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    1. Gears of War?

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:34 PM
      The world was based kind of like Gears of War. We knew that we were in a game, but we sill played as if we were in real danger. We had weapons very similar to those in Gears. We traveled in little boats that were first loaded onto helicopters. The choppers dropped the boats off in some ocean, that was experiencing rough seas. There were hundreds of boats, with two people per boat. My girlfriend and I were in the same boat. We had to paddle to some fortess type thing. There were people on the walls with turrent guns.

      Inside the fortress there were alot of creatures to fight. There was one monster I focues on in particular. He was very similar to the forest trolls from Fable. The only way to kill him was to shoot these orbs that were located on his joints, just like in Fable. I was having trouble killing him, so I found my girlfriend to help me fight him. Even though it was a fortress on the outside, once we got inside and started fighting the place seemed to become a mansion. I used furniture constantly to roll behind and avoid being killed. I also remember some type of serpent there. It was gigantic.

      I found my little cousin in the mansion fighting. I made him go find on experienced warrior and stay by him. I woke up in mid combat with the forest troll.

      Somewhere throughout the dream I remember someone make a comment about an old friend of mine. They said that they wished he was there, because he just got the job done and didn't worry about points.
    2. Learning How To Induce Dreams, While Dreaming (Fragment)

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:08 PM
      I was in a big room with hundreds of other people. We were in some sort of class. The instructors were trying to show us how to induce dreams. Mostly all I remember about the dream is alot of people moving around in a chaotic fashion.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Surroundings control

      by , 11-22-2010 at 03:09 PM
    4. Five

      by , 11-22-2010 at 02:54 PM
      Three short dreams that I remember, but I'm sure I had an active dreaming night. I did not sleep well and woke up many times feeling like I'd been dreaming.

      In which I discuss politics with my step-mother...

      I'm in a swimming pool with my step-mother having a political debate. It involves discussion of the relative importance of environmental concerns and economic growth. The discussion is too boring to relate here.

      In which my cousin grows an afro...

      Cousin C moved to Colorado. I went there to visit. When he answered the door, I saw that he'd decided to grow his hair long, only since his hair is very curly, it grew into a bushy afro.

      "You look like Jimi Hendrix," I tell him.

      "It keeps my brains warm in these cold winters," he answers.

      In which I babysit K's children (one of whom is an elf), reveal that I'm an action star, and get hassled by the man...

      K goes on vacation and asks me to look after her kids. G is a two year old boy with a big vocabulary and E is a tiny elf girl. I loaded them up in my car and we headed to my late Grandma B's house in Dallas. Along the way, we stopped to visit a water park with lots of slides and wave pools. I turned the kids loose and started chatting with a man. G came up to ask a question, and this man suddenly snatched us up and threw the two of us in the back of his van where we spent a long stressful time riding around the baffllingly crowded and complicated Dallas freeways. All the while I'm asking him to please let me call the water park people to gather up E since a tiny elf could easily get lost if no one is watching for her.

      Eventually we manage to bonk the guy over the head with a lead pipe and gain control of the van because secretly I'm an action movie star. I drove us to the airport where we planned to fly back to the waterpark but naturally we were detained by immigration officials who wanted proof of my citizenship. I begged them to call the waterpark so that an employee would look for E, but they also refused. I was worried that the little elf had gotten distracted by now and flown away.

      Hours later, I'd finally convinced the immigration officials that I am a citizen, but the customs people were still harassing us. G asked them if we were being "customized" and everyone thought this was very witty and cute so that they let us go. We hopped back in the van and rushed to the waterpark where I was relieved to find E sleeping in a giant red flower, Thumbelina-like. We plucked her up without disturbing her and the stress dream had a very happy, though psychedelic ending.

      Updated 11-22-2010 at 03:17 PM by 38879

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Frags: More Vader, and a seriosuly disturbing sexual ritual with a darkside bitch in a coma

      by , 11-22-2010 at 11:42 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      22/11/10 Fragments

      Battling Darth Vader
      Using the force to steal an idle light sabre from him.
      Just the two of us in a star ship.
      He is planning to do evil.
      The force is failing me, bar the telekinesis.

