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    1. Dream Journal: Spice Girls, Carnival, False Awakening

      by , 11-16-2010 at 05:25 PM
      Dream 1-- Spice Girls Remix

      So, this dream is half passive observer half I'm actually noticing that I'm in my body. Most of my dreams now are pretty sexual because I haven't masturbated for like a week now. I actually feel more energized because of it, but this is a DJ....

      So I start out in my room. I'm facing away from my bathroom, meaning that I can see the rest of my room, including my bed and my LoveSac (which is a comfy and huge bean bag chair. I hear this music start to play. My whole screen of vision goes red and I can see this black girl with a golden wig on starting to sing. I think she starts singing a song that's uniquely Spice Girls at first so I can begin to recognize who they are.

      This is my Passive Observer state. Here, it's like I'm just the camera for this music video with thoughts and critique. The camera will change easily and there won't be much feeling inside me, just thoughts and analysis of the video I'm watching.

      So I see the black girl at first, she's wearing a white Halter top and some skimpy shorts. Suddenly, the camera pans out and I feel like I'm in my body in my room, and I can see all five of them. The song keeps playing and I'm having the realization that I'm listening to the Spice Girls in my room, but it doesn't cause me to RC or wake up. Then, the screen turns all green as the camera focuses in on another of the girls, who looks like she is kind of depressed. She is white with black hair, and she plays the cello. She has a very weird voice that doesn't actually go with the song at all. In my PassObs state, I question the legitimacy of her playing the cello and how it would affect the song. I start listening to the music more carefully and realize that the cello is being played really fast but somehow it works with the music. I get the feeling like in concert she must get really tired.

      Pan out again. I'm sitting in the same place looking at all five of them. For one of the verses one of them starts to sing who sounds kinda Asian, and she even makes the comment about how she has the classic Asian accent, as part of the song. What's funny is how this whole time I am trying to remember the lyrics for the song, and I feel really confident in my version, but they keep changing the song into something really random, like at one point they are talking about horses.

      Then the video suddenly shifts, and now I'm standing at the doorway to my sister's room, and I see this one hot blonde Spice Girl start doing a seductive dance as the beginning of another song. She is wearing basically nothing, I can see her stomache and legs. I want to F this girl, but I'm in PassObs (oh how I wish I was lucid!). They start another song, but it doesn't last very long because I roll over in bed.

      Dream 2-- Busted by the Police for the First Time

      So, this dream starts off similar to the other dream where I feel like I'm just a camera that is part of a movie. I am in the sky and floating down as I see lots of people crowded around some rides. There is procession of buses and sounds to my left. There are these silver gates that separate different areas where people are either waiting to get on a ride or are on the ride. It's all out on in the open, all on concrete, but I can't really see the ground because there are so many people.

      As I am still floating downward in camera mode, I hear Dave Chappelle tell a Joke that I cannot remember, but I feel like I had it in my memory for a long time because I knew it when he said it. As the camera finally descends, I become a person and start walking around, but I am alone at this carnival. I get to this one section where there aren't a lot of people and I decide to try and start drinking so that I can loosen up and have some more fun. It's the classic red Solo cup filled with beer. As I drink and walk, I realize that I'm like the only one in this part of the Carnival somehow, and so I start walking towards the party. As I get closer, I see out of the corner of my eye that there is a group of police officersstanding on the other side of the metal fence, scoping out the situation and probably carding people.

      At first, I feel really confident I won't get IDed as long as I walk confidently and act like I don't even notice them. I remember that I haven't shaved in four days and I have never gotten busted before. I walk past all of them, but the last one says "Hey, get over here" and "Show me your ID." I know I'm fucked, but I'm like "OK" in a calm voice. I start patting my pockets as if I don't know which pocket it's in. He is starting to get impatient and is like "C'mon, C'mon." As I open my wallet, I realize that I don't have my ID. Although in real life there is no real explanation for not having it, in my dream I think back to some event that happened earlier that justifies me not having it. I think about giving me school ID to the cop or this other ID I have, but he's like "You're not 21, I'm giving you a ticket." My heart sinks into my stomache and I feel awful. I can only look down as shame and guilt start to wash over me.

