding across stairways so I can just get to my locker before they do and get the heck out of there.

      Risperidone ran out three nights ago, so I guess the nightmares are back....
      Tags: semi-lucid
    12. I never thought I'd ride a moped

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:05 PM

      I am in my hometown and for some reason I'm riding a moped. I remember driving it one way up the dual carriageway but my recall is poor until my return trip. On the way back down there are some features of an american highway, concrete boundaries are on each side before the big roundabout and the traffic is much more frantic than usual. I accellerate onto the roundabout with too much speed and almost come off the road due to one of the lanes abruptly ending. I managed to stay on however and check my speed which is shown on a cross between an egg timer and a milk carton. It shows that I'm doing 50 and gaining speed fast. I try to slow down a bit but even when coasting my speed doesn't seem to be affected. On the way back down I realise there are police in front of me and that I'm reaching well over 80. Applying the brakes doesn't work but luckily I manage to naturally slow down to 50 when I reach them, assuming that the relaxed speed would draw little attention to me. I'm then aware that I've overtaken them and that a truck which was accompanying us (I have no idea why I know it's "us") is having trouble sneaking past the police, we're worried that they'll realise we gave two women a lift on the back of the mopeds earlier and arrest us. Luckily it overtakes them on the inside and somehow gets past. We're watching from the roadside. Dream ends.

      I wake up in my room at night with overwhelming fear. I have no idea why but jump up immediately and RC. My finger works its way through my hand with some effort but I am unconvinced so only become semi lucid. There is a child standing by my window and this scares me further. I run over to her and shake her, asking who she is. Upon closer inspection she is my ex's younger sister and I calm down. But then I get a bad feeling about downstairs. I open my door (which has become cupboard doors) and look down to see a baby at the bottom. Again I am inexplicably afraid of this and shout at it to go. I close the doors and open them again, repeating this shout several times. Finally I open the door and bang against the wood to scare the child off, this almost works as it backs away for an instant but I decide to escape anyway.

      I am tempted to fly jump out of my window but due to the unconvincing reality check I try hovering first, this works so I fly straight through the window, ignoring the glass. As I fly around the edge of my house I realise that the imminent danger is gone and that I should ground the dream. I closely inspect the bricks but stupidly focus on the silence of the night, this brings the ringing of my real life ears into focus and the dream collapses instantly.

      I recall a few more interesting scenarios throughout the night.

      I definitely remember having quite a detailed dream but don't record it as I attempt to DEILD or WILD. I cannot remember the main events but remember speaking to my Mum in it.

      I also remember nearly becoming lucid and frantically rubbing my hands together to bring everything into focus, I think this didn't work unless it was a prelude to the above lucid dream.

      In the last hour or so of my sleep I started telling myself "lucid dream" over and over again. I started visualising different dream scenarios and these become vivid to the point where they were no longer visualisations, yet I didn't feel I was asleep either and could have easily stopped thinking of them.

      EDIT: I think one of my vivid visualisations involved somebody cleaning a table with a spray on cleaner, the thing which prevented this from becoming a full on dream is that my finger started twitching in real life, as if I was doing the spraying myself. This made a scratching sound on my duvet and I woke up.

      Overall then a pretty successful night, I seem to be making quite a bit of progress and I put some of this down to the fact that I'm now home and therefore can get a good nights sleep and a lie in. Absolutely gutted that I broke the lucid dream, but knew this would happen at some point as I remember reading about it happening to someone else so it lingered on my mind.

      Interestingly I knew I'd LD last night because I'm home, and I know I will again tonight. I just feel strongly that practicing in such a challenging environment at Uni will make it so much easier when I'm relaxed at home.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 01:13 PM by 41400 (increased recall)

      nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    13. Feb. 18th and 19th

      by , 02-19-2011 at 01:02 PM
      This is yesterdays fragment
      Im looking at some news on the internet, and theres news about russian cops who dont wear anything on their bald heads even if its winter. Then Im like "why are they so stupid, theyll catch cold" my dad comments something on it.