      Awakening in a dark side setting.
      A girl is lying bound up on a medical table.
      She is in a coma.
      I am there in 3rd person view.
      Someone is there with me, he is naked as well.
      I think I refer to him ass my “uncle”.
      The girl is my girlfriend maybe.
      She communicates with my “uncle” telepathically.
      She sparks lust in him he cums on the floor.
      She is driving him towards sacrificing my arm for her to wake up.
      She is promising nights of passion.
      I refuse.
      I am lying on the bed and she tells me that it is indeed her telling my “uncle” to take my arm.
      I spin around and all of a sudden hold my “uncle's” neck between the blades of a garden shears.
      dream fragment
    6. Lucid Dream #24

      by , 11-22-2010 at 11:24 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Sec.

      I told my friend that I would go into a hot chicks house across the street from our house. So I went over there and lied in her bed with her. She looked at me. She was Asian. So then we started having sex, then I woke up. The End.
      Tags: asian, kaleb, sex
      lucid , memorable
    7. Kaomea Dream Dream

      by , 11-22-2010 at 07:57 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      Kaomea and I are in my Inner World. We are standing on a cliff overlooking the sea. We are looking at my island. there is a huge volcano on it, with waterfalls and lava flowing. There is a small bay with the Jolly Rancher, Captain Nug's ship. The sun and moon begin to set next to each other.

      "It's so beautiful and weird," Kaomea says. The sun and moon disappear beneath the horizon, and stars shine brightly in the night sky. Kaomea and I turn into Gargoyles. Koomo alights near us from the sky. "Ah my brethren and sistren, here we are again. Now, my darklings come forth."

      All manner of darklings, black sorcerors, vampires, demons, and every crawling or flying or swimming or running thing ever called evil appear in the night sky, coming through portals. A strange spaceship comes through. It's huge. It explodes and spores go everywhere. The spores are the ones from Halo. We are fucked. People start turning into plant zombies. A massive battle of two evil armies ensues.

      I rip the heads off of plant zombies, and I pitch them to Vampire Babe Ruth. It's gross, yet funny.

      Time to dream another dream....

      Kaomea is falling down a rabbit hole, in my Inner World. I am a white rabbit running around in circles in the wormhole. Prepared to be scar-ified! Be prepared!

      Kaomea and I walk into a museum. There are faceless animatronic naked mannequins engaged in horrifying acts. Kaomea's face turns into a silent scream. I morph into the Joker.

      So, you see, all is not well in NeverWonderHell.

      Get me out of here!

      I am Batman, flying out of the ground. I grab Kaomea, and whisk her to the top of a gothic building. We turn into gargoyles.

      Ah, now we are gargoyles.

      I grab Kaomea, and take her to a white void. I morph into Morphues the god of dreams.

      Are you Morpheus, the god of dreams?

      Why, yes my dear. No, just kidding. But, I do a pretty cool impersonation of him, don't I?

      (to be con'td)
    8. Gypsykiss and Kaomea

      by , 11-22-2010 at 07:23 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am meditating with Kaomea and Gypsykiss. We are holding hands in silence. I feel the energy cycle through us. I spin them around like an adult spinning two little kids in a park. They smile and laugh, then they look a little nervous.

      Uh... Nomad?


      What are you doing?

      You said you wanted dreams, right?

      Haha... uh... what?

      I teleport us to outer space between the earth and Moon. I create a ring of obsidian smoking mirror portals around us.

      Nomad, you're scaring us! Let go!!!!

      I let go, and fling them into two portals different portals. I split myself in half, and one I go down with Kaomea, the other Gypsykiss.
    9. My old College

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:59 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I am back at a community college that I went to at one time. I have a lot of happy memories here, and often dream of it. I am walking down the hallway to a class I am taking, and realize that I have not explored much of the college since I went back. This is the last night of this semester for me, and I think I should take a walk to the other end of the hall.

      While I am still on my way to class (I never do make it to the other end of the hallway) I meet some people I used to know. I had been worrying lately about losing interest in some places like this that are important to me, but while I am talking to them I realize that I am in a wonderful place. Then I have to go to class.

      I sit down at my desk, and look out the window. There is a tall brick smokestack just out the window in this dream, and I "remember" looking at it when I used to go to school here. As I look at it the smokestack changes in height and width, and I think even collapses at one point. I just watch passively, and it has no effect on me.

