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    1. From school to a weird baby alien.

      by , 12-14-2010 at 11:16 AM
      So what i remember starting off in was some type of jungle. To get through this jungle, i had to climb walls of vines. And throughout this jungle, were "save points", these save points looked like trees made out of white twizzlers. Ok so i go around this jungle, going to save spots so i can "save".Well next thing i know i ended up getting my classes as if it were the first day of school. I had 6 classes. I went to my first class which was in room "A6?" but i went into the wrong room, the right one was next door. Well i don't remember what happened after. But next fragment was when i was in the car with my mom driving a girl home. (i used to like this girl.) When we dropped her off, my mom called her "daniel" but her name was Samantha. My first 3 classes were at my highschool, and my other 3 classes were at some other highschool in my city. (which i've only been to once, never attended there.) In one of my classes, i sat near the middle, alittle bit more towards the back. I remember that Samantha wanted to sit next to her bf, who was sitting infront of me, but she couldn't because someone took that seat. So the girl in that seat got tired of them talking to eachother from across the room, and switched seats with her. After my first 3 classes i walk to the other highschool with 2 of my friends. I don't really remember what we talked about, But there was one friend i ran into, He just said something like, "hey what's up? haven't seen you for a while. well nice seeing you". after that i had to go somewhere into the school, idk for what though, But sitting at a bench was an old friend. I didn't feel like talking to him, so i went the opposite way so i can just get picked up from school. There was a line of cars picking up people leaving from school. My moms car wasn't there but my friends was, he said if i wanted a ride. Then my mom comes up with an old looking mercedes and my other friend says, Hey lets just go in your moms car, she was her old car back. [I don't really remember between that part and going to my house, i'm pretty sure i skipped a big chunk.] Well when i get to my house, there is this REALLY small dog, probably the size of a cat. Looked kinda strange to me. Well a while passed by, and i don't remember what happened during that time also. But next thing i remember is the house being all messy with tentacles coming out of the ceiling. In the middle of the room was this Weird looking baby. To describe it, It looked like a Really small newborn inside some type of Pod. (kinda like green beans) And it was all gooey, and had red eyes pooping out. And the tentacles above the ceiling were moving around. My mom went up to it, and said "what is that? i'm going to try and kill it" So she gets a broom and starts to beat it. A tentacles from the ceiling moves towards her eye and Goes inside it. The tentacle goes into her eyesocket for a good 5 seconds. The tentacle Comes out of her left eye, and my mom runs outside into the backyard while covering her eye. I move back outside to the front yard, not knowing what to do. My sisters boyfriend shows up and says that we have to shoot it. So he pulls out his gun and an extra gun for me. (he's a police officer) We both aim, but don't take a shot, thinking that if we shoot it, it might get dangerous. My mom comes back, but her eyeball wasn't missing, nor was there a hole. It was just skin, as if it healed, Just a layer of skin over her eye. Well after that my sister boyfriend vanished and my dad showed up. He said what happened to my moms eye, and i explained to him. He wanted to kill it, so he said what if we run it over under the truck? I didn't like that idea. Then the alien baby flipped itself, and on the other side of the pod, was a small dog. I guess the dog was a disguise for what it really is. Under the dogs belly were two arms hanging. And that is all i remember from my dream.
    2. 14.14.10, non-lucid first level and lucid-ish second level

      by , 12-14-2010 at 09:15 AM
      Has simply trying to do something about my subconscious visitors done the trick? Also, Inception mind-screwed me quite nicely. Loving it.

      The first thing I remember was the second level of the dream. I was dreamscaping, doing a favor for the landlord of an apartment building that was a strange hybrid of the house where I grew up and the apartment building where I live now. I never manage to dream about any building where I actually live, if I do I know it's an OBE. Hasn't happened for some time, though.

      I can't remember what the second level was, but it dealt with my old dollhouse (Haha, Christopher Nolan!) and I was wrapping metallic gold thread around something, like a small spool or something but it felt like a craft of some kind. I think the small something was soft.

      I was lucid on a certain level, that the second level was a dream. A phone call woke me to the first level, which was not lucid. I vaguely remember returning to the second level, because I remember playing out some of the cliches of Inception (How did I get here???). But the phone turned out to be my Dad calling to say "Hello." We chatted about what was going on, I told him about the favor, and I mentioned that I smelled an odd kind of smoke. Dad became Overprotective Dad, getting all skittish that something was wrong. I told him that it was probably just the heater (apparently, this smell was normal?) and that any tenant could fix it so the handyman neighbor would probably be down soon to deal with it.