      I start to wonder what went wrong, when I look up there is a mirror there. I see that I had been wearing this white polo with purple stripes, I wasn't actually shaved, and I looked 17. I was like wow I am never wearing polo shirts out again, and I start beating myself up mentally like why would I be so stupid to wear out a polo and next time I am coming with friends. Why didn't I come with friends? If I had been here with a frat everything would have been fine, and then I picture myself being with a frat and drinking and having fun and all of that. Then I wake up

      Dream 3-- Space Ship Wars

      This dream is super obscure, but it involves people from my high school, which should be the most ultimate dream sign in existence for me and I don't know why I can't seem to RC it properly when it happens! I could be having DILDs every night along with my WILDs!!

      So the dream starts out at night time. I am on the radio with my teammates and we need to take out with our ships for what I think is a practice run, for fun. I don't remember ever flying these ships before and I can't think of any particular job we have to do for them. I am on some like school track or something, but there is a metal door that opens up like a garage door and reveals my space vehicle, which is shaped like a classic UFO.

      It's me Peter, Brendon, and this blonde girl who is really hot. We take off and I'm super shitty at flying my craft. I hear Peter and Brendon talking over the intercom, and I can see a lot of the action out of my front mirror. Most of my movements aren't coordinated with my brain, so they just kinda happen and I have to go along with them. The opponents we are fighting have crafts in the shape of the female sign (the circle with a line down and the horizontal stripe), which is funny because I got shown a binky yesterday that was that exact sign/shape.

      We start fighting the female shaped opponents, but I'm not really doing anything. I'm flying around just trying to get control of my vehicle, and I'm failing. I hear them talking about strategy and who they hit and who hit who, but I'm flying into a tree. I dodge the tree by going straight down and my shit crashes into a pool of water. Suddenly, I am swimming with this hot blonde, and Peter comes down too. We are all three in the pool, just relaxing, when Peter gets back in his craft and I get back in mine and we take off again. I still can't control mine for shit, and then Brendon announces that we won, so I land my UFO back into the water.

      It's me Peter and the hot girl again and we are like under a bridge but I can see the original place that we hung out before taking off a second time. I'm sort of away from Peter and the girl, feeling a little PassObs but wanting to be a part of the celebration. Suddenly, as if it were part of a movie, the girls floats over to me with a big smile on her face, and we start making out!! I'm really happy.

      Dream Fragment 4-- False Awakening After WILD

      So I am doing a WILD Journey, and I set my alarm for 5am after going to sleep at 12. I remembered to start counting in my head before falling back asleep, and this night I actually managed to get back to sleep relatively quickly. Looking back, I had read on these forums that usually WILDs will start with false awakenings in the exact bed/room you are in, so you need to get adept/used to RCing upon awakening every time.

      I didn't do that and I sat up in my dorm room bed and looked over at my roommate. The scene was kinda fuzzy but it was super weird. My roommate was sitting at the head of his bed, and there was this shirt hanging from a rack. Behind the shirt was this giant slab of meat, and it looked like he was on his computer taking notes about this slab of meat or something. I didn't say anything and nothing else was going on, but I remember thinking about how weird the whole thing was. I fell back asleep and missed my chance to LD from my WILD, but I'm glad I am noticing my FAs and that I actually successfully transitioned!

      Dream Fragment 5-- Samurai Fight

      This dream was really long, but it got cut extraordinarily short due to the morning time, and I think that messed up my recall. I had been reading The Book of Five Rings before I went to sleep, and so I had sword fighting as a theme bright inside my head for tonight.