      The instructor is wrapping up the class, and we are supposed to clean out our desks before we leave. In our desks are computers, which are small things that plug into some kind of printer device. Everyone else in the class has an easy time plugging these things together and leaving. Mine does not seem to fit together though.
    10. Visiting my old Home

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:46 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I am walking down a street, and realize it is one that intersects the street that I lived on when I was little. I look down the street to where my old house was. It is dark, and the road looks a little creepy. I think to myself that it is odd I used to live on such a creepy street. However, there are streetlights (there weren't really in real life) that light up patches on the sidewalk. My old house is within the light of one of these, so I think maybe it wasn't that creepy.

      I look to my right. There is a big house there (on the corner of the intersection). This house belonged to one of our neighbors, named Bob. I just dreamed about his house the other night, so I am reminded of this dream. I think to myself "why do I dream about this place so much?" Then I think how strange it is that I am here so often. Like this very moment, for example. "Maybe I'm dreaming now," I think. But then I think "nah, I'm not." However, I remember that I've blown it off too many times lately, which is one reason I have not had as many lucid experiences. So, I do a sort of RC by imagining that it is a dream. Once I let myself think that it is a dream I realize "I am dreaming!"

      Having not been lucid for a few months, I get a little excited. I think about what to do, and remeber a post on the forum about travelling in dreams. One poster had mentioned closing your eyes and imagining yourself somewhere (I forgot that others had cautioned against this for novice lucid dreamers). I close my eyes and think about a place I like to go on vacations during the summer. I try to imagine the sounds and smells, but as I do so everything blacks out, and I loose lucidity.
    11. (11/21/10) - No lucids again, but still 3 recalls

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:37 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      As expected, my re-establishment of a RC habit has not fully set in yet...officially my goal is just to have a single RC-induced lucid dream by this Saturday, which will be one full week of nights since my return to lucid dreaming, although I am quite open to the idea of having more LDs prior to that date

      Well, anyway, for the sake of improving recall and looking for more dream signs, here's what I remember from last night (it would seem I'm getting pretty consistent with remembering 3 dreams, eh?)

      Dream 1 - False memory and what I saw around me both said the same thing: I had done an absolutely awful job cleaning up at work the night before. The place was a mess...particularly the bathroom. All of the toilets had to be taped off due to...misuse, shall I say...or overuse...hmm. But anyway I was just waiting to really hear it from my boss, when he stepped inside and said, "You know what, great job on the cleanup last night. I never thought I'd say this, but I have absolutely no complaints; I can't think of anything that needs done better next time."

      I thought he was joking at first, but it became evident within moments that he was serious. "Sweet! I got off the hook!" I thought before the dream faded

      Dream 2 - I was at the computer, trying to type something, and I noticed my keyboard wasn't working. (this occasionally happens IRL...I have a keyboard that isn't fully Windows 7 compatible, so I sometimes have to unplug it and plug it back in to make it work) I was about to re-plug the keyboard, when I thought about my old one. It was just as basic as you could get, but it worked. But I really needed the newer one for video editing, so I wasn't sure what to do. Then this little mental argument grew to a huge scale in my head to where I was losing focus in the dream and the keyboard in front of me flashed between the new and the old...the dream grew more unstable...then it ended.

      Dream 3 - It was Christmas now, and someone got me an XBox 360 and a racing game to go along with it. At first it seemed really cool; the menus had great graphics and I was able to totally customize my car and all sorts of things. But then I actually got into the game and the FPS was really bad, not to mention the controller basically had no bearing on what happened in the game. Pushing buttons did things, but not always the same thing every time, and never what I wanted them to. Eventually I got frustrated and stopped, then took the XBox upstairs, opened it up, added some hardware (which conveniently appeared in my hand on the spot) and then tried it again. This time the controls were responsive, and the framerate was better, even though it still was a bit jerky.

      I woke up wanting a PS3.

      Not kidding. I know it was just a dream, but something in me really dislikes XBox now. Weird how that works...
      Tags: funny, toilets, xbox
    12. Explicit

      by , 11-22-2010 at 04:04 AM
      [SPOILER="Drugs and Sex, Parental guidance strongly suggested"][INDENT][RIGHT][SIZE="1"][COLOR="#696969"]19.11.2010[/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]Explicit[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#696969"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      [COLOR="#696969"][/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]My recall on this one is spotty, and doesn't start at the exact beginning, so bear with me.