      I got off the phone and wandered downstairs to find the landlord (who was somehow Willem Dafoe...) talking with the handyman neighbor who doesn't exist IRL. I mentioned quietly that the favor was done, and the neighbor said that something was very wrong with the heater. Dafoe made a crack that he wasn't getting much of his investment back on THIS building and left without doing anything. I made a comment about him being a slumlord, and woke up.

      This time I was so confused at the first level being a dream that IRL I started checking for oddities. Pinch hurts, and I'm in my own apartment, though I always think that I'm in my own home so I COULD be wrong. And Hubby's here, more evidence that I'm awake. I even broke my first rule of surreality by looking into a mirror and a dark window. Freddy Kreuger's not there. I still haven't looked too closely at the TV, though. No nerve.
    3. Naiya's DILD & WILD Secrets

      by , 12-14-2010 at 07:34 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Or You Could do it the Easy Way...

      Okay, here's my biggest secret. You really don't need any techniques at all to have a lot of DILDs! (I bet some people who read all that stuff are gonna be mad now. Haha. Sorry you guys.)

      Even if you're not a natural, you can teach yourself to think like one. If you can do that, you'll have LDs all the time without really trying.

      The thing that works best is simply awareness. And I really mean awareness.

      Most people go through their days thinking about where they need to be going next, and what they need to be doing, and wondering where they should be eating. They spend very little time being truly aware of their surroundings.

      This is where that meditation stuff really helps, by the way! Meditation teaches the kind of awareness I'm talking about.

      The easy way to LD is a state of constant awareness. Make your day one big long reality check. Only instead of a specific RC, begin to question everything around you at once. Quiet your mind, and simply be aware of your state of consciousness. Be aware of the FEELING of LIVING and being AWAKE. It's a much different feeling than being asleep or even astral projecting.

      I believe that many natural LDers do this unconsciously. They just "know" when they are dreaming because they know it feels different. This also may explain why naturals have a hard time explaining exactly how they get lucid. They don't really GET lucid...they ARE lucid every moment of the day and night.

      Also, during the day, remember that reality, too, is subjective. In a way we human beings are always dreaming, because our minds are always interpreting what our senses are gathering, trying to make sense of what's around us. Is reality objective, or is reality simply the interpretation we get in the end? Human beings are truly unable to examine the objective world completely.

      By the way, if you already have problems distinguishing reality from a dream, or have schizophrenia, or any other serious mental conditions I DO NOT advise you do this, because if your mind is unstable the last thing you should be doing is questioning reality or considering reality a dream.

      The best way to learn about awareness is to pick up a book on meditation, Buddhism, or Taoism. Meditation is a tool that can teach you what true mindfulness feels like. The real trick to getting lucid is to keep that feeling of awareness going on all the time, even if it's not always completely conscious.

      Awareness Addendum:

      The key to constant awareness comes from the fundamental idea that all reality is another facet of a dream. Time is illusionary. Today will soon fade and cease to exist. Everything you know in this world can be changed in an instant, at any time, for any reason. This is just the same way your dreams are. This is what Dream Yoga teaches. All things are illusionary, all things change, and all things fade. This is the reality of existence.

      -Everyone has some ideas as to what they want to do in their lucid dreams. So think of a lucid dream that you want to have tonight.

      Got an idea? Now that you've thought of a good dream, try visualizing it. It helps to use real memories....for example, imagine that you're tasting the chocolate, and at the same time remember how chocolate tasted the last time you had some. Decide what the buildings look like, who will be there, what you will do, and make it all as detailed as possible. Basically, daydream.

      -Remember that every moment today passes, becoming nothing but memory, as a dream. All things are illusionary, and all things in constant flux.

      Keep in mind that right now, this reality, is only another form of dream. Keep this in mind as often and as long as possible. So when you do reality checks (hopefully frequently, since RCing a lot during the day can help ease you into a constant state of awareness), try to think about some of these things.
    4. Waves of Times & An Unrelated Narrator

      by , 12-14-2010 at 07:15 AM
      I am only recording memorable dreams in part to encourage myself to have more of them and because there is no real reason for me to record unremarkable dreams at this point.