      There was a large build-up, but me and this guy face off to fight. He starts to charge me and I have all of these thoughts running into my head like how is he going to strike, will I be able to defend, how can I win this. I was getting all excited about fighting him because part of me knew it was a dream and that it was going to be exciting. I think I was on the verge of lucidity when my roommate's alarm clock went off in my opponent's mid stride!! I was so disappointed when I found myself in my bed. It was the first time in a while that I was going to fight in a dream.
    2. Side notes: Message from a medium

      by , 11-16-2010 at 04:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I met a german lady who claims to have mediunic powers. I didn't tell her much about myself, only that I had lucid dreams 'cause I wanted to see if she also did, but at some point in our short conversation, she grabbed my arms, looked deeply into my eyes and almost in a trance she gave me the following message...
      That my energy is totally compassionate and peaceful, that I lack wrathfulness and therefore in this life and in this world I'm not meant to be a warrior, but that I had been a ninja before and that in the dream world my dream ninja is still alive and kicking and is her mission to fight the evil powers that move between dimensions. Then she went on with some advice on how to strengthen my dream ninja.
      I thought this was awesomely cool.
      side notes
    3. first successful WILD attempt!

      by , 11-16-2010 at 02:29 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      Damn, I guess I've made more progress in dreaming that I originally thought...
      first successful WILD (wake induced lucid dream) tonight, Tuesday, November 16th 2010, time of closing eyes, 3:33 AM. I never thought it would be that much of a rush, you go into sleep paralysis, and it feels like your mind is being shot out of a cannon straight upward, at first I tried to stop, but then I just rode it out. it's the most awesome feeling I have ever experienced in my life

      the dream itself was nothing special, I was laying in my bed, unsure if it worked or not, so I decided to risk a reality check, I was dreaming! I started feeling the sheets, passively observing how realistic they were. I got up and walked to my mirror, I looked into it and tried to focus on going to the moon. I touched the mirror, solid... I was feeling drowsy anyway. I turned away from the mirror, and started calling for my dream guide for about five minutes, that didn't work either... well I was tired, so I figured I would just crawl back in bed, no harm in just resting, it's not like this is going to be my last dream ever. so I crawl back in bed, and just sleep

      I wake up feeling rejuvenated, more so than usual.
      memorable , lucid
    4. rare bad parasitic? dream

      by , 11-16-2010 at 02:25 PM
      16/10/2010 had first bad dream for ages last night. weird thing was it started as soon as i fell asleep. started with a kind of paralysis where i was trying to walk, but i couldnt get anywhere fast due to some massive weight that seemed to hang onto my lower back. had similar ages ago but never this vivid and mindfucking.

      anyway after that i was at some school event and afterwards we trashed a room. that room turned into my dining room. i drunk some red bull in the dream and i was 100% convinced that i had gone into some kind of freaky rage and trashed my house. so much so that i spent the rest of the dream putting everything back where it should be, constantly missing obvious dream signs of misplaced objects/furniture. woke up as i was picking bits of plastic up off the floor and i can still feel it now.

      the lower back feeling has really made me think there is something in the idea of astral parasites, i cant think of another plausible explanation. i keep waking up with this odd feeling in my back, which isnt quite pain, yet is almost worse than having a pain there if that makes any sense. like the most extreme restless feeling that i just cant kick no matter what position i roll into
    5. 11/16/2010 - Fragment

      by , 11-16-2010 at 12:47 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      The only thing I really remember is that I was being detained by some group of people. One of them was this huge, hulk of a guy who looked like he might have been a butcher or something, judging by the filthy apron he was wearing. Most of the dream, I just don't remember, though I do recall one scene were lightning struck, somewhere on their property. I saw the bolt hit the building in slow motion. The electricity scattering across the area and ignited a combustible tank, causing a massive explosion, which injured at least one person. The whole thing played out in slow-mo, and I think I was watching from a disembodied perspective. That's about all I remember, though.
    6. Peace to the East

      by , 11-16-2010 at 08:55 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      Castle Anthrax becomes Castle Cannabis.

      It becomes a shining white castle, full of cannabis plants.

      I smoke with the RV templars, mowglycdb, and the Care Bears.

      Life is good.
    7. I am pharaoh

      by , 11-16-2010 at 07:12 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I am pharaoh (Non-lucid)


      Three dreams. I had a very interesting non lucid dream.


      I was with my dad and we were talking and having a great time. We were watching soccer, we had a few beers and smoked some cigarettes. I saw a young hot female character. She needed to have a son with some jerk for a reason I cannot recall. I knew this guy was going to abuse her and also abandon her and I felt an urge to jump in and advise her.

      Her room was in a very old school building which had some pale light entering from the right window. The decor was old school, mostly wood. I advised her about the stuff and she thanked me.

      I went inside a pyramid. Such pyramid was in the middle of downtown, however, it was very ancient. I was not lucid in the dream, however, I felt very good, happy and free. The inside of the pyramid was awesome. The walls were fully decorated, the lighting was with oil torches and I saw some steps made out of iron skulls. Inside this pyramid, there were several different rooms.

      I was married with a female DC who I think was my queen. I was pharaoh. We had a huge restroom with an enourmous tub. The water from the tub went to a pool. We had sex.

      I had to go to meet someone inside this pyramid because there was going to be a big war and I needed to help. I exited briefly the pyramid because I needed to check my cell phone. I also checked my laptop and the letter M did not work. I realized I did not need to worry about modern life problems as now I lived in the pyramid. I felt very happy and relieved. It was if like all my problems were gone for ever and I was going to truly enjoy life.

      I met with a general in one of the rooms who was delivering weapons. The weapons were made of bronze and they were shaped like a horn. I was given one, however, I did not plan to fight so I deposited it somewhere away from his sight.

      I was going to go to meet with my queen again and I saw a big toy store inside the pyramid. I also found some escalators and some DC around, however, all the walls were pyramid-made. I found the store useless as we did not needed money, as pharaoh we had everything. I felt again very relieved and free.

      Missed dream signs:
      - A pyramid inside downtown.
      - All the stuff inside the pyramid.
    8. Energy

      by , 11-16-2010 at 07:11 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Energy (Non-lucid)


      Three dreams. I had a very interesting non lucid dream.


      I was talking with a DC and doing some research about energy. I could send my own energy to this DC.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Unknown.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. A DC beats me on cards

      by , 11-16-2010 at 07:11 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      A DC beats me on cards (Non-lucid)


      Three dreams. I had a very interesting non lucid dream.


      I was indoors and I met with a DC. That DC beat me on a card game. The DC did not want to wait for consciousness. More dream characters.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Unknown.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. The African Man

      by , 11-16-2010 at 05:19 AM
      I was floating in a completely black void. I was looking around and then an African man appeared about two feet in front of me. He had an ornate mask on that was orange, red and yellow. His left eye was showing through the mask. There was a look of pure evil I have not seen in an eye before. I stared back at him for about three seconds. Out of terror I said the Great Mantram, "I am the father of the universe. I am the mother of the universe. Everything came from me. Everything shall return to me. Mind, body and spirit are my temples for the Self to realise in them my supreme being and becoming." As soon as I started to say this I felt myself falling at freefall speed and the African man did so also. When I finished the mantram I woke up and lay awake for three quarters of an hour.
    11. need my recall up

      by , 11-16-2010 at 04:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I only recalled an HH where a member of my inner world was showing me some very badly drawn anime pictures she drew.
    12. Horrific Car Crash

      by , 11-16-2010 at 03:46 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      regular dream: 11-15-10

      I had another interesting dream so I decided to post it. Usually I'm too lazy but lately I've been having all kinds of fun(well... maybe not fun.. but.. interesting) dreams

      I woke up this morning with the most random thought in my head. It went like this: "Mother's cry for elephant's selection." It had absolutely nothing to do with any of my dreams.. so I have no idear(sorry, lately I've been wanting to use the word 'idear' instead of 'idea' just because it sounds cool) where it came from! So random..

      Anyways.. so here's the dream I had last night...

      Me, my sister, and a friend had just gotten back from somewhere but I was hungry and wanted to go get something from Taco Bell. My sister said I could go but I had to take her car for some reason and I had to drive. So off we went to taco bell.. well actually I barely made it out of the driveway. It wasn't the driveway at my house, just some random place in the middle of nowhere. I accidentally put the car in reverse and I tried to stop it but it wouldn't stop so I had to steer it backwards down the road. We got on a really busy road and I kept dodging cars, going backwards in the right lane while other cars were rushing forwards. I tried over and over again to bring the car to a stop so I could put it in drive but everytime I pressed the brake, the car would take too long to slow down and I was afraid of backing up traffic. I thought it would be a good idear(lol sorry I had to use that word again) to steer over to the other lane(left lane) so that I would be going the same direction as the other cars. So I got into that lane, and all of a sudden the cars were coming right at me.. or from behind me.. or somewhere! and CRASH! I remember going to the side and getting out of the car only to look back and see what I had done. Not only had my car crashed, but tons of other cars had also collided because of me! I was well out of the way when more cars kept crashing into one another and a school bus also crashed. I saw an explosion, there were smoking cars everywhere, and people were dying. Pretty much everyone died in that car wreck except me and whoever else was in my car. I felt terrible.

      (here comes the random part)

      Then, the scene kept replaying in my head. I watched cars crash over and over again, but each time it happened, there were less and less cars until eventually there was only a few people, who transformed into the cast of Harry Potter and then transported to someone's living room. They were standing by these black couches feeling all ashamed because they were involved with the car wreck but someone said "It's okay, you guys are clear," so they started cheering.. but then 1 second later they all had red gun laser pointers pointed right at each of their chests. They got freaked out. I woke up. Yea........
    13. Xi chi ya?? (Am I secretly japanese?)

      by , 11-16-2010 at 01:32 AM
      I had a very odd dream last night..

      I ended up going to japan for some sort of space simulator competition. Sadly, I think I lost. I was walking out with other contestants when a family ran and up and began hugging and crying a man near me, and they were yelling "Xi Chi Ya!!!" (or Xo Chi Ya... wasn't totally clear when I woke up)

      Then I had another dream I was rescued from mars, and the woman who saved me said she had a baby when we were landing, but secretly I knew that she had had the baby for a long time and had to hide it until then.

      Odd Night.
    14. I am a dream teacher

      by , 11-16-2010 at 01:25 AM
      Its the middle of the night and I'm standing in a large room with white walls amongst a large group of people who are sitting, standing, talking, smoking, laughing and playing. Their physical appearances are concrete and unwavering over a long period of time. I am a lucid wall-flower. Suddenly I decide to speak up, and loudy: "Can any of you tell me the date and time?" I recieve 5 or 10 different answers from the now thoroughly perplexed crowd, and take the oppurtunity to point out that they cannot remember because they are dreaming. "We are all dreamers, and this is the dream time, and this is why you cannot recall what day it is. I am aware that tommorow will be November 14th, 2010, because I am fully lucid. I am a dream teacher and I am here to guide toward lucidity. What do you want to experience? What do you want to see, do? Whatever you want is open to you now. Let us now go out into the night and create the experiences of our own choosing." The crowd is thoroughly convinced and appropriately excited. I remind them not to get to excited else they wake from the dream. There is a mass exit toward the door, and shouts of new found freedom arise as we go off in groups of two or three into the night.
    15. Introducing myself

      by , 11-16-2010 at 01:13 AM
      I am a longtime lucid dreamer
      (10ys+), although I go long periods without much recall of my dreams. I have recently once again begun to suplement with b vitamins, specifically b6, and I have had extremelely vivid dreams and very detailed dream recall ever since I started on this regimen. Most of my dreams are to varrying degrees semi-lucid, with the occassional full on lucid dream. My dreams are so damn vivid and logical that I often cannot distinguish between reality and the dreamtime.

      I usually dream of people I have never met, though in the dreams I often feel as if I've always known them. I sometimes dream of people whos faces shift with each passing moment, though usually the people I dream of are solid, complex, and unwavering in charachteristic, physiological aspect, and personality. I have slowly become (sort of) convinced that many of the people I interact with in the dreamtime are other dreamers who actually exist in the waking world.

      I often wake 2-3 times a night, each time remembering wild and vivid dreams that are often semi or fully lucid. I can follow the paths back through dreamscape after dreamscape, in what seems to be many hours of experience, even when Ive only been asleep for a couple of hours.

      Over the years I have come to expect lucidity in my dreams, so I am no longer forced awake by my excitement at the realization of the fact that I am dreaming, as I once was.

      I am often a total horn dog in the dream world. Its embarassing, but I must admit that I love having sex with random hot guys in the dream worlds. Especially when lucid.