      [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]The best way to start it off would be the part where I was with my friend Alex showing him this new form of marijuana cultivation I pioneered that starts with putting a dry bud in water and somehow it ends up multiplying. We were in my backyard [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]-It belonged to me in the dream though I'd never seen a place like- [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]which had three fountains perfect for the new technique.

      We plant the buds and then, using regularly obtained weed, get high before heading to a bar [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]-which is also in "my" house and sort of looked latin as far as architecture went. [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]Eventually these two girls come up to us, one young (about 15 like me), beautiful, dark haired girl who just sat back and didn't say anything, [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]-Actually this is one of the few times my dreams have used a face I recognized, the girl is an aquantince of mine though that wasn't who she played in the dream and wasn't exactly how the rest of her body looked-[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"] and another sexy older woman who had an air about her somewhere between Female-military-official and Experienced-hooker. She asked if I wanted a fun time tomorrow, and I said sure, against Alex's advice, because she looked like someone with honest intentions and a trustworthy character. As it turned out she was. Tomorrow was something along the lines of "Make-a-guy-happy day" or something, and she decided to do it through sexual favors, though her only intention was solely to make guys happy. She didn't even want money, though Alex insisted they always got something out of the deal. I signed in a tiny little agenda notebook and saw a lot of other names on there. The fact that they were essentially hookers got me thinking about disease, but somewhere between being desperate and loving ganja, I happened to forget about it.

      The next day my doorbell rang and, much to my surprise, it was the young girl, and not the older, one that was standing there. She never told me her name or, more likely, I just don't remember it after waking up so long ago, but we started talking about ourselves for a while. She said she that this was the first time her mom (the older woman) sent her out for a job and she still wasn't totally comfortable with it. I respected that and told her to just forget about anything sexual, it didn't matter and it's not like I was paying to begin with. So we just talked for a while, showed her my now filled to the brim Marijuana Fountains in my backyard we she mentioned how she smokes, and basically we just hung out for the day. Some time probably around five Alex came to look at the progress with the fountains. We went out there but I stopped him when I saw a guy ride by on a NASA vehicle on the other side of my fence which faced a road [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]-In this dream NASA was basically interchangable with any policing group- [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]and he actually rode into part of my fence, knocking it down. But surprisingly enough he just went right on through and ran down my fence on the opposite side too so he could leave (I'm guessing my backyard was just some sort of shortcut he had to take).

      Later that night, me and the younger girl went to the bar again, both of us smoking before hand. We had a great time and when we were about to get on a train back to my house [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]-though I'm not sure where exactly it went since my house and the bar were the same building just at different times- [/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]but out of the blue she kissed me. Obviously I kissed back, and we both got on the train. But then the real shocker hit; the train was totally deserted and we sat in the back where not even the driver could see us, and she started undoing my pants and givving me a hand job. I told her she didn't have to do it just because of what her mother was going to do, but she said that wasn't why. soon it turned into a full blown BJ and she was pretty good considering she claimed to be a virgin. That's as far as it got and we had to say our goodbyes for the night pretty soon after reaching our destination. But then the next day came tradgedy. When I woke up I knew I loved her, and I wanted to see her soon, but when I turned on the TV my heart sank. She'd be hit and killed that night by a speeding car that fled the scene. I was destroyed, but part of the dream reality must've been slipping through because I knew I could bring her back. [/COLOR][COLOR="#696969"]Unfortunately I was woken up before that could happen.[/COLOR][/INDENT][/SPOILER]
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Battle Royale 2 + Hide and Seek (?)

      by , 11-22-2010 at 03:43 AM (Guessadoodle's Dream Journal)
      Battle Royale 2 + Hide and Seek (?) (Non-lucid, supplemented by melatonin)


      Another exciting dream; too bad I forgot a few details. I think I'm too obsessed with Battle Royale. Maybe it's turning me evil.

      I was upstairs in a room, together with a lot of my friends. We were bracing ourselves and preparing ourselves mentally for the ordeal we're about to go through. Strangely enough, I found myself being more and more excited about this Battle Royale programme.