      December 12, 2010: Waves of Times
      Nonlucid for the most part
      I was walking along near a stand of trees that were planted in rows. They were young trees evenly spaced and stood like they had been set to a grid pattern. Besides them was a small clearing where bright green grass that has been newly planted carpeted the ground. Here was a picnic table. I felt this loose feeling when time begins to become unhinged in the dream. Then a there was a guy sitting at the table looking lonely, he seemed to be missing his son. I floated over to him and when I looked at him from the back a library started to form around this whole site. A library replaced the small stand of trees. I looked around and waves of times washed through my vision. This looked like sections of instances in time; nighttime, early morning, people walking in the library, no one in the library, kids running around in the library, a librarian quietly putting books back; all in sections as they passed before me right to left. Then the lonely man was seated here again at a table. A shift in time slid by and in it I saw him happily reading a book to his young boy.

      December 13, 2010: An Unrelated Narrator

      Nonlucid mostly.
      I was just wandering around but there was this guy narrating a story that had nothing to do with what I was seeing. I knew the story was totally different from what I was seeing and that the two where not connected. The story made perfect sense and was about some guy doing something unremarkable as far as I can remember. I remember following the story to see if this story was going to make any sense and surprisingly it did.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Rotting Flooded Waters

      by , 12-14-2010 at 06:47 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      December 2010

      Synopsis: I should be unlazy and actually use my dream journal! A surreal dream involving a flood with rotten water. Later, I find hippies.

      Rotting Flooded Waters
      I'm in my backyard. In real life I don't have one anymore, so this is the backyard of my childhood. There is a little pond next to a small tree, filled with healthy fish.

      It rains and the pond swells and covers the entire backyard, like a swamp. But all the fish are dead, and now the water is filled with rotting things. I stand on top of something to get away from the diseased water.

      Usually the rain water is absorbed by the soil. Thinking back to my horticulture class I say "Theres something wrong with the soil! Its got no drainage." At first I thought it was only my backyard that was flooded. But I took a quick peek over the fence and I could see the entire suburban neighborhood was under water!

      This is bad. One house with rotten water is one thing, but an entire neighborhood? I thought of katrina, and deadly diseases. Well, I guess we gotta leave!

      My family gather outside on the street and discuss where we should go. Lucky us, we live next to a hill that was spared the flood. We can see little houses up there. We pack our things, which was neatly waiting for us outside our home. A random monkey character helps us carry our things.

      When we get to the top of the hill all the houses are super small. And they were all connected to each other. We walk through the common hallway between them. Each little house was more like a tent filled with random items. I guessed that hippies must live here!

      My family starts to go shopping. Even though these weren't shops, it seems the tent people like a good bargain. Later on, old friends invite me to a turkey dinner, and I wonder if the turkey has synthetic hormones.

      Then I wake up!
    6. The Ancient War

      by , 12-14-2010 at 04:32 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      Kaomea and I are Hawaiians in an ancient battle on Oahu. I am a kahuna, and she is a warrior. I bless all the warriors before they go out to battle. I run up to a mountaintop, and I survey the oncoming battle. There is a a group of enemy warriors coming by canoe. Their kahuna is standing next to the chief in the main canoe. He sees me, and starts chanting for the gods to bless his army. I see wind armor form around his warriors.

      I chant and form energy armor around my warriors. The slingers move to the front, and whip small stones at the enemy, like bullets. Some are deflected by the wind armor. I tell the warriors to aim to the side, and some hit the mark.

      The enemy kahuna shoots a lightning tornado at my third eye. I deflect it with a rubber shield. He is confused. I scream, and lighting shoots out of my third eye at his third eye. He deflects it with water and wind. Kanaloa rises from the sea as a giant octopus, and grabs the canoe. The canoe breaks in half, and one half flies into the sky with the kahuna by magic. I summon lightning to hit the canoe, and it breaks in half. The kahuna falls into the sea. Kanaloa grabs the chief and the kahuna, and disappears beneath the surface. The head warrior screams at everyone to turn back.

      We stop fighting and cheer. We also laugh and moon them. We send them a canoe full of food to humiliate them.
    7. 12/12/10 Escape From Azkaban

      by , 12-14-2010 at 04:26 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I am outside of the Hogwarts grounds, looking around to see how I had gotten there and where exactly I am. I am not immediately lucid, so I don't remember my goals. I look around to see if I can figure things out, but the idea that I am dreaming never quite occurs to me. So I am wandering down the road leading away from Hogwarts when I hear someone behind me calling me Raven, and sounding a bit impatient, or more than a bit impatient… I turn around to see someone coming towards me who looks exactly like Draco Malfoy, the older Draco from the end of the Harry Potter series rather than the kid from the beginning. He asks what I am doing, he says he thought I was going to get his father out of Azkaban, or was I just bullshitting when I said I could do that? He says he didn't think there was any way I could get anyone out of Azkaban… not with all those dementors around it! Him mentioning my goals makes me think of dreaming, so I do a RC and I discover I am dreaming…