      Todays fragment.
      Im at our schools yard, its pretty dark and its winter. I hace this pistol which can shoot masking tape rolls. H is surveying in the yard. K needs some tape and I shoot it to him. I shoot some next to H.
      Im at A000 hallway and speaking to H about renting a pianobook and some other equipments. P is dissing me and H, H is about to give detention to P, but doesnt.
      Im at my room showing the book, which I rented, to my mom
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. OnePiece

      by , 02-19-2011 at 12:25 PM (Sehnsucht)
      I am part of the OnePiece crew, we somehow got to an island with a big castle on it. The whole crew divided itself in teams of 2, and we played then a game, in which one team would be in the middle, and the other teams would build a circle around it. The team in the middle was giving a challenge, and one of the other teams had to take it. One team summoned a monster, which would get bigger and bigger id you attack it, it got really big. Then it flew away, but came back heading for the island. It shot missiles on us, and started to spin, drilling through the whole island. I thought that is would break the island, but it was bigger than assumed. Instead, a big earthquake occured, I switched into a fairy, and flew as high as I could. I noticed a flying Island near the first one, settled down there and watched the earthquake. After the earthquake was over, I flew back to the original island, and waited for the other members of the crew to arrive. 3 teams came out of the castle, Usopp carried a big treasure chest. I opened it, there was only a watch and another little chest in it, but that little one I didn't open. I noticed light inside the flying island, apparently there was a room in it, I flew there and saw Franky training inside. We both got back, and I told everyone about the flying island.
      My brother was at the island too, he found a little mouse, but couldn't catch it. I switched into another fairy, which could attract nearby small pets. The mouse let itself catch, but another mouse, a bigger one, came to me. I took it and placed it on my right shoulder. I was in my room again, at my laptop. I tried to let the mouse get on the ground, and it had fun running away from me, so I let it go, I thought that it doesn't matter because I have the fairy trick. So I took a seat at my laptop again. Later I noted, that the mouse was running around in my room and marking the corners, like a dog would mark his territory. I asked my mother if it was allowed to do that, she said no, but it wouldn't matter, because we are about to move out of this house.

      I can't tell how I was feeling as a fairy, because at those scenes it was like a third person camera to me.
    15. OBE - Canaries in the tree, and funky softdrink in my fridge

      by , 02-19-2011 at 12:11 PM
      I decide to try an OBE in the morning.

      My energy body becomes relaxed quickly. I have various sensations of floating, and sinking. Eventually my legs become 'lose' and start floating up. I try to loosen my body,and eventually slide out my feet onto the window sile at the end of my bed. I look out the window. ( There is a tree there that has lots of yellow flowers on it in RL) . All the yellow flowers turn into canaries and start singing it really comical and beautiful at the same time ( a year on I can still remember it clearly). I try and go out but the venison(SP?) blinds start hurting me, like cutting into me. I decide to go out my bedroom door instead.
      I lose my vision but can still feel things so I continue on, my vision comes back. My house is a mess, things are everywhere. I walk through the kitchen, there is a fridge in my living room, the door is open and inside are all these different coloured bottles of soft drink, they are glowing,green blue, orange. I decide to get one and drink it. It fizzes up and spills. I hardly get to drink any of it. It changes colour from green to orange.
      As I pick a another green one up it turned to blue. I thought the reflection was playing tricks on me. It was kind of shimmering blue/green. ( this was really cool)
      I turn round and notice the shower is on I head in to turn it off. The taps are strange, there are leavers and you turn it. It takes some time for me to figure out how to turn it off.
      I decide I will head outside, as I go back through the kitchen I see a big bread knife, I consider cutting my self to see what is is like.. I'm in a dream why not?.. I quickly decide not to do that.
      As I get to the back door the sky is so bright it blinds me and I lose my vision. I almost lose the dream.. I can hear my self breathing. I can still feel the dream so I try to feel every step on the stairs as I go down and hold on to the railing. I get to the bottom there is a pile of dead mice .. wtf.. I just step over them and ignore them. I keep walking there are heaps of cars parked in the street, my neighbour is having a party. I decide it would be fun to go for a drive. I pick up some small stones, to smash the windows. As I am walking over to the cars I see a bigger rock. I pick it up. It is much lighter then I thought it would be.
      There is a limo in my driveway so I go to smash the window but the door is not locked, too easy, so I get in and start driving. The seat is too close and I am squashed against the steering wheel. I move it back... I think I lost lucid now... My brother is with me in the limo we are speeding around and fishtailing etc, I crash into a tree, I decide its time to wake up now.
      lucid , memorable