      Finally it was my turn. I grabbed my allocated stuff and went to the lift. In the lift, I quickly checked my items and found out I was given a pistol.

      Quickly I tucked it into my pocket but I forgot to check for bullets and extra ammunition.

      When I stepped out off the lift, I made my way and saw 2 of my friends hiding under something, with a gap below (and that is why I was able to see them). I ignored them and retraced my steps, not sure if they were planning to shoot whoever walks by. Suddenly I heard 2 gun shots and when I swerved around, I saw the 2 friends being knocked back, dead.

      I grabbed my pistol and I saw my senior, Iv, coming around the corner with a gun. I fired 2 shots at him immediately and with a groan of pain, fell to the ground. His partner, also my senior, D, followed behind and I frantically shot him crazy right in the face. He did the same, but weirdly enough both of us were not affected.


      I found myself along with a group of my friends at school. We were still in the Battle Royale, and apparently we grouped up. The Battle Royale game was slowly morphing into Hide and Seek.

      "Let's stick together and find the last person!" someone cried.

      No, that is stupid. This is a Battle Royale game and the last thing I want to do is stick with a big group of people, I thought. I suggested to my 2 friends to sneak this way and be sure not to stand up or they would be seen through the windows, but they ignored me. Frustrated, I joined the big group.

      Our weapons changed into a roll of newspapers. All of us.

      Finally we reached the canteen. We did not know where to start looking.
      This is where the dream gets a bit fuzzy. I remembered myself and a few people running up and down, trying to find the last person. Finally, I made my way all the way back of the canteen, and I found him, OWJ. Apparently we were supposed to tap their feet when they sing their song.

      "Up up up up up up you you I I," OWJ sang. I quickly ran up and tap his feet.

      As OWJ and I made our way back. He sang Teenage Dreams and another song I forgot.
    14. Wave 71: DEILD fail

      by , 11-22-2010 at 02:34 AM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      You know, DEILD has always sparked interest for me. But im not good at it. In fact, ive only succeeded in this technique once, a long time ago. Then I just tried and failed miserably forever after, waiting for the day when SP would show its ugly little face again. And it did. This morning. After a series of dreams, I wake up at about 7. Now these dreams were really weird, because they all revolved around me trying to find good dream scenes for my ideal LD Movie. I like to imagine how epic an LD movie would make in RL (excluding Inception of course). In diff scenes, including one with a truck and my friend Tam, I look around.

      This was amazing, because it made me experience a kind of lucidity I had never experienced before. Throughout the whole process, I kinda knew I was dreaming. Kinda. I mean, the plot itself was about dreams. So close, yet so far. At one point, im in the park in my neighborhood and my mom starts telling me how if she was lucid she could do stuff. I tell her its easy, and in my head I sort of think to myself while staring at a house: I was lucid, this house would explode. It didnt, of course. But I look at a stop sign and try to bend it with my mind. As I slowly become lucid, I wake up.

      Before I even get to realise im in my bed comes instant visual HH. In my head im like: Holy shit its about time! Finally another DEILD! Vibrations start to come, but im keeping my cool. Besides, its my second time Then...I open my mouth. For NO REASON. I just felt like opening my mouth, so I did. What a jerk. To my defense, I guess I wasnt 100% aware, but I knew completely what was going on. Sigh... I guess it wasnt meant to be. I decided not to add the brief moment of lucidity at the end, because I felt it was too small to cheat. At least im at home tomorrow, I might get a chance to redeem myself.

      Wel see
      side notes , non-lucid
    15. four

      by , 11-22-2010 at 02:33 AM
      Three dreams last night- one long and vivid, one stress dream, and one short funny dream about my dog. Actually, my dog appears in all three dreams.

      In which a rich elderly man is frustrated by his unrequited love for Cameron Diaz...

      I'm not actually in this first dream. Sometimes I felt the experience from a third-person observer point of view. Sometimes I was the old man and sometimes I was Cameron Diaz. In the morning, my hubby told me that next time I'm Cameron Diaz, I should wake him up.

      Cameron Diaz and a friend are on her private island. (She is Cameron Diaz, but in my dream she is not an actress but an heiress.) They are sitting in beach chairs wearing one-piece 50s style swimsuits and broad-rimmed shades. Between them, a black lab sleeps in the sand. The two women are drinking martinis and facing the sea.