      I look over at Draco, who is looking at me with an expression I can't quite read, I figure he had been hoping I would really be able to get Lucius out of Azkaban, but isn't surprised at the idea I can't. I tell him I am going to get Lucius out of Azkaban, but timing is everything. I am not sure why I decide to do it this way, but I don't even look to find a place that is hidden from Draco before going through the whole Sailor Moon transformation… "Cosmic moon power!" Sailor Moon's crescent moon wand forms in my hand as a lot of lights surround me and I change into Sailor Moon, I tell a shocked Draco that the dementors are moon dusted, and then teleport away from the place, focusing on teleporting to a spot close to the prison known as Azkaban.

      I appear in the new location and look around to see exactly what the situation is. The area is dark and desolate, though it doesn't look like the area around the Azkaban prison as depicted in the movies. Instead it looks more like one of the fortresses in the world of Oblivion from the video game with the same name. I look over to the dark towers, there are dementors circling the towers, it looks like a flock of demented birds, or a swarm of mutant insects circling their hive. It isn't a small place, I wonder how I am supposed to find Lucius in there when I have no clue where he might be. I'll have to follow my instinct, or maybe… they do allow visitors there, so maybe Sailor Moon wasn't the best form right now… I transform in to Narcissa Malfoy and then continue approaching the prison.

      The guards at the entrance to the prison aren't dementors, fortunately, they are actual witches and wizards, they are people. I wonder how they are able to handle being around so many dementors, I would think there would be a very negative effect from that. How they are able to handle the direct exposure to the dementors isn't important, what was important was finding Lucius as quickly as possible. I could feel the cold energy from the dementors, but I just block it with a field of light energy. I speak to one of the wizards there, he wants to know who I am and who I am there to see, he seems about as interested in that information as he is interested in seeing a naked dementor, but I tell him that I am Narcissa Malfoy and I am there to see my husband, Lucius Malfoy. The wizard looks at something he has in his hands, I can't see what it is, but then he says to follow him. He summons a patronus that takes the form of a white Rottweiler and the white dog trots along beside us as I follow the wizard into the prison of Azkaban. There sure are a lot of cells in there, and it would have been very difficult to find a specific person in there, especially with all of the unstable dark energy coming off of the dementors. The guard unlocks a door that looks the same as every other door on the hall and motions me into the room beyond. There is a dim white glow in there, the guard says the shield doesn't keep the effect of the dementors completely out, so if I stay for very long, I should expect the usual reaction to being around dementors. I go into the cell he has unlocked, he shuts the door immediately behind me and locks it again. I wonder how I am supposed to get his attention when I want out… oh, well. That isn't important since I'm not leaving in the same manner I got in.

      I look around the small cell, it is definitely no place to spend much time, and Lucius is over in one corner sitting there doing absolutely nothing since there is really nothing to do. He finally looks up at me, and he looks surprised to see me, he says I shouldn't have come here, he told me not to come, not around all the dementors, he says I need to go back and make sure Draco is ok… with the mention of Draco, the field of light gets briefly brighter, but the brightness doesn't last for long. I remember that I am still disguised as Narcissa, I have no desire to play her role any longer, so I tell Lucius I am not who I appear to be… and then I transform back into Sailor Moon. Lucius is staring at me in surprise now, he asks what I have come for, I tell him I am there to stage a prison break, of course. He is looking at me as if he thinks I am crazy, he says no one has ever escaped form Azkaban before… I say then we'll be the first… so are you ready to go, or do you want to hang around here for a bit longer? He says of course he is ready to go, so I use my crescent moon wand to cut through the prison door, then we step out into the hallway. Of course that doesn't go unnoticed. I tell Lucius to stay close to me, there are dementors approaching from both directions in the hallway. I summon my patronus, which takes the form of a large white panther, and the panther stays by our side as I lead Lucius towards what I can sense is the outer wall of the prison.

      There is an alarm sounding in the prison now, and there is a lot more resistance now that our escape has been announced to the entire prison. My patronus is still keeping many of the dementors at bay, but now I add blasts of energy from my crescent moon wand to clear the dementors from our path. Lucius is saying something about now there's no way we'll get out, every dementor in the place will be coming down on us, he seems to think I must be completely insane when I say if every dementor in the place wants to attack, bring it on. There is a voice from a cell to my right, someone is saying Lucius' name, Lucius looks in and says it's Bellatrix Lestrange.

      She says she wants us to take her with us if we are escaping, Lucius says the dark lord would be pleased to have her by his side again. I use magic to unlock the cell door, then I crack it open just enough to look into the cell, I tell Bellatrix to come a bit closer, so I can see her better, she is instantly in my face trying to push through the crack I have opened. I look at her eyes, for any sign of a spark, but all I am able to see is darkness… is there anything in there at all? She asks what I am doing, move so she can get out, Lucius says we need to get moving. I give one more look at Bellatrix, I am still unable to sense a spark of any kind, so I agree with Lucius that we need to get going, but not with her. I shut the door forcibly on Bellatrix and lock it with magic, leaving it the same way I found it. Bellatrix is now screaming like a banshee, any semblance of sanity is gone completely, Lucius asks what I am doing, the dark lord would want her out. I ask what makes him think I am trying to help Voldemort… he gasps a bit that I have said the name… I lead Lucius down the hall to the end then up some stairs for a few levels, where I use my wand to blast a hole in the ceiling, which is the very top of the tower.

      I step out onto the top of the tower with Lucius, and the situation doesn't look good. There are dementors surrounding the tower, so many dementors that they are blocking out the sky, and there are three wizards also waiting on top of the tower. I can tell Lucius thinks my escape plan was ill-conceived, and if I was an ordinary witch from a Harry Potter world, it would have indeed been very ill-conceived. The wizard wants to know who I am, he says if we surrender now, we will both be taken into custody… but if we resist, then it will most certainly be the kiss of the dementors for us. "Kiss a dementor?" I ask, "I'd sooner kiss the south end of a north bound blast-ended skrewt! Or Valdemort! I'd sooner kiss Voldemort!" The guard looks shocked that I spoke the name Voldemort, but then he says we haven't got a chance to escape. Lucius says we will go peacefully, I say the wizard should go fuck himself, Lucius says to not take the chance if receiving the dementors' kiss… I repeat that I'd rather kiss Voldemort… have you seen one of those things without its hood? They do the world a favor to wear those robes… I tell the wizards I can't say it's been a nice visit… it hasn't… but we will be leaving now. I go to the edge of the tower, pulling Lucius along with me, and take out my crescent moon wand. It's a spell I already had planned, though I don't remember seeing it used in Sailor Moon… "Moonlight Illumination!"

      My crescent moon wand glows with a blinding light, sending spirals of light outward towards the swarms of dementors… The dementors who are hit are set on fire and disappear in a blinding flash of white flame, the other dementors are scattering in all directions to avoid the light energy. I maintain the flow of energy until the path in front of us is entirely free of dementors.

      I decide maybe I have done enough of the impossible right in front of Lucius for right now, at least, so I actually summon a broom to fly on… because right now Lucius is pulling a very good imitation of Homer Simpson, staring out where the dementors had been, he has a blank and dumb look on his face.

      The same can be said of the three wizard guards, but that is no matter to me. I actually bop Lucius on the head with the end of the broom to get his attention, you do know how to fly on this, right? He says of course he does, so I give him that one and summon another one for me, tell him to stay right on my tail, then take off, heading through the area I just recently vacated of dementors. Lucius follows me, and once we are far enough away from the prison that I am sure nothing nasty will follow us, I open a portal while focusing on going straight to the Malfoy Manor. I fly right through the portal, Lucius is right behind be, so he couldn't have stopped if he had noticed and wanted to.

      Doing the rest of the task I had set out to do in this dream is a simple matter, I stop long enough at Malfoy Manor to pick up Narcissa, I tell them that there isn't much time to get them both to safety. I then open a portal to the edge of Hogsmede, where we are able to walk to the Three Broomsticks and avoid more attention. We find Draco in the back corner of the place, sitting at the table with a butterbeer, and he clearly looks shocked to see the three of us. I know I am about to wake up… I tell them there isn't much time now, I can arrange a longer visit later, but now we have to go. I tell Draco I'll see him back at Hogwarts, then I lead his parents to a back room, actually more of a closet, where Q is waiting for me. I tell Lucius and Narcissa that Q will take them to a safe house, but I am going to be unable to stay right now… and then I wake up.
    8. Second Entry

      by , 12-14-2010 at 03:57 AM
      this was a short dream, quite useless in gaining lucidity, i even did a reality check but cud not obtain lucidity

      But the dream was i was in high skool and i was with my sister and her bf and my dad was going thru my books and yelling at me bout how my books are bad,

      short dream but i shall record it
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. My book

      by , 12-14-2010 at 03:55 AM
      I was in a canyon with high gray walls all around me, but I walked through like it was normal. An old woman was walking through with a child around 3-4. She walked up to me and asked me to watch the child. I say yes not really caring. I find a bench to sit on, and sit on it with the child. The woman leaves. I tell the child to come closer so I could read to him. He comes closer. I take a small book out of my pocket. Its a guide to lucid dreams. I open it to the part on flying thinking the child would like the idea of flying. So I read about flying in a dream for a little while. I read a part on how to stay flying once you are in the sky. It was in red text. Here is what it said. When you begin to take off clear your mind, and only think of what it will feel like. Think of birds and the g-power you will feel as you fly. Finally imagine that you can not touch the ground because gravity has been weakened. The child asks me to show him. I get up and start to fill my mind with thoughts of flying only. I begin to lift into the sky. I then realize that I was in a dream. Then just at the right time my mom tells me to wake and that I missed the bus. I wake up in a bad mood because she woke me up right when I realized it was a dream.
    10. First dream recall

      by , 12-14-2010 at 03:40 AM
      Well, before I get into the little bit i remember, I should give some background information.
      My dad wakes me up for school in the morning. I tried to just lay there and recall my dream, but my dad just kept bugging me to get up, though i was clearly awake. I began remembering as i walked out the door, so i couldn't write it down immediately.
      Secondly, I recently read a bunch of scary stories that were keeping me up the majority of the night. I managed to get an hour or two of sleep in, and recalled this:

      My bedroom was reversed. instead of my Tv being directly across from my door, My bed was, and i was sitting there, watching the wall opposite me, scared to close my eyes (as i had been when i was awake.) but then my cat, sunny, came in. at first i was startled because he just popped up in my doorway. but then i realized it was my cat, and was thankful to see another friendly being in my dark room. I patted my bed, inviting Sunny to come lay beside me. as he jumped up, I began watching my Tv as if it had been on the whole time.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. FILD - Finger Induced Lucid Dream - FIRST TIME

      by , 12-14-2010 at 02:19 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I just finished reading the FILD technique thread and was eager to try it.

      I woke up sometime early in the morning, about 7:00 (it's holidays ) and started doing the movements. Then I remembered I had to RC after a minute. As I went to pinch my nose, it was like I had another arm. Since I was lying on my side, I shouldn't have been able to move my left arm.

      I could breathe through my nose, and I thought Wow, it actually worked!. I then woke up because I didn't stabilize.

      I tried it again, and this time I kept breathing through my plugged nose so I would be more in the dream. I got up and stood in my room for a second, then I spun around and I was half-taken to the place in my imagination that I've always wanted to go. I could see it, but I could see my room at the same time.

      I don't remember after that.
      Tags: fild, room, wild
    12. 12/12/10 The Agreement

      by , 12-14-2010 at 02:07 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: My goals for tonight included getting into Azkaban to get Lucius Malfoy out, he got sent there after MoSh revealed that Lucius had been interfering with the Tri-School Wizard Tournament by using curses and poisons on MoSh and Asuka, resulting in Asuka losing her memory and MoSh becoming violent… so after that was revealed, Lucius was sent to Azkaban pending a trial. Other plans included whatever is to happen next at both Hogwarts schools. I was successful in slipping into a WILD…

      I roll over out of bed and find that I am in my bed in the Slytherin dorm at Hogwarts, so it must be the Hogwarts where I am a student. I remember my goal is to go and get Lucius out of Azkaban so I can go ahead with healing his heart, so that is going to be my first task. I get out of bed and get dressed before going down into the Slytherin common room, where there are a few people there. Some of them are reading books, others are talking to each other, I see my roommates talking amongst themselves. Andie, Shanara, and Marie are talking and then they motion me over to them, so I go over there for a bit. I know I can't stay long, since I need to go get Lucius out of Azkaban, but I do want to know if they want something special. It turns out that they don't, they are just commenting on the fact I really slept in today, they are wondering what plans I have for the day. I realize this is not a school day, so we can go wherever we need to as long as we are back by the end of the day and ready to go to class in the morning. I tell them I have some things to attend to, I will be visiting family. Andie says ok, but if I get back soon enough, she and the other three are going to get a game of Quidditch going, just for practice, and I am welcome to join in if I have a broom. I am thinking I don't actually have a broom, but summoning one is no problem. Shanara stops me as I am leaving, she says Draco has been looking for me, he has been really upset since his father got arrested, and he seemed really desperate to find me. She adds that she can't imagine how she would feel if she had found out her mother or father was doing things like that…

      So I look around for Draco, I am not sure where to find him, so I ask a couple people and I find out that Draco has gone out onto the grounds. I head out there, focusing on locating Draco, and then I follow my instinct which guides me straight to him. He is near the castle on the far side, I am not sure what he is doing, but he notices me and comes over to me immediately, he is wanting to know where I have been since I said I had a plan to fix the situation with his father. I tell him I was in bed, I had trouble sleeping, mainly because I was coming up with a plan to get to his father in Azkaban without having anyone know I was involved. He says he didn't sleep much at all, so what do I intend to do about this? He says he hasn't tried to find MoSh, which is what I had wanted, so what about his father? I tell him I have my plan all worked out, his father will be out of Azkaban by noon. Draco looks up at the sky and asks how I intend to get his father out of Azkaban in the next ten minutes… I do a double take, then I say I hadn't realized it was quite that late… so ok, maybe not noon, but it will be very soon.

      I spend a short time thinking about my next statement, I want to keep Draco from doing anything stupid, but I don't want it to seem like I am trying to control him… finally I decide on something that might work… I tell Draco I just need him to give me his word on something. He asks what, looking a bit hesitant, I say that I need him to promise he won't be doing anything to get back at MoSh, if he wants to get any payback, save it for the tournament. He asks why I care about that. Here's where I lie… I tell him that I don't really care… any issues between him and MoSh are just between the two of them, and it doesn't involve me. But the fact of the matter is that if Draco goes and gets himself expelled, who is going to help me with the team portions of the tournament? It wouldn't exactly be fair for me to have to participate alone while everyone else had a partner, or as is the case with Gryffindor, two partners… I hesitate there, as if I don't want to straight out admit it, and then I blurt out that I need him to help me with the challenges. He seems to consider that, he says he wouldn't get caught, then. I ask him if he really thinks Lucius had planned on getting caught… he says of course not, that jerk MoSh got him caught… I say that is exactly my point, one never plans on getting caught, but even the best laid plans can fall apart. So promise me you won't do anything to get back at MoSh. Draco seems a bit annoyed, but he finally says that if I can get his father out of Azkaban, he will make sure he doesn't get in any trouble going after MoSh, or even Potter… though he says right now he finds MoSh even more annoying than Potter… I say it's a deal, then, I will bring Lucius by for a visit, then take him somewhere safe. Draco says someone might still go after his mother, what about her? I say she can go to the safe house with Lucius, they will both be safe… and he's at Hogwarts, so he would be safe, too. It was never said, but I'm sure we both know it's not the ministry police that are a threat to Draco's parents… Lucius' attempts to follow Voldemort's orders had met with epic failure, which is not something Voldemort responds well to.

      I tell Draco we need a place for him to have the visit with his parents that no one will notice, we finally decide on The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmede, as there aren't likely to be any servants of Voldemort there and the activity of the other patrons will keep attention off of Draco and his parents. I don't know exactly how long it will take me to get Lucius out, but Draco says he will be in the area, though he sounds like he has doubts that I will be able to do what I have said I will do.

      I head for the front gate of Hogwarts, there is no rule prohibiting students from leaving the grounds on weekends, especially since the students at this version of Hogwarts are college age instead of high school age. The path I take to the main entrance goes past Hagrid's hut, though I don't see Hagrid outside there.

      I do sense something a bit strange… so I look a bit closer at the energy I sense… Walms?! What is Walms doing in a Hogwarts world? I definitely hadn't expected to see him there, it seems he is near or even in Hagrid's hut. I don't have the feeling anything is wrong, maybe Walms and Hagrid are discussing the variety of creatures they would both call cute while everyone else would call them hideous monsters. I chuckle to myself, imagining Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class where he introduces the blast-ended skrewts, everyone else found them revolting, but Walms would be right up there saying how cute they are, Hagrid would be agreeing with that entirely. So I continue on my way, passing the guards at the gate… they ask where I'm off to, more out of curiosity than a need to know where I'm going, and I say I am off to visit some family for the afternoon, be back later, take care. I move farther from the gate, figuring I will teleport to Azkaban when I was out of sight… instead of teleporting, however, I wake up.
    13. snowboarding

      by , 12-14-2010 at 12:57 AM
      Snowboarding down a never ending hill with a few other guys constantly going over fat jumps and doing fat spins and grabs in the air before going into slow motion as i land. i had a red and yellow burton snowboard
    14. The Damn Nazis, dream sex, and Queen Zukin (Makes a lot of sense, right?)

      by , 12-14-2010 at 12:54 AM
      Damn Nazis! - For some reason I found myself in a snowy German town in 1942. I recall wearing raggedy clothes and a hat. I was with a group of friends when all of a sudden the Nazis came for us. We split up and ran in all different directions. I ran into a park area and hid in a bush, attempting not to move. I tried to stay there as long as I could, sitting still. It was a very small bush. It worked for a while, I was so relieved when a patrol came, talked by me, and then left! But then I was found by another patrol because my legs twitched! I bolted out of the bush and into some sort of bar. They seemed very surprised to see me there and I begged them to help me get away from the Nazis. One of the men agreed, and it turned out he was an SS captain. There was about 10 soldiers racing at the door, trying to catch me. He simply walked into the door, and began blasting away. The women began bawling their eyes out and I thought in amazement that the man just saved my life. I never got caught by the Germans, and I blew a sigh of relief. I had a terrible feeling though that my friends had been killed, however.

      Dream Sex! - Me and a smoking hot asian were naked. Great times were had.

      Queen Zukin's House - All I remember is that I knew I was dreaming, and I remembered Queen Zukin. I wanted to go see her, but I didn't know how to get there. For some reason I remembered her post about attempting to teleport places through a mirror. I thought this would do, and went to my bathroom mirror. I just on the counter and began going through the mirror, and I thought I could see her house! Then I woke up
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. 13.12.10 non-lucid, nightmarey, but welcome for some conspicuous absences.

      by , 12-13-2010 at 09:36 PM
      I tried something a little desperate. I started scanning through TvTropes' High Octane Nightmare Fuel database right before going to bed. I used to use Freddy Kreuger as a lucid dream starter, so I figured what the hey, maybe this might give me a dream alone?

      The first one went horribly right. I dreamed that I was in a strange 90s sitcom, with characters from Family Matters (Laura Winslow and a clone?) and Fresh Prince (The short, nerdy one. I never really watched it.) all working at a trendy shopping mall in Japan. I worked there too. We go to see a movie together, there's a theater in the mall. We watch a J-horror film, which involved the ghost of a murdered girl haunting everyone she could (Think Grudge, with more blood). Her MO was to show up wearing a pretty close-fit knit sweater in pink and orange, then point above her left breast and say "Here," at which point a wound would appear and a literal river of blood would start flowing out of her. In the dream, this was terrifying.

      We all left the movie scared and laughing, then when we were heading up a flight of stairs taking about heading back to America tomorrow morning we looked up and the creepy Japanese chick was at the top of the stairs. She did her shtick and the river started forming a blood-fall down the stairs, with us stepping away to keep from getting blood on us. We left through a WalMart (One of 2 WalMart layouts that keeps showing up in my mind) that was attached to the mall.

      Next thing I knew we were packing our things in a car the next day, heading for the airport. Everywhere I turned around, this chick was about 100 yards away pointing above her left breast and bleeding.

      I woke up, and went back to sleep. This time I dreamed about a neighbor who IRL has just gotten evicted. He got drunk one too many times, terrorizing the whole apartment building and running around the neighborhood screaming at about one in the morning. I was the one who called the police, and I was the one who let the landlord know about it. And he knows who did it, and I've been rather scared since. We share a balcony, and it wouldn't take a large brick to break in.

      In the second dream that Neighbor finally moved out, but I looked out the front window and saw that before he disappeared he had thrown all of my container garden plants off of our third-story balcony. My berry bushes, roses, herbs, and small trees were all over the sidewalk. IRL, he knows how proud I am of my garden. What he didn't destroy, he stole and sold to our other slimy neighbors. I woke up about the time I started storming around the neighborhood looking to kick his a**.

      I do remember that before I saw the destruction, my kid sister (who was for some reason staying with us) had left to hang with one of her trashy friends from childhood, driving off in a red sports car and playing VeggieTales music at top volume. Reflective of our childhood IRL: everyone wanted to show how respectable and Christian they were, so everyone listened to VeggieTales because it was safe for all ages. I hated VeggieTales.

      BUT Mom and PsychoEx weren't there. All was welcome.