      Suddenly a yatch appears and an old man, in his late 70s or early 80s, walks up to the sunbathing women. He is wrinkled and balding but in good health. He's dressed in a white Polo sports shirt and white slacks. He and Cameron know one another from some time in the past. She recognizes him but seems neither pleased nor unhappy to see him.

      The old man doesn't mince words. All at once, he asks Cameron Diaz to marry him. She smiles, sips her martini, and declines. It's apparent that they've had this conversation before. She tells him that she doesn't love him. He pleads that he can make her happy. They are perfect for each other- they both love the sea. She prefers it from her island, she argues, while he prefers it from his boat. He flirts and smiles nonchalantly, but inside his heart is breaking. He gets back on his yatch and leaves.

      Four years later, Cameron Diaz has had her island repossessed. Something horrible has happened- perhaps a war or a major depression- and she is now a laborer on the island that she once enjoyed. She wears a handkerchief to hold her hair back from her sunburned face while she picks peppers, collecting them in the apron of her hand-made farmer's dress. Her hands are rough, and she thinks of Scarlett O'Hara when she goes to visit Rhett in jail after the war.

      The yatch appears again, and the same old man from before disembarks. He's wearing a fine blue suit with a top hat and a monocle. He carries a cane. Seeing Cameron Diaz in her poverty clothes doesn't phase him at all. He drops to one knee in the fruit field and offers her a diamond ring. He tells her that he is a billionaire and can buy back the island for her and make her rich and happy if she will only marry him. He says he loves her now just as before.

      Cameron Diaz still declines his proposal. She insists that she can't marry him because she doesn't love him. The old man falls down into the dirt, clutching his heart. Cameron calls for help, and she and her laborer friends carry him into a small hut and put him in bed. There, by candle light, she nurses him back to help. When he is recovered enough to talk, the old man tells Cameron Diaz that he has already purchased the island back from the person who took it from her, and now he will gift it to her with no strings attached. He asks Cameron Diaz why she has always refused to marry him, and she explains again that she just doesn't love him. He asks her why, and she says that she is offended because he never shaves his legs. He pulls back the covers and looks down at his legs: they are my legs only they are very hairy and have many bruises.

      The old man has my dog Lucy with him, and Lucy plays with Cameron Diaz's black lab. While the old man recovers in bed, he likes to watch Lucy and the black lab playing out his window. One day, he notices that the black lab has large tumors growing on its back. He worries that Lucy will catch a disease from him. He asks a doctor to check the dog out, and the doctor explains that the lab has ringworm. The old man is relieved because Lucy takes ringworm protection monthly.

      In which I walk out to get coffee and end up stressed and left alone...

      I walk with my dog Lucy to get some coffee from the local cafe. The cafe keeps moving and I have to walk a few miles just to get the coffee. I get two cups and try to walk back home, but I'm tired and I keep spilling the coffee because my dog keeps pulling on the leash. After a few blocks, I stop at a payphone and call my husband to come get me. He agrees. I keep walking alongside the road. I figure I will see him as he comes towards me. But just as he turns onto the street I'm walking on, an 18 wheeler passes between us and blocks his view of me. He does not see me and keeps driving. I wave at him, but he turns the corner and heads in the direction of the cafe. I try to chase after him, but he is too far down the road.

      In which my dog falls into a river but I rescue her...

      I’m walking my dog Lucy over a bridge. She starts to chase a fly and runs off the bridge and falls towards the rushing river below. There just happens to be a basket bobbing along at the moment that she falls, and Lucy lands in the basket. I run off the bridge and race along the bank of the river as Lucy floats down it. For a moment I’m hysterical with terror that something is going to happen to her. Then I attain a very fleeting lucidity and realize that this is only a dream and that I would not allow anything bad to happen to Lucy in my dream. There will be a solution.

      As I run alongside the river, lucidity lost again, Lucy looks at me with desperate eyes. Her paws are on the rim of the basket. I see another bridge up ahead, and I run fast so that I can get there before she does. I make it just in time. I lean over the side of the bridge with my hands reaching towards the water just as Lucy is rushing underneath. I grab the basket and snatch her out of the water.

      Updated 11-22-2010 at 03:24 PM by 38879